HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-21, Page 1•.
gave you ever beard Harold Jarvis Sing ? Be will assist at the Oddfellows' Concert to be given on the Evening of April 25
4 ailealetaePOPMPPlaValatualteaelalaufatlitela
Kindly see that subscription
is promptly
. renewed
e • e
g of
The Glasses furnished by
P. B., Crews,
Afterda scientific
aminatiOn of the eyes,
give a ost enjoyable
sense ofpleasure after
• •-the illfitting'ones
which I wore.
'this is the-verdiet el all
who patronize •
ilExpert Jeureler and
at( hRepan'er
Census town }TALL.
• BIDDid/OOMBE'fil cha,
Noms.-aRobert Clark alt he 8th cone.
'Hallett, has disposed of his 100 acre
farm, to N. Adams for the sum of
43,309 ; Mr Clark has not decided what
he will do; he will hold an auction sale
.of his stook and implentamta next Week.
Mr and Mrs John McGregor moved to
• 'Clinton this week; the people of Clin-
ton will find them worthy Citizens.
Miss Belie Farnham is visiting *abrade
near Wingbano. -John, McGregor, jr.,
emet with an accident •while driving a
horse and cutter ' in Clinton; as the
eutter was in danger of upsetting Mr
McGregor stepped out tosave it and
in doing so dislocated his ankle. ' Miss
:Nancy McMichael gave a very' inter-
estingeiddress on roIssiow at League.
on Sunday night; next Sunday Robert
-Clark will 'give -a temperance topic.
Miss Tena Moe -eager is spending -a few
days with her aunt, Mrs-Johh Wiggin-
ton, Goderich township. Robe Aene
strong and fanillyanoyea Int6 %hi vil-
lage this week. .
Seve.--The sale at Thos Vivian's,
-con. 7; on Tuesday week was. a most
succeesfut one. Mr Vivian reserved
41.000 worth of stock for his son who
is going to stay on the farm; the sale
totalled $1,585, horses going ea higle as
41155. olive at $65 and calves at $25.
Mr Vivian intends to remove to Sea -
fie th.
ACCIDENT. -J. T. Mitchell happened
ith a 'serious. • accident last week
w ich may cause bine to lose one of
hII1s lower limbs. While engaged in
ee tinga tree it shot back and smash -
eta his ankle badly, lar Mitchell has
beer' very nefortunate of late ha % ing
ooly a few weeks an had. Ilye hund-
red dell•irs burned in; the stove wbich
he had placed in a stove for safe keep-
ing, Oa the very day of the accident a
young heifer broke it s tea and last fall
one of his bestdoWs had her leg broken.
West Wauranosh.
LumetAt Megence.-At a largey
attended Meeting of the Liberals of
, West Wavvenosh at Si Helens, last
week,•it was unanimously agreed to
• soripert Mr Alex Stuart, as -their
candidate to repeassent Wes e Bunn in
the Ontario •Legisleture. . •
We are offering to
•shreird. buyers' the
greatest opportunity
they ever had
ton, to purchase re-
• liable goods at prices
Which defy competi-
tion'. See 'the special
values we .now have
on view our -
'Watch Repairing Is a Specialty
•, With On •
Scientific 3ersvolei• ,
and Optician
'is,4 A
Weare offering a Wee •of.
At -4° lbs tor 25c
,...;.,..juitikinkstt ...getting 180 to
188 nice- fresh Miler gnaps
• for a Quo*. They are cheap•
• er than you -can make them
aud does away with the work,
• • )036 a, fine line of Dried
PeaChes per lb. .
• the eatih .Stoeery.
isapa, .
elsaratemaDeere-Tbere died -sud-
denly at the residence of De. Hunter,on
Tuesday, Iliarcb 18b Jas M. ShePhara.
He was the father of Mrs W. W
son, of London.
CAPeman AND lanoWlegn.-Sunday
evening abeut 7 20 three men named
E. Lynn, William lVfertin and Mur.
doch MacGuite left tbe harbor in a
scow to look after some nets which
'were in danger of the floating ice,
Was out on the lake about 200
yaraa north of the pier the boat ueset
and turnedover: The two first named
managed to reach the scow riaa held
on till the lifeboat arrived to take.
them if. They were unable to speak,
alld it took some time to restore them
to consciousness, when it was learned
that MacGuire had been one of the
party. It is supposed. McGuire who
was a strong swimmer, tried to make
the shore, but could not battle agaiust
•the strong current flowing from. the
river. The drowned man leaves a
widow and large family end, was 87
years of age. •
Noersa-The Goderich knitting
factory was closed 'down for two days
last week, for the purpose of putting
in a new heater, the contractors for
the work being Mitchell & Chrystal, of
this city. Ham Martin, a well known
Goderich b y, has started a general
business at Otterburne, Man. a place
about thirty miles from Winnipeg.
