HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 6Xereh 'Hill; 1902 „ HOME ARV Does your horse "feel his , oats"? What a difference be- tween the grain -fed and the • grass-fed horse 1 The first strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak and tired out before he begins.. The feeding makes the difference. • Children are not alike either. One is rosy, bright-eyed, full of life and laughter, another is pale, weak and dull. The feed- ing again is responsible. • Sickly children need special feeding. They don't "feel their oats". Scott's Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. It is like grain to the • horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. Scott's Emulsion is more than food. It is a strong medicine. It rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes.children grow. Scott's Emulsion makes ordi- Partin rtie I en. I or. .11M1g sane tie best gain, an thingt; neoneideren, that he has been nine tie get with sueltIng lambs was made With a ration et:insisting of four .' parts •of bran,• four parts of cern, Meal end one .part oil Meal. domfort is as neeessary a condition for Cattle as is good toed, One ot the advautage.s ot the soiling syeteni is• , tliat the Stock can be made so cone- ortabto in cool, •r000eyL stables. They often Suffer Patch freul beat anti fllee. in smuttier pasture. If the tops of clover are eut off, ear; a writer, the roots will bacrease in bulk uniebmore then if the tops lia.d not been removed. It is an immutable , botanical law that if the parts of a plant above the grouted are severel7. ecruned it will develop rot groevtle In n.lrance, wbere land is valuable, ' soul a peer man cannot hope to own: many acres, the Soil space IS econo. ' tinged • in ,every way possible. In the „eervous email vineyards currants and other el small fruits are often planted between Bilious ' the grape rows. This • is (Me way t� Make the snaall 'fanin pay. Sick , Good farming includee many thing,0 Periodical .—, nary . food do its duty. This picture represents tbe Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. • Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO 'CANADA soc and P. all druggists: nee 44,7, ij 'aeon -eeenAneneteeneongnee. nr'e'neas'-nnina>on FOR. rime. sPRAIRS, wouNtis, -tine Sae. al ANY SOU OF PA:9. -" - VUS3d lilt:1124y and 'Externally. 0:1!..IV0N! 4vii th ws•-:k v-.f.cry Witch Hand p -operations, reeese,,lci tlI "iha t.• -a as" Pon drctrt, which enary soar and often contain "wood alcohol" el irritant externall.; and, taken internatty, a .pain. 4netonlitineinn1444.4.nnino*nin J. P. TISDALL. B &NEE tt, ••=.1' 1; (-5r- CLINTON, ONT. prinite fqnde to loan. on mortgages best current rate. .C.ON-Tr.- • PIE GUNTON NEW ERA, 011 MY IlEAD ROW IT AC SI • HEADACHES, • tresst the itistlinge fi)fd, rrggeo c(11: LieT, o 1 I c o n Spasmodic *- good gates, drained land, dean fields, . buildings adanted tee then purpose, if and some attention tie 'beautifying the Headaches not of home. Indeed, many of these lay right disease but is generally caitsela used by at the foundotton of good farming. some disorder of the stomadh, liver Good straw is always worth taking or bowels. care of. nye straw is the only sort Before you can. be cured you that we shottld advise selling off the farm, and that only becausie the price Must remove the cause. - obtainable will usually enable one to buy. some fertilizing material to offset BURDOCK BLOOD -BITTERS the loss occasioned- by removing Straw. But oat and wheat straw will pay ben ter to use at hOine, in feeding or bed.• will do it for you. ....