HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 3ABSOLUTE
I, 4 Dresnes Fulfillment.
N en *sexy in 44Longrave0 MAO"
Pine" on drealne, Howe G. Hatch.
inaosi Invited people to send him
itecounts of their an exPerlenceo
i end idea', end al a reault be was de-
Lue wttt tbouz Z**ter eIat.
,?'imeesessee Wit *0 droaMe. Theme be etediedearee
tulle, and in a Veherne entitled "DreaMs
Ceituine end ThenMeaninge," now presente hie '•
004101Usions, tied 0044 the Most ot rile,
Carter s
, pg eentribettions to illustrate the oaf -
Muter elm* of drawn which he le Ms-
euessing. Au intereeting clue* a -dreams
is that in which the sleeper Ando lilm-
stelt in 4 eertain houee or room that le
tatalliar to him in dreams, but quite
.Iatte bye_
, UnknowntO. hie waking' beers. Here
'is an instance which Mr. /elittellineon -
"A certain lady dreatiled 0041.1%10y
of a certain bowie until it had 'become
a •
*gust Sour SIgnOtteirs. Of
$ee firegliiille Wrapper. lielow.
Wary small inn ete
,e' tOteke as nitar,
rrTLE FOR 1111404SRES-S1
lifq TORPiti Ulna;
Pi 11 " rstsgalirs •
FOR THECON11100011
I.11 mot J. al i• •, •. velvet.
"In the course of their. occupaney
They took the house,
exceedingly familiar to Iter:' ohe knew.
ail its retires, ith furniture; it 'was WS
well kT1H$n to her aa that in which ahe
lived. leer waking life, and, like a good .
wife that has no secrets from her busa
band, she oftentalked over all the de -
kens with him/ a very pleithant teney.
Oae day they (husband end wite) went
•into the country to rime a house that
they thought ot taking for the summer
Months. They had not oten it, but the
I Recount in the house -agent's list had
I attracted them. When they arrived be-
fore it, they gave a elmultaithous ex;
clamation of serprise, 'Why,' saki the
husband, et is your dream-housel'11.
was. The coincidenee attracted them.
tot rattirgetetaltaa. ...era •
they learned, that the house had the
reputation or being haunted; that 'serve
eral people before, them had taken'
for short tenth, but had eseen-or fan- .
reed they had seen-teomethInge and
had lett before their term elf tenancy
expireil. Had these new tens)* not
brought theft; own old , servants with
them leis likely they' would have bad
some difficulty in weipping lip a. do-
nee:Ala stare so uncanny was the re- i
putation of their apparently quite re- _
putable house. The new tenants dwelt -
In the house With all satisfaction end
peace through the summer menthe, un-
til their term of tenancy Came: to an
end, On leaving, husband and vrIfe ex -
premised their eatietaction to the local :
agent. • 'The only thing,' said the wife.
'that We were .disappolated hi about
the heuse Is. that we never saw the '
ghost.' '
'4 'Oh, no,' exid the ghost agent. teire.
knew you weuld not me the ghost.'
'"What 4o you mean?' asked, the
fe, rather nettled. .
eieb„' the agent 'repeated, 'we know
you ;would net .see the gboet. Telt est
the -ghost that people have alwaye semi
here: e • . • , •
of Cod Liver 00;;
(Trade Mark.) • •
- MAKE Y011' WELL)
Dr. BUrgeff 11 ,Med, Supt. of the Prot. Hospital
tor Insane, Montreal, prescribes it constantj".
and gives us permiesiori to use his name.
Mass Clark, Bust: Grace Hospital!, Toronto,
Vaitestheyhave alsoused itwiththebeetreoults.
50e. and g1.00liettlee.
DAVIS &LAWi2EC15 Co., Limited.
i -p, • DESIQNS
• 'Anyone sending a sketch and description real'
-queue ...certain our.opinion' free whether an •
invention is probably patentable. Communica.
-Lions strictly colt/dentin]. Handbook on Patents
• „sent.freo. Oldest agency Tor securing:patents.-
Patenta taken through Munn dt Co, receive
special notke, wflbout charge, in the
A handsomely Illustrated Weekly. Largest oir-
vulation ot any scientille journal. Terms, $B a
rear: our months, Va. Said byaltnewsdeaters.
