HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 7TUE CLINTON NOT ERA Woo ....... HALF A MAN. THE ORCHARD. Houtekeepees Plumbees Philosophy. N "Captain Dilate," the new no. gam (7,241 viz ACtliteeirelre,s7 illeaberpluCmlabrellt, when a man to sloe nue can enty work ' toms surges:nation Iteestesileg the Caltleal Backache. 7 hit and 'wheu eap,„a e es* o41 bonen! Nab° Is ueverth 1 /11411Y *omen over- strain, blunder of one 1•0 account for a work and Plalned fon - Workmen, ee ex. iddue 40e. att. , You knoW better th eicto" Tbeir t. _rot., that if we vvent pswiaei:i.liegunt;jalonge likeve beeozueaffect " ecla„ t171fiethstmooth and the tide, They have half the thus he is practically half a matt. I $.10, et pron. It requires his whole phytecal energy te , Apples in a Cultivated orchard riPan do half a man's work. oi 1113 . In general the weak tun down. tauter than in one that is not cultivated, as otier:tits th . tohni°Ziu:wrpeoese,b,unt crooked en condition which, cuts the strength There ain't and energy in half is due to detatit e fruit heap Olt the trees bettllr, glad Iteepe better than fruit which ri ene i itrength Tir'r .' , eir . nothing that VMS errangedto go exa We of the t earlier. Fruit treee should occupYlIthe back gives ont lY ri - painftil or sore feeling in the amount ..No.p, no hing, now would wee . ?ItlfolvtiiikeottfsattsfUsewcyLe.e.ii ; 'Very well, the:;trtohtlehrress.big troubles Yoe. MaY" winore food from the soil than a tree portance of heavily manuring orchard latch does not bear; /aence the in: - the trees, for a bearing tree consume back tliat takes finial). Of the lose your money or your health or youy and there's littl relations or you tnay not; but; anyhoW. tign' tIlarnell. glt illaecklof nutri.• Init)thnsdpatrd !'cill:tthiosir3tThtoreoetebss,eismsteattidnee for set- eininthe:all, oit . all the life and I Ivil relil. 4.41 the . ikruhition. out of them. They feel dull, 'depressed, lifeless, LiStenl The hard work you've teen doing has 'thrown extra work'. on the kidneys: They cry, out in 'protest through the achlitt back. YOU feel Wretched all over because the kidneys are not working right .., itnd poison is circulating in your Siete= The kit:1110re Innet have 1 belp-better give them the benefit Of the best Kidney Medicine made -Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney - Tablets -the prescription of a kid- ' limy specialist -the result of years of study of kidney diseases. ' 'PAIN PREVENTED SLEEP. a canacit and other best land pli the farm, as it requireet a e Orgensofeligestion and nutrition. •• • good 0011 •to furnish. the constant sup. Toll could not .eatpect a half starved Mali to work More ply .of plant food that is commuted by than half the One Th day you fix for a plc. Dr. Pierce's Golden to grow when Spring cemeS, The etome Well established, and are ready 1 nic, or your train 11 be late the day yoU Medical Diseovery ans. Mrs.. Laviolette, Ainprior, Ont., writes as follows: "I •have Used Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. They are beyond question the best -kidney rem- ady I have over used. I had latheness and an actuto pain between the shoulders. I could not sleep nights. I had more or less headache. Often I suffered from in- digestion caused by uric acid in My Sys- tem. These troubles departed after I had used Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets, my kidneys were strengthened and I ,rested.better nights. think these Tablets. the most effective kidney tenneder I have ever seen.- I knowthat theistirpass every ether that I have 'tried heretofore, and do not hesitate in recommending thereat* . Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tel.:debt . are 50c. a 1;ox, at all draggi1de or by mail; THE ZINA PITCHNE CO, Toronto, Ont. The W.hole Story • letter* ' (PERBE DAVIS%) ▪ -Prom Capt. P., Loye,. Pollee Station N- ▪ .6, Montreal:- tWe frequently uee Truax DAVIS' PAIN,KILLEU for plena in the atOra- [tat rheunzatient, etifneas, frost bites„ehil- blame, cramps, and all afflictions which - befall men in OtIr position.. I have no heel- " tation in saying that PAIN.K1LLE2. " beat renterly to have near at hand." , • ' 'Used Internully and Externally: Two Sizes, 28e. and 50e, bottles. • • LIPPINCOTT', MONTI-II-Y.' MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIGRAO•Y , . The Best 13 Curicont Liturature 12 ComPttve 't,E".t.irktv • MANY S1-10147 g.s ANC, PAPERS' ON Ti filteLY Topics 0 '0 COP-ITINUEO STORIES $2.14.0 Pit.lri If EAU ; ova, cOP's note Seri COMPt.STE.111 erartae Sold by All Dia t.4c:e...rs rurnlshes Monthly to an lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the incest popular authors. • 64 Pages of- Pim Music ( 21 Complete Pieces for Map I. Half Vocal, Half Instrumental These pills are a specific for.all particularly want to make a connectionplanting, heale over during the winter, es diseases of the toe scas you can't walk Just as You ate nutrition, t enables range for a pedestrian tour, or the the perfeet nutrition rain'll come on hard when you've left of the body and so r' home without your umbrella (did you ever notice .that?), or a frightial bore'll store.s the strength, . drop In to see you just when you ' sI bad siomaelt troub- thought you'd like to be alone.' It'e imenfrriarteheComwrin,teose ' always that way, isn't It?" eyeta. • ange Co,, N. Y., sand suffered Wathingtonville. 0 "You start start out in life believing that rola more erten as I grew up, 4rwr waedof aspLiraietli bar:rn you're going to have nearly perfect bliss, and le and behold! there's some- trffn was tenni, Couldrnot eat. hout distress. Could only eat thing every day in the year and -nearly every hour in the day to worry and arineY Yell. Now, why is ft, doctor? .. "What is your theory, Devlsr olden Medical Discovery an "It's like this. Here we have. as the *Pleasant Pellets.; i took six bottles of 'Golden Medical Dis- bOolts say, eYldence of design. The cover)+, and two vials of Doctor road of life was made rough, on our- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, t then pose. And why? Doctor, you know felt go well tbat x stopped taking Well enough. It was made Sb for our medmine.4 Seveml months have • passed an I CM do the hardest good." Mud of work, can eat anything "I have •heard something Illte that that is set before me and enjoy before, I dank," said ithe•doctor. ' x am 27 years old and tinti is the first time I have ever "Of course! If •thingis was alwaye right, life would be too easy. We need I been well:, • , diseases arising from disordered With Another train, or you'll stub your ns of digestion and the soil *becomes firm around the rootti stomach and other or. and resists drouth raueb. better tnan nerves, weak eevietraok pli.rpritttotir;on, wateryaihillloensds: llooulelde wbehiAlaht smothering, fi;vit ;:qd weak sr ells, , silprreintgo prleacneti evde ttrheee s t. r eTe sh es !eclat three feet square, and of euffle shortness of br.....;!' , . a eltings of feet dent depth. The lion should be there and ankle;, tier a...• .• a i leta lee. oughly mixed with well rotted manure • ee, '.t. and 'well filled in 'and pressed among dneatnscle,ararr..111, .. •:., 1.... the roots. Trees set he this way will . . a grow twice as rapidly as trees set itt a .female.c.-.• haphazard way. All cross -limbs and and lack ilI • .