HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 6WW miwwwwa
Glorious Big
Bargain Event
Commencing February 18th
and eliding March 1st
A royal time for those who need or who will need
clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats,
. Boys' Overcoats, Men's pants, Boys' Pants.
Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered
at a special discount of 20 per cent
The object of this sale is to sell out this season's
clothing before our new goods arrive. We never
carry one teason's goodeinto the next. season. All
goods charged during this sale will be charged at
regular pries. Positively no goods charged at sale
prices. Our goods are marked in plain figures_I
deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price
for cash only during the sale.
° Ken's Suits.
Men's 5.00 suits now . 4,00;"!' .
Men's 6 00 41
4 80.
Men's 8 00 " •44 4. 6 10
Men's 10 00 "- " i••••••••••••• 8 1,0 that these. Companies were passing througg rt, H t hi
ginklaeiner, Zurich, j. Smith, Detroit, to sles
what is kno.wn as the experimental stage,
Regarding Cola stereos, wow.
ORE14-40 Clinton, March Ath,wire of L. Crea
a agtughter.
Having beard the common ruMor, that IttrintADY., at mordep, Mau., Feb. 21st, to
&wool hod prow • ruinous failure to the Mo BAN -In Seaforth, Feb, 24th, the wife of
Qom Storage violate where erected in other vlive.v33.1„:14:1,:::::::011rict a eon.
investors and having oceelaOn to yid* REISE-In Wroxeter, Feb. 22nd, the wife of
adyaotage o.
Montreal thie week I tOolt f 0.1telse, of a daughter.
- ;lora° time that 1 had it my &petal And .1..e., oFfa-let'frogeteraFeb,17th,the Wife of D.
1 vialted two of the principal cold storage
I plants • in the oity, • d
an which i bad 14 lta0OGgEeripaIarter, Feb, 22nd, the wife of R.
pointed out to me aa eignal monuMents -
TANSLE' Y-InWinghain, reb Nth, the wire
of financial dieseter in aria Oenneoticin, or P. N,Tanley, de sou, '
namely the Canada Cold Storage Com-
pany, 10,1 and the Union Cold Storage ofTAT'Irm.yotor oirr otsWourv"°11, Feb' 28'the wife
Cempony, .1.1t.4 COOKE-In East Wayranosh, Feb. 12th, the
1 found bOth-tnese places to be of lat- wife of Geo, E. Cooke, of a can,
Meuse Was and doing a largo bumbles", REYNOLDS -In Hullett. ou Morelia wife of
Having received a pawned introduotion to Dominick Reynolds, of a daughter. •
the Managers in both osueso and in aaah JERVIS-4n Clinton, March 4.,wife of J. Jer-
Mae by an intimate friend, I was enabled yin, of a daughter.
to obtain information that otherwise THOMPSON-In Grey, Feb. 21st, the wife of
would hare been out of all wee% ,One D. Thompson, con, 2, of a son.
company has expended over half.a million - TAYLOR -in Exeter, Feb, 26th, the wife of J.
• of donors, and the other over one bund- ' Taylor, ole son,
• red thousand dollar% and in neither gage VOSPER-InExoter, Feb. 22nd, the wife of
• have they se yet paid a cent of dividend, Geo. Vesper, of a son. . .
The report therefore that certain coin. - Win.ooTolge-s%Uassb000r.ne, Feb, 22nd, the wife of
Panics haye gone into cold storage and
Iveliwoft mlege
y, plarennucliopuobetifiio
edlyn otftherue,Izon; MARMiE,p..
