HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-14, Page 3NEW taai►
urou Co. Packing Cid Storage C-ompaimr
Tka Menet 3rancheo o Buiiueve to be Oa tried on,b the.
Huron Pork Peeking and cold Storage Oo,,• Limited
Ar he meeting of the dicer are held 'be shipped. wherever they eau be *told
m tlfinton, on Mond'v,,xiaa Mtn, envie to the inoet advantageous prices,
three propositions,, were mole to thr Firmersneed no arguments to con-
direcctore from out„ide ctapiteeliets, the vinee thew of the benefits they will
one elated • below . being the one receive by having their apoles handled
taken up. It iv Gotilldently believed In this mennetr, t le si'tnply what we
that the et ockk will be rapidly taken up, bays long desired but hitherto have not
and wink on the plantcommenoed at been. able to retool# any definite action.
an early date.. With an .outfit of butldinge for Bevil
it t d in tb centre o�
The company have accept ed W .lI
fel tile, a district situated
Clnton seta eu ap
Aelden'a plane for the er•e,:ttgn of e' beet factory cannot encomia if even
Aroup et butldinge for hau.Jintt the
fferent lines of farm produce, equal it. Each nee it will'handle will
This will include a P ora. factor cap* give us an ft er increase deputation the ecs ow tow
p Ar . p receive, ,�fteoa front tette
able of hendli•rrg 1500 hesge per week, district, visiting the counties. where:
together with a iirgii ed number Or cad- beets are grown they concluded It
tie, a poultry Heil bung station •equip- would be mudh more profitable to save
pedon plans aft erthe Oft tif'that in use those products we already raiee; than
by t>r. leading KAII"ss clay packing to eater a field that is fast filling up
house. No• i•ndnitry connected• with. and'which eosts not $100,000 but 1500,-
the farm is mora puna!able than' lite '000' i'o build a plant and equip it. It ie.
raising of potuttry, ile�rt ie, where forts confidentty.belieyed a. like increase in •
ere have fectliri,•s for Hnii-ting tilt to price can be made in apples, butter and
properly, • At this plant ail poultry psultry, " ae that accomplished by
will .be received eiIiye, properly killed, handling hogs. The estimated cost of
dressed and crateri, then shipped to the these buildings when frilly equipped is
cities. and'Gh•eat•Brirain ,Besideaharadl- $75,000 with acapacitYter makingan
fowi for the faat''oer the building annual turn over. of $1,000,000 worth of
wilt he equipped . eini far to the above farm products,
refer0obroiler aregin.vrt�analtoack led •Thesebuildfngewiil be" situated
annunliy under a>systern eritirrly-new
Clinton which will be easily acceseable'•
to farmers living!; along the . varloue
to °"°$'11°' branches of railway leading tc •Kincar•
Along with the handlingg of hogs, .dine, Gsdericlr, Exeter, Stratford and
cettie and poultry a modern cold etor B'russele
age building will be erected wit h a ca A really over:$20,000'worth of stock
pkicity fur handling all t he hotter and has been sold and as farmere it general
apples Huron coup; y and the tributary 'desire ta: make use of these buildings'
townships can produce,^ the corning. season it 'is confidently
I?artners nave year atter year lost so believed every dollar of stoat will be
heavily in •ii'pples that rnany have con„ sold in a few months. This is undoubt..
eluded that it does net pay to grow edgy, what should be done,thereby say
thein. A.lt.hough almost everything 'ing interest add Other charges ..caused.
has 'been 'done by 'transport companies by using borrowed money. If every
that elan be- dame, yet. -they- _d2caunotdoltac-o tock is.n.
takeup by the ttior..,e_.
all, and thi?i ;cart pause be done ny the the buildings are completed there canoe
farmers; if t bee wish to reap the bene- no• dqubd;of a six per cent. •dividend be-
ts from a aystern of'enippingl he ttovm ing paid the first year
rnmeind hes done so much to foster, .Mr Belden, who has 'been connected:,
It has been ettimated that',in 1A00 with this' hue of "business for some
Huron county lost in applett alone over yeare,.is a practical farmer and on the
$100,000 ny not having .s; cold storage acceptanca.bv him: of the position. of
station. This station will Bend packers head of the organizing etaff of the above.
throughrnit. the Country to its. own' company,he has..re,4gned hie position. as
shareholders; they will properly grade- 'director of the Fartlner's Pork 'Factory
Wove,' e,' y,' 1414
•D. niir f ' Cure.