Brancl$ Omce, 625 ir St.. WIISMUfittln, .1J• C. ,
• Seateniont . of Dr. John 'Pergtison-The
New Free gonsieseiptive Hospital. an
4nutwdlittis Helper to this End.' '
The statement of Dr. john Ferguson,.
one of Toronto's.well-known physicians, ,
that "11 consumptive patients were .pro-
perly isolated and .tivatedi within ten
years from • now tuberculosis would be
oze of the rarest of known diseases,"
...ought to prove an aneouraging stimulus:
to the friends • of the new Free Consume).
etive Hospital to hurry along subscriptions towards the fereishing of this insti-
tution. capable of admitting ect Once fifty •
patielitSr lnar ••
The eutability Of tuberculosis is clearlv
With Constipation
Come a Host of iiis.
Care WI Mothers.
Should illwoys be Wallowed to
romptly Treat. tho Minor
Aliments of noir UM,
eaoi• thon1c4 Om tit, trough by taking
THE outirrob law tAtik
A eleadY ileatenig nitvw;
tke heaviest bog With ease. I have With thIS devices one men can wino
'MIAS wine 40 hop with, it, eta
know what 1 son slaying. Place tbe
hog on the rack (Fig. 1), then elooe
)then _proceed ite ebowa. in Fig. 2. Lift
No linether Min hope ilutt her Children
will elopes ell the minor *Oriente thet •
*fact little ono, end she ohoind be pre -
oared to treat theoe illo ineirnfly evben
the eraergency arioeo. At the isenth time
mothere osinnotbe too carotid what they
give their little ones, in theway nt
*lee. Dootorst have long proteeted *giblet
the uoe of the ea -called "000tbleg" pre+,
paratione end they ere OBI used wed with
alarming frequency by mothers. Them
preparations invariably contain opietes
which drug and stepety the little me bite
temporary quiet or sleep. For ail the
minor nia or little ono there is no medi-
cine wits se speedily asi Balie'e Own Tab-
lets and they are bold under o guarantee te
cps:debt no opiate or other herinfuldrag.
Thoesaands of mothere now nec no other
medicine ifortheir little ones, and all who
beee teeter' it speak of nape:newt And eafe
acition in the warmest terine. Mrs Gee B.
Wellweod. One, esiye;-"I have
noed Baby'e 0 we Tablete in my house for
ovine time and I can sincerely eay that
they are the beet medicine I have ever
used for my little ones. They act prompt-
ly and the reselte 'ere always benefiaiel,
think mothers should keep •these Tab.
Wes Constantly in the house,"
Beleyie Own Tablets are * poottive cure
for such troubles as colic, sour 'stomach,
indigeotion, constipation, ample fevere,
0401drer,h°per4eveTtclorwo:prmotti STI Peel thbemirkrituatl
don accompanying the cutting of teeth.
Sold by druggists at 25 onto a box, or sent
post paid on receipt of price by. - "'veining
Tie D Med tee Brock-
Ont. 41 -
Payers,/ FOR rARKET.
Oireettees as to the Best Etethod of
LU poultue should hel thoroughly
cooled and sailed befddre •packing, pre-
peratory for shipment to, maTket. For
pe.citing the fowl- prireide 'emcee/ as
' they are greatly preferable to bariela
Oenuneuce your packing by placing
layer of rye str.a.w; that lute been thor-
oughly cleaned frora duet, oil the bottom ,
of the box. Bend the head of ..tb.e filen
• 'fowl under at, ,as shown in our illus•
tra-tiou aleig....1),.,apel, then lay it in the -
left hand corner, with the head -again& •
the end of the box, with:the back up
Coat:nue to fill tins roW In the same
Weedier "until corePleted; then begiti
tlie .eecond row the same", way, Iettine
the head of the bird pass .up • betweee ;
the rinnp • Of the two enjoin -Leg Mice,
bold of the long 'ever, Lower it into
the trough; so that the rack spillage
deer of the bOttom of trough, then
take hold of the cross lever and work
it up and down, throwing the careaSe
f rem one side to the other, back and
forth, until perfectly scalde4. Heel)
trying the hair, se as to leneW ewhen
ihe proper Scalding point is reaeleed.
