HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-04, Page 14 e Moril Forgetthe Date of the High Class' Contort to bo given "ander the auspices of the Olinthli Oddeilows on April 25th s4v444444"4"4""""t"4. The Etlack Cats . 1 olepf444444,441-44 ESTRUM= 18615. %MORT Menne. nub ; - linton ew tra. CLINTON. ONTARIO. ',A.f;RIL 4 UO2; 2 GOOD SUITS 'lien are 2 ready-to-wear Spits that are extra good value. If you bought them nude to order you would pay A good deal ;more money for either. Fit guaranteed at $6 Joietee Tweed Suits, made from good quality of wool tweed, ant -aloes evorkmanthip, latest me good lin- ing need throughoat, will keen • their appearance and wear' well, would be good value_at 138 or $9, our epeeist price $6 lit SI% 311enn Suits, made from good gust- ity worsted, coat lined throughout • with good senility tannern seen, good trimmings need throughout, well made, inevestent, a Suit that .you could not get ma3e to order nor less than $13 to $14, no Wier 'could make a better fitting snit, our No neenal price Hodgens .Bros, MIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Weare offering to shrewd buyers Abe greatest opportunity they ever had inOlin- ton, to purchase re- liable goods at prices -which defy competi- tion. See the special values we now have on view in our win- dow. Vetch Repairing Is a Specialty With Vs. A. 3. GRIGG scientific•Jeweier and Optician CLINTON. ONT. • Winghain. 'A $50 parlor suit given away with a $2 parcel of goods. Call and see. G J. KING, vvinghem. We are sole agents for the king (den° corns., 'The genuine and only Ohio Barley. G. E. KING, wingbaro • To Gardenerir--10,000t 5e packages seeds, 10 tags ior 25c, eioven, tunothv, spells goose oto , fors?le, G. E. RING, Wingham NoTes.---eas A. Cline and fatnile left for their' new Lorne in Owen Sound late week. R. H. Crowder' Co. :are opening a new store in the store _ recently vacated by Colin A. Camp, bell. the druggist; the new company will handle a very extensive line of • ready-to-wear - clothing • -a.rid- gents): • turnisbinge. Mr henry Thomson, of •Goderich, is in >ging into Mr George Wenner farm in Hest Wawa,nosh, and Mr Wynn brae taken up his residence ein town. W. H. Davis, late of Owen Bound Sun, and nephew of H. Davis of —Winghaninhas purcleasede-endetaken , possession of the Bootee' :World. Mrs and Miss Peasant left Iasi week for Holyoke, Mass. • StanlaY ' yierrons.-Miss Miry Dunbar-, Ash- ' sew, spent Easter with her sister, Mit Thomas Baird, returning haine,Tues- ,- • day. Nat, McLaren, Tiverton, paid a .„,short visit to the home of Geo, ..Beird •• on Saturday; he nus rented his faun neer Tiverton, and . will remove during the present month to Alberta, where be will engage in cattle ranching for a. time. Miss Kate Ross is visitine rel.. John Aikenhead; London, is at home at present. Robert Stelcke teacher of rel- atives near Sarnia and Ansa raig, Zurieh. and his brother, of Hills Green' • were visiting Gee Campbell this week. o P. McGregor, of Michigan, visited this • week at his mother's home. • DIGTES.-jos. McCuliy and sister were In hermit on Saturday, assisting Wm. Craig in peeking for the northwest. 'Gem Campbell is still eontined to the house with rheurisatism, Alex Walk- er, with spent the winter with John Cameron, returned to town Saturday. Wm, Peer) Bell's Crossing, hanged himself in his barn,the result of a guar - eel preying on his mind. , y„ SNAPS ittir We are offering a nice line of - Ginger Snaps At 4 lbs tor 28e ‘luet think of getting ,180 to 185 nice fresh Ginger Snaps for aQuarter. They are cheap Also a ;fine line of Dried Peaches tOe per lb. The Cash rotary Ogle Cooper a Co Malt fornuiter and Been rhOne 23, Sehterth, FOOTBAT.oaREI Itie ORGA1/1Zit -At a largely attended meeting of lacrosse enthusiasts, in the council dumber, last week, the Beaver lacrosse olub was rinorranized for this treason. The following officers we're elected: Hon- orary president, J. EL 13roadfoot ; loonorary vice president, W,K, Pearce; President, W. 11. Willis ; yicepresid- ent, H. M. Jackson; secretary, Henry Beattie; treasurer, Robert Wilson; manager, Thornas Hatcher ; com- mittee, W. H. Riker D. McLeod, W. c ouga , • cahy representative to O. L. A. meeting, Harald Broadfoot and Ed. Jackson-. WernseD.