On Feb. 28h last Arch Ednionetone,
formerly a resident of Goderich toyva-
ship, now of Riverside, Cal., secured a
decision from Judge Nonen of the
Superior Court of that state Annulling
his marriage which took place at God-
erich some years ago; the wife did not
put in an appearance to object to the
annullment of the marriage contract. .
Meitautn.-On Monday, March, 3rd. Auburn
at the home of James Edward's, 3,730 "
Langley avenue, Chicago, Ill., the
wedding of Mr Edward's second daugh-
ter, Jennie, to Albert Straughien, of
Tapulpa, Indian Territory, was cele-
brated, The groom is ei• son of Ed-
wards Strang -tan, cf Goderich, and
the Edwards family formerly lived in
Goderich township. They' were in
Goderich on their honeymoon trip and
were present at the golden wedding
anniversary ot the . parents of the
groom, • • •
linton New Era.
NOTne ---R. Hoover, who recently Coanedrime -In last week's issue
sold his farm, has purchased another the date of the frablie examination to
in Grey townsbip, near Brussels; he is be held in S. S. No 0 was given es Mar.
a first class farmer, and we wish bim 20, winch was an error and should
prosperity. 3, Hoover, who had his have read Moe. 27. All interested
barns burned recently, has decided to kindly take notice.
build again, and has let the gontract
Nowasee-Miss Annie- ()emitting, of
to Mr'rienn, of K. Wavvianosh,and pre Morrie, and Miss Nellie Weatherise of
paratione will commence at once; wa Auburn, are visiting et J. 13rightsin's,
can assure him of an healed, oP•to date. Mr James and Miss M Thempeou, of
job. Mr Hoover has bad his tome, Clinton. elated friends and relatives
but blessings ,bave come also; on Sun- on the 8'h and Oth, conceseions last
asY Mrs Hoover Presented hlta with a week, Mr Geo Thompson was in
another sun we here extend congrat. Toronto last week, attending the
ulations. JAL Mdelinton and ACarr, Navel of his uncle. Mr J. Reoson
of Westfield, andR. Anderson. Manna had a very successful woodbee lest
brook, attended- the Convention at Irriday. Mr A.. Vodden is busy get
Wingham on Monday. Council met
on Thursday; a lively time was expect-
ed over the contemplated bridge over
the river on con. 6; both the petition
for the bridge and the counter petition
were largely signed, aed we understand
that some liberal minded ratepayers
signed both petitions; J. H. McClinton
is visiting friends in Grand Vallsy and
vicinity. Herman Wightinan, late of
the Soo, visited Mende here recently.
' LEAVING.- R. Phalen, who has for
many Veers been engaged in farming
near Westfield, but sold out lest fall to
Mt Bamford, intends moveng to God-
erich next week. We are sure that if
there is one man more than another played the wedding march. The room Donald intend moving totLucknowe
wh will be missed in thie vicinity it is was beautifully arranged with pink having rented the farm l'almer Som.
he; we sometimes think he mewed his and white flowers and. the bride watt erville left on Tuesday for Alberta,
calling, and would .baye been a seccess charming in white rgandie en train Man, where he expects to obtain a sit -
as a stump orator or a political cam- with a maws of tucks ,and white satin nation; he is a young man of eterling
inaigner or organizer. He was a gener- ribbon with duchess yoke and accordion qualities, and his many friends wish
al favorite, although wedid not always pleated chiffon ruffles ; she carried a him every success. We are pleoeed to
agtee with hire oa some soileets, and buclust of roses. After congratulations know that Thos. 'Mild,' who has been
•we think we voice ,public sentiment the bridal party pertook of a dinner,' had un for some time, is improving
when we say that • with' all his taults the tables being decorated with pink rapidly, and Will soon be able to'gcrout
we love him still." and white carnations. The bride re- again to supervise his large business.
.ceived many handsome .and useful' Misa'lletherington went to ItIpley on purpose of reorg knizing the football December,1819. She came to Canada
presents, showing the high esteem in Saturday. • club. The following officers tvere an- with her parents and other. membertr
which the young Fitly • is held. The
St Helens • Additional 14ocal Nevvs.
NOTES, -James Weatherbeall left on •
Monday for the Northwest. Mrs Mo. DEATH. OF MRS WATERSON.-
Snaie are called upon to bear more
Cr ie has returned • home to Manitoba
eater about a yen' and a hen% sojourn aftljettaa than °tilers' Mrs Rowson,
watt friends In Ontario. Miss Florence Albert street north, has during the
Oanoeron has gone to teuelph on an pa..°17 ,ft..ftes° lat. anth."aat a husnanti,
extended visit with friends. Mies 0, a eleanet, a sister.in-law and now a
Horn visited &lentil at Whitechurch eistea Mrs Waterson, who was found
recently. Frank Weatherheasi has re. dead in bed on Tuesday morning at
turned home from' Auburn and will , be • home in 'ref 0-00. Deceased was a
assist his brother on the farm ft. r the former tesident of Clinton and the
erieuing year. Isaac Miner spent Sala remains are to be interred In Clinton
bath last with friends in Goclerich. esteetrY, We sYloPetbize ivit4 ‘.1 e.,
bereaved oyes.
