HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 8, . • ., I I I I 1 1 . . . I
OParing The Old -.Ago Habit. '•';;k4',74 -,..vi igS;r7i4ditttyliVi
Organ Fa, DYSPOP414%
sr, ‘iF on why would I look Old, dare
Aleattr ,, linga Aegwer Ineethat, new!"
M. lgullaly 'deanded. She The Srafrorings of a IlusInesis Mae
• had been Honors, Cestetigen for. Overcome by Worry and rar-
Merl)** Mr.If caritas loving and felt11. hatlattuff Benin Work-J,.Chnelet.
. ye
fu'house-earl: but tat wai
twettty Nr
earearlier. Illietresa and maid had seg(1:1:_ 117;14;1e:6cl he and nervous
l g
been at oPpOlte ends of the earth In tlyspepeia or muageetron are usuaY
/lever thought of such a t
he Meantime, and the Mistress, who found together, and have a common
had noticeably aged, felt almost a owls° in an exhausteelecondition or the
Igo for a mechcme chd you? ehock of resentmeot at eight of the nerveg. Modern het/aeons pewaers
plump and buxom. Nora she Used to are simply narcotics that deaden the
ell• Ws a good sign z , or knew, - ' •-----.- afflicted nerves: The7 are harmful
. 4 'Sure, I've had me bad Weal and me and frequently dangerous. The only
Scott's Emulsion. The body good times, like the rest of the world,“ wax to effect a thorough cure is to re-
alm adullaly went on. refleetively store the nerves bY sUch treatment ao
has to be repaired like other "Bute SlOrY tail before the bad time; Df‘.1 rChase's Nerve Food.
quite lielehed Me the good timert al- Ottawa,'l°Tittl.,Gy='; Metcalf street,
things and Scott's Emulsion is ways came again -me always leaving "a was neayous. had headacbe and
the door ajar to let them In, Wye, brain fag. I.Twasea: tless at Iiight a,n1
the medicine that does it, Mnd? could not sleep. AlY' appetite.
"X am older; I feel it sometimes In me Poor, and I sielfe-ed from nervous dye
These poor bodies wear out Peer back; but rna notWhisper, Pepoia. Little business cares worried
s, darling, dt ain't the Yore that fre over; and irrItated me. After having wed
from ' Worry, fronj,verwork, ltes the -heart that inside that changes Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for about toe;
Inonths, I can frankly say that s Igzli.
like a new men, My appetie
from disease. T ' get thin tl'a faces (if ‘18.
" 'Twee a ceueln of mine that teached X met and sleep well, and thls treat-
, . me the trutle of it, this long ago. She ment has strengtheeed me wonderfully.
atul wedk. Some of the new begun to be old the day she was born, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is certainly the
did Katie, and when she Was fourteen, best medicine I ever used, and 1 say
ones are not wal made—and looking and acting twenty, 'twos a so because I wtet to glee full credit
. great help to her But when she was
*11 of erve Food„ 50 cents :a
e o tones are racked twenty, I m getting on!' !nye she. whore 1;.1a,It issedsuri
box , boxes for a2.50, at all dealers
'When she was! twenty -live, 'No,' says
• from long usage. she to Johnny, Walsh, that came or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto.
a -courting. I'm too old and settled In
a •
. Scott's Emulsion fixes all me habitsthorty tbe marrying.' Then 'when .
would ea her The Bargain of the Future.
eles was inothing
kinds. It does the work both hut to get wid the old women and talk
of the time when nhe Ora they 'was N honest man entered the atera
Inside and out. It makes soft young. at e, clothier one day' and In
"So the !heart of her wextt into the rePlY to the query ateto what
40110 hard, thin blood redItIce of her. It did so! I mind when 'mead be done for him on that
° s e.wae thirty about and me over tweet- partieular occasion; he assumed a,
weak , lungs strong, hollow tY t humble pose and replied:
_ , we wen together oneday to a big
new hotel to get work A good worker "Sir, I whit to furnish You poofthat
places lull. Only thVre,
e best ma- .
s Katie. But the boss he looked us 1 am whet I am."
terials are used in the patching up a 4 d - - 'Waked...us. dawn and asked his "I cannot doubt your honesty," said
questions, and then says he, 111 give tthe olothier, but still proofs are
and the patches don't show you a trial, my girl,' says he to me. Proofs, and you may subrolt your do -
'But as for you, he says to Katie, 'it's °entente." • .
through the new glow of health. young, strong, lively women we want,' "Do you remember that I Wee In
says he, and rm •thinaing you're atter your store Six months ago?"
