HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 4•
' \ -
Aity G oes with Pri
Cooper's Bookstorefalbitton
Air store wotild never have grcohn as it has done if the prices asked for all kinds
..achandise were not accompanied by absolute excellence in quality. The best
.1cle of its particular class at the lowest possible price, that's the 'combination that has
Anade our trade expandV hother it be a penny article, or a costly dress length, it is
The quality compared with our price that makesiiiie purchase a moneysaving one to you.
But back of every, article we -sell is our positive, unreserved guarantee as to the qualitY.
You must be satisfied' In every Point, in every do:tail, if not, til, the article back, and ri,`)-*- Iittntxtio.4."‘ hA%rl$:4111627.
your money will be refunded at once
Puroballe Your tiokete at Town 91400 end
eel's delay et etation,
F, R, 110d1ell$, sirciffn Agent
The Newest and*Best in Dress Goods.
It would take pages to tell the story of our Dress doodsDepallzurcett We can
allY suggest in this small space a few of the many only, an idea of a
twentieth part of the weaves, patte
MI Wool Cash
.0 at 25e.
'.216 blob all wool °Ashmore, very fine quality, abets in
a se of ese, pan, vink, white, old meet sky blue and
blivoitaltis line is sold by other etore e at 350, our amulet
value -at -per yard , ,, ....... 06c
Vlach Lustres
30, 38 Anil 42 'ohm wide, fine brilliant finish, all the very '
boo black, A 1 Intim et poi yard,20e,25e,39e,50e.
Viola Suiting;
The soft clinging Wes' Goods that will be in great dements
for warmer days of opring, they come in shades of peerl
grey, mode, fawn and navy, 42 inches wide, price per
yard 60e
_Covert Suitings
tor assortment of thee beautiful ouitings is by far tit° lam
eat we bays ever snowb, they ooree in. the newest sbseee -
of grey, fawn, brown, mode, blue grey, oto, prwee per lee
suit length is - ' S5.50 and d
Navy Lustres . Homespuns
a8 and 42 inobes wide, very fine finish, is in great demand Are again in great demand, for eking+ 0" suits, grey is the
for waists and dresses, all warrantee to give good wear, goo leadingshada We have a fine Wowing of tbe different
ono ... oc I 00
400 aud weiehts at 9 and •
ool, and Silk and Wool Delaines for
,.ancyr Waists.
We have by far the finest collection of delaine; ever shown by us, they come in so many
pretty combinatiou of colors, that nothing aort of a visit to thestore can give you any idea
af the beauty of these goods, prices 40e, 45e, 60e and 85c, 2i. yards required for a waist.
The following List of B.6,rgains is fr
:Thursday, Ftiday*and'Satiirday,
only, 6th, 7th and 8th
The news of this store will be very interesting for the above days. People know
that when NeWcombe's annotincespbcial Bargains, there is money to be saved by -being
on band bright and OarlY. The last three ,days of this"week Will be days of attractive.
•iofferingsi . ,
, g • MO pairs of Kid Gloves at 59e
1.80 affil $1.21 WraPpers tor On Teursday morning we will place on eale 150 more rain)
year choice of about one dozen Wrappers, made b good (Tourist:nous 590 Gloves. They are as good as most
wrspeerettes in assorted more, that gold at 111: 25 and: fie,. moat storea-sell for $1,they cols in sbades of ten Mode .
111.50, on sale:Thntedee morning at „ • ; , VTI.) • • grey Lied brown, in all sizes from 5e to
•SiOrt Waists at 3c......'•
Thursday morning we place on sale the baler** of our
„, Shirt Waisteonadeof American fletinelahat wine $1,1or eiDC
• .
175 Waists for 006
leoiclipie Waists, madenf AmeriOnliannel. in °eters of red
- with hem 'design, regelar prise was $1,75, en elle oorn-
' 'mooing Tharsiay morning, at ..... DV U
$1.50 Black Solana Skirts for Si'
On Thursday morning we place on 'sale three dozen 13!aok
Satan& Skirts, with stx rows of fine frills, the regular AA
price of which was $1.50, far ... • .. • .. • 114, • • ..... • • • •
EmbrOiderles•at 2e• • _ •
100 eardenf fine gushes,' Embroidery,with goad strong edge,
goo on sale Thursday at per yard
85e Taffeta Silks:at 65e .
Commencing Thureday Morning we plsoe on Rale e50 yaide
ot very fine soft finish Taffeta Silk, in shades of pink;
turquoio, red, gold, white oream and black, yery
' suitable for weists, tegtilar value 85o a yard, op a
sale at per yard . ..... . .. . .. .. 6 4 • • • • • • • 00C
See Navy Lustre at 40e . .
