HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 5eh "itlx, i$'02.
iiIitv Goe.viih Pric..
Our store would never have gro‘‘n as it has done if the prices asked for all kinds
iof merchandise were not accompanied by absolute excellence in quality. The best
;article of its particular class at the lowest possible price, that's the combination that has
Made our trade expand, X hether it be a penny article, or a costly dress length, it is
Abe quality aimpared, with our price that makes the ourchas.e a moneysaving Oneto you.
f3ut back of every article we sell is our positive, unreserved guarantee as to the quality.
You must be satisfied in every point, in every detail, if not, bung the article back, and
your money will be refunded ak, once. .
The Newest and Best in Dress Goods
• It would take pages to tell the story of our Dress Qoods pep9ItakeRli; Vire can
only suggest in this small space a few of the many valtprvire only an idea of a
twentieth part of the weaves, patte ,
Alt •Wool Cash -go• at 25e.
116 bartit - 'a 1 wool Cashmere, yery fin q ty, Q
a •ae et red. nevY, Pink, white, old ;ague:48c blrean
ehiekalite lines sold by other otores at 850, our owlet
,value at per yard .• • ,, .. 4••••••• .. • .. 0•A••••
lack Lustres •
46, 88 and 42 incher wide, tine brillient earth, all the eery
be bleak, A. 1 valuer! at per yart1,20c,25c,39c,500.
Navy Lustres
%Er end 42 Moho wide, very fine finish, is in greab demand
for "waists and dreseee, all warrantee to give good wear,
• erica , . ...... • • • • .4cm and
V• iola Suitinis
The soft clinging Drees Goodo that will be In great denial
for warmer &ye of spring, they some in shades of pear• l
grey, mode, fawn andnavy, 42 trachea wide, price
25c yerd ,•. .9 'LT. one
Covert ,Suitings
Our arieortment of these beautiful et:things is by far the berg,' '
,rest we 'have ever ehown, they come in tbe newest abodes
•75e of grey, fawn, brown, mode, blue grey, &c. IRIMB Ver o
suit length is , $5.50 and u, 1 0/
Are again in great demand* for ekirte oe writs, grey is the
an. leading shade. We have a fine obowinLof the different .11 Auk
weightsat . .. ..,•.,.,.. AP", . . At 0-01502 90c and AAR/
Wool, and Silk and Wool Dela,ines for
a,ncy Waists.
We have by far theofluest collection of delaines ever shown by us, they come in so many
pretty combination of colors, that nothing aort of a visit to tbe store can give you any idea
f the beauty of these goods, prices 40e, 45e, 60e and Mc, 2i yards recinxred for a waist.
The following List of Bargains is 'for.
Thursday, Friday nd Sattirday,
only, 6th, 7th and 8th
The news of thisstore will be very interesting for the above days. People .know
that when Newcombe's announce sped& Bargains, there is money to be saved by being
on hand bright and early. The last three days of this week will be days of attractive
offerings. • •
• • •
• I •• 180 .101$ of Rid Ciroves at 59c • •
and $1.21 Wrappers for 69e Ori Thursday morning we will place on.riale 150 morSeeire •
our oholoe of about one dozen . Verappere, made Al good
wrapoerettes in assorted mom, that sow at $1. 25 and g11 moat stores sell for 1,they come in einem of ten,mode,
01.50, on eateeThereday morning et - • gi."1. grey and brown, in all sizes from al to 7.
---$1,Shirt Waists at 35e. . . ,• 35e IlOse at 19c • • .
n Thursday morning we placer on sale tlie be lance of env 100 pair t of boys' pars heavy all wool hoe smoked Wirer,.
, Shirt Waists,madeof American 'flennelthat were $1,for De • all warranted to -give good;wear, this line is well Worth
850 a pair, but to Clear the lett 100 pairs oat at once the En
Price will'be . .... . .. . . : . .. .
. •
Children's:20e, 25e and 30e Mitts,
Gloves, ttc, for I5c • •
Children's fine wool Mitts and Mloves,in assortedoolors also
blot*, that eold at 20., 25o to:30o; all at ' one pre! me
.11*.tu.aday morning,
of our 'famous 590 Gloves. They are as good as most
yrs Waists for 690
'irdiere Waists', made of American flannel, in color of red.
. with fancy design, regular priori Was$1m, on sale 00111•
menoing Thursiay morning, at .. ' ' gni)
. . •
LSO Black Satana Skirts fOr $1 ..
