HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 3• Ohletteno. • One Of the beat grds of &Wed: poultry Which reaches the Boston MO. ket ie 'hipped by certain Philadelphia 11" dealer* under the name of "Swedeshore Milk -fed chickens." Theo bra reified In Gloueeeter County, N.J., where the \ *ell is particularly adapted for retains very: fine chickens and are fed in a special Manner. Tlia details of the busi. neSs are anti told in a letter in Orange • w' Judd Farmer front. 11. C. Witiker* Well-known trucker et that section, who also ratios .and fattens pot4ry:— Poultry keeping is only a part of the farm operations, which is mostly early truck, each as sweet polietees, toinatoe0. ..Atreus, melena, peppers, egg plants and the like: The soil, la mostly light, a good deal of it in a red sand or a light sand on a clay bottom. Most of the ehicke are hatched under liens and then put in broodero. But few incubators are used. Most farmers have a few tows, and make butter for themselves, the sarphic being taken to the village stores or to customers. About two bun. dred •herte are the average kept on, each farm. The breeds preferred are light Brahma Buff Cobliins and some Ply- mouth Rocks, if desired to fatten early, a little oo Set their. growth. Babies and children need prm afood, rarely ever medl. clne. if they do not thrive on their food something h ItYrong. lbey need.a little help to get their digestive machinery. .working properly. ' ;7 ,•,1 riptomplyillhoRit;,?4,14siaL tBrahman and Cochins large and hard to finish befo e are they, lifY wife, who handles the poultry, Will generally correct Uds likes to h are . grade light Brahman and Buff Cochinhenoila and keeps about one diffiCtillwe y. . • - " hundred. aix roosters, two Jr YOU win id iron- one. Buffs, two' BrahMaViteand the others may be Plymouth Rock; Wyandot or PartY- kWh to half a teaspoonful • ridge Cochins. The Partridge Cochin lAivall.ses angod cross with the Brahma% or ,baby's bottle three or four 111 thnes a day yon will soon sec Irames, WhictivWsilln:ttrteearrib ood Volor when dreseed. She so &marked improvement. For itevg I . eral hens together, d t s to •a k, else an when they ° hatch, puts 20 to 25 chicken larger children, from half to hen. ' ' •• a leaspoonful, according to itotkas. are allowed to grow up • h eTohree efil They are put op af. age, dissolved in their milk, i, pens oracoo;gfor from one to -four Irks before killing, and fed, a fatte I i if you so de.slre, will very g feed inix' ed with' sour milk. ffn. • v SC shcnit_. lb great notuish. fIvritie 8, bay • in &Power. U the mother's It to legal ell°"ffh they la does flat )1,111 Jed 'three times day.&tathank. 118; • • 1 nourish a nwe (anrpeors swi bill el t feoerrne fcg lfne1:1(111 bar. the sion. It will show an wed.-- qviletr"haff,--Aild rialett agratietiogrilath'5e_eal: • - needs the coop littered at once both.Piek at. Coo 'Ton inothr,r clean by "frdqu Pa"re kept ewe t '394 -7,- • , addition of fres: t cleaning eaid and child. didnieside SCOTTO-SOWN& Terrage &wee. • earth. We andtthe • a season as hi have no incubators or brooders. The out in- gh as 1,000 chicksiand A Query. If the farmer w'ho tills Makes luta living by' tillage, ' Does the dector who pills .