The Clinton New Era, 1902-03-28, Page 10 ' • - • , 4gamptippetipoimwomtmloupoit Kindly see that subscription is promptly renewed, goantrritrair, 7 - Speaking of Tile Glasses furnished by Pleasure P. B. Crews, After a scientific ex- amination of the eyes, give a I) ost enjoyable sense ofpleasure after the old fitting ones which wore. • . . 'Ills is the verdict ot all :who patronize . la cently visting Stanley relatives. Mr building o the bride this present P. B, CREWS,' Alex Welsh who has heeri sornevvhat &aeon. The decision should meet with . underlie( -ssaather for a few days we general approval, fm the bridge is much ZiExpert Jeweler and . are please.' to state is convalescent. needed. o • ---- 's'WatehRepairer . , Farmers were started to plow but NOTES -R Hoover is moving to his s have been delayed owing , to another fartrenear Bruseels this week, as he Omani Tows' trArm. ... cold wave. Owing to the vast as gets possession in time to start spring BIDDLECOMBE'S OLD BUN% ' semblage of people in Sharon Metho- operations. J, Johnston will move to dist church last Sabbath evening, it itilinieh was. ascertained that the floor sank he enroll.. New.. 'CLINTON. ONTARIO. MAR01-1 v 28. 1.902. GOdariCh TOWnIthiP ' We$1091.0. NOTES. -An old tramp found a COUNOIL.--At a ;meeting of the coun, nights lodging in the Baydeld line 'cii held on March 20th, a large deputise school house .the other inght. Bea tion waited on them, still pressing Rethwell had e wale what miraculous their elms • for a bridge. They press escape the other day, by a runaway 'tinted a petitiOn signed byabout 280 colt as Ben was comtng from Varna, ratepayers, praying the council to a road he so frequently travels, the erect a bridge over the river on con. 6, spirited colt started to Kick and kicked There was also a counter petition, itself clear of both harries and cart signed by about 140, requesting the smashing the cart to atoms; we are council to deter building the bridge, as pleased to state the driver is none the it was likelyto be very expensive. worse the catastrophe, 'The receips at After comparing the petitions, the the Sharon tea -meeting collections on council found that there were 58 names Sunday included, amounted to about on the counter petition, that were also ;MC The intant child of Me and Mrs on the original petition. The council Rueben Grigee 0 con., we are sorry to , therefore struck these names off both etate,is verylmuch indliposed; sincerely Petitions, when they stood 222 for and is our hopes that the child will recover 82 against the building of the bridgfe and grove to make a shining. light in After much discussion on the subject, this world. Our worthy friend, Mr and it.being stated' that a' great many the tither day to jas McMirn,Seaforth were informed that the bridge would and Hussar vvill exchange pulpits on decided. to take iminediates•steps to on Sunday, Mar, 80th, preaching hi's- find the cost of constructing &proper sionary sermons. Mr Harry Graham bridge, and if the cost did not exhcetid Hanley Cantelon,sold a valuable horse •of the si ners on the downer petition realizing a good figure. eve. Vellan.d. cost from $8000 to $19,000, the council andhi sister, Bertha, spent a day • re- $6,500, thy would proceed with t e Noras.-Geo, McKay'con. 4, cf Tuckersmith, sold his 50 acre fat m to ;GuyColwell, Tuckeremlth ; the price received was $3,200, which is consider- ed a good figure. Mrs Thompson, who for some time has not been well went -to the Clinton hospital where she un- derwent an opera,tion, and, at last accounts, was doing as well as could be expected. W. Kyle has returned. from the Clinton hospital and is doing Well, St. Augustine " (intendeo for last week.) • NoTES,-We are pleased to learn that Geo. Gatton will remain another yearwith John' Craig. Jas. and Miss Annie Redmond spent Sunday last With their cousin, Miss Retie Brophy, who returned with them to spend a few days at Westfield. Frank Denorix had his little boy badly burned last week wi th a potof boiling water falling off the stove on hi rri, but who is,recover- ing. Mrs Chas. DobbS has gone to her tomato Muskoka after spending the winter with her mother, Mrs Chas Mil- ner. 'Jos. Leddy had some very hard teeth extracted lately, which, we be- lieve accounts for Joe being so )(mg beaded of late. Mr and Mrs Geo. Brophy and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chas. Moss. . . Carlow NOTEs.