HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 4M*roh 28th, 1902
'e are -Ready. for.
Spring and .,?aster
Never before has this store contained such rich
merchandise or so much of it. Because otpur •corfulness
in buying you can place every confidence inthe goods we
offer, hence there is no risk in buying here and you will al-
ways find us ready to make cheerrui exchanges or refund
your money for any goods that has not been cutfrom the
piece. Our unmatchably low prices mean a profit for you
but we ever keep in mind however low we mark the
goods, the quality must be tight, the styles must be new.
3\lothing else finds a place In this store.
Millinery Opening
Thursday and Saturday
of this week r'
Store open each evening. You are invited to come.
Easter Gloves
Our preparations for Easter are complete. A brand
-new stock comprising the very best makes of Kid Gloves.
Little need be said of prices for you have learned to ex-
pect best values for your money here no mdtter what you
Kid Gloves at 59c
in. tan end .
Are extra value, some atoms ask thegthae hrown Blades
only, with ,,ilk stitching on back,
Our Kid Gloves at $1 and $1.25
Are the beet glove .,•••' • •
tp. • - ...mita in tint comity, they come idshades of mode,
......, orown, own also black with silk stitching onbacleand every pair
araaranteed. _ . _ '
Undreseed lid Gloria In grey MAL modestutdes at .$1.25":
New Lace Curtains for Spring
• We have just ieceived the finest and largest stock of
Lace Curtain % ever shown in this store. You arA welcome to
come and see the neW designs. No need to buy if you are not
ready. Prices are 25c 35c, 50c,75e to *6.50
New Spring Veilings
We have made preparations for a big -veiling business
this sluing and are showing a very fine assortment of :the new
spring styles. Prices 25c, 35e and 5k per yard.
These prices are for. Saturday Only.
200 yards of light and dark Prints and Ginghams; allcfast colors, that are
regular 10c, 121c and 15c, on sale Opening Days at " ......... wall)
100 white Cotton Vests with long sleevesopen front, nicely made and fin. .1
• shed, regular 85c values, on Opening Days only at ' • iVe
During our Mil inery Opening Days we will place on sale 3 dozen pairs of
the B & I Was filled Cox., ets, regular stamped price of which is.$2,fort nee •
These Co. sets are guaranteed not to break. . •
151 yards of Lustre, in ktivy also ,bracFvatit an
white stripe, regular value 60c, Opening Days to go . . „ hruC
200 yards of very fine quality of Taffeta Silk. in shades of pink,. sky; gold,
navy, white and cream, regular 85c value,Ctpening Days•priee. . OU.0
Ladies' Kid Gloves, made of good strong skins with silk stithhingona back, .
in brown and an shads only,sold at:most stores for $1, our price. r. OVC
300 yards of Ribbon, ft om 1 to 2 inches wide, in all silk and silk and linen
mixed, suitable for hair ribbons and fancy work, .1,11 sla,des
special at . 5c
Tear inottey back • .
yott waettt,--
To the Editor of the ,isie:_eir gra:
There has been a bone of eactention' for •
the last few months by different particle ,to
know which shall be the owner of a certain
fwdin this vioinity. It appears that the
owner gave a lease to the tenant for two
years, a clause at the bottomof which
, lease said that at the option of the blotter
the tenant was to have tbe use of the prop
.ertar the third year on the same conditions
is the two preceeding years. The tenant
didn't ask permission to hove the farm the
third yeanbut put in six sores of fall wheat
and did six sores of fail plowing. The ten-
ant at the time of leasing gave the owner,
ait.offer in writing to purchaee the prep -
My at the end of two or three years, to be
accepted by the owner. The offer, if KO-
eeptecl by the owner, to form a contract.
The canner held the offer, while the tenent
held a copy of his effer signed by the own -
et. Before the two years expired the farm
was sold to a third party. The tenant,
'ideating of the sale, filed the 00eY he held
• in Order to etop the deal with the other
part),. Both parties having advice from
reepotive ounseltolaimed theawere right,
ate that the Matter wan on the verge of be- •
hag placed in the High Court for adjuet.
anent, when they finally agreed tO lay the.
'Metter before a third lawyer for advice.
00 Thuisday of laet wed they journeyed
fx)a strange town, there to be directed by a
stranger to the hest lege) light, to present
both eider, to find out where they Were at;
After presenting the fade of the mare to this
great luminary, his advice was altogether
En favor of the owner Of the farm. He 7
oudetted thet the High Court wouldn't con-
sider any dostiteent,that was not a ilanikaati .
• that thie offer had to be • ttecepted by
She Owner in writing and delivered to the
. .
• terieint,before there was it binding °mitred;
He claimed that the tenant tibuld be dbl.
peetteettedttfid.tietild not Oahu another crop .
without :the consent of the owner, ,toct thai
he :Could not collect Anything for his fell
'Wheat and fall.pionghingi and that he tY,0
Ilabia fOrterttlin damages" :and latereet Of
therronitele money icbieb "Ands bavebeerk
'course to be on ,,,P1V011012. '
ind by the third party hutt He alio
claimed that the third party could be fore -
ed to accept the property, or that the own..
eacould sell at --any time to any other per-
son and that he would 'forfeit lite earnest
money whit% was paid at the time the
sgreernent was drawn up, as the title was
good and impeachable:. We are, glad to
inow they had the forethought to tube*
the ease for a re.verdiat running the
ohandee of Snit in.the High Court, where -
the expensea of the loosing party would
run up into the hundred°.
