HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-03-07, Page 2%tarok nhl• 1eo2
'lists* *0
FRIDAY MAK 7 902 -
The Tpmperanee 13111.
'The diversity of °pintail so manliest
It the meeting of prohibitionistin or
4(scito, shows the difilthilty o ramiltg
ieesperance act eittisfaetory even' to
Jinn of temperance viewer.
JteMM opinion the bill is a fair One,
elkette we do not think the vote askedtor
$aeltbei, unreasanable or excesolve, .
---4.egieletion of this kind, to De effect.
sine. Must nave a stronger support at '
-Ss bank than any ordinary legislation.
• *114 We fear tupporters of prohibition
•*re not providing for the obetacles it
encounter,in easing for a bare ma:,
• TIM proposed chanes of date for tale.
- •
80,14 Jon" zurinastopc,, . mesons asehn rioneehy & te-7e. The Miieritya-u';:ie-lai,f' rodintheee tt,ady,
have catried on a genera! thore busieeee
Gotrle for neatly four yews, winn
a out raues
to w, B. Litt, of belningt .
11 WS id
Mee ere P. Gardiner and S. Popplee
Properties for Sale or to Let Seed Oats ,lor Sale.
To Rent
iryndailllro9oirer for s1Ve equantityof Cana.
Pt- Lie fAttio. hes0 Otit8 hal givou great'
Lot 88, Maitland concession. Ooderich Toe n• sati. factiOn inost•that got see last ere; •
ed 1200 bushels fr m nlaerts this roar.
Olinton, Ont.
reerchamliee in Exeter in Mrs D 'V oat 11- 4if.
blocle next de or to the pcst-c ffice.
Wf Matt nnbc bee l-ccr coe
Make: 81(k Pe°Pla Well. and For Sale or to Rents
storte open up a, oteck of general Ira d ship. ApPly to JA19. se0Tr, Barrister. 111vY arc free froxn stout and clean WO t rash,
He ell OnW0011
ductiug a talloriug tusluess in Exeter,*
Therceiderce property -../PTL It ANOVA.. On
has quit. The gi enmses will be eccup. R.11, te m e Princess at Olinton. Ap 17 .0 J.9.4 SCOTT,
• ••••
itee- - elms entrees teollid''
4 0 a on andel ate . . . . ea lot on f wan Amer. run .
. • preParea fa take orders to furnish it Wan •
Fob 28 -Ow TXXIM.Lt, SUDS. Hallett.
Ice Ire.
0 All have fejf011 o• or the large fee hone°
ied by Mise Tre le ae dreeemakihg ee- h Tin t 85 peo. 2y-•ty. , no -rector, Onnton, stow wh t
0 Roqd
ent Pure ice to all customers during he coming
summer. An orders will belyromptir atteutle4
purcitheed tbe 1.00 acres oppoella tale '
;Inty el Patin! 9 Celey Compound and its nese. Apply te swept0, mem,
jes Seale of Clinton.' The price paid
Being %tired, 1
eatei, le eel 21, Otli line
AVIS,0 faton.
11$1.1r nc •,
Canada Assurance Co.,
farm. being Nt let 15, con, ft CIA 0 fitietple. fiii0 have not neard in some suet etas, setae Aerie suitable for err bus!. rob 19-tf
wonderful triumphs over tbe diseases and teeris-it
was. sg sOn.
eilmente et life, cannot be counted ail news. '
• RR E:•ffilAhNING
• Mrs Abe laagshaw, who has been con- paper or magazine readout nor are they . 0
dilating a bakery and confectionery amongst those who are in toucb with the Farm tor Sale. ,
business in Exeter tor a number of medioal progressiveneas of the timer.
years has disposed of the same to Mr .2. A houee.to bousecarivase (iftbat were pm-
O'Brieu, of Newbury, able) of families where Paine's Celery Corn.
Chas. Penfound, of con 4, Hay, met pound le being used during them early spring
With a bad accident whilecutting down
a tree recently. The tree lodged against
another and while cuttiug it knee it oontlderme that is p'sced in tbie greetest of
demaYOu' n twolei avidltel 4)4%84;4 in rethr-eWherThienigt
e ' h th
van, the vote is an improvement, and Perhate fh,e netstanding character-
. • Dr A, j, Irwiii has sold his residence
seee-rnss enoruieue number of people abet- are being
cured of maw form of neryoueness. Weep-
ietie of t e predident ef London Cone
in Wit gham to j, Lennox, who takes
ssve hope will be fixed for the time of 5orence is . ms meoutray,
his geeuine iesenese, a sPePsia, indigestiou, niu •altdo, Tbat beautiful store in the elegem Meek,
ebot back tir akin his le ttolug diaillar. wou a t ovr
• 1 .
$9,000 tiny cholas' farm of about. 120
acres, sittattrd about a half mita fro Witten,
Good 0
inc. 60, toul 40 x 00. stone stables undoi"nolth, diarlart tAeridctili. Plate GI1010
alio, windmill. etc. A verY choice location
and excellent, fain. for anyone waethig a real
Will is 0 use ton" for 0711100 st. P. ireedellei Sank, elinten.
?eraser oou ;neuter* sppl), to J. '
-Jan O.*
• To Let.
tlie municipal elections.
