HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 2Mareh 14th, 19,02 ' .[ .WVAMMAAN WWWWWIN A. Glorious .Big -..• Bargain Event Commencing• February 18th and ending March lst . A royal time for those who need or who willoneed clothing. Men's Suits, 13o) s' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Mor's Pants; Boys' Pants. 1 Our Whole Chithing Stock will be oltered at a special discount of 20 per cent .0 The object of this sale is to Hell out this season's clothing before our ner. goc".:,- 4s.iive. We never carry one tEation's goods into The next season. All goods charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged ° at sale prices Our ozoods are marked in plain figures— •deduct 20 per Cent and that will, be the selling price for cash only during the sale, - • - Men's ' Suits .. . Men's 5,00 suits now • 4.00 Men's 6 00 ‘•,‘ ." 4 80 Men's 8 00 " ". ; . .. 6 .10 Men's 10 00 " " ....... . . ; u0 Men's 12 00 " " . •• 96O Boys' 1 50 suits now ,......-, . 1 20 Boys' 2 00 " .. . 1 60 2 00 t •Joys' 300 " " ..... • . , 2 40 Tzioyg' 4 00 4 I4 ' Boys' Suits a • 11# THE CLINTON NEW ERA, -1 es eemollieje Religions blr Census. 1 Properties for Sale or to.tet '' . Seed Oats lor Sale, InfIDAT • MAK. 14, 1002, The following figure]; t: ken from the 1 To Rent Tyndall Bros offer for teVe a quantityof Cana- , ...- - Cenbtle, will be of interree to thoee who I elan Pride tette. These nate have given geeat -• .. , • , e ..e„ like to ready 6titaitiCS. III increttee of 1 -- . . aeo i Airtime be leo. that got seed la.,t, sprine; , tot eft, mimeo, ewe., stem', e nee, lee Town . . te, 3, 4,rrt free front emu and i'lciPl. 1,Ve termite 1 numbers diri ing the ten year interim, eadiamentary Letter, __ tbo llonain oattp.i.ies come first with teriane second, with 86,975 ; the Meth« , a r et increase ef 280,080 ; the ' Peestees -- - - - eligillt.e?stly ;o Ms. sre ,,,,,.._______teenii.o. 9121. • yeti M-- 1w Teti]) 4.1.1, Billie. Rutile t. -Ice Ire; 1 rer, pule:eve, , ed teel bueliels fr m lel ate4e. teiti veer, The first vote taken this session was odists, with 00,007, Anglicane and For Su se' or /40 0: cut, i not. a party one, though it is probable Baptistsnext, 'that had it beer, the majority would Adventiets 19800104 1801 „ Princes.: st., ohno,n. Apett• erCOTT., There,,idteee ne perry ft MOW. '. 011 6,00* Dee, , . have been elightly larger. It, was taken Anglicans °in' connection with Me Lancaster's DePtiete 646,005 257,449 649214381 As I have 'Oren o' er the large lee Melee v . Y, on mon s leer am ptepered to take oder e to furnish good', clean pure ice to all Customers oluring the Venire; To 'lent. summer, A 1 ordere will he pre etl,Y attended to. II. DANISeeinton. 11,0n - First class briek store, suitable for any bud. Fett • Cattle Guard bill, Oa the eecond read- 13rethren I3aptiets (free mil) 25,229 8071 45,116 ing of the bill he wged its adoption by riteireigationaliste28,283 the "louse; without it going p f Chnet1087827 Quakere) 28,15/ ness. Apply to W. (1. SEARLE, Clinton. ; through Friendr(° 4,650 elevie-41. , 00• the RailWa's Corntleittee. A is a rule Jews . . . , . . . . , AM 6.414 Farm tor Sale. 63,082 Lutherana that any proposed legislation shall come betai e the House through the •proper lefreetshboycltiasit ,channels --that he through some" parti- Protestan culler committee Mr Lancaster and 1 several others, strongly m g] d the Bee:earl immediaste • passage of the bill.' ea. yation Others, without, opposing the bill, urged liTiellvieerrteal that it should'ao before the committee, n tar an where it could be the mere thoroughly discoseed then it the full Houee. The UnePfloii)e latter idea prevailed, the v, te standin Vationesecto........ 141,474 , t?3,78'57g are unsa.tisfactory, cannot be disputed, differeot provinces is as fellows :- dililooantIrgraeltr°gditigilebytkkvirtsi.'