HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 8• •r, ME MATTO NEW PLIk •1 Hugh 1$14 1003 '5o *EA EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS • . DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS *Ds Anyone sending a eltotch and description Ines quicklr ascertain. our opinion. free weetiter an Invent on te probably patentable. COOlniuttlen- 2101taatrietly nidlildelltird. Ilandbook on.Patents Pent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents talon through, Munn Jo Co. receive /Pedal notice, With2nOphorge, le -the . cientific.fimeritan. . bealdtlemelY illustrated weekly. Largest ele. eulation of any sclettlne journal. T8r1n11,•$3 a Iars four months, Sl. 00141/rail newsdealer& MN &Cos 3618r"dwaYi New York- •.. 011ie% 625 V St. Washington, IL O. , ' Ws is the new soientifio remedy for •AAA's disease, diabetes, dropsy, and all tokaohe, lame or weak back, gravel , dney, bladder and urinary troubleref , *Rog or old. If your back or kidneys " bother yon, just try Dn. Pam= s Bac1- 933 na Tamll est. They'convince bus etre good by curing you. *rice o. *inlet alj druggita or sentbymail ZINA PtiazM Oa., Toronto, Ont. BA B A GRAND OPPORTUNITY am . aF BICYCLES, VIATCHES ree DVOQUINT% STIft,.._._ AN IRIIPIREST AnvEtertseme . All YS One mR a eas y eau ono el t me Ineedsionse, fetes model. isiga tree, Bicycles a endorses° Geld -plated Welch, Chat* sot* Charm ladle or (loath mit, and * photo, ot nue bliter-platral warp. Wo ate giving sway theuennds Of 'Meal t• advettias our hOulas and, gids, and' Avery lionivt persou wit° sells only Et/ paeltagea or our „Sweet Pea Pardo (those ars the seeds krarrvill as the Jacob Asters, Wally celebrated tor their ouleY vowing. leantlini coloring, sac ma Flowering qualities) will tveelVa our renerOUIS Otter ot tide arrant high grade Ployele with a bad 1066 Gal•Nil Ca WIna• Inninl Ann Charm, 0 GIOUbleannt•Witted Tee Si/00114 I 011irepploted Rutter 1Cull11 and Sugar Nioll, width wo give ;absolutely free Walling the 20paokages or Seed4 tor Pk We dellsit mak meant and Pima last What we ass% 1811.6 7066116111' and scarf as vainly *ream aud wo will esnd yoa gm MO large I ',Aare or orati. am *Bent at 104., a package. MAA By are reaY te Awn. When sold send es the MOO/. 02.00, (ma II 0 gamma, if you comply wan tne offer, wo send to every on!) taking advantage 06 (1616 advertisement thts high grade 11 cycle Ind presents will Lc given absolutely five. Wu want in say right lwra that WOK Kerley airs notA Toy Wheels; but 22 and 24 Wen Wheeis. In nine, Abu* LW W•mon colors, ailth, ell eso west attaehmonts and itillygnarantetd. 'Tilts Is an honest oiler, mode by 10 WrAbUilhett bow* to Inliodaoe their goods and 110060 quit,* int la a solendld oneortuagy to spurs these homhede presents tree. Brory Merle eellt 014 Vitgr011r t•ated and peeked, , Samples of Testimoniels:-. .. to Leh SOVEREIGN sitED MAME To 'MR SoVEREION SEED ROSE' Rose Itrienlo.-4 received your grand presents and they me lust bealtlail.. I haw Dear filint.--I Teeth ed on your presents and am delighted wIth then& Bey ere all moored yon another 4=4 whO wants to got ieur Bleyolo. lit outlaw, to work tor puss I and you do as you r gm. Ittigtag lilnAWAIll, retorbora Oak , IIESOlt WU= Ottawa. Out. boontlruk 'a,,_ Addretifi p18181»The Sovereign Semi House. Dept. :-;;4 v Toronto, Ont. ,ollowing' closely on the recent an.• f Northwestern Hope For Consuniptives. :.:*6THAWBERRY .,Qt.) LTUDelta, Gamma MUD o nouncement of the youeg women of the .