HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-14, Page 2Vo'bruari. 144th, 1902 $1. VRIDA,1 FEB. 14, 1992. TEE CLINTON pEW ERA „ 11 1 1111 Ili 1 1 1111.1II1 11 iiIii.uiiiiiI 111 III •_ *to Crisp Vountrtlippings I Tarnberry township hes Mat another • GOderith Affert ,,,,which ead event occurre ;ire 0.1 Otte early and blirbild respeckd rebid- verupretty wedoing fire insurance i..ffice Bruesels. ran n, V1.0tb, druggiste tu Oen . 041,1 reit. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has •writt-en to I en3Qhe Kellr 1148 "a has 100 -acre Wal year old. lid was united in marriage to Woods Thontedini• Property tor Sale. John Imelda hart opened, up a life and enta in the death of• IS Davi d Ti3 ' Haugh. took race at the rest ence of W. A. TM Orme 8noliift Riniedv. Sole end recomovided hy all 111 evening of hot week. Deeetteed,Wee 8-1 wheia his second son Albert G. Frank. oble medicine discove . 8 the 5th ine, Metric, to Mr me Word has been recelied of the death Minerva, E Bailie of Goderich, Qute I eretge:stiv, gaggrgoiegfruggc . ister of the Oornerionwealth Of Atli,- Thos. Harvey; ot the 2nd cone Hay. He vvab a merchant at Dorchester for a will reelde in Venconver. giPaur igalizna miTet,z)./r ' the night Bon. B. Parton, Prime Min. Cook. The Prien pead was $4V00. in Barnesville, Ohio, of J.R.L. Waugh. by the Rev Bisholi ()ridge. The couple! two, Opitun or Stimulant% Waled on re MI Ueda, Sugges ng the dieerleS1011 Of the 1 has eold his 150 aerp farm to j?i. Iltovit purgrtof yerie, andi's li. II:valfewtclicelge7s, BUB= Stamm...The public school The wood comPon3a Wrndere We OOP subjects at the colones has so d bis fat m to .A.Prown,. tephen. ed him only a few wee ' „ dons, The principal, Mr Stewat, P eeirie. a' t litoreY t" Il CeMbe DICE W od s Phosphocline is sold In Clinton by MVOS to be held in London next wonace erenache of Lucknow. Inte • 1 ilvi otone son and four daUghtere our* - sue his course at the UniVerstty, ,and Messrs Willis dt Son. of Seefortb, and The body of Miss Susan Jane Seale Miss Husk is retiring from the teach- •'/' - ada and Australia, a fast mail service Behment of a line of steamers from We are ---------- 1peased te hear that Thos. •si?tee oktflar Rene! Tolbert, Egnao.rd- Neeks. Miss Shari:Gail apnlied for the ' TO iteii. 4,,Iptraue, to a Canadian Atlantic port, Ross,son of Dayid Rop,of Brussels, has vthe. e ueceasett i vela most or ner Nimition of princillal until miasma:in:ler; ' tollowi . o er s us ago earn. ,,board had to deal with two resins. , giving up his poeition in order to purJ watts, Druggists ' June :-Trade relations between Can. Bold out his boot and shoe business to v VeN i • ing professiomthe fdrtner is to leave at Propertlis for Sale or to Let , food a better. steamer serViee between the new firm will take poseessionpf the was laid to rest in Illgreondville cerne. at once, tery on Jan 25th. Miss Seale was a Beater and the letter in mbeut three .40-stralia and Vancouver, the estab• hes/nese ara South Africa, and tbe effeet on the opened iip bubinees on his own account , life in Triekersnalth but has been a ise Winnifred all and Miss Helen ! '' recite cabl-r-nraject-of the concessions in ttheeley. In tailoring, gent's furnish. granted to,the kasteria Extension Tele.. Inge, hats, cape, etc. , after a severe lingering illness she died. . Stater:. , Premier 1 arton says he Will Last s'aturday afternoon Mary Belle Chester D. McLaren, of Landon, and d m a' nephew of .3,1r P. McLaren, Of Wing - graph Company by the Australian eecond 'daughter ot Peter an ary . • ham. died from the effects of poen- be delighted to enemies these subjects McArthu ,r passed away at her home, With Sir Wilfrid Laurier. but that .the monia, in London cn Tuesday week, 9th line, Morrie. after a week's Milers% Wederal•Government will not delay the She was a bright girl of 15 Yeata. He. had been ill over ave months. The oettlernent of the cable questions until . • --: , • ' deceased was a member of the first con. after MO colonial conference. • ' • 'Wednesday morning of last week an tingent to South Africa, and it is sup- . 4 ' old resident of Morns paid Nature's ' nosed the wound he received there and ad debt in the perpon of Thoe Hardy, who ` :Several inquikiee as to the nature. thedregs of entric fever,was the founda, had attained his 84th year, Be made 1,.,. the Gothenburg system of selling his borne at Thos Bernard's, 5th line: 9011 of 3as McLaren, and was born in tion of his denuge, Be was the eeCOnd ‘31%110113 have reached this' office. The Morris, '' • i wieghamt he was 22 yew, ot age. system wag examined by the royal ' Wm Bawden arrived back to Exeter I Friday week Christine, beloved wife . . - t of .Fort Dodds Iowa Where Stewart applied for Miss' Rusleti posi- hInt sSA eameesionAlopricilt 'DMA - gInw ellarniSsion which made a report to r.