• Yours, A. CANY.ELON.
IsTomns,-Miss Annie Whiddon and
Miss O. Thomson apr., on the rounds
collecting for the Bible Society. Mr
W. Whialdorrand D. Harrison have
lust completed the building of a large
toove for Sas Sturgeon, who has con-
tracted for the entirequantity of Stone
ha daughter, Pdrs Rumble of London,
has been np to comialete 'the sale of
his house and let Which was Purchased
by Mrs Parson for the sum of 4600.
nerving fishing with hook line is
very good at present off the north pier.
Last week while two male pupils were
returning' front echoed .net With a die -
pule ; they eettledit with their flets,,
and one of them named Sturgeon was
seriously hurt.
NoTER:-...10or the convenience • of the
nall earrier, the government has de.
clued to erect a cathing poet at the
flag station here. It will facilitate the
transfer of the mailit greatly.
JoeXpers Ontritort- Last Sunday
Was. Palm Sunday, and services were
held by Father Wotan:chi at Myth;
next Sunday being naeter the services
at this church will pertain to the seas.
on and the choir will rendet suitable.
MUSIC. The 27th, being Holy Thug -
day, the day was observed, and ger-
vice@ held at 030 a.m. and 720 p.m.,
the evening. sermon being Oil "Holy
Oonatminion," Today, Good Friday, I
services will be held, tlp evening clie0
111111.11,....;1.: it _le
7717' "
. Church Chimes jority of thaws in the gallery, Were
taken up; it appears that general eatie4
ONTAMO ST. -Special services are faction was given, though there will
EASTER EXCURSIONS atilt being held in Ontario street chinch doubtlese be e0M0 Changes. Those
and much Wert*. la being marrifeeted. Zvoi Mt ii:tnLVgr.1!.a. An: ee Angroi
Owing to these servicee the League did
Return tisk* for the Brenta Holidays
will be homed et day evening,a...On Tueeday night a 0
not hold its regular meeting on Mon- ,next so.841:114tgeTnupteZieent'Leegtehit:wtiitiei
eltresented; at 11 A.M.,. "Does death
siNcum ARE TenaPerance Leagne in connection with
the•church was organized with the fol- 0L9,.3.43 rafrrbty,w7tabvvreesfeelnetva%ilitt7ure
good going Mareh 2708, 29, 00 and 81. lovving officeret-11100. Pres., Rev Dr "I'
. •
Returning up to April let. Gifford ; buperintendent, Mrs Gifford;
natureiand conditione." Easter math
President,Jas Manning tVice,Mies May . erne will be tendered by the choir, and
Purchase your Winne at TO= office end Itodaway ; secretary, Miss Edna Shaw; hpral.sciatoarerationa
e lywilalytine wineieevoicadeor. !e.
Gaye delay at stetion. treaeurer, Mimi Jean Shipley. The, 1:0e..t,
Isembere Pledge they:twine total ab- Rev -ks^ l'illfirwdt a A.t of Bxeteri will
F, It. Hnsodge
. I . Town Agent etinence from liquor and tobacco and preach in Weeley church on Sunday,
regular naeetings are to be held every tith April. .
• 0110011, Ont. . Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., ..The
services on Sunday will be specially
10 le advertisements.
interesting and attractive; in the morn- Additional Local News '
ing the pastor will Dread,. .e. special
Awlemaagexeliakdayterwlioennye...• ...........4 4 Easter sermon and the church will be
Rasel i
decorated with flowers in keeping with of Stanley is in receipt of a letter from
Farm Sotrrn AMC/A.-J*0m Avery
Do you know,-Ocoper ..... , ..... . . ..... '4 • the season. The choir has also pre.. Captain W El Gundty which was about
HQUEN) cleaning-.01oKimiqn & Co .....,,
Egg competition -1 W Irwin . ...... , ,.,, 5
5 pered special music.. It is hoped there a month on its way here. The captain
will 'be large congregations pretreat..., le now on the ocan. coast of gat Imo and
New Yorlt hats --A J Holloay .. .,.... 5
Ro,Lt Estate -W W Ferran.w.. ,„..„,., .. 5
P1BHC I leo: sn :ills:re:1es alai 1 ill a -Fair% , .. r••• 8
leas r m ery-Hodgens
For service -Levi Wiltsie .......... .,5
Girl want ect-Mrs ir Tt Bodiens ...... ..: 5
IDea_re kaWsBon427G. eri:a la .m. . . : ....: . . ..:,,,. , 56
. FRIDAY . MAR. 28, 1902.
West Huron Convention.
A Littera' Convention for the riding
of West ,Huron will be held at Dun-
gannon, on .a.tonday, April 7th, for the
purpose of selecting a Liberal candi-
date for the Local Legislature.
