HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 5, . • '
.... 44. . .444.1.0116!44.
(2ii;.(4 Limner if. Neeessar0_
. We are Oftering Our entire' stock of $5,000---:
. Worth of -
Watches and Clocks;
Jewelry of all Kinds,
• .Knives, V•pziks; spoons,.
silver .ap:d Ctinware:
• ,•• •
At Cost Price Less
• -As our stock is much too lar„le. and wishing,
to reduce it One Ilaff; is our reason
for selling at cost
Remember this is a genuine.sale
. No Shan't Prices, but as stated—at 04 •
And every article guaranteed to be just as we tell
The price is clearly marked -
and LesS.
yoli or we will refund you youtnioney it. not satisfied
, )
Qoderleli Townsliiv
.... _
Marisa • oLikig:01•1 IlliiPii
, .
., .r. W(..
.. - - —''''''''''''-'''. VC ja 001.1:1tEptarn ...W.ThEr7fOneVring .itr—,v' •-•.k1•0:T4Se—.J111475••• AMMO, -Burnett iia -prwaTtrNE-44.,.pTiNci-r-Thelittpetictot- -- - Qouegtotalars-Zum4Y-044101000---
Diamond the report of the s an ing o ay ThorodaT, Merob 13tb 1£02,
p p strrning to or ganize a musical c ass ; this locality were favored on T we
or . of 11, S. S. No. 4, Goderleb and Hullett,
may her efforts pi oye suceesful. Mr
John Steep has been engaged with Mr
George Middleton for the summer aril
Moved his househould effects last week.
An air motor adorns, the promises of
Melee Sterling, for pumping purposes,
we presume. A number ot bons
assisted Nelsou 'Y eo on Wednesday
afternoon last in cutting a qqantity
of wood. Mrs Harry flutcbins who
has been spending a fortnight in
-Stanley, has returned home. Mr and
Mrs Albert Cantelon, 9 con., had a
large family gathering on Wednesday
last celebrating the anniversary of
their china wedding; may they live
to enjoy the scene of another celebra-
tion of a like natufe. Two new
soprano voice s• has been added to
Middleton's church choir; May they use
their talent roost vividly in singing
the Kings of Zion, Mr Arthur Cooper
was sliglatly indispesed last week, but
we are pleased to state is engaged
again in his usual duties. The Bay-
field Line Orangemen had a rally last
Thursday night in the hall and Mr Duff,
of Toronto, was the principal speaker
but others replied to the toast; the
Master, Mr George Cooper, brought
down the old hall by his flippant ut er-
' ances and held the gathering in rapt
attention, the' meeting being dismissed
N110. in the usuai Wanner, Mrs San Denby
• • This whelk's. is holidaying in Harlem under the
Osamcm.-We are pleased to know parental roof. Mr Wesley Milren•
that our pastor has recovered from his con.9, intends erseting a barn this
recent illness, taking his entire work coming spring ; his farm is going to
last Sabbath; his evening text was"The Yield her increase. Mr George Hanley,
shortest' biography- on record:" text, • 9 00n • is confined to the house, the
"Enoch walked with God," Rey Mr result of a sprained knee by slip intg
Goldberg, English minister of Dungan-
non, will speak next Sunday evening
on behalf of the Bible Society.
NOTEe.-At the last meeting of Nile
L. O. L., No. 1052, the following resolu-
tion was passed. Svhereas this society
stands for the uphuilding of the Britieh
Empire, and whereas the liquor traffic
Is. in our est imation,One of the greatest
ie that Empire, therefore, resolved
that we, the merober s of L. 0. L. .No.
1052 do pledge ourselves to support
what. we considerto be the best meas-
ure for tbe probilition of that •traffic
and that this resolution be forwarded
to the local papers and the Sentinel.,
, (intended for last week.) / •
Croancn.-Owing to the bad roads Rev ffr
Goldberg, Dungannon, who was to . have
spoken to Nile congregation on behalf of
the Bible Soctiety, was•unable to be present,
and his adaress was postponed; Chas. Gir-
yin took charge of the service. Bev M.
Wilson was unable to take his work on Son -
day, owing to bronohitie. .
Noses. -Charles Ginvin represented Nile
League at the Dominion Alliance Conven-
tion in Toronto recently, Mrs George May
plucked a pawl in her garden on Search 2.
R. McWhinney has purchased 50 sores
from Mrs II Girvin fcir the sum of $10130.•
The greater part of the brick.for the new
school is on the grounds. Miss Ada May
has had an attack of pleurisy., 0. Echlin,
who had the misfortune some time ago to
fall and striae his throat on the edge of it
box, fracturing his windpipe, basreooyered.:
Tuesday.evening was consecration meeting
at League; 0. Giryin gave his repoxt of the
Convention, and the referendum was dis-
Cussed; the report was full and compact.
