HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 2'`"Irlt.77".1.-"T4F-"0,41F61,1•T'-,:.41114 p.1,-/re"..,7,:-"_„*--„,"„740-77 • "."7temsw, ' " P- ere ete '18:771`VII1Wig'-''''' 7- "ln;44 .177;r41,170' ••,*, • a a 18911 • resting somewhere among the sea- T'rds YerY "ugh ancl 113 tut.ning in 4g4..e.iir tigtrircvoddrtionerbeactfuverreauireto Iwo or ethie, ALA It is a•I a hoax. Vire te tat the Riven East e ee weeds, its. location unknown to any the cutler upset, tie was pitched out three eamrartabledweneig howee, or 2rdaht • Free Press will make -an explanation Buren South . °41° 58 81 8•4 " of this, ar.d clear anay the decept ion Aaron Wtst . • ti .95916088 2988 '515 "'Cs "edig• I abet in some way his left leg' was hr.ok. be adapted to a variety of purposes, and 18 ti en jest above the ankl. . Notwith- drs Led 1.0 10048 627d 8148 627 etas. antsegistotsetneyotolunseadte,sirtne to makes good pro- - etanton the injuter he held urito the Offers are atilfoited for tht building and Its • . • The Road to Success is easy for those •who are equipped forttrpertran• saetionothusiness airs. Those who get their education where a"tention is givento detail sand simple methods will have the advantage of others. We have information for you if you are interested. • , Forest City -Busi- ness Build- ing, London, Ont, W..J. Weetervelardnoipal.. , • PILet.titts ToL1L .• 12 tette/WOO !II/Writing maainell, 867 'students inDity treludon,102 Mem- berg in the Evening Oleaeee, 31 ° Posi-- .tione filled from Jim 'oak; the conditions now prevailing in . • , Central Business College • ToRoxTo 4 sarong, reliable solueol , may enter mean* time. No Vocations, Write for Circulars. Thorough Cour- see given by Mail, as k for Sample Lessons. , t W. 8..shavi PrinOpal Yeltig0 &Gerrard ts,Tei into 4 •••47,-......4.-...***••••••••ta.a4s • • , •. r- . veuttars44444.444-wwoiann.it The nivolty.1311tory' and Re8tatrant• Oranges and Lemons.° We have row In stock some. very nice frests oranges at lowest prices: lenoias at 16e per doz. • Mexicans at 15 and 20o per doz. • Navels at 40 and 500 per doz. ' Best fresh lemons 25o per. doz, Chocolates. " McCormick% celebrated Mara- , i "canto Ch000latee . and Paterson'e chocolates creams, elwaye on ban& We oleo carry a' race line of fine bomhotts French fruit, and choco- lates anjoneams pet up in dainty boxes. You can always:depend' on , I these good; fresh when you. get there being here. .. . • ' . . . Oysters . tbe best tatelitys -We handle e O'er Easton aro always front , 'Death's Oval Brand: and epics the " Baltimore caldera , Coutteourand attetithe to idl. ........ • Barrister golloitorenotare end C•enveyallie Orater-OtP•filte Colborne wois • Ms Ort. CAMERON ' 1. formerly of Cattleren; Holt vh , BARRISTER. souorfx0a, offloa-noint.00 .opparite 001bertlealialeej QOPERION* ONT, a° • OARROW dikt (MORO*: : Beaallatuta, Sozial.5o; ;IMP. eset-Clrietter St. etindlite E guars godorrslat ilk‘V 34 T. Gomm Q, O. OneaftetterniteLant . , PROUDFCiat HAYS. - Bemused:ea Sommeong, Serentes Pewee- 111 Paocaornt rigs= mAsinnsur Oonnot & o, *Meet North 15,,aiext door tOSiglud 'Mee Private Funds to lend at loweet rates of interest; • VP. rROUDX;00T, R.ta RAYS. 1‘11.0(110a3t.-''• • ' .Wnt. G11141)lt M.D., . C. P. At 14. Edinburgh, • Offtose•Ontlerio street, (Oaten. Night cal*. at front doest of, office or reeidonce. Batten* bury Street. . - PR. J. W OKA . , pIrgazOrart 010110110 Apoonthett 4404 •/119e Slid ' fit.J•oppoalte Englisheinueb, correctly co, Emoted toe Dr. Appleton, Plinton Oat, • DR. WM. GRAHAM Idettuttets of the Edna, Celesta:Of 'Phys!ciasp , London, Battelle, °files Mellitieelle.- Raocirorp,stio.. , IC' .c.. otHoMPSON rhrdidan: siggeon; los. • • teal attention aren't& diseases Of thee,' ; EP/ 'thrett* IMO. Zion*. . &nee and ii•esitiened--• :-. 7 . treerg Meeks horthor Ratteribra G. Euphigg,T OnOntelf • (Sticeeiser rOXi. T:O. Bruce Sleciallet bitrewit and Bridge ',Work I, D. i5,-Ore,dnaAe Poyol OollOso Dental Fur- - ' geons of Ontario, Toronto. • p. S. -First-class Boner gradgete. of • Ten•-• • talDepertinent of Toxent0-treiverstir. • special attention...paid. to oratervatiot of children'a teeth. Will visit Mayfield every Monday. . Odle. over W. Taylor & tdorr'sshoe*Stere. DRS. BILIellitaB- DENT/STS,CLINTOM. • • 'Office ecljOining Photo Studict. ' Office Retire -4 to 6 ev.ei y. day an' Saturday until 10 p. ;tn. Branch i„ftic,es in Manchester Du egannon,••131ytlarte d Bayneld. • • ' 'FREaMAN, . • • „ AKE SUBGIE01.1r • • Blienber of Vitereniteeldediaalltassoclia- than of Linde • end • Editibargli,' and,_Gradli*- . ate oithe (Mule Veterinary Collett* . • • rimer. nrezieks Amt'Aereitare • 'Office open night and day, oopesito St. •• Paul's church, .Ontarlo Street.. °Hutto*, Ont. .. . . • If.iscellarieortis. . gulARRI40E LicElisics leaned by the un- , , Nee dersignee at his,Besidence, Idary streit Clin.6°n, . JAMES Si cre`e;, e114 * TAMES 0A1A2BELL, LONDESBORO. '•. J , ISSURAI 06' BARRIAGE LICENEEs, - - No 'witnesses reiruired_ .., _ W. .0L.EN GAG IVIPBEL ' Oiganat and Musical Director of Vor.li Street Church. Goderica, and teacher 0 a .PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an THEORY, is re- rtetb For • te a'ailnain of PLIJ211 ins ' Fridai of eseh week. d to take a lirai d • * MR01:91.v4PB-E2'emrainyalfeiglern tfrom"ille: -2nr.. t".:1,' • 2 p.m. at the Osarenden Rotel, Olor. witted L b. L., ItiCPIIERSON " ,. ' INSITItAli131E. Young D364 andeworeen to 'peeper -nor . . good situations. Apply to • Eire; e etre, e teetiliti rtate ats.