HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 7• Ii.ctreh Tth, 1902 ITT -- • iNciliff,A$Irek4titaati 114.1.w40, Neon* in the 1310041 Ithe Sieeese Dile to the I'lleatlag at Two Varieties, Bring Pain and Death 4T.An Ill111012 farMer WIM succeeded 10.0:a4trui the Celine of Seriou,. ore itreWina an unueually large crop Of Fatty Heart, PQM creditti part tifilie sileceSs td - Brig:044'e 914:44,:st Esanaeresi Lao 'Planting two Varieties, one Maturing er• owl Heath Dieearee. the our. . rola Fabians lett in the 'Wood by de - bout 4ten days later than fective,,kidneys form what is known,a1 tregards this plan better than omit- t t Jig an, tieeeedenat, row and planting t, qt;celici4h tittarerenetinla7 14° detevt" feW dnYti later with the sante VarIttel ; elated with gatfilrai:lliwPels.ellaii.Ta:°5nati Of corn. By Planting two Varietiete I aacraellrainsfirtruaeltirrealditio ;attire 'arta he go into the sells ander identical back and in the Joints, sleepless nights°, dizziness', headache depressea spirits and impaired mentors. Fatty heart, drePsY, apoplexy and heart disease are the usual ternanatien if urie acid is left in the Wood. It is a ' serious matter to neglect these eYntp- toms. The home treatment prescribed by Dr. A. W. Chase has proven suc- cessful in many thousands et comes, Ur. A. W. Parson. Martinville, Quee writes: -"I was a sufferer from kidneY disease and bladder trouble for 13 aears, and had a constant desire to urinate ' With its aecompanying weakness. Meat, cine prescribed by a skilful phyeicien only gave me temporary relief. The trouble would recur at very awkward times. I was persuaded to try Dr, Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. I obtained ' relief after one dose. and before I had finished the first box felt better than I had for many years." Dr. Chase's, Kid- ney -Liver Pills, ono pill ti, dose, 25 cepts t a laik at all dealers Bdillansen, Bates'ia Co.. Toronto. a nett. aiatortea, reateon tor bre baneful repute of the opal. Two or three ceaturieS ago the otone was popu- lar in Europe, and the jewelers of,Itsay were especially cunning in its eetting. At the height of as popularity camel the plague, which made havoc ialrene ice. It was noticed by some observant person in that city that When a victim, was at the point of death, his Opal. It he wore one, brightened, while alter death it became dial. As this acces- sion of ihrilliatace implied a sort of ma- hanant purpose or intelligence In the stone, it wal charged with the death Of tis owner. •never °courted .to the scientistsof !that time to tarn ,the ince- dent around :the other way, and gee It • .the patient bad abything, to ,do with , the opal. But , bi that wae. tbeg 'WV of it: the heightened fever jest tgfore death caused the stone, which is affected by heatto become more diant.atad the chill and damp afterw d dulled ft. I omen's Vonditiens. The toundation for tlaill Celan is that corn is net completely, 0If-fertile. By Selecting an early and late Variety the season Of pellinationl Ilt*proltinged aid there is mere likelier !Mod oreach staik having a well filled ear. There esoutd be ,fewer income Vete ears and fewer stelae without ease. By growing carlY end late yard titles of the same color and general appearance the crop Produced would he as marketable as a pure-brea cone vincl would feed out just as well. Thei Ceed from this cross -bred corn thould hot be used the next season for plead tin& Greater loss from such, seed , would occur than the gains made from Pross-breeding.with pure seed. couple of small areas, say a half *lore each, could be produced of pure Seed each -season with which to plant In the field. By planting these small arena some distance fr cora there would ne lit mising. Then, too, the by a little extra effortl improve Alm lpure seed and