All Colors
R. P. Reekte's
Preeoription Drug Store
Suceeesor to Sydney Jackson.
N.B.-White Piee and Tar
Compound cures colds
25e per bottle
. Speaking of.. -
The Glasses furnished.by
p, B. Crews,
After a scientific ex-
• amination of the eyes,
give a r ost enjoyable
sense ofpleasure- after. -
the old ill fitting ones •
ivhich I wore.
This is the verdict ol all
who patronize ,
Expert Jeweletkand'
aft bRepairer
Oproarrii Tow Usx,.
BzooLscomera OLD Stan. . .
We are offering a nice line 01
Ging er .
Snaps .
Ir - Al 4 lbs tor 2.5c ' ,,-
. Just think of getting 180 to
t185 nice fresh Ginger Snaps
for a Quarter,. They are cheap..
er than you can make them
aud does away with the work '
. •
Also a fine line of Dried
Peaches at 10c per lb.
for the months of January and Feb -
rusty. It is baeed'on the regularly bi-
monthly examinations and the names
are in order of rneritt-403-Museel
Neal, Harry Hayes, • Alva. Beacoro,
Charlotte Colburn, Caryl Draper,
Ethel Lovett, Melvin Hill, Ethel
Smith; Sr. $icl--Bert Lobb, Ernest
Challenger, Alf McBrien ; Jr. 8rd-1.
Cheerer Beacons Edna Beacom, Annie
Challenger, Bella Ball, Clifford Lobb,
Carrie Butt, John H.ayes, Ida Colburn,
Eddie Farquhar; Sr. 2nd -Grant
Archer, Maud Johnson, Helen Bea -
cane Annie Miller, Lizzie Johnson ;
Jr 2nd -Ogle Miller, Mertle Beacom,
Howard Inn quhar, Asa Main Geo,
Johnson, Stanley Challenger • Sr Pt.
2nd -Howard. Hill, Albert McLaugh-
lin, Earl Mason ; Jr Pt, 2nd -Eldred
McBrien, Mary Smith, Fern Beaccim,
James Lovett. Average attendance
80. .It would be much better for
teacher and.pupils if all parents hair -
inn children ready to start to school
for the first time would send them
immediately after Easter 'vacation if
possible as it is better for all to start
together and come regularly. R. G.
Rain, teacher.
• Hallett. • .
• NOTES. --T. Note is contemplating
enlarging his house and has let the con
to T. McKenzie, Clinton, .
SCHOOL EiAMINATION;;--.A ublic ex-
amination will ne held in S. S. No. 5,
.Hallett, on March 20h. Outsic:e of tbe
classwork a short program of •:choice
selections will tie:given Every one
interested in school work is Obrdially
invited and'at is hoped that the parents,
ratepayers and'school visitors of. the
section will make in effort to .,sustain
the reputation that the school has
gained from similar .occasione in the
Bann. .;-James Webster. W. ,I; lot 27;
con: 13,' Hullett, (1 1-2 miles north of
Londesboro), will bold an auction sale
Fricley; March 21,t, of a herd Of
The. eash. Srocery. -
• tho ,oi g rbred Durham c &tile and goo I
, grade cattle, including cows and
- • ! heifers with pedigree, grade- Cows and
Ogle Cooper d
. -0 • LI.e. calves, Jersey cosy and a quantity of
hay a,nd turnips. All tvia be eold with-
. out 'reserve sis Ille Webster is retiring
Dash for Batter and Eggs. Phone23, frorn farming. 0. Hamilton will wield
. •
• • .. • • - the hammer. •
. , . Mmunottrin„ -A quiet" but pretty, wed.
THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNiTY tntl,:tV11%TiVrths'ft31111>;:fe,
sf oon ip, Hallett. When their third dangh.
We are offering to
shrewd buyers ;the •
greatest opportunity '
_'they ever had inClln-
tQn, to purchase re-
liable 'goods At prices
which defy. competi- ---
tionT-See the special •
values we now have .
on view in our.. win-
dow. ...•
Watch Repairing in a Specialty
With Liao
A. 5...GRIGG
Scientific letveler
and OfAiicia21 • •
Miss Lydia,'was united in Marriage to W,
H. Smallsoombe, of Crystal 'City, Man.,
Rev T. R. Coupland, of Londesboro, °Sit.
sting. The bride was married, in a dreeet of
grey poplin, trimmed with satin and lace,
and entered the parlor leaning:on the arm
of her father, The ;wedding march was
played by her Mister, Miss Eva. Afree the
ceremony was over the gnesteset down to a
dainty supper prepared.for the occasion;
after whish the evening was spent in games
and music,. The bride's travelling dress
was of brown sloth, trinimea with taffeta
s lk and a hat to match. Mr and Mrs
Smailacombeleft the next day on the 4
p.m. train for their future home in Cryetal
City. The best wishes of -Mei bride's many
friends accompany her.
