HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 6March 14th, 190
Nen ous Troubles.
Alakes Life a Searre oi Con-
stant ititAierY,
At a Portuguese 13ull-Fight,
T was to be a verY Iere'at event.*
twelve bulls were to snake their
entry, and :some famous Spanish
.bull -fighters were to prove their
..r• prowess, and the King wee to bt
The Sufff rer is ronatantly Tired and Dee
there, and Portugal's handsome Queen.
tend, Wel titertie at tbe Siltihtekv Out :along the white; duty' roads, on
Von e, and is Emily Irritated, past the oetsleirts of the town where
r olives and f1 -trees peeped over the
Then is no corm, e more acme and stone walla, and eccasional palms
reered their tali stems-eall-hurry, rush
and bustle, until at last the wee dusty
plain was reached, and before us, like
a modern Coliseum, rose the great,
Massive arena of the Bu'll Bing,
How like the Coliseum, though, in
weak architectire, was .the 'building;
and all the mass of sightseers pressing
on to their different corridors -the poor
to ehe sunny sidelthe richer to that in
intolerae h in utrvotemeee. A nervova
person is it, a atet. of constant irritation
by day mei sleep roe ess bv .right. The
Guff • •• r • • to at Peer v noise; le oppressed,
by pceli,lit eo hi av.ful is going
tot. n • : if eltalt, der •erseo, nd,• al -
that, 1, a U cons/tete: vehanstrd stele, is
nn eit or lie still.
..re nevous or warned, or gaffer
fron • •• •mbinet on of lengour and non -
sten' t ..tion, you need a nerve foo.i
and le rte tonic, and Dr WIllianoe plee
Pills are absolutely the hett thing in the
weed for ) ou. Yen wel find filter tektite
them thet your feeliag of. distress and
worry are being rapidly replaced by
streneth confidence and a fekling thet
yon ere ou the road to POI mid • complete
he di and strength. Get rid of your
net nu-nesa in the only possible way -4
bul • np strong, steady net yes.
Niro Ina Doneet, Bichnrst, N. •13., sale ;
"Sk is fell me to ad, quately express
wh , I nwe to Dr Willinms' Piek Pills,
I w • attaoked by la grippe, and after
effects of which took the form of nervous
fixbaustIon. The least .note would stertie
me era I would tremble for some time.
I ogee iteveral raedicinee, but they. did not
Inside were the great arcades under
the arches, and the witle nights of stepe
to :the various tiers of seats er alms of
boxes. •
De we went to where our ticket told
me was the fauteuil allotted to us
(No. 106, first "ilia"), a good position
we saw as we entereel the tier, and at
a "coup d'oell" the whole vast arena
was 'before us. Berleath was the ,level
ring where Toro would appear; ontiur
left the King's box, a ivtauresque cano-
py in blue and gold, and draped in rid
and gold velvet. On our right and left,
on •this shady side of the arena, the
boXes are hung with bright draperies
of blue, gray, and yellow, setting oft
the gay dresses of th'e ladies fanning
he:** me, and OR time went on I was themselves in tbe boxes with tiny .little
• growing worse and wage() nervous •that 1 • Portuguese fans. ,
was fraid to remain alone in a room. I At last a roar goes up from some 15, -
slept badly lit night and woald fiequently 000 .throats-tbe arena will-hol(I 20,000,• •
awake with a start that would compel me but it is not packed -and then exactly
to stream. The trouble told 012 me to Apposite us enter all.the•toreadors-that
such an extent that my friends feared. for 'scan who take part In nen fight. Cee
my r. oovery. At this time my aunt vallieros or picadors, as the SpanIsh •
urged me to try Dr Williamp' Pink Pills. call them), bandarilheiros, fureados,
and after using eight boxes 1 was corn and the assistants dressed in rich Geer-
pletely teetered to health. feel that Dr glen costume -'In red 'and blue satin
Willions' Pink Pills.Eaced 'my life and 1 and Velvet, with plumed. tiet hats.
