HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-14, Page 5xR
VAWrfifi W'liWWWW
IMPS 000 O..000" winter *porta.A few weeks ado we gave a l
question to the Godericb Hockey Club
to solve and the avower was• to be'
lops forthcoming when that town's club
a' played bete. The answer turned out ,
ratner the reverse for thein ho,et,yer, '
The Clinton hockey team are 1t fast ' 1o,;
'i,; and it takes a good team to defeat !
them. The county town team is Con- I.
sideted a strong„c1,u of -Dialers -rho 1
"•-"niTif'eake Rome realiiraCk combinatiane.
1u ,heti victory the Clinton bays won
. lainele••-we have a team which we are
proud °P. -they have not lost a game
' this year in their own rink and if
given a good fair skew can set the
1 pace fcr many of • the city combine•• I
tiuue, The tarn e last week was a hot
' t and interesting one but we regret that
the at�,teudxned is not whatit sho d be
for the boys go toccinsiderable expense '
in bringing clubs here and give the �
I citizens a chance to see the games,
The visitors came down with .a de.'
i..tetutination- to win..but, their intention J
was foiled. Their easy snap was found
I tq be a hard nut to crack for they ran
up against a fast going lot, of hockey
lets ••,••every one knows the game ,and
I how to handle the puck. ' In the de•
parture of 3. •Clarridge the forward.
i line lost a good player but J. iloherty
makes a. capital spare player who will.
-snow play regular -at -centre ; the --right'
v,ing is well looked of :r by P. Mattie•'
i son while the lett' wing has; re whirl,
f wind in H. Steep; W. McKay, as
I rover is in his right place and in these
four if hockey is to be played they can
i do it, W. McRae Is a stone wall de-
fence and woetothe player wbo tries
any dirty work at bunting;. cover point
bas a 'sharper' in Elliott Daytnent
while the quick eagle ,eyes of Arthur
Shephard watches goal -many .rt hot
shot was stopped by the defence play-,,
ere. he Goderich team are all a fast
lot,McGau being perhaps the star of the
septette,playine• centre while Me Ivor
at pout is notfar behind ; McDonald
at. right, Wiggins at: left and. McOart.
neyas•rover are as good•a' trio as can
be had Kul. 'together.--Campb'ell--at
coyer is a hard •one ,to .pass and • Mc-
Leod in goal is a star too. The team
misses'the assistance of Fred Shannon.
but in fact itcould not be much
bettered. The ywsltors play a.lietter'
combination game than our boys who
shouldpractice this art more and not
eo much individual worn At half time
the score tied 4 to 4 but in the last
half goals were many previous to the
last five minutes it was 9 to 6 in favor
of the home team and the yisitore
added 3 more in quick succession,9to9,.
but one minute More was yet left and
Clinton broke the tie and won. by 10 to
• 9. The teams .'were:-•
Shepherd • Rail • McLeod • ;
Dagment . • point . Molver
■ McRae' cover• Campbell
McBay • rover "McCartney
Doherty ' centre McGaw
Steep left .
. Wiggins
Referee, Thomson; umppires,J. Kennedy and W.
Parsons;.time keeper, J. Crooks.
A number ot the young- ladies . of town.
have started a Ladies' iibckey Clulz and
ere haying weekly .matches among them-
selves, Some of them are eaoeilent•hsokey
players and oan shoot .the puok',irito the
goal as straight and swift as many ot the l -
boys. . The first. game was pp1eyed :last.
Saturday afternoon and wag Feat exciting
but only five played a side. • The more
resulted 4 to 0 in. -favor of No .2 side, the
players being:- .
No.1. No 2•'
Pearl.Oantelon .right Lela Hoover
Lillie Jackson left Atiee Worthington
Rena Jackson Dover Pearl MoDonald,
Edna Manning point Flora Mc Ewen
.:Clara Koehler goal Edna Cooper .
Little .
You have just a little while
longer to save . money ' on
your Furnishing buying.
This sale comes to an end
the lalat sof the month, a>
then there is no telling
when you will have another
such change. You know
the stock is a good one,and
if - you compare . the new
prices with the regular, the.
saving . will not be hard to
figure tip.