..150.yaris oi Neve Lustre with Mali clot, also plain potpies
weave,' just the thing for waists that, yet .w.ant to glee A .t
'good woe, molar price,60e, on Ole et per yard %VC
design, look stitched .edges, regular prioir1:504 to deer at 4.9e.
aseet0:404CoXerookeNotrif$4040•40:1464.44. 444414 -4.444":"8444.444444.6.4+101,04":444400.60.144.":444.44-440
• • • • ,
35e Hose at 19c
100 pairs of boys' extra heavy all wool hoes in aseorted eine,
all warrantedto:give good:wear, this line is -well worth •
- 85o a pair, but to clear the last.100 pairs mit at once the- 19
• • .
priop vvill be. • •••• f el, • • • • • .. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Children's:20e, 25e and 800 -Mitts,
Gloves, fte, for 15e • ' .
Oen/trees fine wool Mine and Gloweein Assorted dolor's also
black, that sold at 20., 25o to 30e, all at one grilse
Thuteday . . ... .:........, .. ... 15c
$8,50 and 4,50 Waists for $1.75
Wks' Waists, Made of cashmere, velvet and Bilk,. regular
• prices were from $3.50 to 54,50, all at one price Thum. e pee
day morning • . . .. . .. . . .'......... d
Children's 20e to 25C Vests for 15e
Ohildren'eTeste and•Drawers, all heavy weight; 'that eold
at 20oend 25o, to clear at eon e..- 15e
100 Towlirig at 6e
200 ter& of 17.1-2 intifi wide all Linen Towling,heavy qual-,
ity,regular yalue-leo, foe Thnriaday roorning to go at
. per yard ..... ' . • ..
75c Lace Curtains at 49c... •
tage 4rtairus, 8 1 2 yarde long, 84 Makes wiee, very neat .
A Big llama:ilk Raiii Coats.
commencing Thariday morning we place on Sale at A big re'duction 20 of our very
• newest Rain Coats,' every one is iootl-and made in the very latest styles. It .will pay you
tobe onhand bright and early Thursday morning. • • .
$1.75 Coats at 2.50
12 Rain Coats, with new boa: in colors of fawn, uses' and blaoleour speoial price:Wae $3.75, sale price.... .. ........$2.50
$5.50 Coats for, . • $3.25j $6 Coats for. ... . ... .., -
-...%...**Trterelle,0444:4044:44/4400.0.914**4444.4404,4*).444444044404 eti:10 -0.04"....*:•*".44440.444444
Your money hack
if you want it; ---
Church ehimes of one -.of the best and most practical Wzroas 011110C11. -An. excellent can -
'building committees, No time, labor, thee, entitled "The Resurrection" is be-
_ lia.mhenvire ST,- The Epworth nor thought was spared by the nom- leg prepared for the Sunday School
laeagule Was the last to farewell in Rat-. bete of that committee, of which Mr -under the direction of T. Jackson, jr..
fenbury St church, the last meeting to Wm Doherty Was • ehairman. • The and M. Dovozer for „Easter MendOir
be held being on Monday evening; sub result is, that all being well, 'the old evening; it is expected that Went from
being the case it was made partseularly
interesting", President H. Itorke pre-
sided and the meeting took tile form of
irefellOwship service, conducted by .tbe
Rattenbury St. congregation,. expect Toronto and elsevvhere will assist,ttotice
to open their new building next Suns of which will be given later on,. -On
day. /t Was thought, that it would Tuesday night the Excelsior Mission
be Most appropriate that Some' etre Band held its regular monthly meeting
pastor ; those who attended the meeting
ing, and the unanimous eleinI
,itt the_old church, as the oecasion was old bpi e. The exercises Were the New
pastor of the church should be in- and there vies 11, geed attondande pre-
vail not forget the last ;meeting held vited to reach the last sermous in the sent, there being 44. Mrs.Grabani preo
slay of special interest to those who liespeleic Accorringly last Sunday, Mime W. O'Neil and Pearl McDonald,
Made iMpressiVe....Lost Sunday Was choice fel on Rey J. W. Shilton, Of Hebrides Mieeitin illustrated by a map ;
ad heen woksbippere in old Ratten- Mr Shifter) preached to very fine delegates to the Presbyterial Society
biteY &Auft di. It eilmewhereabOut. congregations. Ilia yery matey friends held in Blyth, gave reports on 'Missions;
forty-five yeers oboe the foundations Were rejoiced to- see and hear him Mies McTagaart read a letter from Mrs
cof this church were first laid. In the again Ris morning sermon waschiefly Moore, of the Mettawasie, N. W. T,,
course of years additions were road° to reminiscent. He took for his text, Mission, of which this Bend is helping