sinoerely hope my exoerienpe sill benfit Two cavaliers mounted •upon two
some other sufferer." Magnificent steeds, very unlike . the
Theo: pills never Nil to /suer) health . wretched animals ridden frith the ring
and strength in oases like the above. They to be slaughtered at .a Spanish bull -
make new, rieb blood with every dose, fight; a dozen bendarilheiros and a
strengthen the nerves and thusdrive dip. dozen furcados and the assistants, all
ease f om the system Dr Wil tt22 4' pink in their gay costumes, Make a brilliant
Pille are a .aertain oure for rheumatism • shoe: on the ernoothearena. The crash
sciatica, earths] paralyais, St Vitus dance, of 'music, the roar of the populace,; and
indigestion, kidney and liver freebies, • the brilliant' spectacle *send the Porta -
and the ailments that make the lilies of so guese blood to fever heat; and wickly,
many women a seem of constant misery. after salutations •to the. King or Presi-
Bright eyes rosy cheeks and an ettetia dent, -all the toreador d retire and one
step is certain to follow a fair use of this . hoksernan . enters .alone. A •signai. is
medicine. Be sure that the full nerne gives, the doors are thrown- open, and
t*Dr•WilliamsPink Pills for Pale People" in :rushes a fine black buil. Like an
on et ery box you buy. Ail others are 'arrow heemakes foi' the horseman*, who
imitationo,, yon ao not nod -theee pilot leaps aside; but Toro is after him, and
at Your dealers, they will be eent post chases hint round the ring. With a
paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 deft movement. Just as the bull's hortni
Raw, Flaming Eczema,
Sale Rheum and Scald Head
The Dreadful Itching and Burning
Is Promptly Relieved mad be
Iiisenee Thorouubly Cured by Vr.
Chase's Ointment.
Mrs. A. McKnight, Ktrkwall,Welling-
ton County, Ont., writes --"I feel it my
duty to let pan knew what Dr. Chase'S
Ointment lose done in a very bed case
of eczema on our baby. We had tried -
any number of cures without any per-
manent relief, but from the hour we
commenced using Dr. Chase's Ointment
there was great relief, and the improve-
ment continued, until there was com-
plete cure. We think it the greatest of
family Ointments."
Mrs. R. i'todidard, Delhi, Ont., writes;
"I was troubled with psoriasis or
chronic eczema for twelve years; used
many remedies during that time, but
got no 'relief. Doctored with four or
five doctors, but found no cure, / de-
cided .to try a box of Dr. Chase's Otnte,
ment, and before Using half of the box
found great relief. •T have used about
three boxes, and am now completely
cured, and have recommended it to
many others. It Is the best / have ever
used, and it is worth its weight in
gold." •
There is nothing to be compared with
Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for the
most obstinate and torturing skin dis-
ease. Its cures are often truly Mar,
venous. 60c a box, at all dealers, or
Edmanson, Bates et CQ„ Toronto. ••
Brue• etleld. .
Intended for last week.
NopEs.-Mre W. Mien, lane and
daughter, Manitoba,retur ned 1 one this
ueek. Mrs Morton, Moosemin •nd M
Marsh, I, wife and family retu n,dthei e
this week. Mee J.-Aikenhead is Vielting
in Detroit. Mrs Robinson,Hgniondy'lle,
visited ftt kir Campbell's this week.
Landes -bore
' 1407E8. Riley was in. Loam)
last week. Rose Riley is taking a
course in' Forest City business eollege.
Tnesday Miss •Ly di e, daughter :of
James Shobbrook, eon. 12, was inerried
to WM. O. Small tcombe, of Cs yetal
City, Man. Wm. and John Lee ie.'.
turned borne Wednesday from Owen
Sound. •Mr Webb •shipped another
citr of ourthis week., 3. Warnonth,
T. Roberton and J. Riley hays returned
frorn Waterloo Co., where they were
Making eneare timber doring winter.
A Marvellous.
Spina- Health' Giver and
by addressing the Dr Williamo' Medne nearly reach tile horse's fiailks, t . •
Co., Brookville, One ' . cavalier swerves and plants a dart in ' •• • •
the•hull'nshoulders; .the matadors rush A ges Celery • .Compound
Hoeg & Lytle's elevator at Me in a in, and distract the bull's fitteriitidil
ith their red cloaks. The bull no ritiues the BloOd Nothirg
8 b d I o• w nw
. Else Can po.
queer y of grain. • The ioss is $10 cif 0 longer cares for horse or men; lthe red
or S12,000. rag is his enemy, and be goes for it,
, ••
and tosses and paws It and traMples on
Imitationeabocnd,but insist r pen getting it until it is•snatched' from him, and a
cares. Its imitations are impoteat. The D ...--__ ,
It Nous Brain' 'and a, small way at Spiker's Station,,,four
the genuine "The D & L'' Niettehol Plaster. bandarillheiro stands before him, ' ' .1 •
The Tiet L has stood the test ot years. It watches .him o and leaps •aside when . miles from Wabash.- He lives alone,.
Toro tele " '
s (to toss him • •, • Braces Weak Nerves • and his expenses for food and clothing
are alineet nothing. His guardian pays
•--,• $3.50 a week for kis foode and Wensler
takes .$25 a, month for other expenses.
