HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 7lifarch 218', 1902 Anecdotal, IS related that !Mee, wheel t4 tain in. the a:MY IMO certiOred bY romss. Bee Pother Rye% Deen of Si MiehiseVe Cathedral, TOSOnte, is dead, e The Xing hell abaltdOned hie bitentian re , he addreeeed his erten all Ws ioWat "MY men, light like dernerie Until ,yenr powder gives Oat, then run. in V4 little inane, I'll start now." An. Bngligh rector on eorrilitg into, tic faew parisb, asked the Clerk if there were any Fuseyites (f011oWere of Dr isseY, a high churebrnan) lit the OM inanity. "No, air," replied the clerk "there used to be seine, but for the las s . I , 'We years the boys have took all their Mark Twain was recently °hafting Sir Weinyss Reid on the vagaries of this- itsh pronunciation. "Yo lt spell a. Verne B -e -a -u -p -11 -a -in -p, and prononnee it Marehbanke," lie itid. "And yon do . Precisely the same thing," replied Sir Nercyss. "What do you mega?" asked Mark Twain. "Well, yeu Oen year pante C -1,e -m -e -n -s, and you proneunce $t, Twain." . error of a new clerk in the mail- ing department of an.Brrirlish publish - Eng •house was responsible the Other • day for the mailing of a prospectus to a world-famous statesman, wile had been dead for some years. The letter was returned a few days later, with the following endorsement: "In Ileaven, 1901. Gentlemen; AD your DO- lications are not permitted to circulate here, I believe It would be useless for me to subscribe for them. Your re- spectfully," and here followed the name the famous statesman. When aasked what be thoughe Of a • Certain captain who frequeneed the Es- . sex links, a Scotch caddie said: "Weel, oir, he's a verra nice .gentleman an' a good gaufer, but he's awfu• nerrarea.W- nyrra." "Narrow! What do you mean, Donaldr "'Weel, sir, it wis this .way. Etter the game was ower, and I •.had carried his clubs up tae the Irciuse, be says: 'Donald, will ye hae a draw?' And 1 said: .1, go be verra. pleased,' So be gets thephottle, an' he pourIn' awa' itistae a glaSs, an' I wantIn' tae be gen- teel, says: 'Stop: stop'—an * he stopped." • What to do with Jefferson Davis • should he be captured,. Was a. problem, that puzzled Lincoln's Cabinet not a lit. Ile. In speaking of it to General Grant one day, the President remarked: "There was once an Irishman who had 'signed the Father Mathew temperance. pledge. Going .into a saloon to get a glass of lemonade to quench his thirst, he leaned over and whispered to the. barkeeper: 'And couldn't you pat a in. tie brandy in it unbeknownst to me - /Alf?' So," continued Mr, Lincoln, "le.' Davis escape all unbeknown to you - if you can." L. R. Stockwell, the popular actoe says that some years ago in San cisco, when Peter Jackson, bite cok pugilist, was a feature an a. revive., "".• ' • Tuni's Cabin," "Bill". ,...• . le, Lured at the Baldwin ter, 'but was greeted- -by , so small, 4,.. -audience tha.t...be .excused birasela anu. 'went ••over to hear Jackson taikin:t th^ eearly gates to lAttle Eva. Atter t ht 21I'Lnce Stockwell met Nye ,.rt e'l:bY of the theater, and he ea• - e n; .. -.dello, Nye! .What aid yon, ti,. I -et v.."' "Well," resptaded. the • ha.. a 1, ur yiy, "anatomiealle .he. was- grea;., Lnele ,T•oinically ie laqlie •) Leer saw." • Dr. , arnadoe, a noted professor of GreL, . is very fond of flowers, aed. sone. „is ago, on returning from MS colle; kettles, he found •in his iront yarn . p,!...tiferous calf belonging to a The doctor give chase, ,and the plunged toward the newer - pit, .e.d la another instant -crashed, 'threes., tee glass eover and mixect 'at random with the pots and planta be- low, When anoeher professor passed a few Minutes later, he said, gravely: "I do not understand, Dr. Varnadoe, why you sbould object so seriously to hav- ing a medest cowslip added to your fine colleetion of plants." • The doctor's, frowning face relaxed, ."Ah, Sanborn," he retorted, "you see,..thie was only a +worthless bulrush," • Not long ago a tourist in New -Ore leans went to see the statue of Andrew Jackson in that city, on the pedestal of • which is insaribecIa "United We Stand;• • Divided We Fall." Seeing an. old Col- • Ored man standing by, he asked, "Un- cle. aid • that. inscriplion.