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Kindly Nee that subscription
Is promptly renewed
Speaking of
The Glasses furnished by
0 •
P. B. Crews,
After a scientific ME -
.amination of the eyes,
give a TLOst enjoyable
sense of pleasure after
the old ill fitting ones
wIlich I wore.
This is the verdict of all
who patronize
. P. B. CREWS,
Expert Jeweler and
Watch Repairer
NOTES. -W, Leonard lost a valuable
steer on Monday. Mrs Phipps intends
leaving for Manitoba shortly to visit
her. sons. An addition has been built to
ehe ice house at the cheese factory. lan
aceount of the scarcity of cream the
butter plant will not be started this
spring. Geo McCartney was in Goder-
ich on Thursday pled on account of the0
thaw had.cooslderable difficulty get
ling home, his ledy friend having to
'walk some of the way. Miss Morrison,
of Whitechurchewho tate been visiting
here, returned on Tuesday. Mrs Ed
Levis was taken Suddenly ill on Sunday
morning, but we are glad to know s
recovering. F. C. Elford returned
home on' Wednesday, after spending
seve•al weeks lecturing before Farmers'
y 'Institutes. Ahout twenty ladies
gathered at the parsonage on Wednes-
day and assisted Mrs Hussar sewing
carpet rage. Mies Enema Coureica is on
the sick list. Ad McCartney ie very
,phorly at present,
4JHRE5E PAOTORT.-The directors of
the Cheese and Butter Co., having
thordughly canvassed the territoty to
ascertain about whatquantity of cream
in case a butter plant was installed in
the:factory, have arrived at the conclu-
sion that on account of the small quan•
thy of cream which was likely to be
procured, that it would not be to the
Interests of the Co. to purchase a cream-
eoutfit at the present time. Pros-
qints for cheese during the cheese
Benson are better than they have been
ter years, and it is the intention of the
O& not to undergo the expense at the
present time, but to open the factory
Tor the manufacture of cheese . on May
nst, if possible,and if not as soon as pos-
sible after this date. The drawing of
milk on the different routes same as
previous Years will be let on Saturday,
March 22.
ttitIEN'S INSTITUTE. —The meeing
of e Women's Institute at Mrs Geo.
Tebbutt's was a vers: profitable one.
There is a growing interest in these
grieheringe, Women are reaching out
for better methods, and more know.
'ledge all aleng the many lines of their
work. The older ones come with ex-
periencearleaned from years ( f hard
work, some of it:from mistakes which
might ehave been avoided had they
fknown be ter the younger or es
learn. And La these this Imtitate
wcrk may 1 e A real schon of teaming.
At this meeting it was decided lo ask
the F r ' Institute to join in a pic-
nic on the 24sh of May on the Maitland
*flats. The next meeting is to be held
at the hone of Mrs H. Elford, Holmes-
ville on the 17th of April,
testoemate-Jameoti WEDDING. -- A
pretty Wedding took place on Feb1911,
at the residence of Mr and Mrs Tease
Cowan, Blyth, when Miss Bella Jack-
son and Mr Frank Longman were unit.
ed in the holy boucle of matrimony.
The ceremony took place at 0 pan, and -e-•
was performed. her Rev W, Penhall,
of Silyth. The bride was beautiful-
lyattired in a dress of cream lustre,
trimmed with satin, and carried a,
tbouquet of white roses. She entered
the parlor leaning on the arm of her
brother, Geo Jackson, while Mise Han-
nah Stackhouse, .of Westfield, played
the wedding march. Aftor the cere-
mony was over, the gueste,which num- '
bered about flfty, eat down to a sump-
tuous supper prepared fox the occasion,
after which the evening was spent in
games and dancina.. The bride's
travelling dress was biue serve with
taffeta silk and ribbon trimmings
and black velvet hat. Tile bride
received many ,handsome and use-
ful presents, showing the high es-
teem in whicn she is held.- The young
couple settle down on Mr Longman's
farm on con. 13, flullett.
PRESENTATION.- A :number of the
pupils and parents of S. S. No. 4 gath-
ered at the home of Edmund Crawford
on Monday night, and made him a pre-
sentation, accempanied by the follow-
ing address :
CHURCH. - The subjects for ^next
Sunday, from which the pastor will
preach will be, in the morning "Ob-
stacles in the Christian Lfe," and in the
° evening "The renitent thief." The
Presten Mission Band will meet at the
home of Mrs Phipps on 'Friday afeer-
noon. The subject at the next League
meeting will be The secret of I endur-
ance" by F. Leonard.