Then swing out on the cleaning
and tate- another hog. The Mite, Fige,
1 aud, explain themselves,
T'at His First Youth,
HE swan is said to be excellent
eating when young; but ita it le
ono of the longest-live4 of all
ereatureie tt le well to learn LIf preleible
how old your bird le [before Voti, cook it;
I A gentleman in Lineolnshire, Eng.,
land, sent a (lead *wen to. the lethee
naeum Club, addressed to the eeeree
tary. A epeelal dtnner wax to oceur
thee week, and the committee without
question turned the birel, seVer tle the
At, the dinner the Meting ele
great ellver dish, was a soot to the
eye; but whert it came to earvijig and
eating the bird, no knife iseeme4 einem
enough to,eut et; and et course eating
et eves put ot the question.
A few days later the -donor met the
esecretary and sake "I belle you got MY
*wen all right," . •
on/A was ft nice Joke you playesi On
tie," returned the meretarY.
"joke? What do yOu mean?"
• "Why. we bad ehe t hints' boiled for
ebirteen hotlreS, and even then we might
• tea well have tried sto -out through the
• Hock et Gibrelter."
l'You don't mean to sae', eon 404 the
swan cooked!"
"Why, -of course,"
omen alive! sent it. to be stuffed
and preaerved as a, ouriosity in the
club, Tha* • SWIM has been in ray Pane
ily 'for two hundred and eighty mare,
. w s one of the identical bireis fed -
by the children of Charles L -You've
/seen elle plethre ot it. My ancestor
bald the Peet Of 'master of the swans
• and keeper of the lting's cygnets.' Web.
I have no doubt 'it Was e. bit tougb."
' r• -, e.
This correspondent does not ' tell ' IT' STRIKES THE HEART,
how 40 presume thaethe t. it ..is g r , u we..
made ., 0 . roe,. 44 mullet only is the veatins Of rheumatism a
dent enterer, but he lives . in coatinual
lath, as shown. The square or rectum-, dresid that the disease will reach the heart,
gular iron:link over the lever Ire Colt- which means. ST1dden and unexpeoted death.
fleeted by rods to lever and standard Rheuraatisin men only be cured when the
in such a way as to hold the lever en uric:iota(' to remove fro 4 the body by the
tiny position desired. • e healthy fiction of the kidneys, Dr.'0hase'e
•••• EidneplaiVer • Pine make the. kidneys
• 1""- . • . - • roan ra re:I:terse ' . ' heelthy andvigorecie, awl, so graduelly and
ict*p. pne. „cock tor ton to lif‘tek, thoroughly cure Rheemensm tiy removing
. - the meet • One pill a dose, 25 vents a box.'
- I .. :',. ‘ •
Aleas. . .
I Let the lowli fast a., few hours be:,
fore killing. ' I;
. i Hens lay best at the age of one to Mr. Obarles *oilman, est the °Mu -
two years. - . , inentement of etubelik the violinist's
Alwaye give fowls. plenty of fr,sit ' .A.rimaihetrican ' tOttr. Insured the latter's
hand against Injury stor 410,000. It
PUre. water, • • - „... e......4......miglitethe etipposed that the elianoe or.
" Hens over two wand'. Oi age make the 'a anueleime getting hle hand hurt was
best setters. . ' , • . , - relnote. Yet whee. Rafael Jeaseffy Arst
., . - t ' came to Chickering Hall arid made a .
1 Few% linist have a range. or a
- auPt eensation a tele!'" on his thumb:eater?
ply of .green food. '. • - ' . ' -,.: •I rueete4 thie engagement. Jame Hof-
! :Keep house and root Well Whitee menu fele from his bieyele aud hurt his
Washed and very clean. • i -hand under similar, clreutastancee. Ole ,
lean, Wienawsld and 'Paderewski Were
Wed eveth their toum. • • ' •
also en. b.ie_et,e_d. .t7 adelderits that inter,'
Pe Get 'Well and Keep Well Rego -
late the Rowels by Veins, Dr.
envbeet4 Kidney -liver 'Flux. •
You cannot avoid disease if you
neglect to regulate the bowels and
• allow the liver and kidneys to become
torpid, sluggish and inactiee. Dr.
-Chase's Kidney -liver • Pills are the
moot valuable family Medicine that
•one can ccinbeive of because they in-
evigorate and regulate the excretory
and filtering organs as no other prepar- •
ation was ever known to do. •
Mr. Geo. ,Benner, N'iriarton, Ont.
writes :--"I don't like to have' my name
• put in public print but I Mel it a duty
to iny fellowemen to recommend Dr. .