- (Intended for last week)
NOTn8.-4. pleasant time was !moot at W.
Moon's on Friday night, wben be gave an
oyster supper to about 60 friencle; brokinole
and other games Were indulged in, the host
and hostess doing all in their power 10- 1V0
everyone a god time. The many friends
of Mrs Melville will be glad to know that
elm is recovering: Mrs L. eldnittie and Mrs
Cade are also improving. Miss Lizzie
Shobbroo,k and Mr •Ilf. Elmallacohlbe were
united in matrimony on Wednesday, •
last by addresees from, Mre C. Gampbell Fall Wheat.. „ .0.73
of the Ladies' Institute and Messre. Spring " 0 73
Rennie, Hoed, McMillan. ilinehlen, Gets . . .. 0 89
Eliot and McMillan, of the Farmer's Rye 0 40
Institute, Thoe, McMillan, President Battey . „....„.., „ 0 48
of the Institute, fitted the chair to the x* ess 0 65
entire satisfaction of all, The nienetonY Flotir
per owt r4 elk so 4.4 2 10
of the ever,ing session:was alleviated bv Rey „..., . , . 8 00 9 00
the music turnishea by the Messrs Al- Sheepeldne
len.the local musicians. $4re C. ()amp- No. 1 Green Wm/sides 5 00
bell succeeded in organizing a Ladles Wood 'Mort tVevd 2 26
Institute, with Mrs Geo, Knox, Si'., for snateaeue, pee pair ., 0 20
president, and Miss Mary Parsons as Duoke, pair .......... 0 40
eecre tar y. The first meeting ot • ibis Geese, per lb . . . .. 0 05
society is to be hetcl at Mre H. Parsi..n's Turloys, perlb........ 0 06
on Wednesday evening. Even t he Pork, rive k • • g4 44 5 50
men expect great benefits from this Pork dre.
ssed.. . .... 8 00
institution, Butter, loose or tub .... 0 1.5
Eggii per doz.., 0 11
Sale Reglatenne Potatoee, per bush0 30
— -- —Dried Apples per lb„ 003
Auction tale of farm etocat. Ma temente. eto„
No& 1,4th, 1902
00000000040040 Vi040400410•41400
in1, McKinnon & Co.
a 0 40
a 0 46 , Lfir 111.191
a 050
New Spring Goods
* 2 15
----Our-New-Spring-0c ods -are -new -coming forward.
in large quantities, and. by the end of this week we ex-
pEct to have our stock completed in all lines when we
will show great values in the following goods:
o 5 60
a 250
A 040
a 0.60
it 006
a 008
4 000'
a 800
a 0 16
A 0 12
a 085
O 0015
at lot 28, con 11, Goderich towns ip (half a mile Toronto alarob 11 -Sixty-three loactein
south of goiniesville) on. Thursday, March 20th,
consisting of 8 horses, 9 head of cattle, 14 pigs, today, inolu*g 228 hogs and 329 sheep
hens;turiteri, implements, grab], ban straw, and lambs and 27 calves, Export cattle,
,potatoes, fire wood, household furniture and choice, $5.b0 to $5.751 exElort cattle, light,
many other articles. AU sums of $10 and under $5 to $6.40; export nulls, choice, $4.25 to
cash, over thammonths'
at ount 8 credit; a die -
count or 6 per cant per annum allswedon oredit 134.50; export cow, $4 to $4 50; 'butolders
T BROWN, 41,14 WM LIDON.ARD, Prop, cattle, medium m'aed, $3.75 to $4;butehere I
amounts. cattle, pinked lots, $4.50 to $4.75; butohere
Extensive sale of farm stock, implements and cattle, common $3 to $3.25; feedere,heavy,
household furniture, at lot 80, con 2. Staiiley,on $4,75 to $5; fee'dersjight, 118,73 to $4; feed.