the old building and for the time being ollitherto bath the Lord helped us," in sustaining ; Miss Jessie O'Neil gave
•It.alisWered its Purpose Well, Bat the and With that as a bates, he partially an excellent recitation and a chortler by
friction of the yearshas left its impress traversedthehistory of the past, In Margery Aghew,S,Carlingairoy Gunn,
everywhere. ,The brickwork hes begun the evening hearooke from the words, Ieesie O'Neil and Pearl Stewart war;
to Mutuble, the roof to teak, end the "Chalet the power of God,' and splendidly given ...."The joy ofservice,"
ehrunken frame was inadequate t 6 preached a line and effective sermon founded: upon the parable of the talente,
keep Out the cold winder of winter. The which was attentively listened to and wae the topic at the consecration
church internally waa very old -fashion- enjoyed by the audience present, . The meeting of the V. P. S. C. E. last Sun*
ed,and not attractive to • stranger's tee pastor assisted in • the services of the day evening. At the bush:toe meeting
that While the old building had all lin, day, andatter the benediction in the on Monday eVelling, the committees
alYing interestfor those who worship. evening, .aaked. the congregation in gave an account of- their roteWardehip
leadVithin.ite Walls forAnaiMateare,....e.,. _viesseptellalttLeircuntsteneee , to Bing for February ; six new members were
:tailed to meet the reoulternente of the the doxolgy, as trierifeffitranflittblits vecinved into -the irocietyrand-$8swet 8 -
day. Thecomeregation, when they in- wcrehlw, in the old Rattenbuiy Area trent te the Heine Mission fund, In the
Sited Mt Howson to become pastor of
the church, promised that they *mild
build dining hie pastorate. After alk.
smiling charge Mr :Howson urged the
fulfilment of the promigz Mr John
• .letekrfort and the Paetor Canvassed the
congregation to flee what subscriptions
they could Beentre towarde the erection
- Connell
glad to learn that Witt Weft' has got
' irerutioljal!nt:!tr go
:ife to W‘:)Ig43vYv
the boneety of the tinder. Iliad tile
Wallet been, dtscovered by ()there the 1,
ww •
ag o.
THE ILL.-Frierals are eorry to
leaan that Wilber Masiniug hat; heir
c or a wee pest t
an atteoletof tp ; w.uncieretand ,
may take a few weelee bolidaYe t
recuperate and hope. 'MAY"' Tall
...rettOrt "13ini -to perfect health..., ,
Tisde,11 has been confined to the
hones of late, which friends Will ...hope
- 'May not be long....Mrs Conine has
been seriously lit latel .... We are
FORdrola •
"The Home 13eautiful"".
The regular March meeting__ was
held on Monday evening.' the Mayer
presiding and ail the aldetraen pre-
A. communication from jai; Seat
'informing the council of the purchaiie
of lot2t1e --Victoria- -streetrenow-no-
(meted by H. Warne); communica-
tion from public tchool board asking
the council to raise $2900 for school
purposes also one from assessor of
Hullett, with notice of assessment Of
gravel pit for $50.
The street committee reported Ulla
they heti considered the matter of tbe
Own bending ite owe eidewallesaud
are of the opinion that a vouch greater
amount of walk can he laid by- the
town than by prtvate contractors and
by' others.
can be done at a. noel less cost thr
By motion the street committee was
authorized to procure the necessary
supplies to enable them to lay tbe
granolithic vtalks -and :to ask for
tenders for cement.
The chairman of the fire and water
committee xecemmended anuntber of
Ore appliances to be procured which
was I
adopted.• The chairan bf tbe stretcommitLee
was instructed to have- the
stone s
the square broken for use onthe
etreete and the chairman. of the pro-
perty committee was instructed to re-
port at the next meeting what dis-
posakcan be made of the old buildings
in re w of the market square. '
Thefinance committee reported the
following accounte be paid:' -Alex
Morris, work, 05e Wm Steep, snow
Plowing, $14 70; Robt Oree, Snow-
plowing $15.50; electrie light, for
atreet WO, for town ball, Gm, 09.35;
Thee Walker, repairs, 56; W,
Forster, wood;.$12,94 0, j. Stewart,
grOceiies, 5202 ; A.- 0. Pattison, for
ticket, 40e ; 'News Record,: sundries,
$22,75; G. Crich, one month salary,
1118 ; W, Wheatley, earth for filling,
f coal for heater, $25; Marticipal.•
Wend,' &Moment rolls, $5.881 • W.
