HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 6WWWWWN
Glorious Big •
• Bargain Bvpilt
Conaxnencing February 18th.
and ending Mara. 1st
A royal time for those who need or who will need
clothing. Men'e Suits, Boys' Suite, Men's Overcoats
Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants.
Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered
at a special discount 01 20 per cent,
The object of this sale is to Bell out this season's
clothing before our new •goods arrive. We never
carry one lesson's goods into the next season. All
goods charged during this sale will be charged at
regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale
prices Our qoods are marked in plain figures—
deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price
for cash only during,the sale.
Men's Suits.
Men's [5.00 suits now
Men's:6 00 " 44 -
Men's 800
Men's 10 00 " "
Men's 12 00 " "
" BOYS' Suits
Boys' 1 50 suits now 1 20
Boys' 2 Q0 " " ...•.•••81. 60
Boys' -'2-50 " ..... . ... 200
Boys' '300 " 2 40
-,Boys' 4 00 16 . . . • . . . 3.20
Boys' 5 00_ " " .... . .. . •4 00
Boys' odd pants .. .... 40
Men's Overcoats
now ........... 4 00
" 4 80
Er . . . 6 40
... . .. • • ,. • . 4.00
• • ...... ••• • • • 14 • 480
•• • - 610
•••• • • . , • • • 8 1,0
• 960
Men's 5 00 Overcoats
Men's 6 00 "
Men's 8 00
Men's 10 00 2" .
Men's 12 00 "
01';... 8_00
,,;.,•,,••:9 6.6
Corning end 0411100
J. McDonald, Renee% was Sunday vis-
itor here,
Miss Dottie Morrow, Orderloh, visited
here last week.
IGeo. Elinehley went away on Monday on
businesa trip east.
Mrs j. Wiseman spent last week vieiting
her parents in St. Marys. .
ReY, W. Ayers,Lonclon, we In townies"
week calling on friend%
ZG, D. ItioTriggart wart in Toronto on
trbureday on business.
Mayor jathson went to Toronto on
Wednesdey bn'husinerre.
Thos. Doherty, ot London, foraerly
Clinton, was here on Friday.
R. prahrim and if. Dere were down to
London, Thursday, on hpoineee.
ntre Straoton, of Goderieb, spent Sunday
week se the guest ct Niro Jas
Mies Etta Hall has returned fiom * rec-
ent visit with friends in Alymer.
Min Gibson, of Toronto'Wee the Peat
of her cousin,kfies Shia week.
Rev. J. Greene was inWinghara on Mon-
day attending the prohibition meeting;
Mies Eva Stevenson was a regent visitor
with Wendt* in Wingham and Henfryn.
Miss Fergueon, Stratford, who visited the
Misses Hinds returned home On Saturday.
J. U. Adams, of Toronto l spent Sunday
with his aunt, Mrs Jas. Scott, High street,
Miss B. McConnelnias resunsedher posi-
tion as,rnilliner with B. Ramie, Henna
Mug Honey, of Mount Forest, was the
gueat of her daughter. Mrs G A Rorke, thIs
Min Ada Beattie, Seaforth,wae the guest
of Mrs W. Newcombe on Saturday and
• W. Biggart haB xi:envied home from
Toronto and is now engaged at the organ
fader y.
Fleury Xsxl, Milibrook, was in town at-
tending the funeral ot his sister, Mre Wm•
A MoKeown.
Mrs E. Bunt:till, of .Toronto, has been
the guest of her mother; eire., W. Doherty.
Ben., this week. .
• Mrs J. Turner, of Seaforth; whe late
Saturday attending the funeral of tas here
Bin W. McKeown. •
The Misses Bull who have been guests of
Mrs W. Newcombe -returned to their home
in Toronto on Tuesday,
Thos. Falooner, of MooseeIsw, Assa„
wee the geed of Mr. and Mrs 3 T Emmer•
ton recently for a few doge.
A Gilmour and Peter Baird, of Stanley,
lett Tuesday Inc the west;they were ticketed
by NV. Jackeon. C. P. R. agent.