.00 the evening of Meech 314, Easter
Monday, an entertainment will be giv-
en under the auspices of the Sunday
School. • • There will be refreshments,
music, etc, and a lecture "The Triang-
ular man,"by Rev R,Hobbs,Winielirtm.
. Dot:4113in hearing this lecture as it is
a rare treat.
'SALM-Wm Leonard, lot 28, con 11,
veill have an auction saleif his stock
and implemente; on Thur ay, March
-20th,; we understand he as sold his
fine farm of 80 acres to Gee) W. Wills,
of near Mitchellehe figure being in the
neighborhood of $4000
DEAD MR ORAWIORD:-We,the plIpilS Of S. S.
No. 4, Mullett, cons. 8 and 11, have met here this
evening, to try to manifest in sone slight degree
our heartfelt gratitude to you in conveying
no to and from whoa during the stormy winter
months. We know that this was done by you
without any thought of remuneration, but we
feel that we could not if llow the occasion to pass
Votrhdasutthsalt olTrriVer it Jarmo wyg,baTiltdes met:
accept this chair and tie as a'Slight tokinir°01 our
love and gratitude and that you may long be
spared to enjoy it is the earnest wish .of all.
Signed,oh belialf Asian, •
Mr Crawford was completely taken by
surprise and thanked them for thew
kindness. The evening was then spent
in various games and amusements, the
treaty tweaking tip about midnight,feels
h had an eniovable time
'§OHOOL REPORT. -Th followin_g je Whiting, Mitchell, together with all the ministers of Clinton. The choir will be friends he this vicinity. A. Cameron,
the order of standing of pupils of S. n. assisted by outside talent at the Monday evening meeting. •
Lucknows was the guest of W. E. Glor-
No 5 Hellett, for . the month of Feb- - '
ruary-V-Viva Mair, Robt Vodden, On Sunday, March 16th, Rev. Dr. Carman, General Superintendent, be - don last Week. Mrs D, Todd, jr., visit -
IV -Albert V odden, Jarnee MeCool, - expected to p.reach in the new chunk, both morning and evening. The public ed . friends in Wingham on Tuesday
Sadie McCool, Mabel Brown, Effie arecordielly Invited to all these services. Collections will be taken up ia aid of week. Misses Salkeld and Andrews, of
Goderich, who were the euests of Mrs
. 4
linton Now E•
L' •
7 --
I St Helens
Presbyterian congregation was held on ai3d entertainment of Lod e 13arostaPle
OYSTER S1711134 -The ant u Nipper
Onunou.--The annual meeting of the
No 224, 8.0. E., was held in Gledhill's
t inc 17eh inst. Vet y satisfactory re, hail. on Tuesday eyeeingi roe realised
I ports were presented. The treasurer s was tbe most successful in the hien), y
•emort ehowed receipts ot $1760.29 ; the ot
members and
atnhde beingrtehei their
fann3liarge triront
MiedonaryAssociationreportedlisburees flee After
ele.ae attieuating to 0410.85 ; the Wo- doing justice to the bivalves, which
men's Auxiliary expended $87.70; the showed the ability ot the itenmiller
S thhath School $55,71, and the Young ladies in setting a goed spread, the as -
People's Bible Class 007 20. There are sembly was called to order by the
on the roll 218 communicants ; during
1901 there were 3 deaths. The pastor, president, Jas Jewell, sr., when 10fr
arry Morris was called to the chair
Rev S. M. Whaley, B. is deing a and the program preeeeded with, The
. pod work, and his services are a.ppre. chairman's address, together with the
ciated by his p.eople. As all evidence ',ray he conducted the ectertainment,
of their epprecuttion they recently rids.
ed his salary 050. May Calvin church proved that he was quite capable of
fllling that position. Among the prin.
continue:to prosper. Tuesday n ight of cipal attractions of the evening were
last week Rev 10, J. Maxwell, of Ripley,- the Nile orchestra, assisted by Ben -
gave a very fine address in Calvin miller orchestra, which was enjoyed by
.church; the address was under the aus- everyone, and Mr Ward Gledhill's
Picee of Harris MiRSIOU Band on the gramophone which was the best we
, to, was a great treat to all. There were
ated by all. Rev S. M. WnaleY, B. A., also a number of songs, recitations,
attended the Presbytery meeting in month organ selections and speeches.-
Wingham on Tuesday last, Altogether the ,program was one of
DIOTE8.-Mies N. Durnin, of •Kincer. the best ever placed before a Benmiller
dine, is the giresb of Mr T. Phillips. audience, and was brought to a close
Mies McFarlane, teacher on con 10, re. by the gramophone singing "God save
ceiveci the sad intelligence of the the king. -
death of her brother in Chicago last DEATH OF MRS 5, FREET11.-Death
week; Thos Todd, who has been ill came to the horn ot Mr Williams, Malt
land con., last Friday, where Mr and
Mrs Freeth have made their home since .