Peine'Celery Cpropound; purifies the
A. Strange P0114011. Case.
. -......4
STARTING $1.1.87 in deist -trliirt3
years ago, and Oepending for 0
• , livellhOod wholly •on a pensio0
of $50 a mOntli freak the govern,
Ment, the estate of Henry Wens.
ler of Spiker, Wabash County, Ind.
new amounts to more than 885,000, req.
Is growing ata rapid rate. What It
still: mere -curious,- the- gavernmente
having paid Wensier this pension for 0
generation, will, at his death, rece V
back the $50 a month, and PAO in ed°
dition. Such a state of affairs has
never before come within the leen oi
the burette. °Motels, as reported be
Special Agent Stephens. The story oi
Wensler and his accumulated wealth
Is an interesting one, siva is thus re-
lated by the Wabash correspondent of
the Indianapolis "Newel"
"During the war he enlisted from
'Wabash County. In the Eighty -Ninth
'Indiana Infantry*. I'Vkile on the March
in the Smith he suffered front prostra-
tion by the heat, Which missed mental
derangement, and though he has not at
any time been violent, he has been, to
. an extent, incapable of managing his
affairs. For twelve years after him
• affliction WensIer was confined in the
hospital for ,the insane atelndlanapolls,
and was discharged an being harmless
and rewiring no attention. Applica-
tion was made for a pension on account •
of his. mental condition, and the case
was pending some time. In 1867 his
wife was divorced, and • he •was left
comparatively friendless,
"At that time his condition was such
that Jonathan Talmage, a local bank-
er, west appointed guardian, and Mr.
. Talmage's repeort to the circuit oourt
in September, 1870, showed that Wens -
ler had overdrawn his account with
his guardian $11,87. In the next report
Ur. 'rahnage showed that Ana pensioe
of $50 a, month, with a co,nsiderable
• amount as arrearages, had been paid,
• and as Wensier had been supported by
the State while at the hospital, the ar-
rearages amounted • to a tidy sum. •
"In this way the foundation of the
Present fortune was -laid. Four years
ago Mr. Talmage died, and Thomas V.
Payne, a Wealthy land -owner Of Wae
bash,. was appointed guardian. The
Pension bureau required, about •that
time, that all reports of guardians of
• wards rece.iving pensions should be
nude to Washington. In bis report of
May 1, 1900, Mr. Payne set forth that
the amount' of funds b'elonging t6
• Wensler in his hands Was $23,430, and
• that.the total cost of administering the
guardianship was $1,214. With a few
•exceptions, the funds were .loaned on
gilt-edged Security, 'at .ten per cent. in-
• terest, and later . at eight per cent.
Some of the later. loa,ns have been made
at. six per .cent, This interest was
compounded, and the. total Mounted
. g . ' ... W 1 ac-
tive, and • Contributed. to his own Sus-
. tenence. •For years he plied his voca-
tion as .a.,-hucirster, and •drove. ahout.
the 'county with his little wagon, on
01110 OR Ol‘Nre Inn*
AN_ rroar,ffir ADVXIMBEVIIStif.‘ Any one rake mud y eara one of ese Isliasd;oonie. *Wig
1110ael. kiirlfh grade Bicycles. • andsolue lield•plated watch, Chain glad Chorea. Itaiss
or GentA yle, and $ pleue of tine tilkTer-Isloteu Were. We are giving 411val 0114.11140flal Of trouts
to advertise our house and g..11.!every helmet person who ardie only VO puck/rages et our, Swot
Fee, `Bemis (these are the weeds own as the Jacob asters instil celebrated Mr their qukk growing, beautiful aolesint. _oat gag
Flowering qualities) will receive our generous offer of 'thia elegant high grade Bicycle wilt'''. a bandieme gkildmlisted Irak* ,
Chain and %mt. II double Bliruplated Tea Spoons, 1 BilreeplAted Butter knife and- Boger Reit which weer., mbsotategy free for itelffag
tbe 10 package, a seeds for us. We don't ask a gent, and meal* Just 'what we say. Send 70.0name an4 addremi plainly swig*
, - Motu% wernwl:tseen.nddyfuolui :pie gr:Snitoargdepeekages of suds. Bell them at 10e. %package They are easy tiiiiell, When sold *end as MS Moser *ZOO, and We gtl
Urn' comply WWI the offer, we send to every ens taking advantage aces Aavertisement this high :Bade Bicycle and present* will hegiren aissolukly free.