DARLING-PERRIr-Ort Feb. 18th, at the resi.
of Clinton who aro oohed to invest in . a demos of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. Rogers,
neither be rionglit to be hidden, but olniwtnhe . of Fordwich,,,
A N Darling, Carriok,to Mra _Georgina E Perry,
cold storage -,plant thie fact, id
PernottgahrtY to slitt a Ile t in:Ile:later TriPdiet:XIY, RthletrAllAntiqe-eonQ,131134. 17tbabn1.1r,a8T1711at7e4of
de's mitAnTt.:€1,;313rriballioPher on, bY
plained, and the yery explanation of this WeighleY, Eng.. to Etta T., elder daughter of J.
seeming obstruction, will prove to be one: 11„oherts, Ooderioli.
of the strongest argnmente that can - -SP/NHS GOGGIN-On Feb. 20th, atithe resi-
poesibly be need in favor of the erection "Alta triiriindge brrYtr- GottkininY Rev
of the cold storage plant in our midst: . Mn., to los s. j..neoggin, poisrdeiwnkeiO4, yrandon,
While however it ie true these companies HABTIE-SMITH.:-On$Feb. 20th,at the manse
have loot money in the past, it in &litany • by Rev A B Dobson, R L Hestia to Miss Enunri
true that there &revery, good mations why Smith; both of tiorrie.
*they • lost money, and theme rimming can SMITH -ORT -On Feb, 25th,at the residericeof
be briefly summarized in these words the bride's parents,Bronson line, by Rev 0 S
a condition of affairs that is common to by lie, 8 Dir
OITNITINGwIlhiallfe—y7BA.. AbT.:AJO. cEu-nOnninFaehhaira26. tha,
any and every business under the sun. Markdale,toMiss Thomasine Wallace.Westileld.
The railway systems of ihi continent JolINSTON-MINES-At the residence of the
haye pasted through experimental bride's parents, on Feb. Ilth,by Itev11 IC Curry,
stages and millions have been lost, but Pos•Anennattisrfitmicht,m. tmr to miss May,
ugnt r or w runes, ey,
that is no reason why a railway to -day ua
.io sore to " P ' VT -SMITH -In Norris, Feb 26th, by Rev
properly built and equipped, ,, G J Aber, Geo Pratt, to Miss Rebecca, daughter.
iose money, but on the contrary it is pretty of J . Smith.
certain to make money: The mannfaoture
of salt was commenced in Goderioh-there OANTELON-1 d '
they went through an experimental stage, 5. Matz Ann Cwiri,GrellecrelOPtrelligaNici
there they loot tens of thousands of catne;nn.yrat cianrselamrsa. ,
Feb. 18th, J. Barnahivill,
tdhoellabruse,inwehesereaafstetrhe people who went into
the experiments made formerly of Brussels, aged 81 yew% , .
money. • 1' found in Montreal that the =PERKINS-in Usborna:Feb. 28rd, Arnoldoim
accounts given by the -fifinagere of both of obaslEf Perkins, aged 193%litre. •
plume were practtically the same, namely, • RATCL1FFE-In Etna, Feb ifind,AnnAtIdn-
son,-reliet of the late T7Batoliffe, aged77 years..
that they had taken up old buiMings and
thought they could convert them into b.01110, formerlyDB0 L - 01 nf uPeabr okrd a In e .e aged, Feb . i 2.32nydea.Cirrkiod:
properly insulated corapartments for ' 7
BRENN.AN-In New York,reb. 2,4th, Mrs D F
Cold Storage, ' which they •found to •be a Brennan. formerly of Morris, aged 26years.
a delusion, and in the next place they' had
• EDWARDS-in Bar River, Algoma Mrs .7as.
been making costly exPerimente with Edwards, formerly Of Seaforth, ugid.168 years.
different ways of refrigeration. Thema two lumun-ruHowiek, Feb. 20th, Jas. Miller,
cardinal points are now .eettled, and it is aged 68y„ro.
admitted by ..11 Who are thoroughly posted. . DARK -In Morrie, Feb. 24th, Mrs Wm Dark,
on the subject that a new building, .prop- aged46 years.
erlv conetructed, is thefts* eseentialt and SIMPS0N-In lgthel, Feb 22nd, Wm Simpson,
that . the Linde British Refrigera- aged 74 years.. • ,
tion BY'etem for cooling the Yakima - BARBFR.-In Clinton, March 1st, Harriett
,compartments by. purified cold air ig -*he Ridont, relict of the lateJ M Barber; aged 59
next. .While it le 'easy for doubters And years.