Coats, sundt ies, $440; total,pay-
talents, $236.14 ; receipts -46s. Wheat-
ley, from eciiles and hall, $69 40; 0.
' Crich; from cemetery, 512,75; total
• '.Chutch • Chimes
• The Presbytery of Heron meets. in
Reneall, on. next; Tuesday, March lith.
Rev'E. A, Hall. of Bernie, likely to
be Rector ot Goerie within a tew
weeks, if the Bishop approves of the
change, "
Nev. j. Greene took Rev. Deer's
pulpit' at Walton for the pest two Suns
days owing, to the sieknese of Repeater;
Rev Greene' will also. take the Bente
we* On Sunday, March, 17th. ,
Bovvmanville Methodists now nse In
dividual cups at dommunion .6er-feces.
The set provided costs about $100 and
inaftdes 350g1assed, ten cake trays, sil-
ver pitcher and other accessories.
When Rev. R. Hobbs was. stitioned
in Wirgham by Conference be found
an old churoh with an old debt On it of
$700. In three years- he has get the
debt 'wiped out, eeveral hundred spent
on the narsonage,a, new church enacted
,costing $16,000 of which $11,000 is suit,
scribed and .57,006 paid. • This is a
record to he proud of. •
Hie Lordship, the Bishop. of Huron,
has arranged to wait the deaneia of
Huron in May for Confirmation Fere
vices as follows;-Seafortn, Sunday,
May 4th; Clieton, Monday, btlil Wing-
hatn, Tuesday; dile arid ExeUus. We
nesday, 7tb, at such hcaire as may be
,decided. by the several rectors.
At the annual eongi4oitlitroal meet-
ing of St Andrew'e churele•Orangeville,
a resolution was linenimously peeved
to increase thesalarY Of the pastor,Rev
W. .Dickie, froin$1100 to $1800. . _Me
Dickie is well-known here, and has
many friends in these parts, who. be
pleased to learn of the, appieciation in
which be is held by the congregation
in that teven.
ONTAR10 ST. -Owing to the Opening
services of tbe new Wesley church' it
has been decided to forego both of
their services on Sunday next, in order
to allow* . congregation to join in
worship and dedication, of the new
Wesley church.; the Sunday school
will ineetlis usual -in the afternoon.
was the intention to have started
special cry ange Hanoi er vices.but owing
to the opening of the new Wesley
church they will met be commenced
until Monday evening, Merch 17th;
Dr. Gifford will conduct these services
and be assisted at times byneighboring
clergy, ...Oh Thorsday evening of last
week. the Members of Ontario street
League drove, to the home ot C.
Holland where a very pleasant evening
was spent in game's. music, etc., after
which refresbroceete were provided,
when the young people left for their
homes, thanking Mr and Mrs Holland
for their.kind hoepitality.
thurch. . absenee of the leader of the Bible study,
• Li Timothy,Rev A.Stewart gave a very
ST. JoimPlibe Otttrnortg - Services interepting talk concerning Paul's lest
Were held hone last Sunday by Father days and the terrible persecutions then
McMenamin, with blase In the morning raging, etc, "Kirk lioueton was ap-
and vespers in the evening. Services pointed leader of the Bible studysTitus,
will be held at Blyth next Sunday..,. and Min A. Irving was given charge Of
On St Planck's night. March .17th, a the Cateehilmx for the month of March.
' Of a new buildirg, and in about three snored emeeerb and lecture by Father BAlertfiT Certmoll.-Rev J. O. Brown,
Weeke they tecurecithe promise of tthent McMenamin on something Pertaining a returned ntioeftmary ftom India, will
%ten Tho amount JO:011118M Vt,,a0 to St. Petriekts day will be given In St„ speak in the riaptiet church% Tuesday
Meet ealignitio trld4 ntleifettodg tttla ID attended as the peiest of Clinton o'clock, Collections will be taken up
much In adYtttOe / Wntui OVen • •t„n,o, 1 Joseph's church; this rho lid be largely evening, eervices beginning at 'debt
decided at Once “) imild, '1h. dreetion i ortrish is Well kneten ' AS a splendid, during the meeting on behalf of the
,of the IOW' thurch was given in charge I leeturer and entertainer, ' k rnifeslone.