Will McDonald, Wroxeter, is visiting
in thie vicinity. David Brown. of DEATH OF MRS COSVORD.-ip
Aliburn, was u' -he guest of friends in our "write up" of riV....ley church
• his 13cality this week. Miss Jessie openin last weekaefet ence Was ot e
Kindly seethalsubstriptios
is promptly renewed
Cameron visited friends in Goderich to the act that Mrs Coder& wife of
tins material ready for renovating his , his week. James Dornin Has sold out the late Rev T. Cosford ( • le of Ma-
hone° this coming summer. his interest in the brick and tile yard i tons first clergymenewae a resident of
WEDDING Nur/IA/a-A:home wed- to his partner, Thomas Phillips. A i Goderich. ' We little thought we
ding took place at the residence of Mr meeting was held last week to make would so goon be called upou to an.
and Mrs T. W. Sloan, in Hallett, on arrangements' for forming a second nounce her demise which occurred cu
Wednesday; March, urea when Miss "beef ries," in St. Helens; tbe members Friday, at the borne of her daughter,
CharalSraetiling. YOungeetllaughter of
the late George Kraehlmg, , was united last -Year were quite -satisfied with the ' _Dare George Acheson. She had truly
returne, and purpose employing the "served her day and generation, " dy-
in mart lege to Ur Isaac IL Brown, a same butcher this yew, James Sanders, ing in her 79th year.
prosperous and much, respected citizen of Ashdeld. Geo, Rogers, Lucknow,
of Blyt b. The cerembny was perform- visited at IL Brownscombe's last week. WESLEY ORURO H. BOUG HT IT. -
of only the immediate relatives and implenoents of Angus McDonald on
The auction sale of . farm stock and TheBecker property 20 ft 10ai in width.'
has been •purchased b y the offleialeef
ed by 'Rev WM Peahen, lathe presence
friends. The bride Mitered the pallor Tuesday afternoon was 'veil attended, Wesley church, the pt ice being At 11330
E• Kraehling.while Miss Edith Penhall wielding the hammer Mr end Mrs Mc- for this strip of land. If ha had not
sold tbe lot Mr Becker had intentions
leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr and tlungrisold very well, John Purvis
to build a house, in tact, preparations
were underway. The purchase cf t he
lot was wisdoin on the part of the
Wesley church for had a bonding
gone up much of the beanty of the
church front would haye been lost. A
epees pelt would grace the entranee to
the .;hureh.
-A Meeting was held at.the 0, 0. L on
.the afternoon of Ma! ch 18 h, for. the
; par year n er7avere
t gm when rate
Dipotnond or
All Colors
P. Reekie's
Preeoription Date Store
Successor to Syiney Jackpots; -
N.B.-White Pine and Tar
• Compound cures colds
25o per -bottle
tha b time she has been' entirely help-
less, and in her case death was a happy -
release. Mar maiden name was Mars
garet Habkirk. She was a, •sister of
Mr George liabkIrk, of McKillop. She
Was a native of RoxburOugliebires
Scotland, and was born on the lath of'
• Goderiell Township
MATRIMONIAL. - On Wednesday,
March 12th, a pretty. but 'riot wedding
took place at the home o D. ,Welsh,
1:30NVENTIoN.-Our old convention
war horse, Rev, Mr Henderson, Hen-
sailer:ince more favored- us with his
appreciated presence; discourses by De,
Giffind, Clinton, and Rev Mr Jackson,
of Toronto, 'were practical and forcible;
the former urged the tweed ot normal
training for S. S. teachers; such is very
apparent. 'The attendance was excel-
lent, and interest was well m,aintained.
Weettield and emith's Hill choirs fur-
nished the music.' [We have received
an. extensive report, but (ming to
, limited space this week it will be pub -
I fished next week.]
• • NoTEe.-Mrs Wm.' Doerr and Mrs.
Jas. Carter still require considetable
medical attention; Mrs Clark appetite
to be slowle'. sinking; Mrs Moore is
Laurel, Michigan, formerly of the Bey- around again. Thomas and. John How -
field line, the bride bele* the eecond ate with their aunt. Mrs Wne,Howatt,
daughter, Effa May, who was given in left for .Manitoba last week. Mrs S.
marriage by her father ,to Clarence Leutenslayee is in poor health agaho.
Cole °Mauro]. The bride was attend-
ed by her cousin, Mies'Alice Burnett-, of
Clintcine and the groom, by A: libbett.
The bride looked lovely in a handsome
suit grey covert cloth trimmed with
vihP e satin, pessers eaterie • and white
applique, and her attelidarit was dreeeeu
in te suitaf gray covert ctoth trimmed
with while satin and silk chiffon. Rev.