$ a" Hair Tonic,. is • cleansing and . invigorating:. it
•.o/ess maryelibus work . in stimulating the hair to, a renewed
owth. Q
A DRIJ ' q o iathe rout of all hair 'trotihte, Get 0.rid 'of
t at once, and save your hair before you become bald. ' We
uarantee Coke. Dandruff 'Cure' to cure. • Price • 50c. and $1,00
bottle at all , •druggists..
R. BREMER CO* 'Limited, Toronto, Chlcago',•`New York, tondos, PItri
a>mer:s. am.eras x Cameras
and pack tneapplea,marking.each .bar- at,Fabpnerston. He enters'thia work in C
relesa"et[ : as the trail for. Whah;ttte a practical anaAr b .subsc .foie iib- '�+ .,r
applets are delivered at the Stetted srtii"lly. Having the ' utmost 'faith. in •
y y p5 m , y t g
farmers will be paid: a set • pricefor•e•aal .thetbusinees[, lie will devote his entirey ankera an be Sappy
Bu aC
grade, the apples • sent to our storage time inmakingg'this Compaiya'stronty;
station. and ear the winter advances will, corporation.: ; • There is •probably no pastime a pleaseaseaeant and: instructive to.both older and younger.
minds than photography.Itis A plure becetamit helps to. While away those: long
' winter evenings, and itis instruotiyebeoause it teaches: care and ' preoision and: teaches
PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES, to look for the artistic in the everyd.y Surroundings of home.
The fo ar=e nate Plan Meenti that,all yell 'n to the nffererandnn leasant to all one with a kodak and bookinstructionpy
�►pp • In CAMERAS—Film, Plate, ffiageaine, Bog, andF'olding:
q p' f mak or at tion Yr a s o' o a"hdnervous •vital '
redeem the sama `careful attention and itycg, tar eliminating .organs They: need
ON TEE R06E-SQUARE PLAN . The general impron:don is that it is hard to take•photos, but enoh is not the case. Any
how ,ausig tly, sometimes is seting, mor_ can take hotoe, We Derr a
tali lint
oneeomers, regerdiese o n /mot", An evidence ofpo rbl od
PRINTING4IE'�k1'I R—Soliotuid Dekko.
PLATES—Stanley, Eastman, Paget Pries. •.
treatment• at onr store, Vie%;are SB pertic-' inning+' 1—the whole sydtiem 'does:. Yon pi}ens,,'Developere,'aEgniits;atid Outfits_ Call and see.
neer 3ith the: child who is: sent to put.. 04 ,o ,1 ;ori (bout the. i, pr qed •,yon- r" '
F ¢i � 1' k . P , � 9 For those who eefelr to hilts their developing and finishing done we gtlbte the Poll
• chase itknhe•eoaall article sits
Vi?e ,are with ditionnby using Ferrozone. Poisons erA prefer •
the eaperiehoed adult, We never sub driven ettt of.the weed er grow strong ing pri'cee. We guarantee work if exposure is good.. .
41;5 irk. 8ixdi • .BrowPie
a h 40 So ex .*taxes.
stitnte inferior drags when filling poise er, the blood richer, .the „nerve's,, stronigeln. Developing ... .....e o 40. ;,g po.