• , Make hie living by pillage? • -.Philadelphia "Record." ,, Some usi3 it in th calves, others in the growing of ioultry: poultry is dressed before selling. We received last winter as high as 17 1-2 cents per pound •for ,yoting roosters or pulleta. We hardly know of capons around here, but think ;they might _be 'all, right. Some fariners market their poultry at Swedesboro' but• MOSt of them. send theirs to Philadelphia. The question of how to use the s 1,, Milk most profitably is one that every patron of a creamery and private butter _maker can study with . great. . profit. e growing of pigs and The °right of a Nanle. DR. GEORGE • DAVIDSON' ot the i 'University of California has been 1 wondering for lour years past :i• how Cape Nome otitis name. Geogra- . phy le Ma special field, and • it icing professional concern. ' to • know the. syliere,fore of geographical names, But "Nome" • heat WM. : He set ,to. work 'to 'trace it back • to. Eta origin, axil-. the atarliest. appearance , he could. • find • !Or • it was in a British : Ad- • mlealty chart of 1853. That led' him to, surmise that the- cane was named by- • glib:era of the Engliali frigates. "Her - alai' and "Plover" during an expedition 14 slearch of Sir John -Fra nklin: • go he • wrote to the, AdtriraitY Office in. Lon- don to enquire' IC there were nny• '"Nomes" on the list'oi,' men Who sailed. in those vessels. The. reply, .T.,Idently •communicated .by Dr: Davidson to the, •"Nettlonal GeOgraphic,Magazine," was that. when. the • ehart- in question was -trot made, .aboard the "Herald," at- tention was called to thia.point by the mark (?Name). The. chart was tent twine in a hurry, arid the dra4ihtsinan' . who inked it made the mark -read "C. Name." But he did not make his "a" • -distinctly,' ankthe Admiralty hydrci, ,, • grapher made it "C. Nome." Arid so'• •. Cape Nome the point has ' been.: ever ' . itince.. an& is likely to remain so until kt. gets rich enough to 'support a bard if aldermen. -Then its , name will "be. , ' changed, for that is one,.of the nilit,' chiefs that aldermen Can be trusted to . . • •• • . • , . • . • • . • The above experience tells of • Orr on the poultry aide. Dr Chase's Ointment A Food for the Skiv, . . • . . An Antillean*. Heide!, Which Posiasapt• 1r Allays 'Itching asta .xtersidie **. Thoi`O tar CtoireEi• FOrsit 'of Itching DiTtglierien.. • If the .extreordiry, • y"valike . Of • • Chase'S Ointment were thoroughly err, .dersteod there would not he a Terarly : Ceoada t.11.74 would belwithout it In t.. hotise for 4 single day. , • • • In the firat. place it:Is a foodlern 7:14 IS ,,i•O •pri. and pitasc.rit to:uie lotty$ delaY applying it: It re:neves' pier, bilekt..rads, s•- agrepablo and, 414:1„,uring- Lkai In .thri•seVere.A co.re7 of. eerierrio.,' rhes • • R 87(;.q.id and 'Ot:1 Itching -skin eruptism--, Ointinor•t affoTde irritant relief hrn:. laying the 1 u.rni -0, et: ngstion and w:Il cur.. if appii • re41.1. • .roposou; 37,•atos (.16 ;or . Dr. Chase's Oirtea-"ntis the rt”id ointment tlie w'orid Over, ond is co. nr. 6uccessful• :Is to far surp all riVale. Ask your neighbors about, There is not a Igingle coMmunity I Canada. but 11:7Fi acme cases wberr tl-• -remedy has worir•rd .remativ!,ble 00 rents a° box .4t en dr: , • - Easy Indifference* • • y adid we arrive late and leave b�1�i ite:.:opera was Over?" asked the roungeit- daughter; 'it- was,„,yery en- foyable," "Of course it. was," answered •Kre, Curnrox49Mt, •deaerwe had' r to -show people thatarae didn't care I, Whether we got our money's worth 110t."—pot," "Star." • • The orator commenced his peroratiod :With these words: "As Lady C4odiva mid towards the end of her memorable "I ara nearing my elotheg.° "— I • porting Timm." Curious pith or IsleWs.. A French savant who lately returned from Egypt bringing a royal: mummy with hint,: had a somewhat curious eV- Perience at Maraeilleii.