-----. UnivereltY, Chicago, that they were MOW The Ravages 01 This they Should Tie Given Full Vero and AA. I open to propesale of marriage, comesongful to Produce °Deo cosies the formation of a club of celibate e Seourue May Me Stayed. No farmer should deny himself and among the young men of that install. -- lien . The Knights of the Marble Heart hie family 'the luxury and blessing of Statistics Prove That Mom Death's Occur it plentiful, supply ot strawberriegSttur is the name of the new organization, . . and, ats the .name indicates, the club From Conpurephon: Vim From AllZ Most delicious and healthful of all proposes to give the "marble heare' to - Other Vontagioue Dieeases Corn- fruitsFew farmers can be indeced . - the young coeeda with matrimonial In, - -- to buy fruit, tio to hate it they muel b`ffeds-sHow *Best to- Coln bat=1D I . grow When located within cons _ .. _ franient shipping distance of It good_ . 1 a the diseases that ROO humanity are caused by the accumulation of impurities in the blood, The greatest of all blood purifiers 'is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTIERS. • •Jolly bachelorhood. The new society a Ana mi the Disease, If Cleanses the system from , r elinations, and to, cultivate the joys or • - knights Is composed of members of the senior close, and their organIsatiOn was completed last week. The colors, soar. let and black, were pinned am the thir- •'teen obarter members, and these Will be worn until the arrival of the socilety's pins, which will consist of srnall heertel of zombie eet in gold. • . . • THAT TOUCHES The SPOT A Brain in Gloves. Something mo're than a. warm heart and an open hand is needed in dispens- Ing charity, A I:Milton\ woman who wanted to be generous found this to be true in at, least one case, •related in the "Youth's Companion." She had been giving to apoor family, consistIng of a mother and three grown daughters, a regular allowance of eh' dollars e. week until the daughtere should find employment, Canada is something appealing, In the . Well or Market the straWberry usually paye growinn commercially, as ir-The raveges of Onsurnption throughout province of Ontario, where statistics ot Well in fact, year by year, as any Cron deaths from all diseases are carefully Of fruit or farm proauce. But with kept, A ia shown thet 2,286 ot the deaths Strawberries there must be no slight - occurring during the year 1901 were due ing and neglect, no bit or miss work. to oonsuroption, or about 40 per cent rabre as the friut makes an exacting Miss than the number of deathe occurring from tress and demands that it be even . all other •contagious dieessett combined, full care and attention to Produce These fieures are startling and show the gond paying urgent neceesity for taking every avail- crops. To . begin with, yearly ialt°0 the Tietinnt. ' The iSnie 6 Which to set the fruit. Merited, gre want some good clean land upon able Means for comhatting a diseitee that aura consumption is not after the lungs are --- . * , . lieht loamy soil in 'short good corn hopelessly involved and the doetore hove land, is Just the place for • a good bees given up hope. Taken inits early stages, of strawberries. Do not Spare Its consumption is curable. Consumption A preparation. 210W and • crossploys a wasting disease of the lungs and at the harrow with 'disc 'harrow and smoothe earliest symptom of lung trouble steps ing harrow. Secure the finest and shold, be taken to arrest the Wastreand thus atop the disease. Consumption preye Mat pez•fect tillage' possible. Finally, roll or drag. As to fertilizers, • use . upon weakness. Strength is the best The eldest daughter called at the measure of safety: Dr Williams Pink what isrick in potash and phosphoric ho'use every Saturday to receive this Pink are •the beet tonic and strength acid, but not hi nitrogen, as nitrogen, Thursday, and wanted to know if A record of this medicine speaks for itself little fruit, what we are all after. For builder known to • medical goience, The • Is sure to make to mach vine but allowristeei One week shb appeared on would be "quite convenient" for and proves oonolueively that taken when this. reason; . unleached, hardtvood „ Kr , benetactreas