'en Thursday morning we place on salethree dozen Bieck
• %item Skirts, with six rows of fine frill's, the regular '
price of which was $1.50, .for • .. •
. --$3.56'and 4.50 Waists for •$1.75
• Embroideries at 2e • • .. • . • Ladies' Weiser, made of Oashmers, 'velvet and silk, regular
prices were frenf'$3.50 to 24,50; all hi One price Thum-
100cards of fine quality Embroidery,with good etrong *edge; - ' •
, . . 2c I .day morning ..• . . . • .. , c- . . . .. . ..... L75
goes on sale Thursday at per yard ..•••• ...
85e Taffeta Silks at 65e
Children's 20c to 25c Vests fortSe ,
..,• •• • . •.
Crinamenoing Thursday morning we platie.on ealie250 yards ohildrenNyests and Drawers, all heavy Weight, that eold •
'••• ... .; e .
ot very flin soft finish Taffeta Silk, in shades' of pink, • • et.20o sue 25o, to olear. at tub 15C.
:.:-eley, turquole, red, gold, white cream and elaok, very
suitable for waiste, regnlar value ‘ 850 .a yard, en „„,c(10e Towling at 6e
sale at per yard • . ... • :
up 1200 yards of 1,2 inch wide all Linen Tewling,heavy quer-
. , •
•• • . - ity,regular value leo, for Thiireday morning to go at oic
... • . ••" -
- 60e Navy lustre at 40e , . 7 . pet yard
150 yards of Navy Lristre with small dot, also plain granite . . '‘, 75t Lace curtains, at ne
weave, jure the thing for waists that yon wane t iv .. -
good wear, regular price 60.6, on. Bele at per yard o' g !3 40.0 Lace curtains, 8 1;2 yards long, 34 incdits wide, very neat.7 a
, .
•• - design, leak ititobridedgee, regular priori -Me lei clot, at 'SE
Porch**, your tiokete it Town 44494, and
save delay at etortion, '
PF. 11.11041gens, Tolyn Agent
canton, Onto
• l'ontri Council
to the owner. A week -or eo ago hir
Central Y M V A$20.which WAS after., quion had taken from ins locker inCooper's Book•
st.ore Clint,
•warde recovered. Such ado AO that
of ' 7ifr VautelonS are worthy .
of meatier), and got* to.. show .
the honesty at the finder. Mad Wei - , • it 0 FOR a re •
wallet been discovered by °there the I
owner might never hays aeon It again.
loan that Wilber Manning has be
confinedcill i • . lirtiof ' 7..„ Au eatiatui
to bed foe a ww
eek past all 1111...e co. * 0 Stini. if jp.•
THE ILL. -*-Frionds are sorry to pi fin
an atinchrof grip ; we understand het,,
may take a few week's holidays to
ti recuperate and.hooe•-tbi's Toy- icit*
97, -rnStro%-liiiri to perfect health....J.
P. Tiedall has been centined to the
house, of late, which Mende will ,,hope
'May not be long....Mrs Carlin° has
been seriously ilt lately.... We are
glad to learn that Win - Weir has got .
held on Monday eveninv the Mayer has been Very poorly of late.. , .We
wweeleike.n.u. u.MghrearWleat 61 ktebre, olif" .. tialleti aoenb.
The regular March meeting Was
presiding and all the aldermen pre." are able to report much of an irsproye. e
"Ant. cam' munication from Ios s u 0 0 , tmueenhtu isnp ildt a. IP; luu ern isst el:01 wwahuoi e its°. yet sit uapt
informing the colleen of the purchase . , , , Amongothers at the hospital who
Of lot 291, Voctotia street, (now oc, are inaproving are J. Dale (of °ora-
tion from. public tcbool boa
eluded by H. Wiltsiej ; cornadpaasunklicoag- tshtaantoteasay.nd Miss Freeman ; it is hoped
the council to raise $2900 for school its precnawcitist...8.°11nrsbe 'aCibillehetrt 1Meaavier,
purposes also one from aesessor of Huron road, has been seriously ill a,
Mullett, with notice of assessment of, late and is still very ' poorly.... We
gravel pit for M.
Tiae street committee reported that lwe ha ronhtahvast lbeen ma I t ro rgi at yoi sot twhi et bc h,1 cfl darsea
they had considered the Matter of the itis are about recovered.
town building its own sidevralke and
a 0
amount of walk can be laid by the evening of last week an enjoyable st
. F. AT HOME.—On Thursday
are of the opmion that a mirth greater
can be done .
home was given in their beautiful
toWn than by private contractive and
by others, Court Leaf is one
lodge room in the Stavely bundler, on
at a much less coet than rtne tep floor. s
SPECTACLE Department
of the largest lodgein Maple these e
and for a meeting place have the
T8WheelelenttiterWhiliall Wishiccabrpeaetandbeanfrigle
walls are beautifullyadorned with
various pictures and emblems of the .
orders. -For this evening the place was • •
seated with chairs.. There wae 04 large • °'
gathering including the members, For e pair of glum or speoteoho which will
their wives, famines and a few in• fit you eyes with frame properly acinneed to
vited friends. Isaac Dodds, Chief heel: them in Jo et the right position. epee.