Igo One Ixas to wait his t
. _urn. Mistaking thls for the Old Ladles' "Alma I do not; but you look like a
yourself—you ...—yon 0 Home, which,' says he, Is in the next on .
yosu.n„Of truth, and I will not gainsay
A th
anbottle. ' . . " ‘0 -hp!' says I to meself at that.
e Am I going out to hunt for wrinkles su"I was here, sir, and bought thls
lt of clothes of you. It had Wet
!narked down from fifteen &hare to
eight dollar's. luta flety cents."
• "Yes, I recognize the cloth, and I
grieve to think that / lost six 6ollars
and fifty onto on that suit. I had to
meek ebeen down to make room for.
the. luicit-&litch .bUelneles Ott the other
. ou Warranted the dye," cOnthrued
the honest Man? and there has been
no 'fading or croclang. I 'cannot say
,thet you lied. to me."
"And the price was right?" .
"It 'woe. I bug the delusion that:I.
'You can dolt
This Ode. re represents and rheumatism before rne own.mother
gets gray in her hair? 'Nat says I,
the Trade Mark of Scott's and 'twas thera•I begun to toss me
Emulsion and Is on the birthdays over me shoulder as fast as
wrapper of every bottle. ... they come. They're all • behlna me,
. • glory be! where I can't fall over thim.' --
Send for free sainple. ' '- . : "Whisper, darling," Mrs. Afullaly
SCOTT & BOWNE. added,. irnpreesively, "old age je.a bad
. - - habit, like .drinklitg. and If ye sun Way
TORONTO CANADA' to it ye won't so eagy !yak tt Off. Sure;
sr:. and $1. audruggista thereat :a nela year. . every twelve
-----------aluntila, but ihat can't Make ye an old
walaakt--never, _darling, until yen; wane.,
_ te.,'' to leer • '
Wet moon and Moon.
found 'a bargain." ' , .. . . .
"Thee What is the cause of .thy COM-
. plaint?" . •' • .. - • . ' . : • ' '
mien may influence teiew.ett.ther. .Wmales.:AilmentS.L.;
- :7- . Is 'that. after I had got miles away I
a •."11 15 -no atoniplatiot; oh, - clothistea-Tr
....,.. . l'.:"4.1141 are still . toartie ..isatidentle. at
Ill , .., . .
metebrology who. believe that the
but. the current 'popular .hellefil SU fferillall VW ch.:. OC ors Fan found .a ten -dollar bet lir the tree:sere
Pocket." a ', . • • - . s • • *. " - • ..
On the subject are almost pure impel'. : '. . 'To eure. ' " .' . ."A ten -dollar .15111 in the pocket ' Of
anion. Witness the distinction bee • -.,.. • ; • •an 'eight-dollar-andaltty-cent oulaaa
een a "wet" and a "dry" moon, based . mused the clothier. "Here,. Ikey, tome
Thousands of WorateeThrougbout 'Canada
he positionof the crescent, and still . - , forward and exnlaha":. • - . , -
- by some 'presumably intelligent . rit. a s' Similar Oenditiae-MOrde of ee-I was temPted,"'-tempted," young .-
•no. . The position of the Mescent - ' • Hope to 'Sufferers. man, is he 'trembled before; his em-
alously depends on the•relativaapoil. ' '. : - • . • - ,ployee . , • ... . • .. • - •. . ' ,
Mons of sun and moon, arid IS the. Same - ' In countiesiborties, threeighout Canada, aSo? 'Then •It tvate :.yon' who einhota-:
at the genie season of the year. • Mt. where health and happinees should reign a
• turee a ten for e. twenty, . and Made'
Arthur K. Bartlett has thought .a • suptemei the peculiar V.reakneas- end die.' 'this; .honest mare a- journey to get • his.
worth whhe to devote • a ' short maga- . eases.. of- Women are responsible for et' just dues?.. Go, bring .me a new. crisp •
aloe article to the detailed 'elucidatiott .. 'atmoirahete of irpelessneirs and aespair. een, :and liter 'ori X will see to your
of all this. 'Ilie explaeaticin, which ' This awfurcondition. is largMy dee' to a ea,eae , .
Stitt 'appeared in the Battle' .Creek misunderstanding of tbe proper manner • in "I would not that he Offme to poya
d'Moon" (Battle Creek, Mieli.),- and Is which to effect a Ora .for female trouble's erty," said the .honeet Man;
reprinted In "Popular. Astronomy" b(.' all . kinds.: Dr . William's' . Pink Pills "He shall not, but I• will !top it mit
October), runs as follovis: ' • I have been more suacessful in. oases. of tilts
"Caving .to the cliariolng positionaf kinathan any other madminir, ' and they 1 of his' wages ,and. tumble him to the
a dust. I always •give a twenty-d011or
the crescent _ seen upon the Western- • .should be in every lemma,: and should Ilie hilt with eireiy. 'elgait-dellareand-fifty-..
