HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 4Noxell 1,4th, 1,902
ine Showinq. of.
Spring Goods
In each departn lent of this store will be found high grade_ merchandise repre-
senting the new ideas for spring and summer gatherad from far and ndar. Several lines
have been imported by us from. Germany, France ani Saitland. You are getting the
benefit of our buying from first pands. Everything lathe store, no matter where it came
. from, has been marked at prices that have 'made this store famous. .
New Black Dress Goods Corsets that fit
New ideas in Black owls fromthe
Much of the elogance in the fit - of the
leading makers for the spring of 1902 Mare
own is due to the fit of the corset. Skuchy
being shown upon our couuters. We invite i
.be 1 -shape, poor fitting corsets will destroy the
your inspection of the many new things_ to
beauty lines of dress made by the very best
found at our Dress Gooch; department:
dressmaker. Expert advice, when you make
Mack Lustres • . your. corset selection, is absolutely -necessary,
We have provided for this mad can Invite you
• °
Vine brillient finish, 38 to 44 inchuail
is wide, all h . eavy q
ties that will give good wear, best valuee in the country to this department with more confidence than
at ' 20C,215C,39c,50g, .44+
. ever. Our stock of corsets is by far the best
Sergeg at 25c, 400, 5014, 750., . we have ever shown:
38 to 50 blob wide all wool gefgrie, hard linished goods that e
will give good wear for skirts or dresses, strong valued ev
25c,n0c, 50e 0 •
Venetians at 50c and- 75c
33 to 45 inoh wide Blaok Venetians, warranted all wdol,
fine satin finish, special values at sor, Tic
Rack Goods at 60c
Poplias, Sages, Granite Cloths, Viola Butting% all hard
finished goods that will make very serviceable skirts,
extra value at per yard 60c
We have only the
best linings
Wehaye airaed to keep only the very
best linings. Best in quality is none too good
for us and our trade. We have noroom .for
trash. We believe in buying the best grades
manufaetured and therefore holding our cus7
tomers from year to year..
Beat quality Lianenette lining in black, brownand gray
Skirt Linings in assorted colors at 6e, aad. 10e
Waist Linings in assorted colors at .,.,12ic and 15c
Sateens an Sate.na Cloths in all the newest shades 1t3r 20a, 2
Our 50c4COIsets
are made of a good quality Sateen, all steel filled and gnar.
anteed to fit perfectly, we have them in girdle sleeve as welL as
the long want effect.
Our 75c Corsets
. Ake -by for the best yalues we have eyer shown. TheYare
made of French oontill and (sateen, with fine steel filling, straight
front, long and short waist effects, nicely trimmed end warrented
to give perfeat.fit and pod wear, .
Our $1 'Corsets
Are the beet that oan possibly be Made for the money.
They are made of fine quality sateen and Prenoh coutill in the
new straight front style also the long waist effeote. •One line is
made without the brass eyelets and has is the garter attachment.
Wear and fit guaranteed .
You areinvited to visit our store aad see
the new tines of cork ets just received,
The B .an41 L BiasFilled Corset
Are guaranteed not to break. They are better than any
Ordeeed corsets at dcuble.the money, Stamped price $2 pei pair,
New Neckwear •
We have juet placed in stook the fineet assortment of ladies'
silk neckwear and lace dollars over shown in town. The new lib
en' and Dresden effects are. yery dainty; prices are $5c.
75c,, 85e; Si to $5.
Some Special Prices for Friday,
Saturday and Monday
60c Cushion Tops at 35c 1 1c Victoria Lawn at Sic
Commencing Friday morning we will plebe on sale about 3 _
dozen Cushion teps in the yery latest -designs, regniar ‘ee. 100 yards of 30 inch wide Victoria Lawn,ro und even thread
price of which was 60o, at 00c fins gas*, regular price is 12ece00 sal ePriday.morri- '
• • • ing at per yard POO &II" • ie
Ribbons at 4ie
200 yards of ribbons one inch widain all the neer,tsbacles 123.! to 15c Embroideries at 8c
on sale aeper yard ' C •
Ribbons at 5c . •
150 yards of 2 inch wide Ribbons, in shades of bine, gold,
pink, red, cream, green, black, eto., naming sold at 10e,
on Bale at n
.. 4.4 *LP
20c and 25c Hat Pins at 10c
On Friday morning we place On salee.bout fivedozen hat pins
in assorad styles, that were regular15o,-20a and 25a
valnes, at each• . 1.11C
$1,75 Waists at .50c .
Commencing Friday morning we will offer the .bilanoe • of
our waists made of American flannel, in red with fancy
• spots, that were $1.75, for.. ..... .. . .................
200 yards of'Embrpideries in assorted, widthiettnd patterns,
regulaitaluee were from 1210 to 15e, sale price., ;
Cashmere Hose at0e.
