HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 9FIr
•-••.-••••-..a..-,4 7 .7 77,,A,""...IP 41117.77/114/Pti rt":, 77-. •
March 21st 1902
OLTNTONIAN WEDDED —Else- into loCated in Montreal. ..The East
mar. Huron Teacherte Orinveniion Will be
'IS where will he feund nOtice of th'e
rime of Hareld Whitt, auffalo. to Moe i held in Brusaele echool Or AN
V. B. Sheppard, of Toronto. tar Whitt -I:nnrUdaUnd VdnaTs May 2nd and t•
t1rn.d hr., 2fird ...• we notice the drygoeds Mer.
FRIDAY, MAR, 2L 1002. "
er, reup to afeW years chants are receiving large qilantitiee
mothinded here of newr.epring goods,...The picture of
.j LOCAT, NOTIt.ES. ego, when they. removed to Buffalo,
Very Rev Dean Oarniichael recenta
lbsarallight coffee sugar at $8 80 per 100rai all behalf of Mr "ViTrott'e old. Iriencls We PP 1.... I g
tubarrel Iota, for cash at extend cOngratulatiotie. Archibiehorr of Montreal, appeAared in
Spring.1902.Beet Standard granulated auger at $410 r 100 where themarriage took. lace, On a- (Anted 0004 utor Of the il licn
J. W. IBWINS. heat Saturday'e Globe ; Bishop Carrot.
• Ited Clever,Aletke Lucerne.
ReSIGNED. is reported that X. chael was one °fee first rectore of St.,
We make our formal Opening Display
of Millinery trial seho01 at WintliPegihas resigned, can fr ends arepleased on hierecovnized
Tun h and ardaGmi.utwar.
G. Degg, principal' of St Paul'e Indus- Nos church, 0 nton,and our Anil.
ot y re
We searditeers.-10,00011So trackage° treads' 10 This echoic' is soine four miles from llit a in ecclestastical naatters....Dr
forSming, on
MARCH 26th, 27th, 29th.
When you are invited to visit our show room and see
what Dame Fashion has decreed shall be her favored
styles in head4A
wear -for the Spring of 1902, . *
Other seasons we have won the approval of vis-
itors for the character, completeness, and extent of our
Opening Displays; but next .week we will eclipse
anything we have done in the past. No pains, no
trouble no expense has been spared,to have ready for
you,. Millinery that is absolutely correct in every de-
tail. The leading markets have been searched and
Their best things brought here, and the Millinery we
will 'show on opening days would bring no discredit to
any store in the lazuli A visit. to the show room
will give you a better idea of the beauty and complete-
ness of the display then whole columns of cold type;
so we ,will just say to you: come and see. The free-
doin of the store isyours. Come just whenever and
as often as you like. Study the styles. just as much
as you please. These are opening days and there will
not be even a hint of buying.
You will be wanting new gloves for Easter; nearly every-
body does. We are ready to meet• a big demand. Part of
our new stock is here and all will be ready in _plenty of time
for Easter Selling. Every popular stylvle and shade is repre-
sented and we never id a collection of gloves that suited. us
Vetter. Just a word about the qualities, they are od, no
poor makes or low grades fin a a place in tbis stock, every
pair that goes over our counter's carries with it our guarantee,
if nil satisfactory you may return them and got your money
back. -
' it $ •
R341 French Kid gloves, flue quality
' • - soft skin, dome fasteners, newest
etitob'ng, in black, greys, fawns,
tans, all sizes, the equal of maly
1:25 gloves, per pair
• .
Real French kid Gloves, soft pliable
skins, neweet out, dressed' -or no
_ dressed, dome tastenners, newest •
„ stitching, in Ku*, creams, fawns, ,
I tans, browns, all sizes, per pair.. 1..0
• • •
who% • 010 • I;:or sale,' G, E. Age., Winans= Winnipeg, and ie the one in which—Be...gall will represent- the- -01intian•
--iirrardilir'' od S ai.:.`"Atatifi cram M0rue, or•towniewas for Leila—yearslodgeNo 115.0.0 C.F. at Ti lodge in
Try It and you always buy. employed, Mr Dagg is a graduate of- Toronto next we:ik.. he -collegiate
falinton Collegiate, and has been hi boavd, met on Mouday evening for its
• '11411181
charge some four years, succeeding the regular wont hip meeti ng but the only
Rev. J. B. Fairlie. Rumors haye been businese done Ras the passing of a few
EXAMINE OUR, ADVTS.—Ont• current about alle_ged irregularities in accounts, ..Mon ay was a stormy
side Or ms fi rod our town With nate
. the school for s nue time, and it is pos. Sr Pi/Well's dav' the shamrock wail
ogues to try and ttract urchasers
sible thatan investigation may en tirelY worn by many ehow respect for the ap.