.Chase's rills. For
about Lour yeere I was troubled ,
with ,ehrorlio constipetimi and weak-:,
nese of •the Ely condition Was ;
sorionie. when ebegen to use Die
Chase's -eKidney-liver ''rills, and.- I'
verily• believe that •• they • have.
saved my life. f em- now well awl Mei
like a tiew loan." •
• more people, use Dr. Chase's
NidneyeLiver Pills than tiny other Can-
adian medicine. Theyare popular be- .
cause thee. cure when other' reniedlee
fail. Ask , your neighbor about them.
One eilea dome,e25-cents.a. box, .all dealt,
in 'evidence in the records etthe Muskoke
'Cottage Stuiatorium, under the manage-,
• silent of tile National Stinitarilini A sisoele-
'lion, and under whose auspices the' new
Free -Consumptive Hospital 'has been
• built.' To four years 510 patients 'have
been treated, and more tehan 852 have
'been cured or so helped tlEae they could
go back to work, °axing for ewife or cilia
otethote depots deot upon them. „
'Tre-iitairreee Consumptive-Hospitat %-
situated in Muskoke, not far from the
Muskoka Cottage eanatorinin, the two
,,gentlemen who have -generously borne
theeest of constructing the building de-
_ lilting. that the same benefits that haie
eConie to patients of the Muskoka Cottage
;Sanatorium, by vietive of its excellent.
-situation, should go to the poorer patients,.
whose only hoe admittance to the
Free Consutoptive Hospital. .
All thet.isventing now is thelirnish-
ing of this Hespital with' bells antother
.inecessarter appoilitnieets. The National
Sanitarium Association, because of their.
heavy debt, are unable to undertake this
part of the week. Only let the many
whose hearts are touched by such dise
ileieeingeases as are constantly chronicled
henewspaper columns, send their coutri-
lentione of $1.00 or, if possible, 35.00,
'110,00, $50,e0, and no time will he Ion,
In opentng wide the dooms of the new
• Hospital. -Contributions will be received
by Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice,
Lamport Ave:, Toronto; W. J. Gage,
-Esq., 54 Front NINA, Toronto; or
„ National Trust 06.,
Treasurer, 22 King St 0 East.
ors or Edmanson Bates .& Co., Toronto.
A livel• y :debate•ISS tiateli eitameirr
the Senate of the A.ustrallen confedera-
tlorit as •tt, result Of a. statement ' of
i l
•• .• ; Senator 'Sae -geodes that be had seen
e..,,; women edoughing in South Australia.
. ...1.
A gentleman from that State doubted
the aeseftsteil dna hotly resented it,
i e bust it was backed up by Another sena-
tor, e'earce.. A Writer in the 'SerdneY
•Snuetin't adds that he has often seen
weinen ploughing in . South Australle.
'• "The huit tee:cafe= was near Mount
. Gambler. The plough -lady was wear-
ing Willingtoo boots, and herhusba,nd,
a fat German gentleman, Sat on a fence
Those who have Used Laxa;:tiver Pills near by, complacently smoking.!'
ray they ba,Ve no equal for relieving- and
accueonhinegt6dCB°rTllsootnitifiiteelF•48F,013DulialcapHrerea:thidai . p. eTtrfeentillrg*Plelanfe Q'toalpveroStt°enci themselves
vett '
from another Invasion of the sea, such
Ranyefdratearteuznaww,deartearthEtereacmhaxt as the one which devastated their citir
over 4_7er* ago. These plans provide
liver or 'bowels. . , :to be bu.iltt ,
-rio 2,
••• . wineh will initke It e'oneplete and sol
(see a oh, g. ). In paekine
the lase row, retreree, the order, plao
dna 'the head against the end of the
box, letting the feet Pass ander wick
Other, Lastly, 011 tight with straw,
that the poultry cannot move « This
gives' a firmness in packing- that will !
prevent'. moving dining transpertatton
. Care should be takOil to have tile bog •
.1.41 •
. The Plague of Statistics. •
MCTIBSING "The Plague of Sta-
tistic:it"' in the "Atlaritio Month:
Eugene Rickard White
*Jaye: , „
We have come *so to rely Upen nu-
- triermal_expresaien that numbed stand
both as end and miiinirneeleiegeitedare-
eve• appeal to the eneotions, no longer
do men Sway ,men with truthof 'words.