5 clozen ladies' ribbed Cashmere Hose, good heavy •quality
for spring weer,speeialforPriday.Saturday and Monday WC
Boys' Hose at 19c
4 dozen boys' extra heavy ribbed Wodl Hose, in assorted- en
sizes reg lar value is 35o, on rale at: . . . . . .. IOC
More Vests at •
a dozen ohildr.en'a heaVy. ribbed Vests, in assorted sizes, rele
dater values 20c to 25o, sale price .... 10C
Your money back-
• if you •want.it.
Matron Chimes •. '
BapneT Onunca.----Ren G. J3: BrOwn,
Foreign Mission .Secy., was here Mon-
day and Tuesday in the intereists of his
work; meetings -Were held at the base-
• line appointment on Monday evening,.
and in the Baptist church- here on
Tuesday evening. • •
• ONTAtuo STREET (311VRC11.- 0 Wing
to the tea, meeting in •connection With
the opening of Wesley church there
• was no meetiore of the League on
Monday night. • The Special- serrViees
in connection' With the church will
conamense on next Monday evening,
March 17th; a general Invitation is
ST PA.I7L'El` CHURCH. -The Secretary
of the Diocese of Huron has advised.
the Rev Mr Gunne,,rector of St. Paul's
church, that the Bishop of Huron has
altered the elan of his confirmation
tour in this deanery, so that his lord-
ship will be in Clinton, on Sunday
evennur, May 4th, instead Of Monday,
May 5the as previously announced.
STJosEpiesUntineit..Services will he
held by Father McMenamin itt. Myth
next SundaY ....Next Monday being
St. Patrick's day a sacred concert and
lecture will be given in Se. Joseph's
" church. The feature of the evening
will be the lecture by leather MeMena,
• min on "St. Patrick's day" Every
person who can should atted this treat
which is in store... .Rey. Father Me -
M nat22112 preached atSt, Peter's church
in Goderich on Tbeaday in connection
With the Forty HOW% deyotion services
Cutittott•-The meeting of 0,
' Emeas held on Monday evening at 8 p.m.
Mies Wilson presided. The topic "The
secret of endurrince'! war; ably dealt with
by MSS Icia eLindtiay. The meeting
-,,,,,,_„Aext,11qpiteavening will be in the
.form cJii-ffeliiitrairtItilreiliVtirilfrient
-control hasten the prohibition of Nem
tank"; this will be both interesting
and itilitructivo....W, P. Spalding
eang a kilo at each service laat Sure
day.. .Preparatione for the Sunley
schodeantatalo b3 given on teeter
Monday evening is progressing and the
people may expect to hear something
extra ; Hiss Peden, of Toronto, and
other outside talent will assist beside
those now taking.part. Besides this
.pixttm! to be given in the auditorium
,L;atoritoihei 0111 be Served in the
Iectiirerookii atid the small acimiselon, •
fee Will go towards new batiks for the
library. It is to he hoped the cantata
Will not only be enjoyable as an enter-
tainer -lent but prove a financial success
by-aelarge number attending.
WESLEY CHURCH. -The opebing ser-
_vi.ns of Wesley church will, 1:), -y*:„ be
continued next Sunday, when the Rev,
Dr. Carman, General Superintendent
Of the Methodist church,may be expect.
ed to preach morning and evening ; he
is one of the oldest men in the Methce
dist church and tLere should be 'lamp
congregation e at, both services ....The
Sunday school well atinePeel..ereeq...
ing at nate, when the following pro-
grem will be envee, the collections
being in aid ot the building fUnd:-
Doxology, followed by Lord's Primer chanted.
• Glory to God in the highest"
Prayer.. •• ••• ••••• or • , • • • • e •-•W Rw
chant., "Merle Petri"
Anthem."The'Lord is my light" with solo by
'13ible leSson Ads at p ___ gel
Recitation by graduating elate; fro!» primary
derartment of the coMmandinents,ot books
testanient and the l;eautitudes.
Song.. Itoly Bible" .
Solo "The priceless gift" • .Lnelle Tanticir
Addr W
ess.. ..11 Kerr, efI3ense
s le
Duett and chorus Crown him Lizzie Reictaxid
[Beatriee Greet) and their
Hymn "Lift up the Gospel banner"
Address, .. ,- .
• . Bet, W.G' Howson
n "There . sunshine my soul to-dar"
* The opening servicai of Wesley
.1turch will be•continued up to March
23 d. On that day, another ex -Pastor
of the Itettenbury St. congregation,
the Rev S. V. 'Mime's, Of London,
has consented to preach 'morning and
evening". •
• genadian Presbyterian Guild Was ad-
opted. . The congregation 'of Sc. An-
drew's church, Kippers, obtained leave
to add a School roona to theie present
bonding. .
J. R. Shaw, Clinton,• Preached' in
Rippen on Sunday week for Rey. Mr
Long.' Mt Shaw is it favorite with the
Methodists at Kippep, who enjoy his
preaching. . • •
Additional Local News.