they were married a year ago. Mrs
Freeth (nee Mies Williams was con- ,
fined jest vveek, the little one was still -
'subject "Character Welding," based on •
have ever had the pleasure of listening
2 Peter.1 : 5-7 and was much appreci.
Wesley Church, Clinton. for a couple of week% is regaining his
wonted health. A nuniber of young
The interesting prOgraM of events, in connection with the opening of the new
Wesley church in this town, they will commence next alundety morning, with a Peopleenjeneed a taffy pull at the Wig-
WaM on Friday evening, while some
sunrise prayer ixteeting at 7, 30 o'clock. At 11 a, m. and 7 p, m. the Rey. Jea•
others enjoyed an evening at the home
of D. Tedder; Mr Britton, Wingham,
is 'engaged at Todd's mill; he is get-
tir g quite a large order of maple rollers
etc. Messrs R. and W. Sturdy have
leasedthe east half of tot 10, con. 9, to
Mr T. McRoberts tor a term of five
years.; we understand Mr Sturdy in-
tends going -to the Sault to work at the
carpentering. Dr Elliott, otLucknow,
made eome calls here, but found most
of his patients improving slowly. Mra
Murray,of Gorlerich,returned last week
Livingstone, president/3f theeLondon Conference, will preach, dedicatine the
church at the morning service. Al2 30 p. m., a bpecial meeting of the Sunday
School will be held, when addresses will probably be delivered' by km Jae.
Livingstone, and Horage Foster, an ex -Superintendent of the Schoal. The choir
ot the church, under the able leadership of Mr Sibley, and the choir oethe Sun-
day School under the careful direction of Mr Tenney, , have been preparing ter
sc me time for these special services • and will render some of the finest sacred
music ever heard in Clinton, Considerable expense has been incurred, and much
labor bestowed upowtheenusical-service. The organ has been refitted and its
power and effectiveness considerably increased.
On Monday evening,March 10thet supper will he given in the town hall,under
tne auspices of the Ladies' Aid, supper to be served from 5 to 8 o'clock ; tickets
35 cents, children under 12, years, 25 cents. The ladies regueet all persons de- from vunting trim* at Ripley and is
siring supper to come as early as possible, as they wonid line the supper to be again the guestepf her mother, Mrs Mc -
entirely over by 7.45 p. M. At 8 o'clock a nubile meeting will be held ea Wesley Guire. Mr Maclean, of Durham towne
church, when addresses will ba given by Rev. jets Liv•ingstone, a,nd Rey. ship spent several dayelast week with
Jackson, Mary Sae; Mabel Vodden, . the Trustee Board.
John VoddenDerwin Carter, Bet tie Miller, have returned home; they were
Hogrrt. .Tr IV--liarry McCord, Wm • Klippen
Kindly see** sbaij
is promptly renewed
i• wirr, \ •"4Thrd
Diamolad or
_ Dyes
All felon
R. P. Reekie's
Presoription Drug Store
Sumo= to Sydney Jeokson.
N.B —White Pine a -d Tar
Compound cures colds
25C per bottle
born and this with other complications , Porter's R111.
Nonts.--Mies Jardine, who has been
Shaw, Clinton, did all that medical visiting at John Cox's is at present
skill could supply to save herlife. 11 19 " 'visiting in Clinton. 'Miss Start re -
only a year ago the day on which she
turned to her home near Woodstock
died she was united in inatrimo;7
, on Fridge, last, after spending it month •
to her now sorrowing husband. with his sister, Mrs 0. W. Potter.
Freethereceived an, injury- to -his -eye --
John Cox, jr., epent a week visiting at
recently while chopping in Mr Forster's
Wingham recently.' Miss Elliott, of
bush The bereaved friends have the
Wingham, is visiting Mrs Wm. John -
of the entire community in eton, con. 6. Harry Young spent Sun.
their very sad and sadden loss in the
day at Kintad. Two sleigh loads •or
demise of airs Freeth. Mrs Williams
our young people spent a very enjoy -
some time ago. The funeral was
able evening at W. H. •Lobb's, Made
held last Sunday at 12.30 a short ser -
land con., last week. The Bethel choir
vice was conducted at the house, the
and two friend,' epent an evening re -
sermon was preached in the Bethel
cently at O. :W. Potter's. Walter.
