HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-14, Page 1see that subseri tion
K><l issl prmptly renewed
iinton lei - w
t 1•1n I
New Wosloy .hurc l
The fond dream of years hes at last !ander, Blyth; plastering, John and 8,
found its realization Tlhe e() grega-(%roll: pointing. Geo. Potts
tion that has been worshipping in the • The church itself, built of red pressed
olci Rattenbury street church for forty brick, is a gma of bounty, ttnd is quite I.
years or so, worshipped lust Sunday in nixlike any other church edifice in this
their beautiful hew l,uildingto be here- dis riot. Itis heated.aml Ventilated in
After known as Wesley Methodist• the most .scientific manner, as•the air
church As fa • back.as twenty years is the•chureh can be changed three,_
ago one of the old pastors preached a t.huies an hour; the seats are comfort-.
sermon upon the subject "Arise and , able, the lighting brilliant, the plan
build," and almost every pastor of that u nine, and the result otx the whop is .
satisfactory, to all. It is a credit to the
I contractors, the -workmen, the building
committee, the trustee board, -
tion toad its pastor,
. 'his i the first ppastorate Mr Howson
' has held within' the bounds of the Lon -
.1 don Conference, and he has teason to
' feel. gratified at the success which has
1 attended. this labors . on this charge.
The building of the new church neces
•sarily involved much care' and thought,
hat this was most -'will ugly bestowed,
1 and he is:pleased that lie has had asso
, elation with the erection of this new
building.: The utmost harmony baa
prevailed Between the,pastor and the
f'ends and the people, nd the outlook
r ! for the congregation. of Wesley clluxch
I is inti • ed. bright with' unclou'wee!
mise, • The )resent pastor Ought to fool
i not only fu resent
satis ed but :honored in
.tinging the building of the' new church
and tills seeing the result of his labors
here; lie can leave • here gratitiecl' with
success etttained .. '
Aix • idea e1' • the appearance of the
bxteriov c)tn be gathered, . fro ire 1 he ac-
companying illu-tration;..• and. for a
town church et 16' inch, above the.
. Aver, ge• B,nt the exterior gives no
comparative idea of the brightness and
cosiness. of the interior. To appreciate.
REV: w, G. HOWSON, its beauties lv @ advise avisit• tc) ..the.
Pastor Church. • The -wainscotting, Seats and
. other work all hnrtuonive, aunt under
. • ;:lite brilliant light ftorp•the 10:` udt1
cohhgi'egaition since then has ui U •
tlhis':,electric lic;hteegive .dicer`• appear-.
people in the saute direction •. Several •incl', and slake 1,h-itinldin), one where•
attempts had been made to put t;he de- praise+ . and. i ejoiciner :seeln , to- fit • in
i 1
1 1 C,
1''aL 1 It
sire into; 1n•atctice ; subscription tests ntttur?illy • IC'i . dotubYfu li ..b � x
v ere mien tired an i more or less gen- :or. more Tiandsome.. interior'' Cnn •be
etously< gned, but each time some ob-. • found in tiny other place, even in the -
stacle. arose to prevent the eonstuniiha- ei les. :
toll of the desired object When, how- • The coninlittce•divided tip tlte.wiark-
ever, the Official Board of this- church • those best fitted for•eertain parts were
gave an invitation to Rev 111r Howson at)peinted:totake charge thereof. The
to become•stor, at promise was given plats,•contract end euperiutenclingof.
• hi:n that to new chiu'ch should be befit,• , '.
during his patsto .ate. From the day • ,
that av1r,ilowsou arrived in t )wit the
0 kept the promise.
them and mgved towards.i is fhlffilment
• The pastor prreached a se Anon upon
rhe subject•c:tlled his offiiciat:ls together,
nd it was -derided that ,Mr John Jac:k•
on (at pillar bf the church for 15 y e trs) i
and the pa+stor, sboild again c enva>,ss {.
the people for snbscr. pti•,nse The time '
Wats evidently opportune, for .they':
found the people . al•uost a eirtus to'
subscribe, and. eager to have a 1t'orthy •
'church edifice and in three w e1;%' .