--srartiisive-Wilf ..• duning, the Civil 'War?" "No, sail," te- • - sponded the old unele "hit didn't etaY .dar enelurin' de. wah. In de tust place,. dem letters was standin' out. 1ak dey • ;Was plastered on. Den de wah bust. •-loose, and de Confed'rate gin'ral down yere, he tuk a chisel and "cut denelet- • terfl off smooth. ben ol' Gin'ral But- ler,' he come eriong wid his 'Union so - Jere, an' he tuk a chisel an' 'out dem • an deep, Talk dey Is now. An', Lordia how de folks down yere did sneer when el' Gitoral _Butler. _brosh de due' _oft'n • his clothes an' git up fruen his sitt'h an' say, 'I'se p-gwine-to hang de fus' John- ny Reis what cuts dem letters off rr When the late President of the enited States and party stein vest not many areanths before he was ,shot, Mrs. Me- • /Shiley, it will be remembered, went too. While talking one day with., • the man who built the battle- ship " e on," relates a writer In the Boston "3 nal," Mrs. McKinley Said: epee do, Yeu Play cribbage, Mr. Seat?" • "Yes," was the great Shipbuilder's an-. ewer. "Well, so do I," said Mre, • Xinley. "I wish you would play a game • with me." "I should be delighted to de) so," was the reply. Later, as Presi- dent McKinley and Mr. Scott were looking over the Jatter's bit.; plant, Mrs. McKinley not being preeent, the Fresie ' dent said: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Scott, • didn't hear yeti and Mrs. McKinley arranging to itl; .bb ir,e some tittle?" "Yee," saki Mr. eLott, "we are going to play.' whai, kind of a player are you?" asked the President. "Oh, pretty fair, I guess; I pIay a pretty • good game." "Well, so do 1," said Mr. oirocinley. "But, do you know, it may seem strange, but it is a fact, tbat I have never been able to play well enough to- 'beat Mrs. McKinley:" As he said this he looked at Mr. Scott with a sig- nificant smile. Their eyes met. It was enough. Mr. Scott understood, and, it rlves safe to say that be did not beat Mrs. McKinley. • A Great Whispering Gallery. With the'clnorease Of cable, telegraph and telephone communication, and es- Portuguese troops attacked slave, petially with the introdudtion the trader's strongholds in East Africa, marvels oS wireiesa telegraphy, the • router:1nm traders' forces and liberat ;World has 11)4011 PODverivol ante; a huge ed 700 alavetio OVIIISperIng gallery.—'atrald,". Sydney. Because it is carried by the air you theto diseased parte, because it deie troyea the serial life that 4haintains the 'Artist—/ guess make' It flak" diseesed oonditioo, beeituse it powerfdlly visit Ireland. ..M11,ngo pond, Of btaxwell,aorornitted outs by ahooting. ThiNaial Dasielature hos adodted Velle. letion in favor a compulsory Military Ser- Samoel Miller, a retired farmer freer - Markdale, committed etdoide by jumping t into Toronto Day. ' 'Op Late Nights, endless engagements generall) run down'? 'Take L The LtrAt " timuleinifof DedlolVer Oil. It will tons up vont- syelern and make you feel Vonnelf *gala. Made by DeVie & letwrenee 00,,Tstd. Detective SevinCur, of the San Peen. pollee feree talon big way to Port. wi hum to id eitify „ Holt, the man oe14 on Stlepleton of intsrael. J. J. Mc(hrsick, of Duluth, while talking at a telephone, was killed by in electric shock communicatedhrough the instruraent from croesed wi res. STRONG AND VIGOROUS. • 4111111.1.•••••...11...