°ba e 0 ea Yt hit him ten horses, including Clytesdales,. ,. he Oanadian Parliament. The system • Shires' and Hackney and; purchaeed 1 ' is deecribed in the i eport, The' rnentet. ; from some of the best stud farms in ' t -B 'ta" lb of John Scott, of , near Sea - forth, and daughter of John and Mrs Thomson, of Brussels, passed away at the age of 36. In addition to her laus- band there are five children, nne a baby pal connci is the licensing authority " &Duke, formerly of Grey town- two weeks old. Mrs Scott Lived nearly and fixes the number of licenses. A . ship; and Mies Zanie E, Barr were join. all her life in Seaforth before her mar- • menopoly of the licenses is granted to ed in the matrinmeial ties recently liege. She was a daughter of Mr John andthe ceremonwas was performe take to conduet the triffic in the pub- lic interest. They are limited to a, •-------------------- iTidad, Col, profit of 5 per cent. per annum on the, The Misses Moore, music teachers. of Paid-up capital, and the surplus goes Wingharn, have received notice from into the municipal treasuuThe em- England that thereeis a valuable estate ployeee are salariede-and e-tro-n totheiroreditethere,--Legalateps_have been taken for the sale of the property which valued at nearly fifteen t outl- and dollars, • • • • . ersocietypf shareholders. who under- li • M • t" Thompson,' of Brussels. formerly of OreSt in the traffic. ,The premises rautit be kept clean, and the hours are considerably shorter. than in Canada InSweden the storeeare kept open for three hours on Sunday, hut in Norway • there is no Sunday sale: The majority of the commissioners spoke well ot the plan, though in a guarded way, and • without enthiniasm, and one commis- -•'sinner, the Rev. Joseph McLeod, gave a decided verdict against it:• • The EyewlEilectIons. .Since.the last provincial election in 1898 there have been 26 bye -elections la Ontario, resulting as follows: . Lib. 00n. - 1808- - Maj. Mei. East Wellington • - 508 . South Ontarto• • • .. ... . * ...,.....156 . • LSODOX • ' 108 • .'. Halton • ...• .., AM • .. West Huron • 45 .: East Northumberland.. ... ... 576 .. /si ipissing • -' 781 • • of Lucknow. • ' • Port Huron who was ' with hinr in good'etate of cultivation for salegor to rent . Lot 29 con, 2,Stan1ey, oontainin 100 ,acres I899- . While Wm and. Edward Lynn, sons liam and Robert of ihe State of ongremises or len . MoGREGOIN: 2 oon.;11. 7 , wood in their bush, the elder sop,about _ 22 years of age, *net with a; rather ser- ious accident. . In: felling a tree in a 43 rough place the 1304 of the tree flew u 3.7 and ;struck tuna on the side of the head , , and alighted on his leg, breaking both . • .• bones below the knee. • Hei was alio alio _ wrenched otherwise. .. • , 43 • Mr Sae Haugh, of Wingham,mourns the death of his mother, who passed • • away on Friday Rost, at the advanced ... age of 81. Her maiden name Was Mary • • Fraser.' Her husband, Mr D. Haugh, by the Londontarper S. TIoe British ,• *- 1901- predeceased her 11 years. She leaves them from disease, Only a truly great London 1,665 .. three sone, James, .of Wingham, Wil- and effective remedy could ' continue as War.°Oftlee.. through the Dorainioe ' The eboice brick house on the corner of Val, Minister of Ariculture, plaeed an or- °liana "gerh streeth' belonging to the estote • West. Huron 295. ..... limn and Thomas, of Turnberry . there Paine'e Celery Compound hareclone,lo hold sa e or o mu . con s room or or . 1902- ' and Mrs Jas Link ater ,of Turnberty, able physioians, discerning profeseiOnal Milling Oo I Of town, for a little , over • nary family, is prac lly a new hOuse, with grs Hunter, wife of Mr it. 'Hunter, of Liocknow, died very suddenly on Friday last, from the effects of a pare. latie strokethe previous day. Deceas- ed who had been in poor health for borne time past, had tertched the age of 75 years. a .: . Julius Donne, of] Gorr* died on Wednesday weekatt the advanced age of 69 years. .Deceased los been resid- ing with hie brother, A A Doupe, one 'of Gorrielegenerer met chants, for tbe list 18 Mouths. His ITB4illie were taken to Kincardine. . The many friends Will regret to learn of the death Of Mrs Chas Secord, which took place at Pilot Mound, Man., on Wednesday week. Mrs Secord was the second daughter -of Mr John Treleaven; and sister of Mrs W, H. Smith, Luck. 130W, alld for many years both the der• Seaforth, and a niece of D. D. Wilson. Her only sister,,Alies Margaret Thomp- son, died suddenly some.little time ago. Notwithstanding the Intro- duction of Imita,tions and Counterfeits the Salesot -4PAINi'a CELERY CORPOUND Have Vastly ;Increased. . The great Medical Prescription of Professor Phelps, XD , is •, the Only• Medicine that tzuly Banishes Disease and Sickness _ • •Shordy atter the greatest of modern physioiane• Prorestor Phelps, M. D.; gave to the goironse of medicine the most wonder- ful remedy. of the Orem,* day-Paine's Cel- ery Danipounda host of imitators eprung up.: As the demand for Paine'a Celery CompoundinOreases in every Befallen' of Canada, imitatore beooree bolder, arid at tion; Mies McIver :veiled for a roan] 00.11 -if.