`Z Do to 50, That the present cuttleguards The denorain It ional strength in the and that some change in the law should CD N = l' .7r64-714- 0 kkO 111>tsr.4(7>UDer,-41:0 be made, was the general cpinion of ot seer c.a. te c ,-. co c 0, those who spoke on the question, ee le ue-e ee ‘e) e:, re re ce es tete ee op el cr "d4 The Opposition started to obstructon " C2 Tuesday last week. Mr Fisher wanted cue te re. ex co ce ceee * to put, through his estimates .41 "41 CD CD t•• 4- t” k... CO 441 Clancy saki "No.!' When the House •` ce opened neither the leader of the Oienos. ;II 51 c% t it a,' ;144 - iille, ,;:• ..., t.....,,,...,q, . . e ition or his deputy were in the liouse, 5 ,-0 CI) ' OD and for,the moment the leadeishipwee eel to . taken by Clancy; he 'wanted to butcher q • ., .time to naake a parliamet3tary holiday._ ell _. . .,,e • But the Minister of Agriculture, said - - ... . rbl : es '.0 no. Mr Clancy said the House had not • , • . • IA -0 r., _- sufficient time to study the figures of • that they be not taken up. Mr leerier 0 0 e 0 elle te ' 1 iliric17.1 the agricultural department and asked said he did not want to force estimates .o ip 40 4.4 5 •• ,41 PA • 'v.° '5 7:1 without giving the Reuse opportunity for obtaining eel intormatton. But tlae 14 t/ 0 to di V 7: 0 a ocYZZMe•igIZO estimates and agricultural report' had - - 0 3 ,.., e o -af e-,-. 1 o a, . . en •;?-i 92 '..4 . 01 .. °C2 01 "'":'.,, CI cP"* • 4 . t a - crl • o) e o es? ;6 )-7 ; '• R. E. LMANNIIPICI1 016,862 847.705 sum win buy e reek° farm of abortt 120 ) nsurs neel1 gent„ oitaaa::01100..2,28241824:0717 70,32a acres, situatiet about a half mile fro Cline:M. e.„e„ Geokhriele hour, 20 x 28. ande 20 x20, barns Canada Life Assurance Co., UN1/%:1111,11,14141X. i:!?;:otoilovf(i,trablerk vire, Marine, 'Accident, legate Glues Army,,.. 10.307 • . 131297449 a754x'exice,ilea;el:leitrtief,a.trumt,eforsoenden)nii (1,eevii:ol.iiiintttioonr:•11ce ::;::r.1,17.1011r. Office t J. eflielall's Rank, Clinton. 113dt8.•.. 4 . • / • 424:518809 3,186 1•777 Jan s h*3111. 1110.113 Empty to J, ITV FMB'S, real s... . . .. „ 121 TO Let,. Boys' 2 50 " sept, 6_ is THOS. a'AcKsorr, Sr.., Clinton For Sale. North htef of let 20 on fifth eon., township of Mullett, containing fifty acmes, 'wi 11 drained, good well end orchard on the place; about 3 miles from ennton, addre's or see personally Mrs S. MEGA.W, owner,Seaforth, or Mr James Ah °RIBALD, home dealer, Seaforth. Jan 24.—tf, Barracks tor Sale. been in the hands of members for a • week and as many of the amounts asked ' Boys' 5 00 44 ..44 3 20 air. • fl A • LaiA PUMA • O.* Brivia/ - a • ititt••4 .•.... 4 00 4 •ras.:e 40 'Men's'• OverCoats Mel,'s 5.00 -Overcoats now • . • • • • • • ••• 4 00 Men's 6 00' " " 4 80 Men's 8 00 " . • i• • • 6 40 Men's 10 00 4‘ • • 8 00 • • BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in same propc rti011. - • . • All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats, Collars, Gloves; Mitts and Reavy Underclothing: • Thos. Jackson, Sr., Victoria Slocktn.. r, CLINTON, AVAPSNIMIMM. MP( MMOVA • Dainty. Bedroom Furniture i * for were fixed charges the House Might take up the estimates and, let any el'. • disputed items stand. Hon. Mr Fielding t said that zhe eatimates Of every &pert- pi" ; et went came under Mr Clancy's obiec• ' -4 tion. If the agricultural estimates • were not taken up none could -be and the House started to Work- In a tnoment it wae seen that 'the different e mambere of the Opposition wereacting . .. oo iU concert in tiering to buck procee le ,-I ings. It was not information they were! 0 after, and for the whole afternoon they I ea .. • M irtltUD cif act co 07 417 r4 OD 40 gba F.1 t .5 174 tg C1:141'1.Cia°1 C9 CO "41 CC rad 1••1 a eueceeded in preventing mbee than heir, ee ee herur!sework_being • .,ce Welt' 828 kit '71 • Ottawa, above all otlierseis the place 0 1-4 in which to hear election -experiences. P Whether