HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 4°LUTE VIRST sneountegea •tilat in the ° atreeta Of a Itteritalia "cew-town," TherAllenation of the Genet*. Strike the iron While it's Hot where ae was affording amuse. • SFeURITY EittiLatilorn]l5ininG wimpy. • on an antique piano, To eave him foora farther almse I bought hint, 4114 teseesiats ever afterwards he Was knoWn to his nenktine word.as "General Boulanger." We grew to look upon the General 0,4 an interesting ,selentifle phenomenon. ar, .7 el, all men. A.ny amiable qualities, 1m may 1-115 was a soul 04turated with bate toe II bave possessed In early You had been killed by abuse. He knew but diatrust and fear. We determined to reclaint Vale Liver Pais him* arid In our lonely comic the Gen, 4 eral 'became the object of such flatter-. Ing attention that mily his Untenquer. Must Bear Signature et able Misanthropy kept him frorn be - corning an arrant viola For a Wag time .our efforts were unavailing, but as the weeks went by I thought I no- ticed a •little less shrinking, fewer growls _and a faint gleam of recog. " Take - nition in the glassy eyes when I ap- • Preached. I felt the thrill of conquest, and redoubled ,my efforts. The heart of stone was at last touched, and my the- ory in 'regard to "yaller dogs" was • 'cornet ' We returned to the outskirts of clad- • lization, and one day, driving once more to the town, so filled with pain- , ful memories for the General, I was a surprised to behold him again in the , street, Slinking about with othera of hM kind. The slight results of our pa - 1 tient labors were In peril. It would • never do to allow the General's slowly growing faith in man to be nipped in . the bud by furthertown life, so with infinite pains I mewed him and tied him to the back of my wagon. I re- monstrated with him gently, as he lay 1 cringing in the dust, for his base de- eer.tton of the 1 friends he had ever. known. I . . • • See Peoagmile Wropper Below. . jr, ..,......ond aseasy , $0.4.ske as sugar. .-• . 9 FOR NFADASHL i - rrris FOR Bwouswis-s. ivER FOR TORPIDLIVER: LL!. FOR CONSTIPATION. • FORSALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION Ira in1141.41•31 11;reit • CURE SICK HEADACHE. . Is good advice. You fica.y Nee..1 TUE CLINT= NEW ERA „ GlIpplie btu Lim Ftlittre. G. WELLS, in .4 bratally QMIR frank article in the• "Fortnight- , ly Review," Wee ua a Milking glimpse into the !inure through 'what Most people will Ponaider a von, bighly colorea lents. deScription of the New Republici Is, of course, an ala snignment of the present order of so- ciety. "The men of the New Remiblic," pays Sfr 'Wells "will not be squeamish A, Much 2lott. 100* 1W""W"111111NO BICYCLES, WATCHES rimy are oR strirs siva SW Irserrsi4IVS Mir tAisree ir .44 $4,troissid. our wilt. to sibrertlas caw bow* suodkamert Wow/ 4;4104 who tall One' 1111 ea earn= .171:eta eat ; tlrerSIrate; writre• =Uc tag o.soo 0..4 or. sa• Hods la th• mei Leg': Justly o4.14.tAKI for WO glsk radmx twos* *fat Chau aia 6 double IblIrscplated Seal3poons. ellYer•plated nutter %nits PA SLOW 6hal, wIdoh wa gly•abrieletelYteee for nogroging cr:hltles) win *Wee oar K•aorom •Orer Apt tab elegant Wird" wt • 4314_4(4411 444 44 Olt Orwell .2 wed" for us• We ategrt ask ascent, And mean kitty/01mi we tar. Kond your want ad addreasimeauly unit_ w0 Treijonn,You Warr, WOO* of nods. thorn st lea *Parka.