HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-14, Page 6}ebruesy,. 14tb; 002 WOWS and Opinions .„l`,ill,til/l alill1nport11,nce The ;Sun ALONE . Contains Both, Daily, by mail, .- $6ayear > i 8 ea I d all a r • Di�tly�Sllu iy,bym ,S Ay ear Sun '' is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World, Veleta 5c a copy, By, mail $ a yr Address THE SUNNI New York New Blacksmith Shop. Subscriber baying rented the shop adjoin jag Leslie's Oarriaga Shop, Orange, St. is pre. paredto do st11 work iu his line. fie has bad a good many* earn' experience in the bud -nese, and will give personal attention to al I work entrusted to hin.• Special attention given • to Horseshoeiiu and the t care of Horses- Leet.. . • Rey eiiiaQ (f a.] Storni a names reasonable FRED ?. L01117 Clinton' MA L .ty:�U4 i L vO EN . • LIM' 11 Etta. P7 .: Imo Nina ie , . Pula ThiiiCOAgh lloisjs 011 You have used all. sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too.deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to .roduce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat. affection. You need something that will "give you strength and build up the body. scorns EMULSION will do.this when:everything else fails. There is no: doubt. about, it.. it nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong ' and healthy. not' only: to throw off this' hard•:. cough, - but to fortify ' the system against further attacks.' . if you are run down` or emaciated.you should ; certainly take this nourishing food medicine.,„ g m ne. r. :sli drerglsts,: .. COTT ' a HOWNE1.0E014'10 • ANA c DA Wild Hc. •ea in oc lei cis'. b .t which cmc pa yf w • storyOlt c Ii Y `�,i y. York reveals a new'poteutielit, in our wild and tangled , north cowl: t y, To most people it Might setae imp as ble that the horse, by nature a den Z n of 1 a warn*, or at least a temperate c •un - try, could thrive in a wild state a find therigore of a winter on the upper Ot- tawa. That this is possible, ltowt ver, ie shown by a recent incident, welch is thus narrated by the correspondent of The New York Sun :-- ' brace of moose hunters, who were camping out in the woods a few n gh.s ago in tete extreme north of Pont.ae County, thought they saw a white eausee 'ro en imply* ' 'Qfndittoitl et Tho Blood , , • u'» ,>...i f!' her O Fasbi,i,esi w b'v 1 "T„i t.tire The R,°i uui 'io r.i•. 'hie be „Re'novei From The Blood fila° e„ ti,r ' •'rturee of rheametiam he▪ t o wel,I known. to need' deseriptign, iii t” iN nos ,' wall known that malice! e icing now recognizes that the primary rr,.utt• •at rheumatism ie impure or i rpov- ei i_h,•'+ b''•„d •1 b,• result is *hat • hen - directs of suffe. rrst apply externel r' medtea moose feeding in the scrub near by. wh'eh oannot• possibly owe the trouble, painful, akin e t ' t•a stalking a e1 Som en i s andn ul l was t+ m that will r sci ti v b retitle e. eTh andoa P g K done, and just as rifles were being lev- rheumatism is an internal me•iicine thee gilled at the game' it saved its life, and will enrich the blood' and •free it from startled the hunters. by giving utterance rheumetio taint. The -tweet, qultskeet nmoat o Liv way to doa neighing. 1l(o e wh isto k toa decidedlye outs n od t r take a Y "It was then joined by a s Gond dark- Dr' Williams' Pink Pille,'whiob are proved IIWANTA colored horse from the shadow of the to beve.onred thoneande (f Deese of rhe . T T woods, and this one also proceed( d to` matiem many of them atter all other !