Meurer,presided is chairman and taoles as low as $1, prices orient rewording
introduced the -following eplendid to lense and frame. No charge for =min -
program :-.Part I—Instrumental see.
(action, Messrs R. Graham, T. E. • Maya
• There is nothing that, will
decorate awl turn your roome,
into things of beauty, bke-
handsome wall paper.
you are thinking of re.
papering this spring, we will
be pleased to show you our
new stook, a which we are
proud to say is the largest and
most artistic Ave have ever
shown. •
• $amplo hooka are now ready
for inspection,
Ali Paper Trimmed free
By motion the street committee was
authorized to procure the necessary
supplies to enable them to „Tay the
granolithic walks and to 'auk for
*tiers for cement. '
chairoian of the fire and water
committee ,recommended a number of
fire appliances to be procured which
was adopted.
The chairman of the streetcommittee
was instructed to have the stone on
the 'square broken . for use on the
streetand the chairman of the pro -
natty committee was instructed to re -
poet at the next meeting what dis•
primal can be made of the old buildings
In rear of the market square.
The finance committee reported the
following accounts be paid:—Alex
Morris: work, 6.5c • War Steep, snow- •
plowing, $14 70 ; 'Robt Oree, snow-
plowing $15,50; electrie light, for
street $70, for town hall, &c., 59.35;
Thee Walker, repaire, 56; W, B.
Forster, wood, 512.94; G. J. Stewart,
groceries, $2 02 ; A. 0. Pattison, for
ticket, 40c; News Record, sundries,
$22.75; O. Orich, one month salary,
518; W. Wheatley, earth for filling,
$S; coal for heater, 525; Municipal
World, aesessment voile, $5.88; W.
-..Ociats,_erarithies,_44.46A tote' pity--
.ments, $236.J.4; receipts --Jos, Wheat-
ley, from scales and hall, $69 40; 0.
Crick from cemetery, $12.75;. total
A -Big Bargain: in Rain Coats.
Commencing Thursday morning we place on Bale at a big reduCtion 20 of our very
neWest Rain Coats every one is iood and made in the very latest styles. It will pay you
to be onhand brigflt and early Thursday Morning. •
$3.75 Coats at 2.50
12 Rain Coate, with new bards, tneolorSof•fawn, navy and black,our Emerge'. price; wag $3.75, sale price., ...,.. $2.50
55.50 Coats for _ , . $3.:25 1 $6 -Coate for . . .. .. • ... oe...... • .. ... . . . ...$1.11.25
6 ,
. 4.044.4).....C•044444.44.0.0444 044044.004):#440t:0440000400.44. 044.4)44).00.04144. t.4440.
ehuigh Chitlins
The Presbytery of Huron meets in
Herrera on next Tuesday; March lith.
Rev Hall, of Bervie; it likely to
be Rector or Ciorrie within a bow
weeks, if the Bishop approves of the
change, . •
' Rev. J. Greene' took Rev. Dever'ii
.pulpit at Walton for the past two Sun-
days owing to the sickness of itspastcsr;
Rey (imbue will also. lake the same
work on Sunday, March, 17th. •
Bowmanville Methodists now use in
dividual cups at communion eervides,
The set provided costs about $100 and
• incledes 350 glarisee, 'ten cake trays, eil•
ver pitcher and ether accessories.
When Rev'. R. Hobbs Was stationed
in Wirgham by Conference he found
an old church with an old debt on it of
$700. In three years be has got the
debt wiped out, several hundred spent
on the parsonage,a, new church erected
costing $10,000 of which $11.000 is sub-
scribed and • $7,000 paid. This is a
record to be proud of. •
ordship, the Bishop of Huron;
cre arranged -to visit the cleaner, of
Huron in May fcie Confirmation per
vices as follows;—,Sealotte, Sunday,
May 4th; Clinton. Mendel, 6th; Wing?
hana Tuesday, eth; and Exeicr, Wed..