Wednesday, March 10, including 8 horses, 22
head of cattle, 5 ewes in lamblig. implements, in g bulls, V 25 to $3.50; stookeres, $3.25
other articles. All sums of $10 and under cash, oowe, $25 to 1345. ExIort ewes $3.50 to
over that arunt 9 months credit: a discount
T UNDRY. Anot MRS W SOOIT,Pror... §4 to $5.50. Calvee, 132 to $10. lieges Bin.
On Friday, March 21st, :motion sale of thoro gem, 50; fats and Belts, $5,75 off cars.
bred Durham and good grade cattle and a quair Trade better for butchers cattle and export
ti telfalgradiet,Tget , • J WEBSTER, Prop, oattle. Milk eoWa and Buffalo stookere,
farm utensils, 00 hens,lionseho d furniture and to $3.50; stook bulls, $2 25 to $2.503 milk.
of 5 ger con per annum on credit amounts. $8.75; expert rams, $ .50 to $3; lambs,
Oh Friday, March 14th,at 1 p alm„aot 40
on , Bay -
the tee, me Robert Ilan ey.c -s , /fleld rdad, Goderioh township, I mile smith of
family are all stricken with an epideienR
ug Found
linton farm stook and implm
cold via gripEe f' much sympathy is THOti. BROWN, Allot, WM. WEIR, Prop.
• •vv• •
extended to.t em In their indisp.osition., aturday, March 15th, at 1,8014.m. at the A rug found n few ni hts ago- Owner MAY
Ogileroial hotel, Seaforth, a new briOlt stere,
Master Joe Elwood' whci has peen in
the employee of Mr john Middleton THOS, BROWN, Amt, S. LAMB, Prop. .
for a couple of years „has -decided to • on eatiirday, -March nth.. ati2.83 P.M. oPPos•
quid farrning.and learn a trade, black- ite the Queen's Hotel, °Untruth house and lot,
smithing . bein'g preferred • and will rcrs1) factoly with tools, .also or es and Wag.
start.his duties the 1St of .April with THOS.BROWN,A.net. J.AS.FERGfliON,Prop
Mr Lofft,. of Clinton. -Mr Peter. Cole . 0nljonday, March 17th, at 1 p 111.4 lot 8, con 2,
disposed of his first-elass clover seed. to Ifibbert, farm stick and'implements. --
.a buyer in Seaforth on Monday. A - THOS;BROWN, knot, J.CONLOGNE,PrOP.'
large number from this locann,y at- On Tuesday, ftreh 18th, at 1 p.zn,; lot 15, con
tended the services in - the Wesley n_stitc,:flti,fiatilennof..:accl imPlemente,the prop -
church last Sunday and bad the plea- erssjBlialtaues atinej:TbAmEttoN,F,xee..
auto of listening to the .President,Retn ' c.i'-' Wednesday, 'Mareh 19t0,at I p.m., OD 10G
9 core,. passed away at the ripe age of farm:took and implements.
Livingstone. • Rfrs Dave • .0autelon.
27; Aaron road, MeEillop; adjoining .Seaforth,
eight* four years, the funeral selem- ." Amt. '"'"IV. J,13E 4.TTIE, Prop,
.residence .of her son, Mr Adam Cants-. .
tales took place on Friday- from .the • On Friday, illaroh 2Ist,at 1,p ine,1:Etto1N4G, con 21,
111111011017ritictti* aralJerg' • •
Ion where she spent the latter ' part of
sta uraav. Mural 22nd,. at 1 Tim; at 'Diek'e:
laer.life and died; anai:nit another gen- hgael, Beat forth, a large .coinsigniinnit of. new,
eration has passed away, and how set.; lumber vvaggone am top.blgies.
(loin do wetbink of ,the vast realities MIOWle, Anat.
of death. The ready: sale- of clover „olzti.Tatieeuscleatyt:fMaar3nrohsto25:kha, anVimppniat'imoefintisb.t.11,
seed is not yet very brisk, farmers are BROWN, Auot. ROBT K • Prop
still holding it for a higher 'ice;pthere,
is a large quantity in the country
therefore the demand is elm. Dame
iUMOr aeserts that a young bachelor
•of the con. 0, who is disregarding the,
Divine Wisclotn, Which says ; : ie
not gime' for man to live alone" is find-
ing the error of his Ways, and at
charming bride may enter .home,
one -of .these sweet daysi. • • ••
week the cenimunity was shocked • to
'hear thatMrsLindsay had passedaway.
*She has not been well for several days
liut nothing:serious was expected. On
Thursday night she became vicirse• and
died about roid;night. She was the eld-
est daughter of the late John Brown,of
the Bronson line, Stanley, .a.bout 30
years ago she, with her husband,moved
to Godermh township and settled On the
WEDDING. -On Wednesday, Peb.
