HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 8March 14th, 1902 • in CLINTON NEW ESA 1 1 L _.I .r.1.rrR•rrrta'+#ei'i itnts* *0 irect '" 0: imp•o•rtaf 0 iu barrelata for rash at item r _4-- J. w, u/wiNd, m whatever for Mr Coate has not "° - been informed, in faet, the Govern- Reci tstover, ATsl'ke laioe'rlib: • Timothy and Urooard Grass, anent has trot yet made an appoint* W ns NOT YET APPt,NrED.--A para• iteba graph has been going the rounds of 1 F1t,Ili �Y , MAR IT; 194;. LU news agars reporting that W. boats, of Clinton,. hu been appointed LOCAL Nol•IteEt3. registrar of Huron, The ;Cerin (fret appeared in the Toronto World ai Best St'andardarannlatedsuearatSl lopar100.1 de ly which has a fad to publish fraci� ibsa barrel in 000r c anger h at et B $(1 ner1W lbs, all fuer pews. There is no truth in the , This week we passed into stock two big ship- ments of dressgoods, silks, trimmings , etc.,' imported direct from. Britain, The coming season more than ever before have we gone direct to the fountain -head for our supply. In every case where it has been to our advantage to do it, we have passed the: middle- man and .bought direct from the maket.. The greatly increased out -put we now have, made possible by having stores in both Goderich and Clinton, has.en- abled us to buy in quantities that •we Could not 'touch had we only one store. Buying in quantities ' means at closer prices, and closer prices for us means closer prices for you. The double out -let means that we show better assortments, more variety, and less same- ness in stocks. New goods are pouring in on us' every day, and as quick as we can get them through the -customs and marked -off, they --are.-.-._passed into are whah _disarranged g columns- . itswird. mere . '— LICENSE MEETING. —A t' of the West Huron License bo Ord as mea egg called, for yesterday (Thursday) and ;natters of importance arts considered; particul:lrs will be given in next issue. }All petitions or appUeaUo are to be 1 sent to !'V. J. Yuieley,inspeor,Oteteton. SOLD LIS TEAM .—The"handsome air of dapple gray drivers which, was the admiration of everyone has been sold, by Mr R. Graham. Toe pur chaser is John McDonald & Co., of Toronto, who paid $500 for them. Mr Graham is now looking for another driving team, • PRFSENTATI.ON On ''•' Toureday- last week Miss Lillian Ferguson, daughter of James Ferguson, was presented with a purse of money by Rev Mr Dunlop on behalf of the B.tp' list congregation. • Miss Ferguson has pertormed the duties of organist for some time and they regarded their ap- preciation of her services in this tang;• ble manner. BEAR WITH US.—The NEw ERA me stock. We have planned for a bigger business, than `hls week on account of $he extensive , - Brite•up of the opening.. of the new last season, and will have the go(. ds and values that Wesley cherce. Those of our adver= seers who find their advertisements displaced from their customary posit- ions will please bear with us this week for the above . reason. Ourcountry correspondence will be found on pages 4 and o this week. will bring it. New Veilings. March winds and March sunshine are here and a veil is almost a necessity. Some particularly swell lin?s came rill this week, they are very nobby, and there is a better assort- ment than you are likely to 'find anywhere else in town. Plain or Spot Veilings, Silk Net or Chiffon, Blue, Brown, Black and White grounds. Self colored or white spots 25c, 35c and 50c. eashere A POPULAR WAIST MATERIAL We rewind you of our two special lines of all.• wool Cash; meres. These goods are very popular for . waists, and are haying a big rim in the cities. ` Tae two lines we alio w are pure wool and have a rich zilky finish: Both are extra good value. Extra fine quality of wool Cashmere ` t All wool Cashmere, flue quality.. good.. This is a very special line with:rich weight, will wear well, double fold, • silky finish, comes in old rose, pink • . shades of pink, pale bine, old. rose . • sky blue and two shades of Oardi• .'and Cardinal, per yard IV( nal, per yard .......... .....,; , • .. , COC' . , • New: :NecOns.