HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 5.••
March kat, 1902
rand Spring Opening
• Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday,
March 26jh, 27th, 29th.
ildirtistle Easier Goad*
EASTER EZCMISIONSI Remember your frie,as at Glad Eastertide by. irt
Betasst nottenvforlav away Holidays t110111 one of our choice couveniers. The selection, is
° will be iseued at ready for your inspection and, you are welcome to loo
gehd going ?demob 27, 28, 99, 80 and 81.
Returning up to April let,
furoilase your tiokets at Town office Aed
nye aeloy etatioa.
CR, 1106gcns, Town Agent
• 'Clinton, Ont.
FRMAll J1111..• 21, 1202.
Tho Able Representative ot West
Huron appointed Jude of
the Court of Appeal,.
••••••••.. - • •
the stock whether you buy or not.
Cards, 13ookiets Eggs, Plates, Vases,
Und Ornaments of Various Kinds.
At a meeting of the Dornmion Cab-
inet. on Wednesday, the vacancy in
the Court of Appeal, caused by the
death of the late' Judge Listere was
fines by the appointment thereto of
Hon J. T. Garrow, hitherto the abler
. -
• On the above named days occurs the fOrmal-iioPoning" of the new SPRING MILLINERY—the most important representative of the West. Ridinprin
event of the season. We ask .your attenddnce uptin any or all Of these days. A proud show it will be, too; the the Local Legislature.:hie is not altopther unlooked for.
most comprehensive. display we have ever been able to gather, far excelling every previous season's effort—perfect G
in its infinite variety and completeness. Here will be displayed the very best styles from Paris,New York andVetrOit broughtrarruhwini's e:tirt, Illegal ' afiilitie:
—there will be so many pretty hats that choosing will be no e.asY task: , But aside from. the matter of style and ex- that it was universaalulye
elusiveness a revelation in price *moderateness awaits you: Every marking i tosed on actual worth—and that alone. members of the bar. and others, that
We repeat the invitation to be present on 'these opening days.. STORE A ILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY and ii
ooner.or later his,proper niece was on
THURSDAY EVENINGS,..FROM 8 to 9.30, FOR THOSE A HO .CANNOT COME DURING THE DAY. , the bench, and we are ccinfidentthat
. not only his blend:rand supporters, bat.
Spring Qpening Of Dress Goods, Silk, Dress Skirtiv. i opponentsks, well, will cordially en-
dorse the action of the Governroent in
Waists., Gloves, Ribbons, Neckwear, :fit°. ... -:-..
. . Me Garrow is a native:of Huron, and
its selection. •
Our opening *display of these goods for Spring and Summer is by far the largest and best we have ever shown will: not alone reflect • credit on the
. • .•
Never was more time, more care, used in the selecting of new goods. France, Gel rnpy, . England, Scotland and county that gave him birth, but will
America have all contributed there newest goods—manylinet have been icnported by us direct from the maker. further add to the honer and lustre of
• , . the ermine.
Dress -,Goods!-.4 "--. . The New Ribbons for 'Spring
„,.,..., .411 Wool Cashmere at 2 lic • . • - : • "Those who know" predict that this will be tie. greatest
.....-„n 86-inCh wide all anel Cashmere, ver/ fine qual ': ribbon season yet Ribbons sewn to be Wanted for almost
6 &
" -..IL° '•W
' 4 t'..?':. •• . • • • • . • , . , • • • . t • .... •
it -'-'5ftt„,4,; ity come in shades of ned,navy,pin swhite,old every sort of trimming-. They are 'gorier for neck fixings
,,mg,.,,,, rose,•sky blue a,nd black, this line is sold. by ,aa • s :_ss , • .
other stores at 35c, our special value at per yd we and collarettes, corsage bows, sashes an hair ornaments; and
(.. •.,5...vsi,
..----n, B301,aattok holthrtte,. fir.te . brilliantalmost all the hats have .a touch of ribbon. Our stook of lib-
s *finish, alt almost
is by far the largest and 'finest we have ever shown
, the 'eery best bla,A,A1 values, at per yard.. • . sei,a,.; thousands of yard p to. make your Selection from.