.doctor's reaori tion: We never repoin' •Piermpiesandbiotobesdieati ear,' color I '"".' '
p F . P , dozens 35o 30o 250
mend the "soutethin' act as good.'' poach. o c 1 jiistttrry and:ase•how punting and. Moantin ..,.each' 70. 60 ' . be • 4o
g iiriirer Kood Glad
dva>a. ern thirtz?anie joy as be „oaten out of a boa of ... g • • • dozen 76to 65o 55o• • 45o •
Under eh o ronmetanoea • of eioknebe' derrozoins,, • Priori 50c at % II: gonibe'e Developing, printing,"monnting, each . ]0o So So 70
and disesee : Paine a Celery Compound it oink store, Clintondozen Si 800 750 600
safe, sure and • unfgiling'; It eleanees and
purifies the, blood; braces- the nefeesr H• B. C�lil'IS�., .•Chemist . G Druggist
oorretite digestion; and builder -tip tho o
who are weak and run-down. If on Lire
nervone or eleepleas, try ` one bottle ; the ....a.,. eh.
:.e ...b .- ., -. < •- -
resultti will .surprise .yon.• Our steak of *trance `man stealing funds fro:
Paine'•s Celery Coinponnd "ie alwsye fresh vault;o>x 1fht: bank iris. lndtghatlbn6tnetaaf
and gate, . a hounlds• • "You've got' your nerve!"
' S B HOVEY, Drnggdiet,• ,Croton► eiot•clattrleA the :watchnxa n " tiny body'd
',:lehtnk you a+an erl.ri10yed here; actual
,.. lyln-4•"fuck.^
When General Sheridan yea eienpirlgl
OW the •'•lover' • Iis!eelasippl, is n�T1y
boy, Marry, wee one day. a o4 by a
Mend whether thi • genera3' wee not ter -
iia Allo+tictl'and`perreratlast tbow":
• si t tilt
the Beetle rAle Sewleetioes,
nly'to•aod'•ss cents each nons highir,
a .tar them. Sold in nearly' every say
t mail from
• � e +oi b
� ,fir,. y _
1I3-ha-1I7,west31 st NCw YORK.
- 'Newels
d .a
sumptives.": Ably annoyed by the moelut'iteea. "Nth•
gel►e � � �
ellinrake,. Grimsby,'
O t "t ct.We Have in our town a• k
n:ooatiaeuce Is eo'toxirvcatea they don't mina
,feria . fox some iIne., He ,did`aot desist : • 'iteina,rlcable Cure. Effected n' Dr.
g, parltsii,ln Yorkshire he Sound hits vtstrst+ $Oath' Ameriutatn" Kidney urs
a.h¢se• Titdney-Lfver•Pi>;itt. �{��.
Orit., writes : skeeters an' in the rnornln the
• eel," ttiald'8tirry; "in �ttheivaai►in': •
idne >Disease•' eats so toxieated• he don't � riling the 11).
With .If y
esters ;
ittle it
Man 'tli'two 1
o' n' .married ma with r z ■
u g tone In the'�B'lati<de ,
. � 5�'EC111LI
-a printer by trade—wlio hasheexi and palm, in the. •ltaclk Another
When gl<lney, Smith. was rector of a
until. this week: I was upto see. - were discussing the.propriety of paving le c4rtlpalasndt,d to cure .14141.
, Mr. Wrn. Soyas of Y9' MOGee street: the a 'roach to the.church•withwood `in
Re s: 1 in in bed: .. e pp. nay d'seases,: ante , north S
o>x. $ .i Y � Toirori#o,. says. I tt as ,a ftiicted severe• _ .