to advance the money that the • eymptome of ooneumption develop ashes and ground bone are prime ;lay Instead of waiting until Saturday. they build ' up, strengthen and invigorate strawberry fertilizers, and may be ale' "We are out of fuel and flour, and the patient to a point where dimwit, sta. plied by broadcasting and harrowing lidege Si George, of St Jerome. Qua, .who su . • g p . e the man will call this evening for iiiii—appears. In proof of this take the case of in before settinthe lantsBre weekly rent, and we haven't a nenny tat says : -"About a year ago I became end set good plants. The farmer knows give him," she said. • • he cannot get a gOOd crop without good "How does It happen that you are In • great Y run °ws' os color, eu ere • this condition this week, When the sin • constantly from headaches end pains in , seed In catteed onions, potatoes. corn, *dollars I • have been giving you has the sides; my • appetiteleft me, and . I etc.; how ein he expect good, largo sufficed to Pay your weeklyexpenses a in became very weak. Then I was attacked 'trent' ef best fruit unless he eets•stretre by a cong, • h and was told that . I was in berry plants obtained from careful the Past?" • ooneumftion, •The doctors ordered me ,to breeding of 'pedigreed stocks -Plants , • "Well, I'll tell you," replied the young Woman, frankly and calmly. "Mamma the Laifientia----------11 n he hope that bred tor •vigor, plants obtained from' the crown of the head to the soles of the feet. If you are troubled with Boils, Pimples, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches,. Scrofula, Eczema or any trouble arising froin disordered Stomacji, Liver, • kao-wels or Blood, give Burdock Bfood Bitters a trial.. We guarantee it to cute or mone:y xefundecl. Ladies' Jackets We have still a number of our Fall and Winter' Jackets . left, and in order to clear them out before the season is over We have eecided to let tem go at gbout one-hitlf the original cost. These Jackets are all up-to-date, both in style and quality. All must be sold. RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS: Pond's Extract Over fifty years a household remedy •for Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises Coughs, Colds and nil accidents lia 4 ble to occurin every home, CAUTION -There 1$ only one Pond's Extract. •Be • sure you get the genuine, st;ld only In sealed betties ,110 was down. town yesterday, and am the ()hangs of air would benefit nie. I re- young brmtling stock that has not been' , .111 huff -wrappers, mined there for some time, but did not ileLEOD'S Lrle kid gloves that she felt that it would. " imFr°ve, ratur°9a home teeihiti that ity. We do. not fancy the matted row . ctaine across such il, genuine bargain and 'allowed to fruit and exhaust Its vital. . . . . • almost wicked not to take advantage . I had not . much longer to live, then Pink Pills. *stein of culture, but refer the tier:- . de:tided to use Dr Williams' row sys etn, y ome called After ring cleverer heath* inn, appetite row, this: t a hedgerow, the .plan. In this case being it, so she got each of us aka and Df rself a pair. They're regular two - oiler gloves marked awn to seventy- vegan o to:urn, and this • seemed to mark nine cents a pair, and:mamma didn't the change which *ought about my re- not to allow them to beeonie too thick, know when • she'd. ever • have another 00Yet7, for with the improved appetite but to keep them so that sun and air chance to save four dolians and eighty- • °nine gradualbut surely increasing . can get in among the leaves andmake four cents on four pairs of gloves, so . stresgth. I continued the use of thepills, flue, large, firm, highly -colored berries, i t Off and, daily felt . the weakness that had just 'the berries to eat or to sell ati .rie got 'them, and who sCOUld blame ' „Siam moyitiot • • OF Weekend Impure Blood, • Liver tit Kidney Diseases Peniarecompivist, All Dingmete„, or write d ect to J. M. MasE0D, • Gs derich, Ont FREE pr YA is+ A SILVER WATCH , .. LAD1FS Gli, GE i SIZE. 4. . ...mot 1 0 nave Dr Arnold.' English a Nils In every home in Ovoids, wa triU et° tom, 'ersuir . ob....in -Art Ate doent for us, and sell tin le #li. atonable Silver Watch. open aten or o.,..., a Dr. Arnold'', Toxin Piths at geo per bok, , • t...1.. WI CI., 1 , LA‘Alieli or things 020 Maestro(); sl Wt.. ,t, fmt want any teener until 1 s oo his.