40e, 250i macs 50c ant "-!`) pripes per yaya te, 2e, 2if, 541, 10e to $1,25. ,
Homespims • . • • • .....
„Are again in demand for ski( ts and suits, grey is the leading shade We 1 AAt, , ' • • • • •
have a fine showing of the different weights at 75cs 95c and Islei
• ' The'Newest in Neckwear
°Viola Suithigs
, • , •
The Soft Clingipg:DresKSOOdS: that will be in great demand for Weimer; ' lleckWear is RO lea important t n headvrear as a part of.
• 42 niches wide, price per yard "
• et , • • , .1.., ****** • s• • , N....,
opportnity for variety
Rile *Oman's dress, with better ,,. Besnalll
days of tpring,they come 'in shadesof pearl grey,moderfewn and naY35
, : • NeckWare Ladies' Collars, :&c, ax among our most carefully
Covert Suitings
Our assortment of these beautifasuitings is by far the - largest we hate looked after spetialdes, All the stylish thing•s and file novel-
shown,they come in thenewest shades ofgrey,faten,brown,mode, ta .*, ties from llow. York are 'here, and the prices :will be found
blue, grey, etc, prices per suit length at e .. ** ... .. :, • :. •••$5.50 and 9e.4 D much lower than in most stores. Prices 25c, 35c,, 56o:. up to
Navy Lustres • - -• -- . • . : . • $1 25 for ties; and from 50e ttx$5 00 for Lace Boleros and
. es and 42 inches wide, very fine finishis.in great demand for waist and„ Collars.
drs sses, all warranted to give good wear, prices ,, .... , . .,..110C and fu.,me • _ •
Wool Detains - . . . . . New; Dress T unnainp,s,
In the very newest designs and colorings, at65a and 85
11Gr• ' '
. ' g d L _
tGoods2Opening . . . : .
For tke most beautiful assortment of everything -. new and This season we shall more than make
----vranted-in-ipttenLfablics7011-Bliouldk4ait-this-stere—, ehere---bas goo,d_our re_plitatiOn for selling the best:,:t
been gathered the finest collection. of *Gingliams,. Ditilities, On: . Laces and Dress Trimmings that ..come,,,,
gandies, etc,ever shawnidtoVin, ' • here, and giving values greater than . can
- be•found in any store in town, Our new
• . lines foi rinare all ready
In checks. stripes and plaids, in assorted colspg YOU are
per yard laic else o, in
ors end all warranted fast, at ..• . . ' • '
Hvited to come and. See the new things '
that will be used so: much for the trimming of Spring .ind
Summer dresses.' • . 7 ' ,
Dimities,.Ftench Illuslins., etc
In beautififf colorings,. also white at 20e, 25c. 30c to 37c
Dress and' ViTalking Skirts
We.showAtylish .and finely made Skirts and sell them at
very low prices—prices that bring fine, well -made garments to
you for very little outlay. Every skirt we sell is made by an
experienced tailor. It will pay you, well to see our large as-
sortment and compere values. • .
Skirts made of fineserge, lustre, homespuns, at.. $2 75,.$3 50 to
• •
- -.N The Newest Silks,- . . -
A display that is wonderfully beautiful, thit includes the
very latest. We've taken special paini in preparing for' this
' Spring's business, and feel `assuredilhat nowhere can y ou get a
bettcr selection in the best qualities. ,
Oyer 2000 yards of New Silks to choose from. Imported dir-
ect from the maker. ' - • •
.Styles in Gloves do lidt $il. noticeably from year to year
French dyed Silks in all the newest shades, 20 and. 274inches wide, prices' • , not s - y Us
• 25e 30c, 50c anti 60c New id4as in embroidery or stitching, new clasps or an 'nem:.
Feau-de-chene, avery soft rielt 'silk fot• waists, that will tiot, cut, cemes in 60e sional trick in eutting• may- be the chief point of distinction
pink, bluet gold, 'cream, white, black, ete, price per yard... ... . ..... .
Taffeta Silks, an all the very netvest shades, also hlttek, at p%oyeao•csle an
0,. between the .old and the new, But a new glove is han.dsolniest
1 l'1)g and wears bed, We have OM` ,1113W gloves. ready. Prices per
Elegant waist lengths of Silk,. with the neW lace stripe offset,- no two A,-,,_ _ . ,„„ i .., au ,
alike, at per yalid.... , ... . . . . . . , , , .. ..... . — . ?km .pair ine 401 a $1.251 all guaranteed at $1 and $1.25..