� �►./ browse upon the twigs and branches. As medicines had failed. The case of Mr soon as the men showed themselves the Philip Ferris, one of the pioneers . of Death• -bilk :4 • Gri;.4,4„,0 i The death -knell rt is sounded—medical c,:;,,,• - llas givens°us the aet:iet Iv, dealing this "'' gril.:i..4. t. 4, ailments. :a, blow tient •fll effectively and permanently t , expel it from .the sti •4 , :.. and prevent the dire digtret•s that follows in its wake. pair dashed back .into the .woods and Routh Essex, Ont„ 10 proot of this. Al- disappeared. . though Mr Ferri° ie 76 veers. of age be is "The next. day they narrate° their as smart as many men of 110. But he has experience to a band of .shantymen, and - notalwaysenjoyed each good health, Mr found that three or four of them bad Ferre has the following to soy about his also seen' the pair of horses running illness and care: �•"F,1r flfte , yearit. •„Mit-- wild i., ,., wild:in the woods.. .At times the pair feted greatly from rheumatism, At: times were "accompanied by a big, red'mare I would have severe pains in the krees,. and a young foal. • while at others the pain would spread, to • "The mare was recognized as one my hips and shoulder,. I Wei several abandoned in the Woods two' years ago. remedies which were of no avail lentil: I The two horses are supposed. to be the began Using Dr Williams'•Pink Pills. team of a lumberman who was •drown•' •I took eight or ten boxes and they .°tom ' ed; pletely.oared the trouble and I am now' ae'' ems t as , mollym ` m r "These animals have managed to sub• r en nth younger, 1 list upon the beaver meadows in snih• have a•greet,deal of faith in the pills foxI mer, and by browsing on twigs in win- know.ot other oases where they have been , ter for several years. 'Who knows but egnallyessUocemil'l ae in mine, that there is a .nucleus here for the Dr Willne'. PInk Pill. make new rich, : raising of a drove of .hardy though per- red''blood and strengthen the nerves `with haps stunted . wild horses such as are every' dose. It 10 in this , way thea they found .on. the Welsh `Mountains or in care numb troubles a- rheumatism, sciatica, the cold and barren Shetland and Ork• neurelgie; kidney and liver tumble, partial• net' islands. to the north of Scotland l" paralysis, Bt Vitus dance and'eryeipelas. i Through their aotion on the blood they t GRIPPE Ca. _suis P is not a violent treatment, --but if you are. a victim to Grippe . or subject.to colds. , and coughs, it will cure you as certainly as night follows d a y.—Just one . thousand, testimonials to'prove the truth of it—and you can;• verify any or all of them by writing, All druggists sell Vwanta eerie -or YQU can order' direct by enclosing 25 cents to TIW*NTA WW G CO., Ltd.' Ottawa.,Oatt. ' - _ Maatodpne in,':Egypt. rest ve the e to pale• and Ballow cheeks The Toronto 'Telegram says ” he • u restive the cider ilmentrthat make the lives The recent. visit of Dr. C. W. And- ' of so many women miserable. Tbe genuine belief is gaining ground among tbe, always have the full name t'Dr W.illiame' members•af the Legislature on the Op- rews'of the British Museum to `the ray Pink Pills for Pale People" on : every' box. , Position side, and people who make a discoveries of the highest importance in 60, Dente a ox Dr six boxes for $2.50 by business of tramping the core dors,that regard to mammalian paleontology, In addressing he'Williams Medicine Co., the enera•lelections will not be held t om' an with Ii. Beadcli of the E Brdckvihe, Ont. until the mouth of September. Con - P y gyP� servatiye members: have talked much • :Lien -Geolo Geological Survey, D .Andrews i Dr. svis- g y' MI" NG'1`,lgll. 