• • ' -_ i water sprouts should be cut off each wee: - year, and shortening the tops annually 7"' .. onnseald Among Fruit Treed, M advantageons, as trees are then not ., ,,_ __ , tend to draw tbe moisture . ., cultivation and pruning. In that 'cowl- eo; the 'country, Bulx Ocala Is one "Orr the h est important Me- so Liable to break devil when loaded z5... sr I'll' ene _ - , 1,With fruit, and the fruit Is more easily, 1 , gathered. . tors he growing fruit trees% Especial- ly is this true In the .satutlawestern 1 Grassi should never be grown in an states, where the danger from sun - 1 orchard, nor any grain crop, as they I burning controle tbe whole practice of :necessary supply to mature itri:ellifr: down to within .a foot or six inches of ' try the trees are headed low, even ' son and leave the trees without the lend sustain the wood growth. .Turn- 1 the ground, in order to protect the Ing under growing crops of clover and 1 trunks. At the same time any °onside Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Tel 9 CUM 1 Cow peas adds a large quantity' of hue 1 erable pruning in the tops is avoided, discipline -discipline of adversity. .1t I ts con. 1 pus to the soil. Potash is generally because it would expose the larger makes us strong. to fight trouble. Oilr 014,--patiOn. , deficientt in old orchards, and to sup- branches to_the deadly sun scald. This , have patience and we get more Pa- 1 ply this important element of plant ..difligulty is less frequently met in the. Plea For Viate.2 , , food there is . nothing better than I i northeastern states, but the 'writer (lia. patience le tried, and so we know we about it." . le, ' hardwood ashes aPplied• at the rate of t 'A. Waugh, in The Country Gentleman) tlence and sio forth. You know all ' A WI:Mares "And. you think the man who chokee •• • gag t. S. • 00. bushels per • acre. -0. W. Norris. • . • has lately Malted an orchard as far north as Canada and 'New England setue is appointed to help the thing . "Certainly. Probably he never quite . er day that the President had- • a few certain things and was not able to work half the time. Ev- ery thing I tried only gave me temporary relief, My wifefinauly ersuaded me to try Dr. Pierce' Meng 9" • Biood Trouble& HE papers had S. story the othl powering Outside agency directs ItlInt ....agreeable Ways. Seven and eight feet from the ground. refused promotion to an army Manifest Themselves in Many ,nteatis to choke the flue. Some over, officer because he had jilted f%a,., • • makes him careless throws off his . ' his fiancee, Whether this is guard. He plays his Dart in the great true, or not. it's interesting. draina of life. The man who chokes ' The President. is a chivalrous man, and the flue or fixes a Pipe to leak is work- whatever he did really do about the big 'to make men better. You might officer's promoteen, we.may be sure that line, where nearly 60 per cent of the trees were ruined 6y this trouble. They' were pruned too high, with beads six Sash ea Scrofula, Eczema, !oils and * '. PirneileteaThe Bleed ;'Shetuld 13e ,Pur,.. he condemned him. • for hie ungallant • • ified During the spring Months. • tell him •the Angel of•Disclpline." . • . . . . ."Yon think, then, that the-wbote mat.; belmvior to the leder. Most men would The Spring swoon is the tinnier' blood , :ter is supernatural?" : ' " , .-. condemn • him. -.Ter go back. on You oleaneirin 'and blood renewing. illoOd • "Well; I :don't know as I quite call' if,' best, girleeespeciany when the wedding- troubles. ire tinny -and dingerouri-- and that. It's intit the way things is fixed cards .are printed and the trousseau manifeetthemSelyeein a score of painful You try to toss a book .on the table and • • ready -4s an offence few men would and offensive ways, ' such as townies, At.. falls on the fixer, -If.:Y,on tried to ..eonnone. alegelarly :'efieugh, women-s:1„eeeema, belle and .pimpleei. The-impur. • . throw it on the. floor it would have who are tee sufferere. by it -;-are very Mee that get into 1 the blond /mime their . . fell on the table. : you go through Your lenient to .this'infirtnity of purpose. • . .. poisonous way ill over Abe 'body, and are a house In the dark and hold your arm I have erten heard girls say. writes - resPrnsible Ter a large . proportion , of all 1. .straight in front .of you, and an. open' Josephine Bonner In in• the .."Argonaut." diseases. vationd.in then nattin but dan- door goes between your arms and You that they would rather be. 