- sone 1110 Pill& Just send us P.n. 11.1 li,jti Both mu partionlark tOitelbor wltb . .,,r,,,,l.' Mud i‘ligin,A9 R114 We will send pm the 0 - ...., .II ,.,no.,1 eanotlar, describing the watchell. TM.. IA yfse greeted, offer 1600 ,11111(0 bran,' media - let omeern in the world 1)r. Arnold's .Inglisk 64015 rills ars-t-srstolard medicine that •eures the - eons". by Minute nin Oulu that omike the disease. 686,1,1. Ae 1 e•Onontala have been reeeived frors all tlem et people who hare bee*nred of Kidney I towns. Rheumatism, ilsoksolm, Female Troubles, •P• env AArn• rt portto• might fo sell 11 boxes hi s ft. ....Map. ReMember WO '110rei WOMO rtny stirriley In ail Vannes If ' YOU WC*111, Mg re et. ter na send your same end addreea and fr. .... Bon •tse tee lea Pals vabball putlindora. .• est rem A RNOLD RENCINE CO„ • w K Toronto. rsItlgfenstsse 1 MAKE THE FARM PAY , P'rogressive stock breeders, dairy- men, poultrymen, esrain, root and s' fruit growers, beekeepers, agriCul-; tural students, and home makers ss find the article's and answers • to questions in every Ague of the 414 4 FARMER'S ADVOCATE •led *WINE MitaitziNE Ail*, sr.:quailed and irldispensable. if Vag ina. lot already a subscriber t / the macs, aelpfut, best printed and oseutifully iliostrated farmers paper Alishe, we - 'avite scrutiny br copy. -4,--,Wst card ill bring 11 t''sve Airtrass -3 uii 4616idlt1 VI/EL Limited, *".toti, 11 6, -,-Th Ces ti per year,. aka dr, operh Si Need Numbet *-'*')FateniPeiiNVIRMINAttlet leettant~n !IA err _ threatened toend my life dieappear, until highest market 'prices. Thorough til-' • finally I was again eejoying good health, Genius. and now, as these who know moan see, I Dearth of• -show. ne trace ' of the • illness / passed Note a few of the prices below • lockets thet were $15.001t4 clear at . 11.00 " I. 900 " • 6,00 " e 4,00 and 5,60 608, 3,40. 295. 1.80. MEN'S FRIEZE OVERCOATS Ali our Frieze Overcoats which ranged in price from $5 to $8,00 to clear at $9 95. • - Ali our Goods equally as cheap. Come, and see what we have to offer, • Plunisteel Gibbings, • Clinton Cameras -1 Cam,eras 1 Cameras I Buy a Camera and be Happy There is probably no -pastime morepleaeant and instruotive to both older and younger • minds than photography. It is a pleasure became it helps to while swey those long winter evenings, and 18 18 instruotiye because teaches care and preoleion and teaulies to look for the artistic; in the everyday surroundings of home. •The general impression is that it is heed to take photos, but era is not the oarie, Any One with a kodale and instruction book can take photos. We carry a full line, • • • -In CAMERAEI-.Film: Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding. •• PLATES -Stanley, Eastniap, Preget Prize. • . PRINTING- PA.PER-Solio and Dekko. • -Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. Gall and see. For those'who prefer to,htive their developing and finishing done we quote the follow. ing prime. • Weguarantee work if exposure is good. • ' . 4x5 844 Brownie • Developing ....eaoh 4o 4o 8o 6 exposures 10a, dozen 85o •80a • 25o Printing 'and afounting..',...