Meetings to ,thtect delegates to attend
the convention should be held in each
polling eub.divislon assoon.as possible,
,the representation of delegates being
three ?rpm each division. . .
B. L. Dickenson; of Winghant, his
entered into partnership with (1_1°i:far-
row, of Goderich, and the legal firm
formerly known as ()error, dr, Garrow
will be ityled Dickenson &Garrow.
It is extieoted that navigation on the;
lakes Wilkerneii about April let, a full
monthearlier than nsual; That; will,
be a great advantage . to the North.
welt, tor the eleyators . at Felt W11-
lie.m ana P3rt Arthur, at.iiell inahnie
along the railway lined ha Manitoba,
are full of grain and there is • much
grain yet left in 'the farmers' hands.
AS soon as the boats begin to run, the
railwaye both in -Manitoba and in
Ontario will be kept busy, and the
farmers will have plenty of money to
- • ,.
spend. . •-• • . '
' Mr Whitney and the *Tory. organs
affectsto regard the latest Pnlpviood
concession as a huge robbery .and a
inose, objectionable monopoly; They
know better. The land is . not given
away. ' The company has no mon-
opoly, as the 'Government can, it any
.tline let others cut on the land, .and
all regulation is in its hands: It gets a
price of 40 -cents a coed for all the woed
cut, and reserves the right to increase
the price. •The compapv.must employ
250 men.....
,and erect a 000,000 mill, be-
sides being licund to do many other
• thinge.. There's no glery for Whitney
in declaiming against a bargain like
that.. • . • i .
The Toronto Wtald_of Monday -says .--.
"In West Huron Mr Win' Proudfoot,
. .
formerly a partner oflitori 3- T.GarroW,
has 'frequently been mentioned, is a
candidate for the Legislature, and, by
some, it was thought that he would
Y receive the nomination, now that Mr
Garth w hote • been appointed to the
beneh. .Itis; hOweyer, understood
that Mr Proud -foot will prebably come
to Toronto and enter a prominent legal
firm, and, in that event, it is said, he
will .drop politics, or;_aLleastreo-far, ea,
West Hurornis concerned," The above
Toronto daily.
is likely another one of the rumors
wh ch generally originates frau this
.• Millinery ()Pelting% .
To the feminine fancy there is a certain
oharm in the millinery displays that twice
a year afford' an opportunity to the ladies
to see the newer* and prettiest things in
headgear. • Clinton tekas no book oe4 in
presenting a high grade of millinery art,
and in Oonsequence the openings here are
always attended by large and appreciative
muribers oftadies. The erennas this week
*ere' no exception on Wednesday and
Thursday, and a still larger orowd.is ex-
- Zada IncRae
peoted on Saturday, if the fine weather '
continues. ' BacusATrorr-"My Easter Story"...I Maaggart
Soto -"Over a gloomy garden" -.Annie Joaba
NEIN;Cc MBE'S. SoNG--?Bird Song" .. .0 little girls
That popular store lure Certainly excelled BrionATiotrsz' Down in the tilliod Garden.
• ' Jean Odlin7g
iteelf in the magnificent showing it makes. kloatc,••=au the DaWnine it,: , ... EMI thorns
And to those who visit this store eaoh neomaaparr-e‘Otowningaree
L Kennedy and &Chown
season, and know what the display usually sone-, hi Gla&itestatto Measure" Vali Chorus
is, .thie is Baying a good deal .indeed. Soco,-..wake sweetest stratuP,... ...t.iiy Coats
On entering the store one is struck with Sone -"The Angel's Sone Full Chorus
the beauty and elegathe of all that pertains . ' PART II :
to the, millinery department. The store is s0n0-u0 Fair, 0 linve.et and 00m/ltiqa.o.or,:4e.
decorated with pink ai.d white thine paper : i.,.. . ...... ....Rev Mr Stewart
and in the showroom numerceis electric SOLO -"Plight Of Ages" ...,... . , . Miss Palen
lights,. arranged in a semi-cfrole, Rive the A timbals. , .„ ,. ,...... ...... . . fie*, Mr Howson
Arnie a very pretty 'appearance. The in. soto-"Einanuein . • ..... • • • ...,,ate spudding
genioue window displays tefleot great 'credit Aemese-• ' Hey Mr Dunlop
. SOW -"The Easter Morn"... , , . . Mr Mullins
upon the designer, Mimi Stitch and. her .Anunass... . . 'ROY Dr Gifford
assistant, Min McKeown, have turned out elono-uror'ail Eternityit ..... ., .4M1S8 Palen
..s.11,e`v Mr Gruine
some dainty hems; a very pretty One is of Bow -"Ine.DIstant Snoro"...........kirlatillins
Pearl grey', with. grey roses, ornaments and ser,0-"Seleeted".,4 -Mica Pelee
foliage; the hate for children are also very WESLEY OTH/110)1. - Splendid ser -
much admired. .& visit to this store will moue were delivered by. Rev 3 W
repay anyone.