---- Talking Dogs. 1 o oc.r, ...e. or the power ot omen Munication among our speech. •legit /Sonde is given in the fol. lowing very human story told by a Writer in the Boertent "Herald:" "The fact that doge lesere a way of eXanneunicating news to One another I was demonstrated to me in a very eine natal* and amusing fashion about tour years Ago. It was in South Georgia, where as yet little prevision le made for the comfort ot slomeetie animate, One of therse bitter niatits, such as a told wave often brings, I (heard. at our , front door the unmistakable sounds of scrateedng and Whining, and found upon opening two of my little neigh- borhood Wends, a pug and a little ter- rier, asidng admission. In the face of the cruel oold It w•ais granted them, and they were made welcome to thane the oornfortable quarters of zny own two dogs. In the morning they Won their departure; but how great wen my ag- tonishment to see them return the fol- • lowing cold evenine, this nate otteorri. panted by a, large Irish setter, who likewise wagged admired= to the warm quarters of which be seemed to have knowledge. If there were SAY dbubts agl, to whether these hospitable night lodgings were discussed among the shelterless dogs of the neinhborhood, thei doubts were removed- on the third night, when my three tramps returned, their number still further increased ley another pug and an old pointer, The mute but eloquent language of their wagging tails, the bumble appeal in their sincere eyes were at once amiiii- lag and pathetic. With my own two pets and these Ave tramps I hadnow seven dogs stretched out comfortable before my dining -room grate; but their irreproachable behavior and their many ingratiating ways had insured for them a welcome at our house as long as the cold Wave lasted, which was nearly a week. As soon as the (old subsided they returned, no more." • Are You an Appendicitter? • ding, or botlx. . - I. It regulates the stomach, liver Cob meal has little or no value as ' and bowels, purifies the blood aud food and man be said to' practicall. y tonee Up the whole SySte111 'to. hill add no nutriment' to corn mea.1, but , ., en . . corn nleal alone is liable to make• a ilenttil alid*VigOr. . . heavy, compact mass in the stomach. 1 hard to 'digest. The cob Meal mixed , 'With it helps to keepit loose and more accessible to We action of the gastric luice, and hence aids in its digestion. Soil and fertilizer, tests with tobacco were made in North Carolina Iast sea - • • ronitry manure. nifty fowls will make, in their roost- ing house alone, ten hundredweight er num of the best manure the • . . zoo ask eaoh other is not, '"A•re THE question that men in Inalama- • • a you a Buffalo?" but, "Are you an • AppendicItter?" The interrogatory is intended to elicit information as to whether the person addressed is a • member in good standing of the Kale - w o has had his veren in appendixWesterner. "These novels 'used to oire. culete In a neighborhood till they had maze* "Appendicitls 'Club." A. persop removed, of course, is not presumed -to 'been read by every boy and had fallen be eligible to membership in this club. to pteces through handling. They fired •AO medical and surgical science has the ambition .of •the youngsters, set A RAPS LIFE SAVED 1 d • '01BSP k A Grateful Mother writes about. a the R.)seue a her Child. 4.40. P.AINg'S °BIXBY • • COMPGLIND We have till a number of our F and Winter Jacket, left, and Warder to clear them out befo the season is over we have decided to let them go at about one-half the oriinal TrintnPle041 niter a Physician' s colt These Jackets.are all up-to-date, both. in style 'au Failure. • • qUality`e All roust be sold. — Mrs Stone of Eeanville that grateful for the rescue of her little boy front death, writes as follows tbbak it my duty to Worm you of wbat Paine's Celery Compound has done for my ince boy. He beosme very and had the Attendance -of our physician, but no g oci results were epparent. The danger - �u e turns to which my bey was subject be- MEN'S FRIEZ E7' came more frequent, and a)ways worse in Note a few of the prices below ;— •. leads that were $15.00 to clear at 84.98. 