HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 7;•1 BliONOHITIO SUBPSIBINO,D •„C Aofooliebly. If they Improve eveand r so little Hands tt. Feet wben the fine weather concee,they relax ef• 1, fort and drift back to the old oondition S w alien . , t e! • yeti% get rid of it and drive it right out of the eystem. wmter etebe elneest --ehnpoe•-• Bible to do this. Inhale Catarrhezene re. littlarly,it'a a dead sure thing on Dronchitis. It goes into the moat Initiate air cella of the lungs, bathes all parte of the bronchial tubes with its healing, germ -destroying vapor, and cures every time. Highly en. domed by all competent druegists and doc- tors. 25o, and $1.00. A man named linuffman, wanted tor mutelet• in San Fraucieco, and other crimes, is supposed to be work- - ing hes way east over the O. P. H. fie was seen at Calgary x•eceutly. whieh, if possible,beconies more chronic Hit Bronolutis hard in the Bummer and • .` .1' land, Oet. tat.: hese euffered frean backache and kidney trait ble fpr onr or Ilse years. At ..mse could hare v m v hands they were s )-swolan, . and my f. t the same. Goillr pfltadi nine my back so thought I would tit-, .14 ms breath grew• awfulle snort 1 trite, emost eterything with nit relief Week betake tiettti ail arnund and my pses were very but. 'Ile Jelin ran from the email of In y bark to the base of the brain. f could not sleep 'lying on my baelt. ' I went end got a bottle of Dr Pitoher's Backache 'Kidney Tablets. and they have been.% great or t 0 Ole. Titsy ate jut splendid I eat) see totbread needle .and the pain in Abe head is abont gone. AA the old feelitie of °reeking and creaking in the babe of the head is gone,and the beck comforted)! P.* • The old spells that came on any time night pr dey are gone and I teet like living attain, I Pan work • now .with comfin . end -go tipstairs last with no trouble I am on-lv too t•lact t o recent. rnend - them to everyone I auted to lex afraid to turn over at night Red could not sleep, and now I aro not afraid at all and banaleep • - - . Dr. Pitoher'e Backache • Kidney Tablets are the newest.wnd meat effeetive • remedy for balkache, lame or weak baok, Entities. ;disease, diabetes, Seem, emilibless le ler ' the e es, sivelling ittgthe feet and tteales, grave rheumatison: speekei,H eating beleire the ay' wettkneas of • ohild ren. arid • old peo e end all urinary.• Frice ' 60 cente box at all druggists or. •by The Dr Zma Piteher Co. Toronto, Oat, Cheese Factory Notice. On Saturday, March 22, l'13, at 2 o'olook, e. m., at Willson's Hall, Holmesville, the Holmes -- villa C. & B. Co., (Ltd.) will let by publie awe tion, the drawing of the milk on the different - routes, same as last yea,r. W. 13. FOUSTbIR,. Pres, W. S. L sWRENC19, Soo. Holmesville, Mar. 3-3w. • Nen and worn,. to represent no appointingagents $12.09 a Week • 'green t7ortFigi Bona Fidera Salaryz,rtic4nttZ in crease of salary, ideal employment, new bril- liant linee, bestplans, old established house, BRADLEY-GAREBTSON CO., Ltd, 13rantford, Jan 17. G. D. McTaggart BANE ER ALBERT ST., CLINTON' • A. General Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNT/3D Notes iseued. Interest allowed on deposits. J. P. TISDALL BANKEE, CLINTON, ONT, Private funds to loan on mortgage@ best current rater; 1 - Fel1GH11 CO1141411/11--OC, ft Welland woman. whom Dr Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets cured. • • Mrs Joseph Yonne •Dis•ision Street, A General Banking mimes transected Interest allowed on dePosits. '• • Hale notes bought THE MOLSONSBANK Incorporated by Act Parliament UK CAPITAL $2,500,003 .REST,FUND. $2, /50,000 HEAD OFFICE, MCiNTREAL '16 WARS. EXPERIENCE .PA_IPTS TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS - COPYRIGHTS litc. entrenesending a sketeb and description may quieiny aseertaLn our opinion free whetber an invention is probably patentable. Communtea. .tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing.patents. Patents taken through Munn 2 Co. receive special mace, Without °barge, in the . atillifIC Anieritalle. • A handsomely illustrated meekly. .Largest elr- - ciliation *of any scientine Journai. Terms, $3a ear; four months, $1.- Bold by ail newsdealers. IVIONN &Co86113roadway, New York , Branch ofice, 6125 F $t. Washington, D. a • ,.. . WM. MOLSON Mscenzeion, ;Presiden . The Whole Story Jams Eseme, Gen. Manager. , in se. lettere:. ' Notes discounted, Colletitions made, dieing • finned, sterling and Atnerioan exchange binight an& sold. interest allowed on deposits. Savors BANK -Interest allowed on stung of $1 and pp. Money advanced to. farmers on their own notes, with one or more endorsers, No mortgage required. 