increase the yield each Wear in the field planting. •4 Planting the two varieties at • tlid tiara° time is done by putting the late (variety in one seed box of the planter and the early in the other box. This Of course would put two Town of each variety together. Our Illinois Wend. changed the seed at the :end of the rows so as to avoid having two rowe of the same variety together. .Thie, however, was on a trial or prize plat and he was endeavoring to produce 01 big yield without regard to cost of eite ,_-work. He was rewarded with ol 'Ted of 160 bushels per acre- Surely, an amount woithy of extra pains., d'his Is about five times Indiana's' average yield. •By Wantingpure seed each season and the ears are almilar In general appearance, the' difference being tIme of maturing; there is a pod deal of proMise and probably no loss An thus mixing cora for a general crepe Clover In Renovating son. rA number of years ago I bOught 110me so-called worn-otit land. It had Originally been very prodactive, but had been cropped with grain for thlre 6$41ve years insuccession, without Ver having had any clover on itaana with very little if• any manure.. * The h umus was all used up, the soil Waif wart, compact, and in a dry time. was as hard as a well traveled road. Thg pressure of the plow downward and the successive tritaiLed the foray* au. lanai during all these years, had made• , at the usual depth of plowing,in al4 1110St impervious strata through whieht water speeded slowly or not at all,. land, as the land was nearly level, wad ter would stand on the level tor dart and even weeks after a heavy rata he ethe* le liability. of farmer might THE GUNTON NEW ERA Curious Hits Of New% That the German authorittee in Sae moo, are determinell to thorelighlY Ger- manize that country la shown by tho feat that the English Mitallenaries in the Islam* have now been ordered to inetreet their pupile and adherent* in the Teuton tongue, AMerican and Chilian dollars, ail Well as British coltua are also to Make way ter German mon" ey, and apparently Samoa will preeeate' ly beconte as purely a German celeste' RS Now Caledonia is Preach. "The latest in 'yells,' "says the Zen. sas City "Journal," "is that of the con- victs on their way from the Jail in the codnty in which they were sentenced to tbe penitenalarte gang ot fifteen at them from Buolianatt County, the ober- ift's 'guests' on a special' car, gave rent ach railway station they Eit. Joseph and leder- age: "Two years - 't like St. to this ye Passed b fi"vne ertaYr ea-fwe e W Toe anyway!' The Subject 0 4 tunnel con ecting Irelana and Sco and has been b ught betel* the Britt Govepement, e, _ Wojeot will he pueltedsLf the regalia*, financial extpPort can be obtained, The estimated cost Is .$50,000,000. The rout provisionally selected is . fix= Straur- aer in Scotland to Belfast in Ireland. The total • distance Is 511-2 miles, ot imbleh 34 1-2 iniles would be tunnel, and 25 miles of the tunnel would be under the sea, arena a line Where, the mead, mufti depth ie 480 feet. Electric !no. rim Nitliat He cm, For. oPpMeng.&* 7701‘tvg, 4. lOttlod Ividke who was One of the t tette et & dinner was. unexpeatedly called epee to MAY to s. toast. Iteeov., ening somewhat *nom his eurprieehe laid that hie sttuatiOn reminded hint of the steer of man who tell lato the Water while he Wats tithing. Wetat no little dAfficulty he Wite res. sued, and after Ito bad tWalnOd his breath and veto in a fairly consfertahle eonditeen. hu reecuer *eked him how he twine to fall into the water. "I did *ot °owe to call Into the wee ow, replied the unfeetenate fieherrnart. "I mine to dela" MIS:conception*. "A. goo• d etory comes from Sydney, "tare the Lendon "Globe," "where let- tere have beeh receivedfrom two Am, erican buitineea firma sulking wether communicatitats