HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 2:. 10
March 28tb, 1902
Whitt* 100
ERIDA.Ye MAR. 20002: . .
Cloloing events.-Pollini on the Man.
noire liquor act -April 2. King's cores
illation -June 26. Ontario referendum
on liquor act --Dec. 4. ,
According to an amendment to the
Teethed 9f taking the oath adopted by
the Legislature, hereafter anyone in
;Dnario corcipelled to take the oath tray.
doso it he wtehes after the Scottish'
fashion of uplifting the hand and re-
peating the following words; "I swear
by Almighty God as I shall answer to
Ierod in the great day of judgmentethet
1 shall tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothing tint the truth so far as I
&now it, and the earn e shall be asked
of me." The Ate rney-General who
introduced the clause, said his atten
tion had been called to the remalks of
judges on the unsanitary nature of
the practise of kissing • the book, It
was avoided by some people by kiseing
their thumbs and he considered that
it was not necestrary at au.
Life Insurance.
Some idea of the magnitude of Life
Insurance in Canada will be gathered
from the following figures. They show
tbat over $85,000,000 worth of new life
•insurance was taken out last year, and
that the total amount in force was a
good many mitlions.
1, S. S. etruveation at uublirn.,
Farmers' Institute Ileetings
The 11111 annual amen% of the
a Number ot liutf restIrla lielv 'Union Methodist church on March
Ortallei-The'ClOesfloo of 13, The day was all that could
Fairs, be desired, S. b. Convention wets held
hi Auburn though the state of- the
Fairly well attended meeting under roads ineveinted the attendance of
the auspices of the West Huron Far- 1334103* Who bad intended ceasing. elute
met s' Institule were held on FridaY at ing the afternoon and evening seeeions
the Orange Hall, eloderich township, every available spot WAS occupied. The
and on Satnrday at the court house, president, Alex, Young, Carlow, occu.
vied the chair. The musical partof the
program, which contributed so much
to the success of the meeting, was at.
tended to in the forenoon by a union
Stock. Theeneakee enenhasized theirs) village choir, in the afternoon by the
pointe: 13egiu with the right dam ; peel; Westfield choir, and in the evening be
, use an interner sire ; it takes more to heeP the Smith's Hill choir, at"
poor stook than good; start oalf to eat as After the opening exercises, and re -
latas possible; don't feed too heavy; port of the secretary treasurer, the fol-
rootewhOle ' es soon as the young lo-fd
Wing Oeer6 were elected: WIlliana
beast oall eatthem : lieVer let 4 lege the Oarepbele, president; John' Raithlay,
asli &eh ; keep calves in fromthe flies. vice president; John Wilson, Secretary;
Regarding elieep, his experience was that
roots should be fed before lambing, Bran B. B. UMW°, treasurer,
Rev Mr Burnet, after a few remarks,
was a good thing to feed for growth. Now introduced hie subject "The S 8 teed:x-
is the time to buy sheep.
Chas Whitley spoke on the Bemire 3adg. it is essentia. hat we lead an active and'nervou.sness are- often: the '
Goder tch.
At the Orange Hall meeting the first
address was given by Jas • Snell. on
'The Me re gellaen t and Vara of Falln
er at ;Verge e 11 h
ing coarse 9A the Guelph Arioultural •Col- elleerteen-rtui, oje46.4.-..neTerintended__, -lesult_of.hurfied meals.
Indi• gestion
lege• John Sowerby on eReephag Boys on
the itirro," and Wm Indian on "Small scul tor the artist. the ()WM:11Pb;
At the Saturday meaint after the preeis rough and unpoliebed diamond. appar-
"A ricultur 1 F ' ." H 'd • to adorn the crown of an earthly mon- „ JEfferVeSgent
us to be idle; man has some ideal 'the
Fruits." •
vvor accomplishes eirerything; the
dent that a change.in the manit was evi- agement of arch. So the child, ignorant and sin -
fairs is neonatal, though to what extent
dent's address, James al 1011011 epoke oe ently worthless, is, when preparedetit
ful by nature, when guldecl properly to e
whish may be of Solna assistance. The ings. Perha.ps in the wayward boy
the young. With the view of keeping the ened, will prove a blessmg to mankind.
Properties for Sale or to Let Property for Sale.
To Rent
Lot 88, Maitland concession, eoderich Town-
ehip, Apply to OAS. SCOTT, narrieter.
uot U. Minton, Ont.
. Fur So ie -or to Rent.
The resideree pnopertv of D. It Benue. on
Princess St., ()Buten. Apply •ct JAR SCOTT,
Deo. 27-tf. , barester, Canton.
,To Rent,
• First class brick store, suitable for any bud -
miss. Apply to W.0. SEARLE, Clinton,
Farm for Sale.
$9,000 will eu- a ob gee farm of about 120
acres, •siteatrd al uta half mile fro. Clinton,
Geed brick house, zu x 28, and 20 x 20, barna
.10 x 60, and 40 x 50, stone stables uederneath,
silo, windmill. ate-. A. verY titmice location
and excellent farm, for anyone wanting a real T onA
wo good place. Will be so d on easy terms, for
further particulars apply to J. STEVENS.
Jan 9111-3m. Clinton, P. 0.
Leto 10 and 20 Fult 1 street, Clipton, on on*
Is situated a triune cottage 262{30 containing five 1
roma, einem r ItItehen and. largo woctishedi .
small fruits, heri and soft wee". For sato ea I
easYt /pplyon Premigee
Mar. 14-M. GEroO.STEWART. 1
For Sale.