11.0. .Brewer, .111knager. Clintriv, -')*(kitetcbta Central Meat Market kaving pure1a8c L the butchering business of F. H. Powell I am pre pared to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Fresh and Cnred Meats. Sausage, • bologna • lard, butter and eggs always'kept on hand. It Fitzsimons iSon. Telrl one 76, • Orders delivered- promptly!: to ad Parts of the totem . frame having; bogs for shipment will confes a favor by , leaving word at the rbcp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 •0011416****4111.41100240210145060411* - (PERRY DAVIS'.) ' From Capt. F, Lore, Police S ',... i' 5, Montreal r-,• 'We flmmently us rat.T. ' i 1 Davis' Pain-litrman forlmina in, Me ito,,,- . • ' .ctele, themotatism, stiftess, frost bites, tliP- ! • ' blas, orantre, 'and all at:actions Which • ! heft.] t men itt oti r position. I have no hesi-. 1 tenon ut•saying that' ',Aix-Kit:Lai.. i6 •...'it beat remedy v) have near at pander ! ' 'Used Internally and Ilsteriiatiy.. Two Sizes, 2zo. and 53e.. bottlo. e...sia,.......-,es.1.--=.....,-,a,eaiis.,....ee..e.e.,..4,,=•••••,e, 1. • • THAT TOUCHES The SPOT •• lIcLEOD'S Weak and Inipure Blood, Liver & Kidney Diseas4, Itemaleeoutpla w t, late. Ati Druggiste, or write (1... eat to a. M. MoLEOD, ••acderich;„ Ont FREE •A SILVER WATCH Itatf.ellbinV t. ITOrki L1LJ1tI. Direct inaportere. Workmanshin and Material gnatanteed, JAS. G. SEALE. New Blacksmith Shop. Subserilig*OLiierle.41,,k 4 e u „ • Ing Leslicee Carriage Shop, orange Sti. 11 pre. pared tet do all work to hie line. He has had T itrirPS OR GENT'S. SIZE. „. 5 i.„ hoe Dr.Arnold's Rtiglish Togin Pills . • . ,‘. },.,11p. Its CAUIVIA, we will give to any nerson 1.,:, _i .• ivi IZahllt fur us, and sot only is .'''.'1.-.,-Tii1:-AinoTire TdRift-PIlls, at 2i1o•per boa. .... • !LOOP Silver Witte's, open face or • .. • g 00 1 . 1.111es er Oant's VIVI es desired. i Y ta.fsi.stsnstilittlitg 'llgirigni ilitigYn'tiltii! i 1 11 ems and we %via send sun the % . • ',.‘,:el.V"!,.11.enl,lr,°'.17,1e°41.,V;i'er 1,1,1:147.:a. t ;I.,. ,,o,... greatest otter entitled(' by any 1116d10. 2 iite onricern in the world. Dr. ArstoId's English . • . n Pile Ain ft standard medicine that Cures the . . y •••• ti I. ,lug Ole gonna that Gauge the disease. .f..unonle ef testimonials bare been halted from . el Owes of people who hartibeen cured of Kidney •• ., ble,'IlLieusnatism, Baelyieb ,e ismal Tr u 1 I as.. Any smart person ought to eell 124bo tel'In4t, 1; let' evenings. Remember we don't xtvent .: het movies In Alva:1En. If yeti til I/111. 11,,,tedzi,tof nit tend rear_sinne end Laddres sea w• win eenIr'iiiirtie"-mihrwa-rga solyoosoc--- 1 , . A illi.ilift RIM * A rtNOLD BIBDT_CINII CO., 1.) Dept W. h. Toronto. a good roans years' egperiertes in the bust - twee, and will give personal attention to all work erisitttsted to hits. Special attention given to liorSeshoeing and the caro of lifOrgeW (COL Rolasinir< f all Medal t entree teetotal's leitED 4,,LOIITT Clint° pNoi4t•trettdfai3tot Omani la sueceesfully used Monthly by Ow* 0,000Ladies.Safe,effeetual. Ladle. _your draggist for Cook's Coltee Reel . Take AO other, AS all Mixtures), patella,' lone ere dangerous. Price, No, 1,11 . it, 10 degrees; etronger,ES pet bort Mailed oh receipt of price and two Sean Jt. . The (look Oompitny windwor,OTA 1 and 2 told and recomatendad Re '• • • bio =moor Is thinadik NO I and No 2 are gild la Milton. by: D. Combo WWiti ta 1' 'li Hovey Druggists A Great Artist's Little Tricks. IT. HE great English •artIst, Turner, nowitt. only, took strange liberties • . h the topography and archi- tecture of the landscapes he Painted, but with the materialshe em- ployed. -Same, itentrelltneeterlY . efitert11- he obtatned In ways .which, although amusing, wcro queetionable, einee they were not permaneaS, and must in time . impair the value of his pieturea. , On one ocerieloni be clapped in a set- 4 ting sun by Means of a eornmon red wafer, and finding it looked as he de- sired, left It there and -painted up to It. Again, wishing ..tp secure the con- trast -of sotne •anitna•ted flp•,ure upon a terrace In silhouette against a golden t sky just put in, he telt out a harking dog in black paper and