gathered in room 16, in the smoking rodeo, or at some postpran- • dial affaie, the convereatioe very often drifts into "experience", anct somevery .amusing stories are told, • Dr. McLennan, who stands six feet three,' renreeents Inverness. On •a certain occasion Sir. Hibbert Tupper was addressing' a meeting in onposit ion to the doctor, but. was more pr less. interrupted during bis address ; stop- ping, Ire tamed to McLennan and said "call off your dogs") meaning to have the interruptions stopped. •c e nan *son leis feet in an instant, and with arms extended at tigbt. angles, raid "Wen of Inverness, Sir Hibbert calls You.dogs." The row that fol. lowed was terriffd ; Tupper: escaped [6 •throneh a window, the •furniture was converted into kindlieg wood, and tbe men of Inverness gave McLennan a:thump-mg majority. • IL C. eraser, the Guysboro „ In exquisite designe, artzstibally elegant in • every detail, is now being offered at' ery moderate prrces by J. O. Stevenson. • •was addressing a meeting of hardy Dressers. Cheffoniere; 'Restful rockets, Gleegarians at Alexandria, Ont. He a gt eat ettriety dfleieces that add to °elm- • was persisteet iy interrupted by 'a Man fort and donvenience eel well air toeethe who would not be silenced, Learning attractiveness of the room, • from the chrtiiman that the audience A splendid rocker,in Ottli% or 'Mahogany 'understood Gaelic, but the • interrupter for •$2, specialdid not, Fraser said in this aracient lan 111161ot, of furniture coverings en band gunge, "Throw him out:" • Quick ae len-dertaklind.Pietureirrajj! lightmog sturdy hands • caught the ing a Specialtyfellow by the collar and the stack of . eis,8.e er—seee2ree- 7'-' bis pants, gelled him bodily over the C .Stetcr tenson heads of the owd and • rew. him • • 9 down stairs.• There werethno jurther iuter ruptions. • • • GneitaI Ftur'aittire Dealer, .• , Opposite Town Rail, : • [bad the , pleasure, of ' rt half-hour's • albert*Street,- CLINTON. talkwith Mr Ogilvie, late Gold Come /IESIDENCE-Buron;Streeti missioner tn. 'Yukon. He ie the man opPoeite CoMmereitti )3' °tel. vvhem the Opposition -beaded by 'Sir, Charles Ribbert Tupper-ixesailed so leftterly a cljuple of years ago. He spent seven years there, the first' of which were utider conditions as bardand ear. ceeding as it was possitle tO cOneeive. For six months he never sew. a , num; Bargain Days Everybody is loolang forward anol :Waiting for Bargain except his travelling courperticon. ,experienced 68 -degrees below. zero, and • dll.ys and Bargam wets. The race -snow Q11. allci J. W. limit, 85 degreee below in the month of April. Icalleene drable•lend there, and the talk --you feel the cold. There practi- is in the front as usual for qtiality and low prices. Selected Raisins, Cleaned ri ante, ()oolong Figs,• Prunete Druid tat-ules is nonsense. ,'„lhey are ,so near The Monti eal Witness has always ,ventually growing grain and vege- Peaches and APettee Ei all fresh and new. -- • the Arctie Xircle that in the winter iven its acti °f t -th t • • - 0 tI CM".41tW4St+WW044 CO.•11==MODCDOD.L,•-, •=•cc.,-1•0'..eg.o.C4•CD•-1 • • "0 0,31 AO g/Q CtD '4/4. 1r2 CO kat CO 44 1,1'.-t • , C>,41040.0441-10010' C• CD 0 44.CD CO OD C> 0> -41 CD CO -1; • ei tree arm- aere CD .01 ILO C17.5 I-1 C4 C'O • • 40. 431 t- CO t- 0 CO 0 I4D(-071780701 1-4 0. 