We do not think it wOuld be Wise to brotberlinese that puts him at once in
touch with all men in all conditions. ,possession about March 20,
time that Dr Irwin expects to remove dhows 11,1i e schtei hidne, and -liver 7
"'Or idtreet, Weir owerted by 0.Witte. Ap-
Tif0e. UMW, &tee
the same rhenniatis h id
to the iesidence he recently purchased New is' the stale gest pesnee, (3' obey nem. P 7 -
The instinct to be kindly and soelable
y kept ssible to keep 'political consuls sews. 0- tf
It Ake the vote eon -current wan therm, ie strong -within him, and following a from WM •Feesalse. ' ' ' pound ose sliow astonishing and happy re.
'wincial elections, because it is absolute- he has become One of the most popular On Wednesday week another of those For Sale.
=lig to the sick. Now that 9pring ie with
- e and best beloved me Within the happy events toele, place at the Preens,- no, giving a promnfinf fine weather and
bounds of the 0/inference, both among terian manse, Fordwich, by Rev..A. B. new I:entities, it ehouid lend encouragement' meth hal ei let ee en aim eee„ iseseabip of
*rations out of it at that tithe. ' his brethren and the church at large. Dolosen, when Miss Emma V,tethate of to the work of getting well and throng, Renew, Mntalning fifty aorea, well aretinad,,
onn for a good won ithiloreliard .,on the platter APolik,u.
Mt Ross having decided that no • 1.1_ _is was born in the county of Stincoe ,Gerrie, was witted in niareage to Mr The um of Paine 0 Celery Comp d
in 1860. At sixteen years of age he Robt Hastie, a prosperous farmer, ram from Lilnton. addreas Or Hee personally
hira S. Ma0AW, oweerarea oft , or r the
few weeks will truly astonish every debilit-
„Owego will bemade in the vote requits left the public school, and turned his k and Went men and women,
A. quiiit treading took place at the Vi3mallenageafeen 0. ju,341; ses nem one, Aitenitlettes, home dealer, kleeforth,
• sol
it, it is -now the duty of the temper- attention to farm if
in . Oonverted at bome of Jae Gould, Exeter, on the 20th Flexion to a fresh, healthy color, with ja” "-tt
since people to accept it,. and begin to •
the age of nineteen, a soon •after de. inst., when his daughter, Hattie, was •
s bright, aparkling mere unclouded brain, the . Barracks ifor Sale.
ded to enter I be tapas of the Metho• united in marriage to ie, eanuere ox
Therein' their forces. . dist itinerancy. A.bout this time, we Exeter. The ceremony wita performed a •
' enjoyment of refreshing Bleep, *leer, fresh
blood coursing tbrougb the body; will be the
The opportunity.of alifetime is pre are told, an uncle offered bitn a situa. by Rev o. W. Brown '
. use4 as a selvatien Army barraeloe together
The frame building inalureeeteist preeent
suited to the temperance people or but he refused its and began the work The man, friends of the family i °C121lierleerrreW0601;j0flienVer every tinliers °1;i1 ranine'll witlithe lot on Well the building stands, hi
offered for sale on reaaonable tenon, Apply to
, tion in California, at $90 per month, - .,
Ontario. It is no use wasting time BIG- of a PrObatiOner, for which he received leicknow will regret to learn ofYttine imitation. Bee that thr*nisine°PlIainl'e :el either nen LXvItnItoult or Thoon:Snowe,
college was paseed Kith credit, mid he Clair, which took place at Cleveland,
, Clinton, Ont.
"cussing "what might be" or "what $150 for the first year. His term at eudden death froM pneumonia of -Mrs ()Very wrapper end bottle, neb.14-en
should be. The question is before the succeeded in winning the prize in elo. .0hio, on Friday week: Mrs Clair was .userejeD woRteetux.....The An- . Cottage to Rent.-
e'eldest. daughter 0 load, Luck.
' people. . 9 cution. . f. • _ ,debt Order of United Workmen tor
Xf tnete is not the inejority the Act . Air Lvituustoue has Occupied several now, and Was in her 33rd
- year. . thesProvinee of Ontario. Met in 24th
--impottatit nha: gene. 6,11391113. W:hiOn mol,. ', • • - • • • . . • : : " aonual session in Toronto Wit Week.
wane for to make it law, then we must be mentioned : Clinton, Ltstotvel;Kins • • • Graelieb."77•-•---"' • • About . • -500---t•enteeentittivee-picke
.go on as we are. We believe there is cacdine. : Aylmer, and Windsor. .. In _ • rt, T
•.- Tuesday week Horace Horton, eX-P.M.
snit ...daft Efersathe RoRTON.-On "-men from the subordinate haillyea-:-
were present and •manifested a. deep
that majority, and hope that every all his delde he • bite been eminently
successful; Both as pastor end preach- for Centre Huron,- one of our oldeet Interest in the business. -Die re -ports
etteiri-legitimately --will be - made to er be takes 'high rank, In the pulpit inbabitante.and best known 'Men du of the Grand _Officers for 1901were
. baveit shown unmistakeably. and the the platforni big message iii Huron; paths& away full of yews and •exceedingly satiefactoi ye . showing a
•deliveren with elcquence .and • glace, as honors, aged 79 years. The deceased year of exceptional morn-sm. There
well as With Oonvincieg 'force, and, at
• . geeicitr tonhrhwadeetee,eanntiMeei? dlnosetrit and there was te.balance of ' ' $71,636.23
was la assessmente during . the year
illo'ho e emeren. times, rare native wits As district .
chairman, and in Other 'official eapac- that he was getting weak*, but it was - after buying 411 claims Passed; upon;
— ... .it he has s • n good saieutive &bit, .nOt expected he would. oases -away '139• 50111 a . dicatione Were received in. 2900
John:Came/on, ef the London An* ityY'•; andhelltPeWrin of his occupancy • Oftuber in
. soon, therefore . the report . of his and' . I in 1001 the. largest nu
'demise Was it• great shock to . the 'a single year; the members Initiated
'weaker, who his been appointed post- the higher vitiation promises to •be sec:
muster of London, was born in Mack.