Additional Local News.
period away in Clinton on Friday last,
Harriett itulout,•relict of the late j. M.
Barber who has been 111 tor some time
At thanomo of her brother, Mr
Out. She was of the age of 50 years
end a family are left to Mourn the loss
of a kind and loving mother. Deceased
WAS 4 daughter of the We GOD. Ricloot
and was born in Toronto; she was of a
family of four sons and five daughters
and was a sister of the kegisreJohn lota
ChmeRidont,of tote/1101d leaves &family
of tyro:AO/Viand fourdaughters. The fun.
eral took lace from the residence of her
brother, Rattenbury street. on Monday
afternoon,Rey 0.11.Gottne,of St Paul's,
conducting the services, the choir of the
ebureb g by sioging at the
house, and was well attended by vela-
Alves,andlriende of.thedopeated,,..—
WAS HONEST. -o -We learn trete the
Termite Star that W. E. Quinn, a
student of the Central Businese Col-
lege, While ettendi% the College re-
welt enough and left the hospital That
week ....Mrs T, Walker, of Stapleton,
has been very poorly of 1ate....17Ve
are tible"fdlrepnrt mbob of an improve -
went in IL Pitonsteel who is yet at
' the hospital ; he is now able to elt up
re4.Am poomg4n0g:tbrrliat.LtbAtto9.1(91bspital_4,114,
stance) and Mies rreentan ,• t oped
that they; will soon be able tO leave
its precincts.- ,Mrs Gilbert Mali',
Huron road, bas been seriously il of
late and is still very poorly- e
loran that a majority of the children
who baye .been troubled with tonsil -
We are about recovered,
C. 0, F. AT HOME. -On Thursday -
evening of last week an enjoyable at
home was giVeu in their beautiful .
lodge room in the Stavely buildloo, on
the top floer. Court Maple Leaf is one spECTACLE Department.
of the largest ledges in these parts
and for a meeting place, have the
swellest toom which can be found.
The entire hall tos carpeted and the
walls are beautifully adorned with
various pictures and emblems of the
orders. For this evening the place was
There is nothing that will
decorate aud turn your rooms.
into things of beauty., like.
handsome 'wall paper. -
If you are thinking of re.
papering this spring, we will
be pleased to' show you ,our'-
new stock, a which we aro
proud to say is the largest and -
most artistic we have ever
Sample books wallow reedy'
for inspection.
All Paper Trimmed- tree •
seated with chairs. There was a large'
gathering including tbe members,
their • wives, families and a fevi
'sifted friends, Isaac Dodds, Chief
Baneer, presided as chairman and
introduced the following splendid
program Part I -Instrumental eel-
ection, Moore R. Graham, T. E. 'Hays
a,nd Smith; solo. W. Y. Spaulding;
gramophone selection, R. Downs;
oohs, "McKinley's last works," Mies
Zada McRae; solo, Mr Gravelle, of
Hohneeville grantoplmee, R. Downs ;
Part II -selection); Messrs Graham,
eimith and- Hays ; solo Mr Gravelle,
gramophone, selection;ooks "Trouble
In France," MissZade McRae; gramo-
phone selection, Between the parts
of theprogram a delicious lunch was
eerved by waiters. -After the enter-
tainment all vi ent home voting 'the
evening a social somas ond another
Memorable cetera with the 0. 0. F.
Goderliele )1eOlginsihIPT :
Nouwe. A eurrent rumba- from across
the line states not Mr Clarence Cole,
son of 11/1i Peter. letle;of Senilac county.
Mich., • is to wed bOSEI Effie Welsh,
sedmid daughter of Mr David .Welsh,
also of Senilac county; may the thrdee
matahnony be one of ltappieess. A
keport from the Prairie ,province in-,
fortes us that it farmer has just finish-
ed sowing 89 acres of Wheat and if the
.weatber keeps favorable be intends to
keep going; such is the attnosphere in
some parts °Manitoba. Mrs T.elook;
'of the 9th con., who has been visiting
• relatives in Lucknow and elsewhere for
e fortnight, has returned h,ome. A
sleighloacl party comprking the youth -
of the 9th ion., contemplates taking a
moonlight excursion 'at an early date.
the trap' being to Wm Perdue's. con 4
MEI' their voyage*, &pleasant one and
may they have a safe return. Mitt
defain's gang- was taking out square
timber a,t j. pelf's bush; Bayileld line.,
J.. T. Keyes, of Stanley, purchased a
-quantity of cedar roosts froka P. Cole,
A large sleighload of Stanley's merry -
*Makers woo:entertained at Geo Bur.
netVa one evening • reeently ationg
others who graced the gathering with
their presence were Mr Geo. McCart-
ney, hohnesville, the Misses Burnett,
Clinten,a;nit Taylor,Hullett and all
report a sociable time. The assessor
.is again on duty; use the genial gentle'
'man with courtesy. • Ilia Sharon
Methodist congteeation intends rem -
voting the interior of their church.