.eky after sunset, such expiesslons as used by eveiy women. who is not .,perf.eot y , cent snit, and here' is ,your .nalance
these are frequently heard:. ' 'If the; ' booty ,and steely. 11_,Ire Fred.' Sturphy, a Take la - eta.. Wtph .niany apelogies., anti
Moon lies so' water ,can- not run out .
: well krieln. residentoh Peibnico. Heed,. N. - if I have. put you •to any expense, rsa'.
we shall have a drought;' wet 'moot • S., cheerfully beats teetimone to the greet .- member - that .' all . my. eighteen -doll e a :
Is one upon. which the Indian can hang • settle of Dr %Rhona' pink P II
.,-1••43 ' 144 overcoats have been marked dean .1... -
his powder -horn,' etc. Now; It is a fact :. wOrnahai .ailments. Dire .afurplay tate :as nine dollars and • a fifty -dreier' - bli,
not generally known that the creseeni
a "A, few years7 ago rny .bealth,waa.com.i .
aT Placed In each ,packeate. close tbere' tnit
moon always appears `upon Ite tack' plenty. broken down, my. troitt.Ses ,begm- quickly arid make.' Moan for . a chit•ken-
In spring,. near the Vernal equinox; km. .,
J ring in one of the ai rapes which s.) free farm in the rear end Of the eterea •
ita end' te,..aottlinn, near 'the': qUenely affliet niy, sex. ''I was a great 'Ala Detroit ''Friee:'Treska •••;•-•:--: .' a. • - -
nareqiiitiox, end these pesitionk Wee titian violentaittinike Or painalvh.'-oh' •
occur regularly.each • year,. May .•'would. seizenie in theetomatila etre ardeni ' : . . _ : . . .. .
astir undentood lav a little Cele -
a the • heart, - It is irepesitele forjmi io Ow, A Remarkable Shot .. '
, • ,
ation after the tonditions have , eribe the agony ot.theeepatime, Several_
.. ..
ce been carefully explained. ; •. - times the doter was heathy' Oh:mimed, .. ... ..
ELLO, „Ike!" said ,peretle S. 'a .
"The change., of direction • in which My friends thinking. me dying. - I was . ex
that individual walked a a ..
the moon's 'horns' are turned is caused a
mholly enible to. perform my household' "
tho•storee "How'd you malt
by the •varying pesirion of the moon, work,. and wee 'under . Medical treatment
out genet& to -day?".
when at her 'new,' relatively to the • fit. My appetite left me, . my.. hoot
all through the summer, but ri theta bane- • .
. '' "Tole'ble, Jest tole'bie; 'ten t ':_.,
sun and earth, and depends upon the
would •palpitate violently after thaaleart• all: I got four, Week ducas, six hroare
nce in declination of the sun aed .
Wile moon be further -irtrrtlt exertion, and I ,oas pile and prorated. . PHI, and ten whitens." - --e-e---- .e. -----a'
My hist:lend urged me to try Dr, Wjilittme s "I. must • soy •thet's • ,pretty„gee ..
.uti seen after the erawa the Pink Pills, and 'procured:me . o supply. shootin' fer .one day," -egad" Perkiest. a
ikei under her .and she .ap. After tieing the ,pills e couplet of .'weeks, I "'Twee. putty -fair; but / Seemed hate".
her 'horns' upturned;- birt„ • weld feel that they vierellhelpin me, and got more yet if my shells hadn't al
rther rea around' her disk to the _north- !
south ' e . tr • I 'after using seven boxes, i was ful y restored aut."' . .
.to health, Zan that. time until the - "Thet so?!' saidethe •bonstaae. "'TiVar.
Ward, and -hir 'horns'. appear nearer 1
, Spring of 1901 X enjoyed the best of health.. hard. leek and 'minds rite p' orie elta '
vertical, as if the crescent moon was . but at that tittle / felfrun down, and- Er f- ',bout four'year .agOTWben X went dowr
resting upon. one of. them. . We -see the •
: feted from pains. in the beak. I • at once tu the medders gonnlea with thet 'old
moOn in varying potatione on the sky, i
. pot genie more of Dr Williams' Pink Pelee teuzzleaciader el;`nitite: I fooled 'round -
and at first sight there appears to be 1
rib -definite relatiori between -her t1 si and they earn pet me alright,' . and I am all clay, till I had only one charge of
-°--- ! nevi feeling beam; than 'I hem done . for powder , left. Birds' had • been comae
tion and the :position of her cusps or .1 .•
yeats. 1 cermet praise these pille COO s 'long, 'One - In a flock, and mew' and ,
'horns.' In fact, this feature of . her I. much, tor can- e, too, strongly urge those 1:then . tew tone ones, and all Of 'em. out
aspect has seemed so chanaeful. arid . who • a . a
re ailing 'to. test ' that Wonderful ,:er range, and I .didn't glt a laird. r
;capricious that it has -even :been re- health metering v'rtufs." - • '. •* ' • was kinder . cliseoutaged; 'hadn't had A
-garde'd as a Weather token. But In ". ,.