-Avery nice home wed- ding took place on Wednesday last week av the home of Mr and Mr o Wm Copp, Goderich street, when their fourth daughter, Miss Mary F., was unitedmart iage to Mr Samuel Little. The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr Wanda, and. was witnessed be a goodly number of the emends and re- latives of the contracting partiee. The. ceremony over, the company partook et Iinner, and afterwards left by tiurafternoon . train for the east. Mr Little is a former resident of Sea- forth,but for the past 18 years has i been n Manitoba, and is one of the prosperous farmers of that Province, having a splendid farm and a' beauti• fat home near McGregor. Mrs Little is a most wren:Mete young lady, and will be much missed in church, musi- cal and social circles, and she leaves a host of friends who wish her and her excellent husband a long, hopper and prosperous married life. . DEATHS. -Two more of the old and respected residents of this vicinity have been renioved from the scenes of thi . life during the past week. Mr Manson died on Saturday week, his remains were interred in Egniondville cemetery; he was '76 years of age ard of the pioneer settlers of Tuckersmith, and only retiring from his farm there about two yeats ago, took up his residence In E.gmendville. He leaves seyerannf a family, all of there' grown to tbeestate of manhood and woman- hood.' Mr Finlayson died on Monday week and his • remains were interred ib Br ucefield cemetery. Mr Finlayson was also a farmer. in Tackeremith, but he has resided in Egosontiville for a good many • years. and. was • but 03 years of age. He had not enjoyed to - bust health for a good many years. but he has been better this last, year than for a long time previously, and his friends werebeginning to hope that he had recovered • when his last illness overtook him. Mr Finlayson leaves a widow and one daughter. Both men were well informed, teener - able and straightforward, and in every :respect, good living, worth*, useful citizens. Who enjoyed the full confidence and esteem of all who knew them. NOTES.- 0; W. ?Apse who has been in thestationary and fancy (roods busi- ness- here for over 25 years, and has one of the finest establishn3Mitsof tee kind in this weetere country, has decided to • retire from business, and is selling out his stock. Andrew Stewart, of the Sea- . foie h Milling Company, has leased tbe Kidd residence on the corner of Mars ket end High stretts, and will occupy it ellortly, Geo. Stoe•dill lla-d the mis- fortune to have another finger taken off by a machine, in the furniture fac- tory, on Thuredan rnotniug; it is only a few weeks ago that Me Stogdet met with a eomeivhat similar misfortune. ' Mr. W. N. Watson has disposed' of the -residence- now occupied -4,y- Mr W. Hartry. to Mr Harter; be has also dispos d cf his two lobusee south of the railway, to Mr Michael Mullen, who is rempying her from the town- ship of Grey. for $1,000. Will McLeod, the well known cominvocalisn intends startfntt e musical tneetrumententint music store: in (Jounter's jewelry stare. Herbert Box leaves shortly for the old country, where he will take a good position in the English Warehouse of the-CariadaPerniture Mapefacturers. W: Middleton the ticket agent at the station, bas received a peomotion,•and has left for Neustade in Berme, county, where he will he station agent ; bio position hire will be filled by e gentle - m itinf entre Streiteords ••- r \ Auburn TackersmIth.' Its10:0101 . Sayfteld. , DEC/Sim.-On Monday of this wash, • Prom au oecasional correspondent) Mr Camp was nnaeituously chosen as I cold, re -opened school on 111 nth pi ; eil Comm. -The (newel met on Minna 22, Witniolnee-A quiet wedding was G end W Hawkins, W Grey end 3 on the evening of April end, when MI at a joint meetipg of the congregations Neees.-Illos leartry, who has been Members all presentee delegation Consist. SOISMIIiged at the Methodist parsonage of Menchester and Smith's -hill, Rev ill fora couple of weeks with a severe ing of the ester for these two appoictmentn r were pleased to see her bit Is a w a de utatio e t 0 t Et Lydon waited oue the oceition, as yet alai jas Harrison was united in metrimon to Mns Isadore, Ellott. Mr T. Elliott As t geed people of these congregoe ! Tosoneeed, sem. W110 has been staying the Government repining certain into P 4 timer heve long been without a statiote, .wlth. her 60,1 William, h Li been ill, but proeemente at Port Albert harbor. The ed minister, they will einnemete the is amend again, Joe ToWneend is too- Peaed heePetei fen" viewers and Path change. proving. 0 Tern& a el ftroilv are re. =erten were appointed as follows: Path . THE Lonens.