'jilted- ' than gerousinthe extreme. To heye pure blood . hit 'yOur nese.' You could hardly steer married to a. man who hell • lmit his af- , and plenty of it, you need . a tonio and . straight enough in breed daylight to Lotion for tnetn„ and I tbi :ie. they told 'blood bander, and for this purpege teere -.get the door into the space betweee the truth. When Tameseted every wo- I is nothing can equal. Dr' William:0 • Pink yoUr arms, but. you do' It sure in the 'man •was at heart -a rake he expressed Pills for Pale People. Theseptils cure al • dark. Out In the .ocean you sail along J'his -Wert in coarse; eighteenth century diseases due to. impurities in the .blood by for days and • never see a. stied of a• •English. What he meant to say was I promptly oleansieg and freeingethe • blood ship. . Let a' fog. co.md up. alid•it's live . - that •every woman' Is at heart a .sentl-' from all poieonbue and '.offensive. matter... . -chances! to one you'll' have collision in meritalist. However fate. and fortune lit year blood hi' thin or insuilleient ; if you .- &,,-, OM • hours! No, I don't exactly sal' May. melte hen rnarrY, she has liar lit- suffer e'xbaustioe at ; the . hest. exer- r. • supeenatural; themes just the lines 'on tie dream .of .marrying for love. Pre- I tion'; if 3ort are pale,' milk get out Of which 'tile. World is built. There ain't, supposing that • she .'is a •"nice girl," , breetb, and fest constantly languid langeld 'and no intention that.ththesel go istraigat." : she would .rather be left like A.riadne , fegged. oaf,. Dr Williams,: plea ,Pills tvill "Then It's your thought that a, hica; than goonInto the • dark and funk. inn you by filling your Irene ...with new, . den novver'corriperled you to fax the pipe • paired Places of ma.trimoriy •enth a man i rich, red bleed. Mr piita Lee, Nee/ West - In my batlirocan sq that, it would leak?' Natio. no longer cared for her. I am, in- ; mini.aer, B. 0, sayse-"Ifefore I began - "Well, I••elon't .went to Shirk no . re- . clined to • think her reseed: for the. ' using Dr Willisma' Pink ..Pille; my., blood .'sponsibtlity Or .to.bleme anybody else. ' man. would .not stiffer muCheamtght •,' was in a very impure state, and as a • re - But th.w fact ls , I did My 'very besit. ),. possibly increa,se-If he had the terneri- 1+4,nit, pimple, which w.:ia • itehy,broke .out , :2thought•it was all tight and snug. But • • te; torise up and tell her he had made •ell over my bod • . , ill Y appetite eras fickle there brid. to. be 7tt hitch somewhere fc't - a mistake. and. dia 'not 'eve her. • Wo- ' acti.,1 was cesfiv ilrkft... 1 -Wed several'. :yeur .uplifting towards :higher ethinge. men..have been dding . this :themselves inedieirtee, but they did not. h-ip me. Then. ahd SQ 1..s,'pose MY euetention was caned . • off,.hy sorne myeterious lefluence, feom , ...since Pandora rpened the bee; tndenoe _Jay, wife:urged • me to . trv Dr Williatris' body blamed. them. It .was ..a lady's ' Kai 1•41e• .1 got a Inel . (loam boxes and. a week. placeen the joint, and you had • privilege to Change her inind; and that' by ille.i.inie.f. had -I Wag : co,Ol- the belie -AL , You learned iornetibina.- more about self-control .and the hollow- settled It. Maybe .we are beginning to PlEte y r stored to beanie- end ray ..skin • tress. • of , lite ' when ., the water came . pr v ege s a. little one- , ? • . N id smoenb and 'clear: I shall always. feel that .the. . I•11 ' i . sided,:-. -and that dOwn-trodden. mee . speak a good: word for these. pills • •ernen throogiton thecellina prer.