applied It by Way -of experiment. It proved success- ful, and the canine paper doll was not afterward removed nor replaced. ' Still more extraordinary is -the anec- dote, related by Mr. Samuel Palmer, of Turner's invitation to three children, te collaborate with him. The 'artist was etaying at the. house of a friend at Knockholt, and had brought with -him la, .fine drawing of which ehe distance was already Carefully outlined, but the foreground remained blank. One Morning, Instead of resuming work himself upon •thls drawing, he called. ,irt his host's children, and rub- bing in three separate saucers three .eakes of paint, 'red, -blue and yellow, gave one to each; child, telling them .to dabble their fingers in the bright colors, .and then •amuSe themselves by making prints and. marks upon. his unfinished picture, Of cou-rse they accepted the unexpeeted invItatien With _glee, and presently he was gravely looking on While thirty smeary finger-tips did their .ecstatic best to convert -his 'exquisite sketet into a tray rainbow, Suddenly, in the midst of the frolic, .he .eried out,. "Stop:" They stopped, .and he took back the drawing, added Imaginary 'landscape. forms suggested by the! accidental coloring, and rapidlY completed .a. striking • and beautiful whole.' • • • . • - • .. Shortly afterward, at dessert one day, he amused himself by arranging .soaie. varicolored sitgaieplums upon -his plate. When suddenly disturbed and the pat- tern scet•tered,.he cried out in vexation: •"Therei - You have made me hese-fifty gintreasl" • • • - He had been evelYing it color Setteme in candy for his next landscape • TklE cusirrob NEW Oalit t"..V•11 ..‘ • tA,44 ,7?.•-• '4\ Itelfr TROOP OIL t'3,;; LINIMENT Jack r.rost,. Artist. One of the Small Wondt•rs of the win. ter Season is tile abundant and beautiful tracery whit+ Jack Frost has a habit of writing. on the pane, usually unlade lite in the hours of sletiting, when the hrett ----bawloW-and- the, iniustteliete-leet.-steittte thing el the cheery warmth . of day. •Everyeste has stem and admired the !stye- ' ttsiutes ftingue!likv- grewth which is, often the thing which g,rettehim in' his first took at the WOr kJ cf a biting winter morn - nig. perhape wittiout knowtog that its fut _lit Ile multiform esti; k1. Cute variatione, b one vi t he muse incom- prehensible ef pltenteni • In Cosines reeeutly a writer gas e ;some of" the • ,theorite that have been advaneed front ' time to time to explaiit it. The Literary - Digest translates front • the article as follows:- , ° "The least arrangements 91 these tlny.,. . FOR . interlacing iee-cryelale furnish decent- - . tive designs of incoutestable vriginality . speeene,wane, Cute, Town, uktret and of unequalled deliettcy. The oh - aver asks, not without surpritie, how Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff JoInb, Bitei and ,.. . . inethese. marvelleus formations of ice Stiugs of Insects, COO -ghat Colds, Centralia- one tuel the sal% design is often rieor- Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, rilyr Inathennttilellys 7roducea Cough and all Painful Swellings. fere totally only , a few inches away. ; There is in this fact OM a real mystery l that no one canat A LARGE BOTTLE. 25e. explain plauSibly, east- at present. • "In one place appear very distinctly. almost recognizable , plants with long, thick leaves. Palms and ferns abound, forming mimic forests. By their •side stretch out fine fringes bordering the angles of fantastic sheets. • .Furthee away seem to 'rise the serried trunks of ts lofty , grove- in,the mithit 'of carpet. Of verdure. "Then the scene changes compietely. On all sides appear the light feathers and plumes .of birds. . . . "What are the .physical phenomena that control the formation of these tree. like frost picture's, so remarkable and so N'aried? Most of .our scientists' answer these questions by hypotheses, more or less valuable. Atmost all give abundant explanations of• the deposition 'of frost along the branches of trees. •As to the causes that determine the .appearance of such 'delicate and beautiful ornaments of this same frost on the panes of our windows, most einem remain silent. - "They tell us .that the most probable method of frost -formation follOwite .EverY tiay droplet of water, if it is pro - Croup, Sore Throat, if2uinsey, Whooping ceLa n space, wi "001$11,9Rgell• •;• March Uth, 1902 io t LI;(4Ud1ft Contemptible but