ti MI they lad obtained premises • to
the extent of $11,600, including a most
• ene'1•ous donation of $1010 iron) 1V:
Doherty, El e. The a uouu of.' the sub-:'..
scription list Wats much hi advent e .of ,
what the host saurguinehad an ic,p
shed cried the c•ruhv tss•was an .iigi eeab e
siaipt•iSe. It twat., so sate kfactni•y 10 the
Board that to build at (lryce Witedecided
The Epworth . Memorial (Tints It;
of ()levelled, Ohio, • wit; sclec ed •
as the sty of architeeturi' to
be followed here, and the architect of
til .t church, Mr 13adgley, of Cleveland, •
drewthe )l ns and •specifleattons' for.. the church twit • Badgl y is a former I
Caned iaur,who has attained distinction
and wealth in the city to the south of
us, and his plans were so therm.: h itn• 1
rattiest thaat. there . was no diflie,ilt'y
i t : i t 1 l f 11.vying
in working the:n ot}t,• t t , 'Wing
to the tx d detail:
them .?xl�., �.•�,
The butldixits ,}?itr(i>_itee Was . coin.-
oil-•.poled of meii':. • tip finny fitted for that
i)os't•loNetlee ; � ere praetica]' i;itelli-
A.: T. CODPirl2,
niembertutlding Committee
t a.. 'rrr. n ;yYi�. lyyr •� :" 4, M4^ . �t7 a• r „
•`' r `+ � +; wt' vG.*r q•'7.�"Aµ'.�+NiY�.1i '1,�,�+Qf`ti'•
.•,t,�y..`". �".,, , ,.�I. ,�.-x•,f�tc,�.°'•9-.,..fiS.rbar ,:at* 4'•�.t�t; � :fa1
Wesley Methodist Church, Clinton,
'': REV.' le CARMAN,: I REV• W.McDONAG)3a.
General Superintendent, who preaches' on"
Sunday, March 10th, A Fernier Pastor. +.
at'ditionrtl • featu"o..in file 'auditor-
. •
:iuni. 'At th's - l tag., we. ntayhihent'ion
that .the glass window, ' oh • the east
side (with picture of John Wee -
ley) was given. by .of
'Ladies' Aid
Society att .that on the north side' by
• th Elwoith' League ; the - carpet was
:fninislled extra by the Holies'aid of .the.
eutigienation.. 'l3rllind.the pretty ptil
pit etre twoi'ootns,olhe for the citoiiaaiid
the other.•:Or tit . nhinister,' and eau be
used ' Dr a 1111tlitte e rooms .• -
s The. rnai;'n entrance is fro untie•north
side witlh lvv enlarge ilr>ul'y and. tixe gal-.
; leery is ente+red on •the left load si le
eirtrltnc (I to th`c. S(irscl tv School i
• 'herat 1tut_p:dual• 1r, I lie west ,f the
churl; ent raulee. _Tito t it et is lights
aro ,•Ft 'ed in riven rut• faSihiun winch
Ci r 1 ' (r% -('n bri gni" light in. all pn,ris
t i iiit' t i0r • • l h4 emir (if titr.bu(ld-.
oleo ,whielh ie cif. 1 d'nesse' .'_riek, is' of
slate, ttittl is cona(L•rc(l to be ext lit tin-
• all tv,'11 .sill)„ rte» •'L'Ih • timer looks
:web.+ td admit of sufficient.,
light to file tol.rootn there is';t large
roof Window of stained glass
:The • e and ty • S'..!: 6)1 DOOM, ie11. is
oil tl)osatrne iewel as.the ehureh.p (err,
and tau h' 1 hri)iv) open as part of the.
of Mr Doherty. to whom the towel also
owes coesidera' le for beitorgan factory
and its employment of the great num-
ber of hand-, who are tunong• our re-
spected citizens
51r W It Lough, ano her whose pic-
ture appears in this week's issue, is
Recording Stewart and has acted as
secretary of, the I3uilding Committee.