Mr and Mre Davidson, of Stratton], haver
been here during the past week and or-
ganized a ledge °Litre E. T. of T. '
Mien Laura Cafe returned to her home in
Westfield on Wednesday, after visiting Mrs
W. A. Killough• for the past ten weeks.
W. H. Kerr, of the BraudePost, • Who
was down on the program atWeeley Sunday
School, met Sunday wee the guest of W. N.
BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced
in same propertion.
All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats,
Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing.
Thos.Jackion9 Sr• 9 •
Victoria Block,• eLiNirom
• .•
Good Bloodisetiod nealt
• long oontinned approval of .physimaus is a blood piriller. ' •
Our own make is a stronger patted and oontains'more iodides than •
the -patent, preparations, • • , •
a.s a blood purifier and spring mediolee 11 ie one:of the beet.
100 doses $1.00,3 bottles to:, $2.51agetisfaction guaranteed or money
Mre P. jeffereon who has been visiting
kits J. Ti Ernmerton sfor the past week
has retie/int to her home,. Belle view,
Me and Mrs W. E. Doupe, of Kirktoos
• spent Sunday at the latter's home, having
come up on Saturday to attend the funeral
of the late Mrs W. McKeown: •
. The Hunter Bridge Co , of Kincardine
has theloontraote for iron bridges on the
2nd of Tuokeramith (knoWn as Ransford's
bridge) and one on the 2nd of ,Stanley. A.
Hunter, R. Slow and W. Miller arehere
attending to their ereotion. •
• W. McMurray returned to Weyburn, N.
W. T ,on Tuesdity after. being at his home
here for several months. She mother, lare
Murray and sister, Miss Josie,:intend to
leaye shortly for the Immo place where Mr
*Milroy has a fine farm and eorofortably
located. • • . ' •.
• Mr and Mrs I. Shaw were here from
Blyth for a few days last Week at their son's,
Dr. Shaw. They will oon8e to Clinton to
reside in future when Mr. Shaw's term as
principal of Blyth Public Sohoo doses at '
Easter: We heartily welcome • them as
• r saidente. . • •
. X. Canteletelho recently received the
appointment of polies deputy at Woodstock
was called there en Saturday: Just after
•excepting this. position Mr Cantelon was
offered deputy:• undet Postmaster Thos.
Bennett at St. Clair Heighte, a suburb of
The roit. •• .
• John Reid and Miss Annie Reid who have
been here ficrn Carneufe A.m. for -some
time visiting 'Weeds here returned home
st. tratrzele* Anulverpary County Erehlbition Alleetthe.
St. PstrickOf sacred menterY, and A. large and representative conven-
dear to the heart of every Wellman, tion was held la the town hall of
was littingly honored- in St. Joseph's Wingham, on Monday, the nth, to
church, On. the 17th, by a lecture by consider the situation concerning the
Rey Father McMenamin, who himself bill which has just pessed the Ont.
is of Irish and Scotch parentage. The Legislature.
church Wae ct owded Witham intelligent Mr Jac, Kerr explained to those pre -
audience, who had gambled to hear sent that the meeting had been called
this eloquent lecturer panegyrical on _ by the society known as the Wing- '
"St Patrick," and else theprogram of hatn•Temperance League. The League
music which waa all excellently given was composed of members of the IL T.
by toe choir and thnse who took indiv- of T, the W, O. T. U. and pastors and
iduni parte. laymen. of the various churches, '
The entertaitunent Opened with the All the ministers and temperance
singing of the hymn, St Patrick, societies in the riding were notified,
Glorious Apostle," by the choir of 14 and requested to send at least two del, '
voices,led by Philip Gravelle (of Rolmes- enates. rhe result was that every
ville); duet, "Lambillethe /WO Marie," municipality was represented.