• Every Organ of the Body Tuned np and invigorated by . assasse , . . . . Mr, V. W. Meyers, Ring,Stten.ft Berlin, Ont:, says:. "1 suffered.for Ave .yeate with : palpitation, ehortnetis of breath, eleeplessness and pin in Alis,M0.,‘,11' t Ode box of Milbura's Heart `antlIN Pills completely. removed .411 4ilecie ?sassing sYlaritores. I have not suffered ince taking them, and now sleep Well and aso escang and vigorous." ra -Mil on rn 'ig Heart and 1194rve I',11,13, cii ri ell di s awes arising Kin- twaliket, Worn Out nerve tissues, or watery blood. , • _ 'Curious Bits of News. .....,,... . ... • Mr.. and Mrs. john Williams of Dan- ville, ItentuelrY,• lately eelebrated their golden, Wedding, and one of the gifts - they, received was a. handsome, tomb- . stOne ,With then. names engraved upon if. This was :from' J. E. Wright, a local monument dealer, and, strange to say, the "Olir totiple were delighted with t4p,„ unique' gift. : se The authorities of the city .of Rouen;., the. home op the faistouscathedral, are • considering a plan to utilize the street ' trolley wires for the extinguishment of fires. The schern'e,IS to place 'electrical- IY driven pumps ' at suitable points along the electric tratriway. System which. covers the city, and then, In case of fire, to switch on the current from the trolley wires todVive't.he pumps.. • . . A quantity of ' jewels ' and. trinkets Which had played important 'parts in inurdere- and other crimes were.scad at auction • by the • pollee, authorities of 'gra the other day. ,lVfost oa, the arti-• des brought .prices faestUbeve their in, trinsie value, their 'Worth being. •ert- hanced in the eyes' of; the morbid be - Cause of the greWsome• .aasoclatiens _ .connected with them. ;Those which , were bloodstained, were :In great de - Mend. . '';'''\ ; , . ' • - ' The Hong Kong, "Daily Preis- saYS that the Tartar•General of Canton haV- ing been troubled byan'evil Mtluene.e In his ya.mon, Which in One meatnacatised the ffeeth of his wife and daughter,. as well as of a former • Tartar general, a. fting ,shin professor was finally calleci In. He looked' over the city:, and de- cided the evil inffuenee was the roof of 1 'the library 'cif the Government school „for_fruisign.ilangnagSs... .T.be. roof. Which_ was a peaked one, was at once re- trieved. and is rit.4 being.replaced by a -' ' ' • ' ' -.0 • .", -, , .' under* oad that Hon Wm Pat- erson will he one of the d.lsgates' (0 the col-mial conference in London next I•Jui,lint.tr. WI., :Btirland, 'for m erl y • nf tiie 6 h Frisiliere, Mentrealt has ;heel) af 'a rinintOd vommande oh of I he. IiitneY. .t elm, with Major Suibet land, 4.3:.d Re- . gimenr, 0+ twri , as AtPutant '.. • ' TELE CLINTON NEW ERA 01111101011011111 I I BLOOD POISON; guirsitee toy Latest Method Vestment to boa positive -ours for Blood Pollee. If You Aare Ws lawful disease you Ore is dancer uutil completely oured: the various gym - roma Yee MAW, should bee wanting to take Immediate treatment, Dost Put It oft until theists. as It continuaRY lets were*. It you hare *ore throitt.Patehee on tongue or mouth, swollen gland" hair IOW out, Motehert un kedla itching Akin or other Mina of Una swill abeam°. eall on me. 7 give you a writtee guarantee to cure you without fier. oury Sr Potimatunt, and you Foy When Ourith. Ihavelettilgoutel and Oergnolitern whiob testify to Ma steuaing Ind abilities s Tho *rising, testimonials can be semi et my 0111001 116900.00 reward ter any 0 Cannot show. 0A814 NO, MOM,• May St, 1000: InYtintisI over took • •• I'm happy to say pat your medicine* hiriirry.srakerfalluut. vA891 NO. S12404. Oot, 15, Me. Your treatment has helped me wonderfully, *MMUS DIEM. CASENo240116. 1899 • / have oeundenoe you as a dootor, for you helped licit more than snYone else kilo, arid I feel that yoe cured ote. R. P, MARTA*. The lastest Method Treatment Cures Varicesoele And StrietUre without cuttinx,stretohini or loss ot thee; also ()braille Pri- vate, Nervous, Impotence, Motley, LiTer, Vedder, Stomach, rentals and Rectal trou- ble*. consultation Free. If you cannot oall, write for Manic for home treatment. Perfect system of hoxne treatment for these who osanot call, Book Fre.. Alt medicines for Canadian patients *Moped from V/Indeor, Canada. All duty and transportation