• -Nci doubt . . .... easel t' now and then to heare a honesty • offortunity offerer ; ' st - • . Yen ere. able veelantigut egererrheavena is because these pith) melte riele red 'Elftl--her---too-r•-eaw•leapriees---a. • - - • --- • - - - - - t,ndtw beoause I inadvertently mi ed tizaA •plape in the joint. It ougSzt lo 51 have been added ely bal." ' AS PER ENCED DRUGGIST b, ' WE GUARANTEE ACCURACY AND PERFECT SATISFACTION a a of worreauetle and busi- ness competition, stria care anti itterftion %in the tilling of your doctor's presorip- ions is absolutely necessary for the safety and welfare of your family. .We guar - (1 anted accursey and perfect satisfaction to all our customers. Our toilet depart- ment is always replete with the latest preparations and novelties. ' 12...ME'S CELERY COMPOUND. Bas cured thotisands when everything else has failed. 'bets never failed to give sick people happy 'engine. It bas never dace a Month for 10 Cents. • • • • Yearly Subscription, $11.015.: - if bought in .any tnusto store ' otte-half off, would cost S5.25e a saving of ..$5.15 monthly. ' Ift One yearyou get nearly 800 Pages Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieta gal' the Piano.' 11 you cannot gat a aim from you, New/oink& eriiik: to us end vet will mall you a wants imp. Ir.. W. PEPPER, Pontisher, "IikstritR 6 Commit 8 „ v $04010604 . A FREE PATTERN 1 (your own selection) to every sub. I scriber,. Only 50 Waif a. year. CALLS iMAGAZINE A*I.ADItS' MAGAZINE. dresatnalcing eeenomies faney total beautiful eelisred platea; lateit work; householti hints; hefty', eta. Sub. oribs to•dwy, Or, send sc. for latest dopy. Lady agents "anted. send tot terms. Stylist., 1 -tellable, Sliiipie,Upeo- date, Bon...weal and Absolutely -Perfeet-PItting Paper Patterns. . . - CALL tit •- 1MAZAIRA • NiiF!8:. :PA1' I tritt1115r MI Sates Mewed and Perforations show the Nabs and eewino,Lhies. • '8 '-eoely to and tS cents tanh-titine WOO. • ijolisit tot Oast Stitcl In nearly *vote CIty and ttiarti. OW mall from . THE MoCAILL 03.1t2.11.7 Wes t Stst NM YORK. • net know .whether he loves Polly or tee a ey ou . su , lrouole Sally best. .• • a . • - • . a • •• • .anaetniaa ener1nus4of breatte heedache; which' the men •who condemn hint de; erysipelas,. St Vitus' .dance, .e.nd tbe •fnno• the heart, arbetitniaatme' 'There is another point In his Layer' pelpitetien of :not consider-Lthe courage it takes. It await ailments. that make the flees of so many women a Bettie° of constant 'rniseria •takes nerve to head a cavalry. eharge in • battle, to stand up .in a duel, to enter • The genuine pills always bear the full a burning building, but it is nothing to, "Dr William& Pink Ille for Pale the nerve•it mu.st take to look 'a hiving Pec'Ph-;" °n the wrapper one every box, woman Ir ' don't Oar doing thl$ cl they o eye •anri ten ger you sfacnv."----dealerE. or 'eent,he • men at 5 b ' boxesfdr 9 50, b or her. Men have not been 6(10es:sing the tr Williams' Igedjsine Co., or centtiries as women have, Ont, o not really understand the fell horror of it. I have no doubt many have gone in far as the front door, or even • the hat -rack in the hall, fully in- tending to break tbelr fetters:. then, at the sound of a foot on the stairs, a 60, freu-fron of skirts, have fel rebel'. cour- Liverpool, Martel 17.- Canadian cattle, age oozing away, aard decided • a • life- 91. No sheen. Trade slow. - time of -living a Ile .was better than Toronto, March •ift.-As AMP anticipated dealing one deelsive, staggering WOW. last week receipts at the, cattle naarkit to - failed to give siok people happy results. don't know whether elley were-beroee, -day were beavide; in expotation of = the It strengthehs, invigol•ates gives new tont) to the eyetem, makes the blood :Pure knaves, or fools -on fe 'Often is cdne Baster trade. Over 110 loads asto-cit were tiled istnh decisions. -Men, think, detiverecarin tbe market, but a goOti teal .of is food for the nerves -it makes sick would approve of them; women would this waa sold before retelling here, so that People well. We can supply you with be sentimentallyharrowed, and In their tae actual rue was not -quite so heavy as it the pure and .gannineUl'ainia's Celery , • • hearts tie just a little contemptuous. apperred.,, Compound. . - The heroism of the situation would Export cattle elMice cwt....64 50 to 65 50 • . B B 00111BD, Druggiet, Olinten On*, ; • depeind, entirely on now tbe Man acted ' ' .. 