to Auetrealan mer- chants ahould be written 4n English or 'in the /anglaise of the country.' It recalls, in eatoniehing trade circular re- ceived aehOrt time ago by a business era)flentalt Glasgow trom A German mane - feature*, alio Written In what his ver - ratite clerk had apparently taken for- th. language of the ' country. It west in the best 'kallyard' etylei and spoke sof a anuckle consignment 0' chant- .." tore would be used to, drive the trains at an average speed of 60 to TO 'alien per hour. • Susie EL Jenkins, twenty years old, ot Philadelphia., says; "I have seen nearly all the funny shows that havet,come to PhiladelPhia in recent yeare, and not one of them could make me laugh. My mother ,has often tried to make me laugh by tiekling me, but even that won't work. Evee since I can remem- ber people have been telling me funny Ettories and cutting up all sorts of eap- ers. in the hope that I could be induced to smile; 5ut an their efforts have been In vain. No; I have never consulted doctor about' it, for I have always ens joyed perfect health,. 1 want to ex- hibit myself in public, and offer a pries to anyone who can make me laugh. It mat be a queer eeneatron." It has been recently asserted that inosqintoes are strongly attracted by certain sounds. • This in confinnett by Sir Hiram' Maxim, who in a letter to the tondcm "Tlinee" etates that one of the electric lamps which be put up at Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in 1876, emitted a musical note; or rather the Imen sa the dynamo -machine under the lamp. note proceeded from the box containing . One evening while : examining the as - lamp he found that everything in the Women n1.1.* assuuzna . immediate. vicinity weal covered with ing to unneramuu. small trisects. They dld not appear te Headaches, Tired .that the Baokaoheit, Ise attempting to 'get into the abates, but Feelings and went , sa into the box tnat was giving out the musical 'note.' A close examination of they 2sPolls f,,toin, . which these insects showed that., they were ''smler ..gal! all male mosquitoes. Although thine to wrong notion 01 ' were .cereainly two hiindied times an ' . the kidneys. many femalemosquitoes on the ground :. . ass-.•.130Aws . as males, not a single female mesquite 4....*.l. itidnalr Pills was found to have•been attracted in the least by the wend." are themostreliable remedy for any form of kidney cemplaint. , They drive away An lancolieeted:Poenf by Virldttier. pains and *ohm inake,women,healthy and . ta„....sa heppy-eable to enjoy life to the fullest,. There are hundreds of Whittier:Si lair- : Mrs. C. H. Gillespie,204 Britain Sereet iv hOeins Wittch were never a:a:teed hi, St. "I had Johnr.Nsevere kidney trouble for•Wha .B., says: . ' . • him in any collectain -of hie works. . Idoctored With a miThey are ;to be found in the papers he ' mberof the . 13" physicians in St. John, but.received lit When the ground wits new water did relief.. Hearing Of :Doan's Kidney Pills mot so stand. The first year I seeded Ilea!ui their use. .Before.- taking then. ' sti • this land with od' -oats anelOver. The Tu1u.13°.: tnn !----, P to tie my 'shoe, an , , , ... - , tones amoral est u se tnat .., c01.110 . oats grew no more than a filet 'high.' ! turn ever in bed wititortuout eSsiatance.. I's and were so thin they were scarcely ! Kiduey Pill!.havo rest:nod ,. me free. Worth cutting.. But fortunately it was • ' • • .errible•cenditioe r- - .sveri every a good Year for 'Clover seeding and • !here was a good catch. The next year • . . there was a good' crop of clover. :The er. ----: --- third yeae I plar ted it to Cera, and no . . You May: Need water stood long enough in the hole . ;4 -Xiilev. .... to do any earm. Td ne over Meta. had Improved.the drainage. That wag 'ain . twelve years ago, and that land haa ', produced wel.I dyer sincesbeing Seeded • For to clover -every third year. -CT P., Cute Btl' Bruissi itnn Goodrich, at a Walcoesin Fitriaerit' Ins tititute. - ' Dairy cattle Nerd Sunshine. • fi is not the ellasose of food that is • Alie cause of bu'? r bol-,'• more 'yellow when the cows get to ,...eture. thought that has much to do with it, but the Sunshine which they receive when out • tu the pasture, says the "American; Cultivator." It has been proven that the cow standing in the barn are fed on winter rationts gives a higher cote . Or to her butter in the summer than in the -winter, and more when her litglIt SS Is on the south side of a stable where the sun can shine in meet of the dim than when she Is xept in a dark- stsal ble. It has also been found that a geaa brat rule, or, we will say, =Invariable •-rule, other conditions Wing the same, , . that her milk will be richer in butter fat during a succession of . pleasant, brieEt days than at the end of two or three cloudy days, even. though Etre not cold or wet. No ming ante The active business man is 7'4'morow tattle groat strong and thrifty wheil Nat as liable to take cold. as Confined where they do 'tat got the anybddy-4111d because he Cratrips • Blarthoen. '• • . All Bowel edited and to which he centrthated .1* . the days. before he conseere.ted hie orWerit • to .humanlhuten;, work. They gave hint a mesa* literary repu- tation *blob meta have treatigall hie*, :at the time; but when he was baptised into • the .nott spirit *lads Inteetnedeall his later work he took Paine te.preveot the .celleetiOn Of the 'tremolo teritiett to • the vein Of an outgrown ambition. Pile wish In this matter should be reeiteCted: , And yet, while *attiring his early • r find some poems which I, ninossl.bss would have preserved if they -had aet .beett,.oyetiooked when 'making. his ae- ,1eCtions,- -wrktes S. T. Packard la tke • New . York "IticlePandent." • 4.1tiettN • .theiiele this Paraphrase from the Ger- " • man, whialt I find in sTlie Lebetetter" of :August 10 18387 • - - ..LINES "FROiM . THE • GERMAN. • dr. • Leaarnalt. • . • Complaints ▪ Thought after; thought ye thronging:rtes. , • ,Like amens doves. trem the eterstea 111, e sure, Sate •ang;qiitek. remedy. • Wood. . • • • • • Bearing ince them Yout teRyinot There's only. one PAIN -1014,161k, ' '1"EbitV DA.VIS% , , - , r_nuelb:tg(tothtildgiaa .of • Shea In joy as4 1. TwO sizesiqta and 150c. • aconte back .aga1n no more to mese , ,tteturning patriarchal. dime • Wing -weary from the- eternal eetea • s To bear within my ionalag anne _ The pranilde-bough kindlier skies; Plucked from tee green , immortal patine , siVitich, died.° the bowers of Paresitse? . . dhild of the sea, the mountain .etreant 'From its dark cavern 7:tarries on, . Ceaseless by night and mornings beans, BY evening's star and neontldn'sjitus- Vigil at last it sinks to rest O'erwearied in the .walting. sees And 'mane upon Ite :mother's, breasaa So thine my soul ta.,,Theta Brealdng ifGently. an for to Ili" up with GRI1PPE animmo. • "What d�youwent, little bey?" "Is this Where Mr. ;Upjohn lives, Ma'am?" Will pay him well to alter theta- arcaled 'sunshine. It anyalarmer Or dairyman • 'lib the sunny sitio; cut away and put In " cold lea& OhlY to Grippe- . blatne into them most of the day, it , Ilan his stableo so that the sun cannot ,,,.. lects it -and a neglected feels he he cannot afford to up 1' 'with it, he neg- bailit?" • • "Is he "1 presume he went on a trolley car. town on a trolley ear title mettainge "The Ma Upjohn that ritzy; the "He le an officer, le the bank, "The Ma Upjohn that went dorm "Is he the Mr. Upjohn that Vird$ ift * street car accident?" *lore windows. and " if he i$ where ' and Grippe to the open. • "r haven't heard of. his being In any grave.• street car accident." - . 