$8, _ , ersatz .., ISA910,7 Braes.' tame° • • Dominion 13usiuess. college The last equipped Rtioinese and Shorthand ;college in Canada, Reduced tuition rates, Write no regarding out convent of study, and prospects of securing siteetione for graduates. Catalogue sent free. Adams ' J. 13: McKay, Dept "0" Confederetion Life Bldg. • TOrttlatO Ont. g a or , Corfu, while the preciOus riecklaee is OUt tt) leranOtber ri5 pos. The road thereon is offeredfoi sale: posseseion se -soon . • ,'44 this story had no autbot ity to state h hy for tl xi. The 1902 FTDWEL - -The n.l.',";;;On• -article appeared in tits ' '1 ( I • T s A ifut -.'ilic i•-... th th sees int years, has ditposed of his stock Lea la 20feet:tame docterichtp? 118 acree IP, WhO tiftvite_.alyeatily taken possession. llitt nye screstaiiiiteat,endeonsidortiblelitil. x week. 'It le eaeily eeen that Um ft-- ' ' by an old monk, She rowed Into a cere I Mr. Chesney Ines been connected with lowinfitikee. Comfortable brie?' house, large well and favorably known to 'the pat- 'inosky`winiterrgiV. ':,,:itiwat=lideiN'eceiggig rased its imagination in the above. The Ilu o 'W 2 2 269 tittle eranny in the. rocke below the .. .. . hearrught to be met:Waned, no one s ... . . .p •80013„ . , ',, '.: 7s. e!eritarrid in 1857, her -maiden tr,Ignt qtretli, llefore tliePubliet Accounts Oora, . mg Catharine Boston, the fatnliYra" which .hey may arraign the goVernment. .. . , and lessens. friction. There Is enoUgli• 1 §peirtill, Of Brusslee died ' at Oadillac„ . .. ....,„. . '''''' •• rdding in Lobo,. Middlesex county: Mrs Last. session, 'fie! exhaustive eittinga of - • • tine" committee, no irregularity. could he • • .. an plait lent werid outside. and after Maleh., recently, at the age of 24 years. .ssotutoojezaillibaititymaiteo,ifroeomfasoninnotf 01.0u4.01200aacrot Boss • was a 'at ue helpmate • „to her lee,, - unearthed, and the probabilities are thee Alla-the ecording Angel Is vett reete, 1 .She is surveyed by her busband and an , hionse,20x2840020x20,berno lorsotaidox50,aons • . • reeved husband, who has not been in tbia year's investigetien will have the game on the lookout for white Idea The eame n infant daughter; else four sisters and a . "tables underneath, .robust health of late Yeare and she renh•w, .• A ndinents only stipulate that we re- ' brother are left to mourn, very' choice location andBile, excelleindmilltit faretom for „ • , waited toot' him with all the tare and • TO; dUtfrON NEW WA Ottuita Correspondence. Ttat Whitt Lies of Society. , .„,... go .I.4 4•••••••• & PreC0124janialart areneeryateve paper , $ the white lies Of ottolety,women gniqbae MA•tt. 214 1ee2' bitterly eteraked OW Wilfrid Leerier the . • velko ore etitallritte gerlelluleetela ,_ . other day, beoeuee, in xepleing to urgoar. truthful, are emetelagli Prelle Sir Oliver MoWati Ontario'e greed ego, he epoke in English ingtearl of Ilitinch. clank writes ei,ral4gue 130ungt ttt hil that the people of QUA. the "Argonaut; ' they lie to he old man, le in poor health and unable iteliatiC:I'ladecrIgiiNevesbeir rilokE" eentioe, agreeable, to plettee. I hever often beard tolierforrattilcial duties which pe:tallis and Mared for he urte ander generel ;drown- winuen, who 4;0410 no more have borne to, his office of InentenantehleVernort etinces. fZio far es opeeolum in the Rouse. Wee witnees ealtinet theta' neighbor theelthtaleY QOUlidd ave robbed a .Chureh, lair -Meer le in his elohty-second year I nee: eteree' fewi-,ere now mede 44 'Trench; pose e otun.,cr 0. toemboro who can oar' they wail always Vela iltlivie the , land his Wag lite 4tis been fell of aette-', speak fluently to both lengueges iii very Message "Not at home" rather theat 1*, 6 Alter and tteefuliteble 0 •21 •II I limited, and the member Who woe French the honest but lohospitable "Engaged," does go, not for the benefit of the Rouse_, "Net at boater" Artie Untrue, but hurt. - - e hut in order to have it reported in French nohefin'a feellnalt "Engaged'," witielt • The refereledulle is a dishonest for Me oenstituente. The nite of English iit • aeoure,telY etated the case, was impel, intateurea Out referendum bill not certainly becorniag more genera be the lite and unglaelotte, anti no Mier, if they 1 IS •••• Eoimorsiteence oeteide amperage ofi.the ' could ado it by a little indleteile MIP- ' PrObibitiOler'iS the cry of the Mad. and co ramie% But it „is the yery measure drop