- Ori the cue. being opened at the custom haulm there . the officer on duty, hearing that It con- tained a Pharaoh, looked up, Pharaoh • in the tariff, : But no mention -could be found • of ouch. an -article; Then it oc- Curred to barn that a nice high duty was exacted. on dried fish, and the sa- vant was .ohliged to pay as if for that ,csommodity. • ' Rural free delivery', according to the , report of the 'United States, Postman- • .• - Tat CLINTON NEW ru. VAR:10001LE AND STRICIIRE enemata* ray/Meet elited"Treshaent io id e peratithent 0,04 re oar* for V atall Otrioeure, without magma *trete* ooructabli006„1), sqa 6, sateeeeie it ebtarld Stoner , or worm Oro Won, stop, gatal SI the grou, alio adram.ni * wer g WWI= mem proper autrition, vitalizer the parte end, regard!' rowan; in atrieture it tbsorbei the Striders tissue, stops pstarthur seatatiegfervonmees, weakness, meat gar asoellenee. ambito tun tnet my Latest Method berrettas, etc., WhIlli Ill preebrtie ahem it]. the treat. wreatitent will (awe yea t you eau ...PAY WHEN CURED oompleteourebeat been imeabilmed. h wheel me difference who YOU ANKI•PaT nothing until on are convinced that a thorough anti .'',-, e ' • law Agg.,„1,' to enrearea. dm or write me. -.. ..,. Each time you call you ate swot P..ersonally, or each time you write it rebores my personal attention!. The number or ,* -,i. estsb Bathed in Detre% and the Curti 1 Itecomplialted after given tag by Qtfar doctors, bee plea .- se the foremost specialist of me count • A recently' publionod steal' Of the late UK Merl% lObier juitiee Of lrelithd. Illietetr.ato Writ of red toed and 000 detail*. A queetien had etriatid Is 4110 ithe cost ot begUng the Irish laW deurte, and a oeneequenelal treasury of. 1104 was sent over trent Landon to Dublin on pantos* to invetaiditte the matter. 'When lid introduced and explained hio errand, Lord Merrill smiled, with ea:vicious! blandness Mgt Veldt "Certainly, I 'will put row to coin. vainueatiou with the Person finmediat"" 1.4 In charge of that department." Then he *eat out a ineserthirer, and presently there entered, an old charwoman. Lord rag arose and left the room« oalrinif art n to gee about the coal." 11071 • 01.011 MOH AT BOTTOM kap Page Acme Poultry Net bli close meshed et bottom gad dosts,..,...not board o. la image) at top, andl;;OZtte. cahoot opeort at *delta:laving smile easy to errs e "Peg° nest impedance. Teri dug mega make fent and aremnente fence, gates, mile *Male* The nem °Mere is your goreettee Ore The Page Wife Nem Co., Limited, Welkeitille, 0. irs -class Cutter dles did sot "MarY, bere is the YonaS I • The Latest Method reatment Guaranteed to Cure "---'"---Tntra‘ ;6 roller r• ts-e sailors' friend, wag uggies Varl000ele and Stricture without euttint, etretchins or lea of time; also Blood Polso man who at alififeria,f4n?,lte with an Chronio, Private, Nervous, Impotency, Kidney, Ilver,1111idder, Stomach, Female and Boatel Troubles. CIONaw.,TATIOB 11. Call; if You mutat call write for blank for lame treat. engaging frankness. Which •Preffiarratfe+ meat, Perfect eretsea of home treatment for Mom who cannot gall. BOOK mg. Ali med. neeadhe more loam* than was desire bine, for gammen patients !shipped. from Windsor. 