LAOROSSE.-All those interested
inetheenationalegarne .of .lacrosse ate
requested to meet for organizationat
the Commercial Hotel this Friday
nighl.There should Fe a large netea-
'oer present. 01intonepossesses a feet
lot of players and this town should
have a good tenni "this corning season.
NIERS' 1NSTITUT.B.-A. joint meeting
ef the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa-
tion and the West Huron Farmers'
Instil Lite will be held in the town hall
an March 20th, commencing at 130.
FHTD 1 30 to s 00 will be taken tipWith
the discussion of matters leertitining to
the orchard and fruit. After 3 00 the
time will be spent in practical illustra-
Clone on pruning, grafting, itn. The
weetieg will be interesting andinstruce
titre to any person who has an apple or
truit trbe and a s...wcii?1 invitation is ex-
tended to all,both ladies andgentlemen.
atlfnurned meeting of the Peesbytery
of fluron was held in Carmel church.
Hensel), on Tuesday, llth inst. The
• time was almost entirely taken up
. With discussion of remits and reporte,
The remelt proposing the appointment
°Of S, S. missionaries to labor in some
of the newer districts of the country
Ware4W6Vellr'vertirth e teem/mien do. -
lion that the appointment. of these
missionaries be left to Synode. The
remit -proposing it reduction in the
repreeentation to the General &sserribly
from one.feutth to one-sixth was en-
"proVecl, hut no action Waa taken as to
the proposal to eteate a fund to defray
the travelling expenses of commission-
er. Thereport on Chnrch Life and
Work was adopted, and the committee
was instruoted to pre are an abridge
matt of it for rtubliert Ion and eireula-
tibb. The report on Young People's
Societies showed an increase of mem-
bership during the year. The proposal
to change the name of the S'ociety, by
•' Goderich. •
GOLDEN WEDDING.- SO years ago Mr
and Mrs Strainehan entered upon mar.
tied life, and on W &best:last a family
gathering of over 30 celebrated the
event, among these present being Al-
bert Steaughan, who is home on hie
wedding tour .from Tapulpa,. Indian
Terr. Numerous gifts were received,
accompanied by the followiegr
DeArt.rirttett ASO lifopann-. Werour ehtl.
ahniversary. We all sineerety wish you still
many lumpy yeara andhope that you will accept
.gtirsetrinbrances as Shall tokens of lave arid
ef'tw 1°8'
'Signedin behalf of Family.
An enjoyable titne was Elliott in
games, etc., and it bountiful supper
nrovided. Mr and Mrs Straughan
were blessed with five daughters and
four eons; one daughter, Bellapdied it
few years ago. ThOSel surviving are:
Albert, Indian Terr.l Edward and.Jas.
n ol otne. eorge itt honte; Mrs
Parritthae arid ,mre Bail, Willett; Mrs
Goldthorpe, Saltfordt and blise Ann at
home. May they WaYe many more
ears Of **Otiose,
urchase-youteekiletir alt -Town ofiligreend°
siave deley at otation,
F. II; llodgenst Town Agent
Clinton, eat,
tinteltt' Ctiftittl
NOTES. -On Friday evening (last a
sleigh load of young people.from
8 and 9, passed through here,and as the
oleiebing was very bad and the young
men Ilea not their heavy boots on so
they fCiifl e "vet ynneornfortable when
it was necessary for them to 00 out
'1:on Saturday evening to 1
er, returning on 111onday to Wytanaing
TBhi togreArrsooOciaeli ;rnewethnig boef theld itellraennIchg:
ohm ch on the evening of NVedneeday
1.0th inst.; addresses will be given by
Bevil elernieten, emd, coupland, On
.litleilday Mrs Jonathaia Craktlotd ahd
two daughters returned tetheir home
in Manitoba, On Friday Wait Vain.
service started for hie hornejin Mani-
toba. On Tuesday John Weymouth,
Thos. Roberto», Joseph Riley and le
;Bloody left for Elmira, Waterloo Co.,
to make square timber; they expect, to
be away a month, Rev Mr Voupland
attended a League eonvention in Lon-
don this week. Mrs Robt. Vole went
to London to see Mr Cole this week.
Joseph Addison and Henry Craig lett
on Thursday morning forleoland,Men ;
they were ticketed by R. B. Jeffrey. •
Joseph Webster also left for Sanborn,
N. Dak., after spending some months
under the parental roof. Fred •Y ung..
of the llth con., west of the_yit-
lage, left for Glasgow, Sbotland, to
purchase a first class heavy draught
stallion; he expects to be back by the
Last of April.. Wa2. Lee has received a
car of seed oats and peas for sale. J.
Brunsdon Se Son received a car of
Machinery this week. Jas. Woodman
has taken the agency for the National
cream separator. John Manning was
in Goderich on Wednesday. Mester
Robert Snell is 'visiting in Luognow.