• theatre' in the highest degree.
. , .
. . _ . • 'citizens. In the . pest. deceased fol. were ; .
members in goocl etanding
1°Irndils:, • actadVesicradtenrlheinZtraltee 42,552; total number of lodires 419;
s lime, Ontario, in 1843, . ad went to. Chrisp County Clippings • h i .netii lodges 291 reserve thuds $226,
London with his parents when he was •• - . . ..„.....s • . until death,*•severed the partnershil. 845."; 121141-1(4 337 'death8 •19338X3( '•
•at the time'of • his death being. ptesi S estapentpaid-for 'deatbesinca organiz-.
. a bey. He learned the printing trade • Adam • . Wettlauten .is. eupplidnie the ent of the ninon and Bruce Inserence ation $,830,108.24; cash received frOm
brick for Wateonie new furniture fact- .03. The late Horace ' Horton settled all [theme $724,323,41 ; death rate .
: in the office of the Free Press, and or y in ,ts..-:' near -dine. - . ' . . inGoderich mith his ...parents in 1832. .13 per 1000. . The following officets
' tasted the Advertiser in 1863, lidera . UttEgi It Rielini, who has beeri in the se was Ansensber or the town toutleti for the current year were elected: -
he was 21 years of age. London was a haraesa' business • in Fordwichfor the .fori many years, and • was. elected Greed:Master Workman Joseph Gib-
torr.town in thesedays, but Mr Cam
past six y4itie, has disposed of his busi- mayor by the • popular . vote.' for. the son. Inger:Ai/1 ; . Pagt (*rand Master
. • . . nese to Mr Louis Onst, .of .Listowel. . rears 1872 • 73,74, and 'occupled7the Workman; ()apt T. M. :COrnett, Gan-
,. ,..er on, aesieted by hie brother Witham). . A quiet 'wedding was itherinniZeein ; ineyor's Oak for . several years.at a arimple ; • Greed • Foreman, • •• J. M.
. anode the Advertiser go, and inless Biumels, by 'Rev S Holmes recent1'later period. He was a J. le. for the Pefegrine. Hamilton; Grand Overseer,
than ten years it had become finenciall, When Thos. Barrows . and Miss Elia
'' county,88d ...beforethe appointment Chas E.• Cameron, begins; Grand Re -
of a pelice Mertithrate . his. magisterial • corder, M. D. Card•er, Toronto.; Grand.
. throng and politically infiuentiaL In Howlett. both of bleKillori, were united
- 1875 the firm of John Cameron & Ode in niatrimetiy. :: ' ... :. :' duties. were • many, ' and .thweye effi. Treasurer.. F. G, Inwood, Toronto;
ciently perfernied. In 1874 - deceased's Grand Guidea",F. Allen Mountroethit ;
' which included John and -Wm. Canner.
- tinned Wm. McIntosh, started .tbe • 12 On "'Y Nv0-'' 11.- . In Dark,.
0 ' 1V ' 41. ' • it. 24 ••• NV. • name. was placer. before & Reform 'con, Inside ,- Watchman, •.'Robt Ingram,
•-.Liberal newspaper in Toronto, win& .
nearaged A6
Brussels, was calle away to her eention as a nonehtee ' toe. the riding Ottawa. s • Outside • -Watchniate• n.
. and "1 • 6 1.h,•• of Centre.: Huron; and 'received ' the Harria' - '°881Phi ..Selleitbr, A'. G. • F.
was edited by the- late Christopher reward, .-YO111.11 111- •1;"2 12 •
• f Pneumonia was the cau.se„...of .. her . de- sinianimous • endoreation. • The : late LawrencesTotonto s Medical •Ziainin-
, 'Tyner. the well remenibered editor. n . -
Cease. 1.Her maiden,riame.Wat !Maggie 15,
the Hamilton Times. A great deal. of .. ' seorace Horton was born in. the coupty er..tir. J. M. Cotton, . Toronto; Grand
menet, wee sunk in the Liberal venture • .. ' vi -'44411,4+," V.•• ........ of Rent. England, but. his .mernories '1'
4: Cartee terss-serie--- ei . „ . . e.atie%aan3o ; LT-07ot, ,i it;i1d8efg(t)ortl.;.
and the Cainerons returned.' o London • Mr and MteDaniel Kelly,twhoftta7ii; of they old' land were not . many. as he. A
wiser in experience, but poorer in been highly esteemed and respected
Sailed for the, new World when. *ileitis a 'Klein, Walkerton; Rxec.utiee - Com
. -' ' Grant; London' ; F. N. Nuclei,.
-pocket. After the death of lion. .Geo. residents Of Morrie • for Mtn, years, rhild, .The deceased married . in 1855 mittee, Thomas A. Hastings, Toronto;
.DO39.13- in 1882, John CaMerOn, Waif ape haVe retired fromfarthing' and moved Hannah; daughter of the late Sheriff 'Stephen
swine Wm Le vice .president of the Toronto (appointed); •Eriele Heiliwell,
Stirling' (apprented).; Auditors,. Ge'ci;
pointed Ielitorand managing . director to Blyth where they have irented 'Mr •Gibbinis, whaservives him, With two
• of the Toronto Globe, which position M. Cade's' bowie. Then.. eoir Daniel,:
be occupied until 1890, retaining his will Work the far n in MOON. . . Gtreenclenntircehr,Fainedvaptohrzlie:iounsrntirgendottotteal: Calaeicay.40Tni.-.ronto. ,`.. and.. A. R. ,..Wiliite,
interest ' In the Advertiser. For the • • ' -•
Laet Thursday' week Jobe Bore and. • Goderich. brancleof the• Bank of Mont;
den, managing the newspaper; which
last dozen years he has resided in Len.
a' load of oats as ,.a donation Irene tbZi
.1. Ohm:Oben tt;i0k Rev ...Ling.. KI.PPel3 real, and: four 'daughters. :Mrs A.,. G. ..