' Facts, and, exact expression, of
them, ere What we seem to desire, Fast :
are we drawing the chillieg robes about
ns; fast ta:ve Our finer' inetinetse
,hightir potvers, become dellgged with
e total. Judging treen the Means
taken to cobvince and eXcite us, as a,
race We are leecoming -theapable of •
any reason not expressed by Dee of the
great divisloith of Mathematics, • Pytha-
goras 'would be delighted Indeed to see
our reverence for numberise for we bow -
lower than did he, and for less reason.
. "Bet whet actually le. the eXtent et
the evil? We-da7fiehaeadlee theesure-the
effeette asiget without knowing the ex
tent, hew greatly Are we effileted bY
it( The ohildren of the IniegInation
were long in bowlage to science. 1•100:
they wander, let tts Ilene, not a fhb
forty years, in the wildernesses: of purely
scientelo expression, the arid, eteelle
waste of statletics. What function dt
• PliblIC life has riot been unduly brought
under • this dread domain? • Under.
otareling quantity by instinct and •
quality not at all, the appeal Is mule
at Olide th arithmetic. 'Would we cert.
vince the average American? Expert-
2:le 'II; fl;tVegs:!'t 411:tgalei,ge
him Is most gime. Do not the newe-
papers rely upon this trait continually1
Latterly, our editorial pageds are distaste
TileLEOD'S of tables prepared bY various commis-
sions. Does the pulpit scorn thio means
• of arousing interest'? How do we
raise funds for otarving Indiat The
chief instrument for rousing compost-
eion is famine otatletiess: the bukit ef
the Misfortune readily appeals. We
group disaster as our merchants dor.
Der markets. Do we plead the cause ef
tempentnee1 ttere ittatistie* revel, and
- —
OP '
Welttit afid lintshre 81004
Liver & Kidney Oloohoos,
rootolliteeMplolot, iste,
Ail Ortiggssterterwrite-d-eCt'------
. M marina)),
they trtYh,b:,ittertrditY,iitt% out
square rod in Cuyahoga County chto
or the arreote for hiebriety in Itolooino,
Indiana,- for 1900. What enema to be
the Ohl* 10 literature'? HOW appraltie
the Oneeetel Of A book save by the
number of Sold in ft even time?
Goderich One i Row stecartain the Merit of a play save
by the tilitifber'ef nights it "ran" indlits
dramatic &enteral Thee is our Ameri-
can mark set tot whet is what. We go
about xefoitatog And purifying the
world, with a ettlindittet releert at �j
tow and a etatieitical compilation in
*tab hand."
0,1e,7111:til 1,,1Z3n
Bona ride Salaryno,:40,Pgir"
•tete., Ottotlaill ideal eteploettehteleete
;lott floc. bestpligis,c1destablishiariet*O.
ae,D.laix-G.A.attzTtioN 00,, litd,SrentfOrd,
eeleabae. ateeete Nee
The orlignal kidney Specific fer
the cure of 'backache, Diostes,
Srightli Disease and ail Uri,ary
Don't sicept somethini just as
Oodi See you get the gamins
. and to extend the Whole length of the
Mrs, George William, Fairfield•Plans, - city Amite; and for raising the grade
Ont., writes as follows: " As there are so
many other medicines -offered for sale hi
substitution for LaxaeLiver Pills I am par-
ticular to get the genuine, PO they far sur -
pees atiythingelse fer regulating the bowels
and correcting stomach disordore." •
' Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable;
neither gripe, 'Weaken nor sicken, are cell/
to take And proinpt to Bet • • • ' ••
okoomooOok000raulo... " /*AA** .
-TO 0011141O t40 gO0000 Of Manure, , ,
1Prov4e; a gieied supply ...ef .blacli.' . , •
plaeeta layer of this, one toot thiCir • . • • op(ion and. Loss.
switInR:111014 ,or loath freln the 'Wooth. _At old jippg,
--idtlif.o eitSTreikli-o'f.yolirriffiblO7,"10"" ••'• "--• ' ' • - ---- -----:' ---- •
loni. (1:4 enor thhecelso%WietlitOtledr...:nitge= :. See
.the :droppings§ of the a.nbratis ever • : That .rilte. Name •
day, but let the loefia .remaln •for twe. i?IA.MOND. .DYES : ..