Lot 104. Victoria, Street, Olinton, with, frame
cottage containing sevou rooms; hard and soft I
water, mall stable; eve quarter acre of land,
bearing fruit, trees. Apply to R1DOUT3iFIALE, I
Mar 24-tf
Shorthorns for Sale.
Property for Sale.
Cottage and two lots ter sale on King St.,
Clinton, Cottage contaius five rooles, 0101110.1
pantry, cellar and summer kitchen; hard and.
soft water, a number of elunt and pear treett.-
'Will be sold obese, amity to R. 3446.LEOD,
Mardi 7-tf. Clinton
A.rgiatar,lboliettort fro.,
Or/ice-Elliott Block, Isaac Streeti
RONEY No leteN,
()cove- Reimer Block,
'Up attire Opposite Peuryei Photo Gallery
coreverearecaens, 003134ISSIONER 0,
Real Estate and Ineuranoe Agency
Nione to Soap.
-- - Barrister SolioitorSotary and Conveyazo e
• , even eon aud the other
nineteenths old, from good milking cows' also Office -Opposite Colborne Hotel
it two year mil heifer in calf; . go d stook and
good breedirig. q ED. H. WISE
Balsam Grove Stook Flinn,
Mar. 14-tf. Clinton, P. O. Me Gm CAMERON
be. To Let!
is debatable. The .Provinoial Fairs As- a higher and better life, will bve and
sedation is getting out a model prize list pe adorn the crown of the King of
fair should be made tt ti f
more a rao ve or there is a latent power, which, if awak-
boys on the farm, every opportunity Order method, alid punctual attend.
sho ld b • •
better to be a good farmer than a mediocre Teacher should stand, and so have
Professional man. The fair should be each pupil under her eye; review pre -
made educational. The so-oalled espeidal vious lesson and connecting tinker die-
ance should always be insisted upon.
features should he abandoned. A great care all beeps, use •only the Bible. Al -
deal of interest might be aroused by a ways have in view the • object of all
. New Business Insurance hi competition between school seotions on teaching -the conversion of each ipupil
Ziame of Company.
. _ . .
British. Empire....
Canada Life
Continental Life
Great West
Home Life
London & Lanca-
Metropolitan... . • .
Mutual Life Canada
Mutual of NewYork
.0" North American
Peoples .....
Soya Victoria. . .
Sun Life
- • • -•--Travellers . ...
Union Mutual
United States .. . .. ,
be enade . to interest. the• This the d elass, like some clocks are too
Issued and force in •
Taken in Canada Dec81. such obits as *hebeat-kept grounds, 1, In the afternoon Rev J. S. Henderson
Canada in
1901 ago',
. tections of grains properly. labeled, col- .addressed a masa meeting of children.
leotions of beneficial and 'filmdom; inmate We all want to do stemeibinie; 'he rid-
, . 00 „ 10 00 somethuog in the spring to interest them' .unto the Lord. Jesus is always inter -
4 212,540 00 71,908,788 22
properly classified, eto. Give the children vised them to do all tei h t'l
249,661 00 6,271.181 40 untie the time of the fall fairs. There ested in boys and girls, and whilst here
'mom oo ammo 00 should be an organized, systematic form of on earth need illustrations in address-
eenew oo 52,886,117 00 book-keeping. Suggeations were made ing the people. The farmer, after tills
1,019,500 00 2.104,666 00 that the seed fair might be incorporated ing and sowiug, was disappointed if
841 WO 00 4,427,124 00
1,084,878 50 4,422,282 65 in the fall fairand that the poultry amide- he had no crop; so if we fail to glorify
2,281,710 50 18,058,777 61 tion and the fall fair might so operate God, cur life will be a failure. - We
3,224,505 00 111,415 599 00
620,174 00 2,561,196 CO .•
The Farmers' Institute might take up have bright examples in the Word of
8,116,500 00 11.286,700 00 mese mattere. An6ther improvement God-Samtiel: in the Old Testament,
1,618,105 00 6,489,058 00 might be in the employment of expert in th N Tt tO •
1,037,25590 9204,455 00
8,669 049:00 24,584,204 00 the reasons for theirawarde. • Some people of splendid ability and
3udges, who iniglit give lectures and state little lad with five loaves and fishes.
17,681.942_00 23,661,629 00 In the dismission on this subject, it was glorious opplart unities, yet doing noth
8,727,452 re semen 58 suggested that ladies could be appointed ing for Christ, are like a clock perfect
4,200,000 00 25.450,000 00
1,400,755 00 2,480,745 00 -
as heads of departments. The question in eeery respect but lacking hands; no
3,833,402 00 26,678,752 00 was asked. How have the cbildren time finger pointing to Christ. If you bee
1,010,570 00 1.552,067 09
1.069,405 00 2,702 456 00 teachers now contrlain that they have not • 1 • f • Ch ' t' t d s'
1,267,500 00 2,769,870 00 to make these collectiOns spoken of when • lieye in Christ, confess him. Some
peop e. pro ening ris tans, ye cing
1.723,766 07 21,401,726 00 enough time for the various studies. The nothing,. lacking conseeratettlife
4,201 647 85 528.867 IQ, ehildren are.. being -forced -too -mode:. ,the-servi.ce- of Christeare like a 6106E:
I6,s22,682 00 114,691,241 00. little recreation should be encouraged.
96860)00 6,283,129 40 J. Kernieban thought an effort should. with works,. hands and face apparently
813 000 00 1 644 740 00 ^ oOM lete
p ,-butno movement. The
mi e one by lo erin the admission ut are better than tht3 former
• w slow, b
PasiVotes on Prohibition, .fee and doobling.the attendance, H. 'Mor- two; the fourth class were like the
ris agreed with Me Rernighan'aeviews. clocks thee looked right' aiid worked
Votes polled in the Ontatio general Marqeis said that whet the farmee right; everything in perfect heimony.
elections, November 1000,328,083,
Vetes polled for prohibition in On-
tario plebiscite for 1894,492:480.