'Rinse the announcement yesterday Red this district, where a large number that the Premier wield visit England' Rat Portage esident want' to tall r ° c time of mammalian and reptilian•remains,in to witness the coronation pro Mini! town Keenora. h ceedtn s.an v • d several of them ,. 'b ' g°else• -: man belonging toentirely' w v y g g unknown • that Septembere t es, and in an excellent state of • ie= Ce trluctor Alien, of Litndon, webhas been settled upon types, P killeti<.bya train at St. Tbotnae:. • as the month for the elections,' Whealo_.: servation,were'collected.By far the most' Liberal members of the:. Rous re. interesting of these belong to certain'' If the child is restless at night, her coat. asked when,the elect ions ••will tie held primitive types es of' roboscida-a rou ed tongue; sallow complexion; a dose.of they shake their heads, but answer not P in P • g P - Miller's Worm Powders le what is required, a word.• When .'aeked if the date was whose' origin and relationship •have liitli- ,t , " B B weaker Ai* dt4r atrrnrgGll .tta htrl� if tiler b soma 1t. B l¢Bt' otr,B, give gilts -w,�rrwa. 'Wind hearts are nioro than coronets u- •T r$ieQt . A Whimsical Fable. erto been a. puzzle .to naturalists. mile Peasant• harmless. 'ool. y li.. $. Uombe. not .practically settled. at tbe Liberal �,',• ..: group has been. known' only by the ele-•. and. R, P. Reekie, 0 in ou, caucus on VVedneeday •they want to phants, mastodons and'dinotheria,. Froin - ' •A dose of :Miller's' Warm Powders oboe. move away•or switch to tonne. other vile• of *the; Most whimsical 'fables, . what' is•in :it'll eobabilit 01/Oconee eionally will keep the children : healthy. : subject. .' :about 'the Knickerbocker. settlement in . p 3' ittrata, Di. Andrews now makes known' 'Clinton.Sold:byll: B- Combe .bird; ,R. P: Reekie, LONEsI'LIFE IB INHERITED. New Amsterdam; to which the descent a; small .mastodonlike annual, .(Paleomas • of President Roosevelt gives interest, todon), differing *from the true masto. Frederick Shulte will be hanged at .' .This statement you ban prove `by' inves• g' • ' tieetion, When a; erson who're ammeters ' concerns' the acquisition of 14lanhattan }don by its simple last. lever molar, mad Sault etc. Marie to day' p ( Maud. ,The Dutchmen wanted to buy,, also by having five pairs of cheek' teeth • heti lone li d' in nitddle,age you tan; _ prir;ted $2,000,000 for a ostotRce la '' r ,nine cages oat of ten, trace theoause ..to More • remarkable' still' is a'creature Ne Ycrk Batt _ l E ~'t St try erka the. Read. Indian, was. not indisposed to in use at the same time ' • sell. "So a !'deal"• was• arranged. For The United States Senate has. epprci:• •"• -yea les 'n b p- disordered kidney- -and consequent:, suffer- a.specified,amount of cash as muchof from Eocene beds, termed Moeritherium, ing from ,,Bright a .:disease Yheutnatie � LIN r�lv.:�. � ' �, • • the island' was to become: the' property which' has still similar cheek' teeth, of. • .Tbit•weak, :tired mem:Ution will eo'sn„ tatty heart anddropsy. Dr, Chase's $id= Direct importer)). Workmanehin . of the Hollander as he could cover with, which six -pairs are simultaneously in Change, by the u.e 'of•. Miller'a Oompou',• nay;Liver Pills prevent and ''care. ;these his nether. garments. His, name• was use, and nearly full series• of incisors and iron Pills ; 50 doses 25 Dents: Sold by .H'; fatal and painful diseases•as noaothe*" re • - and Material guaranteed. : - . . . Tena Broeck . (scottice. • "ten - breeks,"• canines. • Very noticeable 19 the fact that B, Oombe. and B. P. Reekie, Clinton.