1:1107 and express chargee Prepaid, OIL A 'banker from the West End of DR. GOLDBERG 202 watreiltri' °°%gli""g sopora once visited Father Taylorat. , MICH. .burch during a fervid revival, and he usual character of the meet. Ism /OW by a rather pornPous address., It. by on his nightly traneit from 'Abe eam-work Among Squirrels. London' Lyceum Theater to his home purport was that the merchant princes and when he leaves the theater the A party- of 'young people who weri et lifoeton were a very beneficent set. of limit man within call gets the job, and, tenting in a grove near a glen at a ""1""* whwe waafth and enterInise gaVe employment to • thousands of sailors. It may be, a ticket for the pit on.some , Northfield Conference witnessed an in- ant that it was, above all. the duty or ' future eceasion. One of these oe,ca., ' client which gems to show a friendly given veers aekedi by Sir Henry how he atonal cabbies to 'whom a Oise bad been ' understanding among *eqUirrele, -The Illumitn to show USW gretiliide to the •Ike banker was nornelvhaf taken lenaOh giorenalite. At the_4.9.1!S_ ad his speeCh Deerfield: Valley •"-Endeavorer" telle the lilted the play. The man hesitated, and Pleasing story. lethea Father Taylor retie and faked; then; chooeing what seemed to be the. .1 An out-of-doore dinner bed just bees Ittir :POI. table, when a red eflitirrel. astntreentil!ru;p-tOTwen tivhlzer *oaunlyd lethilreertoeiXIZei: Mgt grateful words to express his gleamy*, answered: "Well. eir. I didn't and the party were estill sit- itteord2" ' go." .rrou &mat "1, why net?" sowid cwrietehpineglIstdeonwlungap treeea"rwhicheYelsete'od"'nergle: ' " , the table. Ife crept nearer and nearer, ' f.1"‘ . and •finally leaped upon the table: The lady who was preeddisig said, - sir, you see, there's the =Issue, an she Preferred the wax -works," M.A. W. CHASE'S - es, help yourself to anything you CATARRH CURE.... O. want!" is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever, Shover free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase blediclne Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. At. dinner at Balliol the blasters' guesto were, ditieussing the eareens of two Banal men, one 4:if wham had Just been made a, judge and the other a Mohan. "Oh," said Henry Smith, "I think the bishop is the greater man, Judge at the most can only say 'Tow be hanged,'• but a bishop min say 'You - be damned,'" "Yes," characteristical- ly twittered the Master, "but If t5s-. judge says .'you be hanged,' you am hanged." Upon thio invitation the little felled made •bold to creep up to a loaf of ' bread from which only a slice or two had been cut.. Ile seized it ann..dragged it to the side of the table, and some- how managed to Scramble. down the side with • it to the ground. He' then fixed his . teeth in tile crust,- and dragged it avray••atad down the steep aides of the glen. • - . • • But when he reachednthe bottom and • confronted the steep rise on the other, nide it Whit too much for him. Then he gave a .00rt of:call, .whice merited to be understood, .for :soon' •equirrels were seen corning from !several dime - tient!, They creorded round him; and after ii, little conference, all took hold, . and 'With tug, and strain they man-. aged to bring ihe loaf tee the top of ON . . . ' - -:. , . • . hill, and dteappeared, with It 1* the WEARY BRAIN .• WORKERS. . • ' • • - :' . • ,• . Fagged ant ideas come as slowly. as mo. kisses. Yon think of things jest a minute . littmop of the Hotly. . or twe too lets. - i3nap'egone I The, bouy- • Bunko • alloy that made work ,a pleasure --.• thet'S BStaerer—Titis is Mg.., Way.' gone too. The dootor would tell yon that back, 1 b I' • ' ' you*rerandowm not eating enough or di. , Farmer Wayhaek (oSpieiously)—Yon griming enough. Your etomaeli • needs aid . , your digestion needs a beacer too. Your have til,e, ad'fantag• of ulif! Ylitmg limind• blood requires phosphorus and iron that ,it Bunko Steirer—Nat 'yet, not yet. Of may be forme&readily. Now Perrozone is. course, nobody Ireews What may happen *wonderful nerve bracer and blood maker, later on.