Gamble, of Nelson, B. C. ; Mrs W,-0.
be established nearly _forty reeve; age. Rippen Methodists. This is the *Mind.
MrsCameron has always .been an ed- 'Hamilton, lt, .0., of Regina, t.tdree M. . Judge Noyes, of ., the United 'Stares!
lthid that has comein this Winterethe 'Bak rs wife of Capt M. Baker, North:. Court in Alaska, . • IS to be removed for
"fenced Liberal, of the scbool•of Blake • other being e at i o e• boundary
and. Mille,' end his retirement _ficini t t .
iselhurst appomatent, at len-netne. • On•Thisradey the interinent•
..tve_e -Mounted Police, And, Miss Kelm ..irsucoomaspoettAen.rptiyou'itt:daficabrGinapnetirosin. 3). .eb' ;1. ity, .t.'
_Itetistio-arnalisn1431"0010-.. eau -6nrietimits. ,;•;; :;* • - - ' . was Wake in Maitland conetery Rev. &requiekly. overcerne-by Ap .use of n few
LtFalitioadtain • Tiri,gaewrologirl. d,' He . A quiet wedding :was celebrated it Jas A. Anderson, • B. a., conducting bottleoThe D&
itt n. Z." Isnuision•ot eted
• 11.1001144/.54:.. e siaent Of the pane- the ehetio• service. end caist A. per. leek OP. Menufactitred ny the pavie A
..'jaittli:Prolis AsSociatiOtr, alld Dof-a feve the flame of•Mr Alex Railer, Gorrin, ree
ciiiitirs• the. nontratting- parties • tieing - 'McGregor,' te1310P 11-014.......-0,, spe _ens r.,ftwrence06,, Ltdsv• . .-.• -.-: .-: • . '• s •
''•,S,Stiltheediters and publishers -in Ile Mien Miss Annie' ' youngest daughter of the J. R. Relines, P. Jordan,Wm Proud.. Michael - Bellaire- , 4 ' liveryman of
.".-Itirlii were trained in. his. office;
lame circle of , late A. 10;s, and- W. McConnell,. of foot. John .Acheson, (Mae...Seeger and Pembroke,: committed suicide at • an
beg the beet wishes of .
cyprese River, Man. Mrs. McConnell .1). McDonald we:. the bearers... fibe
•• IC Aide. thatte • mayll ono' to, enjey OttaWit IlOardillg house by taking ear-
. was Well4ctitrivn'iti Greve being a reeds . departure. . of • Hotline . Hort on •.. Mikes
Ili , welnearned positio . •
_ dent for ineuy years. • • . • naintomtehnear: breittiin Hie ranks ,, Of OM 'be c'eepittine•83,:iida55:'h,,eeiss. 18.03: :t.saenr•reei. 'an; '0.00....05.' 5,.. : . ii,
-. • ' . Avriet Wedding took • place at noon ,
tal-my.i.,7..s..203,..Boisoza. aigiiacknilna.rliall•waiaceeiris,
• : 'Wiest Bastino, and Mr Melear• Ayerr - riagete NiewonrircAsuley, a farmer. of in the First 'Methodist church, . Lon- liCie2inj. aeairdine, and the residence r'Yeek-sZbilierals); Mr E. Clus Porter in Pollard, 0 Grey.
- Pretests have been entered agamet. •
Dn•ritana; .4e Ant
fie election of Mr Robert Beithici West •Of David Teerrnate Grantee, brother- „alai:ten organist ' of Brant. avenue
Campbell in West ,1n-lawr of the bride, when Mies Either M
Frances, youegest .daughter • of Wm. succeeds on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at the residence NoTiss.-H. R. ' •Jorden hair been
d united in mar- who basaccepted et. 'simile;
custhis cittiolith4. Bst!taI)to7d.he
att Jordann, every kear. Manufactimed hilyht. obmnelasept 0. r 0.0:47;ei.
tors of perry Davis' .PaM.Rialer,
ozelolv'serbhosoatit. avyne
...,- .Blatuthards by Rey Mr Holmes, . of don.' The .. public neliool board niet
• 'In •AddingtontOonservatives).-: .