-A very successful concert, in connection with:the literary9ociety was held here on Friday evening. Mr Warner Walter left on Tuesday for _Manitoba; he intends to he absent for about a year. Mt Barkwell and son• , leave for Manitoba, next Tuesday. - Mieses Tena and Pearl Johnstonspent I Sunday at home. George Grummett: of Nile, is engaged with V. L Fergus- on for the sunsmer. Mrs • Hiles and Miss Verna Hiles, of Londisborce were guests of Mrs 13ark well over Sunday. Harry Tesysley realized a good Rum from his sale on Monday, -WY Chas. Rutherford, St. Helene, preached' here on Sunday. A joint meeting of the ;congregations of Smith's Hill and Manchester will be held in the former thumb on Monday, .March 31st; at ten o'clock, for the pnrpose ofixtoderatiog in, a calrto a minister. Miss Florence Mills, of Hartnett, was the guest of Miss C. Tyndall for a few days last - ssit.iiege ' „ We w e tire offering to . shrewd buyers the . .greatest opportunity .they ever had:in qn- ton, to purchasere- liable' goods at prices _ which defy competi-. . tion. See the .tipecial , - values we new have . on view in our win- • ' • ' 'Watch Repairing Is a :Specialty WIth 7.) • j. GRIGq. Scientific jeweler Sind Optician or.. .SNAPS. Ng" 'We are offering alike line ol Ginger about four inches. Mr Harry Weston, of con, 6, we understand, has leased Mr Simmons' farm on the Bayfieldline for a term of three years. Woods bees eppertr to be the order of the day. Mr Samuel Switzer disposed of his beautiful driver to Mr George Steep. Mr Tom Cole 'has been selling his clover seed.to the neighbors; no mis- take is made when they purchase ficin Tnornas, as he is cettainly gifted with brotherly kindriese. Mr Mullholland. 'of llolmesville, and his nay friend, Miss Oantelonoof Clinton, spent part of Sunday the guest of Violet Cole. John Middleton contemplateet build- ing another .silo this coming summer. We understand that F'. Whitmore has leased the farm adjoin- ing his ow,n ; this farm consists of sev- nty acres and is owned by John Sher,-WmVann; Exeter, David Jack's ; Stephen, Lewis; Hay, Thos Turnbull; Hen - pard, of Clinton ; this will make it nec- • salt, Rev J:S.aenderson; Tuckersnaith, essary Mr Frank to have • a man all M .Eanniner. Jas., wiixer had sawing r McIntosh ; Stanley, Mr Mustard; Bayfield,' Rev Mr Yelland ; Goderich, bee one day 'eat week. Fred Burnett D. McKenzie'. A committee consisting has joined the•brave band of bycyclists of Rev G H Long: of Hensel]; Mr Mos - hay Mg' parch/used a wheel. At time of tard, of Brucefield ; Mr Wanless, ot writing J Anderson keeps very poorly; Varna; Mr Lewis,of SteditOn Mr Keys, we sincerely hope he will soon be. around again. • M. 'Sheppard is the possessor of a fine driver which he pur- chased from 6, Stanley farmer, • • Ciaran's Daters.:Our Congratolotions are extended tot). Grigg, eon. 7, who, has thrown off the robes of bachelor- hood and entered the throes Of matri- mony, Miss Cook..of Coosa, being the lady of his choice. The ceremony was performed last Wednesday at the resi- dence of the bride's ; may the harpy couple live long to enjoy the bleiseinies of : • ; LIBERALS A'i TENTION.-A. meeting for Polling subdivision No, 5 to appoint del - gates to attend the annual Liberal con- vention to be held at Dung -tenon on Mon- day April 7th, is called for Wednesday evehine aeril 2nd it it o'cloek at th s house of C. W. Williams, Maitland concession, let there be a full attendance. the Hoover farm next week Harry Gossman is doing, quite a business crushing grain at Westfield, haying j turned many away this week for want of room. Mrs James O. Henry, of Dal- tonais visiting friends in this vicinity. Wigs Laura Carr, who has spent the past several weeks with Clinton friends, returned home on Saturday. Mensal'. • ' • PEonnuTioN.- A meeting es* the prohibitiouists of South Huron was neld in Millet's Hall, on Friday, March 21st. There was a good representation •from every municipality within the riding. Rey G. H. Long, of Etensall, was appointed chairman and Rev Ha W. Knowles, of.Oredit on, was appoint- ed secretary. The following vice-pres- idents were elected 'Osborne, Chas, I Clattaisto-In the Meth:41st church here, on Good Friday night, connisenc- hog at 8 o'clock, Rev T. 13 Coupland will give a lime ligee exhibitioa of Frank - Bear de celeoissteil cartoons, showing the evils of the Ilium traffic. Some moving pictures will also be shown, among which 18 a tine film of the Queen's funeral. I L twrence will contribute a number uf selections oa the phonograph*. Proceeds for the connexional fund. Admission, adults 15c, childi en under 12 10a ; Sunday echool children under 12, free, Noras.