4 60 to 6 00 Olathe next -say, twenty years. Any- Dupe, expert, beev'y, 40 to 4 50 body can be heroic for a moment; time . ' • ' ' " Fee ters heavy , 4 .25 to 4 50 _1 Live Stook Markets . , London, March 17, --Choice, blates cattle Sonne, Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Unequalled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. • Keeps Oa water. •A heavy bodied oil, HARNESS All excellent preservative. Reduces cost Of rte.' bemuse. Never burns the leather; ita • Efilcieney is increased. $ecuree best service. Stitches kept from breaking. OL Is sold in all . Locelitiee Insperitu Oil eumennv. Manureeturee by • is the test o!the real thing It would .2 , ' • . • Sleeken:, 400 to 800 lbs,....,. 0 00 to 3 60, . seem one of those usable, foolisn actions, Butohene cattle, choice ' ' ' 8 75 co .4 00 'like the charge of the Light Brigade, grandes•to sper I. a lifetime living such , ' de ' good' ' 8 604o 4 50 which would be pitiful. if they 'were not ' • do • COMM0132 75 to ' 3 60 Bluchers' cattle,. picked ... - 4 60 to 6 75 a futile Ile. It would be se little worth do .00 Mors and heifers 2 00 to 2 50 while, so tittle. gain, for suet' a large Etitehei 0' Bulls ' ' 2 50 to 300 .2 00 to 210 30 00 to 5200. heroes, let nis Wife see he hed mottled . Sheep, export ewes, owt 2 00 to 3 00 2 00 to 250 him to death -what 'would be the gain • do butchers., earth '... t ....*. 2 fe) to TOO then? Even if ahe haa not a grain of tenlibs cwt .... „, 4 00 to .5 25 pride, the woman emit h .d _artily be hate. ' Bogs bebt ........•........-1, 600 PY with such begrudged attentions and a 0 1, do eget • • W. . 0 6 •0 $ 75 • ungrateful companionship. As for the ' do fat .. .... 5 75 ' man, he Would brood on his wyongs and • . . ,. bemoan his one 'moment of unsteltlehe ' ; (*THE EptIltf3-QUARE'PLAN, 1 ness, till a boar with a. sere bead ivoild I he an Wettable cotneanion compared to The .foureeptare plan means that all i liftil. In the geteral clistributiori of customers, regardleos of rank or station, • I new -twentieth' enntory nrIVIleges, I i don't tee• why the right to change the melee the satne bertha attention end treatment at our store. We are an partici, mind In abetters sentimental should not . Mar With tbe child who le sent to pu- ha now and then extended to that male chase 011ie Mali artiole aa We are viath the experienced adult. We never seta - Istituto inferior drugs when filling -loot cicotorlo prescription. We never recotra Mead -the "scimethieg just as good.' a ' SCRE ONE SIZE, . Scat SSD 1:1141MILMO .. , . Isn't half itEs bard neither is It inetutinfel as Under all °Irma =Mimeo: cf sick eb before tbe introdeetion of entliam'o Pain. and distaste Paine's Celery Coliaponnd is fees Cern and Wart DetrttoOr. In. twen,y safe, Bare and • unfailing. It ileatises and feet inure the corn io removed,' 'Pretty purifies the blood, brio Mit.) • nervce, who are weak and fun -deters. If you are novena or sleepless, try one bottle ;, the results will mottle you. Otir (neck of expenditure of suffertng. Whereas, If I Lieet meek mem the m.ari were not of the mould of mace &en • her under protest, mid that she bored do bucks When the item in the estutotee tor S. Joseph's harbcr was under con. sideration in the tic Use, the Eton. tir Tarte, assured tbe members that before any expenditure was made, he would thoroughly satisfy Flo:melt of the need. and propriety of the work. 00* arItyour 6iiltditiosnpale. peevish, an& does dors occasionally will ears. Sold by all not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Pow. 01 06016 Cotton Boot Cotipouttil 1. fITooe'sstally used Monthly bit tier OMR Ladles. BOto,efteottua. WINOS _YOtt drittonet for Cook's! Cotton Root 8000- . Take 44 othor. et all Mittures, pllIasfld It6n.:Ze LisLvrotift. rotoeO , N. WiPtit 110,2,10 degrees suonaar,$3 pe? box 80. 