HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 9• ' .
• March 7th, 1902
THE,MEDIOA-L MEN. -The Huron sew his 100 acre fora,. ;north half lot
S11411$14 *11110 Medical Assooletion held a regular eg C. e„ mortis, te, E. B. ,41cock,
The New Furnishing meeting In the Cm'incn chamber ettel COM, of the. same township; it is
Tueedar efterneoh And Of ggOd ;Mu" considered. a good Property end the
• • . FRIDO MA& llg02.
bet' Were 'Present' Pc Duniuncireo :tare paid Was 22.000....SOrne of the
• Stratford, Presided and ICINVI an ad- tch holes on the country roods as,ve
, LOCAL ' NOritorld. dregu on the "Provreso or medicine' t been fixed by the femme, but still
Del)artmerit . . . .,,, uk barrel iota, tor °ash at
Ihe and light settee sugar at 18.40 Pee 100 ;befall cella' ;
Beet iltenderd cranutatedeusaret$4.15 per 100 Dr Bethune, of Seaforth. on "Clinical, there e,re a great number yet left
J', W. 1BWIN'e. Dr .?.0,,°%.,.4211 ,"234,Yel., it whickS makes a feW 01 the principel ,
Prato,tlee”; pc 1.*°•eec""°°, 94 •'14144;31' lo toads yet rough far trayel....1.71eanIng
.. •
on er e n
practice, mom the meeting ROM, of c'fr Maidewalk° Wa"1""cle"r the 411
di urthe soft weather last week an
The Stocks in. the new Ftirnishi
ng and clothing 05,„va, *poem the dectore vielted the hospita/ end ng
made the walks preferable th
getting into shape The wIlsOaLfD.STO RAGE MEETINee-There Inhgatirtheluir4ivialhkraPreeha°1wdeares sha:urtence.
triggerndnerteliral convalacent gurgle-
tenbury. street wing ot Our store ha b rtfer!,- iirelyRarte: a 06 Lee council °bah b:1 13* P aPP°441citi8
ear Danaher attended t a ee a, ru tUr °and
hint e rest of the Er I'VelvIlturre i; 417°r gdy
StOre• h iS now a coglplete Fu intfgatiol.(33---eyor the second pane t•p°44 Ubey
modelled and practically cut off frosmeeh
Department are rapidly
. been honored wit__
ratey gereiirn has nedy ws.me 104°4E% rtriCetonC;
ncy of the Juliana tb_ __te
rats g and Clothin intereete of the cold storai;
Store in itself. New les New S
w ich means a good deal . the Oanadian Press 4,esochttion ; the Mullett) last bride, the f
irts, New Hats, •
tee when it c dipleted, The toinvay"%7 n of R. 'Dolma ound t e
first time by the electing
what -is correct nd newest ' ruled awl addresses were given b andmow by the unteeimaus election ai gravel road so. bad Zat it wits neces.
came in this week, and
g meat If
eery to leave it at a farmer's place and
ears. Belden, Alien, Forrester and' Ur D. McGillieofifiY. of the God h
Clothing and Men's F t hi'n b f in
• u rita e Ounci h othe.s.who MAY dealt with e er Signal. Tim Associatton nes c 11;10 a eleigh instead. • The Swedieh
a ern leidies' Cteartette,which appe, red here
V Phase , bership of 250, and it is no small honor as one of the concerts of the Citizens'
ere. connected withthescherne,the outcome tq be selected as an official head. "Darr Star Course on the lath of Ise' month,
. A T being the directors received a mamba fe regarded ae a' "white halted boy" lid not give the concert in Goderich
The Depaittnat is now c arge of 'via. ts.* J • of Btcck takers. We learn that they , (no insinuations intended) by the Asso- on, Thursday week. as only dozen or
1Vlorrish. You will always find him here when. you tion for which hale elected.. It is pure. anno ed t th I
are meeting with success in the canvess. dation, and will worthily fill the poi. so were present; the comp VI, were
call and we want you to feet free to drop in at any A GOOD APPOINTMENT. -Mr
y a e coo recep ton they
„ ap. ly honorary(carrying dacompeessition), -received eild did not nut. on Atte pro, -
and eoniethnes mane considerable gram....The efddfellosies lodge is
time; to come and go as you please, whether you want work to the indvidual who 1 •
plicant for the Chief of Police of Wood -
J. Cantelon c)f evil° atii
utock,has been appointed Iessietaut at a captures . booming ha,ving received a number of
selary af $450 a year. Ele us a good et. CLINTON MUSIC OLUB, The applications to be considered. at their
Vie New Hats
ficient man, haying been chief at Both, fourth recital of the ,Ullnton Ateste next meeUng next Tuesta--n g ,
well for some time, and could have se-
Ulub was held at the residence of Mr is their retention to give a swell con-