-Alvin. Braithwaite and it. voruell' expect to leave for Cleveland in a few days. hits Melville is improv- ing. Nile -Hiles and, daughter Verna, who have been visiting in Carlow and Goderich, returned hoixie on Tuesdity, when to t he latter's surprise and dee lisht her father.presented her with a beautiful Bell P19.00. Miss Verna Hiles is spenoing Easter with her aunts Mrs Neal, St. Thomas. Mr Ainslie, Leam- ington, la visiting friends here. Miss Allie Lawrence returned home from a pleasant visit with friends near Goder- rob, .The collections foe the Bible.Soc- iety las" Sunday amounted to $27.42 - at Euro% $10.61, Knox $9,31, and the Methodist $7 50 , There is go little wheat coming to the mill at present that Mr Webb has to go to Blyth to Ipurchase, to keep the mill going, Mrs R. Oole will ecu1 her stuck of eattle, sbeep, etc., on Monday, the 31st. The Orange lodge here had a • visit from a Toronto brother named Duff, with a very large • title, and also physique; there was a special meeting on 'Wed- nesday to hear his addrese. A gospel service was held in the Temperance Ball on Tuesday evening by Mr Somer- ville, Brantford, and it is the intention to have another neat, Tuesday evening in the same place, John Jamieson, of Toronto, is visiting his brother. Arthur. i Rey Mr Stewart, Clinton, is expected to preach in Knox church on Sunday. . . , Auburn • .. • A WARNING:. -Some young men on Friday -night, March , 214, enjoyed themselves by making taffy in .Mr Thiel's bush, he supplying the hard labor- He wants them to pay cost of. ,pan they destroyed and for six gallons 'of syrup. To save costs and exposure he warns them to settle now while there is a chance. Later on it means trouble. -11. Ta/EL, . Tuckeramith • • Aocinairr -Mrs Geo.Payne, who i.e.. .sides with her daughter, M rs Sae. .M.e. Dowell, Met with apainful and serious accident 01:10 day recently. • She had .the tnisfortuee to slip and fall, break - Ingo bone In her hip.. . • • •' Vsarstearro COW.-Robt Charters a .sen, ottne road; have a thorough- bredDarhain covv,Which has paid th.ena well. She to twelve years old, and has given birth to thirteen calves, .all of which lived ; in the lot were three pairs of twins, the first being two bulls, the' second two heifers and the third. a bull and a heifer. $1350 have been realized from the cow end' her off• spring and they have eleven of theta yet left There are not not many cows which ear) show a record like this, • STATISTICAL. -W. -Chesney, assessor, has completed his lab trs for this year. He gives us the following interesting information, gleaned from the -assess men., roll. There are 40.812 acres in the township.and of this 37,250 acres are cleared, The Vallie of the real priverty is $1,99,660 ; personal property, 54,775; taxable income $1,200; persons -rated asresidents,2,345schildren between the , ages of 5 and 16 404 • between the ages of 12 and 16, 258,and'between 16 and21, 180. ..There are 574 male persons be- tween the ages of 21 and 60, There were 86 births and 6 deaths during the year. There are 3,072 acres of wood- land ; 389 of swamp and wasteland and 659 acres of orchards and gardens There are 3,005 acres of fall wheat and .22 steam boilers. There are 2,809 days' s.sititte labor. Theta are 1,748 horses ; 6,148 cattle ; 2,658 hogs, and 675 sheep, The population is four more than lad year, but there is a decrease of 86 in the adult population. There were 10 more births than last year and 2 fewer deaths. There is an increase of $2,725 in The total yalue ; there are 691 more cattle than last year 82 more horses ; 88 more pigs and 163 fewer Aden. Prom out regular correepondent. NoTEs,-Misa Sarah Nottsof the Lon- don road. entertained a large number of her hien& from this part on Mon- day evening teat. A number from this part took in the St Patrick's concert ID Clinton on Mondav eveninglast and- sna,,,s report a very profit& le evening. Mlse • M. Hartry, who was unable to teach • for two weeks at No 6, is slowly receive. ering from her illness. MISS C. johns At 4 lbs likr toe ent a few' days width her aunt, Mrs t ',Twit adult of getting 180 to frosh—Gingoe"Sna • sAntirter. They are chow -----7—assuote you can uuViii.—thom .and dots away -with the work, • e no of Driea fonohoo lOo per lb. - The Cash Srocery. Ogle Cooper&O ftir Bear Eggs, Mons 28, 11cQueee, Of Bincefleld. Mrs P. Mao. of Varna,. were appointed to wait upon the two political parties and ascertain their yiews on prohibition . and secure written pledgee to vote in favor otpro- hibition to the full 'ascertained pewee of the Province, and if the answer of both candidates, be satisfactory, we deem otieselyes free to vote for whom we choose, and if the- answer of one only be satisfecuory- we pledge him our support, but tf neither answers be sat- isfactory then We place a temperance candidate in the field. In the mean- while they are to attend the peirnariei ' and endeavor by all proper means tie secure men nomitrited by the parties in favor of 'prohibition. • No•ras.