1e:3. jornseLtuosuukivapimnadPa.Iny Philip Gravelle ; The League had arranged to have
duet,ephine and. Louie firaveue. Mies Mr John Nicholle Provliacial Organ•
izer for the Domenion Alliance, visit
Following this wee the feature of Wirgham for a Couple of mass meet -
the evening, the lecture by the rector ings. It was at• the request of Mr
of the parish. Father McMenamin has Nicholls that this convehtion had been
a pleasing platform appearance, a clear called. After these explanations had.
voice. flowery language, perfect gram- been made Mr Kerr was elected as
mar and speaks with ease and elo. chairman and Mr D. R. Munroe, of
quence. Safore commencing he thank- Auburn, as secretary Protein.
ed the audience, Which comprised not Mr .Niciaolls was then called on and
only those of his own congregation.but he explained that he was acting under
some • from all the other churches, the instructions of last year, to organ -
and also the newspapers of town which ize every riding in Ontario. .
had always shown a glad hand to him Mr Nichols, by the Way, is a person
since mortung to Clinton, His lecture in the full vigor of manhood, and
dealt with the lessons from the life and thoroughly posted in all,matters neve
teachings of St Patrick, his efforts in taining to the work in hand, having
conversion from Paganism,his untiring spent thirty years in connection there -
seal, great perseverance and grand With., He said the prohibitionists Mutt
success, which afford salutory lessons have an organization that would re -
to us all The speaker dealt with the main entact, He thought they should
early fife of St Patrick, and following organize the riding In the same man'.
it up :spoke of the predominating char- ner, as the political parties tied done.
actin. of St Petrick, which was his Have a centarti executive and a chair -
great faith that he planted so strongly man for each municipality. Re felt
in the hearts of the Irish people that that public sentiment was with theme
time nor trial has never effaced. He He thought the first business to be
referred to the darkness of paganism taken up win the matter or organise -
and ta the Christian institutions este.b- tion. • • .
lished by him,which became seats of On•motion of Rev T. R. .MeNair, of
learning and fountain's of education, to Dungannon, it was decided to per -
which the sons and 'daughters of momently organize along the lines s,ug-
France and Germany had come to im. gested by Mr Nicholls. •
bibe. In referring to the present posie A committee on organization was
tion of Ireland he said no true high• appointed as follows: Mr Gardiner,
man had any use for dynamites- they Ashfield; R. IL . Anderson. Weft
do not countenance those who adopt Wasvantash ; A. Carr, East Witte•
hostile means and violent language se- anosh ; Rey M. J. Wilson, Uelborne ,•
curing for Ireland her independence or Rev .1 Kennedy, Hullett ; J. W.
Horne .Rule -they are far frona beingVannatter, Goderieh ; H. Elford,
the frind of Ireland, and only .retard Goderich township; Rev J. Greene, .
the progress which O'Connell, Parnell ()Linton; H. Park, Wingliana. The Shoes and many came for them but there are lots left yet.
and others had etart-ed. The lecturer
March 21st, 1902,
•••••-•-4 • .t ••••
McKinnon i& Co,
Springtime ie in the air et this More, Its beauty and freshueSe
- you at every turn, but to Wean the fullness of its eplendor you
visit ourmillinery ahow rooms on Wednesday 'neat.;
March 2.6, the first day ot our ilillifiery Opening
when Dame Vitiation will unfold to her devotees io Blyth and 'vioinity,
all the Peillinery glory and ricbness °flier Whim fancies forthe coming
season, Otir Millineryldisplay will be simply gorgeous. Other seasOne
we have won unstinted praise for the wealth and extent of our opening
dieplaye, but our efforts for Wednesday next will surpass anthing of the
kind ever attempted in Blyth.
But why tusy more when a vielt to the More on Wedneaday, will make
thio Knell world of fashiondom palm in review betere you. Its reeeptien
day for One and all, Our invitation knows no limit. All -friends or
etrangers, hosts or guests, -are weloome to come and enjoy the freedora
of our show rooms,
This department ie underthe able management of Moe Stewerkan ex-
perienced milliner, .
To supplement the7attracti on of our Millinery °ruing Dieplays on
Wednesday evening we will make a apecial showing of New Spring
• larese Goode, Silke, Kaoline, Dimities, Rid Glower, Draper*, Eto.
f.ou Are, Cordially Invited to Our Millinery Opening.
McKinnon az Co., Myth,
00000soomm000 00001/41001114,110
ead This, Why?