'J'lrese duties were not slight, but on
tlu cot,trttry we e heavy and trying at
. times; Il • has performed then all eii-
eceutly and well; and they Were more
-numerous-than people irnagiuo. 'He -is
one of the church workers who has been
loaded with work, for he was "willing"
mellower complalincdof having an over
share,: He has been a resident of town
malny years, performing the duties of
Prine,pal of our Model School to the
satisfaction of the trustees and the 1
citizens No better resident of the
town can be found; as Mr Lough is
popular with all classes.
WN.Mailuing, I3. .11..Ohant a n1Wm. Harland, sr.. three other medic
bees of the I3oard,,deserve a great•deal
of credit --in fact no one deserves as
much.• They spent a great deal of time
in looking after the work as signed to'
theta, and in overseeing .everything;
they were all faithful to their duties,
and the congregation feels greatly in-
debted to. 'them tor .the . work they
'shouldered. All of them are among
our esteemed citizens.
F. ; tt. Hodgens, A. T. .Cooper, P,
C tntelon and 0, J. • Wallis form the
remainder of the. Building Committee,
and deserve many thanks for the work
they attended to, and performed so
carefully. They had their share to do,
and did it well; a great deal of time
was•demanded -of them, as well as the
other : members of . the Committee,.
These gentlemen are also included'
among the successful. .business men of
town, and are well known and•highly
thou ht f. •
The.,openrng,'of the new church is a
.11 fitting time for a feriet review • of some
pirticularr in connection 'with. this.
congregation.. Previous ',te 11870 this
church was.part of Clintpn:circuit'
which composed Clinton,-Bolnresville,
Tipperary, Rudd'.s, Lmndesboro;
burn, Turner's, and L'eaven's. 11i • 1870
Clinton becanan. a self, supporting
Jwe S)uthc,)inha, A. Tyndtil, 0. J.
Willis. W. S'. Elirlirid, H. B. Chant
P. Cantelon,G A McKee and Mrs Hall
Other oflietals are :--W. N. gen-
tling. S'tuda,y School Superintend-
ent; F. [t. Eludgens and A. T. Cooper,.
envelope stewards; A. T. Cooper,
Pew steward; W. R, Lough, treasurer;
Cantelon, secretary trustee hoard.;
H. Rorke, president pworth League
Mrs J. Hodgens, president Lichee' Aid.
The church rnexnbership r,.
memhership01); Intermediate L(iaigue1
Rarebit), -30; .Junior League mein
bush; p, 08 ; S. S. membership, 303.
Sunday. March 0 h, welt long be re-
memoered as an event in the history
of Methodism in the town of Clinton, for
was it not the °oration of the opening,
a'td dedica ory services of the new
i Wesley Church ? Thi previous Sunday
had been the scene of bidding farewell
to the old Rattenbury Street;church, the
services being conducted by leev. J. W.
Shilton, of Hespeler, a farmer p-tstor
of the church. Tne text. in ' the morn,
ing being "Hiithei t has he Lerd help -
and resources of the little, hand of
Metli:diets- then existing; were sorely..
tried in the mldextal:ing, ...but: they
never. flinched faonl their duty,• •uicl
their . faith • hes been nbnndantly.re-
.wautled 'Of the originaltrustses_and
rneinbcrs, • only foul' still exist Tho''
-trustees-:are ,Messy, • J. Jackson, F..
Run)ball and 11.,• -Stevens. lilts ..\V,.