'Didn't you hear at Ird sprained Ids eWANTA it= itiftltz.o' the Car when t "No, my little boy, you itigirten me. • 'Wh"Daitdrill'Etts-70,if hear how he run tato a s drug kora or a piece o' court-plitster to stick on a little Gut heal got over the eye?" • "Not at all. For Inercy'a sake-'" 'Re isn't in, do hi, meam• t"... ":ilan ot' 's.1oh bb's-' n.I.I. Upjohn, !Isn't Ur "Yea, that's his name." . "Then heat the *tune mall. iie won't be her for an hour Or two. I guess, 'cause he's stopplir„to have one of hie teeth tightetied that got knoeltea a lit-, tie bit loose wheri he *as propin' Mit o' danger, SO know." • cold weather prevails in winter, prile vv, for double windows with an ain space between them to give sunlight, . and still keep out the cold Weathet„ and white making alterations he thould net fail to provide ,for a eyetein of perfect ventilation to laser° tile ' CAPULE health Of the animals and the freadont from unpleasant or injurioas bacterial hips 0, eolditi the bud -yen . in the room Where the Milking is done .° feels its good effects in, a ' jiffy, audit cures like magic nets on the IrArtna • . • ' , : 'N-110 need .of laylue up -it • Every careful bee -keeper well kattiah !: ' - - - that one bee in early !Spring hi et bibre •, Ileal0 while you work. : • Value to hint than half a.hundred later : • it v4 Walsh, a prOminent tAbi.iva On. In order to proVent opring dwind•• • ' business Man, iays t ,IalWays carry , ling We take.one of the Mason halt.. , ligtn:1,11gilegiri tiatigoVal gallon fruit jam remove the ocrew top, ' that settles' 11.--I never have a Ole a seven-eightho board four tn.. ' 2becitugehe this little wonder Worker watds ttn :off.' Ae oqns,re, and with a sail gouge oil "I.Attle boy, tell me the whole liter% --..—g--.4tteutopeorner-to-the.otheri- Irma cut a grove ttearly frtortmicinengotale. ....**144.,,r.a.::,.."...,L8...‘.ric**:6*"1/2:77,71,,wer.„..4 A caitn.mnbe,a,,,hr.e.111' 11.41r.tb*Vh% Imispittter. Sibt to eat cults to the corner, eaYs the trWANTA, 14`1PG COo Ltd., . With tour ribe broke Eta' One -tees In M. 'Verniers' RevieVe. ' We fiII the tat Clontatea, Oates going an' kis twee is knocked kind ie sideWel$, bet heat gettitig along all right, tat' he'd be out again in about a month, an' here's a letter ern the tilietto ye fl about it. tria'ants" A Trying. Seasen. Little Ones Are Subject to 'Cold end the Resin Is, Dangerous Unless*Prompt Remedial Stena Are Taken. The little ow* are apt to take colo, no matter now carefully s mother may try tri prevent% Whileeok s may afloat child- ren in different ways, the main symptoms ninially are that the ohild growe cross. the thin hot, the appetite fickle and the child quite feverieh. 'Calera some thing le done at once to relieve a simple cold, the result is often very serious-sorations that litany, a child's life has been lost, There isno teroedy,thakoan equal Beby's Own Tablets in oases Of tide kind. These tab. lets promptiyhteth up Colds and orry off the poisonous matter that has been re- tained in the system, By doing that they reduce the fever; the pulse becomes nor - mai s the appetite is motored, and the • ohildis again well and happy. ' Mrs 0. E. Eatle,Ilteckville, Ont., Nam- "' always use Baby's Own Teblete for both my children, aged three, and dye years, when they are at all unwell. When my little girl wee a few months old, she, had a bad tate& of whooping cough, and I found the tablets very benefidal. Since that time I always keep them in the house ready for nee. When the children. are troubled with biliousnese, any derange. meat Of the stomach, are peeviell or fret - Ile or when they have a sold, I always use the teblets, and 'am always. pleased with the ratlike," These tablete are a certain cure for such troubles as colic, soar etoneuth, indiges- tion, diarrhoea', conetipatiov, simple