*..;eaoh 7o 6r1 ' 5o 4e dozen •75o r• 65o • 56o • ' 454 • Developing, printing, moenting, each , 100 • • 90 • 8o• 70 • •• tiOZen 1 •1 • 90G • 750 , 600 "' • • H. B. COIVIBE, Clook's Cotton Soot Compound . . Is successfully used monthly by over %ow -Ladies. safe, effeatual. Ladies ask your amggist for Cok's Cotton goof We Take no other, as all afixtures, pills ad ons dangerous. Pelee, No.A1, si tio. 9,10 degrees stronger,ES per box. mailed on receipt of price and two111111 The Coot( Company windsor, oat, and s sold and re comreended Of Oil Igo Druggists la Caned*. • . "age, shallow sind persistent, should be . .O r . •.• • • . givi&througnout the first Season to . N 1 and leo 2 ae* s id • in Clinton, br J li. Cdinbe W Wait , T.Efllovey DruoRistsVill 1•••••••• encourage the fullest poesible gravith • • '• through. I believe Dr Williams' Pink The present seems to be an age of Pills sayed my life, and I .hope ray state- and development. Do not sallow the accomplished medloarity. In every field . ment will induce similar stifferers, to try plants to fruft any: as first season set, there- is .a. glut ef "able reen"-that im • theirs" • • • • • ' • :but pinch",eff . all the blossonss,• so 0- to say, men who havelsrains and know - These pills are also a certain cure for lb throw all the strength and vigor Cli : their business, who are industrious and e nergetic, and are either °Ayer, or 'have the trick of • appearing so. ,But the kind of :' inteilectual distinction which we call "genius was 'eevet- sn ra re in every- department of lita.••••4'TrUth.“. LiterarY Notes the after effecteof Agrippa ind pneumonia, • the Want into•its-own growth and mas Which ,Irsiatiently 'develops 'into context:op- turity. • Apply a light, thin mulch aftee time, Through their ' bleod.renewingT heavy ground freeze in early Winter. strengthening totalities ;they . elso cure `The next spring a good crop of berriee aeaereia, Wart troubles, neuratgia, then- , should. reitult. There Is a 'difference ra Alum, stomach troubles, „hidneyand oof 'triton aa AO whether a bed, aleauid• liver ailments ..and the funotiOnal weal., • ' P 00 many . be. fruited more, than •one year. 4. in nesseathat Make the : lives of women a source of °militant 'misery. There . .geod coodition, however, we. can Mira • • • •are' many imitations. Of thia medicine an d , it •over right after • picking, thereby • Nib:le...131er chart, whose -delightful the health -seeker should pieieot himeelf, hy -;• killing weeds; and spores of, . fungous inr,ure-houle . ttaVe .been so successful,seeing that the hilt' name, "Dr William' growths, and get a fair. bed. for a see. will begin in the . March iasue of the Pink Pine for Pale People," is On every box. ' •ond season's fruiting; hutsin no cane Ladies' Horne Jourual a series of artic-' •Sekt by all dealers in rued:pine .or sent :fruit: longer: • In 'feet, often only ": .the . les t dealing with the "personal" side ofpost paid at 50 cents a boxor six boxes .for ,,Srst Crop. will pay well. -As to viols the Isirds.. , This . clever vsomati has. .02.60 . by . addr ening the Dr Wilhains'• eties they • are - legion. • Sannsle •and • nsada, eclose study -of bird life, and her :medicine co., iftsasies, Ont. .. . discoveries and observations:at e most . - ...• . • .• . s„,,_____•_, • Clyde- are fine: iharket,,. berries;- - an interesting. .She has found among .the ' -,,,_ s, . • .• . • . • . -diemh , all. •an extra . fancy berry„--. bill feathered s,ongsters many striking re- • .. - ,.... billiWEI NOTES.: • . non.erougo, .seroblanceei to men and women. and in • IL SUMMES11 ?Emu -Xi- . Friend's of • Librarian Lancelield of s ' will tell .cif • Hamilton ha,v.e sett led with the Guar- - •,.,. . - . . i . . - .. this seriee• :of ' articAs • she • • these. In some Instance,: the almost abtee Co. for 'something oyer 01;700. YOU ' PREVENT -HAY vh•vsa .011 human actions . of ,birdes. • as she tells of • . , them, ate astonishing, , • ' , ' ' I cari eat well and my digestion Is good ... • .. . ' CURE IT. •Sir Charles