41 11•00 8.40, 46 9.0 44 2.95. .$ gm di 1.80. 4.00 Ana 5,00 1.05. ,OV ER OATS. winter, He would become pale tie death, feet and hands My °old and vomiting always iollowed. He seemed to be rower)esa, and for (1E+4800E11d not lift his bead from the pillow. After trying various kind e of medi- cine we decided to get Pathan Celery Com- pound for htm. One bottle made himnvell, and ethos that time be has not 'Jaren 111. 1. have every reason to believe he is perman- ently oured.•' In face of such testimony, wbo can deny thef et thet Paulen Celery Ceamound • genres life ? Hundreds of such letters as Mrs Stone's are on fyie for the itepeotion of d btere When your children are nervous, fretful, despondent, sleepless, weak, rundown,have loss of appetite, slow circulation of the blood and decreasing M weigbt, give them Paulen Celery Conipound tor a week or -two,' and note well the elfeering regalia in returning health and vigor. We strongly urge the use of the great medicine for all • sickly and weak boyo and girls. AU our Frieze Overcoats which ranged in price from $5 to $8.00 to clear at $3.95. All our Goodd equally cheap. Come and see what 'we have to offer, Phunsteel -Clinton Cameras 1 Cameras 1 Cameras 1 Buy a Camera and be Happy • There is probably no pastime morepleasant and inetruotive to both °lace and younger minds than.photography. • It ie a plerteure because it helps W 'while away those long winter evenings, and it us inetruotivebeoause it teaches oere and precision end teaoheit • to look for the artistic in the everyday eurroundings of bona% The general impreesion is that 11 10 hard tq take photo; but mob is not the case. Any one with a kodak and instruction book oan take photos. We carry a full line, Far Reaching Influence. In CAMERA_S-Film, Plate, Magazine, Boa and Folding. PLATES-n-8nm*, Eastman, Paget Prize. • PRINT/NG PAPER-Solio and Dekko. 4 6 L,D-FASHIONBD Indian fitor. les, the dime novels of Yeaell back which Were within the ,113g ptI0e5o For those who prefer to have their developing and &tithing done we 'quote the follow., Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits.. Call and see. We ananantee work if exposure is good. • • reach of all the 'begs, were 4x5. nex8a -sixsi Brownie eac • o 80 ft exposures lOca .25e • 50 550 So • an important fa,etor In build- Developing tip the great West," aaid a tyPieel P an rn • son. Acid phosphate, • t ozes 'World. Iience fifty fowls will make : meal, •kainit, barnyard manure, morn. 'more than enough manure for. an acre • ate and sulphate of potash were ate 1 of land, seven leandredweight of guano plied to the tobacco. land. •Pletasb • being the -usual qintutitn applied per, gave the highest results of. any single acre,. -aild poultry minuet* being even dozen. 850 • Printing and Mounting • eaoh • 70• ' flo• • dozen 75o Developing, printing, moenting, each 10o dozen 81 . . element, but et.he higbeet returns were i richer than sulene in ammonia and fer- never been able to discover. any use for them to practising shooting and red - obtained where these ..lelements were • tilizing salts. No 'other stock will give the vermiform appendix in man's ana- Mg, and sent many of them to the 'Vilest combined. an e ual return hi Iles it • and these tomy, it is popnlarly ondeestood that In -March of adventures. . Some 'soon B. COMB& I Poultry is nutritIons and easily de fig•ures demand careful uttention from it was placed there .principaely for the returned to their hornee, others became benefit.of tne doctors. Many a poor but were kilted 'in time, but fall • • gested, and for these reasons the" the large farmer. The manure, before S4isn Door- and deserving; young physician gete hie bad men arid t m of thern too proud to IL/1 • 40 '1513 70 90o 75o 60o Chemist 41 Druggist farmer who groevs shooln. reierve using, shOula mixeri ivith 