• . Olinteri.ent In the central school, •and Miss Vesta • Watson for one of the ward school . divisions. It: was decided to advertise • For Sale or to Bent. for a princinal the eugefeinent to be ends. The residence property of D. R. Menai°, on continued if the posit on be Prinoesa St., Clinton. Apply to SAS. no= fact orily filled. The saliiey is to be Deo. 07-tf. . Barrister, Clinton. $700 per annum. Klee Stewart was • chosen to succeed Miss Ruin:, Miss W; _ To Rent r Ball was appointed to Miss Stewart's , room and false Vesta Watson to the . First class 'brick store, suitable for any Mist - i tinier room in St Patrick's war dschool, •ness. Apply to W, 0, SABLE, Clinton. DIED IN DETROIT. -Miss ,Lenora Nnv16-tt, Isabella Morgan, a daughter of Mrs' To Rent oi: For. Sale William Morgan, died in Detroit on . Monday week after, a 'long Mims, at . the age of twenty-two years. She was soTide eligraWleelliiii) Vtk-ofncdtggle(1111Meollingoll. a Member of a large family of brothers i prising Lots 85, 86, 90 and `el, containing one and sisters,. of whom one brother and • acre of orchard and garden. Apply to • one sister, besided their mother reside 4 (344' 17' W. W-. FARRAH in tewn. Her -remains were interred ' • DEATH ov O. 001JTT$.-After hover- - To Let. in Maitland cemetery. That beautiful store in the Jacksoi Sleek, ing between- life and death for some Huron Street, lateiv mounted by 0.Witts. Ap, few ° months Gordon Coutts passed olyto away on Sunday morning, Feb. 2nel, es t. sTHOS.l JACKSON, Sr.,Cliton the result of cancer. Throughout his - P illness, though at time, torn by' in- tense pain, he displayed' caln3ness •Cottage,to Reflt. and fortitude iyhich were the marvel of those who visited him.. H•com- A corateitable and roomy cottage otrisitto forted his children, spoke cheerfully to EOtrigtaleVelnrenieedubal;tgragirnagilftlg his friends and dtrected all arrange- adjlotining, will be gola on easy times. APP1Y ments for ' his funeral, - He was of . to 38 BMW, MarySI Oot 4.-tf Scottish birth, and entertained an • • • .enthusiastic love for his native land, . • . was a member of Inverness Camp, Sons of Scotland, and the welfare of The west half of lot 24, Baytield Con . God - the Camp was one of the chief objects. Mil LIT leitf°0 Vatieta Zara c, , 8::1 In religion he was a' Presbyterian and : barn', log hnon e. plenty of waterelle small and in politics a Oonserva,tive. He orchard, Particulars on application to . had been a resident of Goderich for • tf- J. P. USDALL, Clinton' nearly halt of the sixty years ot • hie . House and Lot- for.Sale life. His birth place was in the neigh- borhood of Balmoral Castle. SeCtland, , and the memories of his younger days - A sinalllot, 06 ft frontage, and comfortable and for things of Scottish origin. He • Farm For Sale. Were charrd • with recollections of frame balm. with woodshed attached, on there, whom he frequently saw. He Eg.T,RTosatT, T3i.s, , left Scotland when a young man and Nov. 29-4. ' — comang to this country settled first in Bentinck, Grey county. me Wife For Sale . or to Rent. ceasied and her husband were residents sons and three 'daughters ; John, of North Hastings ... . ... . . .........; 255 .••• throughout tits illness ; Gordon, Wil- . for term of years any to JNO. MoGREGOR, members o the Royal family' residing wilicahm streAct, per ,,grhoBwivrGrlootril.. As subscrib is not in A. position to work It himself owl to illnesSLIte offer* for tholehia property on t Enron Road.01. ship, consisting of 15 acres ofgoon. wins email house and outbuildings thereon, orchard of one aero with all kinds or fruit. Spring well and "orb:1g water in field. Will he sold,reason• able Also te-an of homes ad plements. Pthel'Ell.nrarn.fZirli.'211V West Elgin........ ....... . ... 221 • South Perth North .Waterloo• 119 'South Brant '417 • Nest Elgin ...,,• • ' lliVes. 'Elgin • • , :South Ontario 8.22 ' Wept Peterboro .... ' ace. South Renfrew 314' East Middlesex 1900 - North' Renfrew ' ooze. • North. Waterloo .........* - {aec. Welland 262 ,•• of Jae Lynn,' lstron.,tgrey, were,mitting 'Virginia, arid Pet'er, at home • Mrs a oonsefluemie, the pubho in many queetere Lovett, a Chicago, and Misses Annie •. are suffering from these vile deceptions. and Lizzie, at home. He was interred • 1 • t d P ' 3' P • Seoforth p. 9.. • To=day no other Meditfine 18 00 ler hi Maitland cemetery. : Choice .Farm :for Sale. • due to its immense pophularity. • . • ; • NOTES. -There was a brilliant oath. . ?moo win choice farm of about 120 sores,. t cl• h f in the Odd Fellew s hall on votwithetandinp t e iutroatuition of' ariag a ai m le rem 01 nton. Goodin ok Thursday eyening weeg, . the occasion B tua e the lball by a jeltZWA18,2Araltr :iiMecreitit:st.97 iroitatione of Paine/30story •Compound in -Canada, tini Soles of the great dtsease hit- versa:hoe location and. excellent farm,. for bars of Hinton Lodge ;: the attendance twee idler increase from week to week and fern- e wantinga real good place. Will be tined the combined output of all other medi. was large; some 150 pereens,being pre- sold