-Mrs Dickson and Miss Mc- Dowell, of Exeter, are visiting, friends in uiwn. ,Geo Joynt is in Chatham this' week on business.: Eernie Carlisle -and Abnor • Jahneten •left • Monday morning for Winuipeg Miei Annie Beck has returned • home from St Misr)* sheibtends leaving for London in'a, couple of weeks wnere ehe has a poeitions Mr Ward, of Wingharn, has taken a position,with Brown & Clark. Mr Martin; of Exeter, called on friends in town co! Sunday. MASS MaWie Mc- Lean visited• BURS Blanche Petty; on . Sunday. G. Arpola has 'sold' his stock to It. Pickard & Co. • IL .,Mosgloy end Arnold MacArthur have returped home from London for Easter holidays, Ohes Manns, of Walton, spent a -few days here this week. J. Blaoey, Clins ton, was in town on Sunday. Mr and liars it. J. ()article, of ()wet' Sound, are yieiting his ptrents. Mr Billings has cone to town as manager of ,the Mol - eon's bane; Mr Keen leaves thie Week. PERSONAL. -The resignation of F. He as candidate in South 'Huron for the Lecal Legislature wits a surprise to wavy, but when the facts are known all must' concede that it was a wise course.' During the past couple of n000ths he has had attacks of acute heart trouble, and as a •brother had died from this cause Mr Hess became anxious and -on tbeadvice ef his physa Mae, who believed that to take the work of,ati election campaign might result 'fatally, the .ceodidate has reluctantly resigned. -Bath friends.and opponents of Me Hese will sympathize with him in the positiot in which he is placed. - • NOTEs.--1The genial. countenance 6• f W. D. Wthibis,, of •Brueetield; • beamed 1 f. nnIr. ina •i�• ENTXRIA STOCK Silow.-At a meet/rig Of the directois of the South Huron • Agricultural Society, held at Henstill, on Saturday last, it Was arranged to • hold the fall show in union with .the Stephen and Deborne branch,at Exeter. The fair will he held on the first Mon- day and Tuesday after the London Fair. it was also decided to hold the annual s ring shelve for entire stock at Brucefie d, on Tuesday, April 15th. ' A • flarleek DEATH. -It 18 is with the deepest re gret that we chronicle the death of one of the oldest residents of this commun- ity in the person of Mrs T. Neilans,who peacefully passed away on Wednesday last at the age of 68 years. The news of her death Was a shock to ,many of her friends as her illness was of short duration. The *ewe high respect and esteem with which she was regarded Was amply shown by the large number of relatives and triends that followed .herremaine to their last resting place in Burn's cemetery, Mrs Neilson Was of Scotch descent and a staunch support- er Of the Preshytertaxi church. She leavers to Mourn her demise a grown. Donald and les MacDonald, of Des up family to whom we tender our pro- trolt, are visiting at W,hittleld,OrieWs4.- up sympathy inthilitha"hiStignf FabeaCStaiabiiry, of the London ' Road, spent a week With friends here, liL„RoWneerit And faMilY are Ms. Mkrs F. day swi% dennisonliet; iting their man; friends h Nett d tended elide heire. C." Lteeynt n tits: party in Brticefteld kat i'ridaay evening. J. Holilles Giederieh tOWO ship, visitedli Monde*: other. Holmes, On' bt ole a ct on. NOTES. -A very interesting temper- ance Meeting was held in the League meeting Sunday evening; next Sunday - evening the meeting will be taken by Rey Mr Steadman, of AIM& Robb Olark's sale on Tuesday was largely' attended and everythinrold well. Mr Orrnnon.--T. E. Stedman, win) at. auk haliptuthated Mr adrlivesstock tended the London stonventiOn, gave Of goods and will take possessiou of the notes on the salad Sunday tivenfne store boon. Win Knox has purchased last, Which Was Much' appreciated., by lot, 10, ton 0, from Mrs Dale. 0.1toger, the large audience. Rea* T E Stedman son hite recently porchased &registered. closed his revival services last Thttrie Duds/toe cove from Mr.Webster and- E. day evening, The E. L. Noels' has been L. Farnham has purchased a ftgietered postponed until an indefinite date. Hereford cow :torn It lifliDob WitItOki the household effects oi Mrs Knox, hie dalighter, to Btucefield, her husband having secured ena lo ment with a Brantford Windmill establishment. R. McIlwaip, Nile, .called on his sister-in- law, Mrs °eater, recently; his wife has been there for two weeks. Theirmany friends here extend their their best wishes to Fred Mutch and bride, of Clinton: D Neville assisted to moving his brotherain-law, Rich. Phalen, to town on Tuesday. • H. Tewsley had 0. Very successful sale on Monday. Joseph Lawson Sundayed at his home here. Robert Roberton purchased a horse from George Beadle teat week. James Hardy has started work with 'John Reithby for the summer. Mrs Tom, mother of our miller, has been visiting = her son here; Mr and Mrs Tom intend going back with hee for a five days. L. Scrimgeour's beaming face is to be se= counted for; his 'better hall presented him with a son and heir on Sabbath morning; Mrs John Clark is very low; her advanced age is against her, in the way of recovery. Mrs lathes Certer is improving, we are glad to pay. • s, Rolm esviiie : BirrEE,TAINmENT.