-� �b The bestvalues and prettiest neck Ribbons we have had. arrivals.for a day are among this weeks _. ume and see • them, - Fancy -striped neck Ribbons, 4,1 ins wide, will not crush,, new 'patterns. ' in pink and white, turquoise and •. whiter -navy and white, blank and •. white, and helitrope and white, i' • yards in each length. Pure Silk Ribbons, soft finisba will' not crush or out, .full '6 ruches wide . in white,. cream, sky,.:turquoise, pink, o'd rotie,'and.maize, a regular• 353 or 40c patio', per yard, .:..:; softie • • Sprinq Millinery. Our Milliners are hard, at work preparing for the. greatest Opening in the history of this store.' No time, trouble' and expense has been, and will be spared to lay before'; you the handsomest and .most : stylish Millinery that • has eve;: been shown here. -This departmenthasgrown from a very 'small beginning to be the -leading Millinery Department of • the County. We intend that the steady growth shall continuethis •season. A large portion of the stock has been imported direc from Britain, and Miss Randall has. -spent. the last two weeks in Toronto selecting the latent novelties shown in.that. market We aria now ready for business,: and the, date of .ourform Open"ng will be announced' later. • • I t I LENS IIT 15c and .20c We have just' opened up --some new Silkalenes in' patterns suitable for er mfnrters or drape;. ies, the` designs are : decidedly new and out of the ordinary., They are a f8Il.yard wide with a pretty cleat. silky finish,. they come in green, pale blue, cream red, and buttercup grounds, floral or striped patterns, contrast- ing colors,• Prices 15c and 20c. per yard. F UHN'ISHINGS. NEW HRTS, n.1 • The hats that were bought by Mr Morrish for the spring trade, came in this week, and they will be in stock ready for Saturdays business, The best and most fashion- able shapes are represented, and if you want what is ab- ' solutely correct in a spring hat yoti will not pass this • stoC) NEW TIES • BURNED OCT. --The old friends of 1r Richard .Joh n tcn((formerly y of Clinton), will regret exceedingly to know that a few days since he had. the :niefortune' to lose his dwelling hou,e in Southern Manitoba. by fire, to gether with all its contente. Mr and Mrs Johnston had gone away on bus; flees, andthe house was destroyed dur•• toog their absence, Mrs Johnston is. a •inter of Mrs Arthur Couch, and Mr. Johnston a brother. of .Messrs. George ind ThomssJohnston. A COMMEMORATIVE NUMBER— By this issue it wilt be seen thatfwe have gone to considerable expe,rse, and devoted much .time . and space, for the AMONG THE SIOg.—The many. friends f M Ed. Cart wilt b a p rien s o r. ar er e sorry' to hear that heti shad a relapse and Is still confined to his betl.....We are pleased to see our friend J, Bell around town again although he finds it neceseary to use a crutch....Geo. Marshall who had a lonsiege with', typhoid fever, is aroundagain ; he finds it necessareeto use crutcbee but friends are glad to,noLe he is steadily irnproving....Fi'iende are gl td .to see W. N, Manning out again. having been confined to the house with grip for a week or so. R. P. Reekie was con- fined to the house with pleurisy for a few days this week..., FL Phumeteel and Miss Freeman who a. r,e yet at the hospital are reported to be improving ; friends will be glad to learn this.... Mrs+Carline is still: Very poorly.... Mrs Gl. Mair,• nitrate' road, is improving. AT HOOVER'S MARBLE WORKS' —After a rest during.the mouth of February the workmen at Mr Hoover Fl monument works have com ner.ce d again, with prospects of anther very busy season, It re t,nnecessary to say that the work turned out from this old establishment is of the highest order' and that patrons will receive good value and the personal supervision 'of all. works by the proprietor who has had 24 yea►'. experiencein the business, Among scans of the large mounts for this season are the following :—A red granite sarcophagus for Biyfield deme• eery to the. memory of Thos. A. Elliott, also a red granite for the—mane•--ceme- oft echid children trat o ra e b r R. e the l yg Y s e" s ar"desk n to Rouatt ;a large Glare Ar e g the memory, of T.'impson,late of B: ace fieid,in B,ird's cemetery ; a 'red Swede sarcophagus, for Colborne cemetery in memory of •Rev, It .b. Henderson, late alto Manchester and Smith's Hill pastor ebonvsarcophagusSfor Gederieh cemetery at the gr.ive of the ' late Me Rhymer. Mrs John McAllister, liensalt,ordered a very large newearco• phagus.to be erected at 'her husband's grave in R ,dgerville cemetery. Toe above are only a few' of the many orders ho eked for this spring's delivery, NOTES. —The 0 ellegiate'Beard holds report of the opening�' of'the new Wes- its regular monthly meeting fur. Marsh ley church. We :have endeavored to .on next Monday evening....All p -tat render credit where ;life. fiiye a desti rp - offices have received. • ordors ,from.' O: ran of the edifice, and furnish a fair - tame -directing .them to weigh all m•ail•i ind unpartial t sport of the.upening, in carried by 1 he railways. .,Mies K. V•. keeping . wit.h the itnper•tanceof the • Sheppard, daughter of Tinos Sbepperd. ,ccasioe, and We • ti nit •;tbot•.our read - ere, pairticnlai•ly our :Vfethodtet:friends, will appreciate the etfiirts put fcrth. •MILGiN1 RY.