ont9a!'5' rgivigropuT.tiviar. sent. ineluding.guests from Seaforth, ZiYittonjareath-stri. ' in 7 eines', People incites -ripen hiving the one Cheten,. Bayffeld. London, Stratford remedy that • 'niakers them . strong, repairs from. and' Exeter, the ramie being furnished' , theieshattered etiength, and that For Sale or to Rent. the eatimetiOu 0 der 'with the anitoba and LakeHuron 'for 1 . of the late R chard Heywood, ia offered either East Kent . ecc.. - are also four daufhters, • Mrs aliutton lie enrivallea piece •in , . . ,.,„. all cony t t .g.c. tab . f di • acc ' • • • • Mrs Keyes, near -Shelburne; and Mrs men and the best people of the land: Fortune, ofratnitoba. . • South Africa; the order ..has- al- 'Dart ofit eniences, and three -tenths of an acre : 150 tons, or -1,500 barrels of flour f • If you value lite health obis heat, - ' . .• Y' of land. If tho propert is not sold o re tod, will be recital Apply to r' n - -' ate to refuse the ."Sontething just as good' ready been filled, the lest of it being . • W. poen Executor .01inton. • Frank Wm -Alex, ;son of 3.H. Wood. and vile iniitationS when dealers presen, shipped: last week to St. John, 'N. • f3.,, • • . . ley, of Seaforthidied at the home of his ' ' them to you, See that ,you get the kind whence •It ' goes to South. Africa. • ' " • WOR SALE. • ' father'on Tuesday week. ' • :The' deceare. An impromptu luncheon was given at • ' • • --- ' ed . voting man,. although , a native of with the name 4,•Paine's '- On wrapper . and street, ocou- -,.. .. • . • Blackstone restaurant -on -Tuesday, - The framecottage ori' Crar Seaforth, had been Sybil , in Chicago 1.3ottia. ' ' '. ' • ' last week. by the. employees' ,of the p'ed by the undersisnedi is Offered for sale on • . for a number of years; an canie home . . , on• Five .of the above elections, it will be noticed,' resulted in acclamations for lhe Liberal- candidates, six, if London • is canted, where the Conservatives failed to put a candidate in the field. ,• and two of the unopposed returns were for constituencies which, in 1898, elect- ' ed supporters of Mr Whitney. • ' . , 1Farm for Sale. A splendid 100 acre farm, consisting Of the East half et tot no, con 1. East Wawanoah. " good frame house with kitchen, barn 84456, anti shed MOM which there are good etabling hard water of hover failing well; 8 merest ot bush 30 acres fall ploughed, acres of fall wheat, 1 acre or orchard and thereat under grass; noted miles from A.ubmit and 00 rods from school. For further.partioulars apply to Jan 24-11* eoviiis, Auburn P. 0. F• or Sale. 'North hal et lat 26 OP fifth con., township of Mullett, containing ilfty acres, well drained, good well and orchard on the place; about miles from Clinton. addreqe or see ersonally Mrs S. Mr.GA.W. owner, Seaforth, or r James' AnCHIBALD, horse dealer, Soaforth, Jan 24.--tf. ENTER 1:I,NY TIME after January 61h for:a thorough course under individual inetruotion in all Cornmerotel Subjects • Accounting Telegraphy Shorthand • Typewriting, Etc. scentral Rusines College Inthe TORONTO -This splendidsohbol, with 12 teachers 80 typewriting maohines and thorough _iiLoatioursesnsodfa.study is the beatof Unkind , i ntol. Ir. OliW;e118(e Geennaewn;IPSritlise,TtlioarIP IP.........4.?94.**4.*.t.","47P- — Leos JAMES SOOTT liorittor,,souoitor, &MI CLINTON. OVIMX-Rillott Block: Isaac Street. Down TO LOAN, Wt ORYPON E4 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY POBLIO, ETO, • Office -Bayer 010131r. Up-otaire, Opposereat'olgi's photo Gallery !MOUT iffic HALE DONFEYANCIERS,_ 00111MISSIONERS, Real Estate and Insurance Ageney Moue) to loan. . 0. B. HALE, JOHN B11301:7T CHARLES SEAGeR Barrister, sollOitor, Notary and Conveyancer Oflice-Opposite Colborne Hotel „ ". Dederick • - , .(4 -CAMERON --- formerly of Cameron Holt & CanIOVOO BARRISTER Ann SOLI0ITOR, Ofilee-llarailton St oPiosite Colborne HotlEo • GOD/9RWL ONT GARROW GARROW BARRISTERS, BOLIMTORS, TITO. Oillee-Corner Hamilton St. andthe Square. Goderielk, Out. a, M. 421.ATIRQW• Q. 0. CRAB. 0411nOW. D PROUDFOOT HAYS, BARRISTERS, SeLforToRs, NOTARIES PIIBLY0 PROS:MORS= THE Ideanlimg Qovrtr, &a Office; North at,, next door toSignal OMee Private Funds t� lend at lo wok rates ' of interest. W. kROIMKOOT. R.(1. HAYS. • ., 'Circulars Free:, • Official Census Returns, ..• • . •, me following tigures are the official tetitifie refurne ut the towns and yil- lagea dal§ district, the 'figures for 1391 are also published. In Huron Goderich and Wingharn were the. only a couple of months ego,. on account of failing health: But that fatal malady, consumption, had Yestenediteelf -upon him, and he gradually grew worse in-- etead of betterr He was thirty-two • •Mre Plewes, formerly of Morris, died in London on Saturday last: 'Deeeiteed w•agi born on lot 2, con 4, Morris, the second eldest galaughter of the late 3. 