* 'Slay ago akar Wt. When sord Ver114 With. mo4ey, $2.00, w• powwow ; o You comely W ft.4 nt• orrilt: w• 1,014 to •Tir7 0114lbedse advantage of this adrarthement tbta blob grade Moja' elle presents went,' given absent:0.1y trot, _ WO want tO My Hobs bore teat three 64orate are sot air Meats, but XL aid 24. blob %awls, In khul. ruck ate mato* caws, woo io ISO WW1 attachounda and rutty atiarantiWd. This 12 4,11 lugusit offer toad* Iri ak astablt"had immisi, to taked1100.0bOr Pods suol Rama ode* 9291 4 * wawa sawanni t• 9.9919 thee keesesse either in facing or inflicting deatb, be- Moat" Wee. Ityery Work sant out Caraully lueed and jaatell, p e o est moisiels. cause they will have a fuller sense of• • - ire eel SOVItE4GN SURD TIOUBlt T. THE 130r401102? tome noose the Pi:MS[1)114We Of Ine then we pos- iao erieoval-,-1 received your grand prevents and tbor 01" just boaneell. I laWro e'er alra,--f randrod all your Preselt0 Ind WI datibted WM Itrus. rhoy milla Mate killing worth the while* late Ab- MYISION WHITE. Otto old. Peeuiltal., Oollthula to work for jou rui dud Ilatatks" VAR& taloa zees. Thor will bave an ideal that will '''"la"‘ valise aseetwia te got your ibuyale. raham, they will have the taith to kill, - and they Will have no superstitleas about death They will .naturallyv re- EVERYONE CAN HELP THE good the modest suicide of incurably CONSUMPTIVE. melanclioly or diseased or helpless per-• - . sons as a high and courageous act ot The. Now Wee Consumptive Hospital • duty rather •than a Crime. And since Witt Admit Consumptives A.biolately•• BROADFOOT, •BOX & 00, . they wifi •regard, as indeed all men • WititoutoOluirgea . . , eatsed above a brutish level do regard, • The appeal being made on behalf of the Toe steaffy lucrative in oar trade is goal pr )cf of the foot th tt per eGeti 0.66 right era a very long term of imprisonment as nevv Free .Cousuniptive Hospital, built 1 oat prices lower than those of other dealers in the trate. infinitely worse than death, as being under the auspices of the National.Saiti. "We manufacture furniture on a large male and eau afford to sell chain. If you hay indeed death with a living misery add- barium Assomation-the first Free Con. 1 from uo, We save for you the profit, whittle, in other oesse, has to ne aided In • Adet66411007' T • hee Severslun Seed House, Dept. , Toronto, Ont. • FURNITURE Burdock Blood Bitters •ed to its natural terror, they will, I Sum ptive Hospital in Canada -is one that • the retail dealer. conceive, where the whole tenor of a This week we have passed into stook some ot our new designs. Specie will not parfait •touches closely the heart -strings of every This Spring Znan's action% and not simply some Is better advice man, womau and child the broad Dentin. taw to quote vale* but 00t118 and flea fdr yourself what snips we have to offer Where is the community, far Remember -we ore determined that our prices obeli be the toweat in the trmie. incidental or impulsive actien, deems La _to prove him uniitte4 for free life in ""• "''' During the winter, heavy. rich foods are necessaryto keep the body warm. When, the spring comes, the system is clogged up with, heavy sluggish' blood you feel tired, weary and listless and that all - gone, no -ambition feeling takes possession of you. If you take Burdock Blood •Bitters it • will regulate your system, put you ,into eondtio fald make you feel bright, happy and vig,orous, • • . •. The Lake Carriers' Association of the T,Tnited States is protecting against the projected new power canal at Sault Ste Marie, on the Irv:10d that it will lower the lake level, Canada's. total mineral production for 1901 was $09,4,07,-031, according to the tteological Survey report • The census returns of Newfound- land show a total poptalation Of 220,- 249, ofw!" 3,,634 are in ItabrAdor, -t• • , unwillingnesit to ride, so he was al - The painful journey homeward be-, Van- The General betrayed a distinet lowed to .follow at the end a a long rope behind. • With his usual acumenj he fancied the etreagth of tiro half -1 • rtoken 'broncos to be as eaught cora. paved to his fiery determination to re- main in town. So he sat down. With an expression of pained surprise on hie • oountenance he traversed a few Min- dred yards. of the dusty rosalaan