Because you may GAIN by it We had our say about-:-
consulates was instructrd to report as
Victoria, and statedt hat if the cause Rev Mr McNair gave a short address .
also spoke feelingly of the late Queen' speedily as posenle. - . " • You com.e. Now we will tell you about Dry Goods ; our
New Goods. US soroething•very good.. • See our Dress Goods.
of Ireland was presented in the Art while the committee was absent.
land and. Rome Rule and the pleasure "That we organ se permanentlY•
would yet be had. The generosity, hos- Huron . Prohibition Alliance, with Overalls and ja• ekets, Sox,- GlOveP, Collars, Ties, et0., as they
11 b the closest inspection. We hsye sold'seyeral,of ' the .
pitality, liberality, benevolence, Fit these 'officers ; ' President, George •
way by the deist men the hope for re- The con3mittee reported as follows ; WiliSt81 Sateens, Prints, Cottons, Towellings, Flannelettes, Lin.
of enjoyitiir what we have in fianada what is to be knoWn as the West ens, Muslins, Underwear, Hose, Men'ti.and Boys' Top Shirts,
and other characteristics of the Irish Elliott, Goderich Vice -President, wi oar,
man were also upheld and es few ante- RerS.. Whalley, St Helens sec-treas., Aew_dresses already .and they are going fast. Do not delay.
dotes were given. He put Canada first D. E. Munro, Auburn.
it E. 110VEY, - Dispensing Chartist,. -.- - -.Clinton. _ t .oti.Meri:cia., accompanied by Dire `Noble
• - ' • e Lovett. Mr- Ikriett, *WO hi tettinvirrervest,
ritrentior-V-/PeePPPW0*****-"Stinrssist weieterire4r*.ifrienfriii*A-Argertete . aocora papiedby.. W. DioBrini, left cin
, ' day viith a carload of effaces for the same
1444111. lesewevo.4421444iseaere0iieei eie place.. -
Moffatt, Of London, . formerly of
Verne, is now representative for the Mo.
iThe Novelty Bakery TANDARD
and Restaurant eilOOL
• . ••Cormick Dire Clo. He wag dome yee,rs ago
while living at Varna agent for the Mammy -
Harris Co. but now for the other.firtii, his
district being from Semis to,Stiatford in-
• eluding Clinton where he le 911 the look out
We have .just received a for te representative. ' • acC/rea'"un"S 411°14r of WukAaQrea'
pEARCY-WiLSON-At Rim% arch nianee
• I i . 1 Shannon Seo. -Tress, Kennington.
Ordbr now for delivery for Go od
• Friday morning's breakfast.
Just to hand a' large 4.11.111Lltityof Las
choice confeotionary direot froin
and last -it did not matter whether ,That . the matter. Of electing local Terme osh or prodeoe:rit highest raerket vie% Now ie your opportunity.
Scotch,Englistelrith kir what descents- vice-presidents - be left to the conven- , , . . , • , .
if We- WOOld only adopt the leasons tions." On Motion, the report Was . Zuseavri'llina, • 14)11dellbOTO
talight by the illustrious St Patrick, adopted. . . . . —r---- . . •
we as Canadians would all live in bar- . The conVentiOnthen elected Vice March 181h, 1002.
mony and he found that such did exist' presidentsfor the various Inimicipal.
in Clinton, This pleasing address was Mee in • the riding as follows: -Ash- .
followed bythe choir excellently ren- field. U. Agnew: West 'Wawanosh, •
dering "Solutatis," the obligato being. Wm Watson; Ease WaWanesh. A.
taken by P. GraVelle, and another Carr; Colborne, A,• 'Youngs Hullett,
'Tent= ergo." Mr P...Gravelle is an John Wilson: Goderich;.J.E.' Toms;
inbieleRleo.radneormo: pthertsochrmoienthanedudrieiestroy oinr. ReeMr Greene; Wingham, H. parks Goderich*Tp., A. S. Courtice; (Minton
ganist in an efficient manner. . ; A motion inti oduced by Rey .Mr
. • , , Oaten to the 'effect that the conveix-
• Bows. . .. ' lion repudiate the referendum brought, .
. SIMPSON-1.In Bavneld, c n. M roll 19, else vete, forth a lively discussion. Among these
of (leo, Simpson, of %daughter! . -. I taking part in it were Rev Mr Oaten,
BROWN -In Crediton, March4th, the wife of !tee Me Menai, Rey R. Hobbs, ..Rev
e. Brown, of email.