back tuonntrtirrerlethisinVeer..enta leteeeraClourgelf- hurt fri'llogin°11lielacr roe' . rw.Q4I1'ncleveevrevelralli eefoAr-t I * - et Smoking ant, anon ee tlt , 'which it ePPintlaed augh /ehu '°r 111 neet'eurent, or elsewhere -wherever 'two hense or a lad- who was a aleolal lead ' •41.anitoba. le hi nOt illOilesiY and seems or zneTe are gathered tegethet"--the con- er and --4 fetilloUS charmer although ACTS naNTief nen Amor, situated aliont a half nine fro a ()Retell, , ,thel referendUne is all right in Manitettnallto411:14144,314r4alreZtra rolillieleike. Ire ures"4titteeyBctIrTf4realtta ea isropertles for Sale Or to It To Bent r4ot 08, Neitiand eoneeesioetnederloh To shie. Many to - altlatre*QaT, Barrister. Oct el- if. Clinton, For Sate or to Rent, •••••••••..1 Primer. 8a, 011otoo• Apple 41;4.'5 BOOTT. Peat 27-tf, The reoldeuce property of D. R_ Mensue. karrister,Ounton. To Rent rFirst class brick etoro, suitable for any Wei* Farm tor Sale. nesasAnplv.to - W. 0. SMAIthE, Clinton. • LIVE MOW will buy ft 040106 farm of aboot 120 Good brick house, 20 x 28. and 20 x 20, barn 140 be pray a queetion of geography V00114104 is carried. en in „Frencih, Ma is well on to veare, ntn her tillty at acme ° ort goy 9 AND elieet Wet in Ontario. and aiteellent arra, for anyone wanting a, real Property tor Sale, 1 3....t.00.0ijoroto *Set, Olietou, on ene; its striated afrsme cottege neale contaiaingelve TO0m4, venirg r kitebea,anWre d i...weettresdl* antell friths, /misdeed sort water. Inv Nalik 94 *gait Mg.. App1/94$4'41416011 tO Ittat. • iti$0.8TEWART. I • Ice he. .mrTEtivbflOcell-crepAthe nelan lenehinse from Wm. Wheatley. iek Huron street, /am prepared to take orders to furnish good, clam Pure ice to AU +mutineer* tiering the ooreleg summer, A. I orderwill be_prcipptly Attended. to. Feb 14-te. Ji PAViseeinton, Lead JAME* 1SOOTT squestot, otTarror. thrigrig—rimottmook, Senn NO LOAN, purnozrz I B4ARI5TSR, 1307ACITO ETO. 0034.10.:-'800,Yeti 1$ 001re - Up stairs, Oetteean Pheta 0011,17 111 E. MANNING, MOIOUT ittg et Ins nee OM JaeuraaceA gent, (1""eulaetallA143vIte:40408; toClic4umr 04.08 cansda tire Assurance Co a B' tt144git j°1324. 1?"11"°trir Olre, Marina Accident, fade 6fillals thef etriteralrnacet PAII)N BOWIE'S60,,ped 40 60, stone stables undereeatb, 11, • • ie &pp:irately earner 10 raise itutempest and exclaimed. in a bleb key of an- I tie sysr arther lartioulabra apply to J. S VeNS: .seven representatives in the next goad many illuotrations of thikann one in fkr, Just whert wanted, lo talk to you" 1 e , ireeent population • of the „distrkts eition knoW very well that oelotiatione one let and elwaYs eoMillif here,' 0 CO CA eft 'UM occup y eito, ete. A very choice lootitio r ctiAFtLeio suAtata /1 I Office J. Tiedalre avar, faltdee. • gives way te Ole asoendeney of Englie " One 4osr a YOullit WOInart aPPearea. • * pod place. Will be eo'd on eite& terms tor Clinton, M. 0. in a teapot in the gouge of Commons uoyancer • ' S EtVel jan .4-8M, - tauter het been overethe Oro mien of -thee to my eompaniert, with a isewil- LC EAl•IS 0 Let, Algoma and Nirliesing are to have than anyWhere else. There hey° been it "greed graclotta 210re*S 141.08 134 -and* • OFECTUALLY • T InannatUre, an increase at four. g, the Inlayton•Rtlwer toedy. The Oppe- dertmelY sweet mile. "What a bore isp po str t latel she per 4 eo Hes • Thiit beautiful store 111 'the eacksoit Bloat, 40ea not Juotife• eo large an increase, between Canada and ihe United tater ate t The next moment Meets So -and -Se one I ti fa Sept. Taos: zmacsoN, Sr., $* b 0 Witte . 'but the population Of Sault Ste mane to ell diplomatic still pending; they know that it Jo contrary ered, and was greeted with the most proceedings to prodnoe flattering air of OellgOted anrnrlq.,OVERWMIES levet Artl ureanel Itainy River Thetriet pepere and eorresrndenoe until snob are "Why, my dear Miss So-aneteSot Have ST(PATION *emoillaed Yet t e3qemand the produo. good or you to comet What cihann- 14 A end the Tentiskanting conntry is grow. w pl ply to For Sale. Wag tile Vaal neetnheraliiP of . the elightest niacin*. thet Canadaie interests since ve seen you, eto. by. agoodunewttayloanntaarrobtarg nitoynitothre:, pv‘iolle; 114411% RUM. C00. ok,gakirkrri,,, North, ha‘l of lat 260n fifth con., township °of ins very rePidiY. The change will tion of she same, inserting, without then Ing Surprise! It% a bundred years , Souse up to P8, which "is about flfter ore ------ificed, The time of the And Miss So -aryl -So beamedavalt the I • • Ttnee sa faetoilly. • ernmeat to produce the correepoirdence, When we had left and were deocen4-, • , 416/AL • Jan 24,-tf, • a - • • ITS B-- GO TS miles from elintou, addrega or lose %many per cent. more than the number need- House rum been taken up for nearly three -deMreeating Pletuture- et One who feels • , * Mr MilIGAW.owner,tleafortli or James rd to transact the husineits Of the Pro- day° in dist:mean the "right° of the lier• heraeir aPPreelated. rEC 