1.616116d ob tootipt of prise arid two isoitS The. 06611 CoospOloy Vitildmson °Rip La nd I Sold mid tonototint161116,66 Names to OMNI*. eggjsts, The flight Rob, Sir Rich. Temple, at one time Governor of Ilombav and lat. er member of the British House of con., moot:. is •dend. 'NS Montreal hrekey team at the final game for posses.' aloft of tho Stanley cup by two goals to ono. Id the species. TO Anti. von YOVR 1100T ir/EA.- and owing feet ore well slotted on evtry- cortects digeetioti, end Oldie np those body, Etat tt can't be eotie unistis yOn use I:41E01%1'11a -Otbera are rot warty se geed. Prittainni Is the best, At druggie a. Wm. 1peaker 13.aynpto.n, who Paine's Otdery Compound is eittetIe fresh hurt. Ivy explicsion gmispowd6;e teceepsea Davos, mon, several days ago, is dead. T:rkoe tOtttlrateiv: ttetoOmido 14nuiftinz trnottrete .urnabhiittl wa'Ailsal:aieweolrinuninteprr,.iovfatitetilyt,Ish Col. inn seald usteaelly Worse on. applee ano: pears, but it ntay appear al - Moat any tree.' .rahe aceornpaaying. 11- rrt•iloir is from a tree of Downer's 1.,N a Red cherry' (Or dying) .in .1- od, Vheu:tae.Al.rla'se is as c.u. • 1", I0,`Ce' 415 nee ee: *Wet- fci7. (TA • :If era 1, le act/etre' if :mere y re te. eke, eta tee, nr• c tat: fe eahottraitpa how ta • - . • . elleentle •tltis; trca.:, haa triad .to • h .7.1 • r' w.nUti a ofel taadeefe t'le • ee.., eta sea ecele may .be tret-cting the trialla with boaraa„' ;Lt. te aty'..1V -034-SDMA neatateal, • At ihrt, Frone tin4e* the sm,..tly.," buy'a'd piute tre cleaned aWilv, and • son-, • ct'of"wai: may he applied. The ' beat f rcatinent foi'fiun scald, hoeybeer, : Is to avoid it. • Sim/Tits are usually only the bet - ginning of otlier serious troubles., Bor- ers. eerionotily . closely alter acterix-tuul -1110111s-galr 'Eueess.•7'alfil cause increeited damage te wood and - bark, and the rem arta sun check a.nd eck the exposed tissues, to ' their 1 gr itt and permaneut deteiment. .1t is 1 .dotili-adeaa fact. that sun scald is a , enerelereoeraiet,:e.eniniiii-ofe-fruttaftreese. i than many of thu. that have been 1 -e.xtensivey Studied an elaborately discussed in. reeent books ; inti.; • March- 28th, 1102 • 41 "Users be sow weaker ona, vivo ono **IA to liforp Von ols.* -WEI= ggri84 hearts aro more tha oaronetem—tannraas. HELP NEEDED TO BAJOISTISIX TUE ftEw VIER COSSIMPTIVg 110.SPITBI • MUSKOKA,. The (lni,v Free Consumptive Hospital in America. • CANADIAN5 EVERYVVHERE INTERpSTER. —The New Free ConsumptiVe Hospital, built tinder the ausoces of the National Sanitarium Association, will be ready—so WM as the lnoney to equip and furnish is secured—to receive go „patients absolutely without charge. —Over 800 out of 500 patients aclmitta to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium —.the property of the National Sanitarium Association — have returned home either cured' or greatly improved, —21he Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantkqes to the poorer patients as to the righ. ,FBIRST .F.REE HIODPITAL. FOR CONSUMPTIVES. IN ,ANI011106 • • eft of W. -.7.• Esq 4 and tite•Effeeuto14.11art. 'Maoist/ Ratate , . .• - • . . . • . —Think Of .the sorrow and .suffering..the Navr. Free consump- tive . .wili.alleViate and indeed entirely:remove. . —WM you not send a dollar—or $2.00, $8..00, $5.00, $10.00— or more, for this most pressing of all charities?. —The viethns of the White Plague are fottnd all. over Oantidai . $50 .WILL FVRNISI-i. BED. CONTRZBUTIONS AEA r- BE RENT .T0-. SIR W. R.. MIEIREDITH, KC,. Chief • • • • VIce-Pres...Nat. Son. Assion...Tonsisto. GAGE, chairman Ex. Com.. Teresa°. . NATIONAL TRUST 00. Treasurer, " Toronto. T Because you May GAIN' by it. We had our say about. $hoes and many came for tlii4rt ih " lots left yet. You ( ome. Now. we will tell you., ab slit Dry • Goods; our New Gonda are somethir g very good. S.eb Our Dress Goods, ' Watsts, Stbteettsi Prints Cottons, Toviellings, Flauuelettes,'Lin, ons, Muslins,..Unfletv.V.e4ri Asis?