'church, by Rev. E. A.•Sha,ve, who mar -
Weston is visiting friends at "Glanimie.
ried Mr and Mrs Freeth, The funeral
John Cox delivered on Thureday to .
was large and several rigs followed the
Mr Meson, Clinton, six two-year-old
remains to the Colbornecemetery. Two cattle, for which he received $240; it
of Mrs Freeth's brothers in Essex could
pays to raise goodcalves. Mr Peterson
not reach he nie in time for the funeral,
was a recent caller at t3rayside.,
occasioned her death. Dre Gunn and
accompanied by Mists Martha Salkeld, Mrs Preethcarne from England, his
who purposes soendine several -weeks parents, we understand are .deceased.
Snel , W rn Hoggert. Sr III -Mabel i
with fa, en s in oderich. J.Lane, who.
Mctiool, Essie Mair. Gertie 'trodden PRESENTATION. -On =Friday ., week . 4.210IDENT.I-VVhile engaged in cut. i d G -
has been staying with friends here for Winfillam
Ella Webb, John Wallace, Elsie oyer one hundred members and friends ting wood Mr A. Gilmour unfortunate-.
Irty some time past, returned this week to :-The fashionable society
Brown. Jr HI -Bert Nott, fdildred from the Kipper' eircait surprised their ly cut his foot with the axe. It will
Snell. Sr II -Ernest Lee. Jr II -Ernest pastor and. wife by faking possession him off for it new days. . hie home at Kinlough. ' Hoist. Curran of:Winghem was thrown into a cone-
Vodden, Arnold McCool, Chas Lee, of their home and presenting them Virxrz. Moyle - Wm. Taylor, who Purposes leaving this weekfor Algoma, motion, when it became knewn that
MI88 Latirella Louise Sperling, one of
Mabel Lee. Sr Pt. II -Della McCool, with it purse of money and Mrs Long
bought the 100 acre farm on the '2nd
I connection with the sale of his farm. its most telented and accomplished
where he goeteto attend to business in
Orval Rapson, Ephrain Snell. Jr Pt. with a beautiful astrachan coat ac- cIrons Mrs W.Scott will remove to young ladies, the second daughter of P.
II---Uhas Vodden, Sammy Appleby,. companied with an address. The .00;.t anout the middle of march. Owing Mrs Hetherington has returned home Y
Wesley Hoggart, Flossie Brown, presentation was from the Chisellinret
to an injury received last summer Mr after an extended vleit to friends in G. Sperling, was married on Wednes-
day, the 5th inst., to Wm R. Sparting,
Septirous Wallace, Lily Cockerline: l'
, ippen and Hillsgreen congregations..
Taylor will not crop the farm very ' Michigan, Mr Graham, of Brucefield,
Pt. I -Cora McOool,Richardi Vodden.- r, 1 hut will ' f se k • • was recently the guest of his aunt Mrs M.A.. M.D., late of St Marys, but now
A. F. JOHNS, Teacher.. %ARM= IMPROVEMENT. -At a re. heavi ygo in or ,oc -reunite. .
a G. Weatherhead. J. D. Murdock of of Wyoming, in the new Methodist
cent meeting of the congregation of John R. Oliver bought Mr Taylor s
tarm in Grey, • ,
Gd h f church, by Rev R.Elobbe,where e. large
o &lc a crmer merchant of our
• . _St Andrew's church it was decided to G
Auburn village, was reneeying acvaintances in and interesting company were present
errect a Sunda.y school room at the 'Visrrons.-Mrs HayneaLGeorge. OW vicinity. Mr Angus cDonald has to witness the ceremony While' Me
OotereNrione-The an nualconvention
between 01 500 and $1,600. The pastor brother, Mr Alex Thomson, 'Alex Posters out tor an auction sale on the Melt was playing the Swedisn VVedding
of Auburn Union S. S. Association will north end of the church, atma cost of town, is visiting at the home of her
be held in the Methodist church here, 18th inst;hfr McDonald and wife are re- March, the Wide, leading on the erne
tiring frona farm dife and taking up of her father, came down • the aisle of
on Meech 13 h, with such names as
Rev Dr Giff, ad, of Clinton. Rev Hen-
derson, of Hensall, Rev Barn, of Dun-
lop and a Toronto ministeron the .