--The Templars pulled Covering trom a severe col 1. Mr ea. masters -john Hewitt, FI Snyder, James taffy on Tuesday evening. On Monday thur leantelon is reeking meple syrup. _Wane Thos McIntyre, W Carey, night Organizer Duff, of the Orange Mrs et ()rich hoe gone to efornington. j elewhinnee, %geed, F Wzlira.AEBrown, 1111.tual Benefit Societ and a person The bald-headed etre) met for ienan s Geo Burrows Geo Alnoton Ha den R Higgins, D ,.Jardine, 13 Augustine, Win Stewart, It Finigan, Prank Hayden, Thos Gauley, Wills, W McCartney, Blake, JO Dalton, P Olure, a Culbert, Wm Lan. nen, p Moron, W Matthews, R Johnston, G Rail, J Stothers. D Etaokett, ;no M. Bride, W Et Reid, Jas Lane, R Henry, anti Haokett, W Twansley. Gardner, R Nixon, It Andrew. D Stroud, W Hunter Jas Baird, 4 °Wixom', arm Malentle D G McKenzie, ; helm, M Hogan, J eiokering, E 0 Johnston, D McKenzie, J K McDon- ald, D Ross, A MoDermaid, D Rutherford, A. McDonald, et Hamilton, Geo inntohieon, J Finlayson, J Cowan, McLean, D Oam• scan, MoNain, 3' Murray, H McIntosh, S Phillipe, James Johnston, nos G Dearman, Sas Alton,- It Howard, B Mc- Kenzie, Ono Webster, Wro Powell, John Long, a•Griflin, J Styles. etto MoDonald, D Parrish, T filoOarthy, MoDormain Drennan, J Graham, SPentland,'W John- ston, 0 O'Connor, R Cousins, 4 Kileatriok, A Andorran, P Hogan, Thos W ha allongb, E Sullivan, J Flynn, N ahaele leton, J McKay, Jae McGregor, It Douglas, John Walker, Waling., John Oourtney, Thos (begrime Treleaven, W Richard- son, Juo Campbell, jno Dickson, A E Maize, Thos Richardson, 13 O'Loughlin, S Renate Peter Shieldo, Thee Glenn, john Bowler, C, Bowler, eas Maize, 0 Caesar, Gee Morntyre, Jae, Kennedy, W H Maize, W S Holmes, 3' 'Sullivan, Thorbourne, Tbos Fisher, M Doerr, R Dunn% Jrno Reid, P M SulliventEd Flynn, WneCook. Jeo Griffin; Jae Quaid, W Hawkins, W •11113Connell, Fence Viewers-3no Webster, jno MoDonegh, Jos Hooketto teonennan, jno Black, El Miff, & Dres-nev, It A oar. riok, Thos Lennen, Wm Powell, Jae Lane, W I ; Srellvare D McKenzie, Pound keepers --Paul Reid, Sohn Atenione agh, Jas McDonald, J Sohoenhals, Frank Sootte M Ferris. J Mountain. Council adjaornea, to meet again on May 31, insert of Revision to commie:ens first sittings at , . 2 p.m. OD that date --W. STOTEERE, Clerk. GeGratiein and sister Ellen spent San. ' • • day with their sister, Mrs J. Stewart 11, of no mail weight in that connection, but as the preindent and oecretary were met the local lodge and showed them not present the tneei ing was postponed; somethingeheap in insurance, owing new candidates are etePeeed. to its connection with the order, mak. Pansonere-Thos Murray, B, A , a ing the cost of •operation nothing, in • native ot Tucker rnith and J ae comparison to purely insurance some- ' Murray, ex -treasurer of this township. ties. This branch., despite strong op ' lett uoYi• of Hensall, has succeeded to . position,roernbevhhipasciugrianirnetdheniaesatritywo50 ;las, ieguite Institute, at a salarY of $1500. in rhe principaiship of Owen Sound • Con Mr Duff alone haying written up over 31r Murray had been mathernathical -)'ie million dollars in policies, , master in the Institute for, five yeam Num. -Mrs John Clark was called ind his promotion now to tbe realm - to the great beyond last week, tbe fun- sible position of principal by those who eral taking place to Bann cemetery on ire in the best position to judge of his Friday last; all of the family living, qualifications, is the best guarantee of except one in °antenna, were present, his efficiency that can be .given . and have the sympathy of the commun. Murray's Predecessor in the Owen ity in their bereavement. Mies Millie Sound Institute IS Mr W. IL Senkinte Anderson, Blirth, visited here on Eat- )3. A., who has held the position for urday. The Misses McKenzie, Hem; 4 11, -ight years, and who has resigned to were guesteatJailies Young.'s recently. take the position of registrar of the J. Lawson conteminates moving to educational noencil. succeeding Mr Brussels. Miss Wetheral returned Packenharewho has accepted the prin. from visiting hulletts Walton and cipaiship of the Toronto Industrial Leadbury friendslast week. S, Lenten-, school. His many friends in this neigh. slayer has become a resident of the borhood congratulate Mr Murray upon village. Mrs Henderson spent lest the advancement. - • Sunday in the village. Robt Sprung: a ' former resident of the Base line, is vis- Goderich .Township iting Weeds in this locality. D. E.• NOTES . o. Stewart is improving Munro, past District Deputy Grand the appearance of his property by Master of Huron district, and Sas. erecting,a new, fence alone the trout. Young ancl John Wilson, past mergers H. Miller hid a' bee lest week penning of Morning Star Lodge,. attended t. •apple trees. Miss Flossie Cole has been Freemason ' lodge of instruction at appointed or:ganist of Cole's church, Seaforth last Friday. G..Leinp has pure Nelsen Yoe is talking of building a ell° chased four of the eillo.ge lots mi the this summer. Peter Cole bas given his East awanosh corner from John order to Mr Beatty, of Varna, for a intettion to remove his furniture es- Reitlibe ; We believe it is Mr LemPle seven fciot Deering binder. 