- paretion was.ever- known Jade... Onepll a anglIee, "ten pairs of breeches"). But ,the second pair of incisors in each jaw M • famtehofi' Bulgarian Minister o! dose, 25 Dente a' faux C %� LE & MCI' •. Of: •th1�s' .the -.too. confiding savage' Was is'muoh larger: than. the. • other, thus fore- .Public In 4 . .. ion,. was assassinated in J. Murray, Montreal hotel keeper, : AA.. unaware. When Ten Broeck calmlyshad tl'i d 1 k f owing a upper an ower tusks. o his study at Sofia. was"fined S20' or two months' imprison proceeded to di'srobehimself •and to •t 'n ' f 1' h th , - certain mastodons, o which a upper meat f oreelling a•C P. 11•,. ticket • spread :his voluminous clothing • on. the. . tusks of elephants• are the 'sole survive Bieliop. G}randinof .Alberta is dying. • island-wlhich'he succeeded in covering ' ors: Moeritheriirm• is, in filet 'a •general- ,A T61 1 ('�..l.l 'l+Lr v ��VV imprison -Central • entirel'y-fhe look of inin'gled. 'chagrin ized: ungulate, .having .evident marks .of •, and amazement e chief s. usually ,being the ancestor of the elephants A Impassive face must have baffled dele, much 1 g beast (li d th ) • Man buried his hatchet putted away d ' h at .tris calumet, and stood by 1hls bar- ata'of the American Eocene ,If; as seem's • on the ' ..ar er beast ray eriuni re- sm'iption. However, ' the noble Reel senrble. in some respects the. d:notherie 'um and m• others `t a so-called dimmer- Butcher, • JEALOUS RSL Ciiutai Ss�� ��:oor and LP TO t ti#NTSR THE V/ fCoNSU�TI�tE 1{O5P1TAL MUSKQKA. • Tele O;tly Free Consumptive hospital in America. 'CANt�►DIANS° EVERYWHERE INTERESTED, 2''he New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of th#National Sanitarium Association, will-' be ready—so soon as the money to• equip and ,furnish is secured—to receive Q patients, absolutely ,without charge. —Over 300 out • of '50o patiennts admitted to the • Muskoka ' . Cottage-Banati rium •--• the property_of the National Sanitarium; Association have "returned home either -cured or: greatly improved, —The• Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich, r.,. . T'+, .,.•fir/' WIII �y� pa ����nn iii(' • �1T 1(1 ��.�- I trW IG�1•F ' {4.' Y w,. ( �. �i 1 I gale l.� 1,..ld.l . '1 Y� [moi. - P.1 �t, FIRST FREE 'HOR. CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA The gift of.W.. :°:::g8T.digi:Ilasa7;i'd:lie7. and the Executors 1Tijrt A.' Massey. Estate. -Think of thend suffering the• New• Free Consump=• a - tive Hospitviate and indeed entirely remove...• -Will you not nollar—ori $2.00,• $3.00,.$5.00, $10,00 ' • or more, fortis, most • pressing Of all charities?, -The victims of the 'White' Plague are found all over Canada. I H . • BED 50' WILD. FURN S :A,.. BED.: • :r.•�..pr,. ma. Nos • • OtargrR1.8UTf01VS MAYBE SENT' TOS-•• • SIR. W. 