W. Dilke coottilietes to Miller's Ceinlpotnid Roil Tills did it. Sold ''. . • 1- ' • • - . . , r - . .... , . In. aprompt, pleasant and effective way, ' the Coernopolit an tc r February an ar- by all .druggists, town. . • . • . .. . by inhaling the germ -killings throat and tide. on "The Naval • Strength Of • Na The °Mai io ,Government has Come lung healing Co.tarthoioue. Delightful to . stione," which gives .not only a Most to no decision. yetass.to the date . t. f use, simple in operation, free from stomach _ interesting and comprehensive ancount. the' prohibition *referendum, a state- nauseating and destroying substances. It of the navies of tbe great powers,. hitt reent to that effect having been made is a 'marvel of scientific efficacy. Catarrh- . . .. also a Clear insight. into sem Id politics.ozone kills the germs that excite the disease, Few men possess such knowledge as, inzerror. ' , ..; , . • . „ - . . , heals thrn einfieed surfaces and prevents . the author's, gained. from Yeare of ex- ''Idiller's Grip Powders onr• Seta Dr. a4 absolutely a recurrence Of the malady,. perience in a diploanatie abd 'political druggists, town. ----------------------..Catarrhozone cannot fail to pure hay feyer career. The article is so broad inscope and straifitatforward. in treatment that The repanort of the Chinese -commis. because it destroys it omens. • Druggiste,25e, , sion -wasake public at- Ottawa. The $1, or mailed to vier Address if ence is for,. it will be read with interest -not alone by statesmen but. by every one Whose • commiesioners find ' Chinese ilDnol Or a warded te Polson Octs Itingstmn'Ont, ' tiros an evil, and recommend a capita- . thoughts travel beyond the inantediate, 81016 olx of epee. A young eon of Me . • • • wants of a single dats . . . • ' . . . !Altman ' &Nes s . : - • Miller's Worm Tomlin's make the chit. manager cf the McKellarWoollen ' The Outlook in its. March .rnega sine dren healthy. • Sold by •atidruggists,. towe, 'Mills, was drowned.. , • .' : , number has no lesethan ten dlustrated ' •in Hoo'E. G Prior has been sworn ' in special features -certainly a good show- Dr Harold .Tones, of • 13rockyille, 9,a Minister of "Mines in the Dunsrcuir ing as to quantity in a 'magazine which ' charge of the isolation .hcispital, '0 * 1143 will ePpese Mr 'E..V. is also a weeklyneyrspaPer and devotes •down With snactlipoX, contracted by I. r.,ISNI..11°°'; so weit in Victoria. .. ... even in its "inagazite -numbers'' large °cent)} ing the same room with a 13.03' I • . . . .. . . space to current topics, editorials and Patient. • ' • ." : • • • • book reviews. Among the illostrated . Miller's Worn' rewdere for sallow skin-- DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR ponte ' articles .of this .month are: Two,Ciol- old or yoneg. Sold by ell areegtets, keen . If they give. you 'pleasure and you have lege Presidents(Mark and Henry Hop-- - xterns . • Latest reports from Br usem a els indi- theas an adornment -don't apply P - gins); Edward Everett Hale's e' cal r. ' that the sugar conference will s nan118132:8 Painless Corn and Wirt Extraciter nties of a Hundred. Yee,re",• E. A. Stein - s a 'er's."CraeltOW and Pallets Petrie -41801"i et t Great Britain's suggestions and . Or in twentyefour hours they would be er s ponitnevogeinnsseaienry dm mailer abo els. botintleO. -., . . • tirely remitted and their beauty destroyed. N.ow this is known •to nearly everybody's iti- Prince"' W. A. Broten'et. "SoM,e Bare The GovernOr-Genera ie dinner ' to chiding year druggiats ask hint if it iii hot s hi 'a l' Instrumente" and .Clifton commemorate the anniversary of ' Johnson's "When the White Mranw Paardeberg was attended by seyeral ' , • . e tains are White." •• ' officers who took part in the engage- . . went, ,,• x a high school. One day last week a • • - .. • In teacher desired to