'Miss Emma Burnett enj 3yed the hospitality of her tahltehmeat sc'ea'as he can and h f riend, 159 100 Cole, on.Sundaylasto eteignilsreidn Teevoifutabgeel.oest business, situae TOhliciams. Middleton brie again engaged J. for the summer this being his third year at Me Middleton's.. Our. • St Helena , wood cutters, Welsh Becie, of tbe B • MMES. -Robert Miller, George Web. field line, have nearly completed their eter and Miss Mary 'Clark. Goderich coat t forM Wh ti Cli Collegiate Institute, are spending the ,Haster vacation at their respective homes. • Will McDonald • has returned home to Wroxeter. Services were herd in, the Episcopalian church • on Good Friday, and the coireinunion dis- pensed the following Sabbath. Frazer Mcleona,ld in visiting friends in Brus, eels, Wrinceter • and elsevohere. Dr. Hendersonellespeler, and Ei. E‘. Beck- ett, of Knox Ocillege, Toronto, were guests at W. E. Gordons during the Hester holidays. J. D. Murdoch, God- erich, was in the village on business last week. Mr Tebbutt, teacher of the' .public school here, re spending his hol- idays at his hemp. Jelin 'Webster left rapt meek for Manitoba, but iney s son return should he dispose of SOEDO of his property out west. Joseph Stuart - has also gone. DLit' west again. Mabel and Tommy Mein:meld, Wingliatii; are visiting their 'grandparents, Mr and Mrs Tbninas Todd, Arch Hooper has returned home after an extended visit to friends .in the old country. Mr Woods has returned froth Hansen, and INV" Woods from Toronto • after an 1/ Once of . several • months. • Stuart 7 f4i3tiell is at present dengeronsly III eith brconchnis. Misses Went and ',Annie Webb recently visited friends at Myth: • Miss Mina Lockhart,' wbo teaching school near Blyth, is spending her vacation under the parental roof. Brownscombe purposes moying in- . • • . •:" Goderieh.• , o Nomes.-Early Sunday morning the residence and • conservatories of Mrs Bingham, at the southwestern extreat- ity of the town, were totatlydeotroyed by lire; there was $1,000 insurance, •but the loss will .probably be twice that amount. .k • PASSED AWAY. -Mrs Mary McIver; widow of the late Murdock 1VicIver, passed away on Sunday at the ripe old age of 00 years, and the remains were interred in Maitland cemetery on Tuesday aftennoon. The deceased lady • like her late husband, was born in the Island of Lewis, one of the Scottish groups, and with her fainity.ennerated to Oape Bretou '75 years since. In 18e1 the fernily moved to Godericii, where husband and wife died. The deceased leaves four sons -Daniel, of . 0 wen Sound, and Colin Neil and Norman of Goderich ; and hree dau htors-ro - or titan you can make them and does away with the work West -45 Wawanosh. *ARCH Nur-ream, -0.i 'Wednesday •en,„„, fele March 26,the residence of in.E..Tervis,of --eionsiuncil met on March 25 ,h itecording to adjournment, mem- 1h3OUt line, Gederich. township, Was bers all present. The treireurer's state. the scene of an exceedingly pretty ment • showed a balance on hand of wedding. when his estimable deughter, $497,12,filed; D McDonald was appoint. Miss Nellie M. and D. J. Curry,' of d operator of road grader. ThA clerk same township, were joined to wed• e lock's bonde. The ceremony took place at 6 p.m., no* J. ItUsser tying the nup- tial knot in the presence of a !ergo number of relatives and friends. The bridelooked lovely in white satin, lace and Orange blossoms, ite she took her position under an evergreen etch' which included a bell of flowers, and Miss Celia Jervis, the maid, gawped in Wen trimmed with white satin 'added to thepicture. The groom's beet man Wfia his hi -other, A, Celery, and at the con - elusion of the ceremony the potty sat down to a dinner, at which all the deli- eacies of the seethe were eerie& The presents which were many and valu- able snowed the esteem in .which the 'bride is held by friends. • The newle- wea have numerous friende,vvith Whom wejoin in wishing teem a long and happy life. Peek. home will be in God eriele Mr Curry having purchased the business of his uncle, D. Cantelon. • - ' Londennere No/us.-Saturday last R. Cole came tionie from London.; he hire improved rooted as groomsman and Mies Nellie. McDougall assisted the bride, The con- tracting parties are from Gederich township: FEESESTATION. -The Musical and Literary Soolety held no closing meeting for this season at the reside:roe of Dr. Stephan', A good program WAS provided, after vele% Mrs Eitanbure was mole the reoipient of a bandoome quartered oek reeking eh tie and jardiniere standewith the following address: DEAR Mire BTAmlunv.