1Jorb tt, Sh w d b t• h - • ' --a-tnt• geedl ^-•;•e• increase, the . , -701/1417b1;31.9, find the fatter 280; Sea- years ago to ohester. Plowes and tn7 ' ' forthWas the greatest sufferer, by a moved to London. A bereaved hue- ' decrease of 394. Hensall hal only been band, also a mother, two -sisters and at incorporated municipality: since four brothers mourn her death, She. • 13971- .,,, ,-;,,‘,., ion, Inc.Dec. was 26 years of age. The remains were • la" 'I"- a".; "°'''' taken to Belgrare. ' _ Goderich .........1157 3839 312 • • • '. In selling some eggs -last summer Mr, .Clinton ..... ... . ..... 2635 . .. 85 M. Roach, McKillop, wrote his name on Vingham 2897 21°7 28°. - s • - one of them. and recently received a Seaforth .. 22;17 2641 -• 891 letter from P. W. Hill,- of New Bramp• Exeter • 1792 1809 • *. 17 ton,'Kent, England, dated January 9, 'Brussels i .1114 1204 ' ... . G3 in which he says :--•"I received your Blyth 871-- 927 . " ---•• ' 56 eggs all right, goad and sound. after Hensel' ---820 • . '*. ' • such a long journey. I domed it to a . Be,yfield '.... • ... 55t1 595 .. • 37 " Ouiat ber of ray enstonners and they were. ' Wroxeter ...... .." 446 , _504 _ • . '''° all interested. I intend setting it to see. For the sake of comparison we pub- if it is a fertile one. If the little chick lish the population of some towns and does come out I will nameitalter you, villages in the neighboeing counties, Mrs Benjamin Hoggarth. whose • the Majority of which'show a decrease: maiden name was Margaret Elder,died .. . , 1901 1 1 Inc. Dec. at her home in Bengali, on Tuesday 24 evening week after a short but painful • St. eiarys,8392 13416 waikerton 2970 am 91 illneris the result of blood poisonoriesed 2893 2687 la • „ .,. by'her hand being *pined bar a door. . Listowel The deceased -was the eldest daughter . Wiarton .. 2133 1984 449 gm mu 4. da of the lake Wm Elder, late of village of KiiIcardine in Rodgertille, and was born on this Red.. Mount Forest -2018 2214 . ... 190 son river•While her parents Were home,. Mitchell ' 1945- 2101 Jew 200a. lea grating from Scotland to this country. kalmerston 1785 me 2og ... She continued to live withrber parents Chesiey .. in Rodgerville, until the 71h of EMI, Southampton ... 1638 143'7 199- ruary., 1890, -when she was united in Durham, ...1 -1424 1273 151 " Port Elgin 1313 3.050 , .. 3i6 ,,MatTiage to Benjamin Hoggarth, who .1285 igo7 7.. D. still survives her. They resided in Ilih. A.rthur in bert for 28 yeare, when they retired .11 iifear% ▪ " • ; .7 age, an rilege1eintri:Ilideutll 18 years ego. eitattel one} „ • Teeswater .. 0.... 940 1128 .. • • Luean, . . 848 920 . • Allem Craig 744 ifilverton .. 698 Tare, o.• . o 1325 695 .. • Clifford .• 698 • Tiverton ........470 1 The '4outation,of t, *Utile mein RtIrOn, counties is as follows: . fr, . 1901 liast.......11luebn .;,.17_267 18968. .... South Huron .3703 19184 .... -......Viteet. lineOrt,a.s18774 Reit Bruce ;108.113 leg 72 dwellings in the village. ligeted s reasonable terms. he ot la tot an aere, 'w1th OUR GiOLD11119 ornooiNe DRY. rig-, hard and soft water;k stable, good fruit and Oodsrich 4)rgap Co. to J. la The frillewiik appropriate lines were ma° °f the nishing cie artment for Parlor, two bedrOoms, clothes closet, dining - ) room, somber kitchen, cellar and woodshed, Clinton,•on the occasion of the golden f h A, vir l'•f b t , is to suit nurchaser. IZ a AN , who has occupied the position of,thre- vegetable. garden he house contninst hall, composed by ev, Josise Greene • , of Ittleartlykfthr Year,. and who. is leaving is centrally located, possessiongiven any time , ormer ome. ne e- oa arrived wedding of Alr. and ;Mrs John Cowie sitter of Mrs Greene;- • • Q°11113crew 1 4"9d. • Real .Estate .lor Sale. • . rue e at ed on, the llth Wet. Mrs OeVfie .18 a. for the use of the Goderich life-saving , of Calidouia, which event was celebral. The parcel of ground adioining St•. Pours; Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury St., 16•Id age is stirely Creeping On apace. ' ' . at . and lot 262A Princess St Is offered for sale; .. .. . . . • ' Between the ages of fifteen -and fortyfive Each lot is about 80 by 182feet. Together they U -s, Eta WWeitihOok backward, and meitherhood ends, it is estimated -that the inaldoriaurttilrZdefs ,mogifolii 1158 °Iv 'a°. R-eview full fifty years of Wedded life eggregrate tarot of wonriait's suffering if ten .... •Augustle--tf. • • , , • to-dayr . • •yeers Ten years ont of thirty ! One ' • the time when •womenhood begins. and make an exceptionally fine site for a first-elass • • third of the, best part of woman's life sec. - • - •But -time is not all that is •lost, - Farm fuckersinith G-reat blessings truly have been rifted I Think of the enormotui lOss of 0-ura, through all these passing Years ; • Ulna.. L-oreepeace, sweet harmony, and jor .from the cheek% th b • Mit f th e rig ess from e . . POR SALE. . _ 11-ielne; have filled our - • eye the fair/leo from 1)3.1 form, They write don of Tuckersteith. This lfarra containst te For 4ale South half of L 39 2nd cotters-. B-arthly horne; as one by one, . their ream n many a oreaee and wrinkle, anis ell of Yin . Joh istolearod and in a good