'twice • its he gre ass , tablbulk of earthand then allowed to ;tart in praetice by removing a man's rnturn Immo:'crea:ted . the vidorous, . • can afford the best as well as any: stand no a heap, oevered with a 'few • vermiform appendix, DAM then remove wideawake leMutation of eur Western 13hnd Factory good supply for his own e. He • , • h inclies • of era•th till deem •,ospo. ing a•good portion of the man's estate ,States. I have talked to hOndreds of • body. te gees y P nee • nern •, . afterward. The appendicitters in Kala- ple of saving by confining his nte,a.1 throughout, when. it inakes our Western pioneers about the causes neltenta-salt Perla- it is ten to one that , best manwnaenntich nen be la& •nienno, 'however, have played, a sharP •Vtilith broUght them :wept, and a ma- . he loses more through beactivity of his • ' turn on aheameroenary- doctors. . Too. _ lennyene them. leeennethae.,enene, nonnejt .. mind because of this indigestible diet -n ' " many 'of them wanted to get rich •out had More to do with' it than. anything than he saves by its decreased cost. . of this "fifth wheel of man's anatomy," • caw. They have worked a corner in the ap- Making 'torsos, . . '.' . pendicitis crop. Seven hundred persons n .,,' .- e , nn r We present herewith a method that ile.ve f.ormed an organization to pro- VOW reomet scapo • will be found available' in all cases ol will their collective vermiform appen- The Torture of Plies • kicking by horses. The beast should dices from the knives . Of .mercenary . have a good pair of bits in his mouth,. 1 • surgeons, who desire to carve their way • n to fame and fortune in one short riour.AiiDr' Chase's "ttineut is the "17 m COrnWnez•-this comminity of In This • Wretched Disease. ttewhich should' be 044dt:oda Strap or rope suffIciently long to reach' brick be- tween and behind the -fore. legs ablaut eight inches, and should pass through • the girt dr surcingle: A. loop'. Should be, mane in this; the back end of the rope • or strap, about two filches or more in length. Now: take a, rope about seven • or eight feet long. (The length of the A Gerenol Banking neiness traneroof enierest allowed on deposits. Sale notes bought G. D MeTaggart BANE EIt• ALBERT ST., CLINTON A General Banking • ors. It is said that the royal walskers necessary, and yOu pay when cured. A Meretit. and bring it round upon the outside • testinal Interests -a -Win have to accept " m1fOr The doctor who breaks into this ver- Positive and Guartinteod'Cnre:1445 the tariff of stile association. There win There as usually verY little sealsine-. ,be no more .fancn It g a case. of piles feet for cutting out tion in consulting a physiciep regard - tete vermiform a ppendin in Inalemazoo. e. In nine cages, out The Poor as well. as the rich can have of ten he will reeornmene •rt. surgiea.1 appendicitis in theraw ous celery town. operation, forgetting, it enay b, . tn risk, sintering .and ptytk.l as 1I41 as expense* whitint this treatment' Doctors and nurses will be paid reason-, entails. • For this teason very many able fees from the funds of the clubpeople are going about in misery with The Kalamazoo idea 14 a good one, and piles, believing that they cannot be likely to spread. ' • . • , . • cuted except by means of the surgeon's •10:fd.. • Ir is to such persons that this ad- -• Why,the Czar Wears a fleard. • •eetisement win bring *ood. news .oe ' If 'you are tired of. beteg experimented = • • grey t yahle.• 'Dr.