-cured a lucrative position On the De- W. Doherty, theteonorary president of cat sometime during the latter pa' t of
• teoit Detectree steff, if he would have the club, on Wednesday evening. April....We understand that De
. taken the oath of alllance which he There was a good attendance of wen. Graham has rented J. Tedford's house,
The new hats were selected personally by Mr, declined to dor Havel I be ea tercet' to be and all enjoyable program was on uron ree , a w
Morrisb. evil doereatifi a Volga to tire(' Who do well rendered: -Part ewe/. at •the end of the present month • hie
ilk Toronto he met the representative of some of the leading Well*"
frame; Invocation" Tatimuser, arr. by office will be ist the residence 414, tor
a Liszt, Mies jean elacpher on .; • paper a while.....Last Friday night D. D. lEt '•
New York makers. ,The reputation he so long enjoyed for ANOTHER 0.ANADIAN. AHEAD. "Operatic rausio," Mr-Gibbinge ; so K M. McKee', Heneall, for South Hu on., •
-We congratulate our young friend, &sonic lodge an official ;sit
keeping the most up-to-date hat stock in town, will not suffer, Dr Scott, (late of the medical firm of P IC •
"Brown October ale " R bin El d I* ' paid the M
Span mg , piano duett, "Eluillame
, 0 OQ
antl•found the -lodge in a, flourishing
but be strengthened. by the stook .ke has selected for this sea- Gunn Bs Scott) Who is now located in Tell. ' Da ,Roseini. Misses •Combe and state.... Vym. Wheatley hese, gang of
, Washington Territory, In Gibbings; song,"In happiest moments" Men employed cutting weod for him ;
son. The newest and nobbiest A.merican and. English: shapes) h
tw e council examineqon the doceor Marltana, Idles I. Jones.' Part 11,-- ' in Stanley he haaforty acres of timber
missing, or one in a lot in successful,tstanding the highest .Piano, `Stem' Verdi," arr. by Liszt, ' and iti Goderieh township twenty acres
are here. There is not a good style' • the
t not correet in eyery way. . .,gratzigliforsaclIonts.e., This is• indeed -Miss O. Newcombe- acing, "We met in
1 Ira as well as neeees lane,"DoffieVatden.Dr Holmes; converted into wood for enstomers'
and at both these places be ie having it
. •
hat is
4 di
Newest Hard gats at 01.25 to $2./5
Newest Solt. Hats al 506 to 52.50
ar ere. . J. o oway a et ..
his numerous friends and only goes to male. chorus "Princes e ,Ohic" ; song
• who are worthy competitors of our Mrs J. B. Hoover; piano duet, eCaprl.. and has his shelves lined with ,new and
nearly all his stock of gents' furnishings
show of anqtheeUansallen to the front "Angels ever bright and fair", Handel;
business or professional lines. We Hardy-Stnith and Mrs J. E. Hooey. Saturday was a good one.
goods ; his opening day on
“ .. Among
trust that
' • neighbors of the United States in letti. and Montecha," Hotline Mrs c -
the militia changes gazetted 14 the fol-.
Lir Scott may like Taconia NOTES. -We netice from tbeToron• towing concerning the 33rd nettle
life and hope to 80Q13 hear of him as to pipers that contributions in aid of Regiment .:--.To be Captain, Lieut, J.
one of the leading medical mea in *the the .new Free Consumptive Hospital at R. Varcoe. vim: W a Gun& y, second,
West. - ' Muelroka are being received from an ed • to be Lieutenants. find Lieutenants
Ali the New'
, -
are on Our news—stand very soon after they are
published. If they are out --they are here.
Of course you know the prices, same every—
where. We take bubscrintions to any periodical
• published at regular
• If yott aren't in the habit of looking over our
magazine stock once or twice a week or month
just form that habit. You will find you have
been missing a, lot of good things.
Big Line of Paper Novels, too,
10e ‘. • .
• r
11111 Remnants of,
- Shaker Flannel
On Saturday March 8th, we place nn sale a case
• of mill remnants of Flannelettes. These are ends that
• are too short for the mill to put up in webs, so they ga-
ther them together in eases and sell then' by the pound.
There were nearly 1000 yards in this case and ' are all.
fancy stripes and the colors fast: The lengths are from
2 to 10 yards, and you can buy them 'cheap enough to
• make it pay you to layin a supply for future wiints.
Ready Siturday Morning. •
Mill remnants of Flannelette at less than Mill prices.