him woako , di3 ase stone in.- en•biocks. There,wae. a good. deal of else—If celtevers In six 'linnets;•
and very weak. i #"eel the. -Sanatorium bladder,
with kidney e n perturbation over ways and means,
i ti
c de Dalt th
i dd P
b er
-4n the. lace 'for,iii d .however. .. A n ti 1{l n. Cu
purine set ere gins le the back. ane South me ca d Y
er' neon nen
a .:
.noti'tt. .:
't' lie
is n"Gentlemen • d .Elie wthe
ahaGet sadtouches byu h
'm a'p ' • re to
'rector,, "I .think • u will• all Put your ' gently . gives the best
a one re.this . he would have liaise over the !Dills.- I vvas so b d if• yo Put Y weak," vol firmly, but g;: y , g
toof r g E s
`• 'but'for'the nes- `. that I had' to get up two or three'#iine, heads together as the'-eajing lis, the 'resides in the shortesttime.;: cleanses the t.neys
. tired the'tianatorivam q In the night and could alien only makes thing' can be .accornpliehed without 'rtt'.,..i le r leer,! cleans, a,tcl purify. tic blood; for
tion of means. Would it be asking 'too water at illi gi c t pain much difficulty bt•.od can become impure p •g
much of you to;w'rite the afflicted one, or "trt"hPugh 1on;; , a sufferer. and unablR •� through wen an • • : •
kindly see that it is drone i Ha• is a mem: ` to work, I was .confined: to my bed for 11i soottieh member of Parliament, fa, '. up to the light of f e loth catttury: • Employ the'
„-. impure onlybyassts
k' nd'ailing kidneys ,Let. us live
that ;time an address to his constituents, assured means, and e•Iri obustand,vigoroushealth. '6'
three' weeks. and .durin,
herof iriy church' here, and the poor, thought •I could not possibly endure lila hearerri that he was not an idle •
n i to ore ° Dr. ;'Chase 's IzidneYrZtVe: the last two.YeaFs'l,e li# d put no lean The Human 'Brute.
than one hundred' and eighty-two trues •
easeis being racticall answered b the .;at, they have frec-d fele of ail ths;e� a the members Saddest : voids 'of tongue or pen,
p y y ;�mptems, and made Me a well man, 7 tient+ to the Speaker and m Clio
t ti Sanitarium Association w�,o of the goyernmefiit. " What an ign'oran't Likewise :the' gladdest words, we know,
N 1b I
fellow seems very'mu h'd%soouraged." ' treater misery. It was; then -that --I •be member of • the house, and that during
What to do to help stamp out this dis- • tills. It is with gratitude the t 1" trio,
a i ns. , „ {`hs aaddelit .are '•' It might have been,
�t:IQ not think of: hew without- Dr
four years ago` bulge the Muskoka Cot-,. s i�'cia, r=Liver rota iri tlz4. auto be`ggnr Ye ,att#at her* cried a voice.,
T;i$ . ddgladdest'aare i. told You so
to e.Sanato m' *thanks to the oner sit' noui'o, and can also recommend 7�i• from the crowd., • «-Philadelphia• "neeort7,"•'
rx>x g y•
+ . o„e's gyrup' of Linseed and Turparr
of 11ttr; W. J, Gage; and the Executors of ` , - ural Dr. ehr. ce's Nerve. Food The revivallety "Sam” Tones, Warn once• —._.�
ae and who have t ::superior medicine:" taking women to task for 13. TO H&VE BBAUTIF'I i SItIl�.a
the late Bart eted a ' y, •
'In :every town, village and t6wnsti;- h,ore tune in prinking than in
raying• ._,
Oanada , just such cures are dab ' "If there' a woman here "' he Every one who would liana . a clear,
now just' completed a Free Conon build- soft,
Co su 'tura : AMT.: brought about •• k+y Dr. Ghaee s screamed finally, who nays more, .. be4'atrtal ekiri i •p, p ,,
ing to,b0 known, as the Free • n amp . � .__ .. _.. + .. _ p ,. fon
i� . P + , ;1! p� " D ' Ohaee!e''OCntrhent, it he a
merit. -but` a lcldney luso iue t>ie,t. haF • Mast use t!,
:-'-eld•tbe.•tact. • One bill a .dose,
2'5e•L• t' ne feod #or the Won, . ea o clog the
rt -II tiogters. Or T!ldrnanson', Bate i '! ores as do owderaf and insures' erwnu-
arose. wren spend, more time praying pores p p
than 'prinking:?" asked tire predacher, ent benefit, ' There is not' a single itching,
taking her all' in, . The poor old crea- berning•dieeaee of men; women or child-
tura said sloe slid -prayed all the timett- ren thetta.t.)r. Ohase'e Ointment' .will not
prinked not at all; . " IC'ou •go dtralght enro. Mothers find it. invaluable for Baby
Anecdotal, home, ads,ionislred Folies, "and put' 'a lvoaema; eoald;head :and chafing 'on the
for wife or' children firPotliase otherwise .