•Chase's Ointment lifla OMMEN'TING on the staterneet • • by a foteign •correspondent • that the. Czar of Russia wears .full beard be he is . • • afredd to 'have himself ; shaaen, ..ea• :110* wretcl • •u .en. !" r •• .S. S. COOPER t:.. pROPRIETOR, ------Generat-iluilder-and-.ContractOr. This faotery is the largest in . he °Marini, and has the very latest *proved nia-; ohinern, capable of doingwork on the shortest notice. We carry an exterishre and reliable stook and prepared pians,and give estimates for and build all class- • es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is finPerYla- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We Bell _all kinds of in- terior and enter:or material. Lumber Lath, Shingle's, .Lime,' Sash, Doers; Blinds Etc . Agent ler the Celelinated GRAYBUJL. 80.11. OL DEW rennatiethre at Waterloo. pan and get prices. and estimator; before plaiting voar °ram; nevtt foiled to cute pikes dad it :zed the world o'er as ala.m-...tety 1 • 1 upon, you will dnd ray Latest eiethodTreat- - te t• only preparatien the t can be reliel . - went ts a guaranteed cure for varicocele . up ,n l:o cure (-Very fen in of this fri.tht- i _ without use of knife or loss of time, it fr. IV ( • Inman aliment. ,. - absorbs the wormy condition, restores the - , , parts, thereby bringing back lost powers, :. if you take tup treatment, you pay when Q'niiit1'fl&C ',113'nriP shrr71,1 tine Chicago "Record-Het:aid" says: "He ••t, rture • I: ' eneain it • eirig. . : fears ,that hemight get into a. Nihilist „n -it is 1.0 , c, • •rir Thousandsof youhave .,barber'e chair . Some. .ratnoingand-• nee: tes Ointmenee'n'early not AGRI. .CREAM sepatator If you want tne safest, strongest, ., simplest, most durable, easiest • c eanest ski i ram ng Separator on the market buy the . • MAGNET. A trial will convince you that it lathe best When other stricture and do machines.areJeft on trial send for rope will depend on the size of 'the been indiscreet, or imPropetlY treated, or Therefore to avoid the danger of bay ri it nil yi u (1111 iiiiiirrit-nrnr-qt- aguet- veilteompete cleaned and 1 Swickt Tile rest .may:.;•be1magined. . .jued:...ainn,. Cho. w'tte It • If you lave e n you horse; should • subjecie, his Imperial lefejesty is come. nr'l• make. f a, free use of tile •hors s Istittilenrvirggfeinitflh Z:neresus Cputs tO • Beltirtie the rope eb.oula lae long enough. notice a. smarting Sensatigilit,1 unriatUral Ws- de- ' ,••c, reZ nee, If youother . Manufactured • Ing his throat cut by one of his loving f - veiled to go through life with a beard Business hind legs in traveling.) Pa.ss one end • bent men e e ea 'r s Sr Tyrento, and. • 1)0x.• • by, The 'Petrie Taylor, Meg Co, • • • of the. rope mund the leg, upon. the ho _are in doubt, .litleand see me hoz ensmI nLiial text- _ _ n e wnien he hes trimined 'e,s eeldbm t • Gu I rebOttt t1113 • e side, so the fastening shall come upon MethodIrgatment absorbs tile. stricture, - I at. , o g Y poneibee,• because he is inclined to shy NOTES DISCOUNTED of the leg, and ass the end over and a positWe Cure fdrial ChirlYillerTriVater- elide ofefoliretrindinfil true grand•mase MY LATEST METHOD TREATMENT is never are trilinined, gave in the pres-. .t 4.otritte. 'the outside to prevent interfering, thereby making cutting or stretching un- away' from shears as well as from raz- • - e m dd o Inb rope and . •• transacted Harock.I ont. Wind it round the rope upon the outn Nervous, Delicate, Blood. Skin. Kidney, ters of the court who stand read td . "The man is a driveling idiot," eald -niotee,issned. Intereet allowed on Liver, Bladder Stomach, Female troubles. • , Y „ • side of the • leg, as illu.strated. DrILW ROA s m eve each ume you call you see pounce upon the barber and eat ,htro up tne trust magnate. deposits. it he dares to make a suspicious move. "A plumb fool," agreed , the coin Moreover, in orclet to narthex' increase• • -not call send for blank; perfect system of baron. Itinatio," assented • e alta the -noose Up round the pastern -I, 6., Me personally, or ea y ' between,- the fetlock and hoof -and receives my personal attention; if you can - THE MOLSOATS BANK Incorporated by Aot Parliament185§., ,s CAPITAL • 52;500,001 REST FUND ... $2, te0,000 OFFICE, MONTREAL * va