this •• position, and thee tried his. back. It • watoquite in keeping with the eccentri- - cities of the. General's mental proeesses that a simpler method did not ocdur to • him, until, striking a deep rut, he was ' hurled high into the air, and by some happy chance alighted on the extremi- ties nature had provided for perposes of locomotion Then, with ,bowed head, - • For i Cuts • • Burns Cramps - Bruises' Diarrhoea • All Bowel Complaints it le a sore, WO and quick remedy. There's only one PAIN -KILLER• . remit Dans'. Two eizes, 2ec. and 500. r' - 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE he •trOtted bontentedly along. I turned to look at him. ocoasionally, :and Asa- terea myself .that 'I saw in his. demean- • or evidences of regret at his folly, and • .0 determination to do better in the fu- ture. ' •sPolce encouragingly t� • ,:. -TRADE MARKS bur fie -was: too -absorbed- in meditation • I Osact .e11.1111“ D. sketch and description may OM irrigating •ditch. After rattling over . • v e CoPYRiGHTs A hot afternoon's ride brought us to rasa- ert.,Itt our opinion free whether an • 0a, the 'few loose Menlo Which served as a a inNesit14•11 th pronabiy patentabie. Conimuni auct or near, vitheut su revs from this the world, consider Win, Carefully UN oondemn him and remove m 0 terested in bringing these relief and re. a • S ffe • • dread white plague? 'We are all in- DE•RTAK•ING.• n this d• t nt.our took le °complete, and we bave undoubtedly the best Met' •them to health,' family, and • . outattrin.1710 001149. Oar Prices are as nw se the lowest. being. All suck killing will be done storing with au opiate, for death is too grave a active citizenship again. thing to be made painful or dreedful has iu. the ereetion of the new and used as a deterrent from crime. •If 13ROADFOOT BOX & One important step in. this dinetion eterrent punishments are used at all , will neither be death, nor mutilation of beneficence of two Toronto eitizens, and P. S. -Night and Sunday °ails attended to byealling at J. W. (WM rat ey a, dee been en In the code of the future, the deterrent Free Consemptive Hospital, due to the 00 J W Manager • ve the body, nor mutilation of the life by which is now nearly completed. 'When• Director) residencie ••• thi s the workmen go out of the building, and imprlsoflrneflt, not any• like that, but good scientifically oaused • that will be almost immediately, all that pain, that will leave nothing but a is wanted to make it ready to receive the memory ret even the memory of Over. tionsamptive is that it be supplied with -whelming pain is a sort of mutilation beds and other fernishinko.ppointments, I ice the soul The idea that only those no charee whatever being made for I wile are tit to live freely in an orderly admittance. world state shouia be permitted to live. The National Sanitarium Association Is entirely against the use of deterrent • are already carrying too heavy a debt to punishments at all. Against outrageous •undertake • the famishing theinsolveS, ' COndliCt to chpren or women, perhaps,' • but the -way is open for each one to help 'ot- for very cowardly or bratal s.seault* in raising the $10,000 neededor is 1 of any sera the men of the future may• purpose. The sum is not a large one. I consider pain a salutary remedy, at • Van thoossaid individual contributions of , ,lettst during the ages of transition $1.00eaoh out of ft population of nearly while the brute is still at large., But 6,000,000 people would accomplish this • eince most acts of this sort clo, milder mid. Some, of °miracle with their hearts conditions that neither torture nor ex- racked by: the sufferings of ;relatives, a,sperate, point to an eseential vilenese friends,orfellow-eitizens,will,outcatheir In the perpetrator, I am inclined to ahundanee do hotter than this. Fifty think