• Laurier
26;,b, • the residence of Mr and Mrs
nA.0 OP"' Hugh Pritchard was the scene of a
nasals pretty wedding, when their daughter,
Ida, was united in marriage to M.;
Thomas Bradley, of Underwood, form-
erly of An3berley. To the strains of
IVIeridelesohn weddingmarch, played
by Miss Smith, o Lueknow, tne day., Mr Bentleygave a pleasant even-
grOom entered the spacious parlor, trig at his new home to the younger
W. EYan of Bonhead, who fulfilled fraternity on Monday night.
'preceded by the groomsman, Mr D.
while from another door entered the Monett. 5A160.--f°Arrtehhibeld & cud,
his duties in a very acceptable manner,
bridesmaid, Miss Minnie Pritchard more htia a big auction tale of bows
sister of the bride,. followed by the at Seaforth on Saturday tveek and
bride leaning on her father's aim. On sold a splendid lot there being some 'of
taking their places under an arch the 20 disposed of at satisfactory. pi ices,
ceremony was solemnly .perfonned by The following sales were made -john
the Bey Mr Maine,.of Pine River. The Wilson, McMillen, 8 .year old gelding
usual congratulations were extended Sohn Robb, Morris, year old mato,
ad.then followed a delicious -wedding •Orerar, Greyra-yearaold.macel.,,Loh
repeat; the presents Were both hand- McKinnon, Grey, 8 year old marc,
some and ntinierotts Some of the Balfour, Usborne, a pair of 2 year olds
attests , were from Guelph, rer us, and* working maret Stephen Downie,
• The art of photography is coritinuelly
developing, mita ides and methods are con,
ritantly appearing. Our /alien? keese lot EiLrerc, Varnality Oaleinrwton,a. Kinnard ne, year o mare• W holesttle stock of pathos
*have propertY by evquir nt this Aloe and
paying for this advertisement.
Mar, 14-1.
For Sale.
Lot 104, Viotorla Street, Clintoa, with frame
cottage containing seven rooms; hard and Bet
water, small stabre; ore quarter acre of land,
beating fruit trees. Apply to It1DOUTURALE,
Mar. 14-tf . Clinton.
For Service.
Improved Yorkshire Boar ter ' service at Let
80, con. 0, Hu lett. Terms $1.00.
1dar.14-3. • /EC lifolittIEN,
. .
Money Lost
A. stun of money containbag two ten dollar
bills, lost in Olinton, on Saturday, Maroh 8th.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at
New Era Office for owner. •
March 14-2 .
Servant Wanted.
• BOHN. A good general servant where housemaid is
KILLOUt4H -In Clinton.* March %the wife heot; wages $12 Per month, washing and „Iron- .
of W. A.Killough, of a son. . ing sent out Apply with references to
COOPER -In Clinton, on llieroh 12th. ta Mr 001 Huron St., Toroutd.
end Mrs A.. T, Coc per, aeon,.
SCHRENE.-In Harriston, on March 10th,,the
Shorthorns - for Sale.
wife•of A A Schrenk (formerlynf, Clinton),of 'a
WALKER -In TuCkersmith, on March 5, the Two yOung Bulls, one seventeen &Cid the other
MASON. -In Blyth, on March 7th, the wife of a two year o.d heifer n calf' go d stook and
ef.), n. WISE
Wm Mason, of a son. geed breading;
Jae Rouse, of a ecu.
Mar. 14.4tf. , Clinton, P. 0.
•BalSani (*rove Stook Farm..
ROUSE Blyth, on Mar& lith, the wife c f
MARTIN -In Crosvrell, Mirth. on March 5, • • • '
wife of Jas Walker, of a daughter, nine months old. from rod milking cows also
the wife of Mr Jos J Martin(nee (Aare Mc Property for Sale.
Allister; of Clintor4),of nein,
• BOWIE -In Exeter; Feb. 27I1., the Wife of Alf • Lt)
ntarralnlitegngliraa largeaalltiongliffirdl
Mc FARLANE-In Grey, March 2nd , the wire . roittslastdina
easy -. hAtr...o.nd soft waMr. Frit Sale on
Free Scaolarnhip • 11 you are a
of Geo. Megarlate,of a 8013., small rooms,
farm on which she 'wed untilher death. BOLGER-In Morris, March Elrd, the wife of
Mar. ' 14-51, .
, poly on Premises to
years 'age. She leaves two son and taro PINVigItir'ciffias,:ndo ' , IP b.27 h ' '
e t ,the ivife of • • . .