pharisee prepaid-4verything oonfidentlel—No nominal) onvoloaao or packages—Nothing sent 0.0. D. ROO WOODWARD AVE: DRa GOLDBERG . . DETROIT; INION. Sin(e Mother Wen e *way. No sunbeams fall about our door,' To kiss the drooping flowers; No perfumed zephyrs as of yore, Breathe out the evening hours. „ The flitting bird sings at, the •parte, His gleeful twig bll dsy, Bitt itseems to me a sad I drab], a' Since mother went away. WhY is tnY 'poor heart trr uhled so, And will not be cor.soled My tear-Mrnmed eyes begin to flow, • And cannot be contra. lied. Howshone i he verdant landerape o'er, In summer sunny day, No olnild its velvet bosom wore, Ere mot her u ent ey. But now the fragrant .rock.rose dies Upon t he c"Idgray The withei lug violet faded lies, • Its love.ly charms ei Lduiwi; 'And t Wien clouds of rombra hue Wrap earth in gloqin to day; Brit heaven is nearer, dearer too, ' Since mother went away. The March eanadiatt MaytaZittep -- Therels plenty of fond for thatight and entertainment in. the March Cu adian Magazine.' The famous Indian Jusgei7naut' desotibed; afnd Putna'01 :the p 'pular 'fallacies concerning' thi festlyal are explained away. The mak•. ing of: porn:Mean, or -un•dried Meat, is ..dwihet_Ignd illustrated. Prof. John IW entre:GI , • flees on commer .edimation from a new point of view, while (hi -e writers give their view. and Mitch into) Mat ion concerning he rinwenrlit for Teri' Autonomy. ThPre at e the r nal bright stories and cat if elis edit eel d -pi Clients; • . • Rheumatievarped LiritAbs, Pala and Staering. Not a ,Trace " of. .nlierinintieni Lief, au .aater traitor Dv. Chase's" MadneY.., ' • ' . •. ...1,11i'oxi ' • • • • If you aro 'a suiterer from :Ilene -at- • . limn it •Is possible- that you baste Wed, many reme4iea without -reaping tnucti benefit.- Jtie.ging from the namber of cures that have been repartedsa3r. Chase's haaney-Liver pilla must •be • nbotit the best medieine obtainable for rheamatiera. It ,eures thin aughly',. lay ridding' the Wed 017 uric! geid poisons-, the passe of rheumatism anu severe - body pains. . • - • • ' Ma S. Mann, StIttsVille..Carleton Co,. Ont., writes •• "I was afflicted. with rhcumatiem, had aevere nettle -in :the. kriees, hip jointe, ahri 'across the: heck," • Lheumadan. ten -tidies d'd not holp me and began sting Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills, welch have since complete- ly. ettred Me: Tit, • e is 'not the least trace of .rhetimatisin left; and I am no longer subject. to billensnees,, headache - and stomach. sicknere, which formerir attacked ine frequently." .. Dr. Chase's XIdney.Liver Pills- have • a larger. sale by. far than any shinier remedy. They eure when others dis- appoint. One pill. a dose, Iiiii-terits a "VOL dealerssor Ediitanaori;-Bal:W: & Co.. Toronto. • . , • . • • j. I I DRINC101iS NORWAY SYRUP HEALS . AND SOOTHES LOGS • strtomo TIMES. 0.0E5 =CMS AV' . coos, woo Agy way toavt4. ?A. ALL DR STOPS:3 ; miseemisestre No Business to be Alive. — . lump is no name more honored ameng physiblogiets than. that of : ' Virchow, the ' ,great Germart . scientist, nem is,there any Mart. who ha:s done there than he, to prolong human • life and allealate home:a suffering. • Nevertheleics,. he is not Infallible, and • -e—lemcittri—"-StaIrriard'tis Ing.story Of at least onendstaken diag- nosis which he Made. As private -practice interfered with! hiasselentilio studies, Virchow prac- tised. medicine only a very Short time. But one day lir later life, While his students were waiting for• their lees' tare at •the hospVtal, • a gentleman knooked at the door of" the :professer's ; private. room and stated ;that he was I • not feeling well, and wished to•tenSult ".tho raveteL ProfeSsor Vireita as e.