We wiaa to say right here that these Bicyclee are not Toy Whale, ista. 22 Ind 24 Inch wheels, LA Woe. Wadi aed llama* colors, with all the
Thie is can honest offer, mode by in eetablilebed '1;0113e, VS tarot*. Atielrgokiiriaitt-asme-quiddy old* a-splearlig eivertaalty toucan these kaidagois
temente Free. Every lkcycle omit old carefully tested end tacked.
amp olio! Teatimon els.—
rowel rog$40411*r agent W1i0 rotate retries Metric. beautiful,. I will multiage to work tor yott aa land you do u ymt agree. - -
Dear FrIstide,-I revered your grand Wait:de and they ere lust beautiful. f laws - . T9 TraiDear°01T,LUFIrcatintivdsr 1,11117°YuBripidseali and arammuxdolIghtmedeawfvtlittdi:roti.rumr.70::: as
• • glia011 Welr,ddrOetiostewpaisrp Tho sovokeign 5..0 Homo', Dapg4 see 1, Toronto, Ont.
tlii,At,,,ti ii.tt witlykleet and raid are •- 9 •
1;31,eaR',,,,a,p, 1 ei i vice tit New York and
Pent eyoran a, and extending el en to Spring Neckwear I
greatly hit ei tering 'grit it r &imago a FA
DR. A. W, CHASE'S OR We are proud of the Neckwear that has arrived
is tient direct to the diseased ' for the Gent's Furnishing Departnaent. It is till
•VILIV,h2=114117.1 new. It is all of the latest patterns and colors.
paasagee, stops droppings in the I The new shape is called "Yfanhattan," and cer-
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower • taint), makes a very handsome tie, there is not
throat and permanently cures
'Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. a bad pattern or color in the lot, you could not
free. All dealers, or M.A. W. chase
make a mistake in making a selection from this
_ Dr c•R‘eet• baye been publb:Ised et Bur.
lio / rovidii e fir the graduel abolition StOCk. ..
• ot house slavery in the Oameroons and
Togo colonite-. •.. Spring Hats are here la all shapes and colors.
.I). Grip.Quinine Tablets
o, -1. • are a prompt end pleas- _ •
ant cure for all the dia. I 014 WI JBE C'LLIc:)-vir Alr
..,... .
ordered states of tlfe sys- 7
tein welch, while not pro -
ducing positive illness,
Reuralgui,Itlascular stiff -
yet 555. unpleant feel . . t
trigs cm discomfort of •
. .
some kind. • Headache,
nes. or soreness, Wind,
Constipation, • Catching
• cold easily, etc., are fre-
quently the ., precursors of real sickness, and
always predispose to illness, especially to con-
talgepuiseac12:1secstire 7oRrIP,Rici.lIpNaif. i4erhpfesnigrt
• Grippee Colds, Combs, i"On-sibil'is,ii.rotiebiiis and
• alt ether damp weather comflaints, They pre-
vent contagious diseases if used in time. •In
boxes with Bulldog Trademark, price 2„Se, of
dealeris or postpaid from Canada Grip -Quinine
co.. Ltd., Brockville, Ont.
4.ftor Work or Exercise
Soothes tired
. Moves en ,
- noes mid stiff,
nosehndgives the. hody a feeling of comfort and •
• muscles,
irst-class Cutters
nd Buggies
. • '
am handling the celebrated IldoLaughlin Make of buggies and other Makes
of first.olase Ontario firms, Also of my own, manufacture incliding top bug-
• gies, mikadoes, eto, of all the latestand modernftetyles.,,,Repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to.•
JOHN .LESLIE Aaron Street 01113103
strength, ,•
• Don't 'take the weak, watery • witch hazel
• preparations represented to be "the same •
rlrae Cutters we sell are- own make
We guarantee them because . we. .
know the Stook: and Workmanshid
• as" Pond's Extinct, which easily •Sour 'arid . • nrst-cla
• generally gentain "wood aileohol,", se deadly
•WIlann.•• • iire..have lew 'good Second- Hand Clatters for sale
which ,evere printed in sprawling let-:
• ter's the words: 'H. Wensier, nugster..°
• "Recently he went into business in
& L made bv the well known' Davis & At lait, maddened, the buil rushes at
Lawrence Co., Ltd. • •• • .• hitf tormentor, who races to the bar-
Wreekage picked up on the east rier of the arena, .but halts there; and
h' The rest be the $50 pension, .and ethe
cott. t uf Nvya bootie. indicates the at the moment the bull's horns seem g ,
loss of tbe coal steamer Tiber, with a to touch him, plants his two deoorated bradd ihettered increment from the $2500(1
. ' handsome ,
in foo; it bnikle up weak an
crew of t went y men. • darts Well in the' bull'is shoulders and neryes; it is the world's best and ourest at Interest,' is re invested as it comes
the basis for thee peerlese cough' and eold after him -halt (his black body Wooer; Painees Celery Compound ts3ten during "'The reports et' the guardian to the '
y proprietors° Perry Davis' Pain lr.