TEMPLARS.-There was it large at-
tendance at the last lodge to hear the
question of "Whether the world is
growing. better or not," discussed. The
affir mauve won by t hree pointsehoegh
ths opposition upheld their case ve y
ably and the rotation was pretty wen
overhauled in all of its phases. ,
NOTF.S. -Ice consumers secured their
supply ia time Mrs Stitt is recovering
but Mrs Jas Carter is v•very ill with
pneumonia Andeprenriey es...bared ;Mr
Carter ts slowly gaining. There was
no service in St. Mark.'s last Sabbath
evening on account of there being no
minister present. Rev Camp preached
and Mr Samuel Thompson, sr., were Campbell, Kincardine, attended the
appointed a committee to canva.se the funeral of John Cameron, deceased.
congregation for the purpose of raising Wm Beird.of.Ridgetown.his aon,John,
funds for the proposed addition to the of Chathann and Wre „Baird, of the
church, The work vsill he completed Normal College, liumilton, were all in
during the coming Bummer. attendance at . the funeral of the la'e
John Cameron, Mrs Jae. Sims, Blytn,
ANNIV. ERSARY -The anniversary
., was visiting her peop.le here last week.
crinneettor, • wi h St And- G. Graham and his eieter, Ella, are vie -
set vices In
reve\chuiSel ices held on Sonday week,
„ iting at St Helens this week, Mies
le, tre eor g) eisatishs ). ''' n it 41. b"' " Mary Jane McCully has gone to friends
services retinal a tre conducted.by -Rey near Londesboro to assist at a marriage.
MrVIcer. of Fergie., son nt erinci pit
their abode in Lucknow. We are sorry the church to the alter, where the
to hear that Mr D. Muer-v. had the
misfortune to get his foie :e`sed last
week, but we hope he mem ...41 be able
to be ontend around again.
Institute held its annual meeting on
Wednesday. There was a good. at-
tendance both afternoon and evening.
In the evening addresses were deltvered
by Mesers Rennie, Hood, McMillan and
Hinchley, instrumentals -by Mr and '
Miss Britton, and a solo by Master
Ernest Andrews. •
Mmes. -The Leggin!, topic on Sunday
evening was taken by Miss Alice Stan-
ley, in the absence of Miss McMichael.
Tames Dale, who underwent an opera- '
tion for appendicitis,- ho doing nicely.
We areceerry • to learn of the severe
il nes.' sif trs D. Sutherland, and also
" daughter. J. Repson
'ood poisoning. 'ROW,
groom was in wattiege The bridewas .,,,,,
accompanied by het niece, Mise Omni JAII.C.11./VAXISMAsnui 9,. -.ton, is the guest of
. .
Honimuth, as flower girl, carrying a nir Armstrong. We regret to learn.
bouquet of white roses, The bride of the °removal - fromeur midst of T.
ol of oskeeadt beautifulbrow.il-Misea Cgleoilenhgo awaylmnggo twhne Andrews t o rei nl3anodafiae.mily; he has bought a
ban:drill solo "The voice that breathed
o'er Eden," after which they drove to • •
the bride's home, where it wedding re. •
year of his age.-Deceasedewasea-natiyee
eron, of •the 4th conein the fifty -eighth --h
Blueyale on Tuesday to attend the
J. G. Orich and children a,re visiting,ar w
wedding of his brother Thomas. Mrs efe aefe-eism--'1:e f
SIM London road, entertained a few
er.hotne in Usborne. Mem P. Jenni.
, Prom our regular corr espondent.
NoTas.--Samuel Ashton went to
paet was awaiting them an.i the large Nome -At the last council meeting
number ot invieteseeeeareetteeseamee.,e leave Ex-rceve,Arnold was presented- with
ne use yin. ing in
West, 's•t'Vs'
or s en, me
th • h
St Marys, Chicago 'ciative of litiregreYeeeeetonila
police trustee. their -1 -Jr .17.,
in the I a 77f4fr.k.
In'eetryWasir dot ihds
andsome easy " chai appre-
ices to ell as *
of Fortingel,Perthshire,Scotland,where triends-sTuesdayeevenieseeeands-Mrsj, EATic_mrSmecatorregtiror a resident of
W. Johns did likewise Friday evening. - ahrbrl i dhreVincieheJ t09M8 mitil:enrElmrhee!
he was born in 1844.* When quiet
Taggart, of Chise rt, and purchased.
John Robb is improving afeer a slight Seefortla for billy two years coining'
man is ill. noble from McKillop township where he re -
young he emigrated with his parents,
sided most of his life, died on Wednes. the residence of auk 'Marshall for
who settled first in Glengarry, but in a whiteie
.illness. Thos. Cole
slowly recovering. The
about $900,
in Knox church Sunder. . leadership of Mrs McLea.n ga.ve ex- short time moved west to the •t Huron vorizeest child of Mre .T, E. Ball has day week. He was rstricken with
McViotr of 'M ontreal. He is :me of DEATH OF JOHN (..,AMERON.-Ori Sinn
the ablest preacher,' cf the ce limb and day last, March 2nd, there passed away
after a long lingering illness.John Cam -
his earnest and 'mpressive discourses
were !beetled to with spnrecio,tion and
"refit t the thaiik—ciffieritig raneuntlid-
to $1.00. Hie address on -sign hoards
of old London" on 'Monday evening
following was ititerestiug, amusing
and instructive the choir, under the
NOTE8.-W. T.Ridde I was in Clinton tract," arid settled on lot 23,con 2,S tan -
last Monday; the • rotals were so. hal cellent music and fully ease/tined their
ley. Deceeeed lived first on Ake, larva Home farm, entertained a number of
broncnitie Miss 111. Holmes, of 'sorest PnAenunmnoyniKa yarld_dAiedvewryitphrinettay week L
that he drove to Blyth and took the reputetiotre The anniversary. was on
A. of lot 24, con 2, now owned ny'Xr Nott, friends to crokinole Tuesdaas evening.. ding took place in Sarnia, at noon on
the whole a gratifying success.