Votes polled a;eainst prohi bid on in
same plebiscite, 110,720.
Votes polled for prohibition. in • On-
tario in Do'minion preciscits of 1898
(570784 on list), 154,499. .
Votes polled ligainet prehibition in
Oat:nisi in same pletdscite, 115,275..
Decline of prohibition vote ie 1898
from 1894, 37,990. , •
Increase in anti -pi enibition Tote in
1898 front 1894, 4,555..
Necesssry car r ye prohibition if
same vote is polled as was cast in 1900; .
• or 0 days she would make 060 per year. the Bible, as to ite history, canons,
Vitte,i of women cast in 18versio
94, Who It is quite possible tahaye dews that pro- inspiration, genuineness., credibility,
cannot vote in Oetober, 14,000: throe this amount. •
• . G leaitheraite thought that for one who d 1 11
213 042.
from *he
got rom e Goderich fair was not always Bo Christ'should be the mainspring •of •
helpful, He 'Advocated the • adoption, of all our actions, regulated by the Word
seed fairs and spring fairs and the vont- • of God, with tbe peace of and in our•
bination of the several aesodations: "In beetle. • •
unity there is strength." , J: A. Ti,,,.. 'B. A., Provincial Sec
Mrs Rifted gave an • addiess on 'The retaiy, illuetrated the lead:ring of a
Women's Institute," and airs C. Came: nornial class; the teacher must have a
bell spoke on "Household Room:mime' F. right knowledge of the Bible, isqually
C. Elford • •
Chickens for the• Home and Foreign 'tile great ainl a the •teacher was te
,The Gametal Purpose 'Crow" was the Book, and •throtigh it to the Author of
dav for the general purptSse cow Itad not able to give some knowledge of the
gave.an address on "Fattening • Or more so a 'knowledge of the child;
Markets." • bring the child to knowletlge of the
subject of an address by It. Young. The the Buok-God. The teacher must be
:passed though the teem had • Wien into Bile es a whole -its 'structure, books,
disrepute, The oow mud be wen 'T-hdwriters ment eo • grab
Y, fair -size, kind, and give at least 6,000 tory and doctrii3nes eotettrith YeXter-
pounds of milk. At eight .quarts per day • nal and internal e ;deice, • respect t
. e . as a body,
. Parliamentary Letter.... •
_ At themeeting of tht Public Accounts..
r2rittee the other day, an amusing
Thing came out that ee.eeeed the hot-
tom away from what the Oppose._
'thought was "a mare's nest." Irivesti-*
gating the purchase of ties for the L.:
.tereolonial, they came acrese cese
-where one mail he d tippliCd an . urs
usually large quantity. -.Here wee Scandalsuresure Some friend of the
. Government hadevidently been reward-.
ed, and the -Opposition members ensiled
at their supposed diseovery. -But -it
tinned to a very sickly smile, ard their
faces lengthened pr eceptibly when It
member of the committee showed- that
the purcbase was from a Conservative
member of the Local house. The fact
that theseller was a Conservative made
.41 the difference in (be 'world.
. .
. . . .
had occasion the other day to re-
commend a man -to the fovoridde don-
sideratiotetif one of the Ministerselho,
it may be remitted, is notes total.
stainer, and yet i$ not a drinking man
as the term. Is generally understood,
e asked nib if the rnan drank or was
o od character. I told that the man
-did n ink,stefar as I knew,atcl gave
him a goodeohineacter. Bringing his
fist down vigoroutly.on he des it he
said "Holmes, I don't care how good a -
Grit &Alan is, sobong as lam ofiice
rn. never appoint a man whodrinks to
any position in the service, be-
muse so finer or later- heel get, us int g
trouble." Though the remaik baa no
relation to the man whose claims I WW1
pressing. I told the Minietar I admired
hisetand, as the position was unwell.'
able. It also shows the growth of opin-
ion along a certain line.
t. .
•eD •
When there are no "set" subjects for
the enterprising correspondents to
Write a.bout, they fall back upon "there
are rumors of cabinet changes," and
With that, beautiful inventive faculty
that seems second nature te the aver-
age newspaper man, they at once
proved to reconstruct the Cabinet. It
18 80 easy to do this. Instead hnst-
ling for news they can sit at a desk,and
from a fertileiniagination form se dozen
*Cabinet s, if needed. And it is measur.
ably safe, because no one will bothrt. to
t: officially contradict these • yarn. The
littlest one le to the effect a "Sir
'Richard Cartwright is like'y eave
thecabinet." Well, he may be likely to
some day, but there's no more imbed
late likelihodd than there has been for
years. The Opposition would be glad
to see him leave, but the Government
members who respect him very highly
Indeed, and appreciate him for his
r e s one of
the soutces of strength to the party,
said are not losing sleep °vett thy-- tn.-
d d
n S9U ; a 41.,.. must be cared
sold milk the general purpose cow ,was not for and traieed, •
r. I ord gave an able address on
Profitable. • • • D G.ff •
H. -.orrie thought farmers must breed 'the convertion ef children, God had a
. p inae, even n the destroceon of
.71 Eandsome Menu eard. those nations who fergoe bim. Two
either for milk and blotter or for beef. 11 •
. parpoeeen his. domes, never mere
at tit` lit
stimulates and tonesthe digest-
ive organs ena.bling the stomach
• to digest perfectly.