6 •• ' Via the lira straight party vote this station Mg the steps, I !aid aOln•Ivartit rue- • ••• - • • ARCHIBALD, horse dealer, tie Cottage to Rent. fty::ituvpny Qom: misatoianz. juvt. the ea3ne ()UN, GENUINE ....;MAPer0,18Y Lord Retblieu is entitleti' to the ern. ' :fee:Obit:we PolitleWoefdiett eehecs)relalegentret; e.1 it fallihonee, will probablO be agn't people who evietlerree ZirreereQaXortelitett4 °4 1 6 . @ Subject, who waii Caught in a eletence" re ' n p.m* and aemi_ratior, pi every leritieli abee:t nijia ile gO4rYamenintIma "abet! h "Of colirse she did. • Why ahoeldn't 01011AFG Vre V::NrAttrontluttragrt,girght SYR , • ' • . ' A comfo4table and roomy cottage' on Isaac. . • swinsnfiwill be sot on easy dram Aredr 3e0a position bv Delarey. He has stuck In Sir Richard Cartwright'e earlier year° ehe? • Shen: so charming; and one of 5 t -setatgeanae eetosi voen to DD,MarySt eett v he wee noted for hie ethletio tendenmes. the most che,rming thinge about her ts alt • CAI.- e Pot. 4-tf. • ' table Work from the vary beginning of t al mmen practice tor that Agee such a transparent et fir 4RU661STS.PlOCE 50c.PfROOTTU, Uar v- ethOzWar but now is a• poisoner with a AZ:11:Z :he th Ile erebody know t eh d n e I near s a a 9 9969 . Farm For Sale. . • -fractured. thigh. ford Roberts has not home. and teke a ditty plunge therein. He a word she Dam 'but likes it jnet. art Crisp. county 'clippings . - 'rich townehiposentainhig 00 Ores e olmd lleuee Of LOrtleComtleefulingafetheitn's glover!, and with one Of- his eons, retitle' I work or .arniable intencerity. If one •.i1 1,. tO hie nevt bane" In GOY; wine • *as art expert eswirnater, and on metal much as if litre did." , • • lost confidence in hitt:hand the speech oocaiione owed hie life to this face. • Being Latl.ten type will tell yo that ' •••••••••••• The weft half of lot 24, Barred Qin. God. to the Cornmander-in-Chief in the very •fond of • boxing, he need at don that good manners are feunden on a, amend- 'trance Dane; Gerrie,. hall MOVed !us land, is efferetifer_.'sele on easy tenne,.. d h barn, log bouse,menty of water IMO Weill orchard. Fatticulare on armlicatir to anal; braVerY and Intel igence will be the manly art of eelf-detenee, n one were perfectly eincere, host/ •horrieor he p.urchased from Mr. QuerrloOlthe,s. tr- • . • ,e. P. atm.le,,,e mooa. endorsed. bY•all. While ahem came occasion he is seat° have placed'his eon i • grurettionnse trentrietrisnase bell Imitaine John 0.• . ittoirludo, ,a Huron county . . , . and went Metheun stayed and bore the bora' de combat, and the young man, for the , I meek, "Oh, I'm egir dealer, is authority folethe state- • Rouse and Lot for Sale - . burden. That he may recover from hismoment losing his temper, opting to his.• ne oerl'n; I'M afraid I've disturbed mint that the farmers of McKillop sell , - ......._ • 'wound is tlie prayer of all ' vt ho have feet and said "Darn you, father, that!" net : ,Yeu''' Walt: Ilne tarilart, t4711.3wZra:d "rya%) .dobtitrelluelamlityla002.0 . and, 82,00 • worth of . frame house. with weeder:ed.-attached, on A.emall lot, 06 ft frontage, and comfortable watched the career of • •the gallant fair, and I'd like to.ihrash yen." However, 1 -"e've; . he was .000,fied taut ,inattero remain: 003 recazitet;soitneeoteaditf enaignoring.the old' .„ i„,„. „„ „ " • ..: - - - - - svvoldiluereargr4oeet,iinestrolt$Rw•ypGrpored..baWrristerin he . r gressive uprightness of "/ bad. plenty uld al g" '. tin vit arieearty weria Jonti triations, °f the eomitaTise gi' tileibTrtitiatfi71!:1111V348131 ' wae the Premier's secondwife and they 'The tht: C. _13 ' . . .tv tneY Were' Pat as many of the honorable] -1 eubstituting NOV. 24. MTh ', • • . ' • ...t.. Jeteae., V' • ' . . gentleman's oPponente, in ;stet pet% Were 1. 40...., , YOU last PrIdayr. - 4114011 occurred hi Torento,on the 12tb, It is ex t dg It eeM over-, e • ; a 'SIT iv,Zik T • . ,. ` .1 .0ats,......„, , supp9ged !•761,449. _vs Rent.to th d ote Insanity is • u,nr ;,„ i. .., sec e t et erste ,Yieldlne. Pat- •tatai - Trien,ds throughout tbe PrOvinca ' • Sh h.., wi,.... S,..r iiitrvrid, Dna come bank. Pa g ewteet Pwastble . . - • d e sale or to rent ,. Peonle motet agreeable • In the soelety 1 Ceimervatilleg are making deg:leave I ,e... e - ,---• w . . ot 6275 per year:. Mr Bartner willeake Feb. 7-tf, • . • Promotes harmony.. Ales .. MeMurtgle • ,sister of •_ 11 16. • C'hoit-e4Farin tor Sale. ., •• Tfte sudden death of Mrs G w Rei.a' content to receive no more :Were plinieh. I , , eee, latent than beta kn keel • • Cann cohn reRilletyrs r but t 4ci 4 tree nn rna • For causes deep regret. among her Many fere= Mulook will go to the toroaation ted hu d ere arm s- .7 areal* e e , or. toh elf:tont: tel.. 16 plaidggaret, of Teneter, theetb, hats Lot xe„„ 6 -2•06 I*" t . • . . respect far them Anything that makes. I borne, With orchard prserve to Mr J. fo7EtreengsYrisattrititlaiA03„ftett 2‘,11t secs:1103 and debutireeiteier reiatiees one soulie. rumedlnie nese . ::, '•-• .., „„., •••,-- • 0 - • q ' '- ' i lidos; to discover . tromp irregularities on tive4 w f 'IT • s11' al1 sYl con Memo 100 acres Xn atonally X have the r ran s n re a in cod state° oultivation.for • ra 'th i * ' . e motel, . • - Bartner for a term o vears, 4to. rental B. ..Tneketaraith, Serforth P. O. • • . „ • - train front bearing false witness; they ” neat mooee wantinge, real seed 'Vac°. _WI be &tines Coates, of McKillop, n cony terms. Forparther particulars • • . a • . ee: . do not concern themselves In the leas! Iteadbury, died Very'suddenly on Tema apply at J. STEVENS,Viintoar, #3. -- • - • . . . 