Mr1 Dunn, R. W. McKenzie ' and . S.
1 , .
- • LRIBOLD-In Bay,Feb. 24th, the Wife 'of Wni . W• Vanuatei' It was decided after
Leibold; of .a son. . due consideration to leaver the matter
SIBIXON-..in Hay, March 7th, the wife of C• in abeyance until the'next meeting.
Simon, o1. a daughter.
FINK13RINER-In Credi• tor', March 8tik,*the A motion was also 'massed to the
the prohibitionists attend
• ••
wife of Geo. Finkbeiner, of a daughter. • effectthecthat
ts meetings of the political
O/NGE R ICH -In Stanley, March 12th the wife parties and insistthat prohibition can-
er. clues. Gingerice, of 0 daughter. didates s be put in the field for the
March 71h ih. Ontario Legit•latnre.
. w xAlL
f :ott?: GBH. ml ifn
o-oIgoWn 1 ka,1 toofna. 4
ter. " The cenyerition 'adjourned to mese
CIIMPBELL.--T0 Goderich, on Feb. 211 ' the in Godench at the call of the eat cutive
wife of H. Campbell,:o• a daughter.
.• .
oFred iver
Lnicire, of a daughter. . .. A mass • meeting wits held in the
WALKSR-In Clinton, Mar& 17th: , evening. The large hall was nicely
thewife of .
w:. Walker, of a daughter . fined, and an interesting and Wirer-
MeGREGOR-InStanley. March llth,the wife mg address deliyered by Mr ' Nichole.
_ef .T. MeGregorpef a danghter... ..._ . . _At the close of the meeting, a reso
lution -teas carried expressing _OM . sin,'
. IlinTgaiD• • .. eere thanks -to the men m the House -'
tiotiuTCHH014-Ctialknoar At the Parkdale Of Parliament, . who stoodtry iu de -
Genre. P. J.111cCuteheon, of Toro to Eliza tilanding a change in the conditions' of
Presbyterian church, March lith, 1,•-• Rev. A. L.
'Cameron, Ovven Bound - the referendtina. The .meeting closed
with singing the National Anthem,
dence or Xr end Mrs Tilos, Laratort. Shipka, on aLid the benediction. • . .
Feb 26th, W. Bauragarderi to Miss Maria Lam. iii . ,.... afer firing • ,
port. • , entO
GRAeCR131A-In Morris, March 5th,. by
'Rev. Mr Brown, Bich -Gray to Miss Catheriee
shipment of our , Just y ce e . • Lestowel,March 4th, b "LS. die Mar
brated line of Sign dard Shoes fi:inOri2eazie nowafigin. r. tr/dgtle?, blaetaiggesirejwir. TV-Ilsonr-WrallaCe, to
The undersigned williteep for Service this
season the American registered Elereford bull
•-t,fkruger'y No 106,981. Te -ms $1.25 payable -San.
1903. Also young Hereford stook for stile at
for' Boys. These goods • need oftheIjomirtion Carriage Worka, and 3, tV. W.A17-00130311-At themanse. Wi irks.,
.13- Poter:Frio feee:eMe r n Wwiing ' • •" 4 ' • '•' ' '• '
any time.
Tax:atter of The Goderielo $ignel nailed on htoonanii,raorce11618etrhenbeyGRoredvont: • m- E'L FARNHAM Lot Il Con a Flurett
'nO introduction as they are al- tile Nive nit,. office on Monday while on
, . .... , . ,.. . . . , . . .. , Idareh 21-6. •
. _
COgniZei • to be the .best, wear- we learn that vv. weir intends to leave Stewart Geo Finglt:tee,of Elowielritofliss Inglis ._____ , • •••
. Miksch 21-1 • Niagara Falls, Ont.
London, Eng ,and also scene of Webl,'s 'Let - s'.