Lengths t to 10 yards . : ,'
SOCIAL EVENTSeigveningisarties
' - • .. - foi• the teason sereOvaning, but there
epmarlteu-notte teheeeeDetoiymineleokne;ewaresgnegd thewe iii ,-,,,ttri,zi,:ied lvt Vir canpAriaoptt
PITAL.-The Clinton Hapit ., one
of those institutions which co es in note subscriptions from Clinton . of $1
for praise at times and why shod it . Mated ; to be 2ad Lieutenants super -
each from FL Wiltsie, J. U. Stevetison n =every, 2nd Lieutenant,. J 0 S Vare
J. P. Tisdall and H. U. Brewer. ... O. H.
forth Expositor praiseworthy refers' of Joy,fortnerly of the Idolson's bank here numeral y end Lie'itenant,L K Jordon,
me, vice TO Johne, promoted ; super -
not. The following from the Sea,
it and Os Gunn who established it but who has been relieving at Ridges vies HO Dunlop. pronloted....Among
town, is now placed in the London
by the NEW ERA that preparations branch; his friends will be gled-ei learn the shipments this week were four ear -
by of cattle by S. Smith, two. by
owe low years ago :-"We notice
are In pregress for the enlargement ' of o.f his advenceinent in banking circles.
.. Mason and Forrester and one of hogs
the Clinton hospital. At present 4. ..aohn Prang bas alloyed hie family by Oantelon and Wallis, all for Toronto
trom Zurich to Clinton and is occupying ...Kind words are always acceptable
rooms, all the available beds being .P.hilip Mairea house on Orange met-, '':-
ny us •, H. les13. Mott, , of Medina, N.
Oiled. This hospital was established a. The last monthly horse fair of 't he II „in renewing his subscription, speaks
season will be held in Clinton, on Wed -
of that town. and is conducted under weather prove favorable there shoultl renewal to your very excellent and
of the NEW ERA thus :"Encloseri find
bighly appreciated paper. . ,.. An inter
couple of years ago by Dr- Gunn, the 1
• naay, Feb. 19th, and , should the
well Known and popular 'practitioner
his immediate over -sight. • it hee been be a large crowd attend ; ' these fairs tatting letter regarding cold storage •
very successtuI, MX* has been doing a 'fo see eadh other and should be taken
ive the fanners and buyers a. chance from the pen of "4. R " will be found,,,
in this issue. " .There are a great misny'e
Flood work; and wire increased fac-
• itiea its usefulness will be enhanced. ad4•antage of by those baying horses auction sales.t.his month ; a number of
It is an institution which was much
for sale as
needed in, this c • ounty, and all will be wen as th°68 Wiehing t° them will be foetid in our sale register.
ecure, horses.- ..Edwerd Wise felt on page 6. .3'. McIntyre comraenced
pleased that it is so well supplying the down on the ice the other day and
requirements. has been suffering from a lame back ;move to Stapleton in the course of to
*ark with Ransford and expeets to
ever since....Mise Clara Steep has week ; the holiest, vacated by him has
• • are still a. nmetioleefeeingiven.' 013
' . lo ,,..-loung people .went to
• GoderielieWpieasant evening at t
hoin40*08en Switzer. A de
• egOefierg:et progressive euch
asieley,•,,Dr and •Mrs Grab
liaMe on Friday night to
• .Wednesday ng oflast week a
,,,N4.1", „friends; the prize winn
For the coming season the Millinery Department ;•.mo II mcrag mt, Afro
be in charge of Miss Randall, -who is so well. and favorably and Mr G. k M
known to theiistoniers of this store. She nee's no introduc- nr. %Ica:
tion at our hands. Her ability as a Milliner is well known to:„GlopffIrectoer •
.e.eyening by
every custom ..c.‘ She has spout. the 11'4 two wee':s in the work go* are aiety lunch,.;,:eXilitete PIMP"'
rooms Of the best Wh)lesalg, houses ii the country, studying-itvime and-•
• evening pi totheir frie d • on this
ackson alS*•gntetktil .:Inee..•
and copyutg.the latest ' Frenea. and American. models. . The evening. Becitdyteerd:Vsyt3tn4.io- g- !)-U--p9-
b erintetideneT , er aimed the
Stoat for spring has been. selected frOM:the best' sources . ore orchestra,' ''',q -f -t Ontario •street Sunday
and m England, and when the season opens we will be read School 1,*oystervauPper after which
. •
•• .1 a few plea ' t hours were t •
with high class'reitlinery, stylish and corteCt in every ellitaa , . -e.e...? • spell •
, and at t e same time moderately pnoed.. Mss Randall will
be here on .Saturday Marcb. 8th, and from that: date • Will..be
'''• ready t� attenil to. orders. • . , : ... .. -
„ • ; • • i0.) ith
Mt? ltlirttilttlittItttIllt11000110! Ittlttittrlittt.00.01titIlttirt
e • add . Mrs •-••• • . • .• . • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • " —
• • • • "•' • • • • •' • ' '• • • , • •• • • " •• . '
accepted a position as clerk at W. D. been rented to Mr McGregor. Milburn
Fair e book store in the:place, of Miss..W. T. O'Neil was confined ta the
Nettie McRae who resigns her posi- ii.ouse for some days by haying a nail
tion this week; Mies McRae will be run into his right knee ; he was able to
greatly missed ai she was most pop- go to his store Thursday.......0wing to
obliging and courteous to all lack of space considerable matter nae
We are glad to learn that we will been left over including correspondence
:Tose he 'from town ....We under- from Henan,
Nile,Whitechurch and
nd that las Seale, of town, has teaderich. . •
FAIrt.04,. Mato a
"Olten the iieapeit—ilways the Res*.'