/_.1.1-PA'f3. and . Top Studs, Overalls. arid Jackets, Sox, 'Glove;Tie, etc., ii7th--# will henr tl:e closest inspecti n. V9re.hlre s, -)1c1 ticTeral:r f new dreises already and th(.3- are goino. fast Do not delay. . . tripToee, mtung nt:huopr pn.r:geobe;a‘trollgliest tare.ket priv,, Now is your opportunity. 'March 18th, • " • blore.Sure orSttecess. • AgriebIturai succese is 'becoming More certain, We are, atquiring More of a love for theoccupation, raise More of a diversity of crops, till smel- ter farmsandare acquiring a better knowledge of the inninese. A greet deal more interest is being taken in the surroiniclings and 'are. see mine .farin homes with nice level lawes, kept as neat as these in the city, and the housesupplied with enotlern cone ieniencee. The .brighter side of agile cultural life is more discernable, die versified farming causes the , agricule turiet to be less discouraged with a partial or even an entire failure of one or more of his crops. He has thus fortifted himself against disastrous fail, ures and has become a Contented and • successful busbies min. • NIEWEI NOM& Seven dangerous Anarchists were arrest - ea at Naples on a steamer bound for New York, • • • e A section of the naval areenal at Val- paratso has been tiestenved by fire. The loss is placed at 151,000,000. If the ohildren require physic none seta . se next as Miller's Worm Powders; very pie. sent to take.. Sold by all druggists, Clinton. • * 13.9lat. Hill, formerly vvith the Ham- ilton Electric Railway CoMpany., hes beep' appointed Manager of the Wood - BOA -Ingersoll line, At all times of the year Pain Eater will be found a useful household remedy, Curse Cute, enreins and tutting. Internally for armpit tinil diarrhea). Avoid anatitutet. there is only .one Pain -Killer, Petry Dols.' A: quarantine bat, been established a'. Manila againet vesseltifront Hong Kong owing to the oholara at the littler Dort A company with a capital of $10,000,- 000 is being formed at ikTrw York to pre - mote thn Marconi system of wireless telegraphy. Al:)A ggies agons 1,„ you Mt lit ft lugh grade MurPiales or Waf.Rns li‘ • • We have the finest stoat to.seleet from. All t he latest styles 111 the new.. • est colors.. Oar prices are as low asroan be found tor first•classanateriat and work manehin. Before you buy call awl see us.. Goo. 1"..41Nrgi Isaac Street, Clint !kTeocr t'is; Va. YP " BRA. OPPI - :1•1116"-- t • 'Reidnic ion- in . -Prices. • Het e is a great chance to secure' a firet °lees baggy it a' big teduotion. Nat tbese peieeit- " lauggiee for fib§ I i75 Iht ;ties for 05 " 105 Buggies ter 9160 . Ttemember•theseate. all our own make, whit% plume fts in a position 'to gnarantic then, as we do not atty.any inaterialbut what is first class, Beytiring prouiptly attended to by experienoei men, It11 ilBALL MeUATIL- Huron Street, Clintcn foe Dandruff Cure Brings the grace ofbeautiful hair to everyone who uses it Dandruff MUST be gotten rid of first-- because it is the root of all hair troubles. there no disease more widespread in the world tads% and none more embarrasing to people of refinement. Coke Dandruff Cure is a poiltive,permanent,. guaranteed Cure for dandruff. Buy* bottle at your druggists—Price,50e. and $1.00. A. R. BREMER CO., LIMITED, 1'ORO1:r0 CHICAGO 'LANNON • NEW v0FlitPArns 'Couches Couches 1 'if will do your eyes good if you come ano1,0Q0 our m- ummify large stock of Rugs, Wore ana Tapestry Couches. Every one of them is a combination of beauty,satisfactaon and. sold comfort. Prices from $5 to $15. • A 6 EL.01.:EnOLL:Bri9Cer 6 13 L2JJL Bronchial efrectiono,cougha and Colds are ; quickly eared lay Pm...Balsam. It has no All druggists rotund the more', if, it too The Adtniralty will create a' new 0404. • Mut prereptlyit1Cfedin% lu•itle and to cure, E. W, Grove's signature ita on acelaoeustonf wat,,veeseie,, to be known as Dune. 'Yfennfectured by the Davis & Law. I each box. 26d tenon CO., Ltd, 4.1`111/11