Those who suffer will find
Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective
of all stoma.ch disorder. Dys-
pepsia cannot be cured by doc-'
taring the effect. Abbeys Salt
removes the causes by enabling
. the stomach to do its work pro-
perly.e-n mild laxative,
A.t all druggists.
Crisp County Clippings
The fine 100 acre farm of Donald
Cretin-, con 9, Grey,hits been purchased
by Robt Hoover, of Westfield, for
Miss L. J. McLaughlin, of Grey, has
left for Yorkton, .Assa,, where she has
secured a school at a salaryof 050 a
month. - •
' The dam et Wroxeter, which has
stood many a freshet during its exist-
ence of 30 years,gave away Wednesday
weeks •
Mr Rivers,who eecently retired from
the firm of Shepherd & Revers. in Ex-
eter, has bought Mr Kernickes farm!.
Thames Road, near Exeter.-
le -T. -Halls,: son of Mrs Jae • Halls, of
Exeter, has sole out his boot and shoe
• stock in Gdderich, which he. has con-
ducted there -for the poet tWo years to
Mr E. Downing; of Goderich. Mr Halls
wilicotitinue on with Mr Dewning.
W.. S, Talbott has purchased, the
stock Of Vern Levit, �f- "Levitt Fair."
Exetere and has taken possession, Mr
Leyitt having recently purchased the
Greed Bend Park,will direct his atten-
tion to her management., .
R. Proctor, of Morriseand Miss Mar-
garet A. McMurray were :married at
the residence of the brideer ..parents in
Morris -on Thursday evening Of last
week: The 'ceremony was performed
bythe Rev G. McQuillan in the. pres-
encene 100 gueste. • • "
Jessie McIntosh telict re the late E.
J. McArthur, can 9, GI ey, pat -sed away
on Tuesdey week Decetieed wee. liorn
in lengarry Co, 0 and WAS united
in marriage 81 years attn. He hesband
predeceased -her in 1890., She leaves
ene son three daughters au& a mece
iwho has been one of the family) ate
. .
formerly ot Chonerou, Holt & Cameron
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block,
Huron Street, late1y. occupied by C. Witte. Ap-
• - THOS.; jAOICSON, Sr '
Sept. 6-11 Clinton
For Sale.
North hat of Lit 26 cm fifth con., township of
igolile".41171,10%learYtgliaotra PI= drained.
Miles from Clinton, addregs or see ereonally
Mr. MEGAW, owner, iseaforth, or James
AhORIBALD, horse dealer, Soaforth.
Jan 24.•-tf.
Cottage to Rent.
• A comfoitable and roomy cottage on Ina°
street, lately °eon led by Mr Geo. Orion is
• offered to rent._ T e quarter acre.v0a?ant loyt
adjoining will be gold ou. easy tim Ariel
to -MRS ADD, Mary Si
Cot. 4--tt •
The west half of lot ,24, Hayfield Con . God.
erich township containing 100 aortal c gootl
land, is offeredifor.sale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water Auld emall
orchard. Particulars on application to •
tf-- .7, P. IIISDALL,Olintun'
-House and Lot .for Sale
Farm For Sale.
' •
G oderich
_For sale or torent, 97 acreamore or less. oon-
sisting of parts of lots 19 and 20 2nd cqn., Hul-
let, 11 miles from Clinton; the' very best Bell,
good house, end splendid bank -barn, James
Tremeer owner. For further partioulars apply,
to MISS WASHINGTON, Rattenbury St ,
Clinton. • , • • , March 21-2,
For Aeryice:
The undersigned will keep for service this
season the American registered Hereford bull
"Kruger" No 106,981. Terms g1.25 payable Jan,
1903. Also young Hereford stook for sale at
any time.
E. EARNHA111,Lot 11, Con, 9, Hullett-
March 21-6..
• Ice Ire. .
As have aken orer the large ice house
from Wm. Wheatley, on Huron street, Ism
prepared to take orders to furnish good, clean
Pure lee to all customers during the coming
summer, ..&11 orders will be promptly attended
, to. H. DA.VIS,Clinton.
• Feb 14-tf. •
A. small lot, 66 It frontage, and comfortable
frame house, with woodshed attached, on
Willia,ni street, near Show Ground. Will be
aold cheap. Apply to W. BRYDONE, barrister,
or T. R. FOSW.1% Tara.
For Sale or to Rent.
• -
. Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley,. containing 100 acres
in. good state of cultivation fonsalk or- ,to,rent..
for term of years. aPPIY to MO. MeGHEGOR,
on eternises or MRS D. MeGREGOR,2 cont,H,
R. S .Tuokersmith, Se..fortla p. •
Feb.. 7-11,
. •
Owe Farm for Sale.'
to • . - • •
house,20228and 20x20,barne 40s60and4040,atone
stables underneath, silo, windmill, etc. A
very choice location and excellent farm, for
any on e•wanting real. good place. Will be
sold on easy terms. For further particulars,
apply at J. STEVENS, Clinton P. 0.,
Llinton 'Jan .9th -3m •
• • For Sale or to Rent..
I inure nceA gent,
Canada Life Assurance Co ,
Fire, 0_, cell:el:es Aeoldent. 1Plate Glass
Office 1 J. P. Tisdall's Bank, Clanton.
The Road
..-' 0,,
. t� Success
„, ,,
Is -easy r kr
t I.2
'who are equipped
.e. •
ft forthe _propertran-
sactionofbusinessaffaits. Those
who get their education where
attention is givento detail sand
simple naetbods will have the
advantage of others. We have i
information for you. if you
are interested.