fever and colds. They prevent otoup and alley the trntatzon accompanying the cut- ting of teeth. They are sold under an &b- iotin* guarantee to contain no opiate or otherharmful drug. May be bad bore druggists or will be gent pcst-paid at 25 centre box, by • addressing The Dr Wile Immo Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , Much -format attestant to the recent • diaeovery Clonihatelles, in Ilse. • Ma pertinent of Dordogne, France, Of ta 'oat,* the rock walla' if witioh are de- core,ted vita engraved •ilgures, some off which are rudely,:coloretd, representing subh animals as. the -hearse; the eow; bbs bisenathe .relndeer, the niamintath and Moet. o ate pictures, " Which number • mare. then 100, •ere oov- ered With a stalagmitle dep0Sit, pa-r- ile:Hy 'or entirely oanotlellini; thent. R believed that they Were made in video, lithto and thee they airtileh wet- dence that .the reindeer and the maisi- moth lived in lilriatee .einetertiperatte- °nett, with the artists of the eavera. It leas Obitiotlei fist that the, present a eh 'the thatedsettatos Congress. tains no negro. rnetriber. 'With the. . _ ex on of a brief period •feem.18137..to 18119; this is the arta .settsien tairty• e/Pe Vivre wheri Mt, has been the ease. The; first • colored man to be ..etent to Cerigreeitt, was .T...Willie,.Menard of l•*. Oriettnia who via elected to Ali a yea. testier in 11168. In 187e, Hitatim R. Revell took olds seat .in the. Senate, pno brat negro , to be goatee • that • body. Blanche K. Bruce 'ate the only other . negro to enter the Senate. Ti. Forty- • Fourth Congress, whisk eat from 1875 • to 1371, may be dolled the back Plea grew, since there assedgitaseneenbere. Id With branchea. • • • ... • • Wheu YouChurn. Your rieh-ptre cream for. butter, 'Why spoil year wore a y nava common and impure batter color ? • a WALLS, BIOEfAVDSON. ch CO'S .1)11.s! OVED WOTTBE CotOR gives butter& natural golden Jura+ abed thet b0 other otilor can,proditce, laid never fades from the butter. Do not nee it vile sabstitute, Mali times theist upon having the kind thet melon prize 'Ritter. Sold by • A Pritctinalliiew. ___. .Struitgling pastor -The cellectiorts have fallen off terribly. Practical Wife „a-Itat that new vestryntan who pstates the plate; he never wets:Wife What pee. ,ple nut In...-ohntrt York Ireeidic" MILBURN'S HEART AN NERVEDPILLS FON WEAir 110Pa Time pill" mire all disease, and dia. orders Arising from weak heart, worn out iterate er leery blood, math ea Palpitee lien, Skip eats, Throbbing, fbnotharing, Dizziness, oak or Paint Spells, Anaemia, Nereenthees, Sieeplesenees, Drain rag, General Debility and Leak of Vitality., They are a true heart node, neat* food had bleed sondelier, building np and renewing all the worn out and treated tissues of the body and restoring perfect health. Prate 50e. a box, sr 11 for $1.114 at all druggiett • • • hildish. • • 4, Coke 'Pand.r.uff..Cre- ' SAVES THE HAIR. Is sa Tonic, cleansing and invigotaing., It causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, keeping it soft and pliant. Imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth. Permanently removing dandruff, and pre, Venting the hair from falling out, Coke Dandruff Cure is ti;,e most cleanly a all hair preparations. Perfectly harmless to •the skin pr clothing. It contains no coloring matter or dye. St 00 bettle at ail druggists. Coke Egg Shatnpoo as. supplhment to Coke Dandruff Cure cart be used for light cases of dandruff �r where it le loose in the hair. An excellent hair cleanser for ladies, At ill druggiste. A.. R. urtzlztriazi raiar twain. ,monO zdr Couches I Couches "It's very odd," says baby, "but, as . "everybody knows,. '‘•• The tenger thatany body gete---• • It will do your eyes good if you come m and see our un. usually large stock of Rugs, Valore and Tapestry Couches. Every one of them is a combinatioh of beauty,satisfaction and solid comfort. Prices from $5 to $15. . CIJIW,. 