• Holaneserille
NOTES, --Ad. McCartney is recover-
ing from his recent illness; also Miss S.
Courtice. 111.13 R. Gliddon, Leeburo, is
visiting her sister, Mrs Holdsviorth.
AlnOrig those who spent Sunday in
Clinton, attending the •opening of the
new church, were Mrs W. Pickard;edre
A. S. Coiertme, Misses A,111cLeod,Vina•
Tebbutte E. Holdeveorth, 13, Pickard,T.
.MeCartney, S. Gardiner. and Mr E. :
Washington. Jake Miller has been
visiting 1 is brother jarnes, nf the vil-
lage. . Mrs F. O. Elford an family are
visiting in London,and taking in the
League convention. Mrs .J. Grahaim
and daughter, Mrs Hannah, Of Exeter,
spent Monday . in our 'village. We
understand that Mr Orboks, J. Yea
and H. Elford are appointed delegates
to the prohibition convention at Wing -
ham on Monday. '
CHORQH, - The W. M. S. met at Mrs
John •McelDartney's on Wednesday at-
ternoon. Next Sunday reopening ser-
vices will be held in Sharon Methodist
church, when Rev Walter Ayers, Lon-
don,, a former pastor. mill conduct div-
ine worship at 2.30 .and 7 pen. On
Monday, 17th inst., it geoid tea meeting
Will be held; tea will be sertrefi in. the
Orgnge hall, after va Wei an excellent'
'progeara will be render ed inthe Chord*,
consisting of music by the•Hplrnesville
choir, and addresses by Heys , Ayers,
Stedman and )(amid; • admiseion
the public are most cordially invited
to all the seryices. Rev W, Ayere. will
preach in Holmesville Sunday morn:.
mg; the evening service is withdrawn.
NEW INEUSTEY.--OOP esteemed citi-
zereil W.:Miller and a Mulholland, al e
rigging up an upta-date shop for bicy-
cle repairing; both Inc experienced and
reliable workmen.and then() wishing
anythinw in this line will do well to
patronize thein. . :
Eitivet • :Fiteittereeer has in
his possession a branch from a Duchess
tree that has been doyered With bloom
the past week. lie's ceetainly rushing
the season. .'
From our regular eorreepondent. • • .•
Nomus.--S. Ashton, who, went to
Bluevale,to attend the Wedding of his
brother, Thomas, on Tuesday, was die-
apieoieted as his brother Was sick and
unable to be inareied on that date. Mrs
1.Ball's youngest chill is recovered from
an attack of bronchitis. 'Miss E.Turner
has returned to her home in Clinton. A
large number from here attended the
Wesley church tea -meeting On Monday
evening. C. Layton has ?erchiteed a
• yery fine colt; J. Crich lose a valuable
mare last week, • Miss Laura Jackson,'
Dedicatory Serviees.
-Continued from page 1.
beautiful and commodious edifices now
need by the two bodies here,
Hey Alex Sather land, BOW Minion,.
ary Secretary, entered the ministry as
a young man, on Clinton Circuit,
ander the pastorate of Rev A. Camp-
bell. The late Rev J. Hough did also,
and what is also uoteworthy is the
fact that both were originally printers.
The broad and conn in end able
catholicity of spirit displayed by
townspeople was shown in the .feet
that all other coneregations-Eple-
ooPal, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic,
Repent, ' Brethren, and Salvation
Army, were represented in the mid -
Every member of the building corn.
Mittee deserves great credit for the
mariner taken and energy towards the
building of tl-ne pew church especially
that of Messrs W, Doherty as chair-
man and W. R. Lough as secretary.
The cash collections were $83 at the
Morning service, 821 at the afternoen
and 840 in the evening, a total of $156,
and subseriptions of $150 were also
added. Thefflroceede 9f the tea meeting
and entert,,,unnent on Monday eyeninc
live;re 43271.
As there was a large quantityof ea
ables left over a spread was given
the children of the congregaUnnon
Tuesday evening and the proctledi.
from thls amounted to 010. The total
proceeds (not including subscriptions)
amounts to $440. .
Ayery handsome pulpit Bible, to..
geither with the clock, were the gift ot
W. O. Myers, of Detroit ; the beautiful
Pulpit hymn book was given by Israel
Taylor. Brampton.
he church was crowded for both the
morning and afternoon services; but in
the evening the audience was literally
packed like sardines, every foot of sit -
Wig or standing room being occupied,
and bundreda being turned•away. By
actual count 1139 persons passed out of
the two lobbies at the close of the even.
ing service. .