Trivial, Verbena, the colored cook, asked per- mission to bake a cake for the wedding breakfast of one of her friends. The next clay her mistress said to her: - "Weil, 'Beim, bow did the wedding go off 3'1 "Law, Mrs'. Le" Verbena replied, "it War a mos' pow'ful fine eveddin'. De breckfus war mos' aimetizin', 'specially de cake you done gib me; an' evid all dee guests wearin' der ices' clo's, an' be - haven" rhos' impressive. An' de bride suttainly did look beautiful in her white. eaten gownd, wid de long, White veil 8,n' de orange -blossoms," "And how about the bridegroom, 'Bane?" "Dart" exelaimed Verbena, her eyes flashing, "de law -down, no -count eV - gar newt ecarie •a-nighl"-"Harper's Magazine." . . WE LOOK FOB:YOUR .TBA DE, • • Serving the public with care, attention given ue Canada. We look, for your •trade, and will use every endeavor to make you •tt regular customer. Our eupplies of pure Druge Medicines',ur ke *impregnated or covered with a tienera. Toilet Preparations, Perfumes • thin layer of liquid. water at the freeze unteers of America, tells a story af a os Combs, Spon, Eto.i will interest Brushes, rest yom ingepoint. e • prayer -meeting. held in New York on • "This latten being in continual contact. the East ,Side during the recent may- oralty campaign. 'In the midst a a honest goods and low prices, has duced• by. condensation of vapor below • • a high position amongst the druggists of • the freezing -point), . xs necessarily itt . . • The Language of Her 'Belt. ONE of the oddest of recent. es,ds 111. . the line Of personal adornment,. whiCh seems to have been unani- irfouslY idented by.every ybung woman. with any pretensions to "at.y.le,'' Rays Washington paper, Is . the 'Wearing of the Chinese letter, belt: ;It is quite twti „years slate Mrs, SetonSThompson-now Men. Thompson-Seten-,:eastonishedher adniirers by wearing a ribbon belt fas- tened w:Chinese:. characters ..on • ail - ver. After a. time somebody 'improved' 'ph her idea by ordering, a whele -belt. made of Oilier letters, held -together by ' tiny chains and lined evith colored Yel- vet.. They cost about $50 apiece and at once .became "the rage" in Washirig- ton as, . an inexpensive article -could never tope to do., it erialtes dif- .fererice' *hat the letters signify, since few people, in ' the country. 7oan. read • Chinese, and 'yeti pick up silver char- acters wherever you eat and have them etru,ng together regardless of Context. A young lady of. my acquaintance pos. sesees one which Is ehe ;pride of. her -• heart,. and she Weatts It -on all °cos,. sins. IlecentlY she met an educated - Chinese gentleman, who :observed bee. odd belt With •:Itinilling eyes and 'eXt- eresse&his admiration of the sentiment set forth in its Ietterieg, "It is beau- tiful," he said, "and I Congratalate you on the excellence of your wish&sewhich • think are unusual- In /merle' - "Oh: the'- sentiments," eeptied . the. owner of the glorified latintl.ry bill. ,"Do. tell me what, • (he eharaCters They look All alike te me." • "There are • but two.: wishes ex- pressed," said the ..ChinaMn a, "but as they are repeated several timee over, ' knew.. they must be your true heart feelings, One • Is 'May all • my enemies die by torture," and the other is `May I nave • flety'sOns.' " state -Of csuperfuston? . In this condition when:it meets rough surface it • is de - e -'41 The Purest, Handiest Soap in all the World. File o nen of Canada Are Becoming •Prolicient in the A correspondent of the "Canadian Gazette" •.(London) relates :the fellow- ing story to •Illustrate the almOrmal de- velopment of the late IA Hang Chang's Work ol Mat and bump. of .curiosity. "One day Was. Unwise enough to tell him that it was e possible:AO . tap, the- telegraph -wires.. at _. any point along the line. ; This got me In -to a .nice mess, for LI Insisted on stuppin„,s• the train in elle heai•t of the Rocky Mounteins, and ..although Le Pune T.re pointed out to him that the • • tapping might Interrupt. the transcon • • tinental. r e th.• on-et:Lt.:1 Pa- • eine 'Railway Company, he was deter- • mined -to -see Mr. joseph Raker (an ex- pert telegrapher who accompanied us> tap: the wires.. The, obliging Bi! -'r, to. my sum:Ise, • willingly consented, and entertained His Excellency with an • agile 'pole -climbing feat and; a specta-• .