We would advise our readers te con. exonerate MrDAgg from any respon- day —*Parents are requested to send
sider carefully our own merchants and sibilitY, all children who are to start to school
follow their advertiaing in the NEw LAOROSSEORGANIZATION.—The before m_itistuniner vacatiori, on Wed.,
Es& befor e being drawn to outside Clinton lacrosse glob has reorganized nesdM
ay, arch 20 h, at 9 o'clock ; this
places, for the coming season and there fa a will give Miss Taylor a chance toie,r-'
WELL DONE.--Thiring the current good prospe3t that the town will pos- range classes and seat pupils before she
LIst year we severs her connection with the school..
term dr Ottawa, Norma" Sch_ciel, Miss tree a swift lot of players.
Grate Shepherd, daughter of MrJarcies had a tine team but this year it pre. W/01414.404 has been chosen for the
Shepherd, lownsen 41. h f 0
second highest in the test fo; teetal°hd- eogffelgg lettxth aingneVirg71:13 oLaser;R:t for next Grand Lodge of
d street. rind:
f a possible hundred. Her nightl—Hon. pyes.,B ,T.Qibbings Hon. Coozer will be improvements to be
the contracts recently receive& by S.S.
per cent out o with 85 at the •Coramercial hotPI last Friday
mg, taking superior honors,
by J. A. King ; a plate glass
standing is all the more noteviortha, ,vice A.J.Korrish; pres,,Perker Foster; Ixte_e
Audens attending the Normal. .. P4.4.Couch; captain, P.,Matheson; corn.
fOurth and last of the series of exten.
Ex.ritNsIoN Lancia. __ The mittee,.F. Kerr, E. payment and J.
Oollineon. , . the .fore front.
r lidorztrc ota. Wiswileei. 51. ties, I : i t3nee eedelPga .. oult I ir iiiactiohnar asdnncioeaajael ii it„it's loiwocci I uut ih'IPeettl :::11. nae
in the fact that there are about 90 vic4P.Fairtsec'y, T,J.Orooks;treasurer.
Rion lectures, under the auspices of the THE ILL.- Many of his -friends are
Oollegiate Institute, will be given this.. sorry to learn that VI.T; Beacorn has of . wood I(relit It eavn has wouldha d e
hclainveelli.ail 200 cmocridres
Greek, the Roman, the Rogliehman rheumatism for a week or BO ; we hope
(FridaY) evening in the town hall, by
Prof, Hutton, of Toronto, on 'The Ing considerable from inflammatory
been confined to the house and suffer- hadti)lhfesit ehtoat filo- royes; :: customersyubellvew. a. et. at i. nA,ei
9,1 n•271?)
and the Frenchman." This lecture will for his speedy rec a very....Dr Ball oiligg‘nrse ace ualtiiiiikei
be very interesting and instructive ite found it necessary to keep to the house
inents this week were three carloads
well as entertaining. L should not be for a few days this week but is nnw of Cattle hy 5, Smith and one by 0, Reid,
missed by anyone. out wain We are glad to learn for To
ronto, and one of hogs by R.
that Mr Alex McKenzie, Ontario Sr., Fitzomons for coningwooa .... mite
_ COUNOIL OF R., T. OF T. ORGAN- is improving after having had a seve e Taylor, being called by telegram to her
1ZED.— Organizer Davidson, of Strat- siege of illness....Friends will be glad
learn home in Blyth owing to the
ord, instituteserious
fd a Council i
Templa.rs of Temperance onprmoRy
y1 hospital
tahnadtnHowPalutmbiestenewilhabsolinefet .;t.h._ee Taylor; there was no school nem in the
ilinesa of her father, the Rev. J. .13.
evening, in the A. O. F. hall. It ie seems to be stud ly inspr vu g. Sever- primary department since Tuesday....