—The stores will soon lav r of the 'Emerald Ieie:.. - be anno.incingtheir rnillinery.i.pe .ings b e vers 1•a,d to see thea Mrs Nimense —which will probably be - the ,week who had misfortune to fall and before E rster, . At cherit;r>y 13. os• Mrss hreak some of her ribs recentiy.ie again Randall will have chti'c a of the show able to be .ar,.iund she walked to rare; 'arid. Miss: Hatton, who comes church on Sunday for the -first time to here well of kyooiendedi will suppeetin- a.cou.ple ot'month9....We extend con- tend the work room.- Miss birch'will gratutations -to Mr and Mrs A. A. igaii :be in charge at . s atininbe'si• Schrenk,• of Htriiaton,: formerly of with Mies B. lli:clCeown as assist: int:' Cllnton;their home has heel blessed by The ladies'of l.i,inton and vreint• y ;nay •the • arrival of an heir....The last depend on. seeing something-. equal to monthly horse fair for this, season will thesea mil the mel liners . esl shown in the chess, for he held in Clinton, on next Wednesday, me up-to-date. They March 19 ,h; if• the weather and roads have already commenced preparations ,are. good' there• will •likely be; a large for the openings. .naeniber. offe,rmet s ind others in town,. SALVATION ARMY SENI)•OFIi'.— .Among the stonework' contracts for The Salvation Ae ny local corps barns_ recently had by . W. J. Elliott Wined out in full force last Thursday were bank barns for W. Pickard, • cf. .evening, the occasion being the fare. Holmesville, N. McGregor, of Stanley, well of 'George': West, During the Jtia Nutt, of Tuckersiniieh, R.Blrakeand meeting short add eases 'were given by the hider . mem' ;f re of the corps who of town. has accepted a position .at J. W leveler's' rocery:....Next Monday, the 17th of March, is St -Patrick'e day; the shamrock will be worn .in evidebce testified to his fsithfaluese arid loyalty wi h a!yTho pspl prea ibtit.d hna tt.r t�ttt�tt1 i tItttt ttttQ% !Itttit! ttttll ?, $ !MI .tttMt` ttr ITTI trr ir `tr t i tittltttt dight token of their • ,appreciation of ar.• his services, :Mr West thanked his #w'' ' ' W.Murch. Hullett, andiarprovewente for Alex Elliott,of Gioderich towhship. .:The Huron, Bruce and Middlesex 'railway 1111 was. put thr.�ugh the rail• way committee of the Ontario Legiala- tt}re last week, but not before it had been amended to prevent the tine' run- ning through Middlesex....Inspector Paisley, was. in Bromfield on - Monday, valuating the Dixon hotel property in Tuckersmith for Chas. Wilson, who : has bought it and 'takes charge May 1; the American hotel, in Stanley, which he has conducted for several years, will be run by Dr. Little, Varna....Centel• on Bros, made a. shipment of about 2000 the of butter and 1001 dozen egos to the eastern market this week; eggs are quoted at 12e, bete likely to drop in price; and butter at �l5s to; 10j,, large Scotch granite aarcoptiague has been ordered from J. Seale e. nimble works to be erected in. Constance deme teL:v*to the memory of the late John McMillan; at these works may be seen a five foot figure of Rabat' marble, to be erected in Goderich cemetery in memory of the wife of Jas. Clark and is a beauty, 'being the Orly one of its kind in Huron' county.,..Seeley & Turner, the bicycle dealers, inform' us that wheels will he sold cheap the corning season; they have the highest grade in Columbian t•$55, Clevelands, Recycles, .b',. & D.'s, Stearns,' &c, at 045, and a large number of•'second hand wheels at low prices....Bert H. Walk- er, of Tacoma, Wash•, in renewing his subscription, says "The weather out there is grand; • tbie western coun- try, especially Faget Sound district, is the only place to live, for white your -paper- contained. -accounts, of snow ..so deep and such 'severely cold weather, we have only had one snow storm all veinter.". George Hoare was around with a petition asking the^Mayor to c :11 a public . meeting to make a move towards a great celebration on corona- tion day; it was largely signed by the business men, who seem to favor the scheme....A case of smallpox has broken out at Varsity in Toronto, and r a beenissued for general orders have esi ed o e'n ra t; vaccine' ion of the students; the victim was one of the;table mates of R G. Bell, of town..'