23tJ rtliersh e some teeehor one, An gIreogfia Sr tip Aim 'ma! kraut karts ore more than earenets,.-Taxtrrsoi. .• • Ol1 thought of infinite pity - To steep an aeon or two, With never a care oratorrove, Andwith never aught to do • But tit rest, to tett, forgetting We ever have sobbedor cried: :getting that times -who -boys- us And those whom we love have died. H/BBATIla. . , •a•tlie shorter grow My clothes 1? Rest. AS IllIPIRSENCED• DRUGGIEllb, , " WE GUARANTEE, A00.IIIIAOT • Apr) PPRFhOT SAT/SPACTION In this age of worry, hustle and toga nem pompetition, strict eve and attentiona in the ailing of your doctoral presetir- fens is abeohitely necessary for the safety • and 'welfare of your. family. We guar - tattle accuracy and perfect eatisfaction to .ells our onetotners. Our toilet departs trent ie &leapt replete with the latest reparations and novelties. . . PAINE'S , CASRY COMPOUND* Has oured thooeands when everything elee has failed. It has* nevtr failed to give sick people happy reettite. It has never ' failed to eye sick people aappy results. It strengthens, invigorates, gives new, tonato the system, Wakes the blood pure , is food for the nerves -it makes dolt people well. Vire can supply. ,you with the pure and genuine Pattie s •Celery Compound. , a B ccMBk, 19.ruggiat, Clinton, Ont Not long ago a Western goatees poll- lkian was asked by hie wife to lay siaide politics Jong ,ehough bus day -to dig the potatoes in the garden. He eon-. Hated, and, atter- digging for *stew rhintges, went into the. house and' tied he. had found a coin. He washed it off, and it, proved to be a silver Auer- , ter. He put it in his jeans and went . back to worke Presently he went to the /wise a:gain and said he had tonna an* other eoin. ,lie washed the dirt off' ol it, and this time it was a silver half - eller.. He Put it lolls leans. "I have' worked pretty hard," said he to hit wife; "I guess r11 take a short nap..a When he anfoke, lie found that his Wife had dug all the rest of Me note. toes, But she found rio coins. It Thes dawned upon her that Oat aad bean • . Worked, • At tha LOW Club dinner' to Ambat- eador Choate, Senator Chauncey td. DepeW • tted a story on .3efr. Choate Which causedthe easeniblage to reit . with laughter. The acaasion' lie re- ferred to was a dinner given in" New trIt ttena rare aSa te o th Eaef erdeen, , Governor-General• ettn- !with Witter. place the.board over the Mouth, invert aii and. 1)1046 iti*Onatatii.Ogt Plates In UM aPlarril , o Two Way,. mot she just pulls 'the bedclOthe$ over . When a NV°. gets frje tailed at ActrrrAIIDCHUON/011.111TTIVIA.TIBM 'Watt tit( lieee find kidneys, De Olutee'e • iter heliot, Okra 'ohs . terrified out to, equally intineneed by the %inlet* Mega Itidney Mot Tilts will positively elm , her will, anVi d 'ew tOlitieep: Bet With oei pain -subduing powpiretWO •, me, it I dirt re t e tayt he it ilbt in medicinal value to Hire lie 4 °thee down and of env other rhentriatio remedy. Penetrates for two hours, at-oriee tbrogh the Metope, towhee the every sound.- settee of the disease ised drivesi it Ont, • Nervillne is undoubtedly the king of pain, fot it is unequalled hi* any remedy in the world. Your money back yona 'not' find it so. DregaiSte sell it many eornplicated eilMente whieh ottnnot , afraid, pushes the 0 bit towelled 14s miy Other Medittine, and vat tamaaatisty iff betted iteetiraerdinery etieceee .ana poor'. *trioning hit sars ak lathy, Billotientilleilleer Otatiplehlt,Ilriehlat sepdaksue.,attea disease, derenged kidney tea atornheh Wadded ere prOMPSYMid thoroughly or the by fhb great flintily medicine, Only pill admit, 25 cents befb Carla Coughs, Colds', Lung and troitcbial affections that other remedies won't touch, kictnos.,1..Snortt, Caledonia, Ont., Mitt* 4A yoxrago I had varreeVore cold a/Melt lidded In my lungs and in my throat, to 4hatI could hearcely apeaklondet ..