opposers of progress to point to failures in CAMERON -la Stanlev, Marc% 2nd,.John
the past, it is equally easy for others to Cameron, aged 57 years and 11 months
point to properly constructed and equipped !
cold storage plants that have since been
Men's 12 00 " • . . ... 9 sola -rt
Boys' -Suits
Boys' 1 50 suitsnow. - a • 1 20
Boys' 2 00 " " .••••••• .• • • •• • • • • 1 60
Boys' 2 50 " ... . . *a-. 2Q0
Boys' 3 00 " " 240
Boys' 4 00 " . . 320
Boys'• 5 00 " ..... 4 00 •
Boys' odd pants • • P.* • • • I ... • .... t 40
Men's Overcoats. •
Men's 5 00 Overcoats now .... . . 4.00
Men's 60O. " s • • • • 6.0, • 4 80
Men's 800 " , . 6 40
Men's 10 00 " • " a. 4 • : 8 00
BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced
in same proportion.
All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur CapS) Coats
Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Un.derclothing.
Thos. Jackson Sr.,
Victoria Block eLINTON
'Great Sint'
• 1
- •004
.F7 01R, . •
• (rind Longer if 'Necessary)
• •
We are offering our entire stock of
worth.O1 •
Watches and Clocks •
Jewelry of all kinds,
Knives, Forks, SpooDs,
Silver 'and Chinaware
Fancy* articles, etc
At , Cost .. Price ,ffi Les
As our stock is much too large and wishing
to reduce it One Half, is our reason
for selling at Cost. •
Remember this is a genuine sale
No Shant Prices, but as stated—at cost
and Less.
The price is clearlymarked
on every article.
And every articiiiilaranteeelilie- just ircre-teil
you or we will refund you your ihottey if not satisfied
. Sale Register.' -. .
built that are a emcees. 'Lei those. who -. '
doubt this visit London..
Extensive auction mile of farm litook, inv.
It is impossible in an article ' of this
short length to begin to Cover the groundviv. H. Scott, lot 80, con; 2, StanleY, onemente and household furniture of • Mrs
of removing objections - and of bringing
out &remnants in favor of . a cola storae Wednesday, Maroh19th, at 1 o'olook sharp;
plant her. in Clinton.• I will only. add Thos. Gundry, auctioneer,
that from what I have Been, I am con- On Friday,Maroh 14th; at 1 p. ., on Let 46
Tineed that the erection of a cold storage ,
Bayfield road; Goderich, Tp., 1 Mile south of
iifinlifdp;inctensive sale, of stookand implements
plant in Clinton . would be' a good thing,
.of a look of supply of material to store. I diallirt/Odi
. . LIAM, ,WEIR,PrOP!ruHOS.BROWN, Allot.
roh ink at LSO P. ro., at the
and to all those who are apprehensive
Weald' say, erect the plant 'thereby show- impBRriENokattAomort.b.ci.,Aneeeltilfinet4i3.n.sr,tfeKenait SeitofRoANrth.i
4,assignee sale of a
: icg people the manifold advantages there
Solicitor; THOS. BROWN, Auct. • • .