Rob neon, of the •.11uroti road, rind
Mrs:Alex `t'aylor; of Low.i,were all o
1nomb r at that bane, • •
.lohti Jackson; wiho . alssistei the pas-
t r in soliciting the. subseriptious,. is tt
pillar of the char:, h 111 the true, se se of •
the word,' hal ing filled a: useful iuid'
prominent part 1(1 ehtxre]t werk sin, e
its nception, Ile is one of the staunell
•stud true -inert With
Can he dependid'
item toW(irk with tit ceasingand:to
do his. -work well lie ;base been a•1'
honored zit zcli oftthe• town since 1855,
and is highly,. xespeeted. by all • Mr
• ltu'ksDii • ilas nene.Iy • always • been,
idteditied tpith been less Matters, „I
tvhil il. the was u1o,t'supeeseful • If. any
oatsilestrvesel(4111for working ter the
(t evv II rel), ,!Sir.•Jaeksotl 410.0'3 `L9 his
part ii) collneetinll With it wars certainly-,
every iniportZult.•
Air F. Reit-AWL has been it resident
here i ince 1858,- and hes always• been
Identified with. Methoclisuri id: eisnncee
• tion with the. old Rattenbury street
church g�i,tie i, • another of the "true
• end ears '" ones, find altllottgn Dir is
not 110W a -member .Of the. building
ruuiiiiit.tcr,, he.`' lionlileteid man yMner-
ils: d ities in the bid c11t}relh As a
citizen, 'Mr ttulnball is one of our hest
• and theist h ghly esteemed residents,
haying for )many years been 'iii .tilt'
church neulitoriuthh is scatted with'
clout,, and • •••tV. 11 . be • . comae : ewe
'111 -'bti ) �.
' tt
1 4 ':
. E3e
1 1
School ronin has it) • emine'ctioli• half a
H B CIIAN 1', .• dozen class Wows, with folding doors
tllemli,irBuilding Committed � and will Irc,liult' all the classes •to hes •
the Ie+seem review
same wets' placed f u the, hands of Alessrs
11;L)n1ng and. (:haul ; light tog, II B.
Chant ; iurnare, %V 5. llarlauid fin-
ence.-W le 'Lough ; tile. carpet'eg, F.
It IIo?Lgen', and other matters left to
thosenepointed for their parte of. ten
eh••i)tttfletence. Irl'thi 0, ay Yhr' woirt:.
e ent smIoO1liie and efficiently. .• • Tlw
eltair(1r is iirdtjlla'tli'S1)eciallly faMt'Ssl•s
Aisui.ning', • ('ha t, : Lough; fi )rlilu<l.
("Doper, 1lodgeas. end' etlrere fell• their
olt$ tee' that.cvcrvt.lhin'g.
wars clone riiht ,arid 1bus saved t.' he ex-.
'tense of at . 1)iiii(ling ' inspeetor The
moi itee of dill organ and. elilar,;cluen t
of the same vwite left•. in the 11arn(18 of
Mos is W. 1)oltetty, W.•Illtllniing and',
11 B. (han t,
The e(,r n(I' stone wa4. 1(11(1 on the 1si,
of J'llly , by 'd rs W. Doherty, and ' li t-
eithstetidin;l tilt+ delays inc')dent arnd
inevitable ter the eviction of large bailel-
hies, the work lets hem eoillpleted ,jtist
as meet .t5 aultrripat ecl--I.he total cost of
wl'hieli will be about ai7000 ; this is •11,1
provided for except/Abe .1 *20(10. rite
ehnreliproper• will conifortably seat 1(10,'
whin, ineindes a seating of'l it) in Ilia,
gallery.and thcc•'li 1i'0hancelaccormn i•
.dates 35, The auditorium is seated semi- •
-eirciilar.ancl pais (' C'•llent acoustic • std=
eranttages, the construction being such
i.hnt tr() neater where a heaix'r maybe
he is not far front the preacher, and
there are fevv that )nay be celled poor
seats 'r'he,vvoodwork. is excellently
• finished and thei'gallery frontis o,tceed-
xng y pretty: @beautifuls :tine
• 'Jlo l,it enrent contains
anti la.es •for the coai�12•tx
will 1 :ellb#itt( 1' a W xcd for
.sociatlia arid such Iikc: 1 ie else intend-
ed to tint:thew walls latter.om. •
> r,
,Kindly see that subs( ription
is promptly renewed
el pper year in ttdavnce
I ,1.1)o when not ao paid
• P. CAN'r5LON,
Member Building Committee and Secretary'
Trustee Board
services being conducted by the Peed.