namedillnity 'Council No 180, and wiil al operations were performed at the A child's beeper muff was lost in town
meet second and fourth Thursdays ot hospital during the -past week; the on Wednesday ; tinder please leave it
each month. Mr Davidson is attending parties who are from the county are
a convention in Hamilton this week, reported daing well. • A number in at the NEw ERA. office for owner., ..•
The last horse f dr of the season was
but expects to be present at the next town are suffering from severe colds hi 1 t on Wednesday, when there were
meeting, 'and many children are affrcted with
-, quite a number of farmers and buyers
F. J. M CU rOHEON WEDDED— tonsilitis....We are pleased to ste e in town; among • the exchanges made
Frautt McOutcheon has gone and did that flies Freeman has so far recovered were four heavy horses bought by
it," as his friends would say. At the asto be permit ted to le lye the hospital Ta nes Archibald: Seaforth,.. . he Ty-
earkda le Presbyterian rathurchon Mch 'olefin Yodlers, the last enteitainment-
Ilth, he was roamed to Miss Eliza S
,. ' ' g . ci t zi
of the Star Course, will appear_o
Cameron, of 0 wen Souod, by Rev. A. from town a number of her friend
,, 8 Tuesday e rirning, April .1....Cantelon
L. G,,gg'e. Mr MCOutchen, (son of the' g ive Miss josie McMurray a surPlr'Ea; Bros. shipped about 3000.doz eggs and -
late W. J. McCutceeon, formerly of party on last r.riday and spent an en -, 2900 lbs of butter to the eastern market;
Clinton,lis wS11 known here Midis now 3 •yable i evenieg....Last Saturday s butter is quoted at 15c to 17c, and eggs
,engaged travelling for a Toronto whOle- itlestrated.portion of the !Notre con, at 10,i to 12c.... Mrs W. H. Scott has •
sale hotve. He has numeronii friends tained a, picture of the Trinity College .
in Westera.Ontario wh extend con- " Y boterht the Meaz es property on Prin.
.Cards _and. BooklOs
EGGS in six sizes, decorated. in a variety
of designs and colorings. They are
ornamental and attractive, suspended
by suitable ribbon from your lamp,
curtain or picture.
ARTISTIC CARDS—Beautiful creations
for the season's greeting invested with
all the art and taste any one can ,,rea-
sonably expect. All kinds at a wide
„..," range in price, from two cents up,
we want to see you about
your Will Paper,
The W. D. FAIR CO! Clinton
'G1 ten the Cheapest Always the Best,"
1. r the' tamp a•that. ot F. W'. HaVeY c.eesatreet' yr, the pribe beitig $875 .
arid cl>14nPln ess. .- ?1,14-118(17r1=AiMitr&e°11.71-21• on 13riTafses street west at°01t-•.baChC71;e,
gates a e den pm .... or is as pr g n
rem4 Circle of the Canadian Home Cir -
e a , he SuP rented the •80 acre let adjoining his the riew • Sloan block; S. S. Cooper is a
. clesi inToronto last- week-, '- II, Wiltee own; in Goderich toWnahip, fop John bustler, apd ii°v' the stores ready
. ,
. • Sheppard of Clinton,. and Will now • - - -- .
. . ave a acre arm.... e 48 r
' port of the supreme ea er s thii . .
I d howed i be issued • ' -
. ders just issued notice ie given cif the
holidays return tickets will
the order had. the most eueeessfel Year at single first tikes fare betvveen • all
• ' — vranting of the Colonial aux ',try. forces
ons o rnem ers p were received, 27 28 26 30 and St gocid to return on . 4- A eh -
gratulatiens and wish licira ever y joy .g
• were in- ttn tt • t'
'H . OIROLFS —Ah t°100• d I • ' • ' who t k s • •
. on . T i t F k Wh t e possession some _iine in
CI' t I d Th d • in- a few months..":.111 the -militia or:ng
for b hilong-serviceaned .to the ft,1 ovv.ing in
the 33rd Huron R4girpent 1, •Sergb. J..
in its history. Over 2.000 new applicee stations in Canada, good going, March
which bringthe present membership or before April let ; for etudente and 9 t 0 P • t t Col r A
• J •
. •
1?R1 NG 1.11,10111TEilli
We are making extensive preparations for our big spring trade, and
have lately picked out several lines of Mena, Womens,' Mime, Boys And
Childrens hoots— .
To Sell at Extremely Low Prices....„,
as we need the room fOi‘ Sp,iing goods; these.goods arenow oar bargain
counters and it vitt pay you to see them.