are in' 11 and in doing this you. - will create On Baturri March 15th, at 2.80 p.: m.,' oppo-
, the supply, • eitellief‘alouteo n's lite), Clinton, house and lot,
I A very ' brief deigiription •of . the Linde
, is as follows: --Anhydrous Ammonia'
rernops.linT(PHOlisFiR:i0ar-dge,h11:21p.:611°111.11•746*. war-
which liquefies under' a pressure of abo ut
! 150 lbs to the eq. inoh' and evaporates or io0onlmatuurrndgr,ylimroilaietiftlao,mattipe:n itown . , oo nt loting8 ..,
I liolle when under atmospheric pressure at
about 40 below Zero Fah. is used. This o:14gxtin...sgmalp offarm stook, horses and
volatile gas is compreseed in.. a compressor Arcot. . • ' • . ,
'by the act of 'Which the heated. vapori On Wednesday. March. 19th, at lo. tn., Lot
resulting are- deliiered into' hermetically2'11 00n • 1, Huron rfollardiatiCo.kiitio4piv, adli,a-lBotininirkhe
,sealed pipes called condensers. • Here .be- w
ing cooled by water surrounding the 'coils Prop 4 -4.110S. B
liquid ammonia. From there' the liquid: Archibald A 0-uktd824orNe":abettes Sea.forth:salis
they fall to the bottom in the form of On Thursday, March 13th, at 1 v. m „ at
ammonia Passes - through a regulating of 30 draught horses, fillies and 'geldings from
: valve to another • set ofdone called. the itrozrattaisRportooltaye Prop.;iork. hoTHOS.e .
refrigerator; WhefiliaTsiiiig" through -thie . pRowN, Auet.,
• regulating valve: the lipid. ammonia is . . .
On Pricier, March 21stotti 17. Mi..: On lot 40,
I suddenly reanced, from the high pressure eon, 2,, L. IL S., Taokeismith. 1 mile north of •
,,kii the condenser of 150 lbs to the lOw : preg. Eippen, hum stock. J. STRONG, Prop.; sHoS.
s re in.the evaporator of 25 -pounds , and- is -
131:34°1e ff
Woll'firmuilts.tdok and IMPlements on lot 15,
thus reduced considerably' in temperature. '
-The liquid' limn:tonics, in. the evaporatorMI *C16; gad. elliTiretlia, Pi4r1Seril!eT811034:
coil sheaths the heat it reqUiree for its _ WADE/. , Anctioneer. "
evaporation. • ' °. - •• : ,,, .
,In this way being converted again into
•gas it pones". beck into the compressor Servant Wanted.
where' it again does its work and so on • .
131468. -On Wedn'estlay week Michael
Schwanz, Maitland con., had. a wood
bee, when about 20 cords of wood were
:sawed up; the same afternoon. the
ladies bad a quilting bee, completing
two quilte; in, the evening a party was
given to about 40 gueste; shiver was
provided, and a splendid program was
rendered, - which included. unable.
by the Nile orcheetra, Messrs '
Hetherington and Ezra Fisher. The
gathering- was an enjoyable one, break-
ing up after 11 o'clock, all speaking in
the highest terrnikot the hospitality of
Mr and Mrs Schwanz• On Wednet day
of this week there was a woptl bee at, '
Eli Snider's and, on Thursday at Ed
RORSE-NOTES.-J, E. Howson the
• been down from Manitoba, for a while
past and picking up some horses for
the West. He found it easier to buy
down round Caledonia, Huron having
been_pretty well run over by buyers.
On Wednesday he left Hamilton with
three carloads of fine hea.Yy horses and
will return here about the -20th to take
a carload back, which he had purchas-
• ed up around Kincarei 0
Correlated every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, March Oth 1902.
'Pall Wheat.. . .. . . 0 75 0 76 -
Spring " 0 74 a 0 74• .
Oats • . ••• .. 0 39 a' 0 40
, 40 a Q 46
Peas..0 48 a . 0 50
• 0 65 a 0 75 -
Flour per ow* • 2 15 a 2 15
8 00 a 9 00
Sheepskins .. .. 0 25 a 0 60
No, 1 Green trim. bides 5 00 a 5 50
Wohoioadkener perrtpair 2 25 a 2 50
0 20 a 0 40
Ducks, pair. 0 40 a 0 60
Gene, per lb . . . . 0 05 a 0 06
Turkey% .. . . . . . 0 06' a 0 08
Pork, live ... . ....... 5 50 a 6 00
Pork, dressed. ..... 8 00 a 8 00
Butter, loose or t.u.b .... 0 15 a '016
Eggs per dos. 0 18 a 0 19
Potatoes, per bush.... 0 30 a 0 35
Dried Apples per lb0 05 a 0 05
Live Stock Markets
London, March 8. -United States cattle;
6fid; sheep, so. Canadian cattle 6d.