You can save money if you
lay in a supply of Neck: -
wear now, for you can get
8 ties for the price of 2, of
either the 26 or .50e lines.
At 17e
All ths'ties in stook that sold at 25e
• knots, strings, bows and four -in-
- hands, nobby patterns, regular
25o, during sale, each 11C
At 35c
,Your choice of the best Tiee, in this.
the best tie stook in the county
for 85o, none reserve3 whatever', 1
flowing ends, puffs, and 'four-in-
hand, pure silo and newest pat-
terns, regular 75o, daring 35C
gale .
Why not lay in a supply. of
Collars and Cuffs now?
You're not likely to get
Chance to buy them as
cheap. again. Nearly all
the good ones are Austrian
make,.the best collar `'to
wea lnade. All the new 1
shapesiin stock,
2c 0 Collars 2 for 25C
Your ohoioe of all the dollars in the
store thatsold at 200, newest shapes
and best qualities, all styles ,LOC
regular 200, 2 for . .......
e Collars,
lxI� 3 for 25c
All 12 1-2o collars, stand up and
turn -down shapes, will' wear 25I_
well; your choice, 3 for .. , .
-Cuffs,-2, pairs tor. 35e
Choice of all 250 Cuffs, good quali-
ties, will wear well, regular 3iC
250, 2 pairs for
35e Cuffs for 25e.
Choice of all the • best Cuffs,
regular priae 350, during sale 25C
_You can ' save . a little
money by Buyi ng susp en-.
dere during the sale for
all the 25e lines: are selling'
for 18e and all the 50c
ones for 35e per pair,
ate a,nd Caps
Again you are reminded
of the Bat Bargains.bYou
can save the e part of
a dollar, and even. more
on some lines, if you 'buy
your spring. hat now.
$1.25 Bats for $ .15
2.00 K 1.25
2.50 " " • 1.60
5.00 „ 44 1.75
r50 Caps " ,35
Bow TyisR lOc
,Your choice of over 50 boyo ties, in
assorted patterns of fanny silk, •
regular 250 geode, oholee of me
if you have any''nderwrear baying
to do you ought to come here, for
. ilii,, Ore no 1Ikeif tiny ii aI .
Sheep Anywhere else,
go 'Underwear for 37o..'
1,00 " r r 750.
aAel . �J..
lAnother game will be played on nett
.. Gioriou.I j3ig
Bargain. Event
. Commencing February 18th
and ending March 1st
° A royal timelor those who need or who will need
clothing. Men's. Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats,
Boys' Overcoats, Mens' Pants, Boys' Pants,
Our Whole Clouting Stock will be offered
at a special discount of 20 per cent
The object of thisisale is to sell out• this season's
clothing before our newgoods arrive. We never
carry one season's into nto the next season, All goods elar ed duringthis sale will be chargeded at
regular prices..
Positively no goods charged at sale
prices Qur goods are markedin plain figures
dedu t 20 per cent and that will be the bellingprice
for cash only,during' the sale.
Men's Suits. .
Men's 5.00 suits now ...... , ... . ,''4.00
Men's. 8.00 dt,' " .....:....:...480
Men's '.8.00 : 44 " :': ,..' .......... « 10
Men's 10 00 " " .... 4......... 8 (,0
Men's 12 00 : " 44 , 9.60
••• • . Boys' Suits
Boys!! 1 -50 -suits -now .. 1-20
Boys' 2 00 " . • ." .... ,.....' .... 1 60
Boys'..,2 50 44-• ..." :...•......,.....2 00
Boys' 3 00 .: ...:..._ .: 2 40
Boys' 4.00 .4• a .. , ... , ::. ; 3' 20
Boys' 5 00 •' 4.00
Boys' odd pr Tuts '..... .. 40
- Men's' Overcoats
Men's 5 00 Overcoats now . ,, ... , . , ... 4 00
Men's 6 00..;,.:......:..'4 80
Men's 8 00 • 4r.. '� 6 40
• ..'s : _'.. « • tt ,• .',:...... ,00
MMenen_'s 1210 0000 44,4
, 4' • ' 98 -60
BOYS' OVERPOATS. and Pea Jackets reduced
props rtion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps,: Coats,
Mitts and Heavy.