needsy,r7tb, at such hours as may he
decided by the several rectors,. • •
At the mantra! congregational meet-
ing of St Andrew'echurch,Oraaigeville,:
a resolution was unanimously passed
to increase the salary of the pestor,Rciv
R, W. Dickie, from $1100 to 51300. Mr
Dickie is, Well-known here, and hag
many friends in these parts„ Who. be
pleased to learn of tbe appreciation in
which he is held by the congregation'
in that town. •
Your moneY back •
• „ Hyatt want it. -
ehurch dilutes i
of one of the best and mese practical
committees. No time, labor;
ItATTIDTBUNIt ST. — The Epworth nor thought was 'spared by the
league was was the last to farewell in Rat- bets ef that committee, of which Mr
tenbury St church, the last meeting to Wm Doherty' was chaitnian. The
be held beiog on Monday evening ;such result is, that all being well, the old
being the case it wee made' particularly Rattenbury St. congregation, expect
Interesting. President H. Rorke pre- to open their new building fleet Sun -
sided and the meeting took the form of day. It was thought, that it weuld
afellewship service, conducted by tbe be most appropriate that some • ex.
pastor ; thosewho attended the meetioe' pastor of the church • should be in,
'mill not forget the last meeting held vited to read) the last sermons in the
WILLIS Onrincm—An excellent can.
to:A entitled "The Resurrection" is be-
ing prepared for the Sunday School
under the direction of T. Jackson, ire
and M. Dowzer for Raster Monday
evening; it is expected that talent from
Toronto and elsewhere will assist,notite
of which will be given later on • * • On
Tuesday night the Excelsior Mission
Band held its regular monthly Meeting
and there was good attendance pre,
sent, there being 44, Mrs Graham pte,
Itt the old church, as the occasion Was old bin ding,_, and the unanimous eiding. The exercises were the New
• made impressive....Last Suedear was choice fell on Rey J. W. Shilton, of Hebrides Mission illustrated by A map;
,day of specjal interest to those who Ilespeler. Accorringly last Sunday, Mistier' W. O'Neil and Pearl McDonald,
Uad been worthippers in old Rotten. Mr Shilton • preached to very,fino delegates to the Preebyterial Society
bury St.chtiteh. Uhl seineWhereabOut congregations. His very many friends ' held in Blyth, gave reports On PlieSierie;
fOttY•five Yeers since the foundations were rejoiced to see and hear him Mee Maaggiatt read a letter from Mrs
Of this church were lint laid, In .the again. Elie morning &neon Waschiefly Moore, of the Mettawasie. N. W. T,,
emiese of years additions were made to reminiscent, Re . took, for his text, Mission, of which this Band is helping
the Old building and for the time being "Hitherto bath the Lord helped two". in eustaining ; Mies Jessie O'Neil gave
It answered its purpose Well. Brie the and with that as a bogie, he partially an excellent recitation and a chortle by,
• irletion of the_vearshae left its imps& traversed the history Of the peat, In Margery AgneW,S. Carling,Arny Gunn,
irVerYwhere. The brickwork Me begun the evening he evoke from the worda, aireeie O'Neil and Pearl Stewart. Was
to minable, the roof to leak, and the "Christ the power of GOV IP and splendidlygiven...."Thejoyofservice?
shrunken frame was inadequate to preached a fine and effeetiVe set mon founded upon the parable of the talents,
keep out the cold winds of winter. The which was attentively listened to ..and was tbe topic at the consecration
church internally was Very old -fashion- enjoyed by the audience present. The meeting of thele. P. S. C. E. last Sun-
ed,alici not attractive to strangers, SO pastor assisted In the services of the day evening. At the loudness Meeting
the* While the old building had An Mak* day, and alter the benediction in the on Monday eVening, the committees
dying !introit for those who worship..,Loyening,„ asked the congregation in gave an account of their stewardship
11M1Vitlittrithltralltiltr" 01101,7001trir VaTarthe-circinniflinebrrftr inetalsetrwarn rause ab-d—Wlie tee ilitte d'brraral wEDDINGe.0A‘-morqouleAr—inteigiltJz WItmiNG,—,A quiet Wedding took
ONTARIO .---Oirtng to the opening
services, of the new W eider church . it
has been decided to forego both of
their services on Sunday next, in 'order
to allow its congregation • to join : in
worship And dedication Of the het,'
Wesley church.; the Sunday school
will meet as usual in the afternoon.
it was the intention to have started
epecial evangelistical services but owing
to the opeoing of the new Wesley
church'they will not be co-mmenced
until Monday evening, March 17th.;
Dr. Gifford will conduct therm services
and be assisted at times by neighboring
clergy. . Oh Thursday evening of ' last
week the meixibers of Ontario street
League drove, to the home ot 0.