, De William? nk Pale .go eight' to- the geed allot all day. Tut jest as X "wee
teallta there is a simpfe relation ale • root of disettie by eking new, • 'rich blood, . gittin' out of the etand I beard: a
ways fulfilled by 'the. Moon's 'horns; . restoring shatterednerves In ibis Way, goose heilerie', and I ortittehed down •
,or points of the crescent. The. nee. they cure such troubles as the' functional. quick, I can tell .'yer, and pui•ty soon .
joining thOM Is always at right 'ongles , afinetag of warner restore the gloW of be landed Plumli, down In the . eolith- '
• or perperidicular to,.a. line drawn frenree ..e a catte
oat,. to easeew clieekte; bete palpitation hole in 'trent of me, where my deteere .
the sun to the moon, so that ' the of the heart, ariaernia, headache, indigeee was. I was jest tu the Oath of . the
'horns' are always turned directly ax
tiehakideey and liyer tionblee,rheumetiem, deacon's* niedder-you fellersremeMber ,
Away from the sun: The exact peel- partioapeatitysie, Si Vitus .dande, eta. Be how the mareh there's very' nareer .
In which ' they will 'stand at Any • euro . you' tat the. genuine with the full and, reins right 'Ohm pp to the beach '
Is, therefore, easily predictable, Maxie "Dr Williams' Piek Pill for Pale -and my steed etas jest abreast : of
has nothing whatever to do with People," on. every box. If you do not And • thet 'low ,pleele ori the. beech they 0011
eather. , .. *. As the late Teo- them at your dealers, they will be reaPed the blow -hole. wa-ale X moved 'round
Proctor well retearked, 'to ais- • postpaid se 50c a, bot, or six boxes for 0,50 ' •keerfue and got a .heed on the OTd
hat there will be such and such . by addressieg the Dr :William& Medicine goose; when he must have • sonata me,
er when •the • line . joining the Co , Brookville, Ont. . ' - . for jest as / was goln. tu let him het,.
a fir seen (for dnetaitce).. nearly . . . • . . it he 'begun ateirimita away from me. '
lamina the moon being neat, is tbe.
Me as asserting that there Meet be Ms cleate• di ug store at. ()algal. y Was - • I didn't. want til lose him so ,I be -
me hy iii e, which original ed in gun to Whistle hem back; 'and, If you'll
ch. and such weather at the time ao . explosion of .chernicel.._ - Mr V. believe me,' as X was eateittita there,
of new moon in February and Maclean was severely burned in t ra- what sheltie' I See eomin' up by the
Arch, if the mein Is then nearly at Loa ,„ b nye soma game, . blow-hoie but a red fox. Boye, ra hey
het merriment distance from . the ec-
Itptie. And so with all etioh oases. 1I : : •• To tilt ve to yen ethrit Da 'given' rhy hull faran for .another Charge
It there were any veiled at all in such 1 es g,:i.milsolutolk cure for each mesa. Theagebee by this time had
Oka eta ascertain of powder and Y shot thet minute, X
pl'adietiOns. thet would Imply the and every final of itching,
striCtly cyclic return of such and such g IP .9 P . d
eirclend retold 'and' begun tu torte tO- •
weather.' The taidltiOn that the Ores- -the inatinfactirere have guaranteed it. bootee' war tt me, fent, and the fox was a- I
ti I I i th daft remand eak our i h- paladin Nall. Gradually the . old . 1
cent • of the new moon, when nearly. bortiWhatthey think of.% You cata use it and goose was glithe in line with thet fox. .
horizontal, 'foretells e 'dry month,' or getyour money back if not eured. tao a tax, Mt 'By thunder!' • 's I, 'if X can et 'on In ;
When nearly vertical a 'wet month,' ie all dealers OTEtatartsoN,Bants es•Co.,Toronaa'
too absurd to be teluted, as dt IS with.. ' DreeChaSett (;) ntrrtent both,' In a:nether minute they was
a line there's. a theect or .gittle ?ern I
Mit any foundation WhateVer, .. 1,4ke •
:. ... eight in line, and X let 'ern have it. 1
10-aree.4sIta.....e.-..aeoetere-a- - .
Onte, dining a dry setteee in Chime. the tox.:so•le 'couldn't ritee'lled"killed
the late Di Mara Chang' rallied 'citi 'Miro thet bltiefish res he drifted •ashore, and
lster Conger, and spoke of the weather.. I got the ihtel thre6."
"TOP said Mr. Conger, "it seems le be eSoye,", mid Perkitte eielerrieli, "If
dry .everywhere. It IS dry in A,Merio., . yotall etep Intil the, lath* room I'll !et
too. I reed to dee of our papers the
lee the elder."--"judgc!"
other day that in many plaits In the • • . .