14r. Ooates had been a resident of Mc- . • meta Sale or to leant. • _ 'tenderness of a mother accompanying bim upon the many journeye he had to undertake in the.putlic service and ad. • ink -ably performing every social duty. Her death. was unexpected and In his bad affliction Han Mr Ross wilt haye • •tbe sympothy, of all Canadians, irre- spective of party. Mrs Hues leaves a son -and three daughters to mourn her loss -G. W. Ross, jun., B. A. and . Misses; Kate, Florence and Mabel ; the • e ePremier's children by former Mar* • riage are Minoan C. noSe, B. A.' of Strathroy, Mr il C. W. Biden, "of Lon - detentes Cameron •Browneef Belleville, • - and•Miss Nellie Ross.' • 110ter the tu r.ney Goes. . • - Huron Comes oat well the Dominion eatimatere The town of Clinton gets a riecond five thousand for a now post office; . ooderich harbor dredging, $10,000, and $15,000 for general r,enaire and (reprove - about Imlay falsehoods, 'the R4Urendunt day evening week from bean disease. Llinton Jan.etli-8na. • The Prohibition Jill came up for its the 'Romance of a Necklace.Killop for about 20 . yeare, having re- • 11 t emend reading last week. The refer- endum will be based upon ,the vote in the Provincial electiond of 1 and • will lake place in • Neveneber of ibis year on a day to be selected. rho, . •Preinier told the deputetion of ro• I coast are busy trying their law, youngest brother •. Airs George . aplalretoonr7nwieutilcbe:.rsountedd t.breAe-outesIntyttsmofsrarnsuacrtede, up -to now they have not succeeded in of land t4. /f the property le hibitionists that if they had 200P,000 : ohancee fora big *etch: But flood. of Sunshine, Mot vie township, men in Ontario. Who wanted pro- • aged 67 years. Ile .vs u ts m at ried, •W. COATS axeautor (Aintree (*thing the caprielours temper of Oa March 12 h, at 1 he home of Thoe. ' ------. rat . • The choice brick hotfee on the corner Of Ful - •ton and Joseph stre_e_ts b Ion ng to the estate MCAT allinfelti011 'reigns Just now There died sudden ly,olheat t mentor of the late Richard Heywood, lo . offered either on the blue shores of Corfu, at Oartritnerine.Moffat t water, Scotland' , fee sale ma) rale . eontains room for Qrdi- where' all the fishermen of the °6 the home of John Elliott, .fas, Laid- nary family, la practically a new house with • - • - ' ,bibitien they Would came to tlie nails . Defile Tortoni, and eight ...atter, nlght • Barnard, 5th line, Morris, °every pleas- . e On t SAIdg. , • , : , be a sign that the cootie Wart toe weak hearted., • •Why? Well, .perhaps the comPany was gathered to withees t e to be succeseful. He peornised that p.atffraelf,Vgtotied,°1aatgrestirftertitanix;: story • as told by 0.Duropeae eurespon- . Marriage a Win Crain and miPs Ellza, reasonable terms.. wee lot is i of an acre:with hie Gevernmeerw it • in Power, wicalid dent. is worth repeating. 13, ' ••• beth Ledgerwood.: Rey R Paid, Brt18- hard and Boit Water, stable, good., fruit and enforce the prohibitory law if _the.. 1 At the eporeent •roveen tl'e riewe of her sele, c (tleieted. • . vegetable garden The I ease captains ball vials of indignation that had %been. . pear to be • seriously affected by the Auetria was wearleg a nec,klace ref bite • to alit embitter. LIZAB anABAM. tf pearls Which) was atmoet prieeless, At . .1 i4IllatiCill OCCUrl ed at' tbe residence cif poured ,upon. his head. suited Itigle autbarities He had cone night her charntrerwoman raw With w8Ihre-Annhaelrencnhnt:05,,c Eri2:iheeatnhnAltn., et', .. Real •.E` state .or Sale. , stitutibealny pf the bill :intzatribg. ags°k11;* WS/cal that •the lustrous pearls. had - .. -T., , : . for a hare me4orily of the vote whicn -. to hint as Much to her 'august enistrese. mateo en rogigrittege to Wm Remittent; . --, • e • Grey towns ire Rev Jaen, ilson: , et Nile, Tie parcel of (aimed aofoiaing, St- Paul's .. become ;dull -and °pewee; -elle venture& Hector* tonsiatine. of I t 218 Mattenbin St and if they would not do so it Would, ehey go •back home very much down- ant event took place, where Et large people voted for it. according to the son Archduke' Rudelphei -tragic death •.