'R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, ' Floe -#''res. Nat: San: •Aesoon., Toronto. W. J CIAG•E, (Chairman fie. Com., Toronto. . NATIONAL TRUST CO Limited', • Treasurer, • • • , Tertintos,P smut e' urn ac '..the- e.'' . Blind Factory. Meat' Market -- t b tl ted The demand •For Gr Ag;•nsetal''S Having parol-ased the butohering business of F. H. Powell I am pre- pared to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Fresh and .Oared Meats. Sausage, bologna: lard, batter and eggs always kept on band. R Fitzsimons tt Son. Telpt one 76. Orders delivered promptly to ad' . Parte of the town. • N.B.; Persons baying nogs for went' will confer a fa• vet by• peeving word at. the shop. Men and Women-Alrepresen'' na apointiiigaz.mte some to travel t� U•a We k 2.0 l� t •f r local 1 others ork . rapid ro- Rona •Fide Salar motion rapid r ideal em Salary,,, new bril- crease ofsala p, p y , i. liant lines hest plans, old established house. • BRADLEY-GARRETaON CO., Ltd. Brantford, _. -Jan 17.' DMcTa . -art . ry • pairs En ALBERT ST., CLINTO�v the men handling tjrein.. g by , B. General Banking' Buslness a present .for the'Dueliess.. of Ports- mouth, who afterwards gave' it to the Talbots. Malahide was ,once inhabited ' by the 'regicide, Miles > Corbet, who, among other ef<ploits, unroofed the fine barn." ABSOLUTE 11 t g gain, while all the time realizing the probable, Dr: Andrews has'solved the • • Pin his faith' to • Dr. 'r s little Pills '9s a. marvel, • , force of Canning'�s epigram . that in ,problem of the origii,�and. birthplace of • �. matters of commerce the :fault of the ' the pi•o oseidea, he has earned the. • • S. 'S COOPER - PROPRIETOR General Euilder' and Contractor. o ed Ma- chinery., the very : latest'm i b andhas e in the. Douai This' factoryi8' the 1 r set lewd y+y . P : tapable of'�loing work on' the shortost notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared. plane, and give estimates for and build all claps - e1 of buildings on shortnotioe and oa the closest -prices All work is snpervie-'. ed in a mechanical way and eatisfaotion guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. ' a s or • • " •t' he " If'is the old Sfory, p;rtdh is giving too little and asking atrt of all students of mammalian ' filchers Bac kaC "The' St/ i_ too much." And thlat again to fall t y. • " " vel 'Ft Fittest d jai back on -legend-is why expansive gar. • . . © ,iC 2191 •, •,.-,' • of Dutch• menta h cut are, 'called knfek-f'� j,, Tablets ' OUS � its' o'wrt.. O $ o" •. 'Nomething-dtUon# the Talbots•. 'g'l.dn8 1,.a,u�Citq• Y�S r. ,�e�'- erbockeree even unto thee day,' The name of 'Talbot of MMalahide Ire Anecdotal. land,shall always be a word to catch ' Cheap to buy, bttr diamonds in quality• -banish Mr O. H. Parker. Ti1.on erg, Oat., the :.nausea, eoa;.,3 tongue, water brash, .ptiur o:t ^r the' . eye of a (.apadtan who remembers : well known butcher of that town has' been 1-eatin sick h.a^.:i^he; Heise' r, e, c rage �1 ;lark `Twain' tells a story of 'a man the heroic figure of Colonel Talbot and ' dein Dr., Pitcher's Baokeehe Rideev Tab• ' s • . ` P i ' , er in Sa h ^Doors" Blinds utQ (^ int y )o do, loo TOO 4 c Lam er Lath Shin les, time 5 , , , rhai 1rrother-]n-law had died, and Y had been bothering him. When asked. to $old by T. E. Hayev 'anti H, P.Re'ekie asking: "Shan we 'embalm; bury, or in the early ltistoi:y of the '. i rovinee, : give his opinion of these Tablets he . made' • cremate het?" Twain says, he wired 'Lord 'i•albot de Malalride the 'present this statement:- T following • at aterloo Call and set pelts- and estimates before plating your orders d " ; e, ,. os , + ;, Who. 'received : a telegram telling him ththe' t 1 lets' ora baolinehe and, k ney trouble that...; . • _. ' , e_ _t_.lalbot settlement 1 r .--• ..- ._ ...