- A. grand social .and entertainment, under 'the -auspices - of the • HolthesvIlle Methodist Sunday 'School will be held on Monday evening,. Match 31st. Refreshments Will be served from 6 1o8 poss., after which*the popular lecture o a "The Triangular Man" will given by -Rev R Hobbs, Of Wingbam. This lecture is •acknoW- ledged, to be one of the Most enjoyable treats I.o'be had; , Excellent music Will be rendered hie the choir. Proceeds are for the S. S. library. A geueral invitee Wm is extended to all. NoTES, -W. Leonard,fveho recently eold out, left for Bright on Ationday;we were !sorry to lose him but we wish every prosperity in his new.home. Porter's MIL - NOTES. -William McDonald' gave grand farewell party before leaving fel. the Soo at the home Of T. A. Mcs Donald; amongst the guests were Miss Leggett, Allegany; Mr McIntosh, Mc - /allots; Will end -Ed VVestnn, of the Soo, and, Miss Florenee McDonald, of Detroit; music was furnished by the Whitely Se' McDonald orchestra. H. Sweet Is repairing the village well. The Messrs ,Marshall are cutting wood for S. McDougall. T. A. McDonald IS Slowly improving. Alex CoX is in Toren to this.Week, aaa delegate to the Gland ()mined of Chosen'Priends. Miss Maggie Cox is spending a Week with her friend, Minnie Lobb, Maitland con. Mrs Peter McDougall, Who has been laid up with grip, is able to be around Braoefield. Nos. -Miss Jennie Mustard `is spending her Easter vacation in 'Tor- onto. Mr R. McCartney left last week' for his home in Manitoba, Mrs J. 'Rosa and • daughter, , Miss Annie, -of Clinton, are visiting at the home of Mrs W. Berry. Misses FlOrenee and Helen Chrysler are spending the Easter vacation in Toronto. Mr John- ston has moved into Alex Mustard's house, near the station. Mee Mc0011 and daughter, Mrs Colwell, are vent. Ing friends near London. " Colborne • NoXIA,44-lietition,has . been. 'limbo!. neighbOrhiebd, and largely signed, to present to the license corn- missioners, asking_ them not to renew the license to the Carlow hotel, -Henry Teweley's sale of stock and implements on Moods, was Vary successful, Mr Sundry, Goderich, *Midi lig. the MM. niers Mr Tewsley :has ran red his farm for a tom of yawn to Mr Horton, and intend. going wed. Goderieb . Seafortb rit el/et-log lamb, the 18th inst., Ur and death occurred on Mendity,the 17th, at Mrs Charles Tweedy celebrated the his •residence, 109 Howland avenue. Iliindly ,see that subs( riptlo is promptly renewed SusvErt WEDMNO.-Oa Thursday DElaOle Chios OLARESOlq.-The twenty-tifth anntverTeary ot their Weil. oront f M o, r. ()her1 CI es a.rk son 13. cling. There was a large gathering at A., a well known educationalist of them comfortable home on St David's Ontario at the age of 57 years. Mr street, about one hundred guests being Clarkson was the first head master of present, including friends from Olin-; Seaforth Collegiate Institute and re - ton, Exeter and Bayfield, I Wised the headship of that ecl000l for Us AL SHEPP.S.RD DEA.D.-Or Tues. a number of years, relinquishing it a day afternoon, about2 o'clock Jas M. • couple of years ago to aSsume the Kitt- Shepperd,-one of our long alto° re- casino of a series of text -books brought sidents and best knowr citizens, passed out by the W. J. Gage Company. Mr away suddenly froth hersrt failure. Ele Caarl"mn was born in 1815* "4" York, was well known throughout Huron, as in England, and came 00 this century the firm of Sheppprd & Stile:limn did a in 1854; settling near St Marys, in the large trade through the county in the nsountv of Per. He atreolled th sixties, seventies and eighties, Al- .re oronto"Normal sch ed, in 1866 •i,,id though the partnership was dissolyed then taught in the high ‘4. .0 ,1 a st Many years ago, the partners remained Marys and Paris, Ie . 140 he gradu- the closest friends till death. Th d •e was appointed. principal a the unties ceased Ind been a member of the! Wesleyan Institute, Afterwarde he Collegiate Institute Board. became principal of tlie Brockville 0. 