Forest City Busi-
ing l_ondon, Ont.
.V.he oboice brick house on the corner of Fut. __
totTand Joseph streets, belonging to the estate ness Cotiege,Y.111.C.A. Build..
of the late Pilchard Heywood, is offered either
for tale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new house with
• an conyeefencel, and three -tenths of an acre • W. J. Westervelt, Principal.
of land. It the property is not Bold or rented, •
part, of it, will he rented. Arly to •
W.- H. Kerr, of 'Brussels, made appli-
cation to Hon John, Dierden,• minister
of agriculture, to have an experiment el•
plot &tor near Brussels, for testing the
growth Df the sugar beet. Mr Dryden's
affirinative reply has been received and
Itnhaeo'nee.cesaary ,arrangements are being
In ' EXetereelthir sotee-of- Ell-
einell, has purchesed thefiwelling (awn.;
ece by. Dr Lutz, reCeritly vacated by W.
14. Moucue. David Wy rin, of Ushorne„
bite taken Positeseion this week of the
brick dwelling ;me Caeling Sr., he re-
eently purchased from date Goole,
:The news of the death of Miss Letitia
Dreany at leinlough, on Tueado,y after-
noon, inat, wee iestined by her
many hiende of Lucknew ith feelings
of deep regret. She taught school in
Lucknow for tate years; and -waft lately
. C. y .
employed She waj
a victim of consumption and ended her.
height career in -:-the 2/3th year Of her
age, ••
add., Eketer, committed
" T
suicide on Sunda.y..netereing by putting.
his throat with sickle. He was still
eliee ween touildby his wife, and re•
gained consciousnesseiefore he expired.
He had, fits of despondency for dome
weeksepast, and it was in one of These
spells that he ut an end to his exist-
ence, He leaves, besides ,the bereaved
widow; one son and three: daughters;
His age was 56 years and 0 menthe.
• . _
A Pretty wedding Wig' cerebrated -at
the residence of Mennd Mrs °Jacques,
2nd con., of Rcevick, on the 120i
when their .estiniable daughter,: Miss
Libbie, WW1 united in marriage to Robt
McIntosh, a popular and ptosperous"
young -farmer of Moiesworth. The.
ceremony was performed by Rev J.
Hamilton, of Palmerstob,
• On lelarcb 14.h , Sarah Ann Pike, be-
loved wife of Geo Hill, passed away at
he age of 66 Years and 3 rnonthe. De-
ceased Was the youngest daughter of
Robt Pike, late of Whiteetor parish,
near Devon, England. She *rune to
Canada in 1872, and resided w ,th her
brtither, at ThOroldeWelland Coe for
one year, when she afterwards married
to her now bereaved husband, and
came to,Eitetee to live. She leaves a
husband, three eons, one brother and
one 6100. to bobtail
On Fridey week Abe Bagshaw was
greatly taken by surprise, when about,
forty of his intimate friends gathered
riOlate home in Berner, for the purpose
f their t on the
sion of the departure of himself and
family ft om town, and presented him
with &Bible, accompanied by an ad.
dress. Mr Bagshaw has conducted a
bakery' and confectionery in Exeter for
t...nrimber of years, will .movewith
amily on mammy next to home -
field, Men.
The 'Wirth convention of the tio• -•
don Conference Epwcirth League held
In Loudon lea week was One Of the
host eonventIons of the kind. The •
officers elected are testion. Prete, 'Rev
Jae Livingetone. Windsor -4.0m, W.
11, Item 13i Imola ltit vice., klise A.
Witch, Gerrie 4 grid vice, Rev 0. N.
flezeti;'-f4arnia Ord *lee; Rey VV
Kriotirlee; Crediton 4th vice, Mike M.
Minigeove, St Thomas t. 5th *ico, Atha
0 Norton, Orwell; Rear, Rev J. W.
Baird, Glencoe treas., Miee Nieh.
°limn, 13. Strathroy 4. representa-
tive to general board, Bee B. D4liern-
ilton, London,
_ •
• W. COATS • xecutor Clinton.
I.„.. • . : FOR.SALE . . .. ., .-
. . ----
,The freinecottage on Orange 'street, owe- -
pied by the Undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The 101 19 of an acre, wrth
hard and soft water-, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The 1 cruse contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room, summer hitcher), cellar' and woodehee,
is centrally located, possession given any time
to suit Purchaser. ELIZABETB.GRAHAM 1.1
Jt lea noticeable- fact -that the (fide men in His ,Own. 7iMiaffe, ande cern., '•
ing ear department of the Grand mend to Occupy the earth. Tbe idea
Trnnk ReilWa,e Systetu je second to of a state and an agency; we find the
.none On the American continentv and seine in the New Testament -holiness
hew 1111ProVPM'ittii arid Modern Woe- alit,: lend. diligence in service. Jesus
%%firms are continually being made. came to renew the position which man
The Cafe•Paelor cars Which have been had lost by the fall; ttio mil -nand to.
fubping nearly all Of the divisions the,disciplee go and prestehl moth.
of this great system are constant _ ete; come unto Me, and restt But tVe -
source.. et praise from the travelling flnd conditione unfavoittble; enan hate
public. The conipenfeeentlet lOrie the image -he enits created ine to
used on all of t he diningocar and -train children in the way t hey sbeuld
. olive! mon is- a inning aroun . The
altered the style of the menu cards restore conditions there are two ways
Real Estate for Sale.