. Hohnee on Sunday', hismaorning theme
Holman' Enos. being "oThe church," and the evening
The Palade is another Mecca for the "The Minister ;" Rev Holmes fir a form -
millinery -Toying ladle& The 'termination er pastor of the congregation, of Whom
is easily understoe, when one inspeote the the congregation is always pleased to
interior of the&tontinery department, and hear him, whenever the opportunity
Obi the bewilikia.a'berinty of the display. alley's. Last Sunday was a continua.
Mise 1tandall and bar assistant, Mho Hat. tion of the opening at the church and
ton, may well be 'wind of their kraaCelalr it seemed to be in keeping vvith the ac-
es we know that the time and labor they erasion to have an expastor preach to
have expended has been greatly appreciated. the large congregations present. The
The show' room, in pale green, pink and musical portions of the service by the
white, het **hip and dainty appearethe, choir was Up to the usual, under its
which is all refieeted in a very large mirror. leader,. B.P.. Sibley, In- the morning
We noticed a black picture hat with draped the anthem '11 will extol Thee" and
Wing of fenoy &Won, the crown strapped "Croatia Him" by the quartette, ' were
with WO and ribbon, and six large cabs- excellently rondo, ed ; an the (mining
chats forming. the brim; e pretty child's the choir also gave another pretd
hat wee a Urge white ohip straw, poke ty anthem, and Dr G. H. Holinee
Milled, trimmed with white ehiffon and eang the solo".Nearer my home to -day"
marguerites, and large etresmere with how in good voice.... At the League on
gina latiokle. The window displayeare very Monday evening a report of the con.
attraetive. • vention recently held in London Watt
Foliage, fidtieta end tulle, and largo given by Miss Howson; President II
nentitios of peed trimming and otnemente , Rorke omumied the chair....The pews
hrg used on the hot Otte demon, and the at the church were let on Thursday
in the body of the ehureh ahd a ma -
boles Arid (wipe for Ho bre very pretty, evening last week, when all the seats
sw 1,AtTris onur4on.._The. services ' in thenritish service. In conpany with
a nuroner ot other efficers bent engaged
next Sunday, it being Easter, will be in training a garrison of about .1,200 . . If you havethe knack of puttingmikaper yourself Yam
PnligiroduwlairtihYt'hileteretio6ag aantilhaWnir ,l'IVThille : MAME) and; at the same time :dispen-•
sing the 'knish law and settling dia., can renovate your r00ipit for neat to nothing .with some of our-
Reotor, Rev Gonne, Neill officiate at all
the services and the choir under the• tutes between . native. chiefs.
0 appears to enjoy this life although . .
leadership of W. T.T. Latorne will be 1 he hae plenty of work with the natives.
.lite trays that country is principally These iemnants represent odds and ends of the best -
made up of bush and black people and manufacturers, the cut Flees being in, criterion of their riot
no doubt there is any amount of gold value•
but too costly getting it out tobe
available; There is no horses and all
transpiert is done with the nfgers
carrying the loads on their heads.
BOCIAL . EVENTS.-Initiad of the
'Putt' snelter .generally bestowed in honor •,'
on one who is about to leave the town a
sooial evening was given to Mr J. 'W.
Treleaven, °lentos' master of the collegiate
who is leaving town, having accepted the -
principalship- of Meer/rano high' eehool,
The" invitations were of an informal iiattite
and there were sbme three dozen present
progressive midge was • the 'Order of the
evening, from 9. to 11 80 after which a
daintyluncla. was eervecl. The •• evening.
was .ettjoyab1y. anent by the party who
broke up at midnight After having bid good
Anthem......................... i. .,lliur
.Blverr batt tO Mr Treleaven and 'extending their
' best wishes to him . in the new sphere
•Errie--191...,- .,. I i !tit. k '.... PhiToses . where he takes charge on the 7th of April,
G oria r.m. on ., ‘
Main -182 •. - 'The next astrembly by the New Century on Titesday, April.lst.
se . .
Club Will be given in the town half on•Fri.
Offertory • arty eyeninethe 4th of April, .'
Anthem.; .-.•••••••ii;*••"••••••••• * •••
Sanctus- 201,1. . ... ,... .... r . Arm, .
`111Groluririne14388'n Exge751;18-. 200. ' • Slaci or. n A„Et.A.0 .1)BAnt-.-A young Min juist in
,• l' the prime of lite and with tullyuror ,of
bealtb was W„11.,Beacona who passed
. Addi144.ini. Local News.
Hymu-180,'" away iin Wednesday morning at. the"
Fret sr Psalms -Ail, 114, 118.,
Hall 'The deceased young. man had been . AdditiOnaI.LOCal-INews..
weal:10;1-M ; age of 31 years, 5 months and 17. days,
.Nmunagnie trmtittia.......... :..... • ..... Han afflicted. „with _ muscular' rheurnatism • .. ,....
Anthem Stainer and had suffered nitentiely at' timee; it - of may, 82 y,ears ago; she was Married THE EXTENSION -.LEOTURE......a.