Collars, Gloves, t Underclothing.. •
._Thos. 'Jackson, acksonSr. •
'ifictoria Block, L HT A;
itstw uf. gtioem,ntto.'
Barracks for- Sale.,
8aiurdayy afternoon by 7 aside., ••
The Clintonhoc a °lab ra s in Lnok• . -
hockey py..
adin '" of
note :this (Friday) evening. • Logs and `He g
The curling olnb intend to go to ' Wing= -• inch wanted..
am Friday nig to play a 4riendly matoli,.
' The points contest t t tf President Fairs
her Lott f ort; thirteen of the club en
• ' O 4NTON mamas
Corrected ayeuy Thunder afternoon
Thursday, Febuary 101k 1002.
sai• ls Wheat.....,,., a 74 ea
P g .w
Oats; .: 0 89 a
Rye ...,,..,.. 040 a
Earley . .....: 0 48 a
Peas,...n........ .....0 65 a
Flour per oat.....,,, 2 15 a
Hay. ,, 860 a
Sheepskins,.. 0 25 .a•
No, 1 Green trim. hides 500 a
Wood abort 2 25 a
Chickens, per pair ..., 0 20 a
Anoka, parr. 05
40 a.
Geese, per Il{,.. , . , .... ,' 0 05 . a
• . Terke e, perlb..... 0 0 a
Pork, live 5 50 a
Pork, dreesed, ,8 00 a
'Butter, loose or tui,, 0 15 • a
,eggs per doz ... 0 18 a
Potatoes, per bash.... 0 30 a
Dried Apples per lb., 0 05 a
0 76
0 74
0 46
0 50
0 75
.2 15
9 00
2 60
6 0
0 16
0 05
Litre Stock Markets.
Montreal, Feb. 10: -There were:about 400
head of' butchers' cattle, 6 calves and 60
sheep and lambs offend for sale at the east
end abbatoir to -day. The butchers were
present in large number', and trade was
brisk, although •the prides continue pretty
MO, _Six_prime steers .wereTso]d At •_ 4o
Fer 1b, and severs] others not so odd were
sold at from 4lo to 550 per lo; medium'
cattle sold at from a/o to 42n per lb, and
the common stook at from 2to to 8o per
ib. The calves were small ones and sold at
from $3 to $5 each. Sheep sold at 3o• to
30, and the latihbs fit from 4to to 4i10 ; fat
hogs sold at from do to 6jo fdr good
straight lots weighed off the oars.
Smoking. in Hotels.
-((oiirributed •)
I suppose men may smoke if' they wish
to, but hotel -keepers should notallow them
•.,to-pollnte,evety rook and corner in the
house. For ladies, and mets who do not
use the weed, to be choked with the fumes
every time they 0 nter-a'hotel; ie -very -
agreeable to say.•theleast., They pay for
modation as Well i,e the amok-
.er do .• The RailwbY Company P
a separate oar so -that others are not sub.
jeoted to the annoyance.. Why can't, the.
hotelB do the same ? Have a room built,
with an outside ventilation, and let them
• . smoke there till their heart's content. They
have no, right to saturate every room, even
to,tbe top story, with that which is so of,
'fensive to many Who must treyel, Surely
persona who do not smoke opght to have
some consideration: from the botel•keepere.
rvant Wanted
The frame building on Enron St., at •preset t
used as a Saltation 'Army barracks, together
>11 - wi
ofhtdottnwn rchasoe btiemsng. sAny
either -Facto Lfireamona or PRIM BRowN,
3 • Feb. 14-m • .. Clinton, Ont.