that even in these cases the mth en • dollars will a bed. Wham needed et the coming time will be far teas die- ?is that the amount -be raised quickly, that I posed to tooture than to kill."They • the many knookiug at the doors of the • •will have another aspect to consider. *.IsTational Sanitarium Association may The conscious infliction of pain for UN , find a, place open for them. • . I • • . Sake of' the pain is against the better Contributiops for this purpose, $1:00 DR. A. W. CHASES nature of man, and it is unsafe end de- or more will be received by Sir Wm. R. CATARRH CURE Om • moralizing: for anyone to undertake this., Mereclitk, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport allt3r We- kill unfier the seemly condi- . . Toronto ; Oage Esq., .54 Front St. • is sent direct to dui diseased • • • • parts by the Improved Blovver. ffeals•the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and p_ormanantly cures Catarrh and Hayrevem• Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. chase Mrdlclnc CO., Toroido Bask: • offensive thing. The rulers of. the Al- Limited, Treasurer, 22 King 'St. East, • into Allen, warders, punishment, deal - tions science will afford Is a far less West, Toronto, or liational Trust Coo, tare will grudge making good people Toronto.' Fifty dollen will furnish a . be4'• ers, nurses' and attendants. on the bad. • People who. canopt live happily and • ith t iling the ree y lntne M, Santotolltimont is in London, lives of -others are better out of i1. with the intention of making balloon • That is of current sentiment to-dayobut sceesione during the cononailoo, the men of, the New 'Republic will have eaamentod. Banatopronoeteets . bridge, I • stopped .to repeir a. break. in, • Lye the -harness. The General, hot. said . eatera taKen through Munn* Co. reco • •••••• rat 'looney for secur ng.patonts. • lel bout charge, in the. dusty; at *nee dashed: into. the. little. ° It is reported. from Spain that a It't the curage of their Opinions." f Barcelona rioters have been shot. 007440'1(ft Jim le H stream to dririlc and -'bathe. With rile 1 -4% 3 eriA • batk to the tired horses I watched him. 'd A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest 01i-• As I 'Cokedhe performed his colossal riiation of any scientlflo journal. Terms, M a vent,: tour months,Si. soidbyan newseeaters. act of folly, the final episOde in his MINN&Co 3616"adwaY' New Ytrk • win tless career.' After refreshing* him- ! Branch Mee, 126 WasbIngton, D. keon one side of the tiny bridge, quite , • unmindful et his connection with my • rear axle, he laboriously splashed un- i . a._ __ der the bridge and tame out the other - • , • Miller's, Olip'Pewders Cure. Sold by al* rriggiste,iown„, • • There is a little ice in the lakes,. and early Opening of •• navigation IS EX- pected. • '• • .• • . -. ,• • : a Ado() of Names Worm PoOdeo oineit siontilly will keep the children healthy. Sold by allal.mggistv; Clinton. . •Canied in e failures ./l 'ng • Fehr tea y , 'timbered 124, wit h t,' I liabilities of, $1.094,774, i -f wh;h ih,Pere in factiving for 536,800 and 107 in tr atilt g for 000,974, while of other cornmet- cial iel vevrhe g', 0:: we're tWO pit.' ' !fig .$157,009, . • ' a o. •Oiler's Worm Powdeis are alie :h.esi . . lasliive metlioine for ebildren 1 as nice is sugar. Seal by all drnegisis, Clinten. 101"' t'" Aft" --.`" the . side of the wagon' arid loOked , t , k v P7sylri'a s a Cooled by his bath he cache 'to a •,mss 1 a - "o s'oo ..- k 1 '..--7-->" a pressed by his e'agacity; I, was on the aol--Aa t sweetiO up at me. Immensely im- • - IVIONTl-i LY MAGAZINE: pointof alfghting to tree him fromhis ; A FA 11 1 ...7 .......7in.;.:rf . . l• diingermis predicarhent, when:the hand o ef fate,' eV& turned against,alm, StrItOlt) li Ille Batt 1.3 1. -'!!!!'cot !,:iterattif: ‘,.. th.itt. IlaYstStbullirgv.ray 011 .bronce, and with. I .... ,,.. . 