, ; ;; aaa........ •
° West the people were praying for rein." , . . • •
"Whitt!" said the •earl, aelo your people 'e
pray to their God for rale?" ."0b, yes," "
safe the minister, "they often pray for
rain," "And does their God send tr, Whether it is brain fegelese of meniory,
when they prey for • it?" lisloal the inwhillty tO Otteehtrate the mied or bogille
'earl. "Yee, senietinteo. their prayere •v, ale tot ana .tearel rehab y TI Cliagece
are anewered, and seine:Mee they are !IWO Feest Will reetore your tad time .onst
tot." "All the *eine like Chleette Pee, orgy, etrenuth And heitith. Through the
hey?" reed the earl, with it, grin and e btriod and net vauft 83 Stun, it reaches every
, , ( tot of the beiv end OVere0M08 Woalintste,
i rigttlieities i:naedi ca -e, . .
Curioust Bits of News.
The tftret monument ever erected to a
eeolt la about to_ be inxiaigUrated in
Parts. The chef in quest Is Urbain
Detbois, who labored In the German
EmPartyraa kitchen.. •
-A, new volume of reminiseerioeeby
Dean Hole quotes the following erotreo
OrclinarY Prayer aa offered by a loYel
but certainly injudicioUe Ensaigh oler-
gyman On behalf of Queen aeleleade, the
wife of William IV.: "Oh Lord, stave
Thy eervant, our sovereign lady, the
queen; grant that as ehe grower an old
woman she may beeome a new man;
etrengthen her with Thy blessing that
the iney live a pure viraln, bringing
forth sons and daughtere to the glory
or God, ant give her gnaw that she
May ig0 forth before her people like a he
goat on the mountatne.a
Certain oreed e Otero to Monopolize
certain industries, Practiolly al; Bras
tish inanufactureris ef Ole*, ter exam -
pleb are Quakers. In London a verY
large percentage of cigar merchants
and all the best-known manufacturers
of Christmas cards are Jews. Wherf.
ever a Welshnian gOes„ tri London to
seek his fortune It la long odds on /ifs
Making hls pile either in the -draper's
Or drug More bueinees. Irishmen, proe
• tbe Money -making inetinct, fleck to
lattat:ILIalwomi7 to the fact:that they leak
Gasolene is, it appears, the fuel most
pultable dAr sithinaainee; but human
sensate:ma give no sure ,warning when
Its collected femme axe becoming dan-
gerous, White mioe, however, are said
to be extremely sensitive to this poison.
and perish incontinently before human
beings begin to suffer the slialatesf 111-
effeots. So in ell submarines of the
future a:ages full of white miee are to
be kept on the floor, 'whence the heavy
emanations gradually rise, and It lent
always be storneone'e duty to go rouod
and see bow the 'nice are getting on.
Stands:First in the Estimation
' eta Prominent 'justice of
the Peace
Paine's Celery Compound
The Marvellous Spring Mettle
eine' Banishes Long Stand- •
Ing Oyspensia . and
S twined' troubles
. .Do hot allow dyepepele, indigestion and
stomach troubles to continue their body'.
destroying work you sane the glad'.
springtime, .While nature arousing
from her winter slatuberara adeath and
putting on a brighter and more 'cheerful
. garb -a -white the birds, 'the rifle and tho.
brookertea jo.yonelysiegiegtheis pettua.ol.
Weitifent-etio aria* 1111e, so should men and
- womenaerideavor to atia .off the fetters of,
• digests; and put ien- the new life that en.
_ ables them • to • atipreoiate the joys and
..bealitiee Of a petit -born season'.
The greet spring eniapoipitor and lib'
erator from the common diseams of life. is
Paine's Celery Compeund. Testea.. for.
yearsby the ablest physicians' and ethane
'triumphant in overcoming sickness, it is
gladly reoeimmetided by the great. majanta
of medical raen"ftom day te. day.
. .
Mr John Mackenzie,' Justice. •of Peiteca
and, Clerk ,Of.. the Township of Sarawak
-.sad Brooke, Ont„ says
. • 'lea will think. me ungrateful in not
sooner acknowledging to von My entiro.
cure from dygpeperiaahrOtigh the use of
Psinehr Celery Compound; bat when I
tell' yet! that I seffered all the tortures. of
dyspepsia for five year, and 'hiring that
time having taken roost of the gnat rem-
edies advertioed as the only sere cute for
the horrible complaint With or no
benefit; I was deteimined to be .cured ha;
fore I would ix ...atiafied.: :Seine- of the
great remediee wcu:d give me a little re -
:lief while was taking them, tut as sorer
es I stopped them ' WELS SS bad as Erna
aWhen conmenced . taking Paine',•
Celery ( cm' °end I frilly expected the
enema regulte,, at . toy. conadence •in all
-Medicines was shaken;• but from the .firse
dcse of the • ccimpoend Is felt aetter, and
after taking two hottles thought I was
ctenpletely cured; bet • to mike the 'ore
certain I took lotto beetles more It is now
over two years sloe took- the last dose,
'and hese not: had th ' least. sy.optcm of
the digerati in any .w . I cite frrm my
own bleseed_experien teconimend Paine's
Celery Ccomound as „it, • gure care • Mad., a
Tery pleasant medieint to take."