• dent of the 0.1neerence. After singing.
the invocation was asked by thep tstor,.
abyy•na waesung,pra7et Was off ereiup
by Rsv. Dr. Gitf,rd,theinthem "I here
built lhse a house," by Witkinson,was
excellently gi'eu by the choir,and was
folioed by the reading of the lesson.
by Rey. Mr Ii iwson and Rev. Dr. Git-
ford. The subject of the siirrnon was
. taken from'lark if, 0: -''Verily I Day
' unto you, wheresoever this gospel shalt
• be . preached throughout the whole •
world, this also that she hath done shalt
he spoken of for a mem trial of her."'•
The large congregation listened with
pleasure to the discourse. The Ontario
street church Q l.trtette rendered a
vet ty selection. A t etsing, featttree
.at this service was the presentation of ,
the church by the trustees to the Pres-
•ident of the 0 ,nference who .dedicated'
it to the . L•)rd, • '
The afternoon services were in the •
nature of an open meeting ,of'the Sun-
dey School conducted by the efficient
saupeiintendent,W N..Manning. 'After
the !doxology, 'followed the Lord's -
Prayer chanted, hyytrfn, prayer. by Rev.
hutch. U iwson; chant "01 hriakletri"; anthem
•'Sing unto the Lord" by S. S, choir;
The Ht'st..•gna,rterty.board met on AI+°ormer_Rdstor. :' reeding of les oa y.
Au • $:h, .1390, and the f•�lltiwiug mettx
bets we: a present: Rey.: James Gra,
ham,. Wm H'trlalid, A. S. Fisher, J. 13.
Fisher, Silas Andrews, Win Robinson
J.ihn Greenwood; John Reagens, . John
Jackson, Robt Callander, Henry
Stevens, D. B. Stratby, Chas Morrow,
H. B. Evans end W. C. Searle; A. S.
Fisher, was •appdintea Recordirg
'Taechurch was origin,elly' built In
liE'v'. J; W. egiLTON,
•b Mule kiora Cun-
ningh irne ; organ sat' 'Choru-t of an -
ed us" and in the evening he spoke:froni .:gels" by Miss B. )let•; hymn; reminiscent
the "Christ the power of . Go.l" addre: s ler .Horace Foster, former ly
vet-y'fltn' and et? crive serm )ns were superintendent of the Suuiday Schoc•1;
, .preached.and, was attentively. listened : hy(nn, s ,.lo, t'The Holy City,"b.' Master ..
to aid enjoyed by, the audience present. Stewart Jackson ;address by Rev: Jas..
The pastor assis;e:i in the services of .Livingstone ; hyt?'1n; closing with bene -
the day the congregation .sang .ther diction: • •
doxology as the el•)sing 'act of public
'worship in the •nisi I.i r;ttenbu^y street
church, around which clustered bitchy
precious memories of blessings received,
j )ys vouchsafed', and burdens rolled,
away, . . Many ' sighs were • vented
and no unworthy tears shed as
its members realized that for . the
1•tst time, they ." were. wurshipping
withinits walls. Per forty-five ye irs
had. the sacred edifies , F erved for
;public worship, and who shalt number
the hearts that h'ed, within its precinct $
been drawn feetingly neer to the
Saviour, and there found the •pecious
batten so deur and comforting to sorrow=
ing souls andsin-ileal till tn%nity? Mem
ories fraught with ptin., not u'1mixed,
with gratitude and thankfulness came
teemi,.g 'theau gh' the Ininde .of ;the'.
meinbert• when;: at, the close of the
lest service, they el L�p •d •each ether's•
banda and with one lr,pg, last; .linger-
ing look in: >lertd its bellowed •:'ails as at
the face of a dear and dep irtipg friend,
they: passed out into the :night with
hearts ten hill for utterance. •
%But j iy is more divine than sorrow"
and op Sunday; the 0-h, these feelings
•of sadness gave placeto.emations :of . a
pliasanter sir an. 'Tis true they had
. parted with an old .ft'iend; bat had they
'• WILBUR •N. MANNING, ' : •
Member Building Com.,Superfntenxdont ofS S.
187,•H, -Stevens being the contractor,.
an enlareed in 1871; • the present
lecture rear' was • erected in 1805.
• When the union of the Wesleyan.
Methodist, Episcopal Methodist, trrimi•
tive Methodist, New Connection and.