We are nearly cleaned ont'of winter goods, but what we have left it
• will pay you to buy for another winter. . .
If yoa are looking for aiming goods, we are headquartere. for all tli;
latest produotions in stylish footwear, and be pleased. to -have you--
erg • . enning o e g . . . .
up to -ab int 14,500. The special reserve teachers of schools cir colleges (on stir- 1'
Stobie; Lance carp: Hur•keep; the
claims is.now over 0100,000, some 025,, way cer: ificate signed hy the principal) rifk
.1. The Old Reliable. • -
fund for the payment of life expectarcy render. of standard form of echool rio formation the G ;de ich town hp
e a la t
• 000 having • • • • • ia----.on. With h' a 'q' rters a
4390C 1 ,
beenaddedto the fund der- nil will be isreilkititilingled on4.6 Goderich has been au• Jrized.... • The Stor6 That Never Disappoint
. . ng e p s ye r.. . • •, , , third are roils Marc to Mach. .
' Beal French Kid gloves, extra fine quality, selected skins, tioft andphable. People
' who buy this glove once do not care to wear any other make. Dome fasteners
and newest stitching, black and leading colors, per pair ..... . ...... LOU
.„ •
Miles of new ribbons came in this week, that is a
--- strong state lient but it is well within the mark, and will
. .
give you an idea of the quantity of iibl-ons this store
sells, every yard is imported direc', the values are In ttor
than we have ever shown, and you will hardly find a
• shade or a wi th missing; -
., • Pure Silk Ribbon, all shades 4e, .5e and 10e
- Satin- Se and 10e
Pure silk Taffeta Ribbons Se, tee, 15e -and 100: •
Watered Silk ' " 10e. 12e and.
New Siik Neck Ribbons 20e, 25e and 00e • •
Inclusive oad to rei ore on or b
e ore
O. N. Smith, editor of the Sault. Ste
A 0'1 „The n friends will h
. CLINTONTIANS — We Marie, 'Ont.. -Express, .'Wti.s; chosen
ma. y a
notice that A, Hs AleLendaion of R Mc- P 1 Ms the Liberal candidate of th nevv rid- •
Leod 'has been elected President f 1110 pleased to lea,rn that our friend Dr J
, . as
o B , . • ing of Algoma in the corning Peoeincial
ary, "I" ton and his friends het e
limex College Lit erary, and Theologic.1,1
Brucefield. has returned .to
MO t •1 Cal N.. w elections; Mr Smith is f onse, of Cli
Society for next year anct- D. David- n rea from g 11 be pleire:d
b . . where he had gone a while ago and
son as een elected President cif the i, ' to hear ot the. selection made. •
Missions in Willis ch ch Fast summer. • •
Knox College Students' Missionary • .
Society. ' Mr Davidson reached on . •
. These are the higbetuktonors 11,1 the -gift It
MI!! M 111 I I It 1 It ?MIMI tr ItIttl It! IP ft! M I tIMIIMM
on t he 'student, body. I. moat be grat- .ttim
ifyiog to (ler Voting friends to be thus
hr r ored by their fella d
the close of a lonv o couese.
DIED IN CLINTON. Oharlcitte E.
Copp, relict of the late Jonas Capp, Name
na9sed away to -her heavenly home,
-Wednesday, the 19th inst at the re- db.-
spected age f 85 years, Deceased and' eve— • •
her sister, Mrs Murray, who have both le— •
been residenteof town firi• years,. have
- togetherlfor snow_ tiro
-He deathmeis a surprise to manly. She
was a member of the Anglican church, A..
knew her. Tne deceased lady was a
and was highly respected by all who "t
stepmother of Jos 0Opp, of town, and
has other relatives in these parts. The
funeral will take .p'ate from her late
residence, Frederick St., this (Friday) .
• • • - afternoon a.t.2.20.o'clock,for the tilioton •
VEILINGS centeter y. -
• A quiet but ver
More new veilings came in this week, if
you aro out of doors much it veil is almost a
necessity these windy days Beyond question
the most complete assortment in town is to
pre ty wedding took place on Wel :
es lay evening at thehcime of Mrs
1.80C Carter, Stapleton, when her
. rcond.delughter, Sara .7 , was united
in mai nage to Mr Fred Mutch, Of
Auhern, lte v J. 0. Ditolepperforming
the ceremony. The Wide wore a very Llsa'• .
beenning suit of grey, with a trio:prase E
blue silk waist, trimmed with. white
. silk applique., and carried boquet of
carnations. She was given away by
'• her brother Willt Obly the immediate
befound. on out counters these are all new.