, Some 'Special Prices for • our 3 Opening Days.
lOct ltie and 15e Prints, Gingliams, etc,- at Sic- ; . Kid Gloves at 59c • •
200 yards of light and dal& Feints and Glugharns, all fast colors, that are A I Ladies' Kid Glovee, merle of good strong skins with silk stitching on back,. as,
regular 10c, 1210 and 15e, on sale Opening ,Days at , ose in bro-wn and tan shades only,sold at most stores fot $1, our pries.. OVU
Special Corsa Values
for Spring
Newly every Corset we sell to a new7eomer
means a new.Custonaer, ,and it should We sell
only 004 corsets—the best that Can be found
for the money, The Corset you get here will fit
well and give good wear, no matter if you only
pay 50c you will get the worth of your money
\..4131co. in wear and comfort •
Onr new Corsets are all rea4prices are 50c,
rite,41.00-$1,25 to $2:00 per pair. -77- • •
• - . •
New . Gloves for. Spring
60c Dress Goods it 39c • ',,,,
.• • leic flivri at Tie . ,.
150 yards of Lustre, in navy with stripe and anal spot, also black with smi, 150 yards of WhiterVictorbut LaWn. 88 inches wide,. made of fine even
a • ‘
,4 it•
't ,4' • White stripe, regular value 03c Opening Days to go at ... , out. thread; regular peke is 121e, Opening Days to go at .
. lie
These ,Goods were all new this season. 11
Silks worth 85e tor 59e Heavy Cotton Hose 2 pair for 2,5e
800 pairs of heavy ribbed Cotton Hose,. wrirranted fast black, sizes iii, b csk.
200 pteds of very fine 'quality Of Taffeta Silk in shades of pink, sky, gold, a -
. navy, whitaan I cream, regular 85e value,Opeuirig Day price .......... one 1 and, gi• Ver Y special Value for Opening Days at SS pairs for xoe
- 340 yards of Ribbon at 5e.
$2.00 Corsets at $1.35 , .
During our 1Mil inery Opening Days we will place on sale :3 dozen pairs of . Is 803 yards of Ribbon, from. 1 to 2 ineb.es wide, in rel silk end silk and linen
----the13*.litas filled.Corsetseregular stantped price avbieh4o42,for..,-1, t...--tabwl..fittitablelar.huir,ribbons And lancy.work, all shades in .stock, mar
These Corsets are guaranteed not to break. special at
35e White Vests at 19e . Satin Ribbon at Ie.
• 100 white Cotton Vests with long sleeves, open:front, nicely made and fin. a st,„ 150 yards of No 9 double faced satin Ribbon, In shades of gold, sky, pink,
ished, regular 85c values, onGpening Days only at • • cream, white etc legular 10c value, Opening Day peke
• /
four money back Tour 'matter' ltaek
•ifyen, want it. tryon *ant It
6 4 6
Thettosition carries with it, we be-
lieve, a eatery of 56,000, being $1,000
less than the judges of the Superior
Court, and necessitates his rentoYal te.
Toronto. His late practice in Goderich
will probably be continued by his son.
We congratulate the Province on hiS
appointment; and our readers; regard
re a party, will join in congratulat-
ing Mr Garrow on his well•earned pro-
Spring Wan
Paper .
,torfi.: It's wall paper time again. r' We,
ra— • think we can. offer yoir a wide
choice of better and more stylis
wall paper then you can find else,.
We think we can save money for you too, OOD:le
let us prove it to you - All Paper Trinimed 1ree
won't fit the children, they
are too old, lialf the trouble in
getting glasses and spectacles is
that they are not suitable, if you
will eeme here, you'll get just
what your eyes need. Careful
examination and glasses if re-
quired at very reasonable prices.
• Vie Referendum.
It has been decided' that , the . Vote
shall be taken on the 4th cif December.