•:- a' amine& the man •oarefully, : aird taete ; • " • . • I business to be alive 'pt all!' Yeti' are my good friend, you hat e Ivo I suffering from three eomPlain ts, ea eh one of. which has longssioce arrived tia• s." stage which Ought to have caused 'yours -teeth, • This is a Meet interesting easet It shows that one Must not al. , Vo!rAys. believe in theory." • - . , • . The patient began to feer uncomfort- able, but Protessor Virchow,- in his tiro:fissional e-ntriuslasirt, did. not no- tice either the effeet of Ids words or the :comical side ot the situation. He . added: "Would you mind steleeing bite. : the next room? I shotilcl like to show you to some gentlehlensw1M-art therea0 . With 111-conoealed nerveicieness the patient followed the profesaor into the i lecture.room,' where he wag Introdueed I as an interesting ease, and 'was obliged " to remain while the profesaor de - Scribed the nature of the three di:s- ettees and the progress they had made. On hearing again. :that he was prac. tioally a dead Man' the patient felt .0. , strong- desire to .get home, and left at ' Juat what' part in his isecsavelac Wag 1 I Once. . I bleYerl by itiereaSed care and harms re. " , • Women Know Better Than Men. In the management of the country home dairy and them kine of butter, wouien know better than men how the work ehould be conduoted to pay, • Women wile make ' be beet 'gilt edged butter, know thd WIN4LS, Br.).EIARDSON & CO'S ',TM. PROVED BUTTER . COLOR". ia the ?shot ad best to riee,"ono always buy the kind that has NO MUD 0rd51PURITIES -'-the kind that gives the true June tint ,that neyer fades, • • be Inventor.- 6fl• sang, wan Am, Wear • • and\ Shaking bottle took' ths . 'seat opposite. me. I was not surprised to ilear him eaU fer c• Y"You'aabrtnstihttleng 0..t' the ta,ble With an ' -unrecognized genitia," be said, with. out loselalpg at nes. ' • .4100 are yon." I. retorted. I wall then a struggling art, stud'ent in nixie.. • "You laugh," he'said, "butt It is true., • Tour voice le sympathetic', and:I will tell you." • "Thanks.," 1 maid, • "Yeti are an artist,. and haste, an,. oleubtedly, remarked the nattiralaritlin- • .ity of cokirs. • White, tor Instance, Is eimposed to Contain. eoiora". • • He had hit on 'my favorite subject for discussion,and 1 leaned back pre- Pat$ild to listen, • ,,• "Have you •obseryed," he asked ectic- snestlY, "that, people with :blue eyes have yellow hair?" • • . • "The Irish," 7 answered, "have. black hetr and blue :eyes.' It's beautiful combination," . • 1: •.• • "Yes; that's my. polni. eon Change the -cOlor of the eyes." • • "Whati" • "You" 'Mix' paints' - You get green from yellow and blue! You make' 'a: color darker :Or lighter! --You • make •tilack with red and. purale! I do the• same with eyes! ' A Year •ago 1 • di- - 'covered injeetion fer• thearetina of the eye that -would change. its color. • Supposeyou haw. light gray eyes. / inject such a colorad.11uicies wilintaker them black,. blue—any color!". •: • ' I lookedat his dyes,' They' were a sattish.green.• • . "MY own eyes,"•. centinued, .tried to ehatige 16 green .as .an adveb- Alsetnent,- It was before :I had per- .• iected My invention, an4-4 lest _lel, sight. • Tell me, are my, eyes.. gratin?" I beSame conselous:that he 'had heed: - gazing directly -Peet rite and hadnot• Molted at Me once. "You are blind'?" 1 said. ' "Ientirely,"The answered indifferently. • •''Llut what matters it? r -have pers. tected. my. Invention, Had r a paltry ' tee -frame Piece' • I could make ail tbe: cabmen an the world beautiful., Women • are .the power of the world. France, ma: ehere.patrie; then shonldst thou rule, the -nations of the. •: earth,: againl't • • I,handed him a five -franc• piece. ' "Your tory is worth it," I remarked, "whether ithe.true tst not." slippe4' 'Pocket and turned •to go, • "It's 'a lean," he said, -ewer shoulder; ''You shall her from nie." '• That evenilig I lounged in the At - Students' Club in ashazasof sitoke, bad found friends; Tolsii.eets; makee man confidential, and I .M4 them my ' storywbile they puffen ;on their pipee . • Then each sPokein turn., • • "1 gave him,Sive francs wben first arrived," said Rand: • • • "Sacrei• • llgave• him ten," saidsadorit- 1:°I.Lcitt. 