refresh a boy's ' . • memorv. arid help him to answer e ' "D. V. Coon, whose eon was •last night married to .Miss Hattie' Combe, is one et the best natured men in Fort Scott," remarks the Font Scott (Kee.) "Morater.". "After the ceremony • be kiesed the bride and. gave her $1,000, at the same time iremarking. that it. was Werth another hundred. . The bride then Walked up and kissed him, and he pulled out • $100' more. and gave -it to her. The bridegroom • thosight this . was a good fleasicial span, and he tried the sante. games". He kissed his father, but only got $40. However, the old gentle- man went broke on this littie.seates- of spemilatione." ••' • A monument was: recently unyelled at la,undee, Scotland, in memory of James Bowman lAndsase whoe-Sir Wil- liam Preece said, piedicted in 1834 that houses arid towna *Quid soowbelighted and heated .by eleotrioity, and thar MaOhinerle 'Would be driven by elec.. Welty' Instead of by steam, • About 50 • years ago:Lindsay went to London. and Illustrated by experiments a system of wireless telegraphy,.• but •there was thea no practical. for such a system, allet • It . Woe forgotten. • "An invert- tidn, to be of .use," Sir William Preece remarks, "must oome -at the • pioner thrie"-a fact in which disappointed in - Venters may possibly find .sonie com- fort. , • . • A Minnesota pater tells 8ot a' giant • buff ootshiri rooster, owned by a AV. ylinnasson • *of •.Ltriterne, Minnesota, which. has beets trained -to trot in bar- • nese, pulling a• tiny carat, in which rides the baby soh of its owner. Golden Duke is the hame of this strangest cif fowls, end it as a prize-winner in its &ass, as well as a freak. The big bird was broken to harness by the boys of 'the Plumason household, arid noW littente to enjoy' w,ork. It wears A Xttie •harness and Is guided by 'reins, 'which it carried 'its bill, It is the master of nevercil gains and at the word of collimated, given by the ontyill ,child 'who is driving, it wallt, run, trot, or come to a standstill. At hoM• in the country the big 'rooster sties pulls the cart and ith occupant for ,half a mile or more without stopping. , . . • In 1002 --the seventyeSixth yearOf Its ' • publication -The Tenth's Cornpsnien - • - ; os trim potiRmitratE pLAN,.- quettion. . Aeting , on the isuppositiou twenties more varied ittractiono for that a mental review would lead him Companion always gives more than it ' The fonr-square plans Meerut that all ttra correet Its readets than ever befOre and The conclusion, she said; "Now, customers, regardless of rank or Ination, go away back"... UnconsciouelY, front pronaees. The gOvernment of the receive the &tree cerefni attention e,ed the entire -class there came a respensiVe United States will be represented in st. tristhatent tit oar Store. We are 58 Ptall(3* murrinir: "'And Mt down," The teacher • contributions from., Secretary of the . , wa,s coMpelled to Join in the audible Treasury Gage, Secretary of the Navy Mar With the child who is dent to pus ahem state an article se we ere wan smile ao heftily knews Yet whethelt Assistant Secretary of War Sanger a when mill the boy's answer wart right. . • Zoog, Postmaster•General Smith. and . ‘ the experienced adult. We never etth- list, 16 80 bellened, never equalled in a aiitni6 in " 6r ilirtiga w en g your The story is told of Ambaseachie previous year. The goVernMent of accia61:161 PrmeriPhenn'i ite "Z.srecirni' Choate that returning from a' eonege Great Britain will be represented by Ines" v 6 1 itnnei ng an " it J2gg_t race he .was one9 approached by oiltribtftierattirintsstIttrpttleerdskrgyle,-- - s • - -.,elittltas Are-USS4.101tdses .- .."