• cuter .manipulation of •the - wire. Joe came down thenole with a most plaus- ible story of whet the operators at the' end .of the line had said to thin), but • he • afterwards cOnfided to • me .that he .had 'only fooled Vie. Lt, howevee, was . delighted, and talked , elre-tap- ping until .he 'heard ebeut•a tYpetivriter. we'. had ,on beard. • • •Theii • Mr. Baker. was kept .busy for half a daYs.explaine • higeto His Excellency cmfi•the eaually • interested members. of his Suite. the. .tricacies of the writing. raaclass, • . . • • •• • • Rug Making . The eity'and town fairs and exhibitions held last autumn in Hie various proyinces of the Dominion have fully demonstrated the faot that the women of Canada are rapidly becoming proficient in the art of making mats and rugs. In the sections of Canada's fairs devoted to.womin's work, .the display of mats and rugs made from toe Diimond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns Wed mat vaned end attrac- tive , Dad claimed the atttntion of tees of thousand-. The prize winnen(who used the Diernond Dees to Wit I (ilt.. &QS and other, materials ftornIn et tl 110 legs were mot) all agreed that the Dixin •nd Dye . Kat and Rag .Pstterns were* the eat •ann easiest to Rork up. If you would like to make up a•choice rug or mat, send y our addrese to Wells & Richardson Ce„Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P.Q.„ and you receive fall brange of new designs. • , • . posited thereon assa microscopic crystal • PAIMI'P °EMERY COMPOUND. with air that is colder then itself, Mast • • We are fulliplepared to fill your orders finally freeze As, the motion of the 'air prayer, , he relateR, one pious brother said: "h pray Thee • that brings up newmasses, the thickness of -he Lord, Are for • thislopular dieeene-banishing. med. tha froat increases. the Democratic ilartY May I °Ds . • g mines. • nowinglis powers and virtnee, .!- vt:her physicists,.t la i -other in, the comirig eIN lion." '"Amen, . somewhatiifferent explanation. Ace . we arc.told, o , g ire a e we strongly recommend it as a bloodanswer prayer, Lord," put in a Repu,b• ' purifie,r nerve bracer and fleah builder.. lican who was near. "But I do not eerdin to them, when the Vapor of wat- gi d iwithout Paine's Celery Compound is, no new re- mean it as the Republican brother medy it ' has been tested and successfully et in the air s deposited as ce, =sane it, Lord. I pray that we may assing through* the liquid state at alt, used in all parts of Canada by :Una of Pbang together in Coricord and accord," it conetitutes frost. That the Vapor thousands, and hen never failed. t continued the Detriocrat. "Amen, Lori." does not. really. pass through the liquid i II d n • IN THIS LOCALITY. • Th'e medicine dealers in this place say thee' i here is do Pi eparatfon on the market to -day stet has enything like smile an enor- Mouesitie as Dr Chaae's Kidney Liver rnis. IWould this. extraordinary demand for Dr. °helmet Kidney -Liver. Pills continue and I gradually inotease if.people were nor being ' benefitted and cured by their use?. • Cer- tainly not. Oue pill a dote, 25 cents e box. . 1 . ..R. REEICIE, Druggist, Clinton On; Former President Seott a the Cin- • 'etnnati Southern Railroad was greatly, again. said the Repuh leen; any cor state is abundantly shoWn by :the 'fact .so long as they hang." . •- that frost has not the strueture of fro,. • • . • • • en dewle presents, 'on the centre ry, AS. EXPERIENCE DIITJGGIS1b, a layer, of spcmf•y, opaque ice in while E (IVA NTEE CURACY . A certain congressman. who had . • struotecl; his butler to say to all . sirable. callerz. that he was in the bath • . arid could mot be seen, was recerttly 'visited. by a constituent With 8,..griev- . ance, to • exploit, He Called every day • at; the house, but •no matter at what, , hour lie' presented himself he was • in- variably infOrmed • that the Congress- . man was .bathing. SI must see:film!" he. finelly said ots.,...•aty to the servant; "rny. business is • r :1st Important; wait until hels thiteigh with. his •bath." ••• "Da's no utie,": yr -plied the negr9 but- -lee; "gen'len..,n done wa ited, foe; home . de .ucider day; tie wa'n't tlinnigh Wheretwon the disappointed •conatitu.- - ent . Is said to haVe written thls• linen hie card: 'You May suet:eel, .if you' persevere, .in• getting your. hedyeclean one .of these. -days; but lf you should ; spend the rest • of year life in ..a loathe . tab it wotild not purit,y your .conscience or your politiCal .4 , • he ftrst annoyed,wheno o eanideteet t pnematie eeestele .1y- AND PERFECT:•SATISFA.OTION read, .by the claims for•torses and eat-. in, eit e sir 0.