's la ',..,01")PLY.Yo ....love t.z. YECAat.Y. ' ; 1 ueel he and his startled mate , ' 1 "17 a NY kao-vaRT !,..70Fti.b:"6.s. ANf• ' . t! au shed . madly down the Ned. 1. was a 1 hr.:lied:tothe-bottom Of •the wagon,, ' i! PA PC.R13 c•:"f'i 17/V.: -.1-Y TOPlq- : 1 but not before I Saw. the General titro •• 1: if"...2.50 F r. v :,::a ....".7: aloe. A C•Cr--v • :i -11 Perfect back soniersatfit and shoot. ' • 4i) 13C-tr. , i s.) e. 1.0 ST:, 57*:! z.:- ' , toward the strewn. Ina cloud Of dust • • , _ g, • - • • O, , :• 'lie- dieePPeared into the water, and then • traversed the .darls' alida.daniii nether , Farmer's Backache. Thtre is scarcely a • farmer in this Country but • knows what ly.‘.:A',:ache is. The hard • work and. • heavy _lifts, the constant • • grindof toil * from early renewed a symphhfty of bowls as he • A hero y: failure in retail Pm ted from St; TOornes Ono, the firm of aandsoy • Bit s thet e• irsaitig•ashigoied o George A., Btker., ' 00 d 1(1m -quo. .i •0 . 554,000 The la:pi/less is tieing mit under the' aul hori y.'* the.aasignee.' . . . • . side of the bridge, to be .shot up into , • - daylight. once • more by the uaited i -strength of twei frightened broncos: le a • -! a shewer prspra.y he Struck the road `Rain and sweat _ .. .1 twenty feet. from the, bridge, and ma taw° acviirect 01 0 . arum 'mita not gain his feet. until I' had brought ; amoterekeear. 1 the horses to .a standstill. ,Once more 1... '7. nest On. it re. -m • : turned to' the General. He was a piti. i • .t 01000 the damP.' -,...p-Able sight. Oovered with mud and ', SI kreeloilleeediejk . . --half strangled,, he quivered with cold -4 gala Seabee • i :.- dritit ftrr,.tirtalc,Ir.." - and rage. • ' As we ineersed the short distance : __1,- -40,- --t4,--,-li",20 •,- - upon- the Past weeks 'of kindness as '„ - e, --loo- - . '• to camp I tried to fancy what his re- 1 as Wm.., The' I flections were Knowing him as well - _iiiiiiir ref • as' T did, I fait sure that he looked la a roo`lio's„"n„ part of an elaborate seheme• to win his '• ; weal twits confidence' eno.ugh to practice this last ' ....,,,a, Wit and- Vitiation' From New Books : FrOi.n the Decernber "Era." •. • ‘'2•01. living; but only you ca,n deny yoorself plain thinking.-:-Deafn.ss and Cheerful- ness. ' • Taink net as many" :say there IS but one spring -tide a life, that It is but green and senicy youthwhieh rushes to a brie • sumflier and 514 eTse• of life 5' but a volute, long and drear an gray ' and • leriely.- Through bli our :life our spring -tide is retiewed.-alifistress Brent. • If we Witt to be big men to 'those who. aferie alter swe should keep no 1r The World may doom you to plain. books, but always retriembea, to sing ' never did so when I was young. Then,. • you see, they'll nev'ee have eachiate to fine out .what blooming idiots :We were.. --Up and Down. the Sands of Gold. o : The world's full of globula,r'fnent who have•cubical Jobs.a-Captain•Bloitt.. . Truth .4*. mighty -and nuist prevail - but sometimes it leaves a bad' taste in. : the- mouth.•-aThe Marrow of Tradition. . • The man. In a man can only be re- cognized by the woolen Ina tootainca BY the Higher Law. • The power that prepared the high- ways of life seer to' have arranged' thattlie finger -posts along the primrose paths shairrarely point to the Promised Land.Caritain Bluitt. - • A girl is oeVer • too young to form • opinforia Of her own sex -or to express them. -The Destiny; of -Doris,. ' - a - • Women love good 'men -but are in-. -terested • in men whose geodness . is mere or less impaired. -The Man:1re= Glengarry. • • a If silence is • golden,. a discreet 'silence aivey aboye rubles. --lase on tote Stage. • 7 • •• 1Viost-romt are inventive "arimigh in the matter of p.ersonal justification. -.'Papa Bouehard. 