Beanoef officietedend-norte-but the itn-
mediate friends al tended the wedding
Dinner wee served after the ceremony,
Abe being laden with abundance
of everything good: After dinner. the
bride donned travelling Suit of gray
t with hat to match. ' The bride is a
' aright, joyous, dark -eyed Maiden, twist
attentive at churclehaving (leen oi gan-
ist the Elk Presbyterian oburah for
two team- The groom is a ' most .
emplary young . man, •: The ham
couple left for Flint amid a yhower ot
rice arid tbe beet wiS hes of t heir Mewls.
NOTES -Miss Bertha Henley, who
has been -visiting at George eturnet 's
returned to Seaforth Wednee day; tele
intends leavitig shartly for her home
in Oregon, 17. ,S., after , having spent
ten months • with- friends in Canada.
Miss Alice Buroett, who has been' ,eis•
Ring in Sa,nilsto ()entre, Minh., is now
in Port Huron; she will shortly return
house'. On Sunday last as H. Jobtson
was returning from church his horse
tools fright and . bolted; beyond t hrow-
ing out the occupants and running a
half mile, no damage was done; James
Mose eucoeeded . cleverly catching
it from the back of his own buggy.
Alf Furry had a wood bee on Tuesdeys-
GOOD Same. -The sale at W. Weir',
BAyiliald line, on hot. Friday was a suc
eessful one, it having enratinted to be-
tween $1100 and $1200. ' Only one horse
was offered' for sale, but tiese cows
brought good prices, averaging about
$40 each.- • "
• WEDDING BELT.S.-A happy eVent
Wok place at the home of Mr and Mrs
John Allison, Theroes road, on Wed'
negidey last week when their younaeet
daughter, Mists Mary, was united in
marriage to Charles Harris, a prosper.
ous young farnierof the Thatnes Road,
the ceremon.y being performed by Rev
0. Fletcher in the presence of a large
dumber of guests. The • bride was
Rev Mr Kenhedy and- D. 'E. „Munro
went to the prohibition .asserribly at
•Winghare last Monday,
Se Ai drew's church, Ottawa, heltle
the record in Canada fee contributions
to the Presbyteklan church century
fund, • Sts Andrews 'gases $26,437' al-
thOugh 325,000 wasall that was prom's,
. eolborne,
SAn AMIDENT,-.A. very distressing
. .
accideries which resulted fatille oc-
rsd Colborne, on Wednesday;
At R. Young's. Ma, ebitid concession,.
there wiloa, bee the huin and every7
tiling. went well until the afternoon
when the gad event happened to Wes-
ley James,the second son of, Mr Young.
A lar ge tree bad °evil cut at the trunk;
in fallingit !muck smAll one and in
rebounding ' struck him ceasing ' a
fracture at base of the .
ered until about two &do& on Thurs.
dey morning. His. death is deeply as
gretted by all for Wesley was an hen
Mb, straight forward young Wan and
_beloved by alt who kneve bine His
fatherandmother, emir sisters and
five brothers are. left te mobrn' the
lose Of A dear sloe and brother. He
was a member of Bethel church and
the services will be taken by Rev Wit.
eon. a former pastor, The funeral will
take place from hie • bete home, Mait-
land concession, on Saturday at one
o'cleck for Colborne oetiletery, The
parents and reletives have the deepest
-sympathy in the Rad death which cut
Off the live 6£ &height and. clever nein .
in his youeb. '
NOTES.-WM. Straughan bus started
Plowing.' NeAllin left for Strait Rte.
Marie on Tuesday, March18,1i. Messrs..
O. Moore, Thos. Johns and David,Fieh-
er. left for the North west the beginning
of this week. Miss 0, Etelyar was the
guest of Miss Nina Gardiner for a coup-
le of days last week, A. Million and
T. Tubb was around on Saturday with
a petition to do away. with the hotel
license at Carlow.
• Myth .
Bans -Mrs Graham well hold her
millinery opening on Wednesday and
Thursday. 26th and 270e; she has Se'
cured the seryices of Miss Whale, an
attired in cream brocade and carried a, experienced milliner of Drayton, who
bildel Wallet. A sumptuous repast comes highly recommended. George
Was served and an enjoyable time was Denstedt was In Ave this week, look
Ogle Cooper '2 Co
spent. The newly married will take
up their home du the farm recebtly
purchased frona Me Bowman, on the
51h con. •of• Uebotne. Their frienas
extend to them their heartiest wishes
fee their future happinese.
• NOTES3.-Itobert McDoneld, 'jun,
Thames Road, has gone to Victoria
Respite), Jeonaon, • to undergo an
operatiob for one of his eees Which
has been afflictea with. rhetimatism ;
the operation was very satisfactory.