N-ine children came,to cheer us on out; Favorite Preioription. It, remotes erf t bush. It is well fenced and under dra bed. . regularity, dries up debt Aiding • Witch yiutr, 'tie tette, brought ' trial@ ' '' 'small fruit plenty of hard and soft water ,newkset not . • . w Th r of tiff e" t 1 thebioom • • — What a boon then to %mono le Dr pioroes,,sta e o Oen vation except 8 acres of food • &'" " Line with stable attached frame house with ea There is on the premises a good frame barn heals ulceration cures' female yeeaknese• wood shed alao good orehard with lote of and establishes the delicate womanly or- Ther is 6 *hoot -sown it Is eonven gene gorous and earn:lane:It health i rely ituat d f h ecbeel within Lu I 0 43 0 C 0130 No-Othernledioine can do thr r•oman whai 6 miles of Clinton and of Seaforth D-eepair; for 'With them grace and strength D-ivine were given; and hopes V le dtine by Dr Pierce'sFarorite Preseription Sept. a0-3.. Apply to 1I/DO MICH; Clinton. 1 • • • .For Sale. liquipiredcwith d'eepened love to Him W. Eedy,of the St..Tliomas Tifoes Atlas Loan ompanY,'suoceediliii-KV" --A fine sterrand a bear frame bowie On. who has been ap8einted. martager of the ld.eVer failed tti listen to ,our humble Wallace. Ti- is not announced whether cellar underneath, •11n hard and noir 'water, /I flimsily ncss Edna cation Is needed if the young man or womau would succeed in the business world to -day. Such an education is received in this most up-to-date and best equipped college. Forest City -Busi- ness College.Y.M.C.A. "Bad. ing, London, Ont. W. J. Westervelt, Principal. *4.4041/444444-4/4,6604 The Novelty. Bakety. and Redaurint . • .Oranges -and Lemons; -We have.row in stook tome very nice fresh oranges at lowest prim: Valenoias at 150 per doz. Mexicans at 15 and 20o per doe. Navels at 40 and 50o per doz. Best fresh lemons 960 per doz. • 'WWI. GUNN,. 111,1.0 .14 Ar. C. P. a 2. Edinburgh, , Office -Ontario Street, Clinton:. Night calls at front door of office or residence, Batten - bury Street. .1131t • Js We SHAW. paasicaitE, SUBGEON Asoottelieu eve,. office and • residence On tario tit., opposite English church, formerly Os. copied bv Dr. Appleton, Clinton Oat, • . DR. WM. GRAHAM Licentiate of Mtge, 1_ Collets of Physician =Wand. Onion and Itiisiderme- 'PERRIN'S MOCK, hp Stairs, DR. 0; W. THOMPSOPil Phyeiotoe, surgeon, 4to: , Special attention given to diseases Oldie . Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. 0111op and Residence-, ,A,t,e,AAintireet,s_Dlocks Norther Rilttenbury -• - DE G.; Egthigsr HoLrats - 11)..e.c(laStrisCtegfileCiteow:Dnr.a*.d13.. 'Brune Dia.:. SD. .---Eltrirrg4st-onciluif laOtntietasRlirionYnalolT-r°:llgrr-ollanejadtgrinuae""teilemoialW-1 tog Department of Toronto .1luiversitY. ' Special attention _paid to preservation ot shildren's teetm. • Will 'visit Bayfield every M da Office over W. Taylor do Son's shoe store. DRS.. DABQNNTI:TWS,0tINBTicolaig‘!.11"18 ' • Office adjoining Photo Stridio. • . • . ChoeolateS. 1 , McCormick's celebrated Mara- . -... ciao Chocolates and Petersen's . chocolates creams, always on hand. . We ale° carry a nioe line of fine bon -bons, French fruit, and chow- lates and oreeras put up in cleinty , _ • boxes. Yon eau always depend on ,I ' these good; .fresh when you get them being here. • Oysters Our oysters aro always fresh and ' - of the best quality._ We handle. Booth's Oval Brand and also the - Baltimore oystere. • Courteope and attentive to all, J Clinton. martininworts • 'Wanted! • • Yonn men and women to re good situation% Apply to tiontinion Business College • • • Office Houirs-9 to 6 every day and Saturday until 10 p. "m. Br mach offices in Manchester, Dungannon, Ellyth and Bayfield. • • . . . Veterillarlr• DR. J. FREEMAIN, " • VETERINAIVY SURGEON, Member of the VeterinaryMedieil Associa- tions of London and Edinburgh, andl.Ciyado. ra0111•. ,o0Tenjulohouprelienh7ogreticganndy "dilyAn, oiMAL:paceenitez t nintario Street. Clinton, (11 Miscellaneous ARRIAGE LICENSES isstedhy the ma. dersig.ned at his_Residenos, Mary divot JAMES SCOTT. SE - TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDES130RO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE 1•ICEN1310, witneeses required ; GLEN. CAMOBEL • Organist and Musical Director pf North - I' 0, PIPE ORGAN an THEoRT.L.is ere- , wed. to take a limited atmber of End's in he above. or terms apply this ofiThe or to. .Strint Church, Ooderich and • teacher la MRCAM:PB ,may e seen from 1ln. , to, • , • 2- p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton. I . Friday of each week. The best equipped Businese anti Shorthand , Oollege in Canada; Redtieed tuition rates, tario street, containing 9 roma vfith entire - .L 1114CPIIERSON /141817.RANOE: • Eire, Life, Occident Plate.odass. . :-Oranon . -.MAAnces Buittit.14.1111WK • Write ris regarding our cowries or study, and prospects of scouring sittlatione for :graduates, Catalogue sent free. -Address • B. EMILY. • • Dept "0" Confederation Life Bldg. • Veteran, Ont. • prayer: , he