0. L FOOTBALL Cartne-The Col- Model school and then became prin. legiiste Institute • football club • was cipal of the Provincial Model sc hoot, organized last week, with the follow. Toronto. Subsequently, he assumed ing officers: Hon president, Philip the headmastership ot the newly -erect - Holt, K. C. ; hon. vice • presidents. ed Seitforth high school, which during H.on',T. Ts Gamow, K. a, and W, his tenure of the post was made a Proudfoot ; president Geo L, Allan; Collegiate Institute, Mr Clarkson was , vice president, W. H. Thontpson ; the editor of a.,.number of text-booke, manager, B. D. Gr tut--; secretary- more particularly in mathematics and, . treasurer, W. G. Edward; managing English,. Heleaves a svidowand three comnsittee, D. Allison. W • Taylor, F, sons, Dr F.. Arnold Clarkson, 588 I Edward. Theolub will not enter the Bathurst Street. Toronto, and Charles ated from To ronto UreversitL, and contest for the Hoggh cup this season. Harold ancl Percy E. Clarkson,. who s Thurlow, "****/PPPPPIFJP14,44.114**143P0*' are attending the Dental Coltege. The • of the 139., field Road died on funeral took place in Sestet th. s $1 per year insdavecia i Shoo when not so peel Diamond 'or • Turkish - Dyes All Colors P:„.,Reekie's 'Prescription Drug Store •• CLINT011 Sticoseeor to 13ydney Jaoktion, N,B.-White Pine and:Tar .Compound cures •colds 20c per bottle THE LATE: JAS THUSLOWk-James • Tuesday last from a short illness A PIONEER. -The death of Thonaaa which developed into• pneumonia. Boater, of Eginondville, occurred last About two years ago he purchased the week and his critical condition was McBriett farm, moving here from the only known to the familyand a few township of Aelifield, and in that time friends; He was 73 years of age. In won many friends who held him hi the early (cloys he was employed with high esteetn as a citizen and aneighborthe late Mr John Cameron, of the Mill He was born in Colborne township, road, Tuckersmith, and afterwatds he 48 yearsago, and at 24 was married to worked for several years with •the late Miss Robertson, daughter of the late MrJ.B. Secord, of Varna. Over thirty • SVINItt NOTES.WM. Until Roberton Sold Tuesday 0. Hinhiltriii WM the auction. hie form stock and inipleatenti last eer, and good Pattie Were " ised; Mr 1tobiirton retiree from fa tier the present, ,, Thos Robertson, of Goderieh. He years ago he !settled on a farm in M. leaves besides his wicloviostit daughters Killer) and on which he continued to and two eons, all at home. .• reside until a few months ago when he FORMER 'RESIDENT..- Oa Wednes. left) the farm to lois son and came to day afternoon. Match 12th, at "The Eginondyine to reside. He enjoyed Pines," the residence of John Pascoe, the respect and confidence of all. who Brampton,was arri . daughter of the late Richard Pascoe, dfotro41,TeortileyPoht Wao.d. ePreAr.en,Thoef Men. In politics he was an enthusies. knew him as he was hottest .and up- right re all hie dealings with his fellow tic Liberal and in religion a Preeby, . . near Brampton, Alicia., youngest by R4asJa,mes Peaten. brother tif the cereinony wise pertOrmed at 3 *o'clock terian. Interment took place in Eg- mondville cemetery on Tuesday week. groat.' ese*e bride wait attetided by her powotim. -The apnisal meeting 'of cOusinesilfres Alice LargeOf Shelburne, . the Bowling.Oloh was held last week who was bea,utifiilly gowned In Silk and elected the following officers for I organdie, trimmed with chiffon. Each the comirig eeapodes-President.. ifeasses corned a bouquet of White and pink McMichael; irice.nrasidents W. D. roses.. The groom was supported by .Brignt ; seeretary-treasurer, W, D, Dr 11.: H. Henderson, of Toronto. The McLean.; cciminittee,. W. B. Pearce, floral decorations, in pink and white, S, /Flys, W. Pickard, J. C. Greig were hiagtiful: After the wedding and Alex Wilson skips, J. Weir. W. breakfast the happy couple left- for a D. Bright, R..S. Heys, W. K. 'Pearce, short trip in the.east, W. Pickard, J. 0. Greig, T. F. Coles aephurn and J. 8, BobertS, NOTES. -On Monday iegening at St. ma'no T history of the life of St Patrick and The dates of the annual- tournament were fixed for Tuesday and Wednees PeMt's Rev Father Wese: gave a brief the froits of 'VS labors. At Kingston clan July 15th and 10th. on Saturday the decision -of the coos! Fooxnatas-The Hurons have rem. - mission in the investigation into the ganized with the following oflieersi- Marine Ottsr disaster was declered ;' Honorary president,•Dr McKay; hon. Citpt.Malone,of the steamer India, was orary vice-president, Geo " SteWart ; exonerated and his certificate returncd, president, Ralph Creswell • vice -pre - Mr Harty, one of the commissioners, sinent, W. El: Baker; decrelary treas. dissenting. The Golf •Club was reor- urer, W. Murdie ; manager. H. M. ganized with the fallowing officers:- Jackson ; captain, S. A.. Dickson ; Hon president, Hon J. T. Garrow, K. conarnittee,L. McDonald, W. Oughton, 0.; hon. viers -president, Dr- A. O. Hunter ; president. W. Wo Macvicar'; vicepresidentalld, A. Macdonald ; sec- retary-tteasurer, Wm W. Smith ; ex- ecutive commietee, the officers, P. Kiely