To the Editor of the New Era: •
DgAik Will" you please allow inc
space -lit connection with your report of the.
opening servicee of. Wesley church, to thus
express On behalf of the Trustee Board and
parson personally, our entire satisfaction
with the work of the contractors and °build -
ere, together With that of all the worktnen,
who labored under their direction. Every
department was thoroughly supervised, and •
the work done is a credit to every man who
had a hand in its oompletion. We desire
farther to ;acknowledge our gratitude to tne
Divine Father, for His guardian care over
'Chow wheats labor expend them to danger.
No one, we believe, was hint (luring the
building of this edifice. We further desire -
to express Our grateful thanks to those
Members of. our slater olitirohes,wheiro gen.
erciusly and ably assieted mein our Bermes
of gong, melt° Minter Stewart Jackson and
Norroan March, whospeoleseeded much to
the interest, To the choir Of Wesley church
I give my meet sincere thanks. The organ -
id, -Miss Combs; hag done her work with
. remarkable efficiency andveithout aomplamt.
weir; the increased labor; The oboie leaders,
Mr Sibley and Mr Tanney,have been with-
ing in 'their efforts to make the magical
service of our church what.it might to be,
and every, member of the.ohoir has 'a sha,re
Of praiseinthe 'excelled resulte, The
inembere of the .Ladies' Ale Society heve
contributed 10 00 small degreeto the Ba00688
of the undertaking. They furnisherea most '
excellent supper, and performed their most
arduous labore Without a murmur, Seyeral
of t,he men employed in Mr Doherty's fac-
tory gave merle hours of labor in 'the even-
• ings tOwards, the beautifying of the organ,
and their names also should be placed cer •
the roll of honor. Personally I desire to
thus publicly express My very sincere
thanks to thd members of•thebailding nom-
niittee, for their tuntiring efforts and otioso.
less labors. No pastor ever had a m ore of -
fiOent or genial building committee-, and I
shalt never forget their work of faith and
labor of love.. Every word of thie letter is
sincere; I never indulge in flattery. I have
but expressed (and not even then fully) the
real gratitude and feeling of my heart.
Now that the work is about completed,we
piety that.God may fill His temple with His
.own glory, and orown each service with His
Oheiceet beriedictione, •• • e
• 'enure most 'gratefellse.
W. .G. HOwsort.
Cooper/1;B 4: diatom Clinton
Spring Wall
It's wall paper time again. We
alip.aperthau you can find else-
14• think we can.. offer you-. a • Wit16
ffChOic0 of better and more stylish.
.1 • - • •
We think we can save tneney for you too, come in -and
let ns prove it to, you. . All Paper Trumped tree
won't fit the children, auly
are too old, half the trouble in
getting glasses and spectacles is
that they are not suitable, if you
will come here, you'll get just
what your eyes need. Careful
examination and glassts if re-
quired at very reasonable prices. ftisiliraripi
G,OPN Ft tc:t,
a e dine Bags and Belts.
Every lady should have a chateNine 'bag, those who use.
them say they are indeapensable. We have a large new stock
ready for your inspection, a very nice bag can --be had at 50e
or 75c, cheap ones at 35c and 400, also better ones at 85c1.
90c, $1 arid $1,50.
Cooper Co.,
Holmes, M P., who spent. Sunday
with his familY brought with him an
outline plan of the proposed post
office. A. good many people have seen
the same and express their pleasure
thereat saying that the building, as
proposed, will make a handsonie ad;
dition to the buildings of the • town.
A tower will probably be provided on
the building "with space for a clock,
if the town will undertake to provide
a clock for it. The cot of:the bpilding
is set down for $8000,which does not
ineltede the furnishings. • .
.THId HOSPITAL. -A. petition is in
circulation asking,that in Case the
Goyernment disposo of the frame
building now Occupying the proposed
post office eite, It be turned over to the
present hovital building,the intention
being to enlarge the present hospital so
as to niake it' commodious and large
enough for general hospital purposes.
'The hospital as it-nowstandaita open to.
any doctor who wishes to Make use
of it.It has been used by a number
ot the neighboring doctors of late and
if this proposition is allowed Del ' the
doctors svill be as in ehe past be al;
lowed its free use. The frame build-
ing is not worth rough and we are of
the opinion that the object is' a most
Worthy one.
,. .4
coming and Coirg.
• --
Miss Mitchell is the guest of 1Virs WniKyle, o •
KillPiPtsettarifici9vAter, s twoee7drierslitehiii.:?
gaaa 1"5 " 141)1#11 Meeed
• hirs-Jes Seale and Mrs Bice; • •
Mrs Chas. Archibald., Kemptville, is visiting
her isstm.ei13aiilyMrs Arehibald,d
brother., Jacob, imSent a f oderichlast ew lyragsek.witil-
Miss Lavinia brighten, of Londesboro, was
the guest of Miss Shannon:0er Scinday:. , •
G: of Oz BoW, Assa, Spent Sunday
'at the home of his fat'aerin-law, Mr.Straith.