Mise Stella Hathwellint Stanley, 'was
tbe guest of Miret F1ossie0Ole last Week,
Deberty's ,tams have been bosy.hauls
.ing logs iteross.the river into Goderieh
township. coming up through Mr J.
Beaconee premises. •Me and, Mrs. R. '
elrigg; con. 9, eittettaieed a few young
people at their home one evening Jairt
week. Miss Katrene Richardson,.
Holinesviile. Who hes-been visiting her
uncle, ILIticharlitien,fint the past week,
has returned home: J. Smiths, ld COM,
is taking „advantage of the sleighing'
that is left; by taking the remainder of
his loss to Stapleton, Mrs J. Simms. is
visiting sister, Mrs Jno.. Stewart.
tnle LAVE Magi clANTEr.00r.-We are
called upon to' record. the death of a
highly respected resident of thiretown-
ship,' in the persoo of Maty Anrillook,
relict of the late David Cantelote
9,who was called hence con Wednesday,
after a lengthy illness. • She had reach-
ed the good old age of 84 years, Her
demise vvill be sorely, felt by her 'many
relatives and. friends. Her late husband
died about ten years ago,and both were
of Irish descent. Mrs Cantelon was a
most kind neighbor to everyone and a
friend when assistance or help was
needed. Her family 'lose a toning and.
affectionate nitother, but they are con-
eoled for she has passed beyond, to a
happy hello above,as she was an ea rn-
est Christian woman, having been a
faithful. member of the Methodist
church. -The family left to mourn are
six Sons arid two daughters- 'William,
Peter, Henry arid David, raf Olitatote
&Mod, Adam arid Mrs Cook, of this
township, and Mrs Kyle, of Douglas.
Man.; a daughter, Mrs McRobertadied
about five years ago in London town-
ship. Deceased Was a sister of D. Cook,
�f Cli ton,'emd also of Mrs Rod emend
MrsGordon. of Streetsvillef e fuc-
end will take place this (Friday) Otero
1110012 to Vlinton cemetery. . •
• union at the Temple uilding, laet
Friday evening, lost his wallet, con-
taining a cheque for $000 °gulfweed and
ready to ceeh; 142 in oath and some
valuable papers. The Wallet was found
byW. CantelOn (eon of Mr Can
telon. tOW11) TIOW attending Soho°
of Pharmitey, Who, on arriving at hie
boarding house found the wallet in hl
overeoatpoeketandfliecoverine Quinn'
card in it, promptly handed the Wallet.
Let us Take
Your Measure
For a pair of gloom or spectaeles which will •
fit you eyes with frame properly adjusted
keep them in ju et the right poition. epee.
toles as low as $1, prices variant according
,to term and frame. No charge for examin-
oiltritoetes-The Sharon thurell hag
been undergoing censiderable remits
in the way of papering, it:tinting and
reinating the interior. Re -opening
'services will be held ; on Sunday and .
Monday, Mittch 10 and 17. Rey WI
Ayer% a former' pastier, Will' preach 00
Sunday afternoon and eyetung.and on
Monday evening a tenenteeting Will be
given, followed by a program of music
1 and :addreases, The music for each
'serVice Will be futtiished by the choir
, of Holmesville Methodiet church.
Wzoratm.-& particularly intereets
ing eyent took place at the borne of
Miss Sarah Eflen Elliott veastvedded to
Fred Oeorpe Wilittingham, of Qu
A Pelle. Ases tbe eerernotly being
rector of St Prtul's 'chug eh, Chn tor.
They go to their new hornet In law Ap
pellet 'chewed by the well wtshee
their numerous frzends nerd h whom
we extend our congratulations.
erlottned by flay 0. R. (Drone. M. A.,
Wrir, havin4 di:mooed
of his iiu m, Will have a sale of his stock
and lin laments at int, 40, Dm field line,
Ott Vie ay,, March itib.
Butterick Patterns for April.,
• .
