HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-14, Page 11
sandlY sce that SUbSOI ti
Is: promptly !mewed _
li ton. New. ra,
Iwzamisturn O6.;
.ntIorlattT flOro1.430. Pub I
Vo read My Ad.
on page 4. Every
thing to -be sold
at cost for the bal
anoe of February
For caih oaly
We refund your °
money if goods
don't give satis-
7 '
-1 P. B. CREWS
Exton t Watch Repairer '
Jeweler. And Optician
, • Brutefie1d. • .
Notas.-On Sabbathaast the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper waelseld id
the Presbyterian church; owing -to the
bad roads many were unable to attend;
on Friday Rev Mr McLennan, Kippen,
preached, and on the Monday follow-
ing., Rev Mr Martin, of Exeter, took
• charge of the ser vice. Mr and Mra
' Jewett, Port Huron, who visited last
week at the home ot Geo. Simpson,
, have returned home. Robt. Yuill and
sister, Mrs Angie, Manitoba, are visit-
ing their uncle, Jas. Aikenheasi. Mies
B. Gibson and Charles Penfound are
visiting at the home of: their uncle,
• Robert Boyce. L. McCennell has sold
a team ot horses to James Ross,
who will take them to Manitoba, where
• he is farming. Simon McKenzie, of
•Titekeremith, attended the funeral of
• hie grandson, Willie M,cBurney. near
• "Wingham last week. Miss -May Ross
has returned from visiting at the home
of her aunt, Mrs Lee, Ginelpb. Mrs
: Henry .Penfoun& is visiting at the
khome of her father near Wingham.
Janes Nelson •moved to Seaforth this•
week. Miss Maud Wilson . is improys
• ing in health. Charles Reid •shipped
cattle from our station on Tuesday. '
Intended for kart week.
Xmas. -Robt. McCartney, ' who is
agent for the McCormick • Manufactur-
ing Co., is busy selling machinery to
the surrounding farmers. Messrs. W.
Baird and Geo. Swan are learning the
station agent work at our station.
• Mise Charlotte Johnston, who has re-
• eutly been ill, is recovering. S. Reid
purchased the Grey estate on the mill
road; he has had it rented for several
years ; it is a good farm • and well lo -
and inot showing Much signs of im- NozEs.-.1. P. Daly: ha9 leased one
eated. Dr. Jas. Baird has gone to Cal.
proyement. . Samuel Woodines is busy of the stores in the Clarclitis block and
• gary. N. W. T., where he will practice
medicine. : putting in his summer °supply of ice. will shortly• move his ieweltl stock
•S• t,
• 0e4
• nonnesvilla Godericn Township' • neseawer. .
Wolininn -The other day a strange Strom Boont/00- The storm, was so NOT/W.-Owing to the blocked son.
dog came into 11. EON d's yard, and bad that a well-known resident of the dition of the roads the mail waaunable
succeeded in killing a fi its turkey. WI 1,4th, who has- found. it necessary to . to go through during three days of latit
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• • - • rimer by N. B. Beery
It 'Was intended to have published. this earlier, but the continued stormy weather
. prevented as obtaining a photograph of it sooner.• • -
Grey •
SPEtion PASSES away.- Very
peaceful was thedose of life's journey
to Postmaster Spence, of Ethel, on
.Wednesday week. He was born in
Glasgow, f3cotland, coming to Canada by the R Bayley orchestra and H.
whep 16 or 18 years of age with his Forster o'n the organ • an excellent re-
PoBorda Tante As HERE. -The
Welland Tribune give particulars of an
event of interest to many people here.
Rev. J. H McBa'n B. A. son of J. W.
Atwoad, is pastor of the
Methodist church at Ridgeway. and in
that capacity has won •t e esteem, of
his congregation. That, esteem was
expressed at an entertainment held in
the church recently, when the -congre-
gation presented their pastor and Mrs
McBain with two valuable gifts., Mr
McBain Was presented with a Standard
dictionary and a Columbian seltadjust-
ing bronze header, and Mrs McBain
with a handsome easy chair. An ap-
preciative address was read. Mr Mc -
Bain was taken completely by sun.
Mitts but mike suitablereply on be-
half of himself and Mrs McBain. The:
reverend gentleman is now in . his
four th year at Ridgeway and is more
popular- than ever. • •
NoThs.--.-Howard. W, Adams, • of ihe
Siolson'ti Bank, 'St. Thomas, arrived
home on Saturday, and will spend his
holidays under the parental roof. Mr
Wilfred Crisp spert a few dart at his
home this week, returning to Seaforth
on Thuredity. ' Robb. Sanderson, sen,
• coo. 12th, is very ill. Bert, seh of W.