- •
skew war -es., the, rolubition aienventioax
. • •FINDL-ATEPr$11'6 Las -at the resideece of
ready well known. and: .are
held at Win h P that da • •
Wanted, -
g anl On Y. • the bride's broth r on March. 5th, b Bev. A. •
• ter Novelties.. including some o pig Boys Shoes. on the. roar- shortly for the Assiniboiti territory having ofcarriele
• • . Znerrtic men and wonien .J o- represent us , ;
bought a seotion (no acres) of land at Spit- • ARGUS-BRICKER- Oji March-eth,- at the-
' Parsonageiby Rev.DrRogers, an o Aigue to Miss
coats, a. lilac° on the Manitoba and NO4tb- Etbelizida Bricker, both of Fordwich.
west branah; near orkton, about 240 miles
thyeetri•de, srit-ill113sEttleeklisAt the 'residence Of
north West of Winniiieg. He bas section
. • •
-wages canon or address E• W. sviumbe,
calIs choice Easter geode. g • They are made of .a choice• Scrairiron Wanted.
• quality of MilWaukee grain
and without seams.
4 „,
-a- moles and counters- arm -
eac dounty, steady elployment good
Barley sugar
" irkisit
Roseand. acid drops
Flue iti,jubees eed to be absolutely solid sole
Assorted Easter Egg SI eather.
No Shoddy.
'We have also reoei'ved a consigmsut •
of •Phosophate Wines in orenge,
strawberry, b's Cherry and graps
These wines, make a yen, delioiou'e
drink. lry them 35o per bottle.
Terms strictly oath.
McClay, Clinton,
• 41111111kilreSkilklitilrivirc 411 I raleerinet
11t,gl --We/WPM
115, in Itange 2,townshm 23, and paid $6 Rev. A. 1411erikar, C AS. ,prts Zittlink, Fob. HT' Pcir.
an acne; His brother Alex. from Searboro, est daughter of a. Bo tots, Goderieh. !
who win OW leave soon has section 25 in COLE -WELSR-On March 12th, by Rev'
theAntine townthip and paid $7 Per sore. daBerightitre,rColef rDeanvelecteNovlAssuL, Itoilt rtsal,urteoi, .mIrdficah. May
'Mr Weir COnfiLlere 0:ley baste as good land inerly of the l3ayeeld line, Goderich township
es oan be had in Areiniboia and says he
Gait,;;41Tatillret4D-On March 6th, by km
thinkesthey will like the west se well that r ,ups,gp,11....x„:V.ieteria 13. Shop-
iiIrd,of Torignto. tO Hama what, of Buffalo,
neither, Will retnrn, et leastlor senile' ve '
ormerly of Clinton. •
ger triends will be pleescd to learn
Laura Acheson has oompleted her en- . : ' DIED. •
NO P SolesMies
aper , • gagernent with the Boston Ladies' Orches YVATRRSON-In oroeto. on l'ileielLy 1811,
Inst., Mrs Waterson, sister Of Mrs 101.0W8041.
.-44 !
Ire and nturned to her home in Goderith. .Albert street.
Patronize the 'New, Shoe Store The tour lasted five monthtieduring wfiloh.
„StriolliARD-Ie Oaderich., on March 18th,
: told get new Shoes. time 'Mien Aoheeen played in user's, every
emteirdlaensdttaetrersitaonray Orr; ot ht3 co 6Adti al a nut iecyt to :ye
'Iaarnioets9:G-S-.hir Cboaltrne, on Thuriiday. Marcie
FredT Jackson in Canada whith was at London. Seise . .2e„,78,1122e7=8,1:87,110,Ten.. 0t. TI6nrY
T. Aoheson'a fiee Months With the teeter' I COPP-In Clinton on Wednesd ex,' Mexch. 10,
Lodiete °rebottle gave her many earm nt = Oliarlgte Copp, reget of the late %Johan Copp,
° the fact that the organizetion was a Beacom - cis Seett aged82 yearv. •
. • from auditere and the press. The lefir• vtgfr16,81tAtgLIII LoWee *In ham, March 7th,
experienees, the most'pleaeing of all being "irtiOTR-ageeaforth, March 8th,wife of /teen
financially, and reoeieed univereal applauee COATE8--/n Mesiltop,nierth 1201,jas. Coate
yrbo stood the long jonrneee well, has had wi e Thos, Calhoun. aged Years
relief, of the lateW. C. Stevenson, aged 80vears water, small stable; one quarter acre of land,
i an experience of the land across the - STEVENSON-In Gree,marehsithseane Worth
' and its inhabitants that bee come to few bearing fruit trees. Appty to It1D011T8sHA.LE,
„On March 8th, Andrew Stewart. afed 7411years.