-..uler. I and fails ba.ck i sid the r na t start It melees elsort work of debilityand n• ryous .
n e a e , o Evans to send Special Agent Stephens
• The immense pines of •Caneda furn'sh leaps the barrier. But the hull. leaps health giver. . in.
remedy Pyriy-Baleem. It cures quiekl some of the assistants leap Into the the opening of siprine, has a remarkable ff.. Pension Bureau, Making this remark -
rdcsrteinly. 19, all d t aggists, 25o. Mead • able • 'exhibit, inducted.. Commissioner
' • Y ' -arena alt the saftest side; but Toro fills ' ficiaoY in making silk people well and strong.
' Trinidad will exhibit at • the Ind"- I dere, Nolio advance with. their el*alte. to gie,rbenmatiem.oleeplesobees and &Beep- he uncovered thel facts as :stated', . The
- ' ' .• , draw him toward them. ' sia from the *system Its yirti el...promptly special agent says. that ao Wensler has
trial Hs Whit i m. T.., . II I •"%
• . VO Prove to yotteehet Dr. ' It Is these 'red cloak's that prove tow banish kideey 'disease end liver tronbiee. no friends, the money. at his .death
• •
and every form of itching, . dhuolial..
sitIthTe°rre°diliclotles raftgae;enTshemut
length, Chme '.wltoetnnealt:Iteoe iii310.1swie ole tahneciir rilnecieozzingmternoti• bac..s, ..rpezberatpstositxhtev_flovVet yrnemaresnotid,W
P es fuirra,,,Tgrongloopta.g.
. . b ' I ' ' • i andAive them h d ' -I f speaks Unless addressed. He is expert
a spay an vigorous i e.
bleedingandprotrndingpnee, ul rushes t it -never tut the man
the manufacturers have guaranteed% Seetese holding It -and the matadors pees the Mr Charles E. Beets, of Gedersee, oiff,, in handling horses, and On several oc-
cloak over his head as he strives to gore : whose life was direciely mead •by the ute of casions,has &en injured in runawaYs.
timoniala in the daily press and ask your neigh- '
bore what they thinktif it, You can use it and . .
8 trig it :Vent agile. :end dexterous are
to his feet again end rush for the snatq,... exhauation, It quickly drives out neural- to Wabash to look into the ease, and.
• .•
get your money back if not cured. Me aloe, ae it, the builtures and goes for it again, Paine's. Celery Compound after other rural ' but he (Mei not seem to know what
deal en:ewe:sox BATES SG Co- Toronto, seemingly oblivious that a man is inov- eines had failed to dreany-goed work,writts :fear is. Probably no. estate in the
ss .follows: . country has been so capebly managed.
"I am a tannerby trade, ani ubctit thin. . "It is said of '"illeneler that a few
teen yeses ago hcd an attack orrheurnetie years Ago he wits seized -with al desire
fever, While recovering I took a cold end • to. manage, his property, • and went to
had a relapse which ended in infitnunatory the Iffice of a well-knciwn 'Wabash
. '
Chasestointme.nt .theern•atadora; hut:there seems no dan-
. •
A ceefet euee et Lose. It v• vivre, , ger tothem, so wholly is the bull 00- e
b th TT, ••d E • ' • T '1 Lei eupled with the ciliate., • • •
• f erential trade with the cote:des, ,rushing bull even with padded horns rhenthatism. and I wee laid up for years. lawyer. to state s case.
- ei;es• el •reeoluti.in in favor of pre- '•• Not e0. the handarnheirose. To face a
- DO YOU WORK FOB, PliOirt ?.. • itntil his hot breath Is in your face; roe 1 was also efilioterl with sleepleseness, rine --.--:-,' said Wenalet, 'I. am not. insane,
.. .•. ' his horne lowered. for the toss; to pleat •mj: doctor geld 1 would not live to See my. and I wed my funds turned, over to
It youmake butter for Profit,..y,. n , horde' . darts • scarcely two. feet , long in hia. thirtieth year. While almost giving up in • me.' Thelawyer gazed at him Intently
remember that Wel'a. Richard 00 it ('OI,' shoulders, and leap 'aside ere the toss ; despair your Painne Celery Compound:was for a moment, an.d then replied: 'You're
"Inoir v el Sat e• : • .:...". wilt add frinn. g Is. giVen,. is a feat of courage, great recommended to ma • I bought to bottle . drawing a good- pension, aren't • yon?', . .