. -
trophy is now on and is giving the'mem Highest prices . given, let! • 11' l':
e, o sp r ; it een - .
tared in the first roundon Wednesday d nil ht • : Soft elms to be cut 11 feet,
and Dr. Agnew was. the highest with 271
12 feet 'and 13 feet long
points out of a possile of 72. .
xn the doubles contest ; there are•.. eight
pairs now left' which are a 3 follows :-�•No.i .
ve. No. 6 No. 8 ve. No.7;.No.'12 vie; No. 9;
o„....1,1 -vii. -No. -4;
The junior hockey club of'Clinton and
Bengali will play a. match at the rink here
tonight (Friday),, The puck will be faded
off at p. m. sharp, skating at 9 d'olook.
Let there be agood crowd present.', Admie�'
sign 15o,, 'Mimi 10o. • .
MeCRAC810A.�In Br
aeeeL, Feb.ist
, to Mr
and Mrs F. McCracken. a eon.
Aa.I nave taken out over the large ice hove
tramWm, Wheatley, on Huron street, Tam
prepared to take orders to furnish good,, clean.
pure lee toall customers during the oominw
summer. AUorderrwill be rmptly•attendid
to. H AVIS'CJtnton
&J'PAi�T FQRD b 'f AVIS,
a• 9 Fe 14-t .
Mapleton. Salt Works Dissolutlon . of Partnership.
girl wanted for small family. Apply_
to MRS W. COATS. Mary St., Clinton.- „ • •
Feb' 7-tf •
Servant.. Wanted '
• Good general servant in smau'familyJ; togo to
London. •Apply at NEW Eat office. Feb 1-tf:
Bulls for :Sale.
Three Shorthorn Dutham Young .Balla for
sale, allfit for service.. Bred from good milk-
ing strain; all running about a , year old, red
color. W: SNELL, Clinton P O
Mullett, Jan 31-4w.
Seed Potatoes.
The (Rose of the North) as stated in. Rennie
Catalogue 1002. They are early and excellent
gaalityand have yet to find .a potatoe that
has given such general satisfaction. The early
market verities proved a few days in advance
but. on July let the Rose of the North were by`
far the largest 'cleanest and beet. -/tunnies.
price 25e per lb. or 11,80 per bus. ' 2ty pride
g1.0o per bus delivered .in. Clinton a limited
- quantity, Address, JOHN AVERY,
Jan 31--1 w
...: Tenders Wanted.
Sealvgdtendere will be reoeivedup to ;Febris •
aiy 15th.1t02...ddressed to the Chairman ot the'
Building t ommittee for the et dada of a Briok
Presbyterian Church at Bayfield. Plans and
speoificetions can be seen and other. 'inform-
ation obtained on a plication to •
Chairman. of Building Committee
or.the Arehiteot, J. A. FOWLER, 00derioh:'
No tenderieoessarilyaccepted, .
Jan. 10 -td*
•The Partnershipheretefore existing between.
James, G. Seale and Eli -Bice ae Marble Deanne
has intently been'disiolved by mutual consent.
The business will ati Ibe. carried on as usual
at the old stand un Rattenbnry Street.Olintnn.
a l�'• All, debts contracted by the firtn•tothie date and
• all accounte now nue to them will be settled''by
the late firm.
J. Ridout,witness. • J. J.. SELLE, ••
" Dated Feb. 1204 1902-8
• Choice Seed Oats and Barley. . .
Also Corn, Bartel, and ()ate Mr feed
Seiifor. Cash or .exchange, for any kind of
grain; in some cases from 2 to 8 months liras
given. •.
Timothy teed bought and sold.
2 Dare Ensilage Corn to arrive shortly
Drive right toyarehouse. W. 0, I'ERBLJ,
Jan 24+4" • Clinton.
DELVE -In Exeter, Jan. 28th, the wife of W. •
Delve, of a son. .
oADAMS-In Wingham;Feb.2nd;the wife of
Chas. Adnyts, of a daughter. .. M
BARRIS-4n Myrick; Jan. 284; the Wife of
o • H. Harris, of a son .. . , .
lifITOHELL-In Luoknow, Feb $rd, the, Wife
of Moorehouse Mitchell, of a daughter,. .
•OURTAiN In McKillop, on Feb. 2nd,the wife
of P. Curtain, 03 a son.