. O.
cafe parlor ears, and Iniv'e otten up go and sinners beceming converted,
• ,
a handsome11 of fare
that appeale-ro the. artistic sense, first mode is preferable, bat if that has. .
etock used is what else known • as been neglected there • is alWays the
Old English Ruskin Hristol of tine other. chance, 'Tact necessary, You
tercet -ire and nalstrey in color. The; must tread the nand* WO. Valfeelf
Peeve' at thetolfleft heeled corner sur- Food is essential Ito growth. Obrist
Gr T '• • f
andTrunk trade matk 111 blaele ap he ore you can paint it out toeotheree
eoup4ed by a neat !Combination of said "Feed My lambs. •
scroll work of Italian renaissance *dee, Miss Fotheringhati gave' . octet -
Mob, printed( in gold and embeiseed lent Deper on leaching,' She eteted
in high relief. The name -of. the meel 'that she had most experience lb teach -
is alse, embossed in high ielief, and - ing boys- petite the best time to make
the tout ensemble is a pleasing and a lasting impression; the best teachers
artistic combination, The Wine lists shoiild be in charge of the junior
ba,ve the same design At tOP. and are closes. The teacher met have a
gut an olivette color foe distinction. • ef the ch ld, to train his soul for im-
rinted on the same quality of card, knowlechfe of the we yeeetifieriebilttr-
, • mortality, and to show up si ri• and- i
The girl is mother of She woman just eta . consequences, and to teach. the. lot% ,of
period when the womanly funotione begin Son to suffer and die that we might
ered. Irregularity or flerangement at this tO first tram the child; her failure to
",Me boy is the father of the man." The therather in sending Hie only begotten
is one to be carefully watched and consid- live. The mother 55 the proper erson
time may be promptly met and cured by do thiemakes the teacher's taskauost
the the of Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription diffieult. Turn the mischievous mind
But neglected at this •otitical period may in the right direction. What we are,
entail years of fnture suffering, Fieorite - not what we say, makes the meet in -
Prescription ads directly npon the woman- pression. .
ly mans giving them perfeot vigor and Rev Mr Dunlop presented the Claims
abundant vitality. It remoyee the obstruce of Truth" fat an able manner. He that '
Moine to health and happiness, and delivers is of God hears God's word -the truth
wonarinhood from the cruel bondage of fe. °Inlet says "I am the, truth and. the
?Male wg,eeknelse. It.ou pay the postage, Dr life," "If ye believe, ye shall know the
The eop e's Truth claims est 10 ace n our
Common SenseMedioal Adviser,1008 pages, hearts-gnoline your heart and come
700 elustratione, is sent free on receipt of unto me." It must not only be heard,
stamp SO defray cost of mailing and owe •but attention must be given to the
toms. Send 31 one -stamps for the paper invitation -I stared at the door and
betted book, or 50 stamps far cloth bound. kifeck, if any Mad hear, let him open
AddressIt Mere°, .duffalo, N. T. unto Me: .he that hathan eae, let, him.
bete; it is a faithful saying Unit Christ
ottn e story. . and Judge Hodgson in regar to Mr eelves Wit Our, fellow men have also it
Perfect in MI Points
D Deluca an Italian was danger- mime Into the ,World to sieve sinners.
(ay shot in a row at Stiult Ste. Marie, 'now grand truths should be taus II
on Sondey week.
we aye an ear to hear and a heart to
receive, therefore we are bound to
My delighted has untanned so much filet
roe wouldj scarcely know her-Milletel
Compound lr.on Pills did it. Sold by all 'carry out the truth,asChrist has shown
Ale the example The Peal id loved
A deadlock hasbeen—re-ach-edhetween ed on it:. Sears loved the truth. The
the Prince Edward Islaxd L (stature truths not ortiv have a claim It on our-
. obey it and ad the will of God, and
rugg tliton. - the law, not only loved it but Meditat-
. •
1, Vita's', Itiotardson & Coll. "Improved
Butter Color never turns butter to A teedo
brIcky tinge. It givee the true end
• -* • giditorldell JanO *la ihat ahveye main
eatirted in hot and cold weenier, It doss not
*dine the butter, color the butterroilk, and •
• . hes ect offensive smell like other colors,
Riohardion &Co's nimproved But.
eel Coldr" teiver becomea reboid, Attie or
sour, 11 1* the only perfect color for mak-
14g perfeob butter, At ell druggists tied
onerod dealers
Idc.Kinnon election. ' claim upon us. Otte families, our neigh.
I need to be Continuelly geed, new am berg, our neighborhood as one•-gteat
strong end well-Miler'S compound trod family require, that IWO. ShOlild dor
Pills did it. Sold by all ditggiste, Cliotob utmost to itierainb them With the
bet Tho re rt from heeveti MOM- •
• The lindy of Mrs McPherson, WhO plishee the purpote intended that it
wandered away from het, home on the should. The same with God's:word. VI
ht. I LI) mud be heard, loved, Obeyed, Cherished
snowdrift in the northern part of Wits in bur heat ts and practised In °lir lives,
nipeg. The evening session was taken by ad -
top the eetinh • dresses. Dr 0iftord spoke on"Elements
sad Works elf tho d101d of. Success," Mr *Mason on "Organized
Laxative ilrooto.WInine Tablets ettre A son orPrElements of power in the Chan.
°Old m one dee, No Clare, No Pay flan sergeee.r
elabhath School," and Rev / aender.
froin April Ise, continues into our'
Special Summer Session
throng's July and August in all
Departmentsofonr eplendid school, The'
Central Rusiness•C011eve
The parcel of ground adjoining St. Paul's
Rectorvreonsieting lot.218,-Rattenhury St,
-and-lot 262A.- Princess Nt.., is offered for sale.