J. Gamow and C. FL Day • a special .6oriamittee composed of W. W. Macvicar, 13. D. Grant and M. A. Mac- donald, was . appointed to secnre ground. A deputation from Goderich was down to Ottawa last week look- ing after assistance from the Gevern- entsfoeirartroreivorkee. . . DEATR OV MISS LIZARS. -Hather Longworth, Widow of the -late Judge Daniel Home ,Lizars, passed atm,. Fri- day morning last at her residence,' Stratford, in tier seventy-fourth year, ' Deceased was a daughter of the late John Longworth, - who served. with Wellington during the Peninsular war, and who was for many years the chief western agent for the Canada Corn- pany at Goderieb. She was married to Judge Lizars, by whom he had three ehildreo; J, 8trente Isizars,Providence, RhodeIsland, and N13.9 Robt Smielo and Kathleen Limes, Stratford. Judge Lizars, the 4 late husband of deceased, was the son of the late Daniel Lizars, who was clerk ofthe peace for flute% .County arid died March 14th, 1875. He was called to, the bar in 1858,tommenc,- ing his -practice in Stratford, (which had only shortly before been mado. country town of Perth), where he con- tinued his law practice until August 10, 1861, when Ile was appointed to the county judgeship. He held the posi- tion of County judge up till 1887, when he retired endwise succeeded by Judge Woods, Judge Lizars died May 5th, 1804, at the age of rieventy-four year, Mrs Lizette had been sick for a long thne, and of late it had become ap- parent that the end was near. , McKilIop AN OLD RESIDENT. -The late Mrs John Aitchesqn, of Roxboro, who died on Monday week, wattan old resident of McKillop. She had reached the age of 86 genet, and had been in failing health for a long time; at the death of her husbandaa few months ago, it was not expectedthat she would long sur- vive him. The family has been severe- ly afflicted lately, father, mother and datietin, having all passed away with- in a few Months of each other:- WO Aitcheson was a daughter of the late Wm. Wilson. of Cookbuenspath, Scot- land, and was born in Berwickshire in 1816; she was a eider of Wm. Wilson, 6r., of Mullett, and, with he and her husband, were Among the pioneer set - W. Finlayson, K. M. McLean, J. A. Jackson, T. J. Stephens, . D. McLeod. It was decided that' the club enter the senior series of the Western Football Ass6ciation. NOTzs.-David. •Donoyan recently sold'a fine carriage horse to Mean's* Ceovve and Murray, of Toronto, for which he received $350, James Len- non met wi th an unfortunate accident on Monday evening; -when in front of Baldwin & Coke store, he slipped and filrefirptitti numb: his hand-to•Isitve hirriselahts full weight came on his left arno, with the result thatthehone was broken at the wrts.t. ". Wingbam. . A $60 parlor mut gtii•en away with a $2 parcel of goods. Call and see, • 011. ICING, Winghatn. We are sole agents for tha king of silo born's. The genuine and onlyDhio Barley: 0, E. KING, Winagt gliorain Tdener's..-:10,000, Se packages seeds, 10 pkgs for 25c, clover, timothy, speltz goose whoa', eto., for sale, , O. E. XING, Wingham oiirrirAltt - Chas, McLean passed mvaYhilainMstWceLeeka. dfather Ilo Wasabrath er Thos.Latic McLean, both of Winghttm, aid was well knoven to many here in th early. days of Winghano. Neuralgi f the heart is supposed to have ben the cause of death. Deceased rtb lift - eight Vears of age. tie was - born in 'Cape Breton and came to Ontario when quite young. i•Ie leaves, 0, widow, one daughter and two sons..Interment • took place on Sunday week, 'under the Orange ritual. NoTic8.-.1. T. Maguire sold the 50 - acre farm formerly owned by Wm. Churchill, Turnberry township, to W. Dennis of NV ingham. E. McLaughlin, who purchased A. J. • Sebastian's bar- bering. business, has sold it again to V. McGevin. Miss Lizzie Fleuty,who has been one of the Advance staff for some time,left on Tuesday for Medicine flat, N. W. T., where she has accepted a Sit- uation on the News. Alma NoT1t8,-Mr and Mrs T. 'Yellow, of Exeter, etient a couple of days last Week with friends here. Nies McGee, bf Port Arthur...was the comet of her cousin, Miss Alice Dale,for the past week, hire J. 13. Henderson, who has • been laid up with an attack Of conges- tion of the lungs, is not improving as fast as her many Mende ROW() -wish. Mies Bella Henderson, who has been spending a. month With relatives in Berlin, returned home last week. few of the young people of this vicin- ity spent a yety en o able eveninia' at A Letter •From Michigan To the Editorof the Nov Bra: DEAR SIR. -A's we have been receiv- ing your valuable paper for eons° time I thought it would not be out or place to write a few Tines for the bene- fit of our many friends around Clinton. I must tell