Bt7TT=IuTuckersmitKJan.80th;the wife of
W. D Butt, of a'son.
KENNEDY -In Tuckerstnith, Feb, -1st, this •
w ife of ft. Kennedy, of a son.. •
WITMER-At the Goshen lite Ray,Jan. 81st,
the wife of Sylvanite Witmer, eft a sen.
McCLINCHEY-'Attlie1d44hen line Stanley,
Feb:.Xst,the wife of R McClinohey,of a daughter.
R. , E. . MANNING, saw LOgS
known wBn.��A�eoc,
Combines . the well .' known lGnsuraneeAgent,
food values . of -wheat
and the medicinal
virtues of malt.
Itis: it Perfect 'Food, N'ateree own.
'.It greyeni;s'eicknese by .keeping: the
system' in .e healthy condition, •
Itrestoree health, by regulating and.
toning -up weak systems.
It gives sure relief to persona suffering
from poor digestion, headache, dyspepsia
1LL111 IF.D. and other disorders arising front the .nue
WRITE-WALLAtiE-0n Feb, 120h, at the
home of the bride's mother. con. eth,Bullett, by
Rev. A. Stewart, Clinton. Wm. Waite son of
the lap Rich, Waite, to Miss Etta,fonrth dough.
of Afro Thornton Wallace. •
DtJKII BARB -At Trinidad, Oolaradlh E. s.
by Rey. 13. F. Lawler W. E. Duke, formerly o
Gr to Miss Zanie 2 ., daughter of Mr and Mrs
E. B. Marr, allot Trinidad.
AO$ERMAN-SPEOIC.-in Buffalo,J. P.' Acker -
wan toiMiss Etta Spook (slater of Mrs J. Johnson
of town and . formerly of Canton, both of
Biif[aloi ,ty
BAlLE v' CARR -At St Pancras church, Loa-
don 'N,nr., n Jan. 22nd V. lf. Batley, Boston,
to lli t Edith
M; 0! O, daughter of D.. O. Carr,
WILSTNs01d-At Minneapolis, Minn., on
1-RAttir, -daughternt dames
formerly of btoderich.
BEACgOM-In OoderTch township, Feb. Oth,
eacom aged 55 cart
HARDY --In Morrie, Feb. 5th, Thoe. Hardy,`
aged 86 years.
STE WART In Wisrton, Zen 60th•.D. Stewart
• (formerly of Brueeele), aged 68 years.
McA'RTRIJR•-1n Morrie,. Feb. let, 'Harrill.,
daughter of P. McArthur, aged 15 Oars.' _
ThSomaon, wife 0 John ,13Footi daughter of Johann
Thomson. Brneselelaged 86 yearly.
PABA413011--in 'hit rry Jan h' Mary
Prager relict of th ♦id tumbled 81 years.
• tett,' a .f O. Pleweu,Helgravel ariedyeaarrr., ..,• . ..
ill Brunetti J n:18tth, Rama Mel -
tient ,relict oI Valeta F Of Rogers, aged 74
;earl, i►:3nQ .. • . .. s ri
WOODLEiX�n k3eafortb, Fep,ltth J:plraaio-
lin Wooed is icarr. .
• �OUTTti in Od .1rioli� Ifeb.,r n orlon
Clouds, aged e0yeare, iwr"�� Zr fi _
0WEN00-bo Ethel,3J'eb. ttth,Wm. 8p.nee,poe•
master and township of t a ed tit Bare'.
J TON In t3a•%arlo�o . 6t pr1Ns ouches
liire R. , g y and 6xaonths.
PLfatab-•in ion re to Oat, *tilde Cor -
of poorly cooked foods
A trial will convince the most ekeptio.
al of the superior merits of this food. For
sale at•
Ann aR0eERY ate parent on yfo d t
to talk of consolation under such affliction: We
Canada Lite Assurance Co ;•
>Ntre: ]farine,4 Accident, Plate' 'Class
ie 1 J. P. T1s
oa ali'e ntinY, Clinton.
' . a Bard' of Sympathy.