. . ..• ••
Groton .. - • last week and atipcinted J. H. • Tigert,
. , - • • of Dungannon, AEI peincipal to succeed
'In Vancouver, WC., they pav the, A pleasant and nappy event .took Mr Stewart whowill leave at Easter,
place on the Leadbury line, cKillop, John. H. Shirley,. succeeds R. • 5..Ohils
aldermen -$25 a menthisThe •Van.14
cenv- on Feb. 20th, when .W Thos .Barrows, to as United States Consul here . A
. . -
. Sr Province says "what services these youngest son Of .I. Barrows a prosper- *mail %who • wee her • name as Ors
Hewlett, daughter of Mr E. • Burton :vretg °in in town
cli tl r A 1 t felt last that iptace, and
F,4a.S.e, men Min perform forthe citrwhichare, .°mlyt young farmer ot
worth $25 a molitblt is difficineto 11-.11- ,-114,81-ii-6.- were united in marriage, by walked all thlivityfrinteBrussele; she
ileystand.” Of count) there may be e. : Rev Mr Relines of Brussels. : • - told . Police ,'Magistrate &eget she
was '•
• • •filftereeee betvveen What they Can de. s. _ 011..Tniyeiday laet •Sas. Miller, a re. insane and he took lief at her
•• and what they really do. • • i ectedreeiderit btliowick passed over ' Work and committed her to 01. On
• •
• • to the erreat silent majority, at the . age- • Sunday week Virgil Sower lie com-
. • -of 46, He was booth Blanchard town. .mitted suicide et his borne. London
The question of smallpox expense Was ship,=ancl, had been ill about a year. A by Mating. his throat" Wi s'assrawnist-
• Proyincial Secretary Mated. that, tliS: HoWick. He was a eon et: Andrew
•Michigan, but being ill returned to arilitleacliZeir stt).titgeneunbitine.'AralsdeT:
I...At up in the Legislature, andthe Iitt e over a year age he remove • th d d h
expenditure by the Pinvinciel Board of ''fifillerr, of Winghahn . • • . . • sometime, and itappe 11,thelatal ties
. .
dosely !chewed en. .0 ratite be ad
e Etniltit. to the end of 1901 bane been • The sad intelligence watt received eti :
03,809,38, The expenditures, as report., toetherly of Morrie, that her daughter, • '....6"'Z' ' . • -
Monday week by Mrs Theist), Bruseeleg under gots at:hero:04e ii.0,..eiftale..'
) ed. by • 84 municipalitiee • (having 682 Minnie,. who was in
eases) to November 88th; 1901, had been D. P. Brennan, .9 . more_ . ha -,
f giVor h,3firir DilenIN OniCedioi'sefIllteugaag
$149,744.81. The . calculated eXpendi- at the hospital thett tufrprethoes, Ashfield will regret to 12tIrde
tures to she end Of 1001 in the balatige fallen on the .eittett a "Mirth, from '2,1It Ittsonsnts ,yetrde.wmont. tihne &ie.
: of 187 maid alities repotting CaSee causing pferttatirte serennen tine 20 Andrew 41. u ?a .1"
A comfortabl9 and roomy cottage onstease
street. lately °steepled by Geo. Orion, is
offered to rent. The quarter acre ',agent lot
'adjoining, easy Aimee. ADPIY-
to AIRS aunt), wary Si
oct, t-stf
The Road
to Success
Is easy for those
'who are equipped
fortbe propertran.
eaotionofbuSin000affaitE3. Those
who get their education where
attention is event* detail sand
simple methods will have the
advantage of others. We have
infortnatiort for • you if you
are interested.
earritotor, tioneacr, Arc.,
Overt's-Elliott Illeel, Isaac street.
Wro ORTI/lONEt, •
BABRISTrItt noxitozTog, .1qou'ax
ee- Beitisiter oeb.
'Up stein, Opposite Bent y's Photo leallery-
natocArr 81. HALE
Oorivntar Mee; 0$41,0000X9M 0,
Raid Main and Insurance 4801407
. Mono) to loan,
O. B. TULE, inD0112t
Barrister_ Solicitor, Doter, and Conveyanto
Giace-Oppiisite Colborne Motel
M. 0. camotom
formerly of fJameron Holt & Cameron
offiee-thunuton St' opposite Colbenio HOW& •
Goderiek. Out.: '
ertimeetoraerilainittme et. **dike 13au.
• J. T. GAMOW. a 0. Cues; Gannow,L.L,D?
„Flanalwrana, kieuerrons, .N'OTAnrne Prax,T0
piroarom Twe MAitiTLIKE COURT, & c,
gsrik sit" "text door Wilma &flee
• PriVitiO Full& to lend at lowest rates
Forest.City Bust- of interaet.
ness College Y111.0 A. "•1414)11W9Pftr.
4 * ' R. C.
in, London,. Ont.• '
IW. J. Westervelt, Principal, WM. GUNN, 121,1).,
st. C. Jr. a 111. Edinburgh, •
Farm For Sale.
oriels townahi , containing 100 acres c isood
The west hag of lot 24, Hayfield Con . God.
land, is offere for,gale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plentydof water end =all
•orebard• Particulare on aplication to
tf-- • • • J. P. r1SDALL,Olintua'
Mouse arid Lot tor Sale
A small let, 611 ft 'frontage, and cerafortable
frame house. with woodshed attached, on
Wtlliam street,.near Show Ground,. Will b
sold cheap. Apply to W.BRYDONE, barrister,
or T. R. FOSTER, Tara.
Nov. 29-4.
For'Sale..r. to Sent.
Lot 29, con, 2, Storey, containing.100 „acres
uomt.i.e.1)14!..r.7eam_titifse,ekaeorarmMitRa.Shre. oltrGthltEp. 00MB.c.C1211611on". •
In good state of oul ivatioi2 for sale or to rent
Or term of years._appiy to INC)
• Choice Farm tor Sale;
• •
12 teaohere,80 typewriting machine%
867 students inDey Session,102 Mem- e
bers in the Evening Classes, 31 Pod.
teem filled from Jan. 24,toreb,2,indi-
cate.the conditions now prevailing in
the ' •
Central. EnsinesS College
.; A inning, reliable school wbich , you
may enter.anany time, No Vocations.
• Wrge for Circulars. . Thorough COM -
me given by Man. Aa k for Semple
Lome. '
W. ShawcFrInelpal
Yofigo &Gerrard. tal;Toronto
The Novelti Bakery I
and. Restaurant
Oranges and LemOns.