J3ible'Cht'istian churches' were -united'
this church became known as.Z:;atten
'bury Street:Methodist Ohurch::-= : :'
The pastors since then • have. been : - •f - 1 . t b f ... d n C median
'not found' it flew' one, one mere won thy;
„of•the M.tsterwhoan they worship and •
'the cause which they uphold. l ha' past
bad -been lavish-ir the'raestowal. of its
L•lessings;'gifter, spiritual and temporal
had b.en showered upoii thein;. and
how could they batter show their'
appreciation,. after praise to• the Giver
:of all, than by the. liberal donations
thathade made possiblelhe`consiraction
and furnishing of etre ot_'thet._ roost
beautiful,eomn tctandcunven'r.ntplaces
o tvors we o' a our• in any
RevsJ. Gralitrn, W. S.:Slackstnck,:T.
Brock, Robt Fowler, D. G. Sutherland, •
W.. M.Dunagh,' Janes Gray. G. T. •�: ...:�.:.
Salton,.E. S. Rupert,' Jas Livingston,
-J. W, Shilton, J. W. Holmes, R,
Millyard �v 1•V. GF, 'tl )wson. e.
A. S. Fisher was recnrding steward
from 1370 to 18e5'; Dr' R. NV.. Williams/
was from 1885 to 1890. and W.R.
Lnugb has been from 180i1 to.1fl )2. --:
The present trustees are Vt . D eherty,
P.:Cantel)n, W, S. 11trlan(i, 3,ihn
Bain. A.'1'.' Wooer. J. C. Stevenson,
A. O. Pattison, Thai. Jenkins, A.tex
• •Armitr,) tg, 13; B. Hodgens, W. N.
:Manning, R. Iin)mes, M. 1'., ''Jas
Sou A.''Cyixl.tll;'G,A, U, ,oke, K t +ti )
C. Renate, It 1 Manning, I1. B. Chant,' „t � ,` � ' •:.
las Mega` h, ,l: Andrews and. C. J. .
Wallis. The choir ' of the church is
under the effielent Ie:tdership of 13..I'.;
Sibley and the Saindey school choir
under the direction of 0. E. Tanney,
The Q tarterly J3 teed consists of
Rev W. G. IIoweon, W, D Ater ty, W,
' R. Lough, R. Relines, M. P., Joha
rding ' Jackson, W. t,antei )n,,• A. T. Cooper,
P. Rumbafl, J. McMath, B. P. Sibley, ' HEV. TAS vtVtt�GSTONE; •
John • Stehenson, W. N. Mannino,•"AIoruliirpester and President of.l',ondon Con -
being A. 0. Pattison, P. IZ. Hodgens, H. E. • foram*.
Hodgens. Geo Rorke, H. Rorke, J. town.. "Faith withont'works" finds no
Chairman of Hu Ming Committeo and who' eon. i Member Building Committee and Reeo
tributcd $•1,000 towards its cost.. Steward, . •
As all who haYo had to do with sin)* 'carriage business, (the firm novo
"hair enterprises, which have hooch well Rumba111 t1, 1t! 41.tth)
.�:.-K•'-'".� x �,� r mow, .
0,' .r. wALas
Member Building Committee
In the ev,enin g long before the ap•
pointed' hoar people :wire wending,
theft' way towards the church and by.
six o'clock the church was.crowded.
More chairs were used at-. this serriee
than•th,t', of the morning; then scores
-of people lima ..a' btend : and •n. great
Many had to Turn -way, a number of •
whom attended other chinches. Mr;
Livii g tone's text was 2 Kings 10, 19-20
His sereribir was one of profit and his
choice 1 ingtiage made it interesting to
.. thel.(,r .: a•$elnh1�1 e, A pleasing feature
g .fi
also was the singing, the anthem "The
Heavens are . telling ; from the Crea-
tion by 'Haydn a sok) by. Nor.
• nein Muneb and'.a seleiti-•in •by the
We.1ee chu'rch'Q.itrtet•fe.were all vva''1
1 rendered: • The entire services of tire'
day Were meetings of power end spiel
that interest,an augury of future de.