--;,-esteyoung undergraduate who hie the Marquis of Dufferlis and Aye and ",-..4.y..4 year -4 seiroilmetanows --of adoknetra se duced -himself eat the-wcnrirt one et the ltt Than Jae BrYeet T. 13. O'COnnor •and dieeita Paine's Celery Cenipentid hi Mt. Chozteat Old friends. The youth and Wineton S. Churchill, MeMbers of tetfe sure and unfiviling. Ii ,eleetkee and was tilnialdnif a; pipe, and eserietkritlY the VOuse of 0Onsmons, There will petrified the' blood, braceen the nerves, blew great clonds of smoke 0 re also beother netetvOrthYoontrihatiehe. - oorreota digestion, and bumf! to those Choatasa f‘ce. Obserying that the &M- t..) bete tubscribers and to those renew. .. who are Week and run-down. . If you are bassrulor Was looking, rather sthadlly hag aubsoriptions Thai Companion -slit nervous or sleepless, try one bottle; the at Ids pipe, the Student Wel, proudly: if I 100a- Calendar litho- *II rise on Our stock of '"A. birtlidel tereeent." s'Ab," replied sett 7110118100 : . eranhva is twelYe 0010'84nd IV". The Paine's Celery CoMportita is tisaya fresh 'the • lawyer, Without taking his eIketr 1 • fram the loud-entelling bowl, "X ehould ' Yonth's Ct. mpanit li, 105 Oclittrthtte snap:ire. a• s govgy, Druggist, (unto, lave* have thought you Were 00 eldl" • Atte., Boston, blase. • - , " *thou oil ns•aig pe toot** . I, Mr istak.k. 42,4 tf pis we�t• feet fine tdire• Ott•• altrandloi I haw, beets as ng rtp•Autistn• matt Ansi it* • • •he idtaterist ROGX WIN* CHM 84 14,44z. New Blacksmith Shop. ario4r. Sulbscrihet hating rented the then tunairt lug Leslie Carriage Shoo, Orange S. t Pared to do all work in hie hue. Re ll a good Dimly retires expeelenee in ' uses, and wilt give minunial Attonti wetittittitueted to Special attention pi. -11 to florseshoeitig avid (*are ol Horses' feet. 141"thg briital.)"14", tioa6prrrat5e2114tattol°1k Chemist it Druggikt • re:PS±G. Qbd0 .PrintS a:.. Muslins Ginghatns Laces and Embroideries All kinds R. 'OciatS Clinton Sii8.13.,: Door. an.d• Blind•Factory. ' S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, • General Builder and,. Contractor. This *victory is the largest in the county, and has the very tatted improved mit- • ehinery, Capable of doing work an the shortest notice. We catty an extensive ' and reliablaetook and prepared plane; and-givertititimates for and build all claw as of buildings on shortnotioe end on the closest pticee All work is eimervia• . Lumber Lath, Sliingles, Lime, 'Sash Doors,, --Blinds, Etc In- terior and exterior niaterial. ' ed in a raeohanical way and, satisfaction guaranteed. We gall 141, kinds of In- . Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, minuraotarcd- . at Waterloo. Cali and -get prime and, eritoisates before plaoing vonr ordere • , ToOur Patrons and Friends - • • Of the past year, we returnyou thanks, tu4 Miw Wish you a Prosperous and Happy New Yearr•atid- would sug I. gest that one Way to make it so is to continue to deal at the Emporium and we shall by our best to doourpart faithfully. You would do us a kindness and help your friends 'and neigh- bors if you tell them *where you get good goods at fair prices. Our terms will be cash or produce this year, We will. alwaYs be,prepared to pay the highest price the market will afford. Give us fair trial and you will be pleased. Yours for "Biel" , gibP°14nn4 liCaaeBb°M•R ADAM ;winery, 7th1802.• c otrkicirkirkintirkhilnk****001th*Skik We Keep Them Ail • Hersee's Stock Food Atia.O. Hersee's Poultry Food tratt's Annual itegulato Glauber and Epsoi Salts Sulphur Insect Powders Condition Powders Herbagew Sheep Dips, etc. 1 E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist Clinton. ilIVP~131.*PPPPPPAPPPPPOPPS, mot -A (Putters !• Sleighs 1. Do you ivanfit high grade Cutter or Sleigh 1140.1* 0,4tityt,sttstkl.0 atiett from, All the latest eta, les in the vent - eat °Wore. Our ?I ices ore as .1Ove AS daft be found for tirst.elase trattoriat and workruanshlr.,' I3efore you huy eall and see us, • Geoc:Ltmils, Is4ao Street, Clinton. IL* Diault iv NBA' EliA. o