Tri."1-48.1.' 13' etinion....„... ,_ , . „ : __seemed clOatib was a haPPYteleaae. Ille 1.to her now bereft hushandatheir union The last UniversitY,Extension Lecture'....-;,...
• •: _OffertorY .• • hoe heeiftratiliiedltt likteis-with-this-/ • was :ten: ehildreilrflve. Of under-oie*uore•e-9. of -the...eukittin-oa......
Aria-Messieha.... .,.. ....... a .,.' 6 i • i-rifisz,14e1 disease and was confined to bed fere ,whom died when Young, the surViVing .legiate wasgiveti on Friday .night hy,"....
. • .
Hymn -186 ... • ... . '. , past nienth l•general sorrow is expreee...: tlycarni.loelspeftro,..P(.11i.-sfi..,iAltar o;te,
i ail
ed ', y his •many friends•at his death,- Ha. • Fr Greek, and Roman,• the Englishman • •
Hutton.. on :the euhject k'Tha. .1
The annual, 'Vestry meeting' pi. the
• on 'Reciter Monday eyetting,March 81
:chtireti will be held in the SchoOl rooin teas the only•Son of Mr and Mrs Thos. Forest; Miss Nettie and Guy
sg. - lo.itz:(cattnhdhwisafsitfi jorerseivnet
tended and much appreciated by all. '
a,04 Rai and the Frenchman:" It was well at-- .
eYegarrOceernyr' ' at
honfintean'•Chailedrrenaraelnsota,71harmeellIfeownht3a,i-smt- Not only was it • interesting but in-
•WiLLIS Ontincitr.-..At -the -niadeavor litt3i less: in toten, the Orin being. styled are now dead, the . Surviving meinbere
on Monday evening the topic, ,..111cICity i Beacom & Son; • 'He'avas married•to a. being 'Thomas Moore, Clinton; Johnstructive as well ; the. professor • is a
• pleasing speakeraind, described his stib....
of Fottemoseyme dealt with by Miss Miss Rathwell, daughter of B. Rath, and George Moore, of Riversdale; Dan-. led well. In all there were four lec:-.
L. Chidlev; the meeting wag' presided we I, ;Godeeich township, .who Ahreives Uri Moore, of the Canadian • Sault; • Mrs tures given and hone could be daunted .
over by j. ,Laird....At last Sunday hi with. two'young children, a. boy McKenny, of Owen Sound; Robert -and . upon ;as poor.. By . these extension-. '
morr ing'ir service - W. P. . Spalding 'and trirVand his fat her, mother and Mitre Moore; of Lucknow, the latter nlecturesetect tibli subjectsUniversity Vietasograrenar :
trig the choir gave the saithera '.'Godot .moutn... In Politics Mr Beaeant wie3 a, ter during her. mums.. me funeral he'nefit to be eviyed and not oillY:br
te. it
sang an ethellent solo and in the eaen-. sister, Mies Nettie, also are -left • to having been in attendance On her sie- a t 1
Mercy". which was appreciated... The. Conservative and a. Methodistin r- will take place from her late home this -
choir haa• prepared and is expected, to . ion, :The. tuneral takes plate this.. (Fri- (Fride.39 afternoonto Clinton cemeter Y Thhea a. collegiatetnrI"sth °Pull? iacontinue ien- trtEiisir.'
render • special' Music at .the •services" day afternoon to'Clinton. cenietery, the • and the services Will. be etlndueted hY series of lectures next teasort. .
next Sunday; 'in ° the Morning the,au, services -0 be taken by Rev Dr Gifford, . Rev W. G.'Howson, -of• Wesley tomtit- : . .. , - .- .. .• • :. • . • .. - • •--.
theme "Hallelujah! The Lord' is Rithn"; of Ontario street •ohutch. Wide thread . °dist church. The pan bearers Will be
Watson.: vain be giTeri," ;it'd W. P.' Ones. . • , . : , - • : ,anYeRtil, silNeglYYRtee Vr a.".ndijeggr e Olt:: .
..by Adanis, and. ."0,..faive 'Manta ,. by sympathy 'ghee hut to:' the bereaved .Mescus W.. Doherty, II..Stevens,Mayor
:Spalding. will sing . . . Jackson, John Jeckson, W. Harland •
0 dfello*ship. cif Ontario to 'the sub-..
urreotion% Song." by ...S4i lleY; at t he . FRUIT INSTITUTE. MEETING,- .