Vartih. •.
leavegs -Jatties Arinetrong, wh has
groom's present to the bride was a SOCIAL GATHERING. -A large mails
pointed; ROA, Pl'ae, Capt. McTaggart; of the family in 1834 and settled in the
beautifuber of the friends of Mrand MrsAngus 1.
l Heintzman piano, She has 'hefollowing officers'n et' appointed:-- townelolp ot McKillop. She was mar.
been a member of the Blyth Methodist i
McDonald gathered as a surprise party Rol- Pree., Cant. M. D. MeTaggni ; tied to Mr Scott in the town of Galt
churchahoir for a numbee of years and at their heme on Fridy evening last
Ryes., W E. Rand ;. meta, tr.as„ E G. rm. July lit, 1836, so that they had
is a very popular young lady. They
to spend an evening ,
with them prior mutton ; captain, A. Mustard; edrator; thus lived together for the unusually
left on the afternoon train for London to their departure to t.Juckno. The K. Houston. The club has decided tolong period of 88 'years. After their
and pri ncipal cities in the United States
and enter again for . the long fought for marriage they settled in the township.
games. After a. delicious lunch had
the bride's going away gown being of Hough cup. As the season seems to he of North Dumfries, where five of their
evening was spent in music, song
dark blue serge. ' trimmed 'with silk
been served, Rev O. Rutherford read a inornising one and the captain thinks children were born. In 184.7 they re-
„stitchinm g. Themany Mends exan address to Mr and Mrs McDonald; tend there is good Diatom 1 for a team, wemoved to the township of Tucker -
10 themPlearty Wishes fora happy vied. as an appreciation ot their work while
to out victorious at the end of the season the town of Seo.forth and on which
ded life. , • . .. .• here. The address did not endeavor . they continued to reside until her
convey to them all that was felt, but . LICENSE 'BOARD. - The annui I
death. They had a family of 12, 7
COMMIL.-Eielleit COuncil ''met in showed some points by which Mr and ineeang •of the li,iberise' Comrnissionere
Lhndesboto on Saturday, ;liar& 15th; M s ' a d
A and of .these 5
ct n's office on -me' ° 5
members all present; minutes Obraethe tortoot ri sons and 4 daughters are still living.;
Of Iasi oelves- to all; they always showed them• Thursday, March 13
Mrs cDonald .have endeared them- war held at the I s
meeting read , and paned. A .bylaw Her aged•partner, whn is several yeara
was paseed appointing 1.04 pithmasters waives friendly, their home being open being. present; Jas Stevens, Mullett, her senor I; now confined -to bed !post
8 fence viewers and 7 pound keepers. to all, whether for social life or friendly S. SInane, birderich, II. McQuarrie
Mr of the time.
Themes Cole is engliged with his tree reels. Vie.. their. .high •standard f Blyth,d InspectorPaisleyM
o an
tion engine to Work the townshippirt us 1 e is a living example to old Stevens was again appointed cbair- • •
grader at 56 a days: and w, yareesaa es and young. After sing "Auld Ling inan,this being his .1903 term 10 preside.
assistant at $1.50. & aesolution Was Syne,” all departed to their respective Thursday, April 174.12 was set as a day Adctrisra -01 Saturday last. Mrs
passed Specially appropriating $200 for homes', wishing Mr and Mrs McDonald. to consider applications to be sent to J. McFarlane met with an accident,
the purpose or _grading •roads, a pro- •
all happiness ha their future home. ' the -inspector, Clinton, on or before the horse she was driving haying be.
portion thereof to be expended in each • SOROOD REPORT.-- . - t_ -.
The 'following is
Apeil 1st.- The board passed a rotation come friettened and ran away. She
division of the respective .councilloro, the standing of the public school here trot no iieense would be granted to a was thrown out .but we are glad to
including boundary ltnes. A strong. for Jannary,, February.- and half of hotttbat allowed ..a slot .or such .like learn was not seriously 'Wined and is
deputation of tatepayers, headed by March, based on 'regularity, good de- u
mac ine to, be used on the premises. now abutwellagain. .
James Cartriaht, came before the court_ Portment and general proficiency, the FOR TFI,R W. O T. U. -Well attend.-•• NoTke.-.A., Moffitt, wife and child.
ca for the third, time with the request last mentioned being based partly on ed -meetings wereheld in Wesley church left for their home near Moose Jaw,„
of building A new bridge across., the written work. Jr. Leaving -Maggie OD Wednesday in the interests of asni• Aga., on Monday evening. A. Gilmour.