PRING 140U513
• , • . . . . . • .. •
emiivepreisirations for our big wring trade, and
several lines otelens Womens Mises Boys and
To Sell at Extremely. Low Prices.
Ims we need th'e room for Spring gets* these goods are now An our bargain
rearm and it vi ill pay you to see than. •
We are nearly Wearied out of winter goods; but what we have lett it
will Pay eon to buy for another winter:.
• .
yen are looking for spring goode, we are headquarters for all the
latest' productions in stylish footwear, and will be pleased to. • hive, you
• ,
call and see them.
d • , '
The Old lteliable,
The Store That Never Dissppol
ayloz• Son
ember of yotingi • ••
New Drossi,,..Geeds:
. .
• New dress goods. for 'spring are—here • Of course the
stock is not yet ra l but enough are here, to give you a
good idea ofw •correct and fashionable for spring
wear, and enou •chi to give you a wide variety of choice
• There will no
neither will t
with the Se
seen the An, of the new Sloan Block
and from iteXenknow that S. S. Cooper
intends to Make a eters block of stores.
It will be a^. two story building with
red presserl-Arick front. the caps and •
window sill?' to be of white fred0one.
The block will be an. adrrnmeet to
the town. As this block is in one the
best business parts of the town and
pear the post•onIce the stores or offices
as they may he will readily rent.
On the-grinmd floor. will be four ; the
store-next.to the Clarendon will be oc.
misled by a. Wiltse and the one
north lay J, •Erninerton as a barber
. shop, The - two _middle ones are
popular or fashionable fabric missing; I spoken for by four patties already but
e anythmg shown that will not be stamped
ashions approval.
a particular attention to the stook of suitin
are not yet, rented; these will be
fitted upfor an office or store 'to suit
Parties. • On the second Roof. there
Will also be four mode; -me -of these
has beet] rented as a.n offic but the
• g wear, In these goods we are showing some some •ottior three may yet be had e and ar,
Verylitx'. lengtbsoo two of which are alike,. Here are ranged to suit tenant. The citizens
are *meat° see the treparations be.
,gt few,:oftrie poiilar lints that aro in stook already.
willadd so much to the appearance of
. in g made to rebuild t le block which
• AU yid Serge, double fold, makes • • Extr ne quality of woof silk nail& ' this part of 9e town.'
• eerweeitble dresses or Fearer. also Henrietta, very faabionable for
suitable for children's wear, one ef . waists or dreams,- 40 -to 42 inches
the beat selling lines we nary in wide, this line el extra good value fan Concert Co. entertainment ;men bythe Oaledon.
on Monday evening
sexes, in Week, navy, oadintil, end comes in, cream, pale blue, in the town hall was well attended
brewn, greenandlight shades; per • me. „ pink; navy,' old rose and cardinal,'we more especially by those of Scottish
• . vita • . Xlelt. per yard •
" Yearnings At d /there Who enjoy *Miele
• •wool Tigeronx, 86 inches'wide, •a
• jo
Fine.quality Wool whit) cad, oaks. •.• • free AuldScotia.T e maority f
&nab, will xiake handeome opting
those present were delighted with the
concert for it: seems that the char -
strong servictsble cloth that looke
acteristice of the Scotch are instilled
. drama, soft finish, will drape and
well when made up, comes in ato fold well, per yard , . , . . .. 50e in that children and everything of a
sorted shades of Oxford and blue
grey, per yard uv e Fine all wool Bette cloths, 40 to 44 Seettish nature its dear to them yet.-
inches wide; handoome materials, 0 ding tae me the aald Scotch suss
in the fashionable eptiug Aeries, In tee braid Scottish tonna
' • inches wide, (silk ettitable• . . The suss Ina milker "eubg.
for w1iste or drawee, shades of All wool Voilles, one 'of the moot White all the einging was greatly -
pink, cream, pale blue, rose oar- "t„. popular spring. dread materials, A., appreciated the dancing was equally
dial and blaok, per yard *We• black and afore 1:10e, 75cs and lel ghood and a feature of the liregrane ;
. Vold quality of ward Ceehmere, 88 • iwo qunatieo „ 000 snd Irk The eauFte.rcit taither lo'ed, to tear.