1 ' ;insult urion him. I .dreaded the conse- ' nous quences of 'the ePisode, and planned- • '• new 'blandishments to reinstate myself morning till late at ght, kre.. Arriving , in camp, my iThat thought caul 'was to release him f quently bring the stabbing pain i ovrtywkar• But the Water and mud made qt diffi- • sloe rom the wagon. rias -h . . • cult to unfaeten the knot at Iiii Collar. • "Ow Peeling keenly- the embarrassment of lisierial Oil his position, 1 untied the ropelrom the • Campine. axle and threat it orf the ground. • The General watched me sulkily, and .. Olen the end of. that hated rope felt 1 , , free he bounded tO his feet. With one-, • anal Mimi Of utter' hate and diagust he ' - was toff llke a ehot; not in a wild, put- poseless circle, but straight at the flight ef an arrow across the prairie .Away he Went, ialth the lariat drag- , • With eyes raised to the Solitary snow 1 ; CO1 ging behind hinl; peak a hundred miles away he flew I from us, with a. heart full of hate and i •. d is no frie:n a grim determination to put half a i 1 n. the iNtek or the dull gririsling..:achT that kubws no let up.-. Then too there are often urinary tronbies, swelling of the feet and ankles, pupiese under the. eyes, rheumatic • panus in the jeints and insoles. • Dr. Pitcher ought to be held in • high esteem by every faroterin the • land on account of his Backache Kidney . Tablets, which are doing stich a • grand and noble. Work banishing backache, kidney and urinary traablest which are such universal complaints on the farm. • • HEAVY WORK. r. C. B. Lane, King Street East, In - moll, Ont.: "I have been Aubject to attacks of backache and kidney trouble for some years, owing to heavy work On an fa,rrn in sty early days. Every attach of cold aggravated it have tried other remedies in the past hut with little effect, and decided to try a bottle of Dr. Pitcher'S • Rackaohe Xidnefy Tablets. I got a bottle • &tau A. B. Gay er, druggist,using at first three and then two Ob 'a dose, as they red a little too lairative. With the .0 tablet dose the pain and other •trouble disappeared, and Since then there has been return, consequently 1 am sure they are a, good medicine:"• the peOple he had known who were • continent, if geed be, between himself and tyrant man. As I watched the little cloud of dust,. raised by his her- rying feet, disappear on the horizon, I realized the futility of • battling\ : against fate. Then bur packer broke the silence: ' !There goeS the ornriest tur in the ; • world, with the best lariat in Mentaria." 1-".A.tientic Monthly." , The Color Cure. An•Lomml•••1 • • Now it iff the Color Cure, and. Medi, eine men, are recommending that theli depressed and nervous patients should wear nothing but garments 01 red. Hilskitt went so far as to Fray that ail • fir. Pitther's Backache Kidni3y Tabletn .ars toe, a Box. at an dt,aggiata ot by man, inerally physically Sound leved ig•ht lo `hat the yellow hues tif ' "4111t-Dle-eatlea-Precania ate aTortmtnalatit. t, 414i to behold, and , that was. ea 'f_th merely to Nee a I hunterrom in hii, "pink" to give you • oourage to take a ditch yourselt.". Cotton Boot COMpOnna *Ladles` 2.1014."' • , • Is entitieedully need monthly waver A 14 year old boy, walking on the osettudies,Safe,eifertniti.Ladteapia rat wn y near II.alifax, noticed a broker* .yottr druitgletfor Cook I COliori Red cow Take no (imitate tal Mixtures, pulsand rail, lie figgged .the John express lone are actingerotte. Pride, No. 1, $1 With A lighted nevrepaper,and thus pre. eto 10 degrees stronger es per box vented a disaster. et it.inalled on receipt of price and tweillren • It's an -insidious knock it out of. your system in the .quickest, safest arid .8Itteat way -an hour's de, lay. may mean in0111115 of suffering •• 1#4 treatment is the arch enetnY of Colds „and Grippe, lung bl ict nervous pros.