Maitland on te R 2021, con. S. As this Clark,Mamie Millar, Miina Rutherford; perance. In the afternoon and evening. and Peter Baird also left on Monday
seemell to the council a very large Pt. 1 Jr.Leaving-Lilian Clark, Gordon Miss. Wiggine, the W. C. T. U. Proms- evening fee Moose Jaw. Mrs J. Fal :
request for the comperativele few to MeD.Inald; Sr. IV -Donald CiarkeLiz cial organizer and lecturer, gave ads coner, of Bayfleld is visiting -friends
be 'bonefItted, the consideration of aim zie Dallier, Myrtle Phillips, Stuart Mil- dresses which were attentiyely listened here this week. G. Graham is at peesent"
question was deferred untilafter ob. ler, nary Crawferd,• Rebena Sheriff; to, her evening toted being "The pre- ill with a soee throat. Jas. Thomson is
alining an ,estimate of the cost, and Sr. III --Elliott Millea.Roswell Rather- sent aspect anis prohibition (imitation." ao recovering from an affection of the
for that purpose the clerk WAS instruc- ford, Herniae. Phillips, Mary Sheriff, Rev. Mr Howson presided at the even- teroat MissCarrieJohns is visiting
fed to ask the county engineer to meet George Weatherhead, Sara Durnin, ing meeting.. These meetings are held her aunt, Mrs MeQueen. The sale of
with a committee of the council at the Oleve Joynt; Jr. III-Jea,n Clark, Matt- under the auspices of the W. C. T. J:I. Mrs W. 11: Scat, lot 80, con. 2, on. •
locality named as. -soon as convenient. hew Gaynor, Johnnie Miller. Lizzie and we learn there were a number of. Wednesday was a succeseful one; T.
John Manning.; lot 81; • eon. 10. was Anderson, Arthur Geynore Irene new members leded. The collection Gundry, of Ctaderich, . is a opitat '
present eeeiming damages for injuries Weatherhead,' Hebert Durnin Lima taken up goes to expenses in cenhec auctioneer ' ' a
said te be sustained through the up- ' Archer, Archie Aitchison, Tena Ellis; non, • e '
setting of his cutter cie con. IS some- Sr. 11 -Jennie. Webb, George Browne. HO RTICULTVRAL.--On 1:1 Wednes-
disclaimed . any responsibility in the Stuart Anderson. James Berbeur, le
combe; Jr. 11 -Wesley
/Y Orlittlrel Mrs Torrence, Uhateeuquae,
time last De ember, but as the council --rownsconelle, day protninent speakers on heal.
matterit was consequently laid over.
Aitchison; 9t• 11-Thomas3rowns- Que., and E. B Stevenson, Jordan Sta.-
Council adjourned until called by the combe, Jessie Weasherhead; Ph. 1 Sr.-
Harvey Webb; Ptel Jr. -Bert Miller, the Clinton society. The afternoon
nom Oat , were here in the interests a
Reeve. -JAMES OAMPBELL, Clerk. .
• Greta Webb, Number on the roll at meeting was for the school. children
Br Id • start
tenfoar Othee paretirnhae.vinogr ,tnhuopseilswhtoo mw,banep..aWo, RexLenerigehntpreadsiddreedeisea: • cwhaeirr;
Faint likitrana.-eseas Aikeilhead. has are beginning again -for the summer, given: In the eaehing there was a fairs
priechased Mi Hector Reid's farm,: and will oblige by sending them immediate- attendance present to hear the Speakers
cod., Stanley, for $6.575.. It ist a good ly after the Easter holidays, as classes
farm with splendid leuldings, with a !are then organized. -0. A.. Tamar:It,-
conarnodions brick house. Mr Mien-
Mreid•wili ave the ?resent crop: teacher,
head does not et possession until fall. •
Mr Aikenhead holds in Stanley, . • •
This be 950 acres of. Min property•
, Bayfield. •
Untendea.for lastweek.)
' AMIDENT.-While W. Brandon and
Noaes.-E. Sewers gave a detailed
account on Sunday event/1g of the F. Gimenhardt were securing a log of •
students' volunteer convention lately ceder on the river on Wednesday, last
held in Toronto; although not privilege they met with an accident which
ed to attend, his report, gleaned . from might -have preyed more serious. Mr
the Westminster, was a splendid one. Bnindon not being an experienced
A. number of fanners have begeto to oarstnan turned the boat, broadside.
make syrup. ()has. Wilebn has leased' with the current which at once cap-
sized, Gimenhardt with Metal Pres'
- he Dixon Home ; he takes possession
ay and Mr Little, Varna, will then of
of mina floated to shore on a cake
Brandon clung to the boat
move into the American House, vvhere °f ice but
Mr Wiliam is at p esent, Miss Maud which turned over and over 'in the
Wilson 'le visiting friend" in Maori, rushing current and drenching and
Mrse_Scotefieafortleatother Ot A-. §chtk.. redrenching its victim Who. bravely
teacher near our villiegifewas but -led oil -hare tOa- Fahjahmant- until another
MeechtY ; a number from this vicinity boat arrived on the scene in time fot
attended the funeral, . . . the rescue; V. teinienharde says be is
none the worse but Me Brandon has
Nana. -Rev Me litoffateof London, not yet recovered and people congrat-
occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian ulate aim form:curing the first bath of
church on Sabbath last; Rev E Sewers tbe season. -
Welt his' piece in Lendon. Mrs IhOmp- -i-,
son, On,. vioited in Clinton af the home vvElentere-We regret that last week
olifalliinrserf oifet dGleaoyrgalectEowwbefirleatstitrwneeeakt.0Mh;;
„„ we were not able to publish O. report of
a very important event that took place
home last week. A nutnber from our here -the marriage of Richard Bileett
village attended the sale of the late J. and Mrs Castle. relict of the late E.