11.0. Westhlilyth, and- Miss 'L. Whitley, of '
"Lleadeiboro, Beudayediwith Miss Borden. 0-
• Mr :Frank Metall, Blyth, vraf the greet of
: plintonfriendefrom Saturday till Monday.
Mrs I, 1,1odeland, Seaf.crth,-was in Clinton ou
a visit to her brother, p•-crich over Sondes'. •
A course of lectures under the auspices
of the Clintotreeterticultural Society
witi be given hi the town hall, on Wed-
nesday, March inth, by two „promile,
ent speakers. R. B. Stevenson,. • of
Jordon Station, Pot.; willspeak • on
one of the following subject:sr-The
strawberry,' the promising new straw-
berries, verandah decoration, winter
window gardening or bulb growing
for young amateurs; Mrs Torrance,
of Chateauguay, Que., will gneak on
EVery day, plants of our homes and
gardens." These lectures will be given
in the toWn hall, out at 3 P. tn. (for the
benefit of the studente of the Colleg-
iate and snh1i1r leehool) and another in
Additional Local News. the evening at 8 p. Tbeee lecturee
are given for the purpose of • encourag-
LAWN 130WLING.-11 has been ing interest in horticulture and beild-
proposed to hold the annuakmeeting, ing up the societies and should he at -
for the election of officers gassing of tended by all who They will be
accounts, etc. at an early! date, and tc found profitable and, interesting. ,The
coMbibe withthese duties, the pleasure • dates • of the course are:. -Mitchell,
of a smoking concert. The President March 17: Seafcirth, March 18 e Cline
hes this matter in hand, so we may
rest assured that it wilt be a success.
A gi eet want in connection with the
dlub is it caretaker for the javvre A
liberal sum .vill•be paid to the right
man, Applidationa should be made -at
an eat ly date to JohpRaeasford, Presi-
dent, Perrin block.•
Ripley, is visiting her grandmother, TEMPERANCE 14,0TURE.-Miss.
Mrs Crawford, of the London road, Wiggins,.the W. O. T. 1Y,, Providelar
and will vieit with relatives' in Seaforth. Lecturer and Organizer, will deliver
J. Ball underwentan operation at the two lecepres in the newWesley church, ,
Clinton hospital for appendicitis; about on Wednesday; 'March 1911), one at,
four years ago he was operated on for three o'clock 0. in. and the other the
an abcess ; ie is now improving. same evening at 8 o'clock. Iler eyea-
RrttnelED TO IItYRON. -Mr Elorace ing topic will be "The present aspect of
Townsend, of Park 'River, N. Dakota, the prohibition Oftesticlithe question
Who paid it glint to his old home in this of the day, and as it' is onta diver
township . Xmas, found. that his collection a full house is anticipated 16
health was better in Canada than in hear this eloquent lady. 49 Miss Wig.
- Dakota, so he sold all his property, and gins has attended the great. convention
has returned, with his Wefe and family: iniToronto she will give out some of
of five, to old Huron. It is his inten. the best ideas. We hope she will be
tion tc locate here permanently, and well received as in other &tree ehe.has
We are sere his many friends.veill wel- been.
come him back.
Tnel SICK.- Miss M. Hartry, the pop. curling games in dohbles were run off
flier teacher of No 6, has been laid up the winners of the A. Taylor trophy, a
pair of silver cups. were won by Jas.
Fair and W. Boss, who defeated N
Fair and It, 'Graham by one poinh. In
the points gaene for singles W 1),
Spaulding is the lucky one,having made
thehighest score of 33 points otit pf
possible 72 and Wins President, Nor.
Fair's trophy of a set of cat glass
tumblers. For .last Friday night a
hockey match' wds advert ised" t r have
for a. week with a severe cold. Mr R.
White is rapidly improving, also Mrs
G.Turner. F.Onich is also improv-
ing vapidly, J. &Ball, who miderwent
an operation for appendicitis three
years ago, is, We are sore y to learns suf.
fering again from the same, -
Ortuncif.-Rey T. E. Stedman dosed
:his reviyal meetings on Fridey evening•
last for the present. The Epworth
League of,Turner's appointment intend
holding it social in the near future for
the benefit of the society, to which a
small admission fee will be charged. final competition of the Western On. e P ace
tater) Colts OurlIng League en Marc at heart the welfare of our town Come
Brucened.• fith, forward and secure a few shares white
ton, March 19.; Kincardine,- March 2.0 ;
Mount Forese, 51 Arch 21
STORAGE • CO. -A rneetin
provisional' board was held ere on
Monday when -•-some changes were
made in the directorate, leaving the
boifid follovver-President, Major
W. Young, garlow ; yiee president, D.
A. Forrester,' Clinton ; Pea-treas. H.
B. Combre Clinton; directors, )V.
Jones, Carlow, James Tei
Clinton, S. M. Sondem Exeter, Thos
Jackson, sen,, Clinton, and • IV.