- tration, viteffirtakes -- hold it never lets ge untit the last vestige of a disease c, gam is *eradicated, 'Pay It nest time you suspect n mid coming on. Thouoindsof testimonials if yen likm Wtite about them. At all Druggists --as cents a box -..or by mail trent ' Uwan.ta GRIPPZ Capsule sterips. The tOtrit Clorepsioy WIlideOts01111. 1 Wken yoor built:lens beconme-liksotoe , VWANTA, 1447titir CO, Ltd.. "Alle44$4. 14314 16 Aitlidaila te"MitteU0,0,160/ al and rileiataeful, you are not won. thil3rte 1 0 t t liwou . O nto 011111904014 UMW' , j Compound Iron PIUS Will roskti it a plea. . .„„,,,„ - • ,- sure toettend 10 business. *oldb3' ell drug. 1 , tio 1. *td No 2 are idd In Mae. gists, Olinion311 . , . 11, cot.t el% Vitine3E1icvty Ittgfiltia r. 9 A, • • - • The (Wall street) manipulator must be a great artist in mendacity and at • the same time litAre the surerb aelf* • confidenee of the grizzly, .Wall Street Stories. • An examPle .shottki not be t00 far above our heads.--Laesie. Laugh, brother in affliction,. laugh, The best way to get on with a misery le to laugh at it 11 you earo-tieafness and Cheerfulness.• 'Love is alairvoyaot mid most mere know What their wives wish to believe, and gratify them aecordingly,-Paps 1 • 'Write for Prenntitm. List . . to: Go1511 Soap-,Terenth, Protected. - DANDRUFF CURE and Hair Tonic • !Per ffairt Dandruff, Eeserna, and all Irritations of tbe,Screlp. ; • It keeps the hair in a thoroughly healthy:condition. Coke Douched, Cure, rubbed into the scalp three times a week, reducing gradually to Once a week, 'will insure a positive, Permanent, guaranteed cure for Dandruff and a luxuriant growth of heavy, healthy hair. Try it and yots win use 110 other, Price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle at all druggists.. • A. BRENIkR CO.., LIMITED. TORONTO. . .ctoostoO (sew YORK • • LONDON PARIS - . Zutt..er-s. rid u gxes s I am handling the telehretetildolaiughlin make of buggies and Other makes. 4 , Of first-class Oetario firms,' Also of my own manufacture including top' bug- : a gem, railiadoes, etc. of all, 'the latest and modern stylise. Repairing of all kinda ' a I • a Promptly attended to. . .• N recalling Incidents of internat4on- • • al courtesy, when British and Am- • ericans hate supperted each other, •a writer in the. Boston "Transcript" 'I th f nowin -story which came . from an American sailor who, • had landed -at a port Ln Chile: •. The. Men had gorie ashore and ,be - tome aomewhat bilarious, and one of • the police often,. instead :of vaCrnarg • :him not ,to make •a noise in, the street, 'drew his sword and knocked him. down, • The ,Americaor 'got qp, PoomPtit knocked the•policernan down: tetern. • • ' Be was arrested,,tried, and .condemned to .139 shot the next morning. • • • • .• •. Mr. • Loring, the Amertean • consul,, • expostulated with. the autboritie.s, • say. • ;that it would be monstrcius to put a man to death for such •an"offeneet but they 'paid .no atteritton to WM. On the "day specified the sailor • wee :brought out and. pinioned,- In readiness • for execution. ,• - Th. 'English Consul, preparing 'to, boist•lhe Union Jack,- saw a orowd the field opposite, and realized that the : eXeCiltion waerabout to take place. Ile rushed' over to tae American eenaul, .TOITIN.T LESLIE, Ilu.rott" StYeet. Olintett • • .. • ouches ! Couches ! . It will do your eyes good if you. come i and see ourua- Usually large stock of Rugs, Valor° and Tapestry Couches. „ Every one of them isa combination of beauty,satisfaetiork and solid comfort Prices from $5 to .