Bolero Styles in Waists, . . ,
• : Shawl and Sailor Cellar Effie* in Blouses;
'Postillion and rapture Effete' in Etoulacketie - •
The new French Fit With seams to the sbouldet. •
oar patrone are urged to visit our Paper Pettern Departineht and inspect then-
, other varied styja, Patterne ate5o 1.0o, 15o, 20c sed -250, Delineate* 15.6 e
copy, 51 per year. Fashion Sheets free:
W. Cooper Co.,
Poe bas
:bought the farm of James Watson, on
the Oth con., the price being $5,t50;
Air Watson, whc. also bad a Bele of
stock and unrlements last week, in- .
tends to tensor:a' to the Northweet in
the spring. . .
NJ:Prima-A verY entertaining an
bane, event occurred at the home of. .
Mrs Thomas Carter, Huron Road, Road, on
Wednesday, evening,. February lirch,
it being, the marriage of her second
daughter, Emma Lenora, to Mr Har-
vey Jenkins, of • Goderieh township,.
The ceremony wasperformed by Rev
Dr Gifford in the presence of about
80 guests. At 6 o'clock; to the Strains
of the wedding marcbi played by Miss
Eliza Carter, cousiu of the bride, tbe
bridal party entered the parlor Which
was decorated •ivith evergreens and
flowers and a handsome bell suspended ,
front' the centre under Which tbey
bride entered thie parlor leaning on
stood. during the- ceremony, The i
the arm of her brother Norman end
looked, beautiful attired in ivory*
secelian cloth trimmed with 'chiffon
and lice arid with orange blossoms
and veil; she carried a baguet of -
white roses, She was attended by
ber sister, Miss Effie, n ho was also
dreseed in itioty secelian cloth with
chtifon and lace &in:mina's, and car,
ried pink roses. The groom was at-
tended by bis brother, George. Con,
giatulatione . followed and then, the
guests sat ,dovona to a defieious wed-
ding supper after which:the evening
was pleasantly spent in MUSIC and
games. Gifts to- the -bride were not
only costly but numerous; showing
the respect the bride is held. by many
friends with whom we joto in wish-
ing tothe newly-wed a happy and'
prosperous journey life.. -s
.243Inideasylit''Cabe°ill Daley*
. .
J. Tiplady weet down . to Toronto on'
Sordoni; tecently...
Miss Annie Fieoh Visited .at P. -Daley'''.
Eleaforth; last week. • • '
Misses Josie Dayment and. Miry N„ott..•
Spent Sunday in Blyth. . .•
AULT.' A. Mills went to Loden Wednee-
-day to visit foi.seteral weeks. .
TOwinend was in Winghem for a foes
Oar' this week to visit old friends. •
• Chas. W. Brall enow-shoed it fora hereto;
GaCterich on Saturday eyening twele '
Mrs .B..Sellery, Kincardine, is the 'guesb.
of her tanghter, MO A, T. Cooper. -
.MrsBawden was visiting her aunt; lire.
Fred MoDoull, of Heneall; last.week. • '
S. ToWneeed whe the guest of J. Dada- •
for a week's vieit, returning on &nutria's •
0. C. Bence was on the road last week in
Abe intereete of the jeokson Manufacteting..
Co. • •.. , •
Mine Brill, Toronto,and MRS McQueen...
Pettolie;are the guests of Mrs. W., NeW-
.00mbe. ' `:7* . •
Mies E. Louise Hoboes stient a week- ,
in Goderaoh, • as the guest. sof Miss. Nellie
Mise Lula Eagleson, who ban tau visit•
ing Miss A. Smith,Goderich,eeturned home,
lest week. : "
' Chao. Poyerend 13: OlOwen :visited af
their home in Alike 'Praig for several: days
Ifi'll(1.:1VTe:eke;ooper returned on 'Monday' frisen
oTnorbounation,e7sia, ere. be had been for.a few. days
Miss Matti* Watson, of Binh, ' was the •
gtieSt`of Wit D. B. Kennedy fig gement.
days this week. • .
Miss Tose& Jenkini and hei friend Miter
Florence Watocon, of Idabel -el, were the.
goats of Mies Clarice,Laithwaite,Goderich,
• Med Alicia Carter, who visited her moth-
er, Mrs Robe Carter,town, bribe pastiwo .
„Month% returnedio Buffalo orireatutdayirt
resame her position.