__`' • w . :pad d P ?eye, • Agent f the Celebrated' GRAYRII iL SVROOL. DES1T, mannfaotnred d The'taken frofn a.Monnttoreet' ., �'' e back: "Yes, and if these;fall; 'try, 'die- head of the family, is about to be mar- ' "During a• recent, sudden and sharp paper refers to o. relative of Mr. A. Ohall-' c section." �. • atteekof backache and kidney trouble,due• anger, of•the Base line: --""'This week it is ' tied. He is an antiquarian of some re- • A clergyman, visiting house e u °tion and_ is in, his fifty-sixthto told taught in the ebop,i was indaoed to our privy ege to report the pnrohaee by Mr gY , v g a o e wsher p t , year, •t D Pit h r'e Beoleaohe Sidney • Tab Joshua Uheilenger of 100 mores of 'timber T Q'L1r ha't�+ons and n a g convulsions, r by hes rst wife lets, I got a bottle and after. , , O a remarked to the 'aged nurse that if . "MalahideUastle, Lord Talbot's an- half of thein the pain 'was gone.:. Thi@ I 'Proton. The pxic0 paid was $1500 and ie • ' wets too bad'to see a baby insuoh gain. .,cesatral seat,"says , an. English eontem- nid think is rapid enough results for anyone, .a•good bergain as the place is heavily I lied used land from 111r S. • a infant was din in and has a son and hei rt' r o e fi Rggers being lot !1 ton` 7 "Ah, sir," replied the pious woman, "it ...porary, in reference to the engagement, say's _in the Good .Book, 'Suffer little "stands in the decayed and melancholy ehildren•'to come unto me,' and I tel;' . watering place 'of -tile same.name some You they do suffer 'miles: north 'of Dublin, but is• itself _a for baokeohe;lame and weak bank Bright's ooaneotion.with. N(rAhallengeii''s'ohoice200 =� t u r sretue f• d considerable interest; poi• • _' disease, diabetes, dropsy, :puffiness under acre berm, gives him one of the most vain •Ynit'o'�inatlon•for•'Fa'tmerel.' tions ''of• it. dtiting from the reign of the eyes, swelling of the feet and ankles • able estate in the townshi . With 1nt ' y d .. ( P Pe y modernized, and appears toalay as an the eyes, kidney weakness of -children and eager will, no doubt, continue to prosper, I'think they area mr,hty good mediorne," Wooded with valuable timber on good soil ,-... Dr. Pitcher„'a. Backache Kidney Tablets. which will make a fine farm, when cleared the the newestand most effective • reinedy as it is convenientlt• 'situated: This, . in The disposition of a horse largely .In• Henry ' T It has,:' however; been much Rravel, rheumatism, speaks floating before Of help in 13is four grown up sons Mr Uha11- itnences its valise. • The education•of the ivy-covered mansion, Panted .:by two old people and all &blare' tronblee, Price for. he hairdiene well since movieg here.. p p horse•should begin when it is• a colt. ft drum -shaped•, towers. The interior has 50 dents a hos et all druggists or -by -mil: 7 y'ears•ego-from Elmarnear Ativood•1' e r re o a .carved with nal sttccessful, stated that tile breed of.the �,. nt Scriptural 'subjects. • '' neted breeder of .ho •s s, wh had) been fine rooms, notably'. one .panelled in oak, The.Dr, Bina Pitcher Co,, Toronto, Ont. -• , r,,.s...• .;.__, �.