..At the shoot on Mon- day, participated in by a number of the u to thefol- 1 the her. ofGun bf h members, �1'iwing scores were made:' .:25Bluerock targets -J. E, Hovey 17, 1t. Graham 19, Dr. liall14, N: Pair 12, I)r.. Agnew 10, J. E. Cantelon 12,• D;. H �lmes-l3, G. Hinchlee 10, E. Fo^ter 11; out of 15, Ratak Dawns 7.....Inspector Paisley infores.0 that the 'teethe commission• era have forbidden the use of nickel -'r the -slot. machines in hotels.....A party of town young people were entertained last Friday evening ; at Mr and Mrs Geo. Middleton's; they report having e a. enjoyable i wentvery a l,y le evenng..,, The offfciale at the county jail say the present winter has been the quiestest for many veare, the order to send able bodied vagrant$ to the Central for•a term' baving: a good '''.effect The assessors. have j rat flniehEd :'their assessment of three wards and.stertrd on the fourth. ward this week. We now have a continual day 'and night telephone service,.' Sundays included. .. Mcs E. M. McLean will be ..at home to Weeds on the 1,t and 2nd Tuesdays of each month... The farmers tell us the roade•ara the worst they have been for years ; in some places almost im- possable owing :to the snow: banks yet existing.. t. We understand that Mrs Porter and family intend to remove to near Brampton at the end of•the month'....F.3/d.& M.Neil's horse ran away the.• 'other day 'but '' no' serious damage was done ...E. • Wlitson, shipp •d a carload of cattle -to Toronto this week; included in . the shipment. was a bul' weighing 2200 lbs, nought from .W: Weymouth, of . Mullett,. . The vote on the• referendum will be taken on Dee. 4th. ofwmemiamilowww viiYYWkilWnYY1NW IA11theNew Maoazl nes are on our news-stand very soon after they • are published, If they are out—they-are here.•' Of course you know the prices, same every- where. We take subscriptions to any periodical • ' published at regular rates. If you aren'tin the habit of looping over our magazine stock once or twice a week or Month just form that habit. You will find you. have n 'missing f goodthings. ee sngalof o t gs. Big Line of Paper Novels, too, • 1•'[t lOc each. The W. D. FAIR 00 Clinton •'`�Oltea �t�hee=Cheapest`'-.1tways t'he`iIleesjtl:"--L-- _� _■- �U YY"1MMMM MMMM U I �FY11Yk�I5Yi►lf"Y 1 iY1i11'1l�' .•• .1,4190 URING HOOSE CLE'4NING ire% We are making extensive preparatione for our big spring trade, and' have lately picked oat several lines of Mens, Womens, Misses, Boys "and Childrens boots— ' To•Sell at Extremely Low Prices es we need the room for Spring goods;. these goods are how .on our bargain counters and it a ill $ay yon to see them. • •• We are nearly claimed oat of winter:goode, brit what we have left, it will pay yon to bey fcr. another winter ' If you are looking for spring goods, we are headquarters for all the latest produotionein styiieh footwear, and will be pleased to have you' call and pee them, The Old R•eiiable,' he Store That Never Disappoints a lor .com'rades warmly fa their kindness, 6°' r,.� chain his renter sreviewed hriefiy:the: - t[►.. � son:� ':" ..� history. of the corps rind compar.el its 'Pee ,•• %' w,^� +'•ria• pl•esent 'standing With , what, it -was °;� � . ��. T _ •' J� .. when he'lirst, t•ecame a'eseciated' with . �•.• ''�• it, and the imptovem'mt which has'' t' o arm at taken place dor ngthe oasts ew r `r �� 0 s. f years, After a suitttb'e selec.ian from the :air,;. - ' ri o '/ ,/�Q '-e band the. Ceotain. eve a short address • "�� on the 'words; taken from P -clan 3T;' ' t o � 'The:sf eps of a good man . are ordered' ` . G v'l4 "� by C.o. L ed, . and .he delight'eth in his Ir.. ...., o _ ways." The meeting veal brought to a .�-- - close by the singing: of "God be with .. = t a �. yap till we meet again.". Mr *lest left 1411 `I. oh Friday for':his new home - y a; , with the � �I�! ,t•; ! • I .good wishes of the soldiers and his " i;aj� ; t •-i many friend; for his future prosperity. i h Established 1 54• II A.13 RESIGNED.