aarttdt and •corresliondasnt, .declares hr '
from i3outh ASrica hti London Cecil
h ' free roan im les black-
„ e ss and di fC ares drupe e
lit nc Diver
Pills. They are no ex tri a heads r one e g g
Hoepitel,'ag'ain the gift' of'•Mr. �, Jy• rl y r than she Winks let her tand u bn
r poor old,. faded epeointen of temdnintty,
Gage andflus Massey Estate.. G in the sorriest shabbiest. oR clot1,es r h k' dq tot
•. 'Whet this'metliod'of treatment meant
is shown; .i,n the, fact that sin:bier years
5j.0 patients have" been treated, aji"d . of
these over 800 have been cured or se helped
,thett.they have gone back to work; caring
dependent upon thorn •Frederic Villiers, the well-known wait ,. GVhiie passin8 •
£iherbourg en route
qhs now Pres Conaurnptive Ilbepital h f i 1 i i t ,
InChina all f t th i lily
. game benefits that have been given to ' When washing;; as the water is requiredn ea
saw't a o1 ow ng sign n"a prom nen 1Lea:6bserved several. vessels of the tin *tugs. ga es a 'ew
is situated. xn. ]ffuskoka, not far frcrn the • hotel Ifa trio Australian town W11a i wa+
Muskoka Cottage i-anatorium, so that :tire.. 4 'ter was Beare.: "Pleasi ,bon't iu+e two` French ne neo l suite• the uadron ••"dust- win s out In la. In iirnerlca most Sates
g Is. China all doors
press Eugenie's' yacht. The French- awing open .outward. fn America
e nu a reason given
t t Do y mind rn Dallis you �Cay4 y roe f their vessels, shouted leer ewineing gates and.dooi+s thus In
terium,• by virtue of its excellent sitars- d lid bl d +
tic- should go also to the poorer patients int Bo ietty lady to the young inching the I which Illi d
I where .7neither-moneynor price is testes ., f doe a to .IA la Dalt iii" Coolly
Bary, ou d ns. mind me not answering ! •' i crew o, f 1310 Bi�ig° rattag 4:_
Y o >< poen! he could not school his ew t
for tea, n who w re spread t orca th doors open inward. The
patients of the Muskoka Cottage' Salta -f „ ,.
you a •g •,
Once OM a. very, fas ono a an gush -,"Vivo it lmperatricel' The captain of
>y China" is •that they are'more convert-
, . n e a • e nesse on'w c o ee vasa puts- : 'tent when.;strung way and it is
whose only hope. is ill being received of York; "I lova your name' 86 muchl". singer', wishing to show his respect tb' .the euetOm. thatell; the gates and
, . Not at all, said: the Duchess fn a file r mprees, got lila ',nen reafly :to ss.
arigeroue y _ tl I fleets but. in- tl,e_ short time t glia � a- _ .
i, aril! ttltith car
lls lt• Absolutely free, to all intents. and. pnr• you!"repeat the French worms.. "Tell :them • -
Doses, aro e words written *boys a hylas *tiro ; the English Wit, WWI to SEW 'beef, lernone.and cheese,'" out,
For •tllrede. .,
and all that is wantingnow its that sofa,
iiieedeady;inoreaee in our trade is good prsoi of the tact that our •geode are rigii'
our prices lower than those o' other dealers in the trade. • •
We manuteaotnre furniture on ".a large scale and oat) afford to sell 'oheap. ill! you bay
• from ne, we •save for yon the profit, *Mali, in other .oases, has to be added' in ",
'the retail dealer. '
his k we have': seeed into stook' someot•our new • designs Space wilt not: perlmia
T wee p
•ue to quote' prices, but` come' and .eee. for yonreelf what snaps wehave to offer.