0 .oceceeeto ereci erre Melee -ea' p co • 10 IC Vg •CO "-,1+-1 .41 , • a) a.) 4:4 1,5 4 'es to07" The frame bonding on Huron St., at present used as a Salvation Army barracks, together Forest City Busi- withthelobonwhich the betiding stands, is ' 'offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to ness Collegre Y41.0.A. Build. t'l 9 . either • FREp Invenetonit or FRED elnowet, ...e Febe14-m Clinton, Ont. lug, London, Ont.,• The Road to Success Is easy for hose who are equipped forthe propertran- sactionof businessaffairs. Those who get their education where attention is givento detail sand simple methods will -have the advantage of others. We have information. for you if you are interested. W. Westeivelt, Cottage to 'Rent • PrinoipeL • A:corafoetable and rooxny cottage on base' street. lately occupied by Mr Geo. °rice, la offered to rent. The qua:ter. acre vecant Jot adjoining, -will be sold on easy times. .ApPie to e1118 RUDD, Mary St Cole 4-tt • Farm For Sale. The event half of lot 24, Bayfield Con. God. erich township, eonteining 100 acre. c good land, le offered for 'sale on easy terms, Good' barn, log house, ntelltY of Nester and Mali orchard. Particulars on application , te- J. P. eaSDALL, °tinkle House. and Lot for Sale • A small lot, 66 ft frontage, and comfortable frame house, with woodshee attached, on William street, near Show Ground.. Will be soldeheap. Apply ta W. BRYDONTE, bar/ester. or T. R, FOSTRit, Tara. , • Nov. 29-4, For Sale or to Rent .• Lot 29, con: 2, Stanley,. co/at:ening 100 /law* in good stateof cultivation for sale or to rent Mr teem of years, apply.to JNO. MeGREGOR, on Premises or MRS Le MeGREGOR, 2 con.,11. le, S.. Tnekersmith, SeefortIA P. 0. Feb. 7-tf. • Choice Farm tor Sale. " e8,000 will buy ti choice farm of about 120 acres, • situated a bail wile from Clinton, Good briek house,20x2,3s nte.0x20,b erns 40760and40x50,st08e stables underneath, silo, windmill, etc. -A k 1-4 • very choice location and exeellei, t farm, for on 10 va.4 C". CO• g..3• any.oce wantinga real good place. Will b e a sold ore easy terms. For further partieu.lars _ et ce reeeere • • -44 apply at STEVENS, Clinton. I'. 0. .ore 1.0 crz cm to ot ee c linton Jae re • • %For Sale or ;to'csRent. The'cliolee brick house on tbe corner •cif Pen; cra ee ton and Joseph ,streets, belonging to the estate .,e; of the late Richard efeywood, is offered either • 'e• for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- ' nate family, is practiettlly a netv houbc, with all veniences, and three -tenths of an acre 177 0 p f it will be reuted. Apply tie t. If -the prime:Ty, is not sold or rented, W. COATS Executor Clinton: • c1 co to cv ta, az •sr s•9 c) ‘o co • •-1 t•-• 0 0 OD k-1 1.3 -r •41 04 44 k-4 • 1-1 • o ° 'it, co co co el t- et to 2 • C0 44. 01 .1t ir> CD cr., ol on es ea° • cje g CO .41 , • • et et at rem kit CI OD CO C4 OD OD 11••• .44 CO t•-• ' SC112071 Cf1 WS 0 et. LO 4'4 CO CV CV W 7.4 • • " . re ce ce co et et et 44 141 1-1 'TS t.• t- 17," ee es CO 0 CD r" it; 4640- ef • v-rOD 1,-1 ri CO kto g • titi CO l•-• '• I •••4 • r -I 112 t••• • ts +41 1,5 • " 4.1 • • e•a to 130 e- e4 c- overt ei te et OD 'NI tr, , 44:,1O enntild •• 41414 117 '41k 4,0 SEGAR - SEGAR - Beripath's Extra 'Granulated end Yellows, at wholesale prieee, (101) pounda and barrel lets Elpeclial cuts 27 lbe • i%/reere,eeeariee ee'dtliglYha4e feewtelle°eIliregje°fedeffddigliteet--1. :nee' cause, avn'asutifecitf'oi7owein" alfrPanrk. s yeets. ill be mold ranee/me e, furteer YOB SAL. The frameeottake on Orange sfreet, eccu- peed by the utieersigned, is offered for sale on Masonabielertrie The lot is e of an acre., With hard and. soft wafer, stable, good fruit and vegetable garden, Tho ouse contains hall, parlor, two bele:0ms, olotbes closet, dining room, summer kitcheu, cellar and woodshed, As cent/Ally looted, pessession given any time to Suit purchaser. ELIZAI3ETH aRARAltif LI • Real Estate tor.Sale. • The parcel of .groued atlioinitig. St. Paul's • Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury:St., and lot 2629 Princess St., is °leered for sale. Each lot leabout e0 by 132 feet. Togetlier ehey, make an •exeeetioualle fine site for it first-class residence. Apply to Wm. 9, Phillips or 0,c. Nal:100,c hutch Wardens.; Clanton. •.• Amulet le-etf. • „ „ For Sale. •A line stor'e:etne a half finme houee on • On- tario street, containieg.9 rooms with entire caller underneath, ai so bard and soft water, . quarter 08 811 acre of' land and: a epee nem.