train. We axe sorry to F9.y that Mrs the but formerly tiy Mr Danald Smith, of
Kyle, daughter of MP Wm Kyle, of
Wednesday, . vihen Miss Rsbecca
Rev. Stedman and Miss ke. Nott vsere
James Carter is on the sicklist, having 'feature on Monday evening WAS
Clinton. For the tast twenty-three
lioxbore, near Setiforth, became the
elected delegates to the conference
caught cold during the illness of Mr resentation.of an address to Rey Mr
Carter; pneumonia set in. The Good ;ewers, of Brucefield, accompanied Years he lived on let 15, con 4, end here
he died. Deceased was well and widely convention in London on'March 11-12.
Miss Hattie Pickett, Clinton, has re. bride of Mr Arthur Abbey, of Tor-
onto. chief engineer of the ."Midlend
Templar Lodge Lere is brightenunup by a handsome study chain ' by the
known; and a highly respected membg
Qtteen," Rev Mr McCannis 'officiating.
turned home after an extended visit at
again; last Monday evening the debate ' members of the Kippen and itills
of society.. He was it Presbyterian
The bride was handsomely attired in
A. Oantelon's. Mrs Morton and son
"Resolved that theworldis getting Green corigregatione in recagnition of
religionand a Reformer in politics. He
a travelling suit of mode landsdown,
Frank, and liar and Mrs Mershon, of
better'', after a spirited contest, was . his faithful services as moderator of
c . stlie--patetarra. -leayesenesvaidosv.ecemeincreshiesehiss. De-
ceased has a brother in California. and Manitobtee,spent a week visiting old
-decided in favor of the affirmative.- Mr . the sessioni—diffinis
friends here. Miss Emily Turner of and was assisted by Miss Charlotte
/ •
George Whitney derives- this week for
the northwest, where he has spent the
last three years; he has decided to Westfield. '
a sister, Mrs Geo B•urd, of tbis place. Clinton, visited here recently,. Nike Dicer, who WAS also becotningly
Toe funeral took place on Tiessday, Mixt; Martin is visiting M rs I. W. gowned. The groom was. supported
Mat ch 1, to Baird's cemetery, and woe
.Joient, E. Stedman nas returned to • hY Mr William Claxton. They will
. .
y Y 13 g Wyotarg. Mr and Mrs Syd. johns, live in Toronto. . ...._ .
Rev Mr Camp officiated in the Presby- TGE BRIDGE 'The cOntemPlated largely atten e
leave hie tarnily here for the present.
canaintances. The ser Sea', sp ti Lia -a ere. , _ ,,
notice of she death of Sidney Brennen
terian chutch here last Sabbath; he is bridge on con. is causing quite an friends and ae tT dYh-- -
tat took agitation in o e section of the townsW.p; svicesawe rws , were conductedbya rbeye s Rev r 0 EA.. 1113.. . ,
on last Saturday came euddenly. He
, St. Aligustine -
a good speaker, fine reationer, a
NOTES i s 'LT Mo has one
ITIBfilfiurdi41, PiesVieriamtilrobnelett.ndAj.DBalir3dir.d' • 9 , 1 I'ma Se ..r sided here for nabre than thirty years,
a -Very active part in bo h Sunday we ende ' and there is a counter, was a native of Ontario and had re -
school a,nd Christian Endeavor, netin being circuletedopnesing the
to Wallcer le for a, musical terra; she
buil h b 'd We think • • •
East Wawanosh
WEDDING.-IOne of those joyous
scenes to which the fair sex fond
look forward in .anticipation, occ
at the residence of Mr Andrewedo
on Feb, 26, when his daughiterl Eliza
beth Ann Wag united in enarriage to 1
Wm. Hamilton, of Grey townshin. un rise
g teed bids •fair to be an ex- Y y e
e people show a very narrove mind- OBITIJA.RY, -The followine,ftom The has talent,
ployea with the ()gilyie Milling Co.
is tune eing ern.