Remember -we are determined that. our'priaes.eball'be the, oweet in the trade.;
In.�thia. de• _ertment our stook ie complete, and we.'nave 'undoubtedly • the best 'Inner& I
e count Oar rives: ere as ow :ae ire lowest..
' • Ont binth y e
J. We chimer
_ r
B � 8c C
/A� TT.�C1-OT
a lin : t d. 'W. Chidle . e antral.
os alts Heti.. to b o l B 4 y r
—Night and Sundayale n. y
P. fl. g;
Directory reeidenoe:.
• •
c arnmon rubbers!, F e r th a itt bo " the f Do '1 Id th m It h
C> • once situ With ileorge Iienryr
door of the Free Consumptive f%spi,tal ng W > 74ewes gested Rhodes lrlayfully and, to glia
that With
years we have ptoved
and ' oe named Beraud who wart utter amazement; the yacht was greet.. A Rrdilder--Ars 'Mott Losing Weight 2--
a .st t in
eo ethi
but you' et *testi deet rttbbt3rs to properly &fillip' it: „
1 ed eat lsaelure i; tylia coir, its.
3r t1 Can ltttli3` ' rn
ng o! n bora land a 'good deal ped .Wltii.a deafenin y�eil of ,'beef, gene- alb_ t L'} Doitiltioii t+v I hells
' r�ti Igoe.
' •
16x32 inohes at 400
to . 6 it 0 his by 10 ft _at $$
thin 36-
r -10 4
`.:, 1to�o U� �'
it nd 72 inch : *laths.
1 .1
ua � yards
l Cloth. re �
z S � �s
and- :2 ls• square
w . Coats &, Son
The Cutters we sell are own . m$ We guarantee them because wat
111g, 0400
�•� know the Stot�k and . W'orkmtsntl�ii
ON r is first elaso.
We !lave a levy good Seeo*d Hand: Cutter or sale •
Repalriiig promptly attended to by experienced lie
a ways C.L113ALL. ': MeM A 04 • Huron Street, • Clinton
�� n er s on i
• u e oala ore, ied ere-:teeati iw dtfst stated to nett!! ea b the Duple & x+4rarenoe•'C!o'.+ rite,
• biotic messy be contributes. to furnish.np. Restores proper
n i<aon
th C1d
i f th. nein n e
ba e J
d ed tier; Derr ii•' nd b
ti i
your .#'o o t; tho hospital with heels end ' h '1;I 7�1 ik' It t . .
h eti n
01 • one .e, d heesbi whio re build
laturhecl at r,ewes asked reit 4f n o n and sto•
In. at or ways you Ayer' e8 au town a Vo o e re a t a r p '
They National scent Into re11?1 01 b t h y
A. littler Boer bol► of six . years shot' .
t► Sanitarium Association, beeande of 'their like -0tO. tersely replied the Wit. menti seed great
, at.
>ia 1
g 1 d h .N tl t sailitesy beau,+ debt, al0 unable to undertake thin •
M i * d il>Y ' � d
r part of tlye woih, and appeal to'tht> public 11
• n .)SO�i
ahin elf parts of Canada—for
all are son. HEA
to.lineet. this
tett otinilr w - rM .._W:. �_.........ye.
iti" cernedrfor rnonel► iatud int
>aal�l. •� 1 tial i �irrARRII
purpose. Amoan large or antral 1
, not allow yourself:to a do , el •om ` A. single dollar' will --MAW feed that owelrY brdstxth'
be w a ed g
+fwd by Idtstiaoes.