. . and a B. Kennedy. . The husband,- ordinate lodgee, for worthyobservi..
evenieg . service the anthems will be The fruit meeting held under the atts. family and relatives have. the heartfelt ance•of their 83rd annivereart, on. Sata •
."Rise Glorious (ler quieror,"•by Adams, , piees of the West •- Huron ' Farmers' . 13
sympathy of the entire counnimity in .urday, the • 26th ..of April, the 'Meer :
end "This is the' Day ..the Lord bath Institute and. Fria Growers of On- t eir sect bereaveinent., . ,. .‘ - :, . :', , •• lodge -of tovin ;has dthided. to.'attend" • ..
made," by ()cabernet,. the solo "The tido was -held •on Wednesday as ad- EASTER COMES EARLY. -Easter church on the Sunday folloWing than
. er
'Palms," by reure,',...to be givcohyLlgise, vertised,. .X.hcugh. the attendancein Sunday in ' 1902 Will cone unusually date. From the same appeal may he-
' PdeCoevie ....... The entertainmetit the afternoon was not large .a very lir- nearly. As this thee& the date of an the gleaned a fe*, facts regatding the good
.cmatata and teameeting-in connection teresting Meeting was held, Mr Searle moveable feasts of the year they, too, -work domain distributing help to the.,
with the • Sunday' ' school' on Easter. was chosen chairman, who in his open- will fall early.: Thus .Ath,Wednesdeci Ott arionlone: , - • . • •
brother; the widow .end the orphan in • ;
Monday evening promises to be a grand ing.remarke hald.gneat impression npon ..
occurred. February 12; 'Ascension' Day: •
-.alfai-ra--ThwentertainnientnorthriltteOT -the lieleeiitir . of.. thorona 1 piuninia, May8, Pentecost ten . days -later, - and -Ito. otBrothers Whirreceivea-assica:•:. TT.- 04. • •
Corpus Christi • May 29. It willthus : .• .tallP1' t 'Tar: -
Consisting Of „Missed H. 'Leslie', M. epraytng and Cultivation if we would'. Sias penults pain. to avow' . : • ..$52.1,78.
be seen -that sonie three' weeks before 'surgeons few. .. .1., ...., . r ............. ,. , 7,848.88,
Cooper, Lillian F. Jacksoni- *re Coate, produce a paying broii. Of marketable midsummer a greater part . of .the ee,.. For nursing.- ....,....... .. ..,..; .. , ...... ,. 1,7204r.:
. M. Dowiert and T, Jackson; tr.;• have feuit. •G. O. Casten, . of Otaighttret, •
.been sparing. no pains.. to make the .in his remarks said if we Wanted to .cleehtetical year in respeot, at least, of .Leurvefilf aveicurci . brother (Ji
the important feasts, will have passed. Biriing. deceasedwives ofTbrell;e.;•s.... : 485 00
evening a grand success, both socially keen •iip one - tenutation we '; must in -
And financially. Over 100 *dices will crease our quality. • He •Outlined the It will be difficult to have flOwere . fel- Special relief and eharity .3,885.07. •
, take part in ' the program, assisted by work of the Fruit Growers' Association Holy Week and Easter, but. a • .Iittle • • Total.; ;'. '''. . •
town, jarnen '•Mullins, Detroit,' ' W. P. ganizat ions.. •:. Moat Of our Orchards are. .$88.290.7a • •
forethought will solve the . problem.' . '• . ' ' .
Miss 114alen, Toronto, . Miss. MoCoryie ef and explained the need at the local.or, For the benefit of those who are inter- . . -• .
ested in such thinge; We subjoin 'the. _ NVE'TIALS .OF. A YORMER . OLlisr-, '
Spalding and others. - The Proceeds of ' S Ii I vink for them ,; den't,seli our ashee, dates et Easter for the limit ten years; TONIAN.-The following taken trent- '.
the admission charged are for the bete- apply a :bushel to a tree eVery.-tvio 19.02, Mar Oh 80; 1003, : April 12 ;1004,: - the Record -Observer, Ontario Cal., of ••
fit of the S. S. library, and ale hoped years. Mr Sherrington, of Walkerton, April a; 1905, A.prii MI 1906, April 15 ; the 14th inst., refers the 'marriage of •
that there will be a large 'attendance .spOke on "The 'cultivation of an or- 1907, mart.", 31.0.908, Ant il 194 •1909;. .DavidJoy, son of John . Joy, 'formerly -
from - all, churches. A good supper, ,chard." .}Ie Said it was impossible to April ll'a 1910, March. 27; .1911, April • of tilintotaa_anctef-whiehhia-,-many 'old z -
consigting or all. kinds of delicacies , .
. Will ' •ne served- 'Trona '5"tii Trii:M.,_arin - the settle time. An average tree rel
I raise a -01.-011...d.flatlt nntlgrainor halV-44--r-16;-•-tasteilmidaNriiralteitYit thefirst-Wen& here will learn with Pleasure:- -
Sunday after the 14th day .of the cal- "The marriage' oh,Mies Blanche -Walk-.
from 7 to 7,30 it is expected that•Prof. ...quires 21 tons ,of water during. the .:endar moon, which.(14th day) fills on er. of Los Angeles and. Mr David Joy,ir• ? ,
• Campbell. of Goderich, and Miss M. 'Mason. To proyide,thiainoisture there or next after the twenty-first darbf this place, was solemnized at the home '
Goodwin will give a number of organ should be thonough.thltiyation. Pithy Marchaccordinrto the rules laid down ' et the bride last ' Wedne6day, at wok
glei.e.ettooe,,.-....f.4.4ir ...win* •tbei.k1/Pwing i n spring and nultimate till lett of July,
. . fortheconstruction of the calendar, so t.bon, Rey • C. • A. 'Hat ris c ft:Whiting.
program, including the cantata "The -sow to cloVer,and plow again in 'Orin pens on The bride • was dreased in 'wbite or.:;• •
gi that it the fotieteenth day hap
Resurrection"; wili. be rendepecia..