. Black net veiling, mesh as. '
ikes with and ivith-
out c e spots, oream,
brown, b black, per
yard 20e and
Gauze Veilings fin; and
strong, plain border, large
plain Chiffon Veilipg, pure
chenille epots eame as silk, very ne qua y, p
ground or contrasting colors Silk border, brown, bleak;
black, brown cream and blue and cream, 45e.
eitee• •
relatives of the bride were present Mr ow --
end Mrs Mulch will reside on Princess
street With, the best wishes of their
many friends. .
. FUGE.—ArdreW Stewart, brother Of
Samos Stewart, of Exeter, died at the
House of Refuge on Saturday week,
after a long and painful illness from
a malignant valiant uleer in the face,
associated with &complication of other
the worst of which was par-
alysis, The past three months of his
illness he was perfectly helpless and
, navy, p yar c
• Ladles' NeekoW.ezir and Linen
Collars.- • •
Some of the very latest novelties in silk and linen collars
came in this week, The silk are new shapes and cone in pink
sk old iose cardinal- and black. The linen are the famous
W G & R brand of pare linen, and the latest American shapes required a great deal of attention. Mr
New Sllk eollars, • s�c.
NewLinen " • 15c. ,
- New: York Hats
. On Thursday and Sat-
urday. We will make a spe-
cial. showing of the latest
novelties in .American Rats
for men's, wear. They are,
the lateststyles-that are shown in New 'York, and have
been bought specially for the Easter trade. We invite
0 11111,11ditiff -61:113T. —
,Irickiriter-OrkkOrVicitilekilde**t****MS .
, Apprentices winteA in our Millinery Departinent.
attended by friends *he sympathize '
Clinton cemetery, and Was largely E
rtvvith the bereaved husband and relo .
. . .
.• -050`
Stewart was a tormer resident of
Waterloo, Wisconsin, where he lived
for many years. Coming here a little
over two years ago, he took up quar-
ters at the House of Refuge where he
has since remained, not as an, award
but as a lodger. The remains were
buten to Exeter for interment in
Lumley. (-le Was '74 years of ago.
Toere paased into perfect test on
illnitisday last week • (18th inst.) Mrs
William Mckeovvn, one of the res.
pected citiztrai of onr town at the age
of 68 years. Although she had been
in poor health for some time the end
caine unexpected. She was of a quiet
and retiring disposition and Was loved
by all who knew bet ; the deceased
born her sufferings with great patlence
Recifin-lin-Wfitireparted Wife were re-
sidents of Clinton for about 20 years.
There are left to mourn besides bet
bereaved husband four children.—Mra
Wm Dog of Minton, Mrs F. T.
taker, of Los Angelos dal,; Mrs P.
Menro, of Tara, and William who is
out west; two children died in i'nfancy.
The funeral took place bens her late
home, James street, on Saturday, 10
Woe.. •
el • •
• • •
Fille Merchant Tailors-
• • - • • •
Establi'slted 1854.
A Revolution in the Clothing Trade.
$16 Suits for $12—$14 Suitsfor
When we make the above announcement a good many.. people
will look sideways at it until they appreciate -the reasons for
our selling suits at -wholesale prices. When we commenced the
wholesale m'Inufactureof clothing over a year ago, we were in
a position to. go direct to the best mills in this gountry, and buy
goods at the .same 'figures paid by the wholesale houses, the re-
sult is that we save 30 per cent. on all our elothd andtrimmings
and we .intend giving our customers the benefit of this buying:
You can have a regular $16 suit made to your order for 012.
You can have a $14 suit made to your order • for SW. We Can
. show you ,a large variety of goods comprising all the latest pat-
terns andistyleS,'you can have it cut and made in any style you
wish, you can. give your own directions how you want it made
up and you can have all the pockets you Want.
We guarantee that the make and trimmings -will .be first class
Jn every ,ropect; • • No•sleb...ye,,has.everbeen-offeredin West..... ... .
ern Ontario and the'keenerr -buyers cannot afford -fciiiiiss—this
opportunity of buying `suits at wholesale *figures. ,
eglastrei..sagasataisie4.11111.1111111111 • •