. Liverpool, Maroh 3. --Canadian cattle, 6d
Trade slow. • • • •
Toronto, March 4. -Receipts at the cettle•
market today were 71 loads with 1,880
head of °Mile, 200 sheep and lambs, 169
hogs and 25 calves. Business was not brisk •
March 704, leCe
cirinnon ar Co.
Specials For This Week.
March is always considered a dull month for buoiness, but it is 'fever
dull in this atore. 'We make it a point to have some special snaps for We
season, which helps to make trade brisk with us while otherare complaining.
Below we mention a few lines which we eeoured feet week at reduced prices
and we give our customers the benefit of our dose buying:
New Prints, feet colors, good width, worth 70 for Go.
New Prints, $2 indica wide, fast colors, regular 121c for 10o,
New .Linen Towels, 83 x 16 inchee, bleached, speoial 15o per pair. •
New Linen Huck Towel% 40 x 20 inches, fancy borders, hemstitehed, goad
value at 40o, for 25o per pair.
Ladles' Wrappers, made of fancy wrapperette with trimming on waist and
collar, frill on skirt, worth $1,65 for $1 25,
New Sateen Prints, black and colored grounds, in fancy floral design% very
special, worth 156 for 1210.
Plein Pink Flannelette, full yard wide, fast colors, soft finish, good value at
121 for Ole.
Crum's Celebrated Prints, guaranteed fast colors, worth 15o for 1214%
American Grey Cotton, 87 inches wide, fine even thread, good weight, .very
speoial, worth So for 5ca
Black Brocaded Drees geode, 40 inches wide, suitable for skirts or dreeses,
regular price 25o for 12 1-2o.
Serge Dress geode, 40 inches wide, color golden brown, regular price 30o per °
rd, for 19o.
Ladies' Cloth Jackete, a few we have left over which we are selling at 250 on
the dollar; ask to gee our $4 Jackets we are selling at $1,
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, 20 per cent below regular prices,
• Boys'•Overcoe.te that were $4 and 65 for $2,
Men's Frieze Ulster% worth $6 for $3.50.
' 7,717fri
' spring goods are now arriving by eyery train.
14 McKinnon at Co., Blyth
•••••••••••111401641 •••••••••••
except for choice export.
• Heavy feeders. short keep, would sell
r•ell, but seem scarce, feeders about 1,000
lbs cannot be bought for less than 4.30 to
4.40: The regular butcher trade- was dull; -
the coal dealers being wellsuppliedfrom
as* week's heavy ,deliveries of butohe
cattle. Owing tc liaocis the usual outlet to•
Buffalo was for to -day out 'off. Too many
light stockers are • coming in. • Stockers
from 800 to 900 MS will sell at 3,60 to 3 75.
The sheep•and lamb trade is dull.. Hogs
are unchanged. ' •
. .
with unolaringing regularity. It is. while Gdoodo. genekalpslyervtoamnut,41po,wAas.Fhionsguonrsnominlking
the liquid ammonia is under -going the to
process of evaporation that by absorbing ,Feb 21.- tf, . , • . . •
heat from anything around it; it in other h. . 1.
Issolution of Partnership,
pipes, and. in • the hermetically !leafed jalihmeesPetsnetrishigki-retRoro e....•4sattrindiebizeert
words chills brine liwhich surrounds the '11.
Owliarnib,:i ni'tne a whichr a wt hnisbytakes ti placestiction
vn itvhe:
bit, th i saidpeeyssielezi sdlisusleiblevecirebriesci
'age plant is in its passage through purified . o trietgbagL
us _consent.
from every compartment in the cold .tor- The:bu
Clinton, Aldebte:ontracreeby
,. nby J,G.Seale
and chilled and driven book by fax blasts' date and an accounts now due to tnemmairill be
into the various compartments..J. R" - settledtbdoyutth„ewliattneelflor.rn.