- .ber of beautiful stride frees, situated on one of the ettiest and pr,nonial streets .in Clin-' fon,being on the cern er of Obtarld end Dinsly ‘.", °°ffee g"" 00 end DIM etleak syrup 40e eat. ' , depreseing. .maro, -statement', frora its columns, • • ee paeticularS apPly to MRS .1. eiFov ceirlilLeY, light, and is very 18,w01. cuY Also for eite -stove, exteesion Mble,--side T_ ,E AS- Black, teteee and Japan from 10o lie )3est 256 tea, ire,town. . deaths take piece at this season fecal -, Tnriner, Tea and Teilet sae 'and fancy lanme-To make room itir my of careful perusal ..- '• ' • , board, ("litter and'several timelier articles. pneumonia. Few 'men can remain in feet. 11-tf. . '' Clinton, Ont , spring imporeordere direet born the factories, I am ae,Iling • at 25% less • the country Very long without under- "We have received a number of let. • than the ueual price. Cail and examine quality and prices and you ere sure to ;mil-, and •he thinks there wilt,. be .at have not joined these who-ewe:et Ole • ' , ••••--, _ buy. WANTED --. Good Butter and Eggs. run out. Ile meydgo,back. but is net nether the refereedum ordered' by Mr 18i5elettre6,1elleneeenedwood.withielareerman. . a ou so am. ts flt. 1 u hen And cons do ehle fall . 1.0.,:e ineprotred we shall he very glad, but plowing done; Comfortable Meek house, large ' . • '' ' ,. Be II, , .0 the 'whele matter should be 'Shelved earn with stabile g underneathetriving sleet and • • t e . • e 1 . •, . mining their constitution. About ters, one of them childishly insulting, F'in For Sale. ' • . • , .. . .$80,00,00 worth of goid has been ' taken • expressing disappoint twilit that we e !east this rnueh more befote the•jeold is temperance people to repudie,te alto. tot. 12, Ileyftele eone•Goderieli tp., 118 nem • aexions, and woul not advise any one Rossi*" If the 'condition of it ban be t1,0, °leder li$2,11tyn,g00e Htftt(141! fttltWattOtt, j. W -1.11NSTI, 01.i.iitor . 4 else to .go 'thee% ' Phone WI at the request of the " tempera] Eight hundred more ,Ontario people PenPle we s mild fear that it ryould . take a very long time to resuscitate left Toronto in One day recently te eei- the queetion at all. • So far as we Ile .in the Northwest. • Thee sort of rian gather the only referendum I which our' mentors would consider a thing offers an explanation for some , 1 fair Ohe evOtild be one metier which the census surpriees. . . Croveennennt would act upon et a Kt JO • shnnle metorily of' whatever votes Taelert saloonkeepers' Whose places thight be Wiled' 8uPri98LP.g the8P ii t • e ica post- . were wrecked by Mrs Nation and her bore tvatittng to find the opinion of band have • recovered -$1000 damages, nlhefeth side of Which they were per. epreople on some subject, ore from the city. That part of theepels sonally , enlisted , they ' would pro, formance is less pleasant for Topekane, ba,bly say that some provielon should ' ' - * a so be made that there should be some. ' • thing more than ' an insignificant Thoee people. who Wintld raise rur vete. A' referendune vote. recentlY tariff to shut out all imports irom the taken. in Montreal Ott an important 'United States probably do bot 1.w fiancreeinal istatiediditilot draye out half tbat. over e56,000,0e0. of out, impoets ward in Vtge:itern. t Lti.