'id 'selfish .disposition - in regard .Evening Report of Virginia. City, Nev • cellant MlIsleb.n in the • near tuture,
.. ,of McKillop, who with three children
Ile yetis naarried to Miss Margaret Cesh
iMprovements. It looas as if eda, of Febel, refers to a brother of the Rev li r, f1anlonhad a splendid bee on
e tm sympathy for an* iene late John Cameron:-"RobertCameron Tuesday, taking down, and clearin .
own • , individual selves." was almest instantly killed at the fate- away the surp u
atilt with almost every ily residence on Wirth A street this his residence, w
es. de by the council morning, through fs ecie -from a bal. pearance very inn
it direct. enefit to •them. conyee distance of Se feet,striktug npon of Whitechurch, i
b t o h' h d and breaking his near. From necle, Rate h Flyn
. duties of romemesn were performed toWnshiP, Vie,. On the 9th andl2th cons., left Noce's grocery house shortly afar 'ThurSdaY in shipping his_hogs. ir ea' ' .e,,h,ieeerheath a highly respected re..
• the bride, ofaciated aft bridesmaid; the bridges bu t over e . v . e wees eee, A a
elegantly adorned.. 'MY j. Wilson. o grumbling or finding ault with he with him to his home North A street, mg from e e ects of a
.0w0 iesre appy
roken arm
recover- the contract foe Stewart has given
new brick residepentood-work of hie
Nonts.-til Seapith.
N AP . gbyrootal.freniellam Iniens brother • of the*rd. the people to the so th have el ed midni ht, in tompan with George count of t en
britlie was tastefully an 0 pay_ for each of tfithem without Flewe lyn and Thos Oato learn tit irlfctirsFitlr
Carey, who wean
11 i tent council eithough neithe.• was any near Mill: 'After a soeial time Flew- he receive in runtime his mill in the
"eti e 1 t eek Hgmondville, to Mr Willefarm, near
mi colt, Agnes an
shade trees around Havee at honte survive 12iM ; deceased
'ela improves its ap• was also a brother of Joseph Bronnell
thMei8g8uNtesattYoTfrgYer' Its took ill with infiernmation of the
end Mrs S. N. Jacobs,enf Seaforth,
at t Chas
Miss 'Josephine •111cAlliieter, cousin of selves. Now, there
th r et' i'elet e e ascertained (lamer n Moss was elayed ungs and within a week primed away.
Nile attended /to the a gaper
esAgte ,
par of the cettemony, in the presence direct benefit to them. We think if ellyn and Carey bid Cameron ifoeicl, Woods near St, Atuor n as w • -- ornarty, A. S. McKee, ‘Din,nen,
of only the wear relatives. The bride sons e of our ratepayers would show a. night, and passed out on the be cony
was the ratipiene of nuneerous and little more generosity end eyeapathy ef the residence,Followed bytheir host.
for thosewho are not so well situated who held a lighted candle in his hand. Bayfselara- stock, brother of the late Rey Dr ale.
McKey, the Formosa Missionary, was
costly orlents. Ncrrns.-At a neeetine 'held lay the arsund Lot week visifing his brother- •
are,offering nniee line of
We ..Perfect.
Pettit -et slight Is triteitk
Uwe eir petted; &Mused
iileAt4 meehalitleer
prates* lehleluwe :g'
Filiirlish whites's'
_ W. re ex ports Its•p
it; xi/ *WA
iiciantiflo Jewolor
and Optician
It 4 lbs for 25e
t f e 'n
Ashlleld ., more respect than they dcf at present. off and Cameron leaned over the rail- Presbyterian congregation it was de- in.law, George McIntosh, of McKillop,
tie themselves, they would 'Command The hat of one of the gueste yeas bloven :
A 0 srtneenuser.-talre Dean died , ine of the balcony to ascertain if it had oing, and that meetings shouTub..A held G W.' McKay, the eldest soe of the
cidecl that the old church lacCetestand- and was accompanied by his nephew,
fa len in the area below, and in doing therein math theiconVetion of the neve miaisionaey who has recently arrived
' on Mo deer of last Week at Kluge. NOTES1.-Mr and Mrs James Armour r
cent ries, being born in 17:, noakint. Monday evening, when a large nuniber striking upon his head, Tlewellyn arid 1 church. Mise M. Thiddon has re. in Canada; he is* 20 years of 'age;
turned from , hesley. Miss • Reta speaks English fluently and has come
bridg After having lived in three celebrated their crystal wedding on so fell a distance of fifteen feet or more,