• . tete. at e • • Inthis nix 'm rr,S, bus..e and bus) tie killed :by . trains ow . their way seitntitle men ah explain the feat threugh Kentucky. It .seemed • a fri . ruiatier.e e,n filo -brunette's tff s...:41(.11 ( 1.1 1 ire or 2, red St If th011. h wer •not seibl f a train *by tim-eongelation of a • thiek Mist •11.; r • ip the is 1,L; 1. r 0. tor eiei tens 18 f 11, bly y necessety ior i he eafety ponies us. tended .With bode.•of leene ' . end welfare -St your fatuity.; We ever.: temperature. than tlie freezitteereint 1;1' bY• eolidifleation of It fiigs'in.S•11i..!''.t antee accuracy Slid Verfeet •ssitefdetton dotermin.(4. by. emeeeet all Lae etniOaltra. 01.1P I id ,jet • &epee - lei run north or sat.th. throtigh kentae- ..ky without • killing • either a -horse- or • ,cow. And • every•• animal .killed,- hoW-, ever acrawnY, •serubby or, miserable it . may have been before ..the accident, al.! ways figured .in •the"clalnis •subserfuent- • ly presented as -of the. best bleed in , ;Kentucky. :'wen," said Scott. one day, after examining a cialtn, ."I don't know- . antehing that imprnves stock- lb Ken- ' tueky likeecroseitig•lt. -with a weenie-- tive."., •• • • • . • • A SOentist's.jO*c. • A. moNg the .ericinent scientist's `at- -. tending the rceent cortitention or, „ the. Ames/lean Naturalists..Asso- clatien at the University of. Chlettgo • little disposition was 'shown -to enliven . the reading 'and. discussion o•f papers .. on profound topics, henee the -gathering had little attractitm for persons hot ea- • miller with the sciences. • • I e.-:.•4‘..,••••.'7:* ••.• • • cly.. -.The French Writer -soya Went is alwale • r. elate tise lasers. . • "NS a mil leave 'the reader to: lel: •Lrei aratief.s and rieveltiek, • eledee of these opiniOns. So 'far. AA ' OPI.NRY 0:impolite); ' See: ,P of frost.'• on our k • 77: s cured MAUI. , St )3en ever) tbtrig else ; (s..neerned, innst stirpose-gthat the „1, ti .„ . tae,..e• 'lugil It l' 1: i t •• vat jet y , Of design, Presented .1.".. seta Ltopte .1 e ppy resuite. Ir has neve esee. Tliie substance-. 'is, in feet. a x.,17: It s't ;A.., h C int: ei st 8, ' 'IV ' I - 1 r ,‘ , rystrtis is due to the net nre of I Ile felled to Also sicik . people happl, reeults. - 118w 1!..11 , ‚211(111 a INsVio If leiS•is.P.gnilleilerrt 11(',i(i)111.!t111e.st it; 7!!.., n:::. As Viol for the nerves -it reakee eick 'tone to the nistemernakes the blood ,Par.e to the pityeihtl action nf Orest:illizel ion ' people well N,I"re eau' so i I - ' h I lit et, valises 4111, 82211: t:' .11.. when. vaiva . the• ;pure eat genuine Paiee's Ileteey le Pon(,enled. on the - Stirfare. to briae ., Cornpoutid. . . e • . • . i the earn, ti on, t desbnia, . B CO, AIBD; Druggist, -Clintits.Ont • • . : •-; • : • • •• I•e• w "Hell are ast varied as t.liev are. remark-. Ea.d Liver OP • • nide." ' • •• • ' : . . Net alek taw eptado-111.. :fr.) go -GivEsnej Aft Ai,,,Enrer-se- ,---Zutiging-fraineeate Opinion_ _expressed__ In • the recess following asmorning • sessiofl. one or the learned .bu'uteriolo- gists 'indulged in little light tails with 'others .of his:Oa:M. They -Were inspect, • Ing eiti exhibit Of . inetrunidete. • The' pecifeesele' growing re:millirem] 1, triltViif a. practical joke.be had pet yea on an •esteemed •rneinher .of- the modleal, pro.,•2 fession. !The latter did not believe lit the germ theary and refused. to pursue any study in that xlirertion, holding that -It was all bosh. • • The •neore the bac- teriologist.-Ineasted the -Inore doubtin • .. came. • . "Deis: Is no aueh.dIng as germs fri'tu- beretilite:s..:1. 1' .v11.1., not it;" 'de- • °tared •the physician, •a -native •of the Fatherland. • . , • • '!Ys, bet have bacilli which ,can ' shent you. ainder the thicroseope and prove. irlY asseition,"'.replied • the pro.... teaser. ; • . • "Und Id has head. mid titil?” queried the doctor. • •- "CortainlY. • Petrie to rey litheratiiry -and I'll she* 31 10 you," 'eaklethe bac. teriologist. The doetor Vll•Ited the laboratory and the scientist shelved hint the speelmen under the micro:wane. A peculiar look-, mg, wiggling object with the head of a • monster and featiferS stiekletg. forth like the warpath. headgear of, a -Savage • Indian 1\118 'proser rk,d. "Mein grandees: rod dot ding Is alive?;' cried the doctor. "No yonder .the germs VI111 ravage