Cameron's' firm steak and implements Castle, who resided ou Main street
on Tuesday; the sale Was well attended wean the ceremony' was performed by
and prices good. MrsLee;Dakotti, who Rey Mr alcNell at 6 pan When the
atitiounced that
spent the winter it the home cf hit$ liting c't the hfl4 ' gun
mother, Mrs A. Rats, left lase week for bonds of matrimony secueed the happy
her home: she received sedeattetch tell- couple. Mr Ellictt and bride gave a
ing her of the severe illness of her eldest general reception, and many of the
sone A. Forsyth left for his home in citizens enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Manitoba, Miss Maud Wilson is visit- Isloags.-Mrs T. J. Matks has return.
Ing in Clinton. Jas Grainger and wife ed teem a tour through the Southern
of 'Exeter, spent Sunday ill oar village. States!, Dr. Palliator, whe has sold his
- praetice to Dr. Smith, will take a trip
LondesbOro ' to Germany to complete his medical
couree. A number of teams' are Wait
hog after a business with the intention
of buying, Ed. Campbell left Monday
morning for Lindsay, where he has
obtained a position in a large dry goods
store. John Habkirk, Exeter, was hi
town manila; he Will visit his parents
in Brussels, prior to taking a position
in tbe late tailoring establishment
where he worked before going to Ex-
eter, Philip Murray' and wife are
iting in Seaforth. Musa Robinson, of
Extster, has taken charge of the miliin-
ery department at janles Anderson's
Awe Our Chief had a couple young
men locked up Sunday night for being
disorderly; thee hailed from the county
town, Ottr new flour tnill le tow
been laid up for a couple of Weeks with Dating a large car of flour for the eget.
a severe attack of grip, is able to h2 out Mr Shepherd, 01101-611, Was ha town on
again. James Keyes, Parr lineetvas
Wednesday looking after hiseproperty.
kicked -by et--ecilt -en -the ehoulder end
NoThse-On the 181h and two fcilloW- etaiployed in drawing stone for the
ing days Ernest Adams was oloeghing fealadatiall a the 'new church -
on la 25, eau. I0,. Hallett; this is early. • i they would have been refused and
On Monday Joseph Snell shipped a tar 'Se'afarth
-household goods' and pone stockte -BOARD .....0.1T—TRADE,=Thea.anneal o others ordered. We thank our friends
ti r WI d in the' tor eau wickuy etunplintentary -remarks
Parliamentary Letter. •
When if rernenalpered that the
French Canadians in the House genets. -
ally think in French; and sneak niEng-
lish, their familiarity with tbe latter
tongue is surprising, attleas a rulathey •
Manage - to express themselves very
Well -better, we Amoy, than the -
on subjects chiding with horticulture, ditions w e reversed. 'But once s a
sae Englis RE would do if the con -
an subjects
asahairman. The while a rench-Canadian, by a twist of '
lectures both afternoon. and evening language; uses phrases that to Eoglish
were ofinuch interest,aticl those present ears are the reverse of what ahead • be
derived benefit fiom theaddresses given. said, and sometimes are suggestive and
If more of these lectures were given amusing, •A case of this kind occurred;
hlrticulture Would be Morelnteresting. in the House the other; night. Mr
Clinton can boast of a good society. Brataitt put in- a plea for harbor
FRUIT INSTITUTE MBETINGS.-a improvement at and by way or
Meetings under the auspices 'of the empbasizing his regiiest, read an article
Ontario Fruit „Growers' Assn, and the from'a lockl paper in which Mr. Tarte
West Huron Farmers' Institute will be was humorously upbraided for for- .
held'inIndustry Hall,' Blyth, Tuesday, getting his pledge to the residents; ana
March 25ein the town loan, Clinton, particularly the ladies, of °Mita, made .
on Wednesday', March 26, and then in on the occasion of his visit there lase
the town hale Hensall, on Thursday, summer to have the harbor improved.
March 27, ehere will lei two meetings- Mr Tette, in a witty vele, acknowledges,
each day; commencing at 1 20 p,m. and ed the •beauties of Gallia, epoke of the
8 p.m. • ta 0..Castott, Craighurst, Pres, kindness shown by the people there to
ident tof the Ontario Fruit Growers ethelittle French Oanadian,Minister,"
Asian., and A. E.' Shurrington, 'Welk- and Wound up be; saying "he evidently
ertons-clireettnaoathe Ft uit Experimen- bad beenaeduced by the beauty of the
tat Station for Western Ontario, will ladies," This naive remark brought
be present and give practical addresses, clown the House, and tae membera
in the staternoon giving illustrations of fairly howeed.