PART I ' and foltow this method every -Tear. Sunday, Easter Sunday is the Sunday gandie trimmed with White ribt onv:nd, ,:,
• There was -a.' tree brought. in llpon after; • • , . ,. • • lace and carried a bunch of White, ear.. '
.. nations. : The bride and -0.room took
aorta "Wake, 0 Earth" - • . rill Chorus - which the two gentlemen • op'erated,
niromazios-"The Onies"_;,*„..walter stewArt •
sinve-.‘The Chiming Easter sous" :Full 011oi•uS ..
Sorm"Eiail, all Hail" , ... a„... ''.iill Chorus pruning and graftintr, luny explaining ,
.theamerations. • Many •canestions were. Satinday morning of last Week cleat li J he evening a reception -Woe • tendered .
DEATH. OF MaiS PECKITT. On the afternoon train for Ontario, .ancl• in • .
skid and a good deal o infor natation made one of his .secl. calls, and all the • I hem at the twine of the grooni'il pan- • -
niiorzamoar-1.The Lily" - - Liszie Ohidley - X- -
SOLD awn nreturos-"Do' you know the glad.. gleaned as to .the managements of or. Mare sad
story" • Stewart Jackson and 4 boys chards. '. Du i•irig. the evening Me Shar- John Peckitt, of t he --Huron road east, street. • Oyer 40 persons were present, ..
in its, suddenness, when Mrs ents, Mr and Mrs, John joy, on east O.
RhotwATiox-"Thepperiing of the lilv"_„.7'Giris :
were the order . of. •
BoNe--"Lilioe ',..... .... . .. . .. run Chorus - - 0 • ' •
Sorro--"The Lily Bell". ... . . „alittle gips ple trade, alai :answered.Many tof s
raigton spoke on "the future of t he roe -
r • d 11 'Et Par or and'
'answeted t be summons to • the greet, and congeatulations
beyond. She had been. ailing ..more or the-- evening. Tne decorations were - -
Examines Aso sose-torCeirlihretersrs ,- tione concerning liPtliYitigr-The-011m;' lesa- far it week, ball Obirridav evening,
boys ton branch et the 'Lithe H ut on h mit. * aside from general-vmaknese, appeared wrein and red in the dining room. The •
sono Ann Ortolina-"Shout the ."Viceotrt0
Wag spent in. gatnee,- and all
Growers Associrtion wee he inedl with ,. to he pornewhat improyed. On Satur- : everting
the folloaving. offieena-Pree., 0 Hoe re, day while the remainder of the farnily eejoye the ninec of phonograph.
"Clinton; vice prey., 3 D Burne, Clint on; were at the morning meal a sound wile Refresbnaents were set uetl, and the
Sec, -Trees.. F 0 Eland, Win .eeville. heard, and on arrival at the robin they . miry thing which marred the meadow
A Public Meeting of Ihe branch will be found. that the 'deceased ' hail got up Was the visit of a hand •of hoodlums;
day, April 17, when spraying will be ow of death was upon bee and she ex- . ueeful . presents. The young • gentle
held in. the Council Chem bee On Tint's- tont had fallen. to the floor. The shad- The bride received Many beautiful and
under diseueeion. 'Mr 'Cast on gave pirectalmost immediately in her son's will reside on east D. street."thme interesting facts about how arms. The sorrow of the sudden be- • ' .
apPles might pay good ret urns..
ledge and assurance of (he reward -*Previous to his leaving for the As -
awaiting a life of devotion and cobse- einiboia territory a number of friends ,.
ratline made her a weleotme figure, not in sonae way their high regard fM. him •
of her disposition and benignity of her Weir to -leave here without exprisa sin g
only in the Rattenbury street church, - and on Monday evening a go odly
of which she had been a weather ever number had him . go to the conned
.yeare of eure the cnajOrity of her life the following address read by W. ° t?
since she had resided in Clinton, but in :chamber where ne Was presented with
other. circles as well. Decemied was 61'
from Yor Rehire. England, _whike Very wo wm.. were *Drug gria-
Coatta--- ,.
a Puree of money aoramnalted with .
your neighbor*
being spent' in Itanada,' as she crime,
voung. Rot a number Or yealt the mid friends desire to mark you ueperture atom '
1%0 you know that when at,
ILA room is properly papered,tho,
paper to a large. exter4 takers;
the place Of furniture -
Didn't you ever notice how. hand.
acme W01 T11 patterned, paper
takes away the bare,unfitruicheak
look? •
One paper is uot suited to all rooms, 'That's what keeper .
paper tnartufaetaiels busy. •
That what's makes it necessary -for us to carry 31ek stock
hundreds of different designs and colorings. •
bargain rolls.
assisted 'by Thou Jackson, tin., and
Mre Chowen. The church interior
will be beautifully decorated for the
occasion and Uhl earnestly honed that
the congregations will be large. The
collection on this day will be applied to
raise the floating debt of 4800 and a
good collection is looked for. Ike $600
has already been promised from twelve
member& Holy communion will be
L ham yed at 8 a, m, morning prayer
and communion at 11 a. ma children's
service at 2.80 p. and evening
prayer at 7 p. m. T following is
the order cf matins and yensong for
Haste! Sunday :--
Hymn --179
Easter Anthem
Proper Psalms -2,57, 111
Gloria Pairi-52
To Deum ,..,.Woodward
Benedict -us 28
The Creed, of St athanasius 'C'tb13":ms
Go Carts mad
Fincl a prominent place in our stock.