. •ELI 13. ICX. •
. . , ited Feb, 12th, 190241
.• '
HEHANGE • Qn Thursday Feb. 27th, I will leave my present dors to take charge of the
clothing arid furnishing department of Memo, Hodgene Bros. I take this opportunity
of returning thanks to my many friends and onstomers for the continuous patronage
they have given me (aloe opening out in businese and trust that the present relations
so long existing hedween us may not be broken.
For the coming Spring Beason I will be able to show you the finest stook of
nifty and stylish Gents' Furnishings that has ever been brought into Olinton,••• It has
been pereOnally.eeleoted from thabest source., and you oandepend on always getting
the nobbled andmost up0to•date styles_in Hats, Shirts, Ties, eta. Coma in and. see me
any time you are up tow*, • - •
Dainty Bedroom
ITexquisite designs, artistically elegant in
every detail, is now being offered at 'very
moderate prioge by J. C. Stiayensen,tr
Dressers, Oheffoniers, Restful rockers, •
a great variety of pieces that add to cern,
fort anti convenience as well as tcathe.
attractiveness of the room.
• A splendid rooker in Oak or Mahogany , "
• for $2, speoial.,
fine lot -of furniture coverings -on hand •„ '
;Undertaking and PletureFrem. • ;
Ing aSPecIaIty.
e.i. 0Stevenson,
• .7 ---sumemes•
General Furniture Dealer,
On‘posite,Tourn Hall,. - • „
Albert Street, etsivreng.
- BpSIDENCB-EurOn'Ilta:' "
opposite Commercial Hotel.
Export cattle, choice, owt., ..$4 50 to .$5 85 B . . ._...
do light ' ''4 50 to 4 80
Bulls, export, heavy, ewt 3 60 tO .4 30 argain Days
Stockers, 400 to 800 lbs... 2 40 to 350 •Everybody is looking forward' and waiting dfojr.wi3arbwiagain:
Butchere' cattle, ohoioe •3 75 to 4 00 ' . I •
, do good 8 60 to 8 75 dar and Bargain -weeks. The race is now o an .
. . .
Butchere' cattle, picked.. , - 4 00 to 4 50 . • .
. •
Peeiers, heavy. , 4 25 to ' 4 50 •
m the front AS usual for qualiq and tow prices.
:do- of( colors and heifers 2 00 to 2 50
Batolri» a' .. 2 50 to. 3 00
Light stook bulls „ . .. .... 2 00 to 2 50
Milch cows • • „L.., 3000 to 5O0
Sheep, export ewes, 3 50 to 3 75
,do • bucks ... 2 00 to 2 50.
do butchers, each .... 2 DO to A 00,
Lembo owt.......... ..... 400 to 5 00
•Hoge best . . . . . .. ,........ 6 00 •
Cat' and examine quality and prices and you are sure to
do iight ,•••• • •••• •
•• do fat e ... 575
Seleoted Reigns, Cleaned •rranta, Cooking 'Pigs, Prunes, Dried
h 'd A icots all fresh and new • ,
SUGAR- SUGAR -SUGAR- Redpath's,. Extra ' Granulated and .
Yellows, at wholesale prices, (100 pounds and barrel lotsspecial mite) 27 Pas
coffee sugar for 1.00, and nice sugar syrup 40o gal. ; • .
TBAB- Bleak, Green and Japan from 10o up. Best 25o tea in town. •
Dinner, Tea and Toilet sets and fumy lanais -To make room for thy
spring import sardine direct tom the factories, I am Belling at 25% Ars.
'than the tumid price •
uy. WANTED : -L Good Butter and Eggs • • •• 41
-‘Vanted. b
. •
Good girl for_general houseworli. Apply to _ _ •• NIT.. IRWIN, Ohn* ton
. . .
MRS JAS. TWIT0HELL, Rattenbury es. . Pnone 45
klaroh 7-tf.
Bull Calves for Sale...