means to quit hie old job or be a r. quarter of an acre of land ;and a good num- ber of beautiful shade trees, intruded on one G.od bless our children, ohe and. all; as for he is a worker: ten,berng on the corner o Ontario and Dirndl' • Pod -Bah, In data case,suceess to him, of the r ettieseand owlet streets in Clip - scattered now they are ; Every housekeeper must often act as a partiowargap ly to streets. Will be sold reasonable. For further MRS J. BoldURRAY, i hi ' lif d v- family hysiolan Pain -Killer for all the Also fOr safe -stove extension table side D.irect the retorts, w o er e e plaints, is indispensable, Avoid at. . little il e, 012ti! and.. Spraine, de - no well as alt. 1,30ard,,Oritter and aeveial smalier article's. WW1 way they roam • bowel loom mitten, Ont tim.31111.,r, It-onder shore, may all lot gathered PerryDayis 26e and 500"8 . Farm For Sale.-: 'n.rid when With ins they'y 'crossed to !minting(*) there 1E1 but P ' eafely to our Heavenly holed. At a board of trade dinner, lion. G. er oh tp., 118 acres - 18E. deared,baianeehardwood,with a hilt° owl - 118 1U Dopervment is prepaied to g 1*re-415000 artim2ttratiiEwitiso W. -Rose in.timatei that the Provincial Lot + 12, Bayfield °On GOd 1 it of cedar on it) in ood state of -Cul valtidn • JOHN W. YE0 ,..ROLMBSVILLE,, --- • . _ ...... Agent tor thq,tiltrabd±etrOlt BIZtlf-21401tAffilli 0o. of 1VIanohiester, finglan8,-wkese fends and eseurit,' are rated at 414,600,600. .41seLtIte 1111, 4, Ext1141I rlor TTAL ilfsiMANOE CO. Al 01111::::44 Or Atm risks And town property lokon at sweet rates. First-edaee Loan Cituttlaniss . also represented. MoOey.to be had front* pm - • metrrille •+- pastel itard.iril centnp, aeoarldng to natant of esolerft11.-. Daily mail to Hol \ ' fetch him - • . , • • In ii .,..- -wash' her 67th year and leavee,besides Fever a year towards the expense of ee h ta,.- about five acres fall wEeat,and coneiderable fad . 003 05 , her husbana one son, • Willitina, who season", don't &taro your stomach Don't seek'other climes at 'day and Haling in loal°°• flgland' a sort if firiv.:,.nritfilTatiZnIsg2letittairiTillaitt go homestead farm, at Rodirerville, he Dominion cud.- Mit of Brusliels, departed this life a5. throat and lungs, •Aitedioinee won't retails ' Doctor Burgas% Supt. Hospitaller Ineane, elirgligiythtlifirrtel=fr tgirtel'Ipprir°8811g; Wieatod on Thursday week, in his 64th them there, but Catarrhozone will. . Cat- Montreal, where they have used it for . rerthert3artioulanito CHAS. SIMONS, 7kx.ep Bruce and Perth' • . .year. fie was born in RenfrewcountY, arrhozohe ie sttre death to germs. Start . yeari, for hie opinion of "TheD di t,"inett. • .uaind, FE., Goderich. • Feb 7--tr . . ' andleft there at the age of 18, with hie now te use tiaterrhcanta, inhale ditiki, ink) isot Plaster. Get Oho genuine made by p ' .1 1 1nel Deo.' d i M 3,70t illivray township, Mind esetr•county, 76 owns andle living on the 'bid der herves by druge-prevent the &Cease. Ilay "sample rOOM I to promote the sale et Vevey is caused by germs that float abent in Ontario goorts in the cad country. utbnildintg; about acres orchard, rtYrgigtVic itd iNvviiiVeteretneetient 550 80 Daniel Stewart, a well-known resid- the sir and finally find lodgement in your One faot io better than ten hearsays. Aok - t 1 • ev parentsandgran parenteigo ng to c. the throat, ono, mend portage,' an row- Davit de Laverenoe Coe Ltd. Church roperty for Sale. oaf goo ion or ky,s Itto Olergue tefetgOdlet Ohur h, and ng Of a 20021 1347 then moved to Brant touter remaining Say Paver. Endorsed by not lied than one • North Brute. ,...21207 West lirnea....18410 North Perth...47146 South Perth.* ..11801 1,784 where they resided six months. They ohlal tithae ; it goes wherever the, air you Th Sault, 0 th Ex told breathe gee% and it will preVent and ante d th ' th The 0 1'6 atlpresent known as 'the Fatten. .u. fl, 1 re used eat wee 7, ,000 which an oho ea *will situated iarter•ticre lot, with 21355 -:77.--204. 2 there un 11854, when...the_ amity me,y;_thoutiand deafen in Canada -ani t.., is English capitalist offered him for large liriek building, an large frame addition 20871 42(3 ed to Ore to*nehip. Re had frist. 13iiiiiiTcrioVIdnistrior $1.00 forwarded money the president said he had sufti- 5 accept the , tliere0 Is offered for sale; possession as soon a IbbiiiiVirt111111111rirf ready for ocettpatiort. The 22317 „ claes certificate and taught school for a to Poleon dr 0 Ea tf rd enIIS 0., r o ; an .,or 'declining to 26907 24 number o ye re, en engage n ngs o melee* could mull be denverted into two or 101,00 phoi orayhy. In 1885 he married Mies' cient money on band to tarty on all Ann 03 net 0 Vio 0111 our sons on hie induotriee for the next two year,. • The total population of Ontario is three daughtere were borri,all of whom , The ttaine of a J. 0, Farthing, of Bronehiel affection% soughs and colds, %UMW, 1111 wlileh 1.,247,190 are locatAid are still living. In 1867 he moved to Woodetock, is mentioned ail one which are