'opulent find progress and '•thrnnghe
everything was of, a Batiste:4q +.. `
satisfying character.. •
On. Monday evening -Mere was r�gge
attendance at the supper in t'ft8
I i e which an en-
town hell 1 a fie
tertainrnent was given in .the church,
.'J.'he meeting,opened with the. singing
- of at hymn; pray!v was offeced up by
Rev../ Greetin atnd,a) (wean eel.) was
excellently _,play.'cl by' Miss Oonihe,
Stewart, of Willie.ehurch, Rev Dr
Gifford, of ('hallo St church, Rev
(Grine, of St, Paul's church, and J. B.
iluover,.fromthe 131 ,p'istchurch (Iter •
i .Dunlop being tunable to attend owing
to another engagethent) were present
and extended cona'rat'ul:ttions onbeblir ,
of their 'csongregatiens' on the' complet,
tient of the new' edifice. The presenecn
of. these speakers and their kind worst y�f
:were apnreci ited. A report was given
by Mr Lough,Recording Steward. Ade
dresses were also given by W.Doherty,
Itev Rawson, Rev R. Whiting, B. A.
of Mitchell, and Rey Jas. Livinyetone,
The. choir rendere_dseyeral suitable end
choice anthems "The Light of Life" by
,Ashford,• and"Rejoice 'Greatly"by Ash
ford, a, fine selection "Angels' seren-
ade," by Ashford, was' rendered by a
ladies quartette,and the Wesley church
quartette also gave the selection "13e
.•knows it all".l y:,P ley „6y -on. ,
t' l tL Th t ' d g all
I B J. C. Stevenson, ran ow er,
ggent, f g s, iIna an g measure,
t) to a inner .. trao tons, rued the imposing etht ailed much labor on, a fevv, tite-pas� 'at •s been a l)igiii es )ectecl citizen
building is, in a great itietu ore, else to app()ttrance of the pipe organ (which building 'e nhrnittcr. as a i olvv 5 y lc one of those
for and the ,e •
of the .town•' ig eras )
the elite, time, labor, and intell genco has beery inll)rov,i1 considerably) is an i the scheme ' yy e could inthe
bestutt ed by that committee, composed •, r.;..,. wholor who all iirted entered nto t interests
«.1iosaisn? who (lift all 1t cot 1 I _
ft follows: WM. Doherty, will' whole -heartedness, and descry interests of the church with which he
y � groat credit. wars connects, n y
( two ked out, know the bringxng'0 ' is 1 Mr is another of the
silty v can, .
A i;l ass windows add their shire to the this work to a' successful • cone s
f 1 ing' trir:ttscs of tlhr, old - church, and Itas
ath t t t' i I
Vag as D
`t ' ' 'd and
17eV(li shirked r
chairman; W. R hough, see-troas;; • i`.
• I �t )y annillg,... .,13_,, Chan Wim. v'' ' H+, q rf1 AT, cHltrhrltt.•_-. • 'work assigned to li%tr1, but at'vvatys
Ilarlatnd, F. R ttodgens, A.. T. Cooper, - i, ,,II • The first Methodist pastor stattloned , fotutd it a pleaYslL1( 114 ms tltwtve
C. J, Wallis and P. Cant elan, No 1 �Q, at here was Rev. A (;stn )bell, 'a Miall of . been employed in builcl'tng, and Itis
item was overlooked, and no hatter ; ti l finally contracts have (tivvays been
s too trivial to receive careful at -1
est economy was
tent tine as
strict onsistent with
praictised, as far aswaisc w
the desire of the people to. have con
',ient, up-to-date place of Worship.
he contractsfor the different works
were taken as follows: The foundation.
arid' brickwork are. the luattdiwork of
Hiram T.