Vieundersisated offers for sale, two ihoro-
bred Shorthorns Bulls,_one aged 8 months and
the other years. For further particulars
applyto R. ICUNKING, Lot 85, eon. 12;
March 7,-T*' • Bullstt, Tp. '
• • •
Property' for Sale.
• Cottage and two lots for este on. Eing• 51., '
Clinton. Cottage contains five rooms, olosetk,-
,pantry, mailer and summer kitchen; hard and •
soft water, &number of plum and pear ' trees.
Will be sold cheap, apply, M.s.o1,330D,
March 7L-tf.. . Clinton.'
'Cheese :Pactory: Notice.
On Saturday. Marbh 22, 1902, at 2 o'olook, p.
at W •
., idon's Holmesville;the Holmes
vino 0 & B. 0o., (Ltd.) will let by public auc-
tion, thedrawing of the milk on the different
routes same as last ycar.. V0043. FORSTER, •
Pres,. W. S. LAWRENCE, Sem ' •
Holmesville, Mar. 3-3w. . •
A. J. MOR ISH, :Clinton.
, separator •
If you want the safest, strongest,
—0'. =simplest,-...mettLATirabl,%..
/--- .---; ' =cleaned. and cleanest skimming
1 ..; Separator on the market buy the
[.., MAGNET. A trial will convince
,1 •
i •,•:.,ti you that it is the best. When other
i machines are left on trial send for
1 v a Magnet. It will compete against
.7 t any other make. anufactured
4.,... 11 ', by The Petrie Taylor Mf'g Co.,
J. O
. ji. Whe a* rigea:Ph'
te:-t. Ilarlock, Ont
-,„,,,, ,..,„..,
hogs and "Heading of all
kinds wanted. •-
• Highest prices given,•
Soft elms to be cut 11 feet,
12 feet, .and 13 -feet Icing
'ming 1STeckwear
We are proud of the Neckwear that has arrived
for the Gent's Ftirnishing" Department It is all
new. It is all of the latest patterns and colors.
The new shape is called "Manhattan," and cer-
tainly makes a very 'handsome tie, there is not
a bad pattern or color in the lot, you could not °
make a mistake in making a selection from this
Spring Hatsare here. in all shapes and colors.
a 01'1-101Ar 7
Shoes to Wear.
That is the kind' we have to tell you about.- ----
. 4.- .
.A.,tine dress shoe the -latest stfle,ili.;•I'liing Edward*
for men, also several other styles of fine shoes and a great
variety of strong working shoes, solid leather, also some hand.
feet dry, some with low heels and wide isoles. Then a great
Stapleton. Salt VVOrks made Ones. Ladies -shoes lightand heavy that will keep the
varlet of Oxfords both laced and buttoned. Boys' and gide
We have just received a
shipment of our justly 'tele
brated line of Standard Shoes
for Boys. These goods need
no introduction as they are al—
ready known and are re•
cognized to be the best wear-
ing:Boys' Shoes on the mar- . .
the apple barrel empty'? Mims fret—you Can still .
kdTshey are made of a choice
upaits_qt.gihm.ukeegrain _htech_oice_fTit for stews, or pies.
and without seams.
schoo shoes of various kinds, Ileo very many lines for' '
children. •
Terms °soli or produce at highest market price, Now is your opportunity.
EmPlium' 14114.1*" R ADAMc
Maroh 7111, 1902, w
ried - Fifoult
• Good cooking Figs 5o lb, 6 lbs for 25o. '
Insoles and counters guaran- California peaohes, • ° 14d.
1 um 6 18o,
(sod to be absolutely solid sole .1 apricots 44
• leather. ' . " prance
li o 8e;
I No Shaddy . Seleatek Itaisins 100, 8 lbs for 26o, . • .
- • No Paler Soles•• Offetialk "
Patronizethe•New Shoe Store- Lombard Plums
Dried apples .
2 Ono for no,
6o, • ' -
G our prices for sugar, you will find them interesting
Vir. L.'(OTTIVIBTTE LondesbOti.
and get'near Shoes.
Fred T. Jackson/
. „