MA. ornensoe, ; Presiden • lines Euler, Gen. Manager. Notes discounted, collectione made, d -efts named sterling and Amerioan exchange bought and sold. • Interest- allowed on deposits • Sevilla Berm -Interest allowed . on admit of $1 and up. Morten advanced to •farmers on their own notes, with one or More endorsers, No mortgage required. . Brewer, Manager, • Clinton' weigeeeweseweasmsoei.emwe Central Meat Market tine safety of his most exalted IVIatesty, "An unmitigated pass the unfastened end of the repo home treatment for those who cannot call. • the Steel' king • h, th ou li the , sorcin ne - Shipped from Windsor, Canada. 'made heredi4ar3r itt the fatelly. of Gue- . "Crazy as a letardh home' aseevereeed • • • th,V,0111ce of royal barbel has been , through the loin), in the, rope or strap • All Medicines or Canadian. Patients •• 'and fasten the end rceind, the Other len; 'DR 6OLDBER6.."""dwadkie• lanovski-e, name Whi•ch ltself Might • thd grett • none er. ' WaS done the first time in fasten. • DETROIT, MICH. be regarded by -some peopie with mis- A. hopeless imbecile, asserted the , de • aw Logs a wanted giving% 13unthe.Guelanovskis are said •power Wall street. • . to. be veiy loyal, .and, of course, being • ."Absotutely. and utterly devold ing. • This mode of fastening eimple, • • ei e • I I , , itOt work trovided the noose is One of David B. a -1111's first lawsuits ennobled for thele services as trim•eriere sense," chimed in the. senator. . Ines le »eIl vu Top • u knot • Prices 'Paid M the Imperial whiskers, it Isn't likely "As bra -into* as a barrel," added the . • lood, values of . wheat drawn up-tigh y .around the pastern. Wart a nen-tory ease,• in which the 'op - is easily done and undon% And evilt „ C b" • that they will deliberately cause eerporation •lawyer. • • If ou• haVe a horse that is addioted posing counsel 'was One of the 'beet to the unpleasant babit of kicking, tay ' attorneys in New York 8trete. Hill is experimentnand you Will find that gave a epeecei which lasted abt three seein appertaining to the toyed Adam's' Ordirery *leen, • this . ape our ple. Yet the Czar mow because The crowd was oonvulsed witb laugh - $,t Works; admirably. hours. It was such a erneehouas might all his 'clieldren are girls. F,00lish, ton be expeoted front e, young laNtrYer; ttfId 'sr sg e z • he t- 1 int d C 110 should consider "Why, he says," they 'replied, chok- • ' "But what has he dollen' asked the• and the medicinal • .• • virtues 01 malt: - • • Cash Delivery, a 13Iyth Handle Factory Bemoverin oarbonto Add. t was very ry ng o e cou . hie, a Perfect k'ood, ..Natures own • d t gi ceoun heel finished bis oeponent arose and the adVantage they have in being mem- lag and gurgling, e actu says tenni. that money isn't eierything!"--"Itenart It preyents eickneee by loping the for all kinds of tA ..coirespon en • Ves a • bees of the gentler enx. They will never • 1 of an exteMponized apparatus for re, said: "May it please the court, I intend_ have „faces to. sbave or, whtskers to trim. Sets" • ' reeving carbonic acid gas. from wells, to follow , the .example of' inn noeog no snap' -41 It as slit inn enedeslit umbrella friend and subinit the Oates withoOt ter- fleina." s' man: is °Ile belongs Mr, atistite Mathew 'or mingiante as It 1 1 f II • 31UMber of times in saccession, The - .. man of such mild and atiridly exterior. let down and rapidly hauled up a guntent." Hill lost the case. Chme's Ointment is a gortain • • • Ministry. with ouch genie voice and manner, effect was to remove the glue ten' "I a) 6 Pew.er Candsdatet. for the To rove to' Seitt that Da • • • . • - minutes fr.= •Well So foal aS AO in, . and absolute our.; for each le - tieman raeher than a profound lawyer. -pression ot being a simple countrY gone that almost invariably he gives the im. ILI 14 • . stantly extinguish a: candle previotri . S and every form of itching, .