Her husband, Jae. Lindsay; died fifteeh
claugnters. • • H. F. Gordon, fcirmlieric of Wi ha
HADDEN-In Goderich, Feb. 28t1i.the wife of :
lig ra, of a son. . .
FARM BOUGHT.-Thos•J. Elliott, son A..W. Hadden,of a son.
of Wm. 0. Elliott, has added another • 11"11174°' : ' . IndliStv101411loSrStuden°is IttucylleYfil120tur6dribeui
fifty to his farm... Some time ago he .£41'n WanT-InoTA.VISH-at the r:residence
bough t.50 acres from Sohn Hooter and gigerhitig: irg:sirsdtesialvft or Zridltin . Peasee to a business or Agrieultura College,'
the other day added. tbe 50 Which' lay ounton, Aim 0. SteWart.of• tratforceto IM1:fi
,, , Ns cohrorninarisShoihpapoila, IIM. u swiefitil:to-foizy7 1 br Cid-.
versity, write me and I will .explainYmy freo .
alongside, fi onl Mr Sohn Ave; y. For Kati? McTlivisb, formerly of the 2nd con or
. • .. Lots and 20 Faith -I street, elinton, on one
Bowie.of a daughter.. • •
Mar. 14-tf REV T S LINSOOTT Torohlo
the first 50 he paid $3300 and the Avery SVARTI.NGuain-
emi of u'a, Servam'Wanted
buildings on each place and_good dwell- 5th, sby RevQ. CPpolle
. R. GunneA, sAsitt.t,tForeudisGs: Wsahriatht-
ELL13TT-At the rest- '
50 he got for $2700 There are fine clence of the le ide's father, on Wednesrlay Mar.
ing howlers also; Mr Elliottwho
young man of induetrY, now possesses El E liott, of Goderieh township. .
BROWN-,KRAEHLING-At the residence of '
, linft of Morris. - 00 ci&b 21.:..APPIT 1° Mils
Geed general se'. ant, no washing* milking
one Of the best tar ins on the London Mr and Mrf• T W Sloan, in uuilett, oit Mar,di 12, I/ A., Pi:manacle
road. He takes posseeeinn of the Avery
Clara, youngest daughter of the late G Eraeh- ' e •
bv Rey W Penhall, Mr I H Brown, of Blyth; to tI
• farm on tb e1st of October.
AuctioN . Sa.x.E.-V.• 'Leonard; lot P ART-•HUBBATIB ,•InExeter,Feb. 26th,by
28, eon. 11, Goderich townsfii N. (half a Rev: 0 W. Brown, B. D., jos. Peart, Meter, to
in:ile from ' fioltuesyMe) will have an . 3410 ilisfertiiiTLaat±At the •Win hem
auction sale orn'Thursdoyn March 20 b. Methedist churelt, March 5th, by Rev. It. Bgbos,
The stem and. implements for sale Wm. R. Sparlit, At. A., M. D., late of St. Mary .
pi ni gc I .po, dhee n3R13; otrusreks e, yflf, , hi me apdi e mo Lctait, t. gl et.:a 1 int LILA Ng fni:litLikset_rodsoeinuti is:tail...to) re s0.LdiaFie ornoal. .t. 11 am.,
hay, straw, potatoes, wood, household . *brlde'sparerits, On rub 25th, by Rev. 0
furniture and Many other articles. Brown, B. A., S. Saunders, to Miss Hattie, third
dabileitrAT.21g/satikM11;...; p a 'merle g e,
MI' Leonard intends to.go east to liy,e.
Munnses.-A Farmer's Inst, • meet- i Brussels, March 5th, by Rev. ,Tno Homes,. J. A.
ing will he held in the, Orange hall moron, to miss Catharine a, menderson, Clod -
next. Frinay afterneouraajimh,44_1_,,,erili j. .....-....- ,
-AiTitit'N-At iheresidenee of the bride's '
generalinvitation is extended to all to tiGl
rents. enannan, on Mar. 5th, by Rev. w..7.
•co me and discuss matters -Of interest, to est, Neil Reid, Pideley, to Miss Agnes, eldest
farmers. daughter of Thos. Aitken.
'-: •GISSON-WILLIB-At Lucan, Feb. 12W, .T.
.A-fiburn • ' - Gibson. Wroxeter, to Miss Rahaol Willis.