Arthur Baucbard and he; nine chil-
dren were burned to death in a fire that de-
stroyed their dwelling at Illatene, Que. .
FrAexinexhioonshatobdeirepooteDe eepflititloboekaiiter-a-tee
tin -
course of pitting on Sunday and.adopt
ed the budget for 1902 by e vete cf 498-0 64.
; • •
• . • — " •
roaring front the formation of gLui caving.
, improper digestion,. is the source of great
misery to many. ' A very prcrept and
efficient reinedi for this trouble. is found
111 Nerviliee, It relieves the distention
instantly, and oy stimulating notion on
the stomaili aids digestion. Good aloo for
Collo, COlde,, Rheumatism, Neutral& ,arid
Headache. In medicinal .power Nerviline
:has a value five thnee grea.ter than any
go ehteqr eliTieis.t it and sea it is not so. Drug.
a Altai dancm:::, WHO Hazel
crealreilites t J
-1 PoSea Exited. width Oday Owes cMi Oftesi
Cciaart "Weald Alciaal," doielly paten.
Test asei tired, a blueileh jumped out
Of the Water front a school on 'era that
was ()haste' balt leshbre. / shot the
geese plum through the head,' lamed
. .
The 'United Statea enat e Comm itt ea
on the I, hmiani Canal has decided to
t ecormxtend the Nicarakeao route. •
The Canada Thread Company, of
Montreal, is being profiectard for.refue••
lag to answer the census questions.
Muchis Spoken and written during these
time*. about this mysterious method of treat-
ing diseageg, The most retearkable came of
magnetic healieg which halo come under
the notice cif the writer bave bt et. those in
Which Dr Chase's Ointment was tied, This
eeeparation seems- to hive magical potvite
irt otOppingathe dreadful itching, burning
eensations of ealt rheten and ozone, and
when toed regularly, makes the Ore Ithor-
(nigh end permanent.
JEx Governer Altgeld Of Illinois was
skzed with film Si while ad,dreSsing
po Boer meeting; and died next Mem-
Ex -Treasurer C. D. ThOmpson, of the
Maccabeee, has been arrested at Port
Huron Charged with the larceny of
liehellteeeTee Feht-Eiller wUl
be leend te Yehr haede ......................
leitiredf: 'Vied tla a liniment for etiffnegg
and taken internally for all bowel cone
plainte A.Mid stibstittites, 250 and 50o.
Chas Gimlet. aged 25, f Whitby, Wit
Lound .0 din bed,
The ?e n yly aril a Railway will spend
$20,000,000 in tune( Is tinder the North
and East, Itivers to °Wain att entrance
IWO New Yolk. '
MalVi Irene boogies', While wen king
at a Mill de in at Port Hope,was knock
ed into the Water, swept avvey and
Or &tinders, Director of the Expert-
ineri't a 1 Pain al 0 'Lava, is of the opine
ion 1 hat beet snigar prodnction tannot
eucceed Oanada, •
New Dress For Ten Cents,
The Price of a Package of
Women Miry social tionclition knows
from practical experience that it is per.
Bible with the ale . a Diamond Dyes to
Ladies use Diamond Dyee to their en-
tire satigfaction, advantitge-anda-profita"
Teem is rie lafteell Why you, too, will not
fled in Diamond Dyett the eame aid to
econOraleal and stylish drafting, If you
prefer to get a new dress for ten cents hae
stead of baying a new ODA at a. cost of
from Ovate ten dollars, buy a package eof
Diamond Dyes, and with very little work
you tom make your old dress look like a
new one.
Sena a Postal Card With your eddress
and The Well° Rioliardson Ca, Limited,
200 Mountain elt„ Aiontreal, P. 0., wilt
mail you free of cost fail range of designs
of DIM:Pond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns to
raake seleetions from, '
A Comic Opera Strike,
r •
HERE is, as o rule, little! that Is ,
humorous in a strike. But a
recent strike hi Columbus, 0.,
is so humorous and at the same
time so extraordinary thet it seems a-
blest incredible. It sounds as if it took
place in Topsa-turvydom instead of In
the 'United States of America. It wollild
make a good libretto for one of Gilbert
and Sullivares crazy operettas.