Oilloa-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night call/s-
at front door of Deice or residence. Rat ten.
bury Street-
.• DR« J. W. SHIAW.
eawneheit otos. offiCe and residence On
Win Sty, opposite English church, formerly go.
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. '
.Licientiate of the Reyalq Collette Of X:i4biciart:
London,'England., -
°Elea and Residence- • '
• DILOCE, Statirer.
C. W. '1•PioralPSoill.
; ' • Phyeician, .Surgeon, Etc.
1,Lf3Pecitiicyl aetit, Earenti,o.rsrgioavistnarddisxosesse.est o.,13)im
.0111oe.ind Residence -Or .
Albert Street,2 DleelpSNorileof Itsdietab mry
• (Successor T. -V.- Bruce •
• Specialist in 'drew* and liridge Work •
L, D. S: --Graduate Royal College DentaliSury
• geons of Ontario, Toronto, . •
D. D. S.--Firritroiaes Rotor graduate :of/ Den.
• telDepartment ofToronto • University.
Mitt 'trittetigti.°31414111..Vitit magtro.1.4f • •
Monday. •
• Mee over W. & soiee shoe store.
$.0,00o will buy a choice farrn of about 120 acres;
situated a half mile from Clinton. Good brick
honse,20x28.nd 20x20,barns 40sWand4040,stone
stables underneath, silo, windmill, eto. A
'very choice location and excellent farm, for
any obe wantincot real good place. Will be
sold on easy terms. For further particulars
otadY at J S'rEVIIMS, Clinton P. O.
, Clinton Jan.9th-gm.
• For Salo or to Rent. .
The choice brick' house on tbe corner Of -Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It conte.ins room tor ordi
'nary family, is practically a new bonne, with
all conveniences,' and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the suoperty is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rented. Apply to
W. .COATS .Exoeutor Clinton
The framecottage on Orange street, •ocen
pled by the undersigned, is offered for see on
retoonable terms. The lot la of an tore, with
hard and soft wenreestabie, good fruit and
vegetable garden, Tbe houss3 contains hall
parlor, two 'bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room; summer kitchen, cellar and. woodshed, •
centrally located, nomessio_n_given any time
to suit ourchaser. .ELIZABETH GRAHAM. tf
. .
Office adjoining Photo Studio.
Real Estate tor Sale.
_ Tile parcel' of adjoining .St. Patine
Rectory, consisting of lot 2313-Rattenbunriiit.
and lot 2924 Princess St., is, offered. for sale,
- Each lot-fs-obant 122 (cot Together they
make an exceptionally fine site for a flrotolass
• residence. Ariel" to Wm. Q. Phillips or C.O.
Rance; Church wardens, Clinton.
• For Sale. •
LC line atOTT:and alalf frame bons° on' On. .
' tario stwat, containing rooms with entire
Re Folio 'yen ii)t' the kintiyou e alwaye cellar underneath, al Bollard and soft water, . .
We have row in stock some very
• nice'frest *ranges at lowest prices:
Vi lenctias at le0 per doz.
Mexicans at 15 and 200 per doz.
Neve% it -pond 50o per doz.
• Beth /eon lemone 250 per .doz.
OloCoriniek's • celebrated • Mara.
'caibe Chocolates and Paterson's.
• chocolates creams, elwaye .on hind.
• We aim carry a nice line of fine
• bon -bone, Frenob fruit; and ehoco-
fates ani erasing put up in: dainty
boxes. Yon earl always depend on
them good; fresh when -you get then
neing here.
• . Our oysters istsralWaye fresh and
o the best quelity. We !mine
, BoothissOval Brand and ohm the
Baltithore oysters.
• Courteous and attentive M all,
.1.011V1,44 Clinton:
!!Tke D. & L. Menthol Plather, unsornpu. of anted I
bad. -Owing to the great • popularity of .
busmakersare putting up one like it, trotnetrutifreare trees, sheeted on one -
Oland :and a good nom
VOrrherunstii M, neuralgia &o nothingthe so:4RWL% an vrinelpal streets in Olin. •
made Dray by Davie & 1 jawren6e ti)::eiaigor onalhe_e corner 07 arid 'nasty. . young men and women io prepare for
'good in t` ii Applyt
is better.pstarretieoten.jarwg allpiplire tosold /am We, For furher
c • • .
Co,, • • . . board, Gutter and seVeral smalls artatibcllee's. .
Mi E. Cleverley; former book. s
keener for Messrs Hendrie & Co', • •
Farm For Sale,.
has returned to Hamilton. Re says •
the amount of hie,shortage was not as s •
large as $1,750, esthete& Lot. 12, Hayfield eon., Goderieh tp. 115
toil. Ont
• Business
Public Opinion is strong. in favor of ti185:10eaereada;baolate hi argdoWeddaigirteltolif aefuair
Pam -Killer, For over eixty years tha fore. ab+EmtriivellarerestfahnwheM,andc
Sprains, and. ail bessAl6Omplanits. Avoid' piewing done. comrortabiebriallai
earn with stabling underneath'
most bonsehold remedy for outs, bruises .
other outbuildings: aboa• as
substitutive. 0).00118 but rine P 'n Xiller, mostly winter frult - tr. stored- ail.
Perry DAT121°. 250s and 50o. al - ..e, pig serrate creek e
• e WOU.S. Soren ranee
....es . °from Hayfield. Posses -
Walter Ilaekett, only ereeher 0..f gin at eny time, reasentaterins. Apex, fez'
James Hackett of Ashfield died recent. frtlekal.:_rcrgeltirellita._.°s, .. . 81%ico-.-test
ly. Ere was for many years& resident cit • - ..