„ parlor, two .bedroom., clothes closet, dieted waS brought to her, the Empress of , tene Of those joyous scenes fo. vibich • room, annliner kitchen, caner aad woodsbea, referendum terms and he did not ap, the fair sex tondlY look forward in. an- is centrally locatedreseasickeiten any time ' meets toharbor, river and baage worke. j.wiivuewae h shall conduct 'tbe government of the coming election a' who- however only .linigged her reroute• per o me e emony. aenadchlastottataltnery ti`feterftirelthe ti=1:3; ' Iiit'aineePh* Lake Vvilart la given countr for the next four years in dere!, with a Weiler 'gesture, and would *nmacP'11 Bile"; whr/f hell)/ a 111.7 make an exceptionally fine site for a trete:ease -$5,000 was placed in the estimates for this f 4 'II h ,ave to sell 1 press asked for her Pear/e, but on open- Ciiy,,Man., Where he has a eeeOtteel a Ittinuczistttu_ett Wardens, 0/ nton. the- enormous sum of $50,000, Lest .3 eer f Yf h • •f ' not listen, A fe•w•weelts tater the Bin- long resident t xeter, e t or • rys residence. Avast to Wm. ?. Phillips or 0.c. • - avor o t e measure. bo PUr 1:111 - • • • utak, although StJoseph has no more need, n neP '451 a e Ing the ease she uttered a cry of sur- pollution as tinsmith. •Mrs Bisset and el& te hatter than itbasfor studs wings, downio beenyes with less cantering _ if thea mean to Reco0Sb any h-inta tt th ti I r Briee. There lora her beautiful dew- '.! .ralnoy follow in the course of a er e , few menthe. Mr-Biasett _daposed •ttf_ Jr or nufe, . " • Beformersrefused to endorse the grant, f t 0,3,0overotio.ogi pewpapeee, notably the o moor ance. *aearrwilele rott,,protelted agaidet (mph wan , • The Pear a "This tete- my neelfacet" lithe I . Last gator y week 'Mat geret eattla . cellar underneath, also hard and °oft water, quarter of an acre otland Anti a good AVfl. - • • ion waste of .the people's mciiiIY, Th! . he Sexe . Godeileeu Attie made mention last vat ' ---,.. ' . „ , :Rid angrile. • u she"saen new tha,t-4 'I. kirk, beloved wife of .F) a. k Scott, a . • • ing a son of J. Israel tarte, Visiting from the means realms, are of interest I , . • of a 'select party from QUebec, kola- Th6 followitig particulars, taken I. pattrue eld friends, her beloved peseta' ; well knOwn resident ofeSeaforth, cite , lennt.nt, tettnitidshisthda ; treies,isifnet:di one Or man gone into mourniogetvith their mise ; p trIed.thie life, aged 81 Years. Deeea - ,t ton,beffs on thetoring:flitinTarrt :ntDial; , this section and. St. Joseph. Tbry as showtng the disparity betvveen aid an the Ind was born in Seothipel, and was mar- streets. Will be soldreasonatee. For huller the Fames: She palled to her were dined and wined andl had a real sexes, so tar as this country is concern- t Jewelere of tile vVorld to try and bring' ried to lie now bei eft and aged part- perticulare apply3toldUirAlt, rops res en 'on e sa n 11 n .1. his &wall)) to VVm tame, of Ha • v•-,..•-• whica now ooked brilliant and lovely. ' - oomiared wtlat the Mill and greyish I townshipi for the e tire (11300, Y. • " tail° street, contalniLg 9 ?POMP with -entire A .fii,e.storfana a half frame house on On- - "bic time. The promoters had -the .ed, The tiguiee of the I 1 census are I back, thE; splendid oOrlent," 'which had , ner • orne rid yea, a a ' She wa a,- sta. Oct.ar • utter and lateral snienee articles. • - ountonatnt s., , 1,3, Abdo joy ea e,steire, extension. tab e, side „votes of the. people _ for thitty , quail) also given, so that. th • .he • . made her pearls marvelous to look itE? ateern;f Ines t In Keg:derv:on mcgific,p • oaaie ., . eq._ can cona!, . - toilet, aightenalt theleleeVe 1 The 10. ,paree ;•-••• • ' e., awn' of i Sh in t - f ' d ' ht s fit' ' - % . . S aut in vaia, At last se oat& ' a •chemistry at the 'Vienna . uniVersity ' t. • • .., '''. muts,,,fell;* !OPP nreettea&atidon Pro) .=***,..-,---.---,---- i ."..Prees. . { • : . ' , • • .. ' ' '... , tor the Peerni 'VMS tO ',4..ip them Into the' , w11 •• 1 e Qur ug erg -an ve sons. I I told tdie Empress that. the pair MUlieff, who has been in the •hard". ' aria • . • • . • " F • FrSI '• • . I r • A, t e end ten bustnese in Seafot tb- for e.t.a . r . , „ I , , 86 cleared,balthee hardwood.with a arge ditorial caul/tees of the Filen Orese7 42 g ,141 poeatble. no one ciao, adeoMPanied ople, a id bueiness to Messrs. Chetane3 ' of cedar on it),In ood state bf cultivation al telti little • bay round •the island and Free raen.wert either' "loaded," or leae neteievetgeliottat% 80°4 F43 with Ids aid, hid the necklace' t: the businees for several yeare and is ;IT w tlitebtating utdergieatther vine ailed and • r 12 -------------------------- rouS Of he erste ireiehnsent. Mr. .S mil- spriug eteek anci two wells. Seven miles ; waves, and swore htin to eecrecy over . from Centre and threefrom Ba eel& Posses- atlioro hl b it; • onat ;my me reasons e erms. Np o 0 . , grentS given by the Dronibion govern- - • • 1891 (he mat -ter. enent to the towns of Clinton ar &God , 1 e comes front St. Thomeand is a t'71 t Aifr tig y competentus ess Man; further -particulars to OHAS. -SIMOle ,•• 2, St ' is ' 3. e giving Heath Etat .