quickly ouredby Pyny-Baleare, it has; in rural And 035./52 in urban districts, his own home nearer Brussels. where will be brought before the approaching no coed. Aote promptly; goodie, heals 101 I the total was 2,114,321, made up eix of tt"e family were born. Residing meeting of Synod ae a coadjutor bishop and entree, Manufaetured by the proptie• of 1,205,823 . rural and 818, urban. there till the spring of 1901, when he to Archbishop Bona. Ile is a Oamb if ,da of Perry Davis' Pain:4011er. The rural population of the province moved to Wiarton with hie (laughter, bt•icirte Man, • - bat, ther'e ate, 0 Y . Mies Marion, Mrs Stewart died eta or • " A case of smallpox la reported fret* „ latit deeede, Whilst t he urban population eeven yeare ar. The cause of Mr elL il•w• °ASPS 26 _ozerntoreehg,..!ttipPgr9ktgLarift; _ He was a tvenderfully c over Irian in some weeks. 41he load praotit °norm St tent direct to the diseased Pitts by the Improved Blower, decided it %vat% ,ftat smellppx, and the ara ell* a 41old lit 011ip .T many respeets and general knowledge * Reale the ulcers. Seers the air natiente, Who had the distatuse very TAM Legretire Ilaitue ,Oriiiiitie VA 18 exceeded by few. Ile was connected passages, stops droppings in the throe' and poratenantly ewes inkld.ly, eontinuid to mingle with their Ali druggists refund the:money if it fidio with a, number of organizations in• to Ohre. It W. GAM'. signature a on , Brussels and WOO enthoemetie in work.' Catarrh and tray vever. Mover . neignbors, The. firstnase is said tO be free, All tiettlera,nt Dr. A, W. Chase the, enh001 teacher at Glaris, Ing for their intereets indwell wart WOOS Co., Teront0 and 1/111610. "%Oh be& 060 e e • indreesed 110.154' leaving a net It" StewarVe demiso was an In ward cancer. COA111111 CURE ... cretiee in 'population of 68,021. • from 'which be was a great eufferer. °I have been troubled w th erurtiong three comfortable dwnllbng bottles, Or might be adapted to a variety of pitrpeSes, and is a, Snap to any one desiring to maim a good pro- fitable invoiltnIent. Offers are toilette:1 for the building and its contents entire, ouch as funnies:1.,seats, etc; offers are Also aolicited for tho bending alone, and Mr eontents,asholving, railing, stare% doable window furnaces, eta. reside furnishings of the church, toloh aS powts,aiter. charted railings, and pulpit might be used ht other ointrolies, halls, or other buildings. The pews are well preserved twine of them haVing boon tit use only a few year% The railings. Oro Make el Cherry and walnut. • Any information :leered may ee obteined from the undermentioned perking. Offers' receive*, ny the chairman, up to 6 p• et. on Jan. 1814002, •W*.nortintirr, W. U. L(01011 It.110LIMES, Cheirman, Winter Term begine jam 2. 1902, din rates are reationable-'our boUrifed 02titudy thorough and preotioel. Send for our Jouenal to 'see what we teach, Students may enter, at any time,wo coursee of study. Oomnseroial and SThort-hand. • 0.A0 PLEMING, A L BLANTYRE, President. . Secretary Owen. Sound. tiotowel .M101\1" rble&Granite , Yaw*. "W. 0 /1ZOISC Dr. McGahey's Hoave. . , k .00RE , . .... g. ............, ....,... Curbs Reeves, Chronio bough, _and sti iruellafges, thins of the Throat and Longa The rash ..10111c1.4 - the world that will euro the shin* disease, waking t Weal soutid in wind and tuefultohis owner. Price, lie Dr. Brottahey's Kidney ta Cough liowdort. baron acute Affections of the throat and lungs, tni41, III Distemper, etc. • For swellingisnd stocking of the lesi. the result of havl driving, Kidney Tv:Mille, ete., one dose will relieve, and one box. will oure. Price. Ho. ' ill'iE bR, holcRAHRif NIIDICIalit 00.. ' Iteitintyllle. Ont. _ Por Oslo by H 11 Oombe,druggist, Ciliated • 1 lieltILLOP 11111:11314 FIRE• IINSIIILINC.E -7' --PARBI• and Iowa Pnnnwrv The Purchaser of a nionument . Amid have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from which he buys, for the material . • Mtn workmanship is isoinething very few buyers are familiar with, If you do not knew tui, ;dem in. one, ebout our rreliebility trent those who know no beet. We are tht3 only praetioal men hero in our 'Nil Ito COnanuireisal nett} IJ. B4 I clover, Proprietor ONLY INSURIC - orintlaal • • - B. Mateo% President, Moven P, 0,; Thor.. Fraser, Vilits-Pronidelit, Brdeelieid P. O.; Those, Eh Hoye, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. Os; W. Op Broadttiois papa:tor of Losses, Seaforth P.O. D1104010101 W. O. oreadfoot, Seat:nth:John O. bees*. Winthrop P. OAGeorge Dale. Seeldrth; Joh* Belitinweis, Dubbin Jae. Brand. Betschwood 0.; John Watt, HarleiMP. thi'Tlioniee Eraser airtitiefield John 11, McLean, lOppen anted. OolustillY.Olintett. AMINTei Robert Snaithl Ratite*: iteht, Melanie% Sea. forth... James Cumming, EgMondVillo; J. W. Tea, nolniestific ; %serge mind% and Johtt C. si Wire iirect /seance or ttarle• lig:1:441: het other bttaineell W111 borpropiony ottemled tC 611 appliention tO 011, 01 the above 0111140 ddreesittl tO theirreer iiettire elem.