. to 5 9rii ., pt., !, )L12 i, ,.., • i . ',/ lid of 00116 • swiftness and agility; and.inighty is the and need it, and to my •surprise it pee me Wensier admitted'he was. "Nhil, then.'
butteruneap aud impi.1:feet v prepend . shenteerom the yak Crowd When .thinatural Sleep and rest. After.using Mx bot • drawled the lawyeeeeie yeti ate not to '
butter colo • I •wer t e :. I' of lee ter so Is dope deftly and neatly, and the barbs* ties I was entirely oured. My wife also sane your penalon willstop, for thatfe
me..11 the,. I, oeiiiit 1. o 0i., I • ' ' At.. p fee bus- , eticie well in the bull's tough hide. As ' . used your medicine for insoranteertad before . why you are getting it.' Wensler, looked
tertnely"-e USD Wel'a.-11i,:beidain di 007a ' the bulls • get tired .ent with their tore. ehe nsed One whole bottle Was entirely :Mee wild, add as be shot out 01 the door, he
. . . •
'Ime.o,ed Batter levier." • . • .2 tnetitorct, a group of eight or ten tame 41.1 __., ' . • '' ' cried: The devil; I'm treater than hell.'
, A j int internationel delle1 e rn .the bulls, with long etube-like .bells, are let Mr Jae Wilson, a prciminent. Goderich And. alter that lie Was &intent tO waive
abnit i, se , e mite. et pm, i.,omartt, will . Into•the arena, These encircle the Wild druggist, Sayre "I know Mr Beck intimately all' right to the reanagerrient. aod eon-
tak • pl .ce on ° Mar, 14 between bull that ett once is tamede--and these- and can vouch for . what he toys about tro
I of hiesstate."
reale- • ••n- esent he .ieeesitk. , trained/bolts troehirn.out of the circle Pateeee Celery Compote ecl."
Manitnba. it is reported that Get steal DeWet •
n A nslee
1%101 lit DakULd, awl the Uolyersity ,of • t d f e h bull is then in-
Jaanmesa,BraTter ,, , •
troo dusced
Magazine." • ' • was shot in the arm during- his recent
• • CORNS! CORNS ! CORNS ! •••al tempt to ',break through the block-
• Dreociy ered at las(; a remedy Ono bit sure, house line. •-
safe end toioless. Putnans's Pa elees Corn
and Vart Extra:nor never tette, never
^ causes ;Jain, 11060V1111 the elialitest discern.
fort Tim Putnam's Oorn.Extractor and
Veweeee of te.• els v cheap., dart ;emus- And
• fieeli t ;tete seustitution in the rnefket.
* •
Siguoi Marie:A...who arrived •ttt;Nety
York on the Philettelphia, reeeived
1,4., re4•P0R f fotpwen de, ,frem
the f' • ettell -ietion when, the shin
was. 111 1•2 milee . from that point.
He regal lrele..8 t e:eg aphy .ecroSef
the A 1111 it' asm-..itt•ed. .
eteleetlet. „,..eeseseee,•• ., ..
i • I 44..0. • ^ ' •"?'•'' ' 0 „61. 0. ' 1!;',.. ...;*•14.,,,..10.?,
• 1 OP .0 :'.• /..00 .., •;:1,." •. •' . -;,,,' . \ ,: .
'l'-..' i ''-t--4' 0•Tirr*tfrivi.
I 9
r s . •
1. . " LI ..• r A,Z•Pflti.;...' 3... '
1 i Offe98/
:* el A cut
7"'FailF •
• immismoits
, -•
- Carter's
• Little Liver PillS. She Is very eleVer and .very beautiful
She-You'el be Very lucky If yott did. 1 publle spank irtg. • 'rt'
A hill approptiatitig $31,514,000 fer
Inc improvement of the Erie • (Until.
. •
, . .. ,. .,
Pashions in Dawson. CAty,_______Low___0e_the'fiNt :sign of Bareineher and is .
• City," says a corresciondeht of . • '`I lia1/0 bad lcidneY and Iii'l•i'l"7 1.7`);11)1•i8 fbi
• follow hie 'beetle svith eoinfort and
44 0 be . fashionable in . Dawson. ' Vit t.°
. . . • ..- .... • ••.
on, co
dinnertime, any
greets ogees,.