This is the story ot the Columbue
strike: C. M. Jones Is editor and pro-
prietor of the Columbus "Press -Post"
-that fa, he was. The paper Is now
appareotlY being edited by almost ter-
eryeody but the editor. It seems that
Editor Jones got Into trouble with his
eity editor, The city editor is ar mem.-
ber of the Newspaper Writers' Union.
Now it has • leng been a grievance
among newspaper reporters that they
are not trot:well treated as the printers,
because. they have no union. On the
other hand, the printers have a union
which is the most powerful and pros-
perous trade union, In the country, with
the possible exception of the Brother-
hood of Locomotive Engineers. The•
reporters have , attempted to torm un.
Ions. But they are like twee ofl sand. t
So they finally decided to organize un-
der the wing of the printers.
In every union printing -office 'there
Is a body called "the chapel," presided
over by 'lather." The foreman re-
• presents the employer, the father of
the chapel represents the ;printers. ,
Virhenever there Is a question at Issue,
the printers invariably take their or-
ders from the father of the chapel In.
stead of the foreman. So in the office
of the "Press -Post," the reporters or-
ganized as a newspaper writers' union
ender the protection .of_the printers'
.bh)13."drtitc ;On; found City Edited. Mar -
'Mall unsatisfactory for various rea-
sons Flret h it ed
h 21st, 1902
e_eeeeter::! hew,: fia=rarromot
;Irt 2=4"."4" WIRE 4119111:
- ,E47.-sriPtt• li'XIV2rrael"Sax:alne •
'irpie is the Page Standard II Bar 'Pence, nutde of "Page" wire which is twice as strong se
common wire. The continuous coil, note wavy' alMearance,allows for expetudon ,and cOn
traction which is importent owing to Canadian clunate. Our upright wires are in one pleat
and have strength of about 800 pounds. If made of_iiieceti apnoea at each horizon*, their
world have a strength of tardy about 000 tioundoe we also make gatee, ornamental moor.
Poultry netting, nails and stapler. The Page Wire Fence Co.. Limited, Welkerville, Ont.
dies' Jackets
We have till a number of our Fall and Winter Jackets
left, and inorder to clear them out before the season is over
we have decided to let them go at about one-half 'the original
coat These Jackete are all up-to-date, both in style and
quality. All must be sold.
• Note a few of the prices below .1,—
Jackets that Were $1151:0000tO otarsat 114.98+
41 • 903 • 2.95.
4 4 6,00 1.80.
a 4,00 and 5,50 " 1.65.
viskagal .
g .11
s.• All our Frieze Overcoats,which ranged in price from $5
to $8.00 to clear at $3 95
,st All our Goods equally as cheap. Come and see what we
have to offer.
Plumsteel Gibbingsr
ameras Cameras 1 Cameras!
Buy a Camera, and be Happy
Tfitre is probably no pastime morepleneant and instructive to both older and younger
minds than photography. It is a pleasure because it helps to while awe thine long
. .
1 er everunge, and atm matructive because it teaches care and preoision and teacheil
o look for the artistic in the everyday surroundings of home.
The general impression is that it is herd te take photos, but meth is not the caSe. Any
ne with a kodals and instruction book can take photos. We carry full yne, '
In CAMERAS -Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding.
PLATES -Stanley, Eastman, Paget Prize.
PRINTING PAPER-Solio and Dekko.
rPevelopere, Mounts and Outfits. Call and see.
For those who prefer to have their developing and finiehiog done we quote the halloWe
uk prima We guarantee work if exposure is good. • •
4x5 41x8e 8,1x8e Brownie
etieh • 4o & 3o 6 exposures 100
dozen 35o 30o 25e
each 7o 6o 5c
65o 55o e50
90 ' 7o
90o • 759 60o
Chemist At Druggist
. , ehadcr arena
court house officials Who Were friends
of E'ditOr .Jones; 'alio, second, he had
been "econeed" by the other OolUmbus.
papers on .a railroadWreck; they had •
run the wreck With "Beare -heads," and.
City Editor Marshall had not run it at.
. Theelacke Editot Janes requested
Marshall to restan. Marshall:ref-I:teed.
Editor James then !narrated hlin that
he Was 'discharged: Marshall at: once
ordered e strikeaand Newspaper, Wit -
ere' Union No, 2 walked Mit. Eaitot
Jones'. attempted to paaley 'With . them,
;and offered. to secure another editor.
They refused toreturn miless Marshall
Was replaced. Thereupon EditorJones
broke -off negotiations, got ten young
Men from ahe. State Uelversity .re•
portei s,. edited their copy himself, arid
It was sent to the corrijebeing.roont,-
The tether of the chapel walked to'the •
imposing -stone, .rapped thereon with
Mallet; a .Chapel meeting was held, e.nd
the printers' stopped. their, Work. The :
father of the chapel inforinea. Editor.