Hill; the.' wood and carpenterr
.work, T. McKenziel',the slating, John
Whittaker, London; stained glass, .1
IIoHardware CoLondon; electric
Hobbs lin ,
lighting and wiring, Clinton I�Iectv`io
Light Co putiti by•W,.1. Stevenson);
,;eating and pulpit, Valley City Seating
'Co., Dundee; stone Work, J. T3. Hoover;
furnaeee, 'ogler, hareiwate end lass,
11'atrlend i3ros,; redbrick, Milton Press-
ed Thick Co ; white br'.ek,. A. Wett-
great ability, whose renhalns, gee W ' ,
mistake not, aro buried in Iioltnilte faithfullyula highest
Asa, citizen he,
cemetery. A. rieW church was "talked lilts the highest regard of alt,
of" during his pastorate, hurt nothing 1 Tato BulLui liG Co7gMiTTnir.
1. ll�{ vy P definite Was done until his successor, i Silt. W .I)ohert ,,, the Chairman of the .
7 97 ', Rev'T'hatnas (.kghorn, took,thematter i I3uildirtg,(1011iInittre,vnhesol)ortratltal e
up and carried it to at successful issue, , mars in thisissue,lias°Yeebeen rotn'in-
in 1858 wlratt is now the front part ofntly identified with the oldtatten-
Rattenbury street church was erected . e hers,' street clidrewi,rtii the of especially+
and dedirittcd by Rev Thomas Cosford, ' dills of titr neve ehut.eh, Ito especially
• then Chairman of (Iod(.,.h4 •I)tsti'ict, (hrett v ' ) ,all 1ti ytthscralxng 441,fil t
A slaughter of Mr Cosford )s Mx. c)f tli ' � • � ad ��.., y
Morab r Bind g i Nn nnittee °
y , s (•leo. i. 4 r� t"• ".: X e;?
Aeheaietl. (•#oclerich; %Vltile' 'tare wife of ; bully 14. t nit , ;ii tlis large:1ll(itiiltnnt
Rev Mrr.yparlrng', f.trhnerly of0nta+ric) I been •ettbseribel.,this fine imposing
:ztreet,is another daughter,. 1411';(j
1'it os f,trilettlre wolilel'ttot have adorned the
' ford is still • living. with her daughter'town. MrDoherty is;toted for his lib•
Godericlt t nattily, and it Is Indeed recognized by
It Wag ft tntte1i Inc" hor tnleant ask the entire cott;;rcgation, Wesley
than to build one now, and the faith the broad-rindeduess aud, generosity
to Hind n brick, church in hose days cilit,clr vvili starts ata a monument to
', place in the creed of the members of
the old Rattenbury Street• church for
have they , not, practically said by
tbeir action, not withafeeling of vaunt•
lug or boasting, but of reverent thank-
fulness, "There stands the new Wesley
Church as a tangible testimony of what
eee the Lord has done fof' us With, per -
naps pardoned/le 3esling of satisfaction,
if not pride, ' they may regard this
monument erected for the cause of
Ohrist as upheld by that. part of Meth.
lata which they represent.
The series of'opening services com-
inenced at it sunrise meeting at 7.30 a.
tut, when a large -number of the congre-
gation' attended but at the service at 11
a, m. the church was crowded, When
Rev. ,las, Livingstone, President of the
Londotr•Oonference, ascended the plat.
fern) to commence the service on Sun-
day morning he looked into a sea of eir
pbttttint stew) -e e, t'A c fteln cnt
}ire atione where he had been statione
the cordialgreetings and hand
shakings he bad to enduat the close
of the service showed his popularity
Ile was assisted by Rev. D. Hl#ford, o
Ontario stream church, and by the pas
• P.B. 111101101i41489
Bomber Building Con iItte
Members of other denominations
personally conp•ratulatid the officials
on its ha dsome ' ear -
of the church app
mice, all remarking that "it is one of
the prettiest and cosiest churches we
ever saw. ,
The choir rendered excellent service,
tutd is under abli:;ations to members of
Ontario Sts chair, Willis church choir,
and the 'Baptist church choir for their
kind assistance. ' At the afternoon ex'
br :iso ,M .sit+r,, tewart Jackson rend.
end a s�t�i�`r".tlo'irllDlpVtty; anti 'loot~•• Wan,
IMurch gave one at the evening
service, both of which were beautiful
We doubt If any town of its size in
-1( Methodish ca
rches the equal tof the
tor,Rev. Ws (1. llowsoti,the dedicatory
(Continued on page 4.)'