• a egg geees-14 goo • The seeret, aide, Was too Welt kept, David st.. Goderich. Aaron West- ..., a2 9973 6561 3142 ..270 mistreats's tragic death, Tether Am- I nean, was•the vittim Of a rather peep - Feb 7-tf ' to St. J086ipl;, it ,I a eon so,en lase Huron South .... ,. eges esseamo 265 , for on hearina the hews or iite magnet i Alat k Young; a faineant:ton aroursr week's issue vire stated that the Mail . e • • brosia, fell deed in the alteSter Se he ; Jar Etecidera on Ttieteley vveek. In cont. ' Church Property tor Sale. •- dnd Empire • had .reported sueb, and • •. 1901 was going to early mass: and now ' Deny with Dayid Swank., • another. ,the two bloderich papers-- the Signal Ettron.South . , i 13 t 6 , are belied, the one in a damp -wawa, dri ving to Goderich and jost on turn of beer odist Ohurehr arta consisting of I. • Made the cortection, Whieh a/easel:a tet Oman Vaai 8649 5057 3114 477 both the EMPress and her confidant t young man of Dutinannon, he w Thelrewry at;treeeat known es the Batten. k • • • 2 eeen, eeee 8207 eee an • the other under the lase bushes at the roe ove e t ut tied larer brick bnildiog an /ergo frame 'Wainer; reetaion gent abroad The ori in t ' 8797,5170,8061 48 oho et), will situated rarteratre kit. with • and Star -to also cortect the faloe Ina EturoneViestdb Dunlop's11 h •• "Ram"oBefore Inrayeret lines an the horse ran Several rads be- eentents entire P110111 fie fu tutees. Beats °tot ne healthy 'old man watts In A 1 k 11 'rho Farialag World. " , nervous . offereare elect dolleited for the building hlone Lira we. isette Of the Farming hairs like it slitter Crown.' Whet if he be doctor, weo atked her What shd was. double winWows ful-nacee.ett 3). es Geore,e King, of Morris townelliti.- at ' fore it Wae etOppett— , World is worth a few woede of cone. threeteare andten if there is still . are ie suffering from. Heranswer than usual . eyee titbit:leas in ea atop, eorema,,d te follows: Vol. a telephone girl, doctor, recetitly; be was ote of the sandy tewo,aitar. chencetrailing8, end pulpit might • -anent becauee it gives more attention to tele Of the most ItepOri ant his ""iee abet wiedom in his counsel? Re and th6 work is a. terrible strait on my PiOntel 8 ttt tidtt country- owes so oraridAygir Arggigh:21.4:1'841 buelnesit. The euecess of ahnosb evet few wee). tbe mantle of age with dignity ' ceiver toristattly tit illY ears and sea- ge,„ years.t The railings ere 'make or eherry and end boner, el of having been an Oran was ets,„ the age of near le 93 yeers, missed away Inside furntshines or tho ehtirek, atoll es it,terests ntihie• country- the poehty o0OlMalloo Mid retarence. Yet how •nervee. The rnenotony. of having. a re- Much, ne Wall a native ot eome of thent /utilise been in use oi.ly d'w ,itiater in the Dominion is Mere or tees dependant upon the receipts directly or tralteeetiy derived froth the eat eful ' • . atietittfOO gletett to the harnYard fowl. s' • Tine eentaiti• ttliebalti an "ratted alhickeitis in Chni,d1"." • .:.,.... •,:.0„41.11itte, -Chief -of the Pooh I y pt, of aeo. icu I t ore, 0 tia Wee Dim elect goortlietts of seeech, liaitirig in ' ing `I/e1101` tellS upon iny rierves. When, /11131 61 Ca 16 Yeaie of 13$, es- eklitninta to Any Informatics:, tiesit•ed Meg be °Mennen eag eerier- Off tilltY ghlTte In aelawroareandhalnalning 'Mare walked In 77 12hest-nuly procer- iron the undermentioned pereons, 'Were step, childisb in mind, neely thous on the step," dragging rat the fag , 'HellOP •ten gene. 1 -le emigrated to Canada in 1837; tessiT's11191orihs °11ti/c1"' 11P ta6 P- n''' °I .-id of life in a simple oilstone. The oenetantly saying tt. When X go to the hilit'tencohfedie38/61eklii'lle• he teena 364'18'1 * w.DoligitTv .. middle age. The Man whe tekee •cstre of , lot° And twee when X kneel down to . tog in the bottle of nronmepolot vecret heelthy old age 1$ a healthy bed X wake up from Weep eaying ektei- t, wen out, ..tonce 14 he a volanteer, fl , • XL n°131v1B5; cheineen 1 Cl'eale7,1 WC:et-3ST e tt re re swing. and • W. a. Lotiod • . • • • JOHN IN; YEO, tiougEstILLE,, Agent for the MANcreteren AsereAncte Co, of Manchester, Ragland, whosefunds and .' security are rated at 014,600,000. Also the Mt • ' 1{1.1401, lIVTIYAL Imes/Wen Co. Minimiser. c f • fart/Irma end town property taken at • owerst rates. PlInt-elaal bean OorePallies ,caolanoteueopleseGero2idn.ahltoom Money ktottkr' beo bad from fireooratult.7p.tz •Daily men to•Beemeseille a postai teed wil • fetal' him • •or,mgefthealie 8111 ..Spring,Te rm tegini Atee 7. 1902. Our rte e are resaleable -mu cotirsett of study thorough and 1:rustiest. Send ha our &UMW tO see whet we teach, Studeate may enter at any thne. Two calmest: of study. Commoner find. Short -hand Ca A,. VLEpretalsidGeint, A. I; !oral/44,114, Owets Om ed. - ToleteWeI inid•AiloarAiri • • StOtnaChs bate hio body peoperly „ Say triy pray.ers 1 insttnetlyely any eetecte_idettie th 1847, eed- t on 0 grid that -the holinalt)ertler-leia JhS1/11'61 Craiii4"44rChel4": - hes beett•a, • Prot scholars P _Cdent it it 0 rtple e lemran't Studtnts pity lout hi it 76,t ate . 