To the family Or the late R.B.. Walker;-
• DEAR Fai>iivns,=-Whereas Providence in His
infinite Wisdom has.4een fit tolremove from our
•midst dor brother, .we hereby• heartily extend
our deep' sympathy to you
in the heavy bereav-
ment you have sustained in the death of a
beloved parent. The lose tons at a member of
our HomeOirete is great for we have lost a
congenial active and highly respected member.
The loss to you, however, must. necessarily be
much greater. To him have you undoubtedly
. looked for council and advice, and he alone has
been interested in our welfare as an affection -
1 dull , - Wo mercer', know how
id however, eek you to confide An o
lad and happy reunion in tall he glorious' Home
Roo ns of Clinton Rome duct., Van. 6041262
x ec- as.
.W. + , 0°Ne f Cher"s (hod w110 aloncan guide you
Top Prices Paid. • •••
lash. on Delivery, at
1 tih Handle Faclor3r
for all .kinds of •
merchantable : loge.
200 M ft holler lilapir, 18 snob,. and op in
diameter. '•
100 Mfr • " �, any eine from 12
inch in diameter up, for. oantbook bend,
200 M 11. Rook: Elm, any size. for handles.
100 Mft Soft Elm, Basswood- and 'White
February, 14th, 1902
1YICZinuoii 8r Co,
1� 1-..y r.,lr'•l • . .
It may seem like fording the season to show- New 1'rinte at this ,ince of the•
year, but a number of our oastomers.j1lse to buy their Prints,. Shirtings end
Cattonades early, and get their sewing done during the slack Beason, before
the spring to work o e e bygetting
p R o nuns nde ,and -aur Prints, etc., early we . get a
better: selection of patterns than we can later on. • -
We are tool agents ter. Walter Crum & Co's celebrated Eugl]ah Prints -
every piece ie guaranteyd fast colors, We show an elegant stools of Panto ot
prima like these;
Good wide prints,, lit a great range o1< patterns, feat oolore, regular price 7o
per yard; for 5o. a
Extra heavy Printe,.wide width, no dressing, in all the newest designs, re -
pier pride 120, for 10o,
Crum's celebrated k;nelieb Prints, wide•widtb, soft finieb, new patterns,
guaranteed fast colors, the name stamped on every piece, worth lbofor 121jo,
Heavy Oottonades, in.etripee and checks, at 20e.•
1leavy Moleskin, in new patterns, they wear like leather, at 150,20o and 25o,
Best, bhirtiugs,. in stripes and checks, fast colors. regular 140. for 12}o.
Any Winter Goods now en hand will be sold at wholesale_ prices and in some
oases at: half pride. , • "'
On Ladies' Astrachan Jackets you can save from t3 to $7 by, buying now.
Terrific reductions will be made in L rose Goods, Ladies' Cloth Jaeketo,Men'e
Beaver Qvercoats and Meters. °
Ask to see our Soy's' Overcoats at $4, reduced to. $1.50. °
fbilcKirnton 4 Co., Slyth
��•o� ��• 1
two .Cedar Shingles and Lath for sale.
Cdstom. Sawing attended to at all times,
• ,• . $ Iaw iP, S Tre
anlo a E, • Li'vr ngston.
f you want • f rst" '1aS aretRD.
Suit of b -Ai in WeHe
�itlebey cud. 15hingles,and Lath in exchange for logo.
• Our telephone number ig 84
Made to fit you --guaranteed to wear well and
to be• .stylish
Leave your order' with us.
A stock ot. Cents'• F urnishinggs will b added •
and be'on. our • shelves by the ist ot March.
eioo NW iii �i
Jobasten, aged AS years. '
Pout members of "A" Field Battery.
Kiitlgstot, imprisoned for de'eertlon,
Cut the locks of their eels and eneapadr
1S, M. ,snok is rti rnrted to be dying
nthe hospital at Hamilton from in-
uriea received at ennunitvea les bourne,
! t .
Tt`will da,your oyes gooll if you come 1•1 and see our un
usually large stock of Ruga alore and Tapestry Couches.
• Every one of them is a combination of beauty,satxsfaction
and solid comfort: Prices from $5 to $15.