-.'„than4tAirbittper, tried taaterai Medicines, but gotno rellettintit I used one and a hair bottles of Norway Pine Syilta *Mei Mine pletrly tilted Me. *Wit bottis or Arnie? SLAW - 'itda, and head of the Clan Gordon. The • earl: attend'ed In lull regalia, "the Wearies' of Whieli," field the senator, "consiets in leaving off tome articling dI' dress :We dent quite essential," He tiobtintteds "At. fhp Militia I eat on the earra right. Choate was nod ralt. lust atter the earl • sleeted. *himself, Choate lehlipered to rett: "Chatinetta; ire Aber- deen's 'lege really bent?' I 'relied tht. tibleadOth enaticitteir, and *wee 'that Ilerateb, thitt*tdi Scotchmee ittopreteitte, and aaldt 'Yes, Joe, they ere,' When Cheats got ttp 'to Speak, be geld: ic:40., tlenten, invitotten did het convey tO truathe leformation that the Earl of Affierdeart Was to bit hereato-nigbt in Wil er?"*IierarkffitenritsTlantlir have left my trousers et bonne.' Well, youneer eitty a itiedder troWd Of Se0Oehriten. They thought it a. refide- den Ott the national eostunle of the eati, Who had done the diem's honor to npl2enr. In It. Will, font years have passed since then, and nOW the earl regards that at a joke, and tells it at least once a day, three' itittered an,1 aitty-tra days in .the year. To onto P"Old 'fit eildiDay 'Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tehlate All druggieto reftind the money if fella to are. R. W4, times *nature to on each box. Igo TO FURNISH TIEIE FOE CONSUIVIPTIVE 110SPITAIL mustiaKA. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America, ,CANADIANS .12lVERYWIIERE INTERESTED. . • —The New Free C'onsUoptive Hospital, built under the auspi,ces of the National Sanitaritim.Association, will be ready• -.--so soon as the money to equip and furnish ie secured= to receive 50patients absolutely without. _ 'charge. —Over 806 out of 500 patients admitted. to ;the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium ---- the property of the "National Sanitarium Association ---,have "returned' home either cured or "greatly improved., —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the .poorer patients as to the:rich. ,,c4a.tes 14.14 • ' FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR OONSiinIPTIVES IN AMERICA 2,7te rift of tr: II. gage, lirsq., and the EXecutOrS, Earl 41.*assey'Estate 'far -think of the sorrow and suffering the .1.lew Free 0onsump-2 tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. ...-111111 you not solid. a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00. Or more, for this most pressing of all eharltiei? -The nletiniS of the White Plague are found all over 'Canada., $50 WILL FURNISH A . BED,. *woke or Ns ire . . liti , ifthiltrlitnrin0X§ mom wo H. mEranwrso 1t, Chief Justice.* iriee-Pres. Nat. San. Assoona Teresin Ora Ws" a GAGE, Chairman Exe Colat, Teresina NATIONAL 00. Limited, Treasurer; • Toren*. ' • ‘. Rata ant onset bate no *mat sa atestais trim tedi with stneks Her - ,ase 011. It re. Ott ate skate,. geese sad O- ath. Studio de tot break. • 4. rough attest, 'f'ke amen sot milt kites looting rum *it% bUt wove twice a, Iosgbytbs 5.. eijirslc,i Ilantae cm. pt,titat • ostottior« - FREE PATTERN (your:, own select:1014 10 scriber, Only Se tante a Year, A I CALI:S° MAGAZINE 1, A LADIES' MAGAZINE. dirftron'TittilLEVIV.111at sw:itiko".4ty°,"grid..',..brStd runct° ttegi eliciourb*. Leto agents wastedmod toe terms. Styileta Reliable, Saintliest/pate taut Seonomicai and, Absolutely erfecaritfing Paper attenta 51N ?EAR intriQnt ttiteezeigoiritt their tisginmtunt.14stri TIDO MOOALL 00. SWIM? %it MOM fn 4 • s. ,