Holland where a 'Very pleasant evening
•was spent in games, music, eta, after
which refreshMents were provided,
when the young people left for their
homes,. thanking Mr and Mrs.. flelland
for their kind hospitality.
• Let tits rake
Your Measure
and L. Smith; solo. W. P. Spaulding;
gramopbone selection, R. Downs.;
0010, 'McKinley's .last works," Miss
Zada McRae; solo, Mr Graven% of
Holmesville ,• gramophoett, R. Downs;
Part ' e• -selection, Messrs Graham,.
Smith and Rays; solo, Mr Graven°,
gramophone, selection; _solo, "Trouble.
in France," Miss Zada. McRae gram -
phone selection. Between the parts
of thsprogram a delicious lunch wear
served by waiters. A.fter the enter.
tainment all trent borne voting the
evening a social success and another
memorableevent with the O. 0.'F.
Additional Local News.
passed away in Clinton 011. Friday last,
Harriett Riciout, relict of the late J, M,
:Barber, who has been ill for some time
at the home of her brother, Mr Ill:tid-
o-at, She was of the age of 59 yeare
and a family are left to morn the loss
of is kind and hiving mother. Deceireed
was a daughter Of the late Gap. Itidoot
and was born in Toronto; Ethe wife of a
fanally of four sone and Live daughters
and was is sister of the keinirsJohn ond
Olitte.Ridout,of town,andleaves &family
of twoeonsaba four daughterti. The fun-
eral teokjalace from the residence of her
Weather, Ratteribirry street, on Monday
afternooreRev 0.1t,Ounne,of St Nee,
conducting the bervices,the choir ot' the
ehorch assisting .13 Mil big at the
Goderl in ..rournethip
"MriEs. A current rumor from appose
the line states that Mr Clarence Cole,
• -
on of Mr Peter lroheof Senilac county,
Mich., is to Wed Miss ElBe Welsh;
second daughter of Mr David Welsh,
also of Senilac county; may ;the throes.
of roatahnony be one of hoppineirs. A
report from the Prairie province ine
forms us that rt. farmer has pet finish-
ed sowing 39 acres of *heat and if the
weather keeps favorable he intends to
keep going; such is the itnaosphere in
some parte of Manitoba. Mrs TAJook,
of the 9th con,* who has .been visiting
relatives in Luckriow and elsewhere. for
a fortnight, has returned horne.• A
sleighioad party comprising the youth
of the 9th con., contemplates taking a
moonlight excursion at an early date,
the trip being to Win'Peedue's. con l;
may their verya,ge be a pleasant one and
may they have- a safe return. Mat
Main's gang was taking out square
timber at J. Cleft's bush, Bayfield line.
J. T. -Keyes, of Stanley, purchased a
quantity of cedar posts' 'trona P. Cole,
A large Sleighload of Stanley's Merry-
makers Iv' ere entertained at. Geo Bur-
nett's one evening recently =tong
others who graced the gathering with
UMW presence were Mir Geo:- MeClart-
ney, Holmeiville, the Misses Burnett,
Clintorea.nd 11..Taylor,fitillett. and all
report a sociable time, •The assessor
is again on duty; use the genial gentler
Man with courtesy.. • :the Sharon
Methodist congregation .intends rerun'
vating the Interior. of their' church.
Miss Stella Rathwell; of Stanley; Was
the gueet•Of Miss FlossipOole last week.
Doherty's teams have been busy' haue,
ing logs across the river into Goderich
toweehip, coming up • thrbugh, Mr J.
Beacones premises. Mr and Mrs IL
Grigg, con. 9, entertained a few young
people. at their borne One evening east
week. • Misr; Katrene Richardson,
Holmesviile, who has been 'visiting her.
mule, R.Riebardsoe,for the pest week,
has returned honie. Smith, 16 con.,
is taking advantage of the sleighing
that is left, by taking the remainder of
his logs to Stapleton. Mrs J. Simm6 is
.visiting her sister, Mrs silo. • stswart.
THE LATE Mate GieTigtoN:—We are
called upon to record the- death of is
highly respected resident of Hite loWn-
ship, in the person of Mary Ann Cook,
relict of the late David Oaptelon, con.
e,who•was called berme on Wednesday,
after is lengthy illness. She had reach-
ed the good old age_ of 84 years, Her
demise will be sorely felt by her many
relatiyes and friends. Her late husband.
died abcrut•ten years agatand both were
of Irish descent, Mrs Oantelon was
Most kind neighbor to evetyone and a
friend ' when assistance or help was
needed. Her loudly lose a Loving and
'affectionate mother, but they are con-
toled for She has parried beyond to a
happy home abovaae she wite an ro-
est Christian wornan, having been is
faithful member of the Methodist
church. The family left to roournare
six sons and two daughters— William,
Peter, Henry and David, of ()Upton,
Sainuel, Adam and Cook, of this
townehip,' ane Mrs Kyle, of Douglere
Man.; a daughter, Mrs McRobeetadied
about five years ago in London town-
ship. Deceased was a slater of D. Ootak,
of OlintimAnd also of Mrs Rodgers and
Mrs Gordon, of Streetsville, The fut.