• : drao to nail
They give light
that's rich and befi-
t Rant. No odor.
Warty styles., Sold
• '
' •
Carpentering is not
an easy trade. • The
constant re,aChing up
and down, the lifting
and 'stooping over are
all severe strains on
' the .kidney,s. No
• wonder a carpenter
• exclaimed, recently,
that every time ,lae
' •
drove a naIl it seemed
as though he Was
piercing his own back. He uses
.DOADI'S Pilis
moratfien pine Years with seri...a dill n t110
e • the. • Indianapolis • d einall et me bar:kited in het ro)t
• "one must have, his. dog team. aim', without 313 r. i• J n•••i-
• NSW York Seleates. •. .a Dawson belle or It • weal LI 11 net teals. , They cis." o' „,...tti1 ‚ .
• homenit Dom, 14 1:2 I got it lee:.
hae eiren favorably reported in the .It is no tineontuton eight to see rale olefin bolle t•eieel • '
es • 'et
• A • British. Oolonial and lndiistrial enveloped in her roAly. ruts . • pain h ten the tue•if 1; „ • . .
Exhibition will open at Cape Town' hi . alongbenindea .te itei of aleshing do•e
gs, etiriterio pains from my- ne el. '•
. November, 1003.• •These- dogs. are ut:e.el to geoe ter speed(Weill' v.teliew eel 'ee: I fi'.1 '
• •
by the 'eall ultleh means. le ee,,,e.
NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, * in English !get, tee or 'go The If.1e$9,A. •
nuee in Dawson ;City are by no means
, .How it shakee one up, iliNiit§es sleep, cies.
•• •troye atrength, adds a real misery to life, deprived of club -life. •The fasnioltable
., Not the etterereli butthe nervaa era affect- orgatileation pe. this kind in .Daweon IS e
1 ed, Starved nertres make the whOle tro.uble. known as the Zero- Cloth, In .snitimer•
'11 You need Peri -mile hocause. We to . nerve , the men • play tennis, lacrosse, 'cricket
.fcad, It Stip/mud the elecieks. that • are and baseball. The woinen piny, tennisr
needed to make rich red blood. This is the, and serve tea. In winter -they have •the
Curling cltub and the skatieg rinks. -It
savings bank of healtb. Tlie richer the. costs /non" to live, In the Ximullite,
blood in recizells, the richer Yoalre sure tz eti*••t.one tan buy anything froth 051 an-
' . he in health, Perrozone quiokly. . mains ,
• blood. strenethees . the nervous System, .•tomobile flown if one 11115 trie peke: el.
gown that a %vermin; in- Indianapolis
etrengthens the digestive organs and,. preE- Would paY $25 fill', sin-. coital not. expect
' to 1 the nerVetWtilutureenee disappefire.
. Sold by 801 Combe,nrice 60e. • to get In D ,e...., 'a 'foe 1.- -,1 than $100.
However, if inic has the inona one. can
.• • •• The overdue ttartmer Etruria heti *get the moSt fashionable gown there.
.captured by the Ple-rates.-"Judge '•• beep ,report4d disabled in tow Of one A very good m,,a1,•acenraptinied ,by ani -
other Steamer. , . . . • sic, is now sere'ed In the beet hotels In
Complimentary. . r James (Joivit le Is killed. in 0,,, Dawson for $1. Weed Is worth $20 a
plate of the coPper•• . ,
, • 15' cents f() $1.50 a pound during the
Ile--elay people are bothering nte to ..A., New Jersey Pollee Magistrate win.ter. Christrriaa tilt/tent weep $1 a
marry Miss IVInyfortl. • sentenced six ymithful delinquente. to pound last winter:**
• mill at Duthant by the orating of a Ord. Good apples were 50 cente aplete
Inst Winter, and beefs, oak b, time !tote
' 1 11e -Oh! I don't want to marry A good -Pun is father uncomatert, but
Must Boar Signature of . • 1 brains and beauty. I want to merry • a joke t a niay e SO eserthed. Was
The four•equare plan Means that all made reeentIy by. Mr. Andrew Carnegie,
' you.-"Iinnch.? customers, regardless of rank or etafion, to whont some a.dvooates of art A.ngio• -
reeelve the same (lawful attention and American alliance hail appealed for %Dee ------i-lterttr-gferty --o+-trorni al
The Brect on. Him mar with the child vibo is sent to pur•
• , promptlY suggested the dandelion tug. • xvartuth for the parched and
See Peo•Slinne Wrapper Bele*.