Straughan, Benmilier. The report of
progress in stock taking were most
encouraging from all sections ot the
county, especially the evert from the
canveseers now operating in towne
where the results shew that not only
business men but neatly private
citizene have shown their confieledce
in the scheme brstaking liberally of
the stock. Indeed the nee of stock.
holders locally ,proves that Clinton
endorses the project tinanimbusly and
thus -ensures the ultimate success' oj.
this enterprise. With the raw mate`
edit' surrounding us oti side§ there
e'en be rib doubt of the resailte, and
practical men have proved by., un-
doubted authority that:those taking
stock in this company eari rest diatired
ef large profits. Those hayitigeligjhle
sites will have to come fdrward. at
once With propositioto as the board
will hay to locate vvithin 'a few days
been played between Sea fart encl. in order to begin •actual work when
sprm opens, Enquiries have
dOildinntoOnt mbnatteorrairizget. o thmeeseoefetavveeautrhieeres. fait
read, been Made for stock from
several outside pointe and some hag
defeated Stretfordhy one shot in the
Of the
Miss Johns, of Exeter, has been the guest
Mrs13. J ..GIbbings for it few days this week.
Robb Williamson, of Ingersoll, brother-in-law
'Of ThosTriek,has been here.this week on a viSit.
Miss Ella Oline, of London Victoria Hospital
staff of nurses, is visiting at 'the- hdine J . B.
Miss Mary Gladys Holmes has gone home af-
ter spending three weeks with her aunt, Mrs
SildraiistaaEila. Tyndall, of Auburn, is spending 'a
few weeks. with relatives and friends hi and.. •
around town. , • •
, •
Mrs W Suns, of Blyth, came down for the tea- .
Meeting Oa Monday eveningt. being the guest or
Mrs .1 Ilcan, • • •
B. Boover ;was down to Lendon for several .
days this week on busieess in connection with
the W. 0. W..
Rev Jas Livingstone was the guest of W.Deh-
erty, Esq., while here at the openmg services' of
Maud Gerrett,of Londeiboro.
were the guests of their c ousin,Miss Lizzie Car- ,
ter, for the past week. • . •
Miss 'Grace Bawden has returned from 'Sen-
se% after spending a week with her uncles, •
C. antic. A. MeDenell, • •
•Frank Pevey came lip frem 'Toronto on Sat-.
day to see his. mother, who 'is yet Very poorly
and still confined ,to bed. •
• Miss Jennie Robinson w‘cii,; to Brantford last
week and will spend a month or so as the guest
of her aunt, Mrs C. B.. Heydi
' Mrs Kyle,of Kippen, Wha has been .visiting
her husband, Kyle, at the hospital, was the
gaest of Mrs Mitchell on Suedes.
Mrs Andersom'of inloss„ on her return trip , •
from Cleveland, stayed off and spent it week.
with her niezes,Mrs Seale and Mrs 13iee. •
O Mr and Mr 4 Arthur Cantelon,- of ,Goderieh,,
were here last Prides, attending the funeral a
the late l‘Us David Cantelon.
• • Mr and Misi JohnJohnston were up to East
Wawanoshlately,vniting the feeinersbrother,
•Robt J ohnson, who is very low.
• .Mr and Mrs Kirkpatrick, who has been visit
lag Mrs Strait for the last two weeks,: has re
• _turned to their h.. mein West Oxford. . •
Mrs D Garcluer Ism es on Friday morning for
New York, and will •remain probably •three
mouths as the guest cf her eon Robert.
Mr H. VViltse was this week in Toronto £01.
• representative of the Home Oirele;attending the
• anneal meeting atilt) Supreme ()Melo.
• Jas, g Wheatley' returnell•to Marquette,Mieh.t
021 Thersclay morning, atter having hada Pleas-
ant visit with friends here and neighborhood.,
Miss Lydia Iteoliler, of Zurich, was here over
1.8:yak011itirg. ;Telt tilgi,p7gggilgsvnYfogr
Miss Clara Sharman. Goderich, hes been the
guest of Miss Amelia Harland and:Mrs Straith;
Miss Campbell, Goderich, was the guest of Miss
h Montreal. Let every citizen who has
()HANi3tED 4/ANDS,-,-- OM% Wile0n, FORMERLY OE OLINION.-On the brinks are open and ensure the
-Who MO been conducting the American
Hotel here, has bought out the Dixon Monday week John Thomson, &fernier
resident of Clinton, died itt Bruseels. pWreellietraehlbefiVvrest6tnetvehtittefWoreelivea:y,stnitigkst.
House (across the road), The Ameri- tie was born in Dumfries, Waterloo CO,, holder. We understand the intention
can House will be run by Dr : Little, ot an1. was•married to MIEIS Isabel Rick- is to scatter the !stook Over the country,
Varna, who bought the piece for $3000.