—Ektaierville (Mass.) Journal. • .It's food for the blood • and nerves, it will • , • , - • make yon strong.quichly.ard permanently, • ewhiiiro thi ilitter woe sad taie, Sold by H B Comte; Priora 50o. . . • . . • . , - • • • . ;Officer, ,00vitiag hits :the taartaurant., • .. . . 'tWhy,..licuis, this moo inlaid ',Maid eat •-•. „ • " *Be of his dinthire: without any tounblef stmonmg.Ca,„,...„_rS For' "mu. an. aawldwtehlairtrapij. . • . , -. mi:90240 seem., to ,be repeemit is ,:Welltiir ate site out i•stre got be • ... .. ,.., S.,,,romot. among the fair iiitx,:- expo. m ner pay. * it, and. My it moms '• daily; .on. the Conthient. .So ap. there. ell eerie .of trouble. -,7yenkage parent hat this betroths ef kite that , SiatAtcroat. ..,_,... • - .• . . the railroad: authorities cellelgteire . ., have beeo seriously considering the ed- • • • . 1. Visability of introducing care in 'whit* , , . , • . . . . , oily *women shall bo allowed .to traVal.. kiiit.sin: co ___, ,_ 4.4i. .043 .001 cause, Whitt. has particularly • Served tri biles. L """ '" ' the Matter before the officials' i:iot.foo excruciating agony. d.grain of pepper in la ;an • incident that happened'a fe1V • lace of the grain of sand. inieneitleo the Wealth since *hew it young woman en- ' rorment. The pain is not confined' to ' the ' tared one et the. carr'ag, is on the South- organs affected. - The whole body feels the ern. Railroad, reserved for ladies, and In *Mick of that little trriteting pattiele. • it . a few minutee'. after •, the train had . is so when there. is any deratigentene Or. 'darted - from atrupeels' lit a cigarette &Order of the delicate womanly. organs. The•disorder they seem trivial but the. e and begasi• to evicke it.' Whereupon the other women In •the compartment. be- vrhole system feel's it. • Theaervous system as ' disordered. Thera • are fietfulneso, came. very left:lent, threatening to irritebinty. sullenness. and depreseion of • complain to the 'guard as soon- as the train stopped. "l .am in a cerriage '''re• spirits, . The general 'Width tof • woman' Served for ladies.' observed • the sinOk.' depends on the local health of the organ, :pectiliarly leniinitte. Remove the drains,. 07, •blanay, "and I :aier not aware of ,.... ulcerations,' bearing dt WI paine, and other' anir Inw • which 15215.111blis Indica from ' afflictions, Of woman, and the , . whole body Lismolting." When the train stopped, the • feele the benefit, Dr. Piereses Fatorlie. guard was inforniiii bf the proceedings,. • Preedieptiortie a.speoifio. for the diseases bui was loath to interfere, and the re. . that undermine the a trength of *anion. It, eitit was that. when the- woman smoker i.fi _free., from , opium,;• cool encl:••:other arrived - at her . destination, he con- . sulted a 4iWyer, who'heti now by an Zara itlieVpoiirillopiloebrifeolt:eptweofinionloa. mut! : action in court'raised the. interesting 'It, makes ' weak women strong . and sick question: Should railroad companies be , wo-nen we% • . . ._ . .. . compelled . to provide separate smoking-. •:.,, - -- ,- : ,- c, . , :• • - . :1 , . cars for women who Wish. •to Smoke - • . .. while they are traveling? Sortie of the • • • - companies!, howeVer,., apoear .to have - LOST • THREE :cRILDREN. BY taken time by the fot•elock,• for. it its Uri. ..; ', ' CONSUMPTION.. • : • derstood, thitt arrangements have . al- . •-•••••- • • , • . • ready been made on some of the Bel.. A Mother's Lotter and Contribution tOr glen railroads to provide. srnoleing corn. '4-Isfol,irree Consumptive Hoepitsil.., partinents