-The members of the illusieol and Literary klooiety on °losing their ' media* for the season take this opportunity of thanking you for 'our very great loudness and Interest in the welfare of the young people or the village and hope you will accept this small gift RBS slight token of their goodwill and ap- I preciation. Signed by the executive committee on behalf of thesociety. MRS JAS Traumas, President A. E. yiee-president . MTWANNA WArODON, Seoreterr CIDAS WOAD, T4ibrarian 2dres HozzAFAILIEMSON,• Treasurer DEATH. -We were somewhat sur- prised to lies,r. of the sudden death of .1.49 MoDoel, who passed away:on:Wed nearby last. Deceased had been an ac- tive soldier in Her M tjesty's service at the time of the Crimean war, and re- ceived a wound in one leg, from which - he never recovered: Re drew a pen- sion from the British Governn3ent, and also carried it silver medal presented by the late Queen Victoria as a proof of his long service.' Novae -0 W Holman spent nester vacation . in Toronto. Miss Wright, teacher of the junior -department of the public school, is spending Easter vaca- tion at hei home in Seaforth. This is the first Easter to our recollection, that the ice has fully disappeared from the lake, Dr &title has moved his house- hold effects into the brick residence of W. Jowett, and is now settled. Mrs Whittmer has• moved into the resid- ence belonging to Mrs Sinus in Bay - feed ea, t, J, VVamsley will leave his piece of residence far that of Mrs nue- ttha On Louise street, De Atkinson, Droit, has rented the house to bens- cated by W. Waresley, for his future summer resert. Rev J. G, Yetland has been confined to the house for the lest week owing to Attack of thegrieibe is imeroving and expects to take his Work on Sunday, Missionary service in the Methodist church beet Sabbath mot -nine, Oa Seeder leot Mr Joe maws preached at Bethel, Sharon and Bayfield with greatacceptance, Misses Parsons and. Yenand canvassed the village north of Main street In aid of the Bible Society, and collected $7.70, Mrs Parsons. has returned : from her was instructed to Advertise for two visit to Hillsgreen, where she .spent a teams tor read grader. , The following few.days with her ions. Nies Parsons bills Were Ordered to be paid oninotion 1 lute goes to 'Hillsgreen and Miss DO of Messrs. Cameron andJ'avior :-Jas. Parsons to Beecefielde Where they will Lyons, lumber account, $3 60; A. Mc- visit with their triends.. Miss J. Sohn - Allister, work on, W boundary, $2 50; ston has gene en a visit no relatives in B Donovan, bridge repaired,' con'n 33; • Michigan. W G• Johnston-, Wro Jobe- ees Atcheson, gravel, *272; E Raines, tithe and i? Spencer' left on Friday for culvert on E boundary, ee.25e .1) Hell, Aseiniboire. There was 'no service in work on W bouadary. el; R. Malleugh, the Presbyterian church last eunday voork W boundary, $1; Joe Girvin, re evening owingeo the iticlement weathe pairing eulvert, $1.50; M Soroele, voork er. Miss Flossie Magee is on the sick on W. boundary. $1 ; A D Beaton, sup- list. One of the village etore-keepers elies to Mowbray family, 34385; C is in the habit cif selliog cigarettes to . henderseresupplies to Mowbrriy,$18 94; minion and had better stop or there will J Gillespie, swims' to Mowbray fano be tremble; no doubt. bele One Of those ily, $5. The followings pathina,stero who think theirs is "no law tor Bay, were appointed: -0 teirvin. S. here:R. field." Pedestrians on the sidewalk on Rolitledge,'D. Wilson, W Davide on, R Louise street after !Atilt are in danger . Stalker. W Symington. W. Beilev, J of having their (sees destroyed by Eiliott,W Oliyer.W le Wiloon,A Rose, 'branches of apple -trees (Overhanging D Pholen, J Flucker, A Fenner, J the ovalkethenouncil Ought be get the Nicholson, W Ryan, J D Snoylieo R trees pruned. . elenderson •.0 Brown, • •„W Oemptiell, T . . amigo.% 'In Plunkett, D•Leddy, H enmil er.• • •. • Taylor.; Wightroan,3 Woods, A Pent- . Ciennoteeereivine to the inclement land,' MoRobeits,13. Fowler,H Thorny- weathes on Sunday evening than was to the house vaeated by • Angus Mc - end hts friends hope he may continue to son' A' Johnston, W Thompshn, W no church service. The service next Donald. nohert "McGee, ef Fordyce, . McAllister, G Brophy, W Leddy, a Sunday a1 10,30 a.m. will be conducted recently paid it flying visit to friends improve. The sale of stook on the Cole 1:13,0en J Chanomey, Thee Woods, In by the pastor. The League at Bethel here E. lthilips. . *ire and- Nvirro-r farre:onsMorideyewassfairly- good, --A- leyaneJoDurninej-Oranstonnenieurray,- mexteluesdayenv.eningsewill otaknehe Whiteehtirele were in St.Helens laot form Of a, literary entertainment; a., Sabbath.. Rex Chas. , Rutherford .has program is being prepared, arid a small. been,supplying at Auburn and Smith's admission fee will be chargee. 