grafting' end 'pawing. 0. Metcalf and
Blyth meetings, and D. Centelon will speak at the 0 JAI a social gathering the other even-
ing had pleasure of Meeting Sig -
A. W. Sloan will also
es nor Marconi, the inventor of wireless(' "
'Teak an chid storage and tra.11sP°' na" telegrapby. Niturally enough he Was
non at the Clinton meetings. JD the
evening good. literary and musical lionized -an experience he doses riot •
' T rotich relish. His conversation. doge "
programs will be elven, •
not is icilovnevnetyi v tot sill tgyh, t butesuhge gwe sotui tin be
BRA IS perhaps brood of the laighlY instantly „picked out in a crowd as
commendatory remarks of friends re. epettulitie -by remain of his looks, Hits
wading our laet week's edition, in features are unusually sharp, his
connection with the full page illustrat- forehead recedes. He tante fairly good, --
ed report of the opening and dedicatory E •glish. "
services of the new Wesley church. R. 11.
We printed a large nutuber extra, and
judging from the demand for them, as
well as the flattery showered neon us,
we know our efforts! to give a fair and
impartial repOrt weete-eppreciiited, net
only by Methodists, but by the citizens
In general. Concerning the illustreo
thras, a majority of the cuts were good,
we were disappointed in two or
ree of them, This was the fault a
the engravers', and had there been Mae
beeatat On Id IndaY, lout tortunately•, ew or s a a
bones Were b. eken. WM. AgoeW left Percales unie his Wife and children left here for the council chamber when,. following
on Tuesday for Plot Mound, Men.; we NOT$8..-Mrsr. Mottre, who has been same place. On Wednesday George offiCsers were appointed. President, D.
Wish hine every success. spendine• a week with her parents, Mr Jackson and family med oved from wD. Wilson ; vice-presint
dent. James
pito•tuttrz SALE. John M. narto and Mrs sohnoon, eon. 6. returned of the village to their new home south Beattie; treasurer, W. 'K. Pearce;
miltyrotil_the annum meetitiA 13 f secretary, D
, W. . McLean; auditors.
OUT"Village blacksmith for the past two home Monday. Many nom here ate °Wlintc"
and report An excellent lItillete 33-eanch 13ible Society was held W. Pickard end re L. licFaul 1 coati.
years, has sold out to E. Eph, Ayboler, tended the tea Meeting at Sharon on cit, V. liolinestead, . Dili, Hobart
Who takes posses-61bn Orate week; the Monday night, ib Burns'thureh oil Tuesday night. Ban" We °. Reid, A4 Y°11tigi 3.• Cii'
price/Aid Wee $1300, Mr Hart pitipotas time. A. Johnston, Hensall, was call- All th 61 f i t 0 e ele te I Greig, G. Ii.. Sills, 3, L Killoran, .
to lose thein, as they Were good and Faller, con, 4, had 11. plowinrt bee OT . . f 1 it
y ar. e m u 0
going to Seattle to reeide; We are serry ing on friends here on Sunday. Mt f r this. e Th a o fit c nodal "'"N Es -Mr Chas Clarkson A
obliging neighbors, f3ince:cotning here Fridai, Afro Thomas McDonald is on last year and renaitted to Totonto veas first headmaster of Seafortle Collegiate
Mel, have road° boats of friends, who the sick list. Elle Weston, who re. b'hrr21,4.9" 4.ctoa. reeetiniV Was addteesed Institute died at lite borne in Toronto,
e t'he'ir Tit* tiyhti. 16.64thiotio, P , end (WOAD& 9.'be licoglay, the 17thy, his remains Were
borne in the fee Wtitit. Mr Hart will anpendicitie, is steadily imProVh4ti amounted to over $7. Collections will Ohre; Sagerand W, Samos have taken1
WISE' them 031 Pueee". tObta " nettle tollettion was taken up and. interrea In lelitottle on eanesbey,
have a sale shortly, Of Whieh dne toetice Mee Robt, Beaeom is raCeyering bele a be taken in Burns' MUM alla the °cations with the) LondouPite Engine
up for Beater Nittaelititei. Mel ait, • Will bit given, •eevere attack of grip,
•kuthudist churches ue"tt suu'asy, tompsuy.
received -..many expressing thetwelves
that "it could not be improved upon by
any one." Me Now Btu. of March 14,
4002, is a commemorative number, and
Will be kept as strah by many, espec.
laity the Members of Wesley chureh,
T11.8 LATE MRS SCOTT. -An old
and gh y respectedres ent passe
away on Saturday week in the person
of Mrs P. Scott, mother of Dr Scott
and Andrew Scott, of beaforth,
evgitt, of fltioittuittgr, Stbti, tst
Elluevale, lire James 110ag,aof Mc.
Fallon end Mee John BoKitrof Sea.
; forth. Mrs Scott suffered an attack of
pare4ote male weeks ago, and bli1C0
The art ot photogrephv id conlanutille
• developing, neve ideett..ant asithaae are eens
stoutly Impairing. Oar gaiety 100,0 ant
alttle Alma& of the rest, just a Dine better
Week, just a little better methode anst
• hatletteeriee,
• netireli * Photo StildbAN,