excliislirilY for _women ad. "one . .. • dieted , to the. nee of 'tobacco., ,• - • •' That -ten h of nature makes the . ....., „ . - whole world kin" is being shown by the • . . .... . . • - many .sYmpathietie and 'practieilly help- .. • , . .woode beyond. • . • • TH- - E SUFFERINGS OP JOB. ful letters that are being received in re- . sponse to the apPeal te, furnish quickly Rif thelleamies of Job wereany worse then many people a to endure. Th ifterenee is that there is erica, kiew days since, Sir William R. no -reason for anyo of itobing piles for a Ointment has °Area, t eases and 1. ebtiolutely he tortures 1 h' I fromwhich ' the new ,pree Consumptive Hospital, the now sufferieg he had mud' first Free Consumptive Hospital in Am. to endure the miseries of • thoneands ef Meredith, who has kindly cemented ' to receive subscriptions for the hospital, gle day. Dr Chase's • . ranteed -to cure found in bus mail a letter from a mother ach and every case of pile ,00cents at all in, Hamilton which reads ::---." The en- I dealers or by mail from Edmstinson, Bated 1 a.. closed three dollars is a contribution to" Co., Toronto. aa a,.the Free Consumptive Hospital, being one dollar for each of the three children • • • . 1 have lost by that dread disease." . The IlInglish papers are full az attpo All over the Dominion families are II d t h ve tetra ' • tmaGeneral, • is being rapidly extended ' e ABSOLUIE • • in that country.. The number of route's . , • 4,301 at ite cloae; arid under the •nresent beginning of the • last floseril',year to in operation increased from 1,276 at the 4 . SECURE • Oleas the number of routers by the grit of next July will be 8,600. By that date . the rural population receiving daily •serviee Will reach 5,700,000, and the de- livery system will then cover more • than a. quarter Of the eligible portion of the country. • A remarkable etry is' going the rounds Of the English papers 'with re - rd to Ge»eral -gir 1au Hamilton's speetaelee. It appears that General Ila.milton, lost a pair of spectacles in the battle of Majnba EVIL They were \apparently pieced up bra Boer whom they suited, end who ltept them for twenty yearts. In the early Dart of the present Year the spectacles were found on time body of a dead oen The oaf* had General Hamilton's name an It, and the glasses were in due course re. turned to their origlual Owner. A. bailiff haVing tong tried In vain to arrest a Quaker at laat •resolved to • adopt the disguise of being O. Quaker ..hlinkelf and So get access to the littera for of the house. Re knocked soder& ingly at the door, enquired if Friend Athinadab wet at home and it he could nee 'hlm. The housekeeper amid: "Walk In, friend, and he shall eee thee." The bailiff, delighted tO have got thih sue. cease was directed to wait: But atter waiting an hour he beeame impatient, rang. the belland said to thesteeanti Thou promised me Should gee Friend A.minadah." "No, Ward," alittetered 8110; "/ promised he should Oa thee. hath Seth thee, but he doth not like Carter's 1 Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature...Of • Ate Poic.ginillit WreoPer Bele*. Tharietattit ineriterettep. oto take Sis eager.. 1 • e, FOR KUO1011 4 ( RTLo roN bi7/14sta, FoR muoussEtt. g. * FOR'CONSTIPATIONa FOSX011P101.1YEle. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION • u MUOILiat SIVA girety Yietiide• thee". GIME OIOIC IfaOACH4 • • of Cod Liver 011,k (Trade mark.) ' . ' FURNITURE ' For Lung Troubles, . . , . . 