'HIP for the past few Sabbaths. „Deemer; -peath hes again made an '• inroad in our neighborhood. by ' . .e.e' Dttnainnon n . . . . sweet an Old• -resident; Mr Rosier, who Nores.--Wele. Sandersofi-spent the he4.neen a great sufferet foe some .Emsner holidays, at Hawtrey with his time, on Sunday morning; thenemeins lady friend; he wants ' to , be up early were interred in Colborne cemetery on eiext time, as the morning trate leave.' Tueriday, • the fiineral being largely at 7.15, Mrs fietteD'uff is visiting .Atteptlesh#1# cioseet, was covered wieh daughtereells S.. W. Medd, Auburn, beautiful 'floial ' tributes. The peel A.E. Treleaven and wife left for Al- bearer's were illsonoas Ginn; John Dec - been on Friday; we wish them sioccess Gibbon, Ohas: 0 IN Wm. Durst, Steph, In their futiere home. Mina Lillie San- Butt and Peter Faber. , : • derson had a quilting ' bee on Good Friday. Miss Robina Kirke, 'Clinton, , Tile LODGES. -The regular Weekly meeting of the Sons,of Temperance on anti M is Wm. Lyon, Londesboro, spent • Wednesday eeening took the form of last week week visiting their parents, It 3. Kirke, Misses Debby an "open elodgen a goodly nuinber Mr and Mrs Hamilton and Bertha Ryan are visit- were present, andell see m i ugly ern oyed the program which was prepared for leg at S. E. Elandeesoo's. Mr and Mrs the occareon Court Beumillere No, 86, J. W. Medd, Auburn, uPent Sunda v 0. 0, F.; had the pleasure of 'mooing With the lattens parents, IL M. Duff Brother Elliott, birth chief ranger, with and wife. James Cranston, Denfield, re fetedays with hie brother jos- theiti last Monday evening In the !lodge spent eh. Miss Frank McLean, Carlon, is room: he gave them a 'great deal of brotherly advice, • which we trust will visiting at home. Rev Mr Rutherford be beneficial to all. preaches in'Erokine thurch next Sab. bath. Mrs Vinn, Mcniath is visiting Neens,-a, M.ew, je, hall Moved inth her son lames, in Clinton. our village; he has been (riveted to geed many from here went away to spend 'Easter. Rev, ele Coupland and r lettere/Yee gave an entertainment in the Methodistchurch on Monday night; they intended to give it last Friday bin • the weather prevented. Considerabler quantities of hay. are being shipped trona ourstation. L. Hill received a carload of British Columbia red cedar shingles last week. Jne. Manning, collo lkevest °Pile villi!,ge,:porchased from RobtiOole einiacres, of the farm, lot 32,` which adjoins his owe farm, for Ape this makes him it yeey fine farm. Mr Somerville, Brantford, preathed in the temperance hall on Tuesday night, Keonahan. G Beadle.' J Forehan, G Tisdale, 3' Edwards, Et MeOrostie, Woods, McDonald, jes DurnenThos Joy_nt, Wee,,Forehan, Wm Taylor,Thos. Cummings, Nett' gentile IlieineeeT Bowies. Gaynor., el Loughlin Thos Miller; Jos Gaunt, J McPherson,'D Mc- Kenzie, A Purdon; Thos .Tayor, Job J Martin, .3. Joynt, P McMil- lan, Greer, J Sheriff,' A Andersen, D Gillis,•W Webbile gitttfltec"R Thomp- son, 3 Begleieon, 3-0teinienrSinerulis, 11 Horn. Couneleadjourried to meet on Tuesday. A.pril 15eat 2 o'clock -W. S. MeOrtosria, Clerk. Settoot REPOST.-The tollowing is the standee" of S. S. No. 5. Hallett, for March, based on attendance, merit and general proficiency :-5th-Robt, Vod- den; Viva Mair; Sr 4th -Jas. .4cOool, Albert VoddereMabel Brown Sadie Mc- Cool, Emily Vodden, John VoddeireEn tie Jackson, Derwin Carter, Bert Hag- gett Mary Snell ; Jr. 4th -henry McCool, Winelloggart, Wm, Snell; Sr. 13rd-Mabel McOool, Essie Mair, Gertie Vodden, Ella Webb, Alta Wallace, Frank Hibbert, Elsie.BroWn ; Jr. Brd-- Albert Note Irene Snell ; Sr. 2rel- ,EarnesnLee ; Jr, 2nd -Ernest Vodden, Armand Mabel, Mabel Lee,Chas. Lee; Sr. Pt. god -Della McOool, Eohraim Snell, Orval Rapson ; Sr. Pt. 2nd-Ohas Vodden, Sam. Appleby, Flossie Brown, Wesley hoggeer, Sept. Wallace, ray Lockerline •, Pt. 1-RicheVedden, Oora McOool, A. T. Jones, Teacher. ' Gerrie • • • Ktrotino BY A.. town yviam-0, So.nderoon, one of our most prominent citizens, was instantly killed by a live electric light *ire Friday evening about 6,15. The wires were crossed and Mr Sanderson was in the act of letting them loose, •when the wire broke, one end dropping into the river. Mr Sanderson, thinking the wire was dead; took hold of it to pull it mit of the veater, when insteently the focce the current of the vsire killed him, A doctor was immediately suinamoned, but mottled aid was of no use.. • work at the Betiroiller nurseries or the -•' • CarieW • .coming season. Mr .. and Mrs Wm, Nous. -At it Meeting of the emigre - Den McPail, of town, anf Mesdames gations of Smith's "Inland Manchester, Den Matey and Neil Maltase of to moderate in a call to a minister, a Thessalore Iltill.0103011f4 