• No cold need ever reach the
cough stage. Catch it and
, kill it—the quickest, swot
• and pleasantest,ineclicine in
• the world to -day, to 40 • it
• with is the uw•
treatment—it stint tti a tes
• cirettlation—substittites the
treatment aT5iire-COTE"'"iirrisererrartint:- emblaiitTirni'diver-irarltr.".-7-dainegie .
• obasesOWO smalt tortiOto a .we aee witil ing that the nerican "dandr," °
• 4
fevered skitt—it prevents—
, I "My .wile took great pains 'with the the .02iPeritenped adult, • ale till -Ivor sub..
Ahrewd, Yankee, hualnese sense of the
•• *mind,. rind I--" stitute in crier drugs when ing you,: teem ,-joirted with. the British "lion," .it• cures—it never fails to
Vdry moan and as eMpo
ILO take as sugar.
CARTEKS 2::ggist
° 'The OFSPOptie .SqUPPZAtl nut a sort at (lc ciOr's PreseriPtioh. We never reeene!• evoUld vegult .a lihissetin teliToli must I
"-..-toolt ;rent Prilu'i from 4," class titiOATLISO h. Id '
' k druggist at is cents a beat
decided to hand sr9 mat hoist at 81060. 811160 and unfailing. It aleansesand Mr Satintel Coehrana, of Londoo, .
Itave-morcy•uptm.un grin, ,roend the 'something just ail good,' cure -tong s,csor Grippe
• • MTh rUte the world.
—hundreds bear testimony`
• , akki3OoS Automobile sleigh° ave •verY V(.)Pular
to its efficacy. Sold by your
, The L. n. d. 1) IL directors have! and disease rtiitte"0 polery'Compound is in Prneein" • •
&OS the bloOd, braces the nerves, Ont., was killed by the fall of it brit t —or yott truly orcter it direct
' FOR CONSTIPATION. 'Ronde/tit, and have their coal go that Ptir
4 W tvinatead of via Port Stanley. ee=reets digestion, arid builds utt those vian that he was tearing down. I
FOR 1MECOMPLEXION hat ooir ,nervota Of sleepless, to one. bott ;the
"8°46 will IbrPri66 Yon, °I" 6I66k 6 Penootivania, Italiway was &Warded
ham affirMed the verdict by whit the
ilsi7Azkits. e
• Chancellor, eitys Gerttitthir
0/1104 i -404410i and
from the mannfacturers.
FOR "MOW MO. yount t Buono, the German who are weak attd run-down. If ton ere The United States Cone of .Areal
not territor at interests
• intererere in the 'lustros et ethers. to itg intretty hi rioters • • I/4110014 Drudatebt 016°14 slo Debastrike 1894$
lOord• ilt 46* China and Corea, and would nob oid pore,
Oelery Compound ia always' fresh gliga fit orb fho oity of Ohleago for
oviArriat wry, co.. vksi..
cusawa• Ont.
• e rota att nded to • b x erle bed men
RU )BALL '411C-ITA/11„,. - 'Huron- 5treet, Clinton
ruRauTpRE •EROADFOOT, 130X & 00.
Tao eteady increase m oar, trade is good proof of the fact that our geese are right, and
. onr prices lower than those of Ober dealers in the trade. . .
We manufacture furniture on a large'soale and can afford to sell. °heap. If you boy
. from ns, We save for you the profit, which, in other oases, has to be added in
• • the retail dealer. • • . •
This week we have pawed into stook sotoe ot our new designs. Spade will not perroit
US to quote primes, but come and see for yourself ,wbet snaps we have to offer.
fleinember-we are determined that our Prices shall be the owest in, the trade.
In titis depaOmetit our stook is•coinplete, and we have 'undoubtedly the beat funeral
outfit in the county. Our prune are as ow As the lowest.
BROADFOOT. BOX '8; 00.j w-Chitlikii •
I. 8,, -Night and Sunday cells attended to *ailing at 3.. W. Ohidley's, (Firmest .
Direotorl residence • ' ••
• itee. ••
*4,4 • •
y..s.;#11411 .44/1.7‹
I have been. taking Rinans Tabules for the
spepsia, and they have helped. tne wonderfully.
do not know any particular way they affect
nte, but they seem to give liger to the entire
system. .1 had a sort- of languid feeling, but
since taking the Tabules I'feet spirited and have
• not that mela,nclioly way nbout me. I think they
• are good for.a general build-up of the systeuytn
they seem to aot like ft Wilk...
• 0 •
The fivemeent packet is enough for an
ordinarysitaftiv..fainily. bottle, sixty'
cents, contains a supplyfor a year.