Tones that If the..non-unioe cony wee
not removed from the hook the print-
ers would strike. • ESitor;one's took .
isablabie norattilicreteepy: That .dartirs'a ''--
"Press-Post"- did not 'Come out. S. The
next day . Editor Jeines sent the paper
to Presswithout any local news,filling
it up Witlanstriatives of the low-itecked
gowns .at Newport, snake stortes,, aca.
merits cif the shocking attire Worn by ,
tile young women at Long Branch', and
.other refitted and pleasing miscellany 01111tOl Door _antt,
of the kind usually -found In the •aue- a
dayeaunplententseofekreat -daffy news -
Printing and Mounting
dozen 75o
Developing, printing, mounting, eaoh 10o
dozen (a1
a .1:
of all kinds
papers. ' Unfortunate]. , Editor Jones, Blind
feeling somewhat emffittered over the
situation, wrote With his red right hand „ Sas. S. COOPER. a • PROPRIETOR,
aaaggae-Otat in to the painters. Net .11-41.1*kl: [General and Contractor:-
lepyageditorial On the labor ques-
e ng localate s, and being earitten bit
:he editor and proprie.tora it might be
raPPosed that they would print it. Not
so, . Again the unforipnate editor wee -
Informed that he:must Withdraw his •
non -union -copy, or the printers would
strike. Editor. Jones wttlyarew his edie
• .
'still ruznng without the -ideal news,
and • Editor Jonas Is beseeching Ttesi.
dent Lynch of the International' Typo-
graphical Unlori „to devise gorne Means
bY Which he may he allowed to get bia
Paper out. . .
• So thequestion may_ be asked, Who
tit editing the cote/rams "Presti-Post?"..
is It the Proprietor, Editor .Tones?
is It the discharged employee, City Edi- ,
tor Marshall?, or is it the Newspaper
Writers" Union No. a? et Is It the fath-
er of the Colutribus printer te chapel?
or is it the, president ca. tha Totems-
tio.nal TypOgrapatcaa 'Union of North
America?, -
• The'enwmill and stave factory of Mr J.E.
Leurphy, of Hepworth, were deetroyed by
fire. Loss $8000,
kfr C.,e, Pearson hag offered Santos
'Delmont -a prlie of 24000 for an lirabip
voyage here -London toBirmingham,
The citizens Of Belfast he.ye decided to •
toot a statue of the late Lord- Deffetin in.
front of the new (3ity Hall, ,
It in' reported at Clanton that a nal.ve •
pasgenger boatwas run ,down by a Or
steanter end 152,pereote drowned,
Atlast accounts the "Preee Poet" id
ng tire pablio with care, .atteetion
hoeeet goods and low prices, has given us
a high ptiaition ermang-St thrdreggiatirtif
eianede. We--Iok--for- yourttit,, tnd
Will use etniry Li -Weaver to Meke you
regular customer.
Our supplies of pure Drage, letedteineti,
Toilet Preparaiioes, Petfurnete Brushes,
Combs, Sveriges, Etc., Wilt interest yea.
PONE tiettaiat COM Jean.
We are fully 1 repared 10 111 your orders
for this popular disease.bmiehing toed -
Weed. Knowing leg pieces aud virtue',
we strongly nonmetal .it no a blood
1 urifber nerve brawn andflesh builder,
MOOS Celery ()impound° ;s no li
Mealy it has been tested and eurteeeetnity
1 noel in all fst11111 of Cote& by Ora, of
I tilt:agate:la Mid has ncy•.:1r failerf.
E. V DEEMS, Druggist, Clinton •Onteeee
_ri;* •
Tius factoay is the largest in• be ognntya, and9 has the very Wait inproved rce-
.ehinerye capable of lacing Work on the shortest notice.. We carry an extensive
' and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all clan-
. 'as of buildings on short notice and on the closed prices Ail work is repervii-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of In:
• (*rim and exterior tztaterial.
+Lumber Lath, Shingles time.,rtSash,, Doors Rlinds, Ek
Agent for the Celebrated . GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manatee are
at Waterloo. Call and get prime and esame.tee before placing your ,ordere _
Valf-halaVitatattPitat 4-4-*****-Alkir*Orkft***4*******
e Keep Them All.
Ilersee's Stock Food
Hersee's Poultry nod
Fratt's Annualltevilat
Glauber and Epsom Salts
Sulphur Insert Powders
Sheep Dips; etc.
- E. HOY - Dispensing Chemist; - Clinton.
-113-011 Want Utt •-safeat,-strengest, --
simplest, most " durable, easiest •
cleaned and cleanest skimming
Separator on the market buy the
111/1.0NET. A ttial will convince
you that it is the best. When other
machines are left on trial send for
a Magnet. It will compete.against
any utter make. Manufactured
by The Petrie Taylor Mf'g Co. '
J. kl. Wheatley, Agent,