weeks, then remove it, meting it vitt ' e•• e. le . , -1-1 -;__ '
bther manure, add replace with trete -.LS OH ra ve ry racKage You
•mold. By this simple means any farin • •
er eau double not Only the qualitit3 • . . Purchase,
but also the quality .of his manure ....
and never feel hibtheff One Penner ths p
-poOres,_by.....the...„trouble . Or mipencie in ao.me p
t°I16 loving merchants bay pack-
curted, while the fertllizlig value'
ej- -age-dyed-to -eapplytheir...customers with
the friereenene3 leeseeeed ane...efteee el that are se peer and weak that it requires
the loain can' scarcely be estimated. fully three pack/tees to give.the seame depth
51)0andand vichneeo of whir that is obtained from
Ce,j48fililitQtlijaYt it'b
illket.eroliliCELtre b11very
iLle°StfiVbele$ hone package of the Diamond Alyea. 'Theme
year, through, and. feeding them 1)3 weak dyes -dear at tiny price- are sold to
Means of soiling.. The aniount of lithe
nure thus made has enabled' him tc
improve the fertilite of it poor. farm
, of 100 acres, so that in. 20 'arena's the
hay; crop'had increased from 20 to SOC
tons. le he cattle are kept in a well
the yard an hour or two Mornings ciao be avoided by always offing the ilia.
Dyea. Butinine each paokeage; when
erreliged stable, . and. are let" ot kite
. anudregfititerotoonrs,obprutoth
t theygeiernegrrteramtllyap4 yeti see the, name '1:sianiond Dyes4 you are
By. this. process,11`,nie acre enables hini .fullY protected,
leiamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterne
n,re,fed on grass, green oats, cern. Pod ••
iiiihly colored on the beet. ettality of Reoteh
to Support three or !Our :cows. Thes3
tlessien; can be ordered by mail. Send for
der, berley, ete, whieh are sown ai free elleete of deeigne to Beloit from: Seud,
,your addresa to the Welles & RiehardoOn
Co.. thnited, 200 6/dentine St,/ Montreal
Le q.
of the entire eity, It is a mammoth
undertaldng, whieh wfll-cost the al-
ready irripoVerished. eity millione,, and
involve oonsiderable additional . entitle"'
by ea,e.h. property owner The city is to
fill in, with sand Punted from the Gulf,
an area ar• ground on the Gulf Side of
the city, four miles long and one. mile,
wide, to an elevation. of ten feet. The
city win eiso raete all the -streets aud.
' • ,
women at ten cents per packet, este)
price as the full strength Dieenoed Dyes.
. Any women rho us urged by a Merchant
to buy the weak and 'adalterated dyes re-
ferred to, should stoutly refuse to be ewind-
led, Loss, trouble and imitation of temper
intervals through the spring and sum.
Mer months, to be ebt as requited!
but he remarks that his poet valuable
; crop Is Isis manure 'crop, Each eoet
prodifees three and a half cords of
Solid, and three canto 'Of liquid manure
or six and a half cords Five to
eight miles from Boston, such termint.
is worth teen(' $5 'to $8 et deed. Frond
;this esetItuate, he has Ninth to the cow
elteihni that a cow's manure May, he
made an valuable as her nii114.
, Weetern journal mastics that al,
DOAN'S. ipremises 011e Of the beet Superphos
,betat eve*. termer has Imola his own
W. E• Hamilton, editor of the Mar-
ket Guide. °tired suddenly at Chatham.
Crossley and Mutter have iust,
closed a campaign of servieee in Wheel -
log, Vo,. They loogaio a series of ser-
vices in Totoato .Sunday week which is
their eighth campaign in, Toronto.
phate manures knoten. Tlia eletuents
are found In the old hones, scatterad
carelessly over yard, garden and farm, .
and common wood ashce, generally al.
towed to go to waste. If the boned
gathered placed under shelter, VVELOOE POU VOtrii TRADE.
thoroughly mixed with three or font Berving'ihe public' with etre, attention
. ;times their bulk of Idles, kept Moist honed geode aridlow prieee, has given ua
with water enough to make a good ei:Ingit' polder' amongst the drliggiete of
,),Yo and, OeettsiOtteny Stirred and edited,. Conada. We loOk for your trade, and
they Will, in a few months, become ea will nee etott end_avor 10 SzstAti You *
,Sender and friable. that they may be regtilai-enetomeir- —
pounded Into powder, and in tide state Our eapplies of pure Drugs, likultoineo,
they forts a valuable manure, better Toilet Preperatione,* Perfumes, kirtioliess,
than the average of the commercial Combo. Some% Ete., will intereet you.