Each lot is about. 80 by 132 feet. Together they
make an exceptionally gee site for a first-olase
resideiloe. Apply to Wm. 9, Phillips or 0,0.
Rance, c hurolr Wardens, Clinton.
August 16-tf. . • • • , • • '
. . . .
• 1 For Sale. • •
"'here areno vocations and members
may enter atany time and continue
for any desired term. A dozen tea -
ahem, Aighty Typewriting Machines
and a daily roll mill of 368 members!
this month indicate the character and
pn snots of our college. '
• le ling rnAr •"•-m In to prepare for
cellar unde.rneath,.. al so hard and soft water,
tario.street, ematainfog 9 rooms With entire • •. .
quarter of an acre of Tali& tend- .a:good num-,
A flee story:and alialt frame house on ' On, • ,
,.„.._‘' Yunue.AGerrards.ti Tor:onto
W 11! hate, p-rincipnl. - •
°life rtboaf phieaeutttii4utleanhdaDdrentreeifpestiissittruaeetteadinonviionne_ , a , 00.0444.0.0.0..,...............4.4•• g- - - -o-
r i
stretttel Will liie f4.331d r later littagrRtuty or
PAliseou Porr9 apply to extension fable, Ride
board, Cutter and several smaller articles.
Oct. 11-1f. ' Clinton, Ont ag - i'e c d '11••
, - • .
• " arm For -Sale.
. • , goo() eituatith t. A ppty
. Lot. 12, Hayfield con., Godericii tp., 118 acres
. 41 ... . . •
tili5elearedbalance hardwdod,with a larqe ctn., • • . E .7," n;.' i 0 1 1 n • .
ag,i1A•laarciTglftiMgceV,And!gLi=v1't ,.'16 • - • fl -, tii.. n egs . • -
lowih done. Comfortable brick house .:,. go .1' . . -4-,,. o 1 . eve . .
. .' . -. ...
. . ti6.7wriieleia.wtiai.dr,..i.:ii.,7,,..,:........ i,,,d,..
. .... . . • • ...,
').• beet gq frr .1 Business and Shoethand•
other outbuildirnis; • about 2 ocre• 4. 14.41t ' ..
:Or: 1; wt hi g:taebri irnr :
ing spring oreek,and two we , • •e• ..) ,... . - • ...
, .„ . . .
. e noe in ion ra ee,
. .
ee-ee in ten -iii R d d t 't" rat
Clintoil and threeftom .4.1 held. 1)-- ,- , . , .
sloe at anytime, reasoxiel-i .. : Ton. ..., ; y toy • ,e•,ritealL....r..2_arding our ocueees ef . study,
further particulate to (ift^.7., • h)11•101.1... •• ., ..... ••••, i • pfeepecte of securing situations for
David. sf., Goderich. • '
Oftleir-llarailton St opposite ocaborne Hone •
Office -Corner Hamilton fit. andthe &pay .;
3. T. Gamow, Q. 0. Ones, Gennovr.L,L,
sAnaiareee, sozzorrons, sortaize Panne
Office: North Nt., next door toSignal 0111e•
- Private Funds to lehd at lowest rates
of interest.
ev.netotneveroT. rt.0."etAYS.
• Or
WM. GUNN. :M.D.;
• 1, B. C. P. ve 0. Edinburgb;
Office--Ontario•Street, Clinton. Night eel)
at front door el office or residenoe. Rat te
bury Street.
. DR. J. W. SHAW.
, Ascouchet eto., office aud reaidenoe 0 '
tad° St., oppoeite lInglieb church, formerly 0 .
envied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont,,
Licentiate of the RoyaelCollege of Phypioi as
, London, England.
'Office and Residence- •
' • pal/IRE/PSI moot. ro stairs. •
•-• ...----RbYsician, Surgeon; Etc,- • •-• • .• •
tual attention•given to diteases of thel .
. Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. •
• • Office and Residence- .. •
Albert Street,2 Sleeks Norther Batten:1h ury
• 1
, ...
(Successor to:Dr. T. Bruce
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work
L. S. --Graduate Royal 0:01I:f: Dental Sur- • •
D. D. S.--eritsttfoltteigialoTr*gradu'ate of Pen-
taiDepartment of Teroetto tivnizersitY-
Ottlegrentettgii.°n•V?rlild vis°10Mgeltd °osier
over W Taylor •lit Son's shoe store:
DRS. AG hi Elftt & • BILLINGS
Office adjoining Photo Studio,
Office Hours -9 to 6 every day an .
Saturday until 10 p. Blanch offices.
in Manchester Pungannon, Blyth and
Hayfield. e
• Veteringrv• •
4 Member .of the VeterinaryMedical A ifinicia -
tions of London end Edinburgh, antteradu-
ate of the .Ontario VeterineryCollerte,
Office open night and day, miposite ,
Pael's chureh, Ontario Street, Clinton, Ont. •
gug ARRIA.GE Lloniesits.issuedliy . the ,nff•
derdgeed his.Residence,- Mary street t '
(Milton. .
• • JAM ES St OTT, SRI '.
o '17 neeses required
- Organist and\ Mesteal Director ot North.
-St - -
P1211-0, l'91111.001ii 8Igiefti FAR;
:h.,k1111E1 d meter , -
pared to take a limited atmber of Pupifs'i n
the above For terms apply this office or to
MR CAMP.BELL,may be seen from 1114. M. tO '
2' p.m., at. the Clarendon Pfotel, Clinton, .
Friday of each week.- ,
• . , •
'i' 1NSURCE.5
. • .