13ROADF001', BOX & 00 • - 1 ani bandlin the celebrated lariLeu hlin make of b othera of first.olses Outer o iirms. Also (Amy own manufacture inoluding top bugs glee mikadoee, eto. of all the latestand modernistylee.,;,,Repairing of all kind* ..,..1404:0,414.1.100 • JOHN LESLIS. Street, Cnintots CUTTER T4e Outten we sell are own mak. We guarantee them -because - Yoi; know the Stock and Workmailda is first-class. We have a few good Second Hand Cutters for sale Repeiringpromptly attended M by experienced men, RUABUL et - Huron Street, Clinton d, ;Lecriea tCi onu &c.°1ds P. . Few' systems,ean assimilate acre Oil, but taatilidle ntidbel nwe.1! ;buwi 1 idily you up; usp you. WU131 147 cd kd .as combined In The X!. & L.",his pleasant 50o. and sLoo bottles. • bAVIS 85 LAWRIENCE CO., Limited. wee we pesos n to stop some ot our new designs. Spam will not perm* Tin steady In -Crease in oar brittle is good proof of the faot tbat our geode are right a our prices lower than those of other dealers In the trade,. We inanufaetnie furniture on a large scale and oar afford to sell oheap. If you bur from ns, we save for you the profit, whioh,in other oases, ham to be added in the retail dealer. This k havedi t k • us to quote prices, but come and see for yottraelf what aneps we hare to offer. taikall ANS GRANITE Remeraber—We are determined that our prices shall be the owed in the trade. UNDERTAKING. • • ONPMEN, Inethis department our etook is complete, and we have undoubtedly • the boot funerat outfit in the oounty. Oar prioes-are as ow as the lowest. APO 1111., ‘NE"11;-1-27-a---4. .BROADFOOT 130X &00 W;CIfidlr • t mad Sunday calls attended to byoslimg at J. W. Ohidley's, Muter& . Director) reeidenee • • Itattenbury St. Works, LIN TON. Direct imPortere. Workmanehin and Material guaranteed. JAS. 0. SEALE' •41008001410.11.10110•1101140•041040 entr41 Meat Market Having purokaged the bntohering business of R. Powell I am ' pre pared to 'furnish the people of Olin - ten with • all • kinds • of ,Fresh and Cured_ Meade: Sausage, bolognal 'lard, butter and eggs always kept on hand. • -R Fitzsimons Son. Telph one 16.• Orders delivered promptly: to ad Parts of the town. • „ N.B.--Parecna having; hogs for anent will confer a • fa vor by paving word at the shop. eMn - and 'Women " "PlbBent $ 09 a webk 'gat Fide salaryothrefarZalocat motion and . 011ai k \1 I ••• . /h. ...• • • • • • • I have been taking Itipans Tabules for the dy- spepsia, and they have helped Ind wonderfully. 'I do not know any particular way they affect' in°, but they seem to give igor to the entire system. I had a sort of languid feeling, but since taking the Tabules spirited and have not that melAncholy way about me. I think they are good for a general 'ionild-up of the systetu,as they eeem to act like a tonic. • • • • , • • • • • crease of salary, ideal eroploymeht, new brit- — - Haut linee,_ bestplans. old establiehed house. " BEADLE X-G..•RETSON CO., Ltd. •Brantford, ' •• &mil G. D5 McTaggart . • JGANECER . . • • ,, ALBERT ST., CLINTON AT DRUGGISTS General Banking' Business transacted . • . The fi.ecent' pitcket is enouhfor an, • NOTE S DiSCOptITED ordinary Occasion. The family bottle, sixty' Notes issueddepcisi. Interest allowed on cents, contains a supply for a year' • io. en place In Canada duller the reeent being broken up by this terrible White • e• " " ItoYal *Jolt. It is related, for Inatome, plague, Need we wonder that those who 3. P• TISDALL . that si proud and touchy resident in 1 have lost loved ones should contribute of • the neighborhood et Perth declined tb go to Ottawa to see the Difeheas he- their ineens—much or little—tO bring. twigs, although he went to see tbe hope and health to others who are suffer - Prince of Wares in 1860, the Royal tam. ing in.this try, andwhose case May ily• had never returned his tal. Less bootie hopelesiC if help does not come clererantous was the Western alder - ii who, • grasping the Duke.