HARRIS -ALLISON -At the residence of the
Sicat.--Congestion of the lungs ja:, bride's parents. Mareh 5th• by Rev. Pletcher. 0.
confining Mise Edna Symington to he v -Harris, to Miss Mary A!, daughter of anhu Ani.
borne. Wm. Syinington is gradually n: , . ,
:aiwthHeIbTrFIGHAM-EbLIOTT-At the residoi en
regaining sttength; Mrs G. Yr- .6-ting-ce: de's father, Mar. 5th, by Rev C. IR.'
rather feeble yet. Mrs Young blut is Giunee,"Fred. Whittinglintn, or qnsappeue,
very ill at present. Mrs Arrnetrong Aga., to Miss SaraltE' klillot, Gotlerich town....,,
was sufficiently recovered to go to. her 8 taatta00m5E-SHO13BRO0K-At the re,
home last week. Mrs More • is also siderme of the bride's parents,c'on. 12.1-Inilett,on
recevering. Mr and Mrs • Jos. Carter March 5th,by Rev. T. B. Coupland;_Londesboro,
haVe '13oth take 3 a turn for I lie better, nil, Swallacomb, Cryatal Oity, Men., to Miss
FIRM -Jas. Ileuver had. the misfer- ?• third daughter of Jas. shobbrook.
turie to have his barn and dontenta, . MED*
ol'Iffkir‘ On maer1}1818th, MaryMari wife
stock excepted, burnt on ruesday night
of last week. •The cause was a, lantern- nOLains.-einnlitlightini7, ermarch S, Eliza
exPlmion. One horse was, however, 7r.,,331tleeuff, rwms i:_fienelia
d f Thnit1:
os13:vohanreehs, aged 07 years . •
burnt and 150 nem?. On' Thursday Mr id, Levi Etue,aged
Hoover had a sole to dispose of theetock Triosinsosr-In nriolsire.f titreli oBig, . tiiii,t.
*hue Thos. Brown had a very success. Thesees2e, _Com le. ea
Sul wis..-In Hayer,Feb. 20th, Agne'Agonly laugh.
fin sale thepretedink day and S Lauten- 'ter of Mr and Mrs H. Smith Aged 18 months. ,
slaver another the day following. ''. s1AILDON--1e Grey'Noxell, 2nd, Susan
NOTES. -:Mies Annie Anderson re-' Wotxl.vife of J. Srnalldon, agedS0 years..
turned home Monday from ah extended SIM ksON-In Ethel, Feb. Osod, win simoson,
visit to friends hear Dungannon. Mrs. ,5t,141 Irk
eitoh.)(i.folLTNelPtic°4,ab'g1fii ,vtg.
James Carter is very low, with slight . 1 Littl
hOpea of recovery. The the on the riy- P1310 -...1.D NiVingliatri, Feb Wan, Annie Jones,
rend of the late Mr Prior, aged 02 years.
,er broke on Tnestlity; as the river was
low no damage was done. Miss Clara :
TJawson left this week for Toronto,
• • . :
• •
Good girl for_geheral housework. Applrf o
MRS JAS. TW1TCHELL, Rat tenbury et. .
March 7-t1. •
' Bull Calves for Sale. -
The undersiirrisd OfFer-s for sale: two them
ltI.,33dott)rrtliorynosaltullst,r ?rid raonthesoluld
apply to it. HLTIVRING, Lortroig.0102 arEi
March 75* 11144
svhere she wilt reside, in future. .113"fra%
NOTES -Several farmers around here
haVe lost valuable cares this winter; T.
Brown threw Open his doom hospitably
to a farevvell gathering the other
W11111141 Ilete
Big Sa e
little aliesd of the rest, est a little better tie now an a oo Broadfoot. Tuckersmith, 9 year o
ld adoesoorieS. Whiteehure h. . at very 13OBt poosible mice&
work, just a little better moth* and gelding; Itollie Xennedy, Tucker -
smith, a pair of 0 year (Ad veldinga ,
,-Itev A. I. Brown, Bt McKillon, 4 yearnid. mare ; lohti Mc- grainop one .8 sheet Organs, the very entertai
h • t musie
BOUT'S - Photo 4- Studio. emus - ') pair of 8 year old filliee ; Santee
Armstrong, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, a
tondol for kat week •
ot the 'Whiteohnroh oirouit, has received a Mn. Seaforth, 8 year old• gelding ; bookg, awl a variety of MUSIC
Otirlaw • nnaitimone inyttation to remain for *be ni, Taylor, Sullett. 4 year old driver; ,
fourth year, but Mr Brown being a believer Janos Simpson, MeKi'Mp, 3 yoar old at neartia,s
011ABGE...-•sMr IloVvell, having Ms- M the three year term does not dead it ttd.- gelding ; lutes Gowan, McMilloP.
posed of hia.business to W. /oheef ham visple to remain. He has always found .11,air 3 year old geldings ; Finlay Ste,
1Property for Sale. • - •
Cottage and two lots for sale On 'King ,
Clinton: Cottage contains five rooms, elom te;
pantry, cellar and suraraerkitchenr hard and
soft water, a number of plum and pear trees.