4.1.1:vet' t-/ /inf. • • fifty," cried Bicker. ' "Bet as he really blind?"' I asked. a "No," skid Bead: "You: were, the blind one:" It. M. ht. In the "Metrepalitan." • • • He' idOVO For Her Lious. insteoace of the affeetion /Mt far 'wild beasts bY their tamers cited 'by "$t. Nioholass" ig the Vage Ilfatiame Bittnea, the French tamer, who In the winter of 1900 watt rwi t Ix the Bostook Wild Animal Show giving daily exhinitions Baltilliere, Wbere her slrill and daring with lions and tiers earned wide admiratiOn. It Will he remembered how fire suddenly de- scended tide xnenar5erle one night and destroyed the anianals, amid fearful scenes. And in the morning Blanca otood among the ruins and loeked-imou'- the eharred bodies orAtei.. PO& 1:1,ael.- she lost her dearest friends else collid : scareely have ,Shown deeper grief. .Sbe - was in despair, and declared that she Would :never time another group; she would leave the Show business. -And when the menagerie was stoeked afresh with bone and tigers Zama, Would not go near their cages, These were lions, indeed, buk not her lion% Wad she (*hook hei head and tmnirned fee. "Bovize7,41,, the handsomest lioness in •captivitY, and "Spitfire," and "Juliette," and the black -maned "Brutus." . Nor could money tempt 4har. . And the outeonte was that this moat sucoessful. woman. lion -tenser In the world retired into pri- • vete life—gave int her careersimply because of her grief for these dead ani- mals. ;aims Dick, who died nr Glasgow recently, bequeathed £100,000 for die- tribution among 114 einployeoh MY ball dress or my bathing suit 7-- shuat I Put '31"0*" i stimulator: the rumour' membrane to its .own We I " • normal notion because iboh d" mg power it horns up Vapidly the old tie contract tcr the erection ne the , tisotio and 8timulatea tho formation of new 0 Asti° Beek Sugar Company's healthy tiaeue. Cotarrhozone le an abs hui,dit d ton le y in Ilet lin, Out., Feline opeoiti3 for Ca iarrb °eery form, bite been awarded to E. 1/ Dyer it, 'Ca. 1 atd never fails to Otte. CatarkitovAis is 01 OleYeletiede tetrway Sold with guarantee. At all dealer8, 25o and $1 00, • n ttAttoniti etiltiegeho ti I The Ainoritan liner WA so• ul fog from Liverpool, wits sunk in a Lalative Broino•Quintris Tablets Cure A 'cc Distort with the aleanoabip Hers , ttld One day, No Ours, No Pay r'rias monides t it 11,tlyhead, 1Ier 217118itta, gem and crew w SON d ••• • "What la worse then a giraffe with a sore throitr" "A. centipede with chit- "Chriatiaa Herald." AP Ian:BM/410ED DRUGGISItc; • 1:‘, al GUARANIES.; ACOURAOt ' ND PERPEOT SITISPAOTION • ale this age •Of worth hustle aid busi- nefli competition, strict care and attention in the filling of yonr doctor's preatcrip. ions is abselately neeessary doe, the safety and welfare of your family. We uar- niee ticouraoy end perfect eatisfection t� all our customer!). • Our toilet depart- ment is always replete With the latest prettar,atious and neyeltiee, ; Paniese pEL.'ItY ARO cured thousands when everything else ha o faifed. It hea never 'failed to give Wok people ..happy results; It has never failed to'give sick people happy rceolts. It strengthene, havigoratee, gives new tone to the venom, makes. the blood pore is fool for ,the nerves -4 -it make8 sick people well. We can supply you with tile pure. and gepaineL Paine' is Oelery Oompound. E 13 COM/3/1, Druggist, Minton, Ont, • Samuel Oarnochan, an employee at: Mr. Richard (Nadel saw mill, met With an unfortunate accident, on Saturday alt, He Was astittitir rolling some og#, and WAX standlog with one toot on a 1 ig omen another lo.z behind him be - carne dislodged and roiled on hie right eg, breaking- the Woe betWeen the otedies is riot known. but the man la. Celebrated his eightieth licietriday res etill . When Profeseor -VirehoW eentlY, the Man Who ought to bag. been dead Yeats, Sig° Was among those who sent their coogratulatisne, • An experimental shipment of butter from 1 he Xingston Dairy Sthool sold or in New York, but as the fees and duty amounted toile a pound it aid not pay, • William 3. 