-terir In.t4101,1 tent. therefrom are freegood',to 41,. ent wanting to•-lia,t0,...ehp, tuthetane 'dal backing of the community in es. the success of our manufacturer's and saying new, and untried legislation may farmers, demand some greater evidence of zeal 0 ler cutbuild nee, .abou rye on tare lre mostly winter fruit well wsi't r eleen Tr lit Shoes:to Wear. e me a ing springereelt and two wells, Seven .nales from (Mitten fuel thme from Reynold: Posses- sio» at any time, ronaonal.10 terms. Apply for further particulars to CHAS, SIMONS., t2 , St Devitt st Gederie• Feb. 7-tf Chureli Pr verty lot Sale. • 1 hat is the kind lye have to tell you about. „A Fine' dress shoe, the latest style, the "King Edward' for men, also several other styles of fine shoes and a great, variety of strong worhing shoes, solid leather, also some hand- made ones. Ladies' khoes light and heavy that will keep the feet dry, some with low heels and wide. soles. Then a great variety of Oxfords both laced and buttoned, Boys' and girls' sehool shoes of various kinds, also very many lines for children. Terms 00,811 or produce:at highest, market price, Now vine opportunity. Eniporiarat, Londesibero ' ri TADAM c March 7th, 102. • HE ill:INGE. Thureday Veb, 2/th, I will leave niy present store to take ()barge of the a a a ° • than this,• • The Iletreali Obeeryer says a rew dis ease has Made its appearance in Goder- kb, to which experts have given the lothieg told ftroishing departMent of.Mesere,14dgens Broth I take dub oppertnnitY. about in polltical.citcleN aecording seietitifteandexPtessive'no,ree,"Twelfth. .13.f retarning thatflot to thy MedlY frIA11011 lid otietoinete for elle contintiouri patronage 16tions tire4ree Pose, One of the best • One of the most Interesting rtifffilts that have been current for some time is now being quietly talked they have given 010111mm opening out trt bueirseee• add 41°44 4Ite pregent re • of July-Ilieteria." Nothing can te L .tt teettrettecer et? so long exieting beavieen ne may eot be broken. ttiTere Pteg9 g'54110.1" &Ave te allay the malady; *lel th pot the coming Spring settem 1 will be ebb). to show int' tlie finest stook of at Ottawa. writing Winnipeg said disease is generally tlioreughly•feetudit h Vueniebinge ibet Itag ever been brought into (Minton. It has that he learned that at the detonation eated y July 14th. There is no •darie • f nifty eta teak th been pereediallyjselee the nobbiest a`nd moat any time yen Ort3 apt te ger p s, a front the and you atm depend CAI alweye actor* derelle011106 Londomiti June the Twee. The property atemetient knowe 08 1.240 Witten. • Muer et. Methodist Clfurele and coneist in g 01 1. -choice- • will situattd enartmenere tot, with large lirlek beitelleg, and. large frame addition „...,. , - .. atisietriirlTliiie\svoeffutisii;elliosrrvatytteetoeresneescellttepital poen Anebne . rweearstrionabbegitit120Suartic.ou2r, 8812002i study building could eaeily be eonverted into twe or thotough and pracitical. , Send for Otir ra two; natreer three eoinfortebie dwelling houses, or /night e , biltipdaup)tlientlyto(.4aievaatrsileitiii.goftopaulil,ttliletesette, geed ipsrt emezesterletitttetr0 see what n ytwee. teach,tvlvo0 0areStudentsesot Mettle itweetment. for the buildilig end (dude', CO.Militreffil and"Shorthand, Offers are solieltee its °entente entire, such Its furnaces, tieats, ete; O. A. I'LEXIeNsidGe,tit, rA., L''', MeINTY11E, offers ate also solicited for the building ahem, tied fot itscontents,-sheleing, railing, stoves, Lie-titetvaeri341" dciublo wiedowte for/teem etc. . ' . Owen Pound. Inside furnishinee of the church, such as ' - ' ..-,--- pews, altar, chancel railings, end 1)I1108 Inight - be tesed in ether eltueches, schoolti halls, or C FIGURES TELL 12 teachers,80 typewriting machines, 867 students inDay Session,IO2 Mem- hers in the Evening Classes, 31 Posi- tions filled from Jan. 24,toFele2,indi- oate the conditions now prevailing in the •Central Business College • • TORONTO ' A strong', reliable to,hool wilich you may 6nter ateriv time. No Vocation% Write for Chenille% Thorough Conne ees gieen by Mail. As k for Sample Leeson% Yonge .f&Gerrod s tooter e Igo 11. show, Prinelpal .1 ,•••••-..