Will besoidchen,M apply to It,...M4oLEOD,
March 7-41'. • . Olir tbn
. . -
. . . .
Logs and Heading of all,
kinds wanted. • . • •
Highest prices given. •
• Soft elms to be cut•11- feet,
n feet, and43 feet long. •
R. J.
StaPleton Salt Works
etteoL .
:We have just received a
shipment of our justly cele
brated line of Standard Shoes
for Boys. .These -goods. need
no introduction as they are al—
ready well known and are re.
cognized to be the best wear.
IngBoys' Shoes on the mar-
Theyare ,made .of ,„a
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without seams.'
Insoles and counters gttaran.
eed to be absolutely solid sole
New Lace Curtains at 18o, 25, 35o, 50o' 750,5] and$2.
Nevi Union Carpets at 250, 35e, 400 and500,
New Wcol Carpets, new patterne, at CSc, eeo and $1,
Romp Carpete, in etripee and floral dodger*, 120, 1.50 and 25e.
Japanese tVlettings, now patterns, at 15e, 8o and 25o.
A epeeist line of Tapestry Carpet, worth 65o for 500.
New Gingham in blue and white ohecks, worth 7o for 5o.
Best Shirtinge;fast oolore, regular 14o for 120.
Cottonedes and Moleskin° at 35e, 20o and 250.
New Muslin, in all the new colors and petterns inoludingfanoy open
etripeeand scrolls, at 120, 15o and 20o,
Black Muslim, in stripes and cheeks, at rap, 15o and 25o. •
.171'• We Imported our Silks direct Mist season and got them below regular
Japanese Wash Silk, in all colors, regular 30o for 25e.
Fine Japanese Silks, wide width, in all the new colors, regular price •600
for 50o.
Fine Black Tafetts talks at 60o, 75c and $1.
.., New Colored Tafetta Silks, new shades, at 60o, 750 and 95o.
Bleak Peauale.Soie Silks, veiy epeeist, worth 51.26 for $.1.
Silke for waists, in fancy stripes, very vernal at 50o.
We strut* a great snap in Fancy Printed Muslins for dressee, waists, eto.,
but we had to by a ease of 2000 yards to get them at the low place.
They are hill yard wide, fast colors, infancy stripes wroth' and floral
8dieosiagnnde, toro.reguler prime are 121a and 15o, but they goonithie week at
McKinnon 494E Co., 131y thL,
400 40004000410 0400 04140400400400004
Reduction In Prices
Here hi a great4ilia nee to gamma first ;close buggy at a big reduotion. Not
these prices: -
080 Buggies for 4)68 375 Buggies for 10 . •
• $65 Ruggles for 1160 •
Remember tbese are rll our own make, which plariee :us in a position to guarantee
them, as we do not buy any material but what is first clams
• Repairing promptly attended to by experienoed seen.
ItUJIBALL MellIATMe - Huron Street; .Clinton
• No Paper Soles
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and .get new Shoes.
as hie Stredeetlein. • ' work, 4 Fred , .Jackson
`and Mr Jones has been recominencl. d Podras anXIOnS tp 0:-oporato in ovareed 1111y, Another sale was Made on
alettresigned hie position postmasterl oiliolitie botli le the Trustee and Offielal , wart, Goderich towriship, 8 yeAr okl Music EniToriuni.
• y g
he lath [net,
A stook of shoice canned OMR: for oak,
e arringtou
•Look inside your hat, if yon find the mine. 3arringiointhan you -ropy feel agatire
. yen have a good hat-, - , •
• The HarringtOns are produced in the mesit up-to;:neteetYies and ore noted for their
long *Wearing qualitiere, ' _ • - • ••
The shapes and oolore that are worti:ty the niell dressed man of Lo adon and ni.ve
, Yorlician fervid in our stook. Prices range from 01.76 to.$2.50.,
We have also a nice line of the, cbeaper goods in black and color°, . •
' Yachting Caps 2no to,„50e
. . , •
We have still I. few Of last Season's hats-prioes of which were 5110 $2, you..rnai(
now heye your ohoine of these for•50o, but come early if you want one. . .
• • . . . • • • • .
• ... . .
W. L. OVIVIETTE, Londesboro,
. .
ALBERT 51'.0
014 INT.Mtt