4 iOures Reams, debrief mesh, /mean ohresicsa tlie 411.1h• ther titieracVeLtrgiliverlehtiisenbae,11:&;-ep • venue sound fn *incised ughe toles owner. Price 01.3 Dr;SroctitheVa Maxey tte Cough. Pewdorte cute A.ffeations of the throet and tunes. Mut or Distereeer,ekt Per sweliiiigand stocking of the tee. the tuna of hied drirbitotraidrier -Trouble, rte ono4 dose will reliever and Matt *WM* Brice. sea. .HE moCiAliklt witrololNit 00 lifeilentrillio4 Out. For utile by El /3 tombotdrogegi, Clinton- rot Xtrthet windoe, hiORSYS , licItILLOP Flitg INSITHAVCE ,CO. FARO met ISOLATen TOWN P1.0Partale Onrin INSU*011 • • „a, 01 Gilbert, P.•ttli v. Menaget at 0.- fail 131n1 e/a egPar The tteet Vele° 'et I 7TTT- co era tow toritee ...... atettartse e Golden. Medical. 0 acovery Ito I. ... •••moriage Nei rtoiere.. 44„,rbuiory zo w oak k • on the eat:nervation Of ihe worlthig power _ , _ 0- iSet ace ton, . esthete ex. Arica' trim' ! • Normal School Musical Cense" et). or Ifni arid tie*, to eele.of. see R., orehttny, (A. tan .tettitiort, riom this center re C)1(1 PrIend-"Wan "'dr daughtee4 Free To Ilothers 1111 IV achole ratify Dian SITIt 6 tO•d6, 0.10hdrige, tells of LSuiteliki breeds if the tumult end other orgens of &gee- • verslir. *trite toe and v; itl ex la My free ibepOntririo Agefebhurg oonkso, hits distributed the tooth:haunt of the whole marriage a succeese trostees-Oh. Mar. liet Idea, etee0OTT, Totonto ,y, iireeth led e „eine oe 1.nmve. body, the salt fot tbe bleed{ the 1. trie for. gren t g •inetileZt7;,0-1 aneriente eitatodog the hopes. phosphates for Ate boat ma rope- en the tdirnony,-ene.,v york To every iitotber of young children wile rotaa epee leaseeeta te aeblabed every voSalt, and nervos, etontacb tolled the ni4b of Week6" 4 wig tend us tor Dante arid addrees plaiely w am a 471w1114nullAnuti sample. er pS, ay 11# a Wm, d upon *orou.0 ef gray halts he irate Monti:eh • v. of ell rewire it yeleable l000k en the Stied 6Gratd reingonithenReM4ded. - • suceess. Shea tevelio tri Eta. - written on a poteal data, we will tend free t te eubecit ifittlest ice is (oily al a year, 'Golden Meairtel Ditietivars" w wear Out I ' 111111 druggieut Osneda, Otecr relit &eft& 4t1t#ttakt ttt We beekb4- 11 • .,,sp; l'ealltm to the poltHshers, Toronto, with iliitY anti tftiv'. ' It 18 tOpeirtod itult Mr Chao Ramses; " cure f sofehre end enueg children. Thitt tale medieine•distaver ett Mort Colds are eared by Illny estatm e than abet Otker rtirleay. mires qui° ly iied teittifelT,• liter tidal off..ettons give *Ay toot* to 14". Keettfactured, by the r e 001410ot:0f Perry • 6 t preyat d bet a • ittop. ageratvitet ere tate att . tecoverv. 1 to mac tub 111 111111315 of Matkr • tor . ornme Beene, Wee nese all ofteotsorahuse Cleated to ‘lhe D. & t.," Melillo, waieh terok rerholle rteid WO h teuleitl.•I int tent Ali irepeeellt a tbira to ded It Et piester f lite williont 1111104' flf n'imill on.' st5aumill;41 of Ilnialbly114 b(Itte(v'kn%etersblineteet--11•11abee • tiri.t-6 ntinetite=eirtgitilltiti'?4Faitt*eir,berifeedit'agltilleettelee:fielt4 beteg 1 ' t . r e Lerma e, I. er , ti it P' b "Y. 1 * merit, inc 5 a the world for the Minor -ear WNW 411 AMP t-7 :meow =W. melee uf infante and clung thildreu. . • savoy, W111 stout. Mae" Par incitacliela stitches, netball! ' II ofwev t to tllot ree ere mei: h Wally ItiE edge the nettle Of thig pentr t'.0 eca; . woods,. peoeeheet , le eem tel vele e„ t y (111611 it, moo by Drat. a Iativereuce v,0,, the Deatinton lattlettnettt egelatt. thit dreert. The Dr WilliAltue kedleitte 0a 13, , lt.neater .1 ft novo,' kJ Combs ut d 0 W ta, torglost.d cattle guards 1egit-14Mb. . preehville, Ont. watts Dresst ti. 6/ ' g• tAt r"1, s 0 •41 _0l0,SAO WO:V/XS The. porchiger ot a rnontetrant shoeld have complete contidenee hi the reliability of the firm, fr nn whieh he bate. for the 'Material anti wurktnauship opmething ter" "kW 4411,4.Ni are'laminar with if I 11 de kg 1,1tOtf US) pletite in • "•• retire e taut out relitbilltatreto - those watt ittiew 118 beet. We are the tit h tuaetical Men here in our' bro. J. It, llotrver, P1(i)rlet47r Next to Comniereiai itotti • „ orterrIell J.11, MeLeeri. Preakleat, Jllppen P. 6.1* Iht'/4" Fraser, vlee-presiderit, Brntefteld ..0." Tbos. E. nays, Beoy.Trtatt.. 8ertforth P. W G. Breadfoot,Tospector or Lossee, lteaforth P, 0. e 011aitoiehe W. 0. owedfret. Sialorrni John 0; Oritte Winthrop P O.:George- thile.leteifortb• Jebel nee beare Nwet tratak_ Brht.Mt4V.0 J. Q,;John Watt, HarlOnk P. 0 .4.11meaS Fraaer ,Bretefleld John Mete an, atitat• a . efi POOR Ante* . A9Z1sn'tt Itebett Smith, Naribek neat, eteetilittee 'Lea "• feat: eamerk Commute, nitmeedvale J Tea HolMeeville klartititand ..1thii Pianos dreirotte to • fleet iiiiititte tr 'fa ha* Stet ether butatieat will be Metiirotly eft Noted ta ZatogireagnItteliree",ravitlfeittill IA!" vfitielit* ' • t - 1 :