'Davis, of ftltrilIthii, detitaily shot himself dead while on a visit...to friend's at $t bletharmes. Teesite ei Catd • in ene bay Tolo Lasatito Brotrto Quinine Tablets All druggists refund \the money it it /MIS to cure, W, Grove's signature 10 ' seeh bait. 250 knee and theankle, business A. Powell ei ill pre * • The Metropolitau eet nallo/9-Y •Company of New York has established a pension system for 'Mpel'alannated e nployees,. Rey Otti on B.Oider,of Toronto,ia dead • •. GrIp•Quinine Tablets • Cure Malaria, That is fact. And Mal- aria causes a whole Mt of, at troll 71h, 12, ttymptoms which are fre- quently treated unsuc- cesfully as separate dis- casco. Ileadache, Neu- ralgia, Pain in the Side, Backache, Ch ill's and Pever,ChillinenS,DrOWsi- :tens Ague -cake with - arjraitt 1)ays EverTibody is looking forwa,rd and waiting for Bargain is in the front as usual for quality and low prices. Beleeted Raisins, Oleaned rrants, Cooking rip,. Prunes, Dried h a days and again weeks. The race is now on and J. W. IrWla SUGAR— SUGAR — SUGAR — Itedpoth's Extra Granulated and Yellows, wholeriale.prietra, (RIO poande and barrel lots speoial 008)97 OS ooffee sugar for 1,00, and nice sugar syrup 40 gal. TpEts— Black, green and japan from 10e up Beat $6e tea in toWnik Mutter, Tea and Toilet sets and limey lamps—To make room for my springimpork °raw direct trowthe factories, L am selling at 25% leas than the usual prioe. Cad and examine quality ,and prices and you are sure to buy. WANTED — Good Butter and Eggs. • Phonates"; J. W. IR w Clinton hoes to Wear. That is the kind we have to telt yon about. • A Fine dress shoe, the latest style, the "King Edward' for men, also several other styles of fine shoes and a !Treat variety of strong working shoes, Solid leather, also some hand." made ones. Ladies' blioes light and heavy that will keel") the feet dry, some with low heels and wide soles. Then a great variety of Oxfords both laced and buttoned. Boys' and girls' 1 school shoes of various kinds, k also, very many lines for children, `t ' Terras cash or produce:at highest =Americus. N your opportunity, Emporium, Loridesboro N,,,, A DAMP utters! S eights I Do youwant a high grade Cutte -orS101gb ? . constipation and, biliousn4s, Fermi Tongue, Muscular Pains and Sorenesn, etc.,. are some of the symptoms so caused. Thin is anbther fact. These two facts together are a key to many trou- bles W14C11. YOU find front time to Line in your MU. person. GRIP-QUININg cleat, plas- Modium tualazift” out of the blood and cures tne symptoms—all Of them. "'cannot take quin- ine, it Makes Me GBDP-Qunmas is the sour. of quirtinewith the dross left out. . D OA. N'S KIDNCY PILL& .CURE. • BAOKAOHE LAME •BACtie RHEIJMATieftl DIABETES • BRiGHT.8 DISEASE DIZZINESS AND Al -le KIDNEY & URINARY-• 018E048E8 ARE CURED 811 • NUJ NEY MRS. I. STgEvES; Edgetea Zarrd- ring; N.B., writes. on Jan. rcca d' In the fall 011899 I was.troubled with a severe; pain in the back. I Could scarcely get up out of a chair and it is'ave me great pain toinove about. I took., one box oftroares Kidney Pills and was completely with it since" 1 0) • a Wee4 Mina Fide SalarYZILirtdd cButtied: • k belle not been troubied and Winnen• t•aggiATZTLe,:g crease of salary, ickal employment, new brit - vel .nal)t I. Ines, bestplans old ho nee LE Y-GARRETsON CO., Iirjaanntfr,. THE litOLSONS BA K Incorporated by Act Parliament 1855,1 . ,CAPITAL ' $?,506.0011, REST FUND • $,2, 150,00 ECEA.D. oPillicm. MONTREAL Writ. Morays 41ACPU.EltSonl, Presidea , , JAgES Batter, .Gari. Manager. Notes digoounted, collections Olilae, • sterling_ !Lila ansaitican exchange baught and sold. Inieristallowed on deposits fiAVENC.4 BASK -Interest eflotved onseras of $1.and sp. lidOney itch/MI(36d to farmers on,thesie own notes, •with