• • t1Mre IS an escape of gas irt aa apara bhe manufacturers have guaranteed it. boo tee awl, there is founda,tion". for • the • • to the use of the umbrella.. Whenever ' was evidently the idea of a pro- bleedintrand protruding piles, • • timoniela in the.da Y In Marin recently sounded in the re - meat the adoption of this plan will be• bora what they think °tit You can uso it an nome years age met film in the neigh- tessional seller of painted birds, .who 11 wound ask pant neigh* • Having ptiron wen' the butchering business of F. li. Powell I am pre pared to furnish the people of Olin. ten with all kinds of Fresh and Clued Mesta Sausage, bologna lewd, butter and ego always kept on hand. • R Fitzsimons • tt Son. Talpeone 76. Orders delivered promptly: to ail ' • Parts of the town. N.B.-rename having hogs for • hiprnent will confer a favor by *owing• word at the lamp tolled useful. getrur Inoue, back if not cured. an a box, nt ligittus press over a dearth o•t borhood of the law tourts, and, exhibit - •all eaten; ornemensorelleess & CoeToronto. , candidates for the ministry evi- ing one of his birds, asked him if he domed b the °atalnante '51 could tell to what speeies it belonged. Ike Render Weed lIntsilanamthle, Dri, Chase's Ointment Princeton' Theological Seminany, just out, -which ohoyes that that institution has twenty-three students less than it with great care, pretended to admire • had, last year. it is stated in this connee- • the gaudy plumage enamined It again, don ,by "tesIle's„ Weekly!' that in 1890 and then remarked: "X do not think I have ever steen a bird exaketly like this, there were 1,500 students in the Pres- but, judging from the old proverb that byterian seminariee of the 'United .Itirtie of a feather flock together; X ' States, wbereas there are now about. ehould tray it was a jailbird." • SOO, et felling oft of more than one- e third, Other deriorninatiOns are eona ' - planting of a similar lack of recrutte * for the ininistrY. It Is said that the The Gettlean Government is opposed seininarn authorities at Princeton to admitting wonien to nnivereities. iareelv to the opening of the new pen- king Edward hall revived the practice ascrebe the f allitIg oft in candidates sessions of the United States, Wench a taking snuff. seem to appeal to the business Insttnots The estate of the late Lord Dufferin of the American youth. This may have ill velued at 1108,518, earnethinglo do with the case, but We • A Builder- Are You Teraina Weight ?- Oar, says the "Weekly," there are Oth. "The D & L" Emulsion will always help or reasons /arger and of more eerient$ and build you np. Reatores proper digee. significance in +their bearing on the itt- non Ewa bridge back hetilth. Manufactured trim of the Church: , by the Davis & Lawrence Co, Ltd. NErtvotterik EXIXAUSTED. . Theblizzard which raged in Manitoba Sleepless,poor digestion,easily tited,hlue as Is said to be the worst storm experienc. Indigo that's how yea feel. Do you want - ed in Winnipeg for fifteen year s. t) feel strong, make plenty of blood,- enjoy 'btroyarioy, strength and vim. you den do A Montreal company Is applying to Parliament for a charter to bni Id a tun. Prof. Kedzie of the Agricultural college of Michigan, an expert chem • ist, says that a paint or wash made of Skirt milk, thoroughly SkimMed, and , Might be Worse. Pater brine, will render wood nein. llamnaablet and lie proved it by enpera Otte doe Nittekintosh, having vexed anent. He said this paint, or white- tom by minim 0,c.