$15. . . vv 3E31.1"2"TI-1 and cried: • . , • . O •"140r1ng I •'You're _not going to let 1 , 1 .t111,,Wni tfallt*C'eat irthilOn?I'an' w2a"-is the answ-e•r. ."1. il• bog oruteated aftinst it, I can do no , • . snorer'. • . . a "Give hie ydur flagl;' cried' the 'grid: Minoan: - • • With the two fleas. iri his hand, he ran to the field, elbowed Itis way .through the crowd and soldiery, and • reached the prleOner.....Ile folded the American flag about him, and laid the Union jack over it. He stepped back, and faced the officers and aoldiery. "Shoot, if you dare," he ehouted, "through the heart of England and • America!" • The man was tot:shot. •"„ I have been hiking Moans Tabules for the spepsia and they have helped me wonderfullir. • I do not know any particular way they affect . • ine, but they. sewn to give igor to the entire, Bouchard t lhd a sort of 1 Ind feelin • but asince takiniige Tabules fee) spirited and have not that melancholy way about me. .1 think they are good for a general build-up of the systernias they seem to act like a tank. ' . ' • ye': ., ON Tilt FUCHS QT..I ABE PLAN, Not Whitt He Meant at All. The fouraquare plan means that all • -`---• • .•customers, reiordles• of intek or station. • Politeness, it is true, must haVe to receive the same easeful ottention and 00 orlain fri a kind heart and a desire to treatment at our store. • we are es peal.. • please; but tact Etna thoughtfulness noir wiih the child who is eent to pui. and cfuick wit are also eisentlal to good chase some small artiole tis we ate with manners, • the experienced adult, We never sub - A very stout hostess who. viaS en -ter a game 'inferior *drugs when filling yew: • Mining It large company one evening: &Mr's rreseription. Sae never worn turned te a group of young Men stand. Mead the "something just OA good,' trig near her chair and strillingly asked: . -gentlemen for a glass of Water from BORA AND V/ITAiLING ,. • "IVItty V trouble one of you young . the %atelier on 'the table?" Under all eh ttmstences of eiclinti, Seeeral of the r'cning men berried to mid disease Paine's CeIeryanaspound is • safe, sure and unfailing, It eleanere and Wascomiply With the request, One, who „purifies the blood, braces the nerves, particularly active, suoteeded in reaching the table first, torrects digetition, and builds up those • who are week and run-down. If you itio As ha handed the glass of water to tire hostess she coMplifriented Iliac on nervoue or eleepteets, try ,one bottle, the reaulte will surprise you. Our. etook Of ,•40h,.titiat's nothime," he said, "4 En: ranadinpeutsre0.elery Compound is always fresh „ - his -quickness. . and menagerie when I was aPtoy by , , ...,,J -E I-1, °VEY, Druggist, Onion, used to It I got into n1any a circuit • carrying water for the elephant." . 1. he iv innineg Boatd of rrade past. ---,It Ault,LOttliC iglien...heAtaw .the rets. ed a resolution decl wit% tbto if the •rjenee, that toe ylating Ma ana node a th. -Manitoba liquor act 46 enforced 0 il n on the lady's face 'What he had said, - 1 June 1 next tt wou rebu t n cemniet • n "Wined. (dal and social injury to the ' city and Province, • • Nif AT DRUGGISTS 4 The five.eent paeket ii enough for an radinary oeoasion. The fttmily bottle, sixty I. Wtht. Yotr Ati 4r • . . • , tion tlutt will flu your veins with rich rta y • loents conttuns Et supply for it 'fear. . . CORNS 1• CORNSI conxe I ) Atta 6 atomaell to take care of it, a diges Tender 0Orne, poinful borne, soft come, bloodrif weak, It wid.otrengthen the heart; Moieties corns The kita of dorm; .1,,.. will make the liver maoharge its proper other iymedies have failed to oare-that'• funetione. Ferrozone will inerease 'oar good many - yield quickly to rutnnin IMO bre, end oapaoity for rnental PainleEa ss Corn treeter. Patteitil'il Corn and Will make win It a real pleasure. Every, 1.1xtrastor has been a long time at the buil- I Men, Woman und Llidd clth.1:110 CO ben. eM nets, experiences la fitet)oet know to do it, from verrome. Bold by 611 08t15 Ail drOggitik. " Price 500. t , 11 few,. .1 ' r