one or mcre endorsers, No Mortgage required. Hi% Brewer, Manager, • aton, We have tbklinest stock to select &any.. All the latest styles in the neir- est colors. Our prices ore as low as can be, found for Oret-class material • and vvorkmanship. Before you buy call and see us. Geo. Lavis, Isaac Streett, • Norr DOOR To " NEW EEA &Plow' Reduction in Pribes Herb -18W great chance to secure a first class buggy at a big reduotion. Rot these prices:— . . . M 0 Buggies for $68 1 1i7 5 Buggies for 965 065 Buggies for 960 Bemem, bee tl3eee are all our own make; which places rite in a poaition to guarantee Ghent, as we do not buy any material bat what is first °leas, • • ' - Repairing promptly attended to. by 'experieneei Men. BIT ABALL it's 31cMATO. - Huron , Street, m - *Clinton AV, • FAttaisit or • Tim 1-1.41R-7---R.zitOys.' AL4Airs 'ALL- Iiiirr.kriON. or pz‘ti .Li.71T.TRIANT....GROwprz..,or •HEALTE'Y HAM Atria :T'kEVENTS BALDNESS. • inuou 6QC.. AND, $1.06 • • AT All'bRUGGOOTS:. • • ' IIIPPLIICO BY *ARSCROI BREMER CO., Limited; Termite, cideago, 'Neil fork Landon., 'Paris. alta Vi a • J P. TIEShil.f... BA.NKER, ONT. Combines the w • ell known' Primte funds to loan on mortgages a best Current rate.- • food' values Of wheat and th medicinal . . • • • A Gthel al Banking omega traneeoted virtues -of malt. ;moron. allowed on deposita. Sale notes bought. • It is a Perfect abed, ;Rehires' min • .'• It pyeyents sickness by ireepitig 'the System in a healthy condition • LI restores health by regulating and toning -up weak systemp., It gives sere relief to persons snffering teem poor digestion, headache, dyepapitis and other dittordMArieing from the use of -poorly •cooked foods • aw Logs; • wanted A. trial will oonvinoe the moic • Top Prices Paid. , . saalioefatthe superior Merits (Obis food. For TEAT TODGES TA.e. SPOT BUB GROeEPY' Cashion Delivery, at W., T. O'bteill Blith Handle Factory • our t.eiteiphote number iS 8 ' 1,200 1 • trierthantanie togs. iorall kinds of 1/.%11,1.1117 lit s .11,Lhu\IATui, ft Boiler Maple, 18 high and op' in 0 '• 'Weak and intpUre tint:0C • : Kidnoy Ditstiatteti; pestaaga40Japla t„ Lites . • Ail Druggista, or write J, MiT.MOD, Ot aerieb, Out • 0 • 0.•:t0.,0 Centre'. ▪ Meat Market Hiving rocrosed thw. bUtcherirg of Cod. tiveral11 it„; (Trses Marle) • . Severe Coughs, Colds, •• UrrlaCiatiOra &Cae. rate tyska* too memento pare Ola bet i In'01411:pt s 1P18eacillit Poll 1 pounds of flesh; willYbringliotilleace ; iehealtia dee. and 61.04 betties DAVIS le 1 AW1illiNclii LInalte1. • a i� pard to furnish vv. pople of Giro ten with all kinds of ll'reah and# Cored Itteatit, Saneage, aolegn 4.* lardhotter And 'eggs alwa; s kepi in band. • it -Telphorte 7C 1711+ a Orders delivered prOttptly , to ail Parts of tile town. • OI.B.—Berectut having •••riogs for hiphstnt will confer It !aver by. itsviag' word at tits ohs r, 1.060404416144.6.0044141.40.044 New Blacksmith Shop. diauteteV. ° 1100K Is ", , any elee from 1 i i 1 •• nch 113 diameter up, for °unhook hand - •I Ps • 200 M ft Rook Elm, any size, tor handles. 100 111 ft Soft mro, uksswood and White Ash, Ceder Shinaleifend Lath for sale, • Siiinglee and Leith in exchange for lo,ga ()astern Sawing attended to at alt times. Istsie-ii E. Livingstone Subic:Pier having rented the ihoo adios . •r- 4 pared to do all *Orkin- hline, No has had int:Leslie Carriaeo Shopie , Orange St, 16 pre- mpoi, f'ai..t.AND BRAN 1TE • • a geed many tearst 'Modem) In the bust- , OtiiiTS itilii Special attention given. mesa, and will give personal attention to ail work entrusted to ittn. tforseshoeing and the I care oi Horses' feet, lituellint c I it'11"1-teca; c narge reasonanfe . . VitlilD 4.1.0011'T Clint* G. 0 MeTaggari BANE ER ALBERT 8P,..OLINTOINT .4. 44 & 'General Betaking Bassinets "1114ntlamil St 'Work's, transmuted eLt4 rex. , Direct importers, Worrn habit: and Material guaranteed. Eons Di, SCOUNTED Notes issued. Interest allowed on JAS, G SE4,1,11, deposits, v