„01g/y uar rascav (Wash, IS durable, very cheap, impel% .., Parr immediately 4raioined. "'nee, .rant. nione to water, 01 agreeable color and, le, be was a bad man, but he mig'ht as it will prevent wood from taking have been worse; he was an iriehman, fire, urged its use, particularly on but he might have been a Scotelemain roofs, outbuildings, barns, etc. he was a priest, but he might have , been' a latv3fer; he wars a republican, - Remedy for iturdooke. but he might have been an apostate." It is said that a certain and speedy • .temedy for burdocks has been found ill kerottehe Oil. A. small quantitY Pour. THE ASTIIMATIO'S AGONY. ed into the heart of a Want, (Wean+ Weikettil nights, aaffooating sensations, alter cutting, leaves no trace a their difficult breathing. Who can describe it • existence save a small hole 1st the This disease, partly tavern', partly dips - Oral where they stood Relined or tivepartly the result of microbio irritation, crude oil will accomplish the PUrPnto le no longer treated by nauseous stomeoh jest as well. destroying druge, bat bv Catarahozone,that PAIN MUST GO destroye the miorobe, relieves congestror, When Poison's Nerviline is wren. Zorn. and relaxes the hervoeff irritability that rgo• posed of the most powerfal painesubeluing renders breathing so diffioulk Tile Medi. DR. A.Wq. MASUD remedies known. Nerviline en,nnot tail to °Mimi is cerrien by the air you breathe to OATAIMII CLINE • •. Ca give prompt relief no rheumatism, *neural. the very eeat of the thscace, rid removes at 'Is tent direct to die diseased 1. so by using Perrozone. Bow oharpens tbexstehrnost of painful affeotions, interne; or known tha seetenenegone,.../te ntOnenee,upon - th imad - I Improves the neOlnuenideoeirithbeetatet; trretennebeesUreiVea)er: Ask gift, cramp% pain In the back end gide. and Once the came, The grea, discovery al na pertain the Improved Blower. the appetite end ireparte a feeling of boos% Helga tbe ulcers, clears theafr ' ' al‘erieing from iniletemetory action Aethinte le sitiiply niernliffe 'nninettirrh. feneneerengttel:enceentenneniveleinetneetele deep, .ppetor Shlit IXOSPitel• for 'home& throat and permentemy cures of ite ouperiority over evert/known remedy. only remedy nerenmed 11 onm, Tont ow surely Irefrozoue does this, you Mtn mon;rekhwhoreph...e." hIlhVettema tt Plassageb, mope droppings In the A, bottle of Neryiline will give eilleient proof OZOlie prevents se tie MIMS% and le the It11 ow endnagever. Blower Try neeeenonn lArge bottleg 260. Drug. money beat If 11 tone, Two ewe m all itrucieldrotnel,enehivv:grnognigti rettittotle le it blood for hio 10P the The 1) dIg medicine on.. Toronto and Nom. tg".06 0" "0 deldoo, 250 end 1.00. AO/Mori lullaby EtrooVileVit LeWret106 00.i Lta. ter. GO the genuine mode by Dayle kw Ali dealer', or .A. W. Chet. g„ 1, The judge stopped examined the bird system in a healthy liordition, It restorer; health by regulating, and toning -up weak systems. • It gives sure relief to persons suffering from poor digerition, headaehe, , dyspepsia and other dieordere arising from the use of poorly cooked foods • A trial will convince the inost skeptic- al of the semerior merle; of One food. For sele at • IlUB GROOERY merchantable logs. 2,00 M ft Boller Maple, 18 inch and pet in diameter. 100M ft•a' inch in diameter Isa. 200 an ft Book Elm, 100 DI ft Soft Elm, • Ab. • • Cedar Shinglee and, Lath tor salts: -, Any size from 12 up, for oanthook nand - tiny size, for handler,. Basswood and "nits Shinglee and Lath in etoleange for login °intern Sawing attended to at all times. W' E: Livingstone -1! " Our telephone mother is 8, New Blacksmith Shop. P., ..4....... t•. Subeeriber hating routtid thth e ee edloin niItenbury St, 'Wahl ing Lotion (ferriage Shop, Oronoor St, pre- tt pared to AO all work in hie line. He has ,. ha. ad - - a -----• a geodallyiesAI:in rat 0%00ce lit the latisi- li 6, had will We p.raonnt attention to all . . work enftu.ted to htn.. eLINtelsio ° Special attention given to HOrseshoeing and the care ot 'gorses' feet It4ailmicf ail kittcak,cmoge n001012404 • P111113 4..1401AFT Ont. fl Direct importers, Worltroanehto ssua MaterW guano:Attica. JAS• G. SEALE. ...,4011Wen