It seems to us that the inniVidual and
collective benefits of Prehibition are so
apparent that it requires no argument
to prove it. • •
There are,however, many •whn will
not Windt Olin They de not eee .as we
do.; they may be just as • sincere' and
hmest in their opinion as . we,, and
they have just as much right to tkaeir
opinionas we have to ours. •
And they have jiist the seine right to
express that opinion in Any way they
matefeel disposed.. '
• A compaign ot moral seasion'evill be
riiedcn ',between. now and the clay of
• Not only will advocates of pro-
hibition de theit utmost to strengthen
their causes but those -46 hold
contrary views will • probably Pursue
thLgestaintheeedoiuscrisiesa.'ions an. d agitation he -
.fair, frank and manly. • .
No Ca11813 isiver gemed permanently
by misrepeesentation. Liberty' of
speech does not mean license to abuse.
The temperance people believe they
have the best side of tbe art.,ument,and
in awaking public opinion, stimulating
•acticaa and atousing thetoo-often
ferent.veter;nothing should be don e tb at
Will be a reproach to a cease se worthy
and commeedable as the removal of _
this form of temptation from the path-
way ttf young and old, and the placing
of the entire comMunity en what ' A
great many regard as a higher plane of
-moral ahgan,
• South ...Huron LibOaktr...:
Owing to iil health reed. Hese, the
Liberal eandtdate to contest South
Huron ler the Local Legislature, has
retired: A convention to eelett a can.
didate will be held at Hensel', on Sat-
urday, March 29, at 10 O'clock: It is
nrgently requested that everyPolling
division send kfull representatien •of
• The Legislature,- the ninth in the
history 9f the Province, was closed in
the usual form Monday afternoon by
'Chief Justice Artnonr, Sir. Oliver
Mowat's physicians deeming it inad-
vieable that he should attend. The
house has done a great deal of work
during the past nine weeks, no lam
than 131 bills being resented' for
ehatelaine Bags and Belts.
Every lady should have a.ehatelaine bag, those who use'
them say they are indespensible. We have a large new stock
ready for your inspection, a very nice bag can be had at 50e.
or 75e, cheap ones at 35c and 40e, also better ones . at 850,4
90e, $1 and $1.50.
Church Chimes Church Chitties
Tile Brethren held service in their hall :The annual examtnitions for 'probe, -
at 3 and 7.80 p. re. last Sunday when T. donors and local preacheetta London
js Somerville, Brantford, preached ex- crinfetenee will be held in Colborne
cellent discourses. 'There Was alS*). Street. Merhodist,church, London, on • '
preaching the same place on Tuesday Ansel 22, 28 and .
and Friday evenings. atia on Monday, ' Rev James.LivitiKetone, of Windsor;
Wednesday' and Thursday; nights •at intends starting a . Movement: in the
Glew's corner in Hallett • Methodist church to deny Christian •
'ST. JOEIRPR'S Cannon. —Services will •burial to any persons not •members of :
be held at. Blyth on • next Sunday:— the church at death. •
Next week is Holy week and service 'ONTARIO ST.OHITIWA.—Owing to the
will be held by Father McMenamin... special 'meetings now going • on there „
On Holy Thursday,March.2/01 and on was no League mee,ting on Monday
Good Friday, March 28th,.serVices will evening.."..Tbe special -special services
he held at 9,80 a, and 7.33 p.' on being held every night are Well attend.; • .
Thursday -evening the sermon will be ed, and itt is looked' forward to And .
on "Holy•Communion” andon .Friday earnestly hoped that much good'wllj
"'Posssitins" eiveryOuelscardiallYiniited. be the 91.1. Me. •
Services will be held here. on • •Easter . ..ION Altarit—Majcir • ,Meltli
Sundity: , ' Ilan, aLcoinpanied by staff Cant Ra
. Rev Dean Cartnichael is the tenth fing and Adjacent Combsi.: conchicte
Bistro') furnished to the Church • of apecial meeting in the Barracks on,
England in Canada by the Diocese. of Thursday the, 27th. There was an
au, on Marc. is the list: --43ishon. Mc- enrolment of solders. The Band is
Lean. Bishop Pitikham,..Bieltop; „busy practising for a 'concert to be
van, Bishop Baldwin, Bishop DaMc; given on Eastet Monday for the 'ben- •
• lin; '•Bishop Hellrouth, Bishop ' Feu.' fits of the local corps aim to obtain
qa ter, Bishop Mills,•Bishop Sweatman , new music for the band. • • '
and • Bishop Carmichael. It is -also I , STPAvy.rsCRortoo..--Itev.0,1LGunne
claimed' that the Diocese of Huron ' ,was the weekly Lenten preacher in • .