fertilisers that Mem NO eXplonsive;
tWith. the bones. The fertiliser 'Mtn) We arePt"01"IS:B:03;r4:1°015Mitri°14;:r "630
Me aehest, of -061tree, ithOuld be taxed
&Ade should be applied by the handful for thia popular diseage-banishing Med- I
fri the hill of cora, and its (Streets may ioinee. Enowingite powers Anavirtnea,
be early geed' th the aft. Id& Vet* we strongly recommend it alt a blood
Of the growing Plant. This may 0rern oride,r nerve loader and dealt 'builder,
fikts aniall busineee to a farmer who I Poineo Celery Compound to no new re -
ilia. but little OMR** UM*, but it les by i may 16 has been tested ma utal000stuily
gout ellelt economy that our beat fame used' In all ports Of -Cluntd* by tiStg ot
beeotto sit proiltablo and it it by,Aook thimoindosoodkosoevot foiled. . .
AO" Isttetto riel"old. *Tot atlittrtif°014wAV 441"st R. P.T4Santm. , Druggiit, ounto., n owl* ..
, -
Theodore -IV:: alt righe, darling. I
have met your father, and *tr, took tit
one another iltt once. He even Went
1110 far to- to borrow ten dollars ef
Ottrely, he can't refuel° ree YoUr hand
after 'that. • ,
Itidlth-DerY, I'M, afraid roievii Made
a sums os it« Pa told me about- the
ten &Matt I'd bettor NW you
100410$ that you wore too estey.04scsetott
• • ... •
There is nheriater in Dr, Ohamile Ointt
Mont oharaoter ad has mode Dr.
Chase eeteeined and rdmired the world •
.• Over, Dr, Chaitht Ointment has ninna the
teat Of time and remains today the only
aettiel wire for Piles and Holding Skin Die-
estoe. tile the standard Ointment of the •
world. Yyri Gen rely on It just tie you testy
on Dr, Ohaeoriditeceipt Beek, boostloo You
know that it fel backedby the aterling ober-
actor of Ott Chaie-Anierioali Greitekt
een"'.",:.• •
OVI Spring Goo
ress Goods
Laces and 'Embroideries
•of all kinds
• R. Coats & Son
ESOAPF0 130X-847.00.•
The oteady inerekle tpide la god rxOf of the faet .that our goede are. right Inuit'
. prioeis lower then them qf other dealer e in the •trade. : •
We Inallifeeture•farniture on a large et:Akan-a 'call afford to sell eheepff yeti bar,.
from as, we save for you the prodt, Which, in other cape, Us to he added in
• theeetall dealer. ' . ' '•• ' •
TWO week we have ;ladled into-at:4A some of our neve. designe. Space will not perrtille
' us to quote prmes, but come and leo for youreelf whst map we have to offer:
Bernember--we are determined' that our prides obeli be the owest in the trade, .
In tine department our steels' le complete, and weeentve undoubtedly the best funeral
MEM in the County. Our prolee. are as ow;as the %west, ,
CiAbF001' Bok 86 do w vhiahir
S. -Right and Sunday wills attended to bytalling at j. W. Chidley's, (Venom
Diregtor) residence
. •
irs t -class Wago
and Buggies
I am handling the celebrated leoLs,ughlin make of buggies and other mates
of firet-olass Ontario firms. Also of my own manufacture ince/Wing top hag-
gled, mikadoes, eto. of allthe lathetana modemeletyleg. R,epairing of all kin&
promptly attended to.
JOHN' LESLIE, Huron Street. Minton
';-n• •
• ' •
I have been taking Rinans Tabules' for the dy.
spepsial and they have 'helped me Wonderfully-.
I do notoknow any particular way they affect_
me, but they seem to give ligor to the entire
system. I had a sort of languid feeling, but
since taking the Tabules I feel spirited and have '
not that melincholy way about me.. I think they
are good for a general build-up of the systemias
they seem to set like atonic.
The Ilve.dent packet is enough for a*
rodua• ary occasion. The family bottle,
cents, contains a supply for a rar.