T. ,Brunedon, is also on the sick list. •
There are two extra Men on the rail-
road here this week shovelling snow,
The Messrs Brunsdon have received a
lot of farm machinery, and are Istisy
distributing it amongst the farmers.
Mrs J D Melville is at present laid up,
stripped the feathess from a turkey visit town at least once a week during week. .
gobbler, before it cooll, he frighten ed the peat 20 years, never ventured off •
AeOIDENT 0 Thursdayf last
I "" 11 o
off. • the farm. tie says himself that this week igsa Henry Fishes had the wie,
OW) Rasineor. -fhe remains of Mrs has never haFP0004 before. fortune to dip outside the door, falling
Eaticknap were on Monday brought .... upon her arm. The result was a dislo- I
from Stratford and interred in Clinton nooTBAT4L MaTOn.-I-The junior foot-
ball teams of schools. No 9 and No 10 cation of the wrist and the breaking of I
cemetery. fibs was formerly a resident v one of the bones of the arm, which will
Played & .friendly game en Setuida
of this villege, having lived here for 1 t th t d f ti t a lay her up for mine time. She is doing.
, atil , e score, a en o WO, 13 oo
over I WI ty years, - as well as can be expected.
three to none in favor of the Bayfield
MST/I.-Mr Nathan Smith, 0 Lineites No .10. The No 9 boys has ., FalluEBS' INTertrrn.-The meetings
Essex OA., father of Mrs(Rev) Husserf held the reputation of never been, of the Mariners' Institute on Friday .
passed away Saturday afternooll last. 'beaten (but my) how the mighty bath last were fairly well attendosconsider-
at tue age of. eighty-two and rive fallen. A return match is expected Ing the inclement weather and the con-
mreithe. It wasenly a, month ago that shortly. dition of the road. Many int tweeting
hs with his life partner celehrated . PeaeotrAr..-Miss Cora ' Rye of questions pertaining to the .farm and
s;aeir golden wedding. Though sum. Edmonton Alta is visiting hero-u'ncle farm-werk were askee by those preset 13
moiled home by telegram Mr Husser -ors ' ' .; ' and answered to the sattsfaction of all
hir vv • S, Lawrence She a daughter 'concerned. At the eveningsession W.
was unable to go owing to the illness f ti J eph Ry ‘ h formerly re-
aler own child, which we are glad to idedroncitah H. e W °d, but ha Gledhill gave several selections on the
i in ural rim d f Ed e re -
report 113 now convalescent. Mr Smith :'ded ' th e •
was& Member of the Methodist church e neig or oo o mon- gram°Ph"e' °
ton for the 1 10 • years, where her Ontraosn-Quartetly services of this
ed , well. She came circuit were held on the Zion appoint -
Lawrence of Mc. ment, and were well attended consider-
Kindik see that subscription
is promptly renewed
• t agrzhearitt
La Xar
for over sixty years, and a class leader father 1113.8 a
for over fifty years. Besides a wife he anwe wit
leaves two daughters and three sons. ""
• • . • s b : teaching there ing the weather. The board met a, week
0110Fa FILIENDs Summit.- The and goes baclg ehortly. but "Miss Rye later than usual,owing to the storm and
Holmesville council, No. 301, C. 0. 0. will remain here for several Months, a good representation assembled in the
-F., celebrated Its first year's existence and may possibly go to the Toronto parsonage for the transaction of bust -
by a supper on Thursday evening of Conservatory of Music. nees;the prohibition issue was discussed
last week the event being held at the , and the board favored retaining the
blame of Wm. Mulholland% There DRamils-Again the grim monster rules of the church in tact, inclusive of
wos a lar e attendance including a has thrust his sickle in our midst and the foot noteunder recent discussion
number from Clinton society, who all • removed by death Liza, beloved • wife in the Guardian, The pastor, was on-
oui , 4 4...the-good-things-provided-a Mr 1-1Ary Beacam, at; the--age-of--animously,-inv-iteds to -return -fox -
welt as.the program afterwards given. fifty . four years,. which occurred on other year to tne circuit. ,
The chair...was occupied by John ' E. Wednesday evening abOut five o'clock. • CoricautT.--Court Benmiller C. 0. F.
Cantelon, chief councillor, who gave is The deceased unde Went a surigal No 88, had a very pleasant time last
short address; other speakers were operation in the Clinton , hospital Monday evenibg in their lodge room.