you a little about the greatness of the state of Michigan. rs aniuses me to read some of threarticlea .written in the ERA by men who take ' mthieletsrottirneoatoPnotrhteitu. ctropn mend Rraiidiewa303„,, This tract of country is not pearly SO good and we find the landfurther front the failroad and we do got have to go - far ftora the railroad to get to as good land as any farmer would wish for. We farmed one and a half miles from ' ton on the Landon road and the crops - we grow here are better than we raisec. there -and purchased tbia land fOr. heft what land there womid brinin provemente audadvAn-tag.ts being equal. There has bean greeter advancement in this part of Michigan during the last 10 years than I ever saw in Mori° in the same lengtioof time, have travel: - ed .through this (state and find that it • possesses an enortnoos -amount of rich formitig land, (10 the other hand there -is'a good many acres of poor laird but is not this the case, with Canada or anr other country. A man can get just ' what he looks for, if it is poor land he , can get it,if is good land2there is plenty of it, and ata cheap price. It takes some Canada muscle and grit to make a comfortable home for a titan. Michi- gan is simply a great state ; it has • the , great lumbering industry, it •also has .,... coalbede, cement beds, salt beds, nat- ural gas and kerosene oil. There are many induStries thee might be men- tioned but space °raids so doing, but 1 must mention the sugar beet industry .• which is attractirig se much -attention' . at, present. We have a factory in Cros- .well three miles from our fartn. Ala though this great plant has j ust star ted . the pride of land has advanced conad- erably. My brother's far m has more . than doubled in value. 'Els. is half a . mile from factory. By the way if you . have any men to sparesend them here • for there is an abundance of work and not nearly enough help -present- • ;a °coo; tipexetcaelfarm,et vynin t f_awr rnei. nags also is m theake hedairyeEi cow, the Holstein Jersey ; we have • . - los. 3. MARTIN, Crra- - St Helensnoti.-Rey M aCirtri7r erollo:Dieuhni- gannon,preached here in Calvin church on Sunday last,while Rev S. M. Whaley )3. A., did a similar work for Mr Fairs burn Rev Rutherford •has charge cf AkOburp for 4 few.40.13battti until pertnatient supply Mt) be had. • Nowas,-llfr and Mrs Angus Met) alkmoved te their new home/hi-Luck, new on Tuesday; they ,wall be muck missed and their friends Wish - them happiness:. Misses A. jenkine, of Clinton; and 0. McAllister, of Para- mount, were the guests of °Mo R Miller one day last week. Miss M. Salkeld,who has been holidaying in amt around Goderich for a mooth,returned home Wednesday. We are sorry to learn of the illness Of John Clerk, eon of P. Clark; he being in. Toronto hos- pital with an attack of diphtheria f we trueb soon to hear of his recovery, O.; A. Tebbutt. sang at a concert in Um- nection with the brick church,Belerave circuit, on Tuesday evening. Mr Thom • Todd is avain able to be around after his recent illneess M.HtImphrey had gond wood bee on Tuesday and E.Thola one last week, • Sir Macdonald has made a gift of $20,000 to the library hind Of MoGila ' tiers of this district. She was in every the home of Mr an rs WEI Jer.Tdns sense a good, true woman, and "wag On Tuesday evening." A. number of the deservedly respected and Wick beloved fartnere in this community are busy by all who enjoyed-hernegnaintatme. 'bowing, and if the fine weather Oen., ..... --dunes-there will -be' an earl Y seeding. ' Verfilits Next NoSupdag being Baiter \ Rey T. A. blaehieinith shot) and businese in the Village, to R. Am Rob, Aylmer, who taker possession ant week the price afrpoiabi,-hig Stedman wi preach a special Raster • Myth • veld being $1,000 Hart Purpling°. MAngulale.-A quiet wedding took ing to Seattle to reside. VAN) at the home of kir end Jaa. ' wig ed tire. propertleg 12t11, W eil thefr eeeond daug ter, Mies HII skjegois Thestr. gi4tdniy, co St arnanitsen., on Virednesdat, hfarch Ina sentry ti olieg imam at Annie, WW1 unted ita matrimony to EL £14,000, Were destroyed'. .11iii140, of lesiet• Wareanaal:6 Yhe Salomon, the inuaribure•, Man,,. wife ceremony was performed)35' BeY' W. tandem, has been found guilty. Penhall, of Blyth, in the presence of a few immediete relative* and friends, " The Oval Trunk is going to bona a %hey will take up their reilden00 neer iow freight shut ab Stratford. Blyth, A Man's Likeness if you went a photograph that will re. present you as you see, we knew you'll like Mai *a make fo&yon. Theral arUalls Moth in theni,too, They are 10011fliea the hits oval style, and OA** ibilitot. 10.00 tor &On good onee, ginovo. Ph*,s stmt.. • ' • 1: • e • — A .1