has sent missionaries farther • north. Locan this week, having offielated
ward and southward • than ' any other, there on Wednesday aiening .
in Canada. And it might further be :The rector and Mr'John Rainsfordwere
added that Dean Certnichtiel is an old ; in. attendanceitt a meeting of the Beet!,
Clintonion of when! every resident is wive cOtrinetttee of the Diocese of
proud. • • . ' I Huron, at London. ..Mr Frank Hovey
liVrmas• CRIMOIL --. The regular "conducted the weekday service of St.
-monthly' meeting of -the- Womerits Paul's church last Wednesday istrenieg,•••-
'Foreign Missionary Society was held in the abtaince of the rector
in the leature room Of the. church lase Wnsr,BY:tharrhort.----.1Jast (Thursday) : •
,(Thursday) night ; the following t oples night • the -pews and sitting's of the
were ably dealt with :—"The F4arable,. church was let; the trustees have des '
of the Good Samaritan" hy.' Mrs Jas. cided that all ;sitting's throughout -will
Scott., and "Beginnings In Africa, be the kuie rental.....Nexe Sunday ;
Perste, -India, Greece, Italy, Spain, tbe opening services of 'Wesley church
royal assent. In the speech from the
throne, the chief jest ice said among
other things: "I assent with pleasure
to the bill respect ing t he sale of intoxi-
cating Equors, and I am pleased Co
notice that a measure in regaid to
which there is necessarily so much
difference of opinion; and which is so
far-reaching in its influence upon the
artist customs ofothe peorle, as well as
upon p.operty and 0101 rights, has
been referred to the electors of the
province for their approval, nt•
tetlepet,.1,10.5 .phome_gittnjegLelatipti
with regard to the ligitoe bitiffic, in
Order to be effective, must be fully
sustained by public opinions Shoudd
; his epirtiou be fs vo; able in the tree.
ont case,: it will be my ,duty tri render _
unab tis.istance as the crown POSSPASes
t I We) es the large legislation which
' yam (watt etamped wish santr 44).
pr oval. .
In less than a month the Sifton non
der trial will be again resumed. The
1 spring assizes will open on April 7th
and Justice ratconbridge will probably
France anti the British Isles" by Mrs
W. S. Coats.. Last Sunday.the anthem
"Like as a Leak" was well rendered by
the chnir andin the the evening the
solo Prna praying for you" by W. P.
Sodding.. ...The meeting at the En.
dea,vor on Monday evening was partic-
ularly interesting and much enjoyed
by those who attended, Jt being taken
up bye debate on the question -'Will
Govertuneurrentrol hasten the pro-
hibition of the. licmcr traffie?" The
affirmative was taken.by Joint Laind
and J. sewers and the wetly- by
Kirk -Houston and IL Kiwi; • Aslarge
number of young people were present.
After the usual, opening exercises and
reading of the lesson verses Romans 18:
1-7, the feature of the eveningwas pro-
ceeded with, The arguments on both
sides were telling and well sustained,
•showing an intelligent understanding
of this subject and..inuch..uratatioal
The arguments adduced on
the cam side were manfully attained by
the other, While the judges were
Summing up Miss Ida Ross rendered
the Appropriate solo "Father bring
home your money to -night" in a man-
ner pleasing to all. In announciog the
decision the pastor, Rev Me Stewart,
stated with what Pleasure he had lir-
„tened to the young men who hadcon-
ducted the debate and how 'hard he
really had found it to arrive at a deci-
sion as both.sides of tho question' was- thee mayest know hoW thouought
deelt with ably and convincing points to behave thyself in the house of •
againet Government control were as; which is the church ot the living Go .
well made as for the present state of the pillar and the groucd of thettuth,.”.
control.' so well was the question dis- Dr. Carmen will always be welcomed
Cussed that, Rev Mr Stewart remarked to (Mint on,the congregations utere
it was hard to determine but condelighted with 'his eerrnorts and would .