* hand auk* P • . ma with drtrinese and effusion,, azeainted, Another signing hereelf "Let not "X met your old man hare forty- yeara your left hand know what the right hand ago." . • . ,. death," writes Mr. W. J. Gage 1--44 En. . •. closed find $1.00 for the Free Hospital for ,ABLoog FOR Y01111 TRADS, Consumptives. I would like, and if 1 nervine nie inthila with 'car', attention were able, would give you $100, or honer,* peas and bow prieee, has glean us make one of ten to give $1,000 each, but 1 a high position amongst the druggiots of an poor. Though very poor, however, I Canada. everWey ear lOok for your trade, an& mmo* resist your special appealand regular instorner. ' earnestly desire that you wilI.Votat hate , will use endto make yoti A '...0nr atipplies of pure •Drugs,'idedioines, -all the cash you require.";.s........,...., ... : Toilet Preperations, Perfumes Brushes, The new buildings are completed, and Combo, Spone, Etc,,, will iniereot you. the trustees are anxious that they ehould . Partra's Quaint ColikotiNn. be furnished loth the least possible delay, We are lay prepoed to An your orders ist that response be made to the daily • for thio popular disease.baniehing med. , and Present; appeals that aro coming to leine. Knowing Be powera and virtues, them for admittance. Contributions May we strOngly reoemmend it as a blood be sent to Sir Wen, go morodithf Mat ' efr , nerve oraiier and &h builder. Justice, at. woot 4 Lamport ji.vo., Toronto; W, ye punt' Paine's Celery Compound. irs.,no„ new re., inedy it hes been tested and successfully Gage, Es., 54 Front , Toronto; noed in all patio of Canada by tens ot or to The National Trtlet Co., 1.41Mited1 thoneands, and 464.118v/it failed. .. Treasurer, 22 ging St, East, Voront4, It. P, REEK'S, Drug,giiii, OlintOn On*. BANKER, • OLIN TON, "ON T. Malta SawLogs PrNate fando to loan on Mortgages 1 heat current rak. ' • • wanted CoMbines the well knOwn food values of wheat virtues of malt • A Wheal Banking naineoa transroted Interest gloried, on deposits. Sale notes bought Tun MOLSONS BANK Ineorporated by AO Parliament 1855. CAPITAL • $2,800,004 .„ tI1P7UND -$2,150,000 erProli, IfONTEmit VOIFION Pregiden 3auts Satter, Gen* Itaneger. Notell dienoented, otillitatiOng made, detfte booed, iterling and Amoloan oohing. bought and gold. Interest allowed on desalts. Savoie. Box —Interest allowed on sums 01 51 .tp. Money advanced *0 fermata on their ownnOte4 with °he ort merit, endorsere, No mortgage Winked.. fireireri otanager. Mutest. and :the medic nal it is a rotted •:rood, Natures Ogn tent°, It prevents elokneee br keeping the Bytitem healthy oondit on, ittastoreo health btresslaji Walt systems. • It givea ore relief to persons 'offering froni poor eiostion, headaohe, dyepepois and other &Orden arising from the toe of poorly cooked foods A trial will Oteivinee the most itkeptio• al of the superior merlin Of this food, For gale at BOB 43ItitOWIRY W O'Neil Our fibioph0000umberia 0 Top Prices Paid. - Cash on Deliverb • Myth Radio Factory% tor Alf kind* cti 260 M 11 Boller Maple18 haoh and op it diameter. 400 lid ft any sire from inch in diameter np, for eanthook bend,. lea. 200 kit ft Book Elm, any like, •for halable. 100 M ft Sof* Elm, Ilaeswood arid White Aoh. Cedar Shinulo and Lath for sale. Shingles and Lithiii exohange for !Nei Outtoni eastng attoadoa to at all Wai, eaike Liinston.