—Many will regret. •`j' % . • to learn of the resiaehation of Miss A:• ter ti a:' }• p O. Taylor, of the primary depattneeirt A Revolution -in the Clothing- Trade•••• of the public school. Fur over a year' •"" y' ." ' Miss Taylor has found her work tolling s�r-r. . --- on het' health area hoped to have been • ea... entirely. well after her leaveof absence +Citi•ter; "' r ..`E for rest during last'fa11 but finds it ,, -fir :Suits � necessary "to be released from the work, gnu "( 6 `I c t.2.--$1.4 for (� ..� which she se muob liked and faithfully �•r•r�.•m* :,r✓ .4 1 C� C4/ perforned•to the entire satisfaction of _. - r� ptiacipal;' trustees and parents of the .caw_ -: children. Mr L'n:gt considered this Wei•• • depart menta heavy and very invert- tr'. ant one, and he regrets very much her . r it resignation, as there are few. primal rate. teachers like Miss Taylor. We are very \er•• '11. sorry to lose her from our midst, and li Ther presence in the sCcial circle will he saes-- ''' missed, -for Mise Taper ie :a popul it or -.i young lady. • Willis church Sunday.., v`• School will also feel the waant. of •her services as teacher. She wall go to her �►•+- . home in Blyth, where she will take a to"' rest; we hope she may so0ls • regain her strength. The vacancy thus caused in glee, the primary department will be taken eseee by Mies Kirkby, considered a very eftie tient primary teacher, her duties to epee. commence on the 1st of Mav, • m.• - PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—The P..owe 8. board met on last Friday night, for see- the month of March and a few impor- tant matters were dealt with. The re- •ar. port of inspector Robb, who visited d110"6' the school on Feb llth, 12th and 13th was 'received and found to be most;., gratifying to the board:—"I found the ore rooms clean, welt ventilated and quite comfo: table. The work of the school is quite satisfactory and everything is moving a smoothly and accuratelyas a 1i1w 'well -regulated time -piece," Principal eeee,w"' Lough presented his report for Itebru-' ary : The attendance was 102 boys, 181 eat - girls, total 378, average 301. After Miss Combe'sroom was Closed for three wee', ` ro da s Miss . (700 er was engaged for a tow wee o f , win ire a ars y dram—or o `0004' tsar.• Save you seen the Coronation tie? It is the very. 11,11C13and inability 0f pupils to prepare latest thing in Men's neckwear,'and is having a big run • i work, the arrangement of classes will , r I have to. be revised, As Miss Taylor, of 1n. the 'eities. we opened up some nifty patternsin them t the primary department has handed in last, Saturday in stripes and' other effects s ► her Mei nation the Principai,aitltough ar-K' . f I' not in t e habit of eugges ;itg the ap. rows Price' Mtripointmerrt of any teacher, would, urge Iat,i." ieee the securing of the best primal teacher obtainable, as the work in this depart.- **** .•,. _. went is heavy and • important; there' • 'at' eiw•Iteltn 'y ,trac)PTR like Miss ,�,' ." Taylor, Ile resignation 'was} set cepted, and Mies Kirkby, of Blyth, ' was appointed, at an annual salary of "�'«" 3,100, her duties to commence on the OiHERS:a I_11...11L::. When we make the above 'announcement a good many people will look sideways at--- ni:-t4l the a ;saes- e-1-1 -ew-.reasons for y c n' ecommencedo � h w t our soiling—suits at . �vliolesd�,lo prices. W e� the a f; wholesale m.'ln:ufaeture of clothing over a year ago, we were in .. , a position • to go 'direct to the best mills in this Country, .and buy :, goods •at the same figures paid' by the wholesale o ()uses, the 're4 suit a•s'that we save 30 �er� cent. on all our cloths and trimm•ings and we intend .giving our customers the benefit of this buying. You cant have a regular $16 suit made to your order for You' can have a $14 suit made to your order for $10. We can ' show you a• large variety of "goods: comprising all the latest pat. kyle you 'a - t made '" �•,., �.�:,�..ta ar �liaihe m�i�e�nd�i��' Yl�'�.r�G'Is' in every respect. .No such value has ever been offered in West ern Ontario and the keenest buyers cauuob afford to miss thi '„ opportunity of buying suits at. wholesale tgures.. • - ;, 16.6% .601.....16666.66666666.166.666.66.11101 terns and styles, you can haye it cut and;made in any wish,' you oan give your own directions jiow you; want` up .a»d you can have all the pockets, yo want, -. i��R�:t BIG JACSON EROSi rr�CLOTHING STORE, CLINTON 1st of May« The folio�'iti 'aecounttt hero ordered tn, bg laid-�W« O'oo er Nu.* ' rd IG2 Harland Bros., floe; s'dtphtr ��111