'..•43 :EL* 01°X10XiX.IILSArs 33X;Zila
Coaches ! -
have just received a
shipment of our ' justly . cele
brated line of Standard Shoes
for Boys. These goods need
no introduction as they are
ready well known mid are re-
cognizedto be the best wear -
mg Boys'Shoes on the mar-
ket. r
. They .are.raado:. -u... .a e,.
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without seams.
Insoles and . counters g txaran-
eed to be'°abs olutely solid sole
No Shoddy
No Paper Soles
tsle�m/? ,
' • ,.� r,At Legs than Wholesale
4:: Paces.
For the; next two weeks we will give .grea t reductions
onall goodsas the stock must be sold regardless ofcost,'
It.wil! be money. ii'i your pockets' to buy your `Boots
and Shoes for next Sumaeer's' use from us at the- fol-
lowing cut prices
Men's rubbers
n i
•' M s L ped 0yerehoes,in gite.6,more;laei`yioeable than
'for boys wearing No. 5 shoes, the priseawas $1.75, we are.
selling them for., • 1.00
' .Men's Felt Bnekle Boole,. were($2 25,Lnow .:...; • • 1.75
Men's Hair Lined Boots ;were $2.75, now 2.00
Alen's• Grain Boots with loose sooke, Iitibbera and Roche; Over •
shoes and: Lined Rnbbeis,at a die:onntof.1 5 to 25. percent
Men's:Hockey Boots, all, sizea,Flreduced ifroin $2.25 :to . 1J7.5 . •
Women's Felt'Lined.Bnttoned'Shoes .that:were 1.35 for 95C
: • . Womeii'e'Gaiters, pinta and foxed, werel1.35 now . 950
• Women's Fine'Kid(Bgtton Boots that were 1.90 ;now 75c
Women'e.FineRid .Ohocolate Oxfords ibat were 1;40 now 904
• *Mince'. Fine Kid Batton 'Boots that. were 1;50 now 70o•
Children's Lace Boots from... , . ,., 20e to 25e
Women's Cardigans,• former pride 1.35 now 1.00
Aliases' Oardigane, were .1.00 now: 7a0
Ladies' Oyer Gaiters from 40c to .75e •
` One' Set T4`km Harness
40' gal Harneae Oil 14o per quart
.. witch 1
:Patronize the New Shoo Store
and, get new Shoes. ,
Fred ' T. Jackson
We have still a number of, our Fall and W'inter Jackets
left, and in order to,clear them out -before the season is „over
we have decided to let them. go at about one-half the original y'.
cost: These Jackets are all up-to-date, both in style.. and
quality.` All mast be sold,
• • . of the rices below :---
afew �p
Jackets that were $15 00 to olear at $4,98.
�.:_. ,, 11.00 ��° , 3.40.
• • ., 9 00 n y•.. , 2.95.
6.00 " 1.80.
,, 4.00 and.5 50 " . '1;65.
MEN'S FRIEZE ��'tt'� �
l' our Frieze Overcoats' which ranged in lice • front •$5
Allg p •
to $8.00 to clear at *8.95.
and All our C'roods•e nail . aii'cheap.' Come ee- alta, wt -
have"to offer, _•
Piurnst�ei:.& Gbh 5 Clinton
. Men'sr lleawy.Frieze'tJlstera $8.50
BOyie " „.r • �0/'
i " 'Reefers 2.00
uuManakvaxamerzNim+a.sons:Iuiwk.at.,ni+bn+b.'mnnwrmv:.rta,:nbw#+axm,+:.:ue�+mumet...._:: :.:_ .-:..sM.xzaMsrda n4rvtl.waw-.cY.
)fn's B.ubber Boots 2.50
Men's Snow Excluder Overshoot; ' $1 25
1 00
�iomerc,, s Felt Roots Buttoned or 11�ced '
Goat Robes, dark grey • . ., ° 5 00
Astrachan Capes, 2 only, worth $15, for 11 00. i
6 Wrappetettes,. worth 100 to 1.2e, for 0/
• . L. o iJ r ►!LLn i J. •, o Londesboro es