invito,tion Wag extendetfto Rev Mr Camp,- and a delegation, ton- Sununerhin dating of Gordon Young, tr., e,nd Alex Dionne,- our -teacher, Mr Reid, is Glen, of Smith's am, and Johrie, Sy- _ epending his vacation atittis house near minittOn andjohnWilson, Maticheeten Varna. Mt and at., I 11 Level at, were appointed to wait on Mr Coeilat tended the public totarnination ine . S. the rierb Presbytery meeting. Wm, m. No 5, hullett, on Thuri day lest. , ler 0 Barkwell• and on left on Tuesday for Lowery visited his brother in Seaforth the Wed% where they intend to reside 1 on Saturday and Sunday. Mee Winnie in the future, Miss Jennie McMurchY, Thompson, teacher in Auburn public Loehalsh, has been the guest of Mise school, is spending her vacation at her Lily Ferguson this week, MISS Annie home, Boggs is spending Easter week in 456, Tommy Adams. 8/1 ; jr. 2nd to Sr: .• Toronto. Mrs TuiVord, Goderichospent 2nd -Total marks 635 tequired te pater 'coming Events • Sunday here Miss Mary Robertson, ms. --t, s ' a ' <Aura towart, 458, Irene arter • Gronstaneib. Settecit, ItitPOirr.-iReport of Egged, Lor March :-Sr. 3rd to Jr. 41h -Total marks, 8135, required to part 418 t ---Bella Vaitsertice, 597 Doughte Rogerson, 541, Herbert Roes, e37, jam Feirsereoice,4814 Robert Creonford, 458, Tootling Moon f Wi h school, Sund ed. • sembr . a011t thoTnwtearetlsheevravnisit for afew days, unlZetA,804,09. sioA171tv9. parBr2640n1,1011,40220111, Friday, April 4 -New Ofinittry Club As. ti Monday, pril 7 -West Rtiron ialberal Jiiseza IletAtiarmiri, Teacher, . S. us last week returned te her sister in Mr Stephens ;slew Ontario is vieiting onv Mien Wi Dungannon, • PLIMa No. 4, fluilett. o ateld publicI ft Monday for Tor- 484, Belle Sundercoek,482, Maple Liver'. • HAVRE VIS/tORS4-11orbert Taylor, Lechurn Ramilton; wa5 the guest of his parentb; Miss Jessie Linkleter and Miss Whaling were up from Stratford; Mark Horton was bottle from Dungannon, Herbert AndteWir was here from Goderich; Geo. Gliddon, froM near Hamilton, was home. .Alex. Hatton and ale mother !merit Sunday With relatiVeo near holineaville; Elizabeth Horton visited her sitter at Stratford; MiS WM. Shaw and baby', _Miss Grace ShaW, and her brother Soe Goderich , spent Good Friday' With their Uncle here. No/goo-Alex. Horton hag gold his fine driver to Iblan Linklater, for 11115, Ilttteeftelao John Chisholm also sold &fine mare to NOTEle-The trustees of the Stanley Mr Ashton for a good sine. James Mc- ;school, dear oulr village; have porches - Manus is •cenfined to the Ileum with ed pleth of land to enlarge their play - grippe, 0, 'Stewart left bit Tuesday ground. Miss Florence tiooper, Sea - meriting for Dakota, and Miss McMinn forthovisited in the Village hot week. Good and daughter Pearl spent Easter with friends in Chesley. jas. Heddle, Harold Long and Ea. Stewart, of the G. 0,,1, are spending their vacation at thole homes here. Mrs (Rev) Shaw end fatuity pent Easter at Fordwich. R. Reynolds hes engaged with A. Fish- er -for the corning summer. Wird •Jae: Long returnedbomo on Tuesdays hat- ing spent a few deys with her sister, Mrs A. R. Alien, of Ingersoll, Benson Straughan, book-keeper for Rice,Lewis ee Co., Wholesale hardware dealers of Toronto, spent Easter under the par- ental roof. Lots of suckers littera al. ready been caught at the Falls Resetre. The' Black eats etileineleniltiPeilefeelenneoPieneenetettiietellot. • • 6.P.44 *POP f 41, per ,year advance $1,40 when not so peel FORMALDEHYDE For Smut on Oats Rariey, Wheat Etc. Full direotions for using on eath bottle. , • The beat is always the obespeet at R. P. Reekie/s Presodetion Drug Store CLINTON Suodessor to Sydney Jackson. N. I3, -We have all the leading and popular blood purifiers and spriag medicines, *****Imwf*440,**414444,~0s4' $peaking of Pleasure The Glasses furnished by P. B.' °MINT • Aiter•a ecientifio ex- amination of the eyes, • give a n oat enjoyable sense of pleasure after' - the old:ill fitting OROS which I wore. .,• • .This is the verdict Wall who patronize • P. B. CREWS Expert Jeweler and .Wat th Repairer OPPOSITE"•TOWN EIALD. BIDDLIWODIBE'FI 01.0 STAND. • Myth . NOTE13.-Miss Kirkby. hoe resigned from the Blyth pubho school staff and accepted a position • on the Clinton model scliool•stafe; Miss Lockhart; who Is at present teaching be McGowan's school in East IVawa,nosh, has been secured to take the vacancy in the Blyth school. Mr and Meg A.. Lowery - have left Blyth for their new home in Sears, Mich.; they have been highly respected residents of Blyth for the past 19 years.