a -man's lunge. I . shall get me it ieentle01)0. at' vonee." • The doctor was converted to the germ • theory, but the whilted bacteriologist , t ailed to reveal to hint that the •baeillus 'Shown in the Microscope' Was a com- -.men .stea-obta need- trout eithe the Scientist's pet 'house .deg. • • TONS eeUR tistiv231 • . Fe,Fently in The. Lendon Spectator, Ttle; havo • reAKE.YoU ST7:0K0 • leePs sebriquet of the' "Sick . man, a soAcmile1arerealaite7thaftPetintihseeksPidneeelyasilaYndwiblvaadtdeedter., easeswhi°h been impiciparly treated, - MAKE YOU idELL-1 EYS AND BLADDER. • • Have.you pain in the back a- dull feeling in thb region of the kidneys?' At times your . • • . • s . ••Th. n 8. tee -ether times you do not Make it.quite o freely it is dark in color, you me e "r' enreesEr-r- 1 td17alle do l°d• SuPt.of C6, A , 11. a' vujit).„ A .1 „,,n,,,,• r.°11, prescrilinsilr: -• ^-nblidiel 1 wrIvitit,;:it larilict::"iWryth, till tO DM his W.,,,e,"ratantly 670c von, 0 aaeraTvplitiretat.11,.;,,, r„:d74: .1 • Deters. eb"11.!giltE1N.000it ect.oilt.it:turein.t vis.erixemeti. . . A j.... eigi ......m................, • • bele maintained .1 nder talse re - water comes freety, a large quantity, ht color; with no peculiar sense, ons, w e• a .• writer, ! "wind stirl place • In :the field _ tits", or you may have a raucous depolit or dust colored sediment in ..our urine; give F diers .in thi• &fend his coasts 97 •err condition immediate attentton or mor serious complications will -set in. My Lateel ethod Treatment guaranteed as a positive cure fonsuck conditions, and remember you L" an tinny of 000,000 of the bray( st sot - You neary nOtbiter until you are convinced that a thoroUgh and :complete.oure has ti hil t k small clean- • 'anti ports with torpedo boats, ana evgn •• in defeat iniliet terriblts. • blows it on his" -b Is ,;t4 so,o0o 00 reward - PAY. WHEN CURED. • . AileCdett-8.1. • • conqueror. It is true Abet, the advent pinto tastrw the original': • • • . een estab a e . Re what one of my grateful pat ents w tee: . Duta01,15BE2R2YeSur Latest Method Treatment acted the way you said • cif a strong Sulten is. most ittiprobahre it • • I stoog • SA7m.Y.T4UltST WIS. Feb. 6. •-•-•el. the rive of Othinau eeppearing. at Iasi-- -would; my atrictu'res are cured, and the varicocele entirely, disappeared. 1fee 10 taking • out a tee-teouSage-dollar .• to e's-:• WOrn out; hitt a Stiltaluweak as stronger thanesten my. bladder and kidneys do not troubleme any, cen . policy with .a MilWatileee Insist:arm& . " et et gaffet eil_uny front 'lever, \lei& weeer be • • '• , your Latest Method Treatment. it has cured after others have fano/tit I had all day, do a, bard day's work without my ittdneys troebting me as before I too ft he had • • . strong ;Mayor 'of.:the Palace 01 (i Squite• probahle, and company -William Bryan ima to state ..eocionnulted you,soonex:, I would It *teed te great deal Of money richt waste teale„, It( (teen more dittig(c:Iir•okiTind; on other doctors. lain your grateful pagent L.IND S A Y 10 "TheY say," began 'Niles ...Twitters, "that there In a fool in every fanillY. Do you believe it, •Mr. Saunders?" er-X hardly knew," stammerer% Sattriders. "You see, am the only Inotriber of mit family." Owing to the refund o2 the Ounara Steamship Company to Alen the pass. Engel' rate agreement, a war hi Atlan- tic rates is One of the possibilit'es of I. thli spring. acute a Cfold ene Day ! Take taxatiVe Brom Quinine „*Tableto All draggisto 'refund the money if it failo to cure. W, Grove's signature is on each box, 26c ;and w.hat lie is said to - 1 • • .1. • d t I le. A ruler. of .Turke TUC WEST METHOD TREATMENT VJOE§ have written: . "Yee,. hid two severe • -who. threw all eaution ite the winds, attacks of Presidential foyer; followed. I Troubles,. • Varicoce e and" tecture, witheet cutting, Stretching, or toes of time; aiso Privette,e2 • Nervous, 1nepotencv. 'Teidnety LI.ver,.Edalder, Stomach, Female and Recta _ t. Perfece ;toned every (1,41l, 11, to lets stand. by severe. cdtille __bat r have -fully re- .. covert, 1 froni bath." . • • • .• At a Party in Dublin Castle .011e of , . • 'the young elde-de-eamps tried to pies+ a joke on Arehhishon. Whately. AP.• prottehin , y011t31 8111,1: "Does 'Your Grave knew ,wha t the differenen•between. an ass arid a•reh- . . p'"•• o,. :IS the grave :art - ewer. POli," Says -the youth, "110. 1ti hits a .erosts on 'his back, while an -art-h- id-shun has reams on lilt; breast." .