do` W mtlis'rfui "1"r#tlmriMlty' RC1' 1ti$ rgMt'orad•'blh your Ia$t—that this
sornothing Shot !10 will do more. Otherir M3 A titettimo,
stow illi ` i $50 t.t bur�ottiwdra powers
of rr i thumping. tlltbfflIrtgy
1 lila M
t of )D , Dirt
CI"' l� nam loarnatte crushing y
are cont sting n earnotxn —a aura
vii' ' ` : tatrrltatl lfowwder� tint Heart
t+r a 4
.film tow
ikons n Y`
�� �p
sufficient to furnish cot. Out
of their
the best ilei the lmtark t1M•itiacir a'htitidanae'there will be ;tome who will r r , t:7
� r 1�r1 vviifee' r' Have been a Ita>ifetett
tdlMt dsir +till for
'pV' it, Meredith,dw M �atat�thal ltowtl'ar *till tar
ria int at baa Sanitarium er r+tea bottles hoe g r iota w. ' mite of WO.* 1t Ye
'i1U ti► ilt+i 1 drito
*Web and xititicly with • riend their cheques fox $i00 br' larger
- "' as 1 C earth fat overs s Cure for elle Heart it elle culler
! R. [irAinl T°f►rotat rand N a a tit, o
*oiled �dgrr bed �ttittXirit They an,ountlr, - •. .•° yratft, dar%ngf rwhich tiara► my head liar' beets. a'iitolu#al" unfailing toned �n� Itmtt dell
°11 o ,
iv to Hughes ex >r
t r a
and kil ed g
HIS E S1-.-
111 't wlth rt put'* the abutte
up"in bunny an honest maws
business,' and there ere
thousand* Of 00.*0 l on record
in dws
Where the only *earning p
sir on earth to teak• thali l
down again Mai South Ameria
Oen NervIrtae
w l was complete!• •7strated with Morn*
lhbillty. I had to • s np butlnestw-•dootOII
only hei nti tribe. .rig , li was the most diet
Am Nas alive whim i started tilting soatlt•
etvino, but the splendid twee I hod
{;tare toe hope, and 1 had not taken' half Il
bribee I found mile& 1' took twelve het+
Wass olired."--E. !lintel, MarrlakvIlI . N
Bold by 3. U. Hovey and E. r'. Nelda
a dltion truly ,sheet, scribed >brr eminent p y
are carried a`tfo your i ont>ribtaloans will, dla� +rr in.
a in
and Yto
hope tot'
e h
l received
'� • .Sir o tales 1 be c ss. r p
r of h
3 Ur.
Ire n
lii a �`
n r minutes !1 l�
ma Us 00, 'V`loe• able. a. 5 is nfset,llied re'iies ' talfereir, It Is not a u. �rft, lifter to gattirt >
4 co telt to the high ever
of ezretenelr i�
15 ld N i 1 S ri Au�toai ha enfold, M leat
., tion, Toronto; W. J, Gages lw'tq., Chair. Oared on." so ctsnts1 relief n thirty minutes, A fee bOttlltr obit the
411111110.1 tft an oats Ex. Com Toronto • r r the I4'eti { ' r watt forego( had Tuelady, k
a . 7attlrbarrar [ futile 066)litixcliredt• �,
'Soby' l� , flodey *lid 1% lS1B*0ltiltt tion l J. pi, Hovey and E. P. notate.
BOO Sed. 'reroute.
t -
gr. li yo
"odi is looting forward. and waiting' for ear"
fiver b �" �' .. �
lr l�. es s ���e.r,. �:µa �' ..,
al ..� �� end. ��''.,v.,
�•�aqi�-a�ad a g
is In the front as usual for quality aitd. low prices.
Selected Balking, Cleaned. ^tCurrants, Cooking Vigo, Primes, Dried
Peaches and Aprrao$s"all fresh anti new.
SUGAR " Edea' A'li - s-euG:A.1I -Bed paths blxtrtt Granula r mut
ello a fit wholosale prices, (100 pedal *ndbarrol lots Specie! teal OT gbh
ern 40o al,
for l po , ani sills agar coffee sugar . , . g syrup 6
TEAS* Black Green atd dapapt from:lOo np. Rest 25o•tea ill bows,
. Dinner, Tee, end Toilet Sete sn4 loamy Lamps -4o leek* room•for my
thring lmpori onions direct from t he Masteries, I am gelling at 25% les*
an the• aeaat price,
Cs and, examine uali and prices and you are
buy. iNANTE%i Good
Y to ws 1 i 01
eland Ego. -