13111tW ART. -et the Rouse of Befuge.Olinton.
• -
Virewant a quantity of good Cast Scrap Iron
at or ce, and will pay highest market price for
large or stnall lots. MACP,SEBS313NorerhH201_712y
011 ton Ont
Farin tor Sale. -
Foe sale dr to rent. 97 acres more or lase, con-
sieting of parts of lots 19•and 20, 2ud coul HUL
geed house, and a splendid bank -barn. James. '
frerseer owner. For further particulars apply.
to MISS WASELINGTON, ette,ttenbury St ;
Clinton. March 21-2.
let, If miles from Clinton; the .very bee soil,
House for sale. • .
•••••.•••••• •
An excellent frame house on Rum street,
containing 8 rooms; hard and soft Water; stale.
and Maeda. Leaving town reason for selling.,
For Bale cheap apply to I0LI BICE, C11n4.0n,
-• US:oh-21-2.
For Sale,
ot Victoria StreetrOlintenottlili frame •
o tta e containin seven robins; hard and seft
I Mar. 14-tf Clinton .
MeGVIRIE-In Goderieh,March 6,X eGuire, •
IfitittaT-A.t 110 Howland avenue, March Fir service.
togs and 'Heading of all ganBaimw.
kinds wanted. CLINTON hiAlt8F,TS
Itigliefit prices given.
. Corrected Erverr fturedrotafternoon
Soft elms to be cut 11 feet, otharaday, mord, eine nee.
12 feet, and 13 feet long. • ire• a Wheat.. 0 48 iV0 73
Stapleton Salt Works
Property for Sale.
Wholesale stock of pianos
at very best posSible prices.
Organs, the very entertainable
gra 141 tiet, sheet • music,
. books, awl a. variety of music
Cottage end two leta for sale.on King •St.,
Olinten. Cottage eonbxinis five rooms, eloilet0.
pantry!, Cedar and mutterer kitchen: hard and
soft watercanumber, Of plun1 and rear tree&
Wilt be eold cheat), arede to R. MseLMOD.
'March 7.-tf, Clinton
e. 1101111E'S Goed kid tWITOBBLIon buil' St.
or generoi housewok. Apply to
A Stock a 6uoloy pleine for tale. Moat /..-tr. • Dried APplee per 11;... os os
mir.4.118S. T), Batt
Spring " 40,.1,44•11•11
Oats .. 0
-Aye 44 0
Peas .. . .. 0•4111,00.64•11116
PlOtir per civet .11*
Ray ... . ... . ••••••••
theetlekin0 • • • • • •'• 4
. G t lin bldee
Wood short
Chickens, per pair
• Dnoks. pea ..........
Golfe, per lbt, . • ..
Torbert perlb
Pork, live ••••••116**i**
Butter,lcioae or tub
legge per dot ...
PoitstOes. per btketi.
forth Collegiate Insiitute one provincial model ImPrOved Iterkshire Boar fee serve:seat Lot
17th Ohas.Clarkiton B. A., late Print:seal of Rea*
" School, Toronto, aged 67 years80, od, weHu lett Terms $1.00.
• etar.14-3.• moBRIeN,
A linvc, TERM. Servant, Wanted.
April lst marks the erste of the epenhig
18 a ..a.0 78 of the Spring Term n the antra n 1 A good genera steno
39 fete 40 isetis Collette of Torcnto, a school whfoli is kept,: wagee $12 per Month, washing and iron -
40 a 0 46 - doing good work andwhieluMili.t0 en itlY ing sent out APPIY With references te
Mac 11r0 oro ,
Shorthorns for ale,
---. STONE.