� man was • as im ortarit 'as •the b> eed of • 'There are many valuable'pietures; 'among Paul's milk waggon was. snuck by a e varied in cis-. thein a triptych. byAlbert i3iirer which train at Woodstock, and a boy named l� ur Hillis had both legs broken. the colt, as `eolts have 1 ' position according to the disposition of belonged to Mary. Otieen of Scots, and was btu ht Charles II, for £2 000' as D• NOTES DISCOUNI'E • • Notes leaned. Interestiillowed' 01 deposits, • J. P. .TISDALL. BANEEli, a OLINTON. ONT. funds- to loan re mortgagee Private fa o beet current rateP• B ,old ala a _. • eliurch b yhard. by to cover his • The to most in erestiri' : member . of the family, next to our own Colonel, was, 'perhaps;, the famous Dukeee:f Tyrconnel, .SECURI J'aines Hes Chief Governor of, Ireland, whose wife, the beautiful Frances Jen- nin a (sister of Sarah,) uche o Y�s #Marl• borouh), became' a oor Clare nun in Dublin after her lttisband's death, sur - O en u i no viving him some fifty years.' Ex—Congressman Cable of Illinois has drag fist will tell you more 'about this to the almost megioal power Of Nervilfne; at. art Yea, °is , I a weak,and Mil- lee's Compontitfttined,Ironw� Pilsver Clinton,. t Sold by $, B. Combe and R.• P. Reek's; FA (a'radeiusrk.) q GIVE YOU AN Afnr,r,. I Philip Gerd, ex-Ciby Treasures of TOE OU SU - ) fBuffalo, was arrestedon a charge .of • embezzling $27000• municipal; fuLdsi: fdAKC YOJ WALL! .Drenergeea clad. Supt,of Eha Prnt, Fraaiitai 0. first municipal elections .in .Dan• fur Iss*is,,e mamma!, rurscril rq It oat,sttantiy an"i triVaa na pernti6ainn to.uen bibnamn. . Bap resulted in the. return Oi Henry ' Dive bidet, :lupi, (irate Hn•pitnt. Toronto Aule ase Mayer b 'a small'” majority.''Mtiteetlseyban,ateonebdjbWithtbebeetretlsilts 3t' y q, . wee. and SI.00 Baffles. WANTS A.RE UNSIGHTLY. 1CXVi'3 dt LiL'GPREN'OTG co.. limited .. That se the reason no one is olamoring for "'`• em' h few more warta-make them fashionableSix $retnen last , 'their lives at St, . and a remedy to grow warts would enfold" /joule by the fall of a wall. bemade a irnaei,oial °noses, Yes, Patnam's , SEA SiveN1•iSS, NAUSEA, ' Corn and Wart Extractor removes them, -works -quickly-•-and..without • _ ain-any —.And -maladies of-thie type yield ;iilokly er i n and. attd if you �, � a Charming young' who is re isms y. ' •. _ Y suffer periodically from.any Of she 'mitring shseve aer l years younger thanon in France. :,he • Thomas Mchet.Glee@in, of ga •,..ae tried A few drotheee ps inlsweeteust ned witerewilat l give' is now her father took her on his knee at Berlin on a charge of stealing $1.,00(1 almost inetant relief•and in the coarse of One day and said to her from the Methodist church and acquit- half an hour the Duro is completed. Your "To -day ted on a techni li y. maitey.hack if a man asked me. if I wouldyon do net find'it se. • Must a�al►r t31 net ore give me a whole room full of gold. Shall Carefully Avoid 'Substitutes • A wealthy foreigner,. sae.. ..e.... a e z y A General Banking =mess Umtatete little i er Pill ;Merest allowed on deposits. • 0. Sale dotes Senght e THENIOLSoNS- A.NK . incorporated by Aot E!arlia iient 1866. ' OAP1TAL $2,500,000 "�•"r,. REST FUND $2,150,000 MAD OFFIOE, MONTREAL Wtf, ltfoasos illddrnEfsON, Preeidon JAMES Ei.atox, ; Gen, Manager. Notes disconntod, oolleotione made, dotitt, issued, sterling and Amerioah exoliange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits, Savneo BA,vrt-Interest allowed on sums of $1 and op, 4fitoney advanced to - • farmers on their own !dotes, with one or more endorsers, No mortgage required 11.0. Brewer, manager. t not sell little brother. lie said he would •'1 r let him have little hex i] ts�'s Doti» •liOi ted to hirel a Londian The child shook heft head" and Imitations. kt,•�tier's beet )terse e d trap, but riot "'13ut," persisted her father, "think leiitiwinia hiss Merl the dealer demurred how much money this' room full of gold At the present` time the. Diamond •Dyes • .at trusting therri l his hands. De» sea Faa.filmite Wrapper Delete. "Ws reran acid ee 01B7' • *Duke 'eea tom • FOR HEADACHE., FOR DltxiN E SRi SART �� � 1 FOR`BILIOU$NEt$5 ` F OR TORPID LlVERi OR COIISTIPATION. FOR FOR $ALLOW SKIN, FOR TILE COMPLEXION ' irgoiJ9 u, „ MU$TNAVL NAYUN , w'e>g ta)la.,eG i+w. G you'd be, 'Think how many things you • are the only package dye absolutely guar• tcrmined to have his drive, the gentle toned buy with it. Don't you think I'd dnteed by the manufacturers. The great Lela proposed; paying for the horse and _batterr:Iet,fhe tnan.hava.,littlewbrother-,..E ularit y -.of.. thos iamondL teas..- the vt:lrre'e, promising to sell theniback ""No," said the daughter l "let's keep brought forth teeny vile imitations in the al! d a� g tttrrt: rir biro till lie's, older. He'll be worth more shape of home voltage dyes. These invite. that the other saw no, obieetlon, so his then." --New York 'Times, t'onb, cheaply produced, are still by same customers • wants were suiiplIed and dealere for the sake of thelextri3 profit they' off he went. He was back .in Minn at During the, past year. 'counting from bring, and many are urged to buy them, the stables, his mtxney reimbursed so» Nov, 1, 1000, to Oct,. a1, 1C01, no less If yon would avoid trouble and disaster, cording to contract, and he turned to t it _ ri a visited the Shr . refuse these adulterated dyes when they go, "Bold on!" exclaimed the dealer, than 140,000 p g m v a fine of Ste Anne de Dean re quo,. Thie is aro offered to you, and bullet upon getting "You hairs forgottento pay for the p $• hit' "IA d 1 the esti re Of the past year, we:. return ou :thauks • and . now w r a. dw uldsu wishewYear an would you a Prosperous and �a P •- PFS• a.. g gest that oneako its 1s .continue fo deal at` the way to mn o- to Emporium and we shall t,y our best : to do our part faithfully. You- would dok do and d:help-. nr. 11?nda.anfl.,nei h bore if you tell them' w1leee you: Ret clod goods at fair; prices. Our terms will be cash or' produce tins' year. , We will always be prepared to �ayy'the highest price the market will afford Give. P I�. �,9c �� Give us a fair trial and you will be pleased. Yours for Bls, Emporium , Londeebora January, 7th, 1002. R'' ADE We Keep Thema All ilersee's Stock Food • iiersee's Poultry Food • h ritit's Annuat Re -ulato _ Glauber. and Epsom Suits Sulphur Insect Powders • , Condition Powders Herbageum, Sheep Dips, :etc: E. HOYFY, Dispensing Chemist Clinton. ntters-�--Sleighs-! Do you want a high grade Cutter or Sleigh'? t'1 !'i gi !+f We have the°iinest stock to select from. A11 the latest styles In tete new- est, ear sir was 5C00;ib excess of the previous year, the Dtateiond Dyes.. "there war no hiringin the Gatto. It , est colors. Oiar erose ire as low as call be found fol' first' class material The mannfaotarers of :Olomouc Dyes • plYi , and t' aorktnaiishlp.. °Before ynu buy call"°tad see its" 3 ort of cthe d will he glad. to seed post free to any address tray been driving mi+ own tore* twit and Works oft" the Do1s0 > their Diamond Dye Mat and ling DOWN. fa O tall daY And eta left, ills dealer Lame, IsaacStreet, Laxative aroino•Qninine Tablets onre a , If you ere a latter of pgret;tyroom ornaments ted hid Motreerfisl rseeetlbsr. tort m one day, ,No Ours, o Pay, krios4 write to The 'Wells er Rinharason Co., t� titin tu,r 25 tents, 'Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P,Q ' laidtT POOR TO b1'Rm ERA A O}PXCl11 CURS SICK H$ADAOHti