eluded by being in favor of the aftr. be glad of an opportunity of hearing
matives,xvhich seemed agreeable to all, him oftener. The choral portions of the
After the sieving of a hymn and re. service was also enjoyable. In the
peatiug of mizpah in eoncert the meet- "mot nine' the choir rendered "Glofia
ing closed....Evetything in connel, .Excelsis", by MOSS' tt and the Quartette .
tion with the 'Sunday seine 1 entertait - gave "Leaditindly light", by Brock ;in
meritineluding a tea -meeting and the evening the anthem ivas "Send out
ata, 011 Raster Monday evening Thy Light,";by Gouged, and i1z sii 1 y
favoratay progressing and promises to sang the solo "Star of LoVe", -bV. Ash -
be one of the best entertainment ever ford. The church WAS crowded with
held here. Refreshments will Fe stn. the large congregatiois vvbich attended
ved from 6 to 8 p to 780 p, M., the evenina set ewe ; the total eollection •
A social intercourse will be held dur. for the day amounted to $60. -The
ing %bleb Prof Campbell, of Godetich, afternoon in the Sunday Schen' was
,Ailsa.M..fitood win will,give a mug. parlettlarly inter sting. The aathem
teal eelection on he Faro 1.1173er7 3(1-4"111Frtirirctiraftrlialtt"Wfrfi-Torerriii• —
'to 880. the cantata "The Resurrec. Miss Adella Willten,tvae Well rendered;
lot' " bv neatly one humb ed volets MISS MAVigle tli.vievead the jaibla los.
willbe tendered ; from 830 in 9,30, son. Recitations were giasn by the
.hot addteseeehy keel niinisters and graduating class from the printery de.
hy Mist Men of •Totonto, Mitt • pat talent, of the cotnmandMents,boeks
tis(Iorvio. i,f ()liken, ;les Mullins, of of the Hilda arid the titantitntlett and
'Deasy*, d W. Spaldiore leader ir0 I bis Same class sang "The Holy Bible.'
Willis Lilo (Ftelr. fadmissitro •25 f.itieslateibt Taatieyeatig the eak,
(tent,. Ole ptoceeds to go Meer& 'the priceless gift," excellent, and the duet
sata,flt the i'huiday eboel libtarrs and chettui 'OreWn hV Lizzie
Per bet' 131ot:cedar., will be even text Reid and Biatrice Greene with cboir
%sot, A. ni tet ere dial Invitation la ex. watt also well well given. Addritssesni
t,41,1 • ove, ybrdy and it is expected interest, thought And inetruetfon were
that flute will be it large Assemblage to / giVen by W 11, Ktlfr, of the mizcls
hear this grand enter tainther'. Post. and Rev. Mr llowson...#
ivtig• be continued and Rev- J. W.
Hi:eines Of Askin . street' Methodist
church, London, an ex -pastor of Its.S.
tenbtuy street church, will preath
.both morning and 'evening ....At the
annual Meeting of the Sunday School
Board of %; esley obinch en Friday
evening, March 14th, the following
n face's usts appointed s--uperin rens
dent, W. N. Manning; associate sup.
erintendent, Geo Rorke; secretary,_
Lon Doherty ;' assatant secretary;
Silas Andrews; Iibrarians, George
. Rogers and. C. ffelyar ; choir leader,
C. E. Tanney; organist, Miss Ida
Holmes ;' treasurer, W. R.:Lough, As
the classes-vvill have•to be rearranged.
Intake advantage -of the improved
school roan, a committee Was Ian -
pointed to arrange' tbe .classes and
appoint teachers foram:tie...The ven-
ingservices in connection with Wesley
church was continued last Sunday vvhea
Rev. Dr. Carmen, General Superintens
dent of the Methodist church, preached .
both morning and evening. His able
eirpositions of the scriptures are Always *
listened to• with rapt attention ; the
doctor is a sound reasoner and deep
thinker, a person never hears Kira
without going away benefitted. The
text in the morning was talten from ,
Matt. 0, 10 "Thy Kingdom Come" and
intheevening the theme beurg from 1 •
Timothy 8, 15 "131.1t if 1 tarty long that'