. • •.
• t encores were deserving and un.
stintedly given. Mies Ella Walker, as a'
voice of extensive range and the tender
• Lustros• - Velvet Belts Scottish soprano, is gifted with
The correct •thin in belts ra lediee of the Scoteh
• Lustros in black and colors
are very much used, a'nd are
pepit.ilar for.:qtaists.
thet Iustre we
•over had in blacks, new ones
pot tame in WO week, they
- are quariti€411 that retain
their glossy appearance and
• will not change their. 'colors
Prizes aro, . - t re are not many of any ono the 48th Highlanders in an United go.
m• States tour) in dancing and biping so.. ___ „......„..„...„........,.......—... -,.........,,,,,,..,,,v;,.............._.,...„:4,
'-'gSe age 406. and 15c. -.A,".t.;_,.''''?"':-.,2-g..327.11;;cmes--,4k., ,x10.40.4i+.004mitt6" WO S.cottiakt I* =
J. .,,,, 1 • • i nir- TO 41471 a ee
laid FlingsSatIor s Hornpipe and othes
part included the, Sword narlee, tngh. E
and proved hitneelf a master of ACKEION , "IM—iiiisCLOTIIIATO STORgo
ing as Well es piping. Astagether the ..
for ear sorb, wear ii. a executed; she was down forfouri8 elePtell
g ,
6 • bers, her best in the opinion of some,
• I ok __,,„velvet,_4 .tioulz.,03.0..4.4..act,Ritild-Shavd"„4....abe
folds Of 13inding o black .. Or ehtgrarenelikeaBstaitgebaaerttenaer,aineceee'/Aeelafreindupce
white satin. The popular APPlattee and was down for four Mune
hers, but all regards his best opinione,
buckles are Oxidized Gilt or differ. Cathcart Wallace, the violin*
Black. This week we opened jet and phiniet, handles both instru
.P • **
t Ye leaf rttenlescriglIlt Lit:Isstte, ;41flett'lfoge"clul'hr:dpaart
in these belts, they are goad well, The °teeth on the program, ve
eriee-Maor Augus lit Freeer frho eaca--
• .
* •-•4111
- -
I' I
.1 •
It is your duty to fortify yourself' against the winds of a
March, and if you want satisfaction and comfort, you should see
the wonderful Overcoatwe are selling at $10.00, made to your
order—the goods are pure all wool Cheviot7-Oxford grey in
,E . i t '' . color... -=-.'Cut an anyfityl,e-7-81.1k.,,acingon lapels-÷lnade And. trim, 3
Aeriki i i
4"-* - "6./.% ' 'fled in the best otstyleitna--A Coat that -cannot be .bought : - else.,..a.::.'....:.:
0. . ...
. .4.
•-- -where under $14,00. . It'wilI'SurpriSe keen. buyers to see -such value, but ;our ...er
E. .opportunitie for buying are suoh. that we save, 20 per -cent on our goods., • -'.4.",
,. .
Better order now--Oan. give you.promptdespatch.
4E: Menli$1.00 Buokskin Pants,
E Th Buckskin rants which we sell for $1.00 are our own make. They
are better out and better made'than anything you can see elsewhere. You
u can get some extra nice patterns.
a Big Dollar'B wort
eel, •
We have got the biggest Dollar's 'ivortI3, of -shirt we know a,
anything about We were. determined to have it and we have
got it. Our Men's $1:00',shirts• are made of fine Regatta goods... a
starched fronts—separate cuffs -no scrimping of material or
niaking-sleeves to at..-patteini new and . the latest.. If you 47 -
want to pay a $1.00 for a; shirt, we can do businekts when yoir a --
come it. Don't know where else you can get sbirtalike ours for
one dollar.
Our Select4On is complete in all sizes,
talkies, pop ular prices, aTh nd, componned the regimental* board of can get 41 sizes here ap,
proetam was an excellent one and . .
of the Cricket Club but the expenses
were heart and the proceeds oidy , concert was given under the attepices
, .
114.04 cleared them, .