Like7 eccident Plate Elea :
Oreme mateeter Braex, GUSTO "
' JOHN W.,. YE0
, •
Agent for the .MAivoniterelt IMO Asst./Wren
-0.o,niMancliester, England, whose futffii and
security are rated at $14,500,000. Also the Keg
' . 1.1 i, . A e Bontfree. Address
. .4"*i-a'
• • J. B. MeICAY,(lurchPI :, . fn. .l.
• Dept Ho" Confederation Life Bldg.
.. ...
-- . •
T0110140 • Ont.
The prburySt.Opertg at pre•ent loi•own i.g l'. e a' tee- : •
choice, will sitwited quartet 1 c relet ",vitn - ,. ..
large brick imildieg, and larg. trarne in:dition
as thornier church is ready for nem., :on. The •
be adapted to a variety of purposes, and is ,a
thereou 1.8 °norm for sale ... poem, e .1 o• as hows
three comfortable dwelling holies, or might , 4,40,
building could easily be converted into two Or
'L/STOWEZ .,#/'
Atable investment. . •/ <foe /,,/
qua° to any one deiiiring to inake a good pre- '
Offers are solicited for the building trid-titti!
caldetglattileealk=uceiltiedatiirrutritibtdi nag • hioen 0; ' .
and for its oontents,-shelving, railing, stoves, .
double windows.,
ictfillstnriirile,t.:okil.ficuliiirlinhilifilt flai.eterrsouaglireaallar pa be:MO-U(371P! rC.°ElUer‘ristl: °ffe'elitriednalrr
e used in 'other churches, Schools, halls, preserve°A Journal 0 see what we teaohi Students
other buildings. The pews are well
from the Undermentioned persons, Offers ,
yaoanires.of Tteenirahmaneignsgrubteeinnaliki0tis01 vet 1eryrya -f0tvs . 00Mt.uaAdyy,e.rntteouroe.mratiniabinectryo:stiimane,Ad .&, L'
WAnajnytitin. formation desired may be obtained
received, hy the eliairman, up fob P. m. eri
OwenPr8eosuidnedn.6... Secretery
Jan. 18, 1002. •
.„ W. R. LOUGH
.. R. nouns, Chairman. , CJI.II.1 111011". '
Fkree Scholarship lilt rgiltarebul e
1 e
VelmaNve°rIftityla, Svirhitlint'Me atlgir il uaitint 11 eCrrIttliatii°7 m6vr illfrnol0
ton 1 USICS911 or Agricultural College, -----,--.....---,-.--)....vcro-ii.,,,---,Ii........ws -.....:,.......,
seholarship plan. Write to -day.
Mar. 14 -tf LEV. T. S, L1NSCOTT, Toront0 ,
-- -- ".----
Industrious Students pay jT ex.
NUE Co, All classes o •
farm risks nnd town property taken at
owest rates. 15irSO"O111111 1.101M Compaeles
Oleo reprelnetod. Money to be bad from 4i pe
cent up, &coo -ulna to nature of oecnrity,--,
Daily mail to Hohnesville postal earn wit •
fetch him . .
Dr.Bildahey's Heave
ror bctagelirr
noiesss •
Cures Heaves, Monte Cough, and all 9
"•"'esiee etre
niahclrij b
animal sound in vend ana neonate nis oewliA Price, ol
Dr.litcOalley's Kidney its Cough Pawdera
foran Acute Affectione of the throat arid longs, ouches
Distemper, do, For swelling and stocking OE U30 legs.
the result of hied driving. Kidney Trouble, eta, one
nose will relieve, end one box will Cure:. Price, 50c.
'''"141It Dile Medellin* PASIDIGIINIE ON •
uometvine. Ont.
Ivor sale by It B Oombesarootist, 0111
EAR)..p,14..AsatiFty- rtOPERTY
oinetteHis t
The purchaser of a monument •
"It"' off. Voorn rhoquairte,
and workmanshie is mime:him/
ithould have complete confidence
444 Great Engtiodu, ill the reliebility of the firm, tram
Sold and reetremended by all ,,,. which be taupe for the material •
very few bu3 ors are familiar with. ,
drugging; in Canada, Only relf.
If eon do :tot know us, please in.
able raedieitie dieeevered. 8f2
quire ebott opr reliability nom
ofbearlob°17etiIiIi08:5poSeinn:111:440tAllerliffiatkittralt: Il;gt4:411'itexPs4 .4/1Willejatelrlt ti:tceeeNecoasir:r Tia71°:t
. tlitteoeoeh
Weed cum Penn:411M' tree to tiny editing& ,
The Wood Oorriptinee Windsor' Onto
I. 117.
I Hoover, Prolirietor
tiline 1,,Ilflo 1 1 hatli.inten V ,
Wwatehttl:'Dts ruPithrie itt,lf sh: low
It leReekle..7 E Itovey,Jau comini lulu .6"
10.4n. ney:91,6nikeceolly"-:treatt:ri.a.'etlieet‘i:rtlithi'ateeP0.
Prolate% Viols- roiddellt Hreeefleld P._04 To. '
Breadfoot,Inspeetor of Lessee, Seaferth P.O.
W. G. broadtail% tietiforiti; YOU (V Grieve ,
Winthrop 13. 0.' Dab', tleatattlit„ „JOWL
Dlib/n; Jaw. Etestlif_. fletehaned
Both.highfiteliNiiit John 16. Oit; TxliftipMpergi Freer
C7Ottb4014;:antlittt4Ittli, I:arleekc; nobt'. Melnik" Shag
teeth; Santee OtleaMing, kgranettrille ; J. W.
060edif1lt,01104.00Orge Mrffdleaild oJrffl
Next to Commercial note!