The newest is the go cart, but them
are some people who perter the car-
riage, so we keep istock of both.
Go -Carts at $2 50, 400, 6,00 to $25...
Carriages at $7.50, moo, to $20.
The sale of the late Wm. McHarcleep.
library will commence at this store -
W. Cooper Co, CIiflton-;,
Sorrow does hot coma singly, so it is
said, and this was evideneed this week
when Mrst., Mt Harry
Cho passed.
from this life to 'eternal blessedneee on
Wedn sday afternoon. Her death WAS
a great went -Ise to even her relatives,
as she had -only been laid up for about
it week. This is a double afdiction for
the relativea to bear, a sister of the
deceased lady, Mrs John Pickett, of
the Huron road, batting also been
caned Way just hot, Saturday mOrti.
frig, The late Mrs Cantelon had paid
her now deceased eider it visit about it
Week ago, when she contracted a cold, '
which developed into pneumonia.
Owing te her serious condition Mrs
Oantelon was not told of her eister's
demise; Thus two eisters have been
called hence within it week of each
other, and both were well known in
Clinton and locality, being honored
and respected by every one who had
the pleasnea of their acquaintance.
The late Mrs Oanteion was kind, and
minietered to many in need of assis-
wire. Her children will sorely feel
the lose of a loving mother. and her
husband an affectionate wife; but they
family lived on the London road. They expresoiontoefgrturetaateuthtitreeenveteratoteferoletrehehipmpfg
this locality tO find a hone n the west by an
ar trimo po vtooke d . tuor ?Li net, or
I.Notle on the Huron t
and 4 114w Yea" iliduparnediettabie relationelepawbichnwre existed.
road, where they still reside. Deceased te_tyfe.qt:_tgallt healtweeteddirlerfIttill etticeteizi
fa id otti st g , .
Louiel va abrtedh iTrihdohme LT three chi al itdt or er tit Fred,woof
'34'eirPelitilrfri7ndo and acquaintance, ruld your
Which are etill home, the former living honeakatraightforwarddealing andyour manly'
aloe in, Clinton. Among those who ygoikufftot itl!lceefooebortithee6FaxotlinisatiyliitgrilltaCtrialte t el ail -..
Leod, Mr and Mrs Saimaa, Mr and lira
were present to pay their last reepect8 om outdesitv "ociroinoetter. fertre mbefrithengd. shi
to the departed were --Mr and Mrs Mc.. teeny teem* eon
trier:lir eel! 13E101)ton:et; n.Mlelitele511111013:61,10'nf tLikrunekn: Effitleatig4anivilitieAuelepectLrlitiltetIvraVel.- t Yon •
and her COnain80 Mrs Young and Miss
3.8,ohult:dani dheRrobbreoetta _limeorso,relt/Ca oefisitaritiveGreseartigleei,
now, and litre ' McKeritlY, of Owen .6011400Tc ?dih Ft I loontyshi nwt hi ti.teh rotadrinArgta66,004yedxo:uztouhaullinue;tegoutailliottalerl
ataltribUtOrtis ,
Them -teem of Dungannon. Her brother,
Th Moore,1 8 ;41X1 Y ; It was easily Reeri that' Mr Weir Wee
thoavheeithreecutoantedo.laftoiornethhoatitiscivi4heaGgiOdnl. elt.nstitiotne.t, Msintettell,de(1430,stueendio,!:::_e...palotnhtue:10.aturtie. taken by surprise but he replied briefly
and feelingly for the 'kindness thug
tr Ile Christian life,, being a faithfut ..I") be tr"eet` 'Ple, etert.rs :47 ApshiViinebrteddahtallbreOilsviotholiuldMidthhateyrryevaiet‘redooweatio!
Methodist, Deceased was 50 Yen:" l'il 8NtaeVolrl:dcr 416Vaettg6nt -71 111,1:luott, and
IVIrre .T. Moore., were from Yorkshire, end GP° 8;3141°w!. 'Ill'e " Y-wetla In' coined by him. lihort testimonies
age, and although her haretif ft, Mr tilid .
elliegletie of hie character at a
Beg., and a namber of the family were
horn in the. old eottntey, her plaee of at etarregdeipn efro ehatrent onneoe fttnteirerroyrit giniiir 1 e vie man and citizen. were sion by au
birth was near Toronto. On the 24th
Howson condueting the SerVieee.
and Reatialeianete o low hg. for r thotte present.