-•••••••-•-017,-•-•••-•*.f4-t••••• • ' • .. The Novelty.Bakery 'and Restaurant Oranges and Lemons. We have row in strict some very nice fresh oranges at lowest priors: , V. lenoias 15.0 per doze Mexicans at 10 and 200 pee doz. Navels at 40 lied 50c per-doz. Boit fresh lemons 25o per doz. Chocolates.' Oysters ••• : Baltitiaore oysters. • Our oyster e are always freeh and 't of the best quelity. We handle Booth's Oval Brand end also the Courteous and attentive to all. • J McClay, Clinton. • SacCorenick's celebrated Mara • - caibo Chocolates and Patersores choeolates creams, alwitys On hand,' We'also carry a nice line of fine bon -braille French fruit, arid choco- lates Arai cream,s put up in dainty boxes. You can always depend on- therro geed; freah 'When you get then:1 being here. ee anted ti Young men and women ta prcr a re for good situations. Apply to • Dominien. Business eollege The best equipped Business and Shorthand College in Canada, Rearmed tuition nites, Write us regardieg our courses of study, and proripects of securing sittatione for draduates, Cataloetuesent free. Address •• J. B. MtICRY4. ' Dept "C" Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto Obit. 1902 psroart • Leval JAMES SCOTT Barrister, S'olicitor, time CLINTON. W. BRYDONA, BARRI SU SOT.Tomorc, NOTARY OFFICE -Elliott Norte, IsiAao Street, RONEle to tom Pet ETC. • Ottive- /leaver Block. UP stars, Deposita IT en) jos note Bailer,' MINTON RIDOUT HALE CONVEYANCERS, 00exisf Dements 0, Real Estee° and, Ineurance Amino: Monte to roan, a a RALE, .7011N amouT CHARLES SEM:MIR 'iarrifiter Selleitor, Notary and Copyee-anc Office -Opposite Colborne Hotel sloderich M. Qs CAMERON formerly of Cameron Hen & Oameron BARRISTER arm SOLICITOR, Ofttce-Ramiltoe et oppoofte• Colborne nous 00DERICEI. ONT GARROW. & GARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC, Offiee—Corner Hamilton St. and the Furth 401derielk, Ont.; .T. GARROW, Q. O. ones. GAnitowvLL.D.1 PROUDFOOT & HAYS. BARRISTERS* SOLICITORS' NOTARIES PIMETE PROCTORS IN THE MARITIME COURT.. & C. Office': laith st., neat door itoSigual °Meer Prite,te Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest. 0 PEOUtir,00t, R0. RAYS.,, . Medical.' WM. GU1V14,, M.D.,. 14. R. C. P. di fi. Edinburgh, Office—Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls - at front door of office or residence, Eat to bury Street . DR. J. W. SHAW. • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Asooncheu etch, crime and resident* thi tario St., opposite English church, formerlY envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. DR. WM. GRCriAM Licentiate of ;le Boyar C011sge of Il33 Slams, London, England. Office and Residence— • ' PERRIN% MOCK, • . , • DR. C. W.,THOMPSON ' Physician, Surgeon. Etc. . cial attention giyen to diseases or.thel Eye, Ear, Tluvat and Nose., Office and Residence - Albert S8riet42 'Sleeks Northoilifittenb urP DE , G. ERNEST HOLNIES DENTIST • (Successor to:Dr: T. C. Bruce mpoRndsaY.. Acinew A BIL Special attention _paid to preservation ot • children's teesh. Will visit .Bayfield areCir ' '' Office over VV. Taylor et SoMeshoe stOre. ....... D. D. S.-Firsteilassilonor graduate of% Den. • Ie D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dentaljture tal Department of Toronto . University. Specialist in Crown and Eridge Work goons of Ontario, Toronto. 1.3.1kGS DENTISTS,CLINTON• , Office adjoining Photo Studio. • •• Office ilours-9 to 6 every..day' end Saturday until 10p. 'm, and] effices • in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and-' Veterinary. DR. J. FREEMAN, [VETERINARY SURGEON," •' Member, of the VoterinareMedical sinfola- eions of London and Edinburgh, •and l Gracia- •ate. of the Ontario Vetertnery College., TREAT DISEASES OF ALI, AN/MALS • Office open might • and day, oPposite eit. Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, Oat, Miscellaneous. ARRIAGE. LICENSES issued by the un - •m dersigned et hisellesidence, Mary titres Cliutop. • JA IVES SCOTT, SR4 TAMES nAmPleELL, LONDESBORO,,. ej ISSUER OP MARRIAGE racsnsks, No witneeses required • QLEN CANIPBEL • Organist and Idnefeal ,,Ditectiee of Nortit e Church, Gotlerielt and teacher eil , PIPE ORGAN an THEORY, is pre- pared to. take a, limited :atenber of Pupils in the above For terms apply this office or to MROAMPBELLenity be seen feoni 11 a. m. , 'e pen., at the Clarendem• Motel, Clinton, . Fridtte of each S. L. MACPHERSON . IN§111.1RAI!,10.130.... ere, . /Me, &evident Plate last °Feel - •MACICAY BLOL,E, CURTI) JOHN W. YE0---- . • ItOLMESVILLE, • Agent tOr the MANougsatit eerie A4sti14AN0111 MancheetersEngland, who° Linan de d". eeeurity nw,Lratedat 04,500,00. Ale° the Bettor MtlebetriestetAxelli Co. All chime/gof teem risks end town property taken at oWest rates. First-class Loan Companice also represerted. Money to be had from 4e per cent up, alma 'eine to eater° of deostriey.--. Mile mail to liolmesville postal card wit fetch him , Dr;iiiictiahey'sHetve “C •., • other bitileinge. The pews are well preserved ZIN rX1C:31\1" ..tht, them having been 1D“41-80..OU.1-3tfew years, The relliegs are Make of cherry and walnut, tttinfornietion desired xnae be obtained V ftonk the Undermentioned persons. 'offere Jreacne,ircli,007 2y. the. ehairmae, up to 0 p. m, eltr)16)11;71' h al e In ti teibre' 40°' Vona's Dboaptoditte, 8 Otaiiite -vvoiRacs ••••••Miroldiwo The purchater' oftt monument ehould have complete eenficteiree in the reliability of the firm frank The tired BatitfaIi Reritedy. -wheel be hope for the teratetial. Sold and recommended bran - , drtiggists in able Medicitte dittoatCanada. eiOnlreit. and workmanehip le eoroething red.y Six very Jew buyere are familiar with. poke/pi guaranteed to cure an If you do not know us, please in. forms o Sexual Weaktiege, till effeete Of abufet erexcess, Mental Wetly, EXeetiAlee used To. leteee. opiate or Atintulants, Mailed en reeeipt pOltati3801. s Itete, Shirt% Time ete, COM6 in and gee Me. ent Prime Minister Would be given a ve ars, se. One wilt ptesse$ AVooiA COnitodir$ w OK* Ont. 01 II ()lip IZTItirelid Voilly‘leanir the11114 thOere p7.46 rOef tit* OLOallair Oenenart)ratiblir: N Y ° Woodier] Plioaphodlim Tile in egetou , • r 3 peerage as Lord Athabaska the name and Works atf the Geld Stain! the eoneh Wagpriee0110 itOTko IL MeV le(41 /NOM iintiOddreak being derived, ftom the bettalful A. I. WILORki.ASH,Ne tTablete or • tlayes 25 cent% RoOkio, .7 I.. LIOVOYIJ COMb0 and Ni Watte., Drligelete, to Commercial Hotel quire . about Out. reliabiliV from then who know eis hest. *iVe are • the only practical men jeer° in our . Hoover, Proprietor For ie. ee . Pie teda.,e • -'',10eeelleil Cures tleiwen, Chrene, Cough, and Mt Chronleitte Venom' Tbroat Lungs, 'The etar the werld that w ill vete the above delete°, tease I! le artletel6oitiel in mend and useful ft/hemmer. br.ivicOaheyie ittdnby & Cough Powder'. tercel Amite Affections ef the throat and lungs, 14,,t, • • Disteinene ote. For swelling and etnoking the (01,1418nf befit driving, niece Treelike •4.4 dose will relieve, and one box will cure, Feel,. et . "oHE DR, MoGANItY 11111tbitInie Ce.1 . urepoivitio. out» For p,Olo by la 1.1 dembe,Jrugghst, ()linter: McIiILtI)P-111UTUAL FIRE • * INSURANCE CO W4 um and ISOLATED TOWN eltOPEDTe ONLY INSU1021 • °magas a, 8, McLean. President. Ehneee ler O. Thee.- BRE:alitiaorr.81:iestnyr.eToirdeotatIsBaficoornthold".004. V1,2731:1 Broadfooi.InspectOr of Losses, seatorth DlimAGhe titmatoot, SeafOrtnt John #1. arleve Winthrop P. 0,1Goorgo Dale. Soafotth; Joh* Renniowols, Dublin; Jab., Everitt, Beeolneeed p. (W•oleneseeren, eiltneettiot. beTenets* Trim* weaned ; John 13,11014n% Rippon jonot4 Connolly, I fiton. • AdliNTS Robert Smith, Hatiock; ltobt. Mokillltdi4esiS forth:, &Inlet CuMining, Egmondvine., J. W..... Ybo, Hointosvilio GeOrgO Altudio and. Wan 0: MOrriscii, aliditOrg. aolt:oatrbtioCrebduettrottisilwilfhtbdirepertomhipattlettettoarnatrimaritti On applieatical an! Of the ADO% 0011400 addreas bet* theirrerieratitlVe oftiOsi