Ashfield, but for sone) years past nse-s—Neurch property for sale.
triadehishome hi Albin tit, Re leaveg P, ,
wife, four sone end three dauglater n i, .
mourntheir lose,
at"preisent known aa the natten.
0 beet equipped bolus° end Shorthand
go in (Sanaa. Reduced tuition rates,
a regarding our courses of study,
°vents of securing situations for
adeatea, tisoztalogne Rent free. Addresie
Dept "0" onfeditration Life Bldg.
Toronto Ont.'
. Wee $90,00M e _calculated expendn Whiett_s_hn, „tisiett• old. . an% lCii0i08 Jan er husband were' artiOngsthe first
21st. The deeased lady . • t•
• . will situated trnalitermere lot,n with
A. very pret y home. wedding totes g o a
turee for Januatr, .1902; in 87 centreet 14312.111J -wee recanted at Rioter last epttlere
ilarge bride bending, ana large frame addition
A.shfieldtvbere they resid d piece en Feb 19,sat the residenceof Mr' thereon is Offered for sale; possession as sow
63/ caeteeteak$140,000.• week of li
Ofeee Hours -9 tg 0 e-yery day ene
SaturdaK uetil 10 p.*m. Intend] cffices
Ranfield. • . •
• in Mane ester Dungennon, Blyth and '
Member of the 'Veterinary Medical Asso
Hops of London end Edinburgh, and,Grada•
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, „
•.0tlics open. night and day, onpoeite St.
Partite church, Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont. '
Miscellaneous. -
- '
ARRIAGE LICENSES issued by . the tin-
dersigned at hisResidence, Mary atgoe
(11 titon. JAMES SCOTT, SR
TAMES oeseezer. eonnitisolio •
.1a8T3E1, OPNIMILIE*P.1.9b:RE"..
Orgallist and 2.417-sioal 'Director of North
Street church. Goderroh, and teacher en
pared to take a Drafted abnber of Pupils .
the above For forme apply this -office or , to •
21111imn0A.21PatLEL,oLfartneanydboeuseknottorpoloi. to. 11,1n, ,• t
-Friday of each week. -
tire. - Accident Plate Gla •
Orgiall Maytag 13Ltk,K. (Antra
Agent for the MaNcnnsmit Rina AselmAgele
Co, of Manchester, England, whose fund. and M
Eseourity are rated at $14,600,000. Also the C-
nitor Monier, Illenitling CO. All elegies of
farm risks and town property taken at
sweat rates. First-class Limn 'Companies
else rePresert. Money to be had front 41 per
sommllne to nature of seearity.--
Daily mail to Holmetiville -- postal card. wit
retch ben
• s O ---------------' eg Lowe, one until the death of iI, Geryey occurred .xhoe Yellow. Exeter, When his only RR the new church is ready for occupation. The „Winter Term begine Jan.
d 111 b 133 th vef
aug er, ary, e a e e e thee cornier ab 0 welling nourea, g the world that Will ma La"' Th4 Q8:1131'
rOaqt tO trey Dr Courtice, the editor ,17th. froM the result of an attack of where ehe resided until h death Of fitrultv Ush°100- The 'rein/311Y on*P t6 anY ens desiring tenni", suss. P
"11.4 Altar recentiYgat4 a *tort of iihip,,fho died in War, Minn., oil Feb. dentlf vei OW relnOve tO OhinagO, ,
la amity, main there t'll nein wag perfornied'by Rev O. W. Brow atablelnireatnientIn
of building ogled weir
a, enter at anY tiMet. _Two °Onto of feria Amite Affeettentet the threat and tangs, MA at
Or. Stonaltera 1te Cotigh Poe:dere
we ee eaten are reatonable-our con _ Audi"
"'" After h 8 Wesley Armetroteria prosperousyoutig ba adapted to a variety animates% ro,
o ht thorough and. practical. Send 'fel our .4
d is a journal tO see what we teach.. Stu onto anhinilsonndhialndand usettiltohlsorrner. Prica
offers are solicited for the building and its atudy. Ooniracrelai and binOrWildtd. '- Distemper, ete. per swenhitrust rtobkilig of ma le"
the Ohristiati Guardinn, It gope Deceitired left thee°
I:11 to reside we hie eldeet garta last largef
▪ MegElheY19.11102
I gUtil I as
*emanation% Ohrotti• o‘ Cowsh, &AA Chamieeffe 41"
, . .
contentil entire, meth tiff fuenaeca, setae, Otei 0, A. pzEmixa, A. VI IkagIatIll dem wilt relieve, and one gor *lig. 11.14 606:
that Re, Dr Ootirtice, editor of the
taWe have alWays been of the opinion. Mrs Murray. e °Wag a, natiVe Scott five datightere. iilre El. Illy n, artet. p,
lend end catne to thie cotrbtry • When Brennar, ktre L. 3. Doe ine Mrs March is a Favorite Month and for itecoutentsees ;instils, ratting, states,
etinntwille. Ont.