.0ral will take place this (Friday) after..
bent to Clinton cemetery. ,
Butteriek patterns for April. •
Bolero Styles in Wands -
Shawl and Sailor Collar .Effects in Blouses.
Postillion end Peplura Effeote in Eton Acetate • •
The new French Fit with mime to the•sboulder;
• Our patrons are urged to visit our Paper Pattern Departmehis and inspeo*. theser•
and other varied stylea. Patterns at 5o, 10o; 15o, 20o and 25a Delineator 150 a
copypill per year. Fashion abode free. •
W. Cooper 'Co.,: Clinton
Coming and kleinfil•
• kanas Elgur has • a'.• Tipleay Weel• aomr to Toronto
. ,
'bought the farm of James Vilittsen, on Monday. • •
the eth con., the tarice being 0.550 ; mina/label lain wee yiening ei P Daley's,
Mr Watson, who also ha a sale f Seaforth, recently.
stock and imelemente last week, in . .. .
• . Muer Annie Fleoh visited at F. Daley*
Seafortli, last . week. . ••' • •
tends to remove to the Northwest in
the spring.'
Nuramee.—A very entertaining and
haPP.7 event occurred at the home of
Mrs Thomas Carter, Buren Road, on.
Wednesday evening, February lach,
it beinr the marriage of her second
dairghter„-Ernma Lenora, to Mr Har-
vey. Jenkins, of Goderich township.
The ceremony was performed by Rev
Dr Gifford ni ' tbe presence of about
80 guests. At 0 o'clock, to the strains
of the wedding march played by. Miss
Eliza Carter. cousiu of the bride, tbe
• 'filigree JosieDeyment and , Mary Note
aPeet Sneday Blyth... -- •
Mrs T; A. Mille went to London Wednes-•
dey to visit for several weeks,
• S. -Townsend wee in 'Veingletro for a few,
days this week te vie& old friends..
'Mae: W. Bail snow -shoed it from here. to-
*Gederich on Saturday eyening.week.
Mrs R. Sentry, Kincardine, is the pesb.
of her daughter, Mrs A, T. Cooper. •
bridal party entered the parlor which Mrs Bawderi was visiting her aunt, Met.
was decorated with evergreens arid Fred MoDoull, of Bengali, lad meek.
flowers end a handsome bell suspeeded
from the centre under which theY S. Townsene the guest of J. Dedde-
for a week's visit returning on Saturday
stood_ during the ceremony: The i 0 ••
bride entered tbe parlor leaning on C. O. Rance was on the road lag* week in
the aim of her brother • Norman and the intermits of the Jeekmon 'Manufacturing.:
looked beautiful attired in ivory 0o.
smaller) cloth trimmed with chiffon Miss Bull, Tomato, and Miss McQueen,
and lace and with orange blossoms Petrolea, are the guests of Mrs W. New --
and ; she carried a • boquet of comee. .
white roses. She was attended by
Mies E. Louise Holmes ripen* A week -
her sitter, 'Miss Effie, n he was also
dressed in ivory secelian cloth with in ciederich• as the 800 °Milo lielYe'
chiffon and lace trimmings, and car- Heed% ' • •
ried pink • roses. The groom was at- Mies Lula Eitgleiron, who hie been Visit
tended by his brother', George. Uon• ing Mies A. Smith,Goderich,r.Anrnedlicn2e.
gratulations followed and then .the lost week. ' •
guests sat' down to a deficient) wed- Chas Boyer and D. MoEvren vieited at
ding supper after whi0h:the eatenin% their hOme Ansa Craig for several daya•
was pleasantly seet in music an
last week.
games. Gifts to the bride were not. •
only costly but numerous showing A. T. Cooper returned on •Monday hem.
the respect the bride is held by many Toronto, where he had been for slaw days.
friends with whom we join in Wien. on business.
ing to the newly-wed a happy and al;s0 'Maw. Watson, et Blyth, was the
prosperous journey through life. • guest •of Mrs D. B. Kennedy for moral,
days ,this week. • , ,
. , ' Mies Tessa.Jenkirui and her. friend Mies' '
AN APPRZI:Arreelqa,11—Vat Sunday in guests of Mies Clarice Laithwaite,Goderioh, .