- The cOncertgeeen by the Thimble Cleb in aid of the family of . the late Alex Butler proved a grand success; "the proceeds after expenses. amounted to $37,25 A very pleresanb evening .was went in the lecture romn. e of the myth Presbyterian church on Monday evening last week, when a Musical and literary entertainment was given under the animigee of the .Ladiere. Aid society of the church. TECE LTE REV. TA.TLOR.-The reap- er death has gathered another ehtaf ripe for the hat -vest into its eternal home. Tues lay morning, April let, • Rev J. H. Taylor peacefully porscd from our attiowt_or_smidst. • He lied bweenamiserios- looking forward with an expectant and joyful faith to happy release, The deceased, for Urn n'asteumber of yeara, had led a retired life, resigeing his charge as pastor of Lucknow Presby- terian church on ancouut of in betel h. He was of Scotch birth,•coroing out to Canada when in thebtoom ( f Manhood., His earlier educate was• obtained from the parish school of Blantford, aneeeter its' the eitieeef Perl Abee, .deen and. Edinburgh. Marie were ' the . interesting and worthy itoidents re- lated, from a student's point of view, of contact with the lives of SOD3e o the most noted Scottish divines, • er spending some time eacheng lir len- e•agles, Scotland, he -eatree out to Can- ada, contitertng stem in North •Easthipe And herpur•hey. Always • hhottvatien,ganad uiso twdietirigireadfvoisreadc.obuyothrrs physicians, he tone lo,nd and settled at Blyth, in IWO retirine to this home. From you( h his aiM, •hope and: • ambition had been to enter the minis- try. Thie wislywao later gratified,atid he enterect. Re ,x College, Toronto, spending the venal summer mouths as a: pioneer missions ry in QUebec and the then northern 0,i Lavin. He was al - Wage it leveret nature, astronomy and geology beteg his private or tidy. Ile -Watt born in 1830. ond Jiro, passed over the border of hie 52ird marriage anniversary. Ills Wife and family' etta • pay no higher. tribute than that 'ails shall be missed beco.uke his seat AA be empty," Tuesday, pril 8..-eaol3nooreonfo'Reye Ono NoTtni, H. Henderson soicte horse Dekota, Mee F. lentheringham, who at the nottris8. 3. Thempsfen, of the ,cett ee the. intopices of St raider to Mr Swinbank, »ear Clinton.. John h id bite visitin her (deter here; left Medical. College Toronto, is visiting been hebitton meeting in couniiil &ember to on Priday•to vie& acquaintancerillear the home of B. R. Higgins, Mrs atom , 1 in the town hall. Pro- Dale, Jr., purchased a non now &Igor ilet114115 from Rumball. T. eiroWnie0 called Noutie-Mr of St Themes, Carlow, before returnlii% to her home en, who is at the home of her daughter, fined dc Bose, till h d h egatte on friends on the 2nd on Saturday. Mr the new% appointe manager of the near race e e o ry 4:01701;000•Wwiar, LLCU,. r , A. il..,Corinciltessiieg; and etre Livingstone spetittaster Shin' M0180110 &ilk, has entered tenni his Which has steed by the fence on the ter, Mrs Bee, ot Coruntia, garilia town- A' Nian"s Likeness' ill:. in StVauPs °hutch 8.5. day with Mr and Mrs A, Turner, Oli» duties, and comes herVery highly "tell lairder hill" and sheltered the lads . ship, le Visiting her. Miss Jessie Gran- onservatise Oonventiori. at ton. C. Cotton sPerit ltuSundayteSundayineomMended ; en W. Zorn has se.. and lassies on their way for many ger lase week visited her brother Jas., u you want it photograhdiet will 2c. ne i . With his sietet. T. McMichael and his I cured a similar position with the years, was thts week cut down . for fire of Fruit& Towb, Miss Edith Sawets, proem you as you am me enee yeen pee IS -11nuooliele opting ,ohow, sister spent Sunday. With Menlo neer , Soveinign bank tie an advance, The vsood. 11. Green le having it sale on of London Normal, is visiting at home, if what we make for yea. notes amok tit 17-"Mesting Of West Clinton, Zohri Jamieson now wears tt , R. PiOkarti thlitiptlity have purchased Friday; he Intends gluing up fierteine Alto Knox, Anhere, hes moved into merit in them, toe They are mounted in bright. einem. he hag a young son, Mies , the etock of Mr Gs lie Arrioidoind !Ave Oh aCO01111t, Of. POO,Oloaithj Mr _Brindler ..Mre,„Oesineronloe Weenier iateein yneated , the late tend style, and ate net the thing snob Commissioners. . i 25-4onlrerearY of Ontario Blanche Bennett Winghen, in apenti. , Oleo leased the store for some months, hat; rented nie Moe, Joie .olaelieVill tei Ao IldSgo ears oeetter Sarnia teWine 0,00 tor a dozen good mu% 6 W ednesdny Musicel room. n idi'e Tueedey,Apri Thursday, A ur131192 St illethiSdist13, 8. FrIday,ApriS 25,--08dfelloes concert, nig a week with iier aunt, Mrs .1, Jam- and° Intendi carrying on the two Was in Goderich last week, helping to ship, is visiting het brother, .Dr, MO. ee • no loson: stores, preparethe usualstock nthoterosshuns. intosh, tneury *, !MOW Sttidhk— a