Dr. j. E. Blacken and D. tantelon, of about a year ago,. but baffled the An excellent Program was given, con -
Clint= codicil, and W.....a._fforster, of skill of the best medical treatmentotn sieting of readings. . reeitations and
'Porter'e Hill council, who all spoke she kept gradually growing Worse and songs, for which those took part
well of the order and the strides it is worse until' the end came, but no. deserve great. credit. Mr W. Gledhill
making iu menabership. The musical so7ser than was anticipated. She gave a number of. selections. on his
pert of the entertainment, .was en watehaturally quiet in disposition, and
her pleasant surroundinge,with a• kind granlophone which 'were much appre-
mated by all present Our boys -have
husband in a . comfortable home all talent that is hard to heat. They in -
things seensed to strengthen
the ties which- bound her to ° earth. tend continuing these entertainments
awing the winter and all would do
The services were conducted by Rev
Yelland, of Baylield, her remains be- well take in the treat every lodge
ing interred in Bayfield cemetery ; the night.. •
funeral was followed by a large •cort- PaesessraTiotr.- On Friday last the
ege of empathizing neighbors and membisre of the Evangelical church of
'friends where she rests ill hope of the Polborne and "Watt assembled at the
parents.- They lived, for & time at
Quebec, Toronto, Wallace and Nor-
folk county before going . to Ethel in
1880 -where he has resided since. In
the•Old Land he learned the pottery
business; 21 years ago he was 43:
pointed postmaster. and about the
•dame time clerk of the tovitiship • of
Grey. He was ger:wally weft:11 in the
capacity of magisti ate, conveyancer,
&c serving ns gamete:toy of the school
board and ineociety ,and church work
took an active part. He was a mem.
citation was given by Mrs _Hall, of
Clinton. The first annual was an
enjoyable one and hie expected that as
each anniversary comes aroupd• the
e ent will be marked' in ' manner.
The Minton contingent arrived home
at an early hour but the upset vvhich
happened to them Was not a pleasant
finale to the evening's enjoyment.
Lficiwever it was' lortunate tha
mishap occurred in town for at this
early hour it was very cold. '
Intended for lastotwesk•
resurreetion of the just, - parsonage and presented their: pastor.
cp. aanficla thiirriettet:gtheemaphpeafiatiat;
• Toiti-Oole7S-
posed of a valuable horse the other -
f a O. F. and A. Mahaffy who has been the gueet. of - instrumental
r uens° enjoyed day to Mason & Johnson. miss ltohwethasdedivreesseinafytoecrawl haincdht
mem, and also in a sumptuous repast
W. being presented by the Onurion.-The quarterly service in Miss Minnie Yeo for a time returned provided by the ladies,
former tor20 years'Insernbership with a the Methodist church last Sunday was to her home, in • Hibbert hist week. T mitAND
To 'Brine.' -Dear Brother and
jewel. In 1388 he served ' as outgo. well attended • dearte the stormy Mr Morris ,Switzer and his sister, Liz
a. eister.;-rt is indeed with please% feeoltes icf
teer at the time of the Fenian . raid. weather. Both the bitten and Eben- visited ' Anaberly relatives last week; deer graltudases andsympathyintimeret Weetavewtgiri,
At Highland Creek, . Searlioro town- ezer appointnaents were represented. Nisi Lite intends remaining'. for a tha
nsallrbeitour lai4orsin th0 iinstidear,syonr
'p, ' M' MarthaT ni - The pastor reached from Luke 22 s 31. fortnight. Miss Flossie Cole is spends 'glean,
•°enrage in preaeld t . the
kin s who survives him , with four 32, and dwe t neon the three following ing a few days with her grandfather, waywa d, warning them of estriie on and
daughters and two sons. Deceased: Pointe "Ilse „ :Devil's desire", "'Xhe air John Peck, of Stanley. Mr Will pointinithem to Christ ; we believe you have
was a Presbyterian and many: years nature of the help Christ rendered Elliott has rented Trick's ice pond for ttlee‘',irgkeiragelerviehralleaext.hgvniglrurtiattel
precentor and office • bearer in the Peter," and "The results. ot • Peter's ttock'benefit of the mildic; hauling 'ice -recollecting tee plitasent year made agreeable
church.; in politics he was a Liberal. lifting". A lame *Mosher took part lin*" eeome the order of the day, the through your acquaintance, your friends here
kl wiliresent to yelled° fur coat and eollarette
.A. year ago •Mr Spence took rap in the fellowship meeting, and also 1/1 this' ess ot the ice being* between 12
and (eke your acceptance Of the same; as a
then a relapse and it wits due to hie, the sacrament service., On- Sunday