The &own -take place on the Jet nf ardson who predeceased him 42 years with a view of future extension of the
ifer*Ttinsfamtly lived in -Grey -town--b)siness ••-to-comer-43.11.-PohatamItiairi,
MAY, Both of these men ate up•to. shin tor & woe and vent neynet,& years
Huron, Inc board made a gobd move
date, and will run good htuses. In. hi Clinton before residing in Seaforth in electink Mr Sandere,
of Exeter, as
speaor Paisley, of Clinton, and IL where he lived for 25 years, then gning he is non of the most progressive
Culbert, Egrnondville, were valitatine. to Brussels. He was the last Of five fermere in the county and %ill give
the Dixon propetty on Monday for brothel.% The two surviving sisters sttet,gtb 16 th eompany.
,those interested. . are Mee Jane Walker, of Iiruseele, and
. - - Mrs Hendereon, Elmo; ivlio is now 82
" NOInee.-Donglas Mc DaYish,of Toron. of Montreal, Aleir, , 0 elph, Thos„ Li 9. for suedeY. .1
to and his sister, Miss Elizabeth MeTay.. towel, and Robert nii 'Brussels, Toni a IbeehleY returned last w415 from his trip
lib, or Itthearcline# both formetly of datighters, Miss Ms43frieo who died 0%. a " 1 e vey
Stanley,yieited old friends and aequitire, two years ago and Mrs John Scott just neeiravd bather roteting to the 0fteadiatt
tattoos during4isfiediegye McTavish filet February, Hie temente %into in. Sault last week atalbawrerato 'Barber to t..Virtu-
With ber fa ttk*:t,;,4;';'' 5tAtftl'In.Maitjarldbamk nemetety tipal, stow. Atizeite, this week, Tho Misses Footo
.Stanley yearS of age.".the chipeen Inc .10Ststih, • .1* Leslie en „ LaVis, of Goderieli, home
Strathroy to live. Seeforth in the fatally plot, • this week,
and inisaEl Barber MAO Wont Welt to Torento
noway went to Toronto Triesdaylo.
nteet fkreertiPoltia .v?nvfMott'i it1;7$411trigl.:tti
to be herein a few weeks,
;• Mrs Geo W Boss, Wife of the Premier of On•-:
feria, cited suddenly cm Wednesday, at the age
02 25 years. Besides her husband a faMily of •
four children awl four stop-ehildeen survive.
41".1",g,ifirihroltaines(P1 Wa.
Wm Cliewint who has'beeb. visiting
Rixivoeltrg, h:foaktiiiire.r7s1.ti fipont Several months •
• Ur and. Vire H, Posternad Mr and Mrs IgXaet
tfitIcgr,1102 Bairteialvtrf !lore for theropeiiiing
main hegforaa.a.Weeral p2's1:173841:072
father, Jas Stevens. •
We understand that ern. re, Middleton, Van-
couver, soa of Gem Middleton', Goderich town -
life, will join 'a surveying party that; leaves
t iere in the spring. 11e was formerly with,J. E.
Hovey, but has lately been eMployed with the.
Vancouver Drug Co
'Hon. Cliamberlaih asked •for inunber
of Canadian teachers to go to South Africkand
In reply thereto, two welt.known and efficient
•Clintoniens have implied for positions,. •vis
Misses litterlet Holmes, Guelph, and Miss Hen-
rietta Tllsoriburgt •
Mrs Yee, of Monet Poreet, hos been the guest
of her father, 1-1. Cen Mien, at the Olarendon,the
past week. rhe mime up to attend. the funeral
ot her grandmother who lensed away on Wed-
nesday week arid Was interred in Clinton cense-
ter,' last 11`ridav. .
Mr John BroadbUnt, of Thornhill, Man., who
hint been visiting Jog Garrett, of Londembere,
laVingatttseyr i(V3eldVillig4ittg iiitt143 fil;ZT11:41:1;
t t r
morning after a most enjoyable' Ve
Jelentj_i, amer two with friends in Toronto,
. 0,SteVereoir has c"*.rdrigireitiltroli", titren"
three • funerals of relatives within the lams
lOotith nttond iciag34talrodfal(41: =Pa Brampton to
0 ,
who died suddenly, atjthe age of. 63 Yeera. 511
Stevenson also IMO his Miele, _W. C. Stevenson
(aged 80 yelirs), and hie attrit.3Ire W. C. Steven -
eon (aged 00searin, of lienfryn 1 the former dye
ing calor* and the latter inst last week.
le. C. ieeTavisli, of 'Porten°, aria Miss IAzzie
hieTaVish, of Kincardine township, wore the
guestsofMr Fhtlay
and lam:week. Trier° wove her last Week at"
tendieg the w.edding '
thole sister, Mies leas)
ereviveile to John ()Stewart, of htrlitford, and
took the becasion to Call Upon friende, who
were 'pleased to nee them await. They also-
, Visiteti Shinny friends,