R .. her b the old age of 104 years. She of relative§ and friends ;assembled to Care immediately descended the steir . Sta,nbury herr`returned from Toronto. here to pursue hie studies cotnpleting
tne is visitin her par, the course at Knox cellege% to continue
one of the fleet settlers Of 'Huron enjoy their hospitality and extendeon!: way milling to the street, and finding miss 0, gnu
Was in Goderich when it was gratulation's; they were,recipients of 1-1
,arneron was Still brenthine. sum- ents at Hut
tioally uninhabited by white InAll many "crystal" gifts. Mr men Mrs imbed a physielan. Who did not reach tettained a
Jas liyed Kingsbridge ever Hunter, Wile tutve beenvisiting Mende the scene until life was extinet., Art I week, W
13 i She h 10 as a large number of here, returned te Dakota We nesday. examination ditclosed that Oarcterott's 1 ee mee a,
ves and friends who Will miss Mier Annie Densmore is slowlyt lit: neck Was brokna by the fall. A pool rater a short illness, leaving a family eath of Sidney Brownell on Satur-
`Her remains were interred in proving, being able to drive out occes- of blood marked the place evhere he and menet Mende to mourn her loss; day: last week from pneumonia, Mr
Tmlirovingahouteh siottly- rri -1 -lel
i- --e -II - thitoreneau wireTrAbleffett ssEe-offielo tmes4Stirtnircy —s•--eeeeeee----e-,- -forth for about thirty -years, „ECM
intertneht took place in Hayfield come-, Bro.vnell had been a resident of Sea-
ngsbridge.AetAdot,,o0 AtIretlay tonally. Miss Mary Fothergill. is also fell, _and the right side of his skull near
present eta ing With her sister, Mrs ery one •
Coroner Smith held an inquest on the . -------' ------ . many yettre he was it faithful ern.
Varna. enry Me ittie. Robert Wightman minable at 4 o'clock this afternoon. He ployee cf the Ogilvie Milling Cone.
ma hotel,has purehased Mrs 10 au h's at a, gOod figure to Henry Thiel'. Sohn nearly the third of tt century and hell wit 0 . . wise , i
tell Brucedeld, for the sum of $ Fowler sports a fine driver, n P
D. -6111' been employed as a miner in the Ophir Di
li' Dill It°i Ar II A. "i'CetIdar (In VI rint• ttlitetuitahgeemfieunsPonhle elr:tew'r,
SOPERTY SAIA3), -Dr, Little, of the disposed of a fine pair of yearling colts had been a resident of Comstoek for
n. rs J. W iddon en. in doe mission work started by his
arty of young folks last illinerious futher in far Permeate
regret to record, the death DEA.Trt or S. 14Rowtomr...-Much re -
'rides, wile died last week ret was felt when hearing of the
4h, and takers possession Oh May lat; say is doing quite a business in horses the past 20 years. He was a native of ;igset her home in Ponoloir, T:1.61 ?die .Itzolp...551e,r;eainrei thcl ititrgierneanol
abrother in Tuolumne tontitir,thila,"be. of the storoacof t. The deceased was a was a wilet, industrious, unassuming
good ditizen and runs a first class him on a deal, SCOtiand and leaves two daughters arid tuf
are aorty to lose Prof. Little, as he lately; you mast get up early to beat
el. ughter of Mr ancl IVirs W. IL Var. and we doinf man and a gond Cit-
°TES.- MISS Ina Andrews is • re. sides other relatives by marr age in this oe and leaves five brothers and four izen. His wi e, who survives
liIth, 180.
. . •
eying from a slight illness, Mr AMMON SAL. --Mrs, W. Scott, city, He Was a member of Storey deters, who all reside here. Mrs datighter of the late Wie Oash. of Mc.
rriwell returned Tuesday ,froin lot 80, con 2, Stanley, rill have an two. Lodge, No 0, A O. TY, of the
n d Russell was born in Dungannon but Tailor, and he leaves a family of two
tion sale of stock and inctIlerrients on girna Miners U ion an the Caledonia went with her parents to Ontario, epris and one daughter to mourn hip
orig returned on Monday frono a "t" h r4 Scott in. club. His daughters Will tatiftiVO $ OM., seven years ago, latet on to loss. Theremains were laid to rest in
it to Kineardine. Mrs Janie Arm. ,„,_aneaday, mirth ;
t to her &molter In Drumbotonus to remoye 10 town.
from the Workmen. Pomona. the Maitlandbank cemetery.
' ,
,•14. the "
'The art of photography i rithandlY
developing, new ideas and methods are tante
stantly appearing, Our gallery keel triat
it little &used of the teat, just little, better
work, just it little better Methods anti
lienry's- Photo - Studio.