I 13 .. ve pred_ e her,
he ban negasstelking permed away. hel deceased *hese Tun Tata TECOaatf Iitreen The country, the work of home nyele is years: The railing% are make of cherry end . ' •
atiyhter three sena, A, F. VV. t/. an 0, 3;8 atig
Ohtlitian Guardian, the organ of the Otte anungssettling In Usborriesevhere Simpiiir and kits T. J. thittall
offers are also solleiteditior the building alene,
double vtindowe forma:seg. etc
r, re . reel au. and tor. llome , inside forefehines of the chntith, such tis
very lle•wits 68 years of age. reamer, bhailed tailings, and pulpit might
a eon Nf ha d 11
• ' MethOdiet body, in Ontario, is a
he farmed until a couple of veal% ag0,, 4)116 clautte JED
• ete
In all well regritaitict 101408 in city hOnle of them having been in use Only a° few Ctit".44401.NI 7fala-1/4.rlwiN
0 other buildings, Tile pe'ws are pree rted •
the remit of hard drain , May Trott le ta ono.
OwenSound, 0 Istatmr • 7.HE nn, altaaattelt teiNIC 00.y
wed In other churches, 09A0019r 11911S. Or• Poi ado by )1 )3 Opmbe,dragidst, Clint or
'tensible, level-headed and rather clever. Last Thursdy week Mrs 'Ittatollif
I3ut if
n ft h
oh tu es e etetitto with at a commenced her eerthiy oigthnage ully 'try Al.iiefd *413 he; b a Men jaokete,blouges end °thee argotee of wearing
en ',tante 'Wits --Ann sittkiliatille-P14144154
born the tuidermentioned persons, Mere
a information siteired--may sbesebteineW • 4Viofttleittiranit
ci..„__„,..14.1,,,„,vre for. silinie Martel, -.The drawee, skirts, °epee
.teeent Meeting.of the executive tem. England in the y
ear 18`X end three re on 12 8 0 e re' a a
a an e ,w 11 be brought out. etre* an" NV. DOHERTY
flee to reviee Our opinzon•of amulets the lend of her adoption tend year were shocked to hear 9 hie de th fully leoked over and re -dyed with some
Matshalte of the rfaminion Alliance "we 6ettra later came'with her parents to aiding in Owen gonna &inn the
&pilaw use an Worn year ago, but now reeeiredleti the stickman. ne te le m• on •
• And if he Writes itt the Gertirdian as he Where her bodV has found its- &al la St Jotep ei hasp tit , London, ilea t new end stylisheoler for tine season'ewear. Iv, ri. Loucal
hake Matilde, ;Mew of the seneible rethink plate. At the age •of 18; in failure was the the immediate canoe •With �o tide ail the popular .Diainond .
bra times more biros to the „cause he On March 0.-1, ' 1885. AA the• fruit of eembled, and Were Interred in St 300? Llyea shred mifie oid'end faded thinga look it•HOMIES, Chatiesessu
Methediete wenn} do well to sit Oil him, 1842, she Wafi uhitect In Marriage tO death. .The reeitaine were taken t , riyes, it le telly to geoid, money for new D. 4176/1 WORN P110111Alditain
**he id gettieg to6 fresh arid Will do Itobt Rtheliffe Who pre-deceated her
The &eat Ateliers PetritchhO
Ashfield, where the family had reeve\ meter/net ens m11,16110. The plosions
od them, 5 of whom are still -Hying. The iSr he Purchased an extensive fatal% non:ilea falniliC0 00 the DialtiOna Dyes able medicine discotere . Ks
,. v family lived for a Icing time el Thorn. property, near OWen Staled tot the tiiir. 6 ceessfuily and profitably evety opting. tense &wee. 1,81,Tr 1 grialarealnlieeitTecotretimamil
.11111,. in the etiontet Of Yoth. and tE0re Poeo Of extending his opportunities for Ave you aeomea to makeup a pretty and 131. extols, llleatrtt t;o11,;;i1 pesestme we °ST°.
, ail their children were born. The hot stook -ratting and deArying pur ogee st eh miter run how Yonr ra 8 and wester ' berme Opittrd 01' Stimalantemaiied on reeellit
414114:1,3 Off the eold •tateiiire died. seventeen years ago, three 6016 and five dittuditere. Ile VMS tepo fit to yotir own homemade mins and
attinenrerth, be his ever ',done it their Mien 8 children were born to eph'a obinetery, Kingehridge, Reeent• teen ae goad Inow. The wales wen ee th•
e Sold and, recomineuded by OD
dregenstre in °amide. el reit, I
taetvq,-.1 ILO ootigitt " p1 t5 ot residence and where Mr Beemee bib widow deceased eaves mitt Atilt? Theron; apieeethrelnbeing able 8s8feDyeari480,'414111,.°YiseltriA1311.001"5t6. ifOrilildi22ea84
• . WAR Ethel. Tinting ler widowhood one of iishileld's foreinost and roost kiigs. Send yoar address- to The Welle Tao UP • d Com s Wt dmo f 0 If
'Q-111:11110 xabintri Onre it Ivies Itaieliffe liyed with her children, progressive resident% mid took an at- Richer eon tits, Ltd., 200 Moutitaiit St., Weed% PiltJ VI :tt ie flute.- 4,7
4:t..;;'• -go Oar6:116 NY, Akei4e the last 8 yearo being wadi her ton, five part municipal, social and pont- hfontre I, and you will receive gab) of
Thos., in the totietishio Of Rhea, leaf matters. li,P iteekle.i3M iIrc,%414,J COrabc, and tV
The purohliser of it monoment
aholdd bee° complete confldeeee
in the reliability of the firth, frsth
which he bare for the material •
and workmenehip tioreethin
• very few bnyere are familiar ivith
11 100 do riot know tuf, Nemo
finire about our reliability iroro
those who know beet. Ware
them:ay practised ;len here Mir
J. IL itoovm l'ropriof.
. • s design* r your inepection, Watts, novitiate. , Neit to Cotunteretto