Mr Priori, who came from Sesforth and:
Oinked at Harland Bros. -since thejohnston "
stook was brought here fronSeafoth, has
gone to Ionoknow where he eccepted !rime
liar position. • ;
L. Barber, Winslow, Arizona, Arid' B.
Barber, Sault SteMarie,canee here lein week: •
beingsuromoned onaccount of theiernotheiee
illness at the time, but who pgresedeway on
Friday last. . •
Bev 0. B. Gannet* went to Parkhill Mute*
day and preached thereinthe evening.. Ria
fhoerarerebripraafishionere were, no doubt, glad to
. ,
Mrs Thonipson, Albert street, went to.,
Brampton Tuesday owing to tbe eadden 111.
nese of her brother, whit hes died time. ,
3. Taylor:end S. 8, 064er:drove *0 Goa-,
erich Wednesday , the former went cm 'in -
'ammo buiiiness and the,latter looking 'Dere .
lumber for the new Sloan blink. They said,
the toads were vety bad as it took (hem:
four houre to drive haute.
Mr andslIts Joel Bonier, Lauder. Man.,,
'were the gusto of the tenet's. cemain, W. T.'
O'Neil, for a few do,* hat Week. TheVa1e0 .
Vieitea their &tighter. 'Mrs. Mei) MeLeig. -
Juan, of Kippen,for awhile.
Mines McKinney, of Gwen Sound, were •
netters last. week at their undies, john
Plekett. Min A. Maltioney remained for
"Weaver& end Was the guest of her °outfit,.
Miss Nellie Canteion, Mt the Clarendon,
Poetignester Whestley, lisirlook,
br filer f WM Wh it I'
town On IMO:feeder. ie net often he
come* to Minion but hes many in rexplein-,
tante here Who are glad to .ses him. Mr •
Wheatley le agent for the Memel Ortent
Separator and says the farnibrit are going
100114floor;I:sing, more enuttitors, He "rote •
. AN APPRECIATION, -Last Sittiday in
Knox church; the organ, draped ..tit
black,spoke eloquently of our organist,.
whic SO long as robe was able,had freely
and , willingly pieced her splendid
Miklos ability at the dispoesel tit the
congregation. . A couple of years here
the onemnere and •adherents of the
church showed their appreciation cf
her many and valuable services by.
presentingiter with a suitably inscribed
gold watenand chain. Never did peo-
ple honor themselves more than witen
they showed their esteem for one Whose
work was done so faitheefie and well.
Only now that she itedi passed away do
they begin to realize some of the debt
they owe to her kindness and. gentle-
ness. Active church vvorkersare all -too
few and the removal...of any one is a
lemons blo w. Modest and retiring in
disposition, the tisk, of doing public
work must have been to her 120 tight
one, and yet she did not shrink from it
because, doubtless, it was olone unto
God and not unto men. ,On Wednee-
day afterkoon, Feb. 26th. death came
to Miss Agnes Scott concerning whom
these few' words of appreciation are
written. She worshipped with th
eotigregation on the Sunday but one,
before the Master called her. At home,
an the last Sunday afternoon of her
life she sang her last song of praise on
earth,' By special Tequeet that &saint
was used in the memorial service, ; one
of JO verses rens :-
Thoae guitar* broken In their hearts`'
And grieved hi their mkt&
• Ite heilleth, and their painful wounds •
Ile tenderly unbinds.
Like taut too pure and gooa for
earth, s has been transplanted into
the paradigm of Him Who Ow more
giory '40 the
gorgeous robes Of the richest earthly
Wknorker.-A quiet Wedding took
place on Wednesday. March 5, at Moto
atthe residence of Giro. Scales, the
COTAMerfig"Pintetrbeing Mtn 'aSt.tnf
f d, dMi let McTav-
Kilicatdine, fointerly Of con. 2,
Stsrdey. Rev. A, Stewart, of Clinton,
officiated. The bride, attired in fawn
Indurie ire de sole over pink eat in, Warr
cieritvtrayr by her brother,ol,wDo: C. lc -
a is o on o. h s goo ly
number of guest; present,arglOng whom
were Thos. Stewart, Chicago, Mises T.
Stewart and O. McMillan, Stratford,
Mr McM Ohm and Donald Stewart and
Wifo, North East Itope; and Mien.,
litre W. 'Webb wat In Peinterston, *na-
bob Walkerton, at etetee in lot week's.
hoe, attending atiOntention them in ten. •
etc"h riI"It°*411,1/0 Loan ana
Saving. Co., Toronto, h 1.4 ye*
poa out $400,000 to ebereholders. afre
Webb, who is looni teen* here, reeently
paid a lady of town SEA hasher.) Wont.
ing due and the expeets to pity out about
'$600 rilOre 40 a few racuuus to sherehoidere.