• "Very good," e•.. 111: -archbishop; "now will you tell inb Nv r Is Ili.. di Irtiren ve htftweeri •tt yourig--ollieer ince .yourself and an .itatt?" .."/ knoW " rehlied the- youth. - ."1101kher do 1," said the erchblehop, end 'tvatieeti, . . • es-s- , •INERVZ PILLS SUM? aid !dripped al payinents except for- aystem, of home' trene ment foe thbse who 'cannot' call. ROOK FREI). MedicinesiLmv.ers. • OONSIILTA ION Piren. 1 'you cannot ca 1, write for biank for home treatmen or Clew - . Menitions of war, • and • fought as . the dime patients shir.Eed from Whids,ore•AII• duty and transportation -A barges prepa Maleli fought at Ottelm.man, would, to thing contidentla No names on envelepes or packages -Nothing sent O. O. D..- 208 WOO DWA MO -AVE,' • 'begin with, shatter' all I.:m.011nm al. •trot. witoox street,: • DETROIT01113111. DR. GOLD:3ER% 'names, unglit hold itt. elm. ; ler • three . years any single 1•Iprept an power, .and - mield le)tile leen, defeated eatise Ite cto fare einee tli, spit hie threatened • i . • I It wilt do your eyes goodir you come i.i and see our. un- usually large Itock of Rug VaJoro and Tapestry Col:lobes. .• 1 .1ijvery one of them is a emnbination of 'beauty satisfaction :and solid comfort.. Prices froin .$5 to $15. . „1„., us.• ham ma, had ouches 4.71 °Itches I yli.min.. .T11, -i(•k mon 1t'qutali nothing, .and the western worli th sir. s -his 'llie catastrophe mit y tie( Poute ,hist S'et, forthe strange bchie who flow th'e throne of Tiirlst•y, and -.anti win 11(11 1(1' yield nor 1,1:0ft. 7.P311174 111.01110}111dP Nit if cannoe be auff (ivpvy ;1316w. rook f If,. ono M. 1)ehmase 111114 jeat ed brines its nearer to its occurrence:: if 13- t' 'r,o' a Irinels 11•1 y • euidanee, the Turk 30111 die hilititt littra." . "1 time,. won a ease with one of James WhiteOthh.liiley's poente," says t'ongress• . • man Briek Indiana, Who fa a lawyer, . • ' "and si 1 stand for him. wits defending 110Md. Malta Vita n. netti Owned with stealing silk, mid le d had for him thet I' decided 011 1111 appeal to the jm•y, • I did UM best • 1 could to win Wit h• the evidence; but I banked 2)20131 (20 the feet that the • defendant was it young Men With a wife and child, and that it ivoelij.go hard. for all of them to, have him go to the peni• argument led up to the peirit where 1 lotted with Riley's little poem, ihiek 0 -FOR WEAK PEOPLE. Plum a Two Years' Sentence,' When I Inisheil, the jury was in tears, and evett he Judge and the Attorney for the pri- , oaten were affected. The jury took I Plat one ballot,and returned a verdict as.Ans• ot tie Hear . ft zgineasi 0 dot au:RIP-New York Tribune, 1 AND THOSE TROUEILZD WITH s eloltatIon Throbbing or irregular, • t ha Irma ot reath, read altar_ . a t rolls II* 'Mks digtvtat 'i4zsti.td1 Vmst4,4 towty names. Xter tut Strittbariis( Fisting4 Pain Eike lirtirv o Aulf tneers.es. fAf onotitts 01 chanan. Lady lessees little lo Lady Ithpetr, Lady Lily llieS and /MAY Violet Beau. oniomOor urn • ett fintl Whitt Paraly:rs trenenelaeS2 ere are Lady Rosemary Cairns, sa o A AatIte, alto. iris Caoall, Lady Angela gtri Porlies's child Pt b rt it called Marigold and) Lady Algernon Combines the ire!! known 'food values of wheat' and the medicinal - virtues 01 malt. Ufa 4 Perfect .N•ood, Natures own tome. 11 kreyenta sioknens by keeping the system m 0; healthy eendition, Xt restores health by regulating and toningeip Weak systems. It glees sure relief te Icertone sofferieg from poor digestion, !made •Ir., oiespepst. and Other disorders arising front thr Ise of poorly. cooked foodo A trial will eonvinee the most akeptite al of the superior merits of thin food. For gale at . KIM eztoeuttv Norvo Vile cure tha word Cartes Lennot's (laughter has On Milne Of W,....,„„eeeee, 1 the uncommon name at ..• . el, f, Ritter Ot et remedies fall• ivy. One of the 11111sa Finehee Owns IAltirtivar isnla ours Gonatipsilotio • • Ont 0101)401i -I ritlinh I 4 aw Logs wanted Top Pficeg • • • (lash on Delivery, a . Blyth Handle Factory ler all kinds oil mel'c hantable lops, 200M ft Roller Maple, 18 inch 0.fla•to in ditimater. 100hMichttin diameter up, for CanchOok iaand. • any Rive from 12 2001Me, ft Rook elm, env size, foe handleal 100 M ft Soft Elm, Biteswood end White • Cedar Shingles and Lath for sale. . Shingdea and Lath hi exchange fot 1048. (lumen Sewing attended to at alt times. J 0 ft ' a, ttivingstone •, er f) - ant -