Fiore/toe Wateon, of Liitowel, were - the ,
Knox church, the ' organ, draped, in mutat 70seoAkiice dtirter; who
ter ?mit.
blaolc,spoke eloquently of our organist,
who, so long as she was able,hascloferaedellyd ars mre Robt. Certertown; for the past two .
and willingly , placed ' her floras, returnee to Beals on Saturday to
musical ability at the disposal of the
resume er p081 1011.
h V • " I
congregation. A couple of years ago,
the members and adherents of the Mr Price, who cares from Seaford, se& .
• church showed their appreciation cf. cialeurokkewdaast broughtl IsrtanahBe rroe at. sincercxus :ha et ujr to him, eht ;no
her many and valuable services by
presentitigher with a suitably inscribed gone to Inicknow where he accepted a
gold' watch and chain. Never did peo-
ple honor themselves More than When ilatr P. °Bazatribtrner., Winelow, Arkin:tat old R.
they sheered their esteemfor one whose Barber, Sault SteManearame heftiest week
work was done so faitheeller and well. beingpunimmied onamorint of tbsiemother's
Only new that she hag roamed away do muse ot the gine, but who pitied awn, on
they begin to realize some of the debt priasy %Ea,
Chinit011. —The Sharon church him
been undergoing -eonsiderable reimir e
in the way of papering, painting and
reseating the interior. Re -opening
services will he held on Sunday and
Monday, March 10 and 17. ReV'
Ayere, a former pester, Will preach on
Sunday afternoon and evening,and on
Monday evening is tea.meeting will be
given, followed by pr,ograni Of music
and :addresses. The niusio for "each
service will be fuinished by the choir
of Floltneeville Idethedist church.
they owe to herkindness and gentle -
Bev O. B. Gunne went to Forklift! Thum ,
nese. Active church workers are all too
day and preached therein the eyening. His
few and the removal of any • one is a
serions We w. Modest and retiring in tersnirehripmarbeilorwrs were, no doubt, gled to
task been td hdeorin•ngo Pribghlict Mrs Th.ompeop,. Albeit street, went its
disposition,work one. muauyetehave ahs vhe et:,
did not Shrink from it Brampton Tueeday owing to the midden ill.
becanei3. doubtless, it was done unto nese of her brother, who hag died-SW*1c ' ,
God and not unto men. On Wednes- a. Tehylor and S. f21. Cooper drove to God -
day afterroon, Feb. '26th. death came ark& Wedneeday , the boner went' On in,
Miss Agnes Scott concerning whom. summer hualnese and the lanes looking after.
these few words of appreciation are limber for the new Sloan blook, They said: - •
Written, She worshipped with th the•rosde were very bad es it • took them,
congregation on the 'Sunday but one, four hang to dtive home, '
;Woe the Master called her. At home, .
life she sang her last eon of praise on Were thereat. of thelatter's cousin, "917..T.1
on the last Sunday afternoon of . her Mr ena.Bfrs $001 Betinle:•eistka.udeTrht elay:07,...,..
was used in the Memorial service; one visited their &righter, Mrs (Rev) %Wien -
of ite verses tune :—
earth. By special request that .e, sal.in 11001:0doirrixoitpapelne:odratiY:tla:et, .
.. Those that are broken in their hearts ' viertoi7nesileln. wrtitenkayete tObweiernutors,01, awoeheno •
And grieved in their minds
lie hesieth, and their painfrii wound Miss. A, IltbaKinney remained for •
He tenderly uphinds. tbieweek rand was the guest- of her iiOnsin,,
'Like 6, talent tee pure and good for miss Nenie cameleer at the Clarendon,
earth, she has been transplanted Into i
the paradise of Him Who eitvr more , Postmarter 3', IL Wheatley, HarlOok, a,
glory in the bumble lily than in the brother of WM. Wheatley, wait* caller In,
gorgeous robes of the richest earthly town an Wedneeday. It Is mot often he,
comes to Clinton .but has twiny an sequel*. •
king. •.
twice here Who are grid to tee hint . Mr,
Wheatley is agent for the Magnet prem.
-13eparattirwritresys'ibe -forwent -ere -goirig
in for using more SliperaterS. Ef6 eXpeetii ,
there will bet goodly number so)a Ws
• Itited 'Mr Howson to become patter of church. absence Of the leader of the Bible study, WAS HONEST. --.We learn from the miss serail ElientSiliott was wedded to .
the bride's father nti St4tednesday. when et the residence .ef 'Gee. Seales. the
plece it the home of'ineeetrl WedneadaYr4dafele5ratnoree-.