0 48 0 60 tt patronage art dated in, its Advt. es ta 661 81 T las,
0 65 a 0 115 in this home,
915 a
800 •ts, 900
025 a 060
6 00. e 50
T ItoWN, Auce gttotowatsbyreemerariindgi fieifer ti cal f• ire d stook .and
2 25 2 se lumber waggons tine top bug
Sale Registers.
hotel, Seaton a largo cowl ment cif new nitre Month. eld frtni eod milking cows also
On saturdav March 22nd, at 1 p ni; bloke; Two young Belle ono seventeen ttUd. the other
0 a Thaws Grove Stook Vann
0 20 a 40 On Triestine, March:241i, at 1 p in on lot 11'
0 06 a 0 09 ieese or %1 42
550 a «00
05 a olio r4h1144!'llicr stook arid inijaments. Lity. , CantOn.P.
4 060
ROM LA.111C, Prop, CI t
8 00 Money Lost.
8 00-
e 1 0 14 A. tum of MOM 'containing two ten dollar
0 10 * 0 11 bins, het ciint. outtaturdae, ataetheth.
0 00 oa 0 35 Pinder \Onto t ewareed by leaving tone "at
1.16W V/ &Odle° tor owner.
Mara 14-2
On 8riturday0Aareh 22.1900;st 2 oeilook, D.
M., tit Wile° Hall II elmesvilf e, the Holmes.
vitt. (1 Ss 13 Co, (Ltt.) will let by veble
den, the dritwing Of t e mulk on the different
mice ewe as rest year. Ve. le 'I 0 iST1411,
pros., W. H. Soo,
Dainty Bedroom
In exquisitedefregne, artistically elegant
every detail, is now being' offered at y ery.
moderate prices by j. C. Stevenson.
Dressere, Cheffoniers, Restful rockers,
a great variety of pin* that add to erre-
fort and Convenience as well Ere to the
attractiveness of the room.
splendid rocker in Oak or Mahogany
for tee, special. ' •
A line lot of furniture coverings on band
Undertaking d Rietur errant-
ing Specialty.
• 0..Stevenson,.
Ge neral Furniture Dealer,
Opposite I own Rail,
Albert/Street, CLINTON., •
•• • RESIDENCE -Huron Street,
oppoaite Coreetiereial HeteL
We have everything that a Mall wants the .
furnishilig.line, from a paper collar to a genuine
good suit of clothes, but„we are going to make .
special mention this week of a 25c black cash-
mere sock. There never •was anything nearly 13C)
good here before. They would be better value
at 856 than some 25c sox would be at .10c
• • 'Come in and ask to !ee our 25e sock,
J 1-101..11.10WA."5r.
On Thursday Feb. 27th, I will lassie my'preeent store to. take .thargeof the
clothing and furnishing eepartment of Molars. Hodgens Bros. I take this opportunity
of returning thanks to my mail friends and enamors ter the. tiontinuoue patronage
they have given me since opening out in .business and trust that the preeent relations
• Ogi
so long existing be.weeis us may not be broken. • •
• For the coming Spring mann I will be able ' to show you the finest stook 61
nifty and stylieh Gents' Furniehinge that has ever been brought • into Clinton, Tt hem
been personally eeleeted from the best sourcea, and you can depend on always getting
he tiobbiest and most up -to date Styles in Hats, Shirts, Ties, etc. Come in and see rae
ny time you are up town,
A. .3. NOURISH,. Cliilton;
ield Seeds
Von fever tie With your orders for Dry Geode and Clothing, Boots end Shoes:'aild
Grocieres, for which we are grateful,aud now wewant to Sell you field seeds,
We have now in etook. '
Clevere, Red Mayke;'nd Lucerne or Alfalfa.
Photos Timothy, and orchard grass, '
century Nisi -"aimorg,! . „ • .
In looking through the aced eatelogoeilf you sea anything you Would MAO' hive,
Maly let de knew, arid we will gledly proottre it 'for you, .
Mange]. Seed
Bruee's trelected "(limit Yellen Intermediate" is now in stook.
Therdenittod for this very otoloe seed will,without doubt, be greater than the
aopp)y,, Many ousto..; ere hove already bought, /1 you have not done
do it r ow, plea 15o alb, •
L. "OtTIVIETTE0 Londesbor0