011ed10 Meet the requireenen e of the tbe doxolgy, as' the closing act of pUbl 0 received into the sodiety, and $8 were e aortae .
day. ThecOngregatioin; when they in. vrership, in the old .Rattenbirty street sent to (he Rome miseion fund. in the tiVes Ind friende otth d d ' bag' eyelat took
tbe church, romised that they would . xi Thnothy.Rev A,SteWart goys a very Torontci . Startracting patties being Sohn 0,Stevi.-
. Wild duriu hie paehorate. , After ae-1 et v
.2'. eOrigFreti Clatincret. Sortlices intereeting talk concerning Paul's laiit . student. of the Central Business Clet• • Appelle. Aseaj. the ceremony . being ,, ,
that W. E. Quin% e 'Fred Georsoe Whittingham. of 41u) e°n
naming charge MO MOWS011 urged the were held here last Sunday by Father doe and the terribleA)ereecutions then lege,'. White attending_ the College re- performed by Rev O. R. Ginnie, M. A., o‘arheY'
art, a „ %itl°,11;;e6:10.milltsgy'V meal;
Rev, A) Stevitatt. of Clinton, M110.!,,16",ebb wai In Peatherstoo, soa,
- Jackson mid the pastor, convolved she and yeepere in the evening. , Setviceir pointed leader of the Bible study.Titue. Friday evening, lost his wallet, con. I mouse ire de sole .oVet Oink aatin, was . Ione, Attending it:004'0,160n there in °one,
officiatecl„ The bride,' attired in &Wit not Walkerton an dated in hist *role/ . .
fulfilMent Of- the. preitige. Ur John McMenamin, with Maas in the morr.ing raging, etc. Rifle Houeton woe ap- - union at the Temple Building,4. 011 last ‘iector of St Peul'a chuich,• Olintor,-
. torigregatiOn 'to see what eubscriptione - Will he heldat Blyth . hext Sunday...-. and Mise A. Irviiig Woe given tharge of tattling a cheque for $000 endorsed and . pole followed by the well wishes c f '
They go to theft trete home m go' AP
giveri AWAY by ber brother, D. O. Mo., neotton with the York County Leen end
Of a tieW baildirg, end in about three floored Oentert and lector° by Father BArromOttrinon.—Rey J. G, &Oven. valuable papere. The waltet•wite formed we extend our congratulatione... . nornber of guests presentiarriOng wboin , pAi4, 40 4O0 000 to shareholders. Mier
avish, Toronto. There woe a goodly SivingsCo., Of Toronte, whith lett, year
; webb 1 a t e a
they Could eireiree tow/aide the erection On St Patrick's night, March 17th, is the Oatechism for the month of March. ready to •caeh, li42 in cash and roma '-il 1 erous fr et cis and with 'whom '-u
. *11,000, The arnOunt Protaiod Wag to St.Pcitrick's day *lithe gfven in Sr. speak in the Baptist chutch Tu&day telon, Of toWn) bottr attendtng Sehool t e r Odin 1 3 *
SA.reg*Win WPfri haVieff ,-"4:168e4 Stewart, and O. MeMillati. Stretford. lima o lady of town $100, her share bider&
*eat they teturedthe promise of about memenamin on something pertaining a 'returned whewhory how male will by W.14, Oantelai 400,0f. Mr W. Oan. ' .4,4 . - I Were Thos. Stewart, 'Chicago, Mieseel'; ,. who it Ideal geh h r , tioentlY
, Much In ;advance of what, even the Soeeph's obureb; thle tho rid be largely evening, services beginning at eleht of Pharroaey, who, on arriving at his of hie fat in. Will have ti nate of his stock
.deeided at•once . o build. The erection.' narleh le Well known its A splendid , during' the meeting ell behalf of the overcoatpOcketroidditicoVerinoQuinu'e '" ''' " `"" , '
mid iniolements at tot 40, Bi, 11' line, . lv. iti(tlerle.111,1Al: litttiltptg:11:01,t yrittAtit rogt,gokratit,ftwttezt 13011,411,c:
Meg Saugaitio. bra anticipated, A itallatteiatied tidi the priest of Clinton ' o'clock. 0 ll ti - Ill h tak h - di h found ill II ti h*
o ec one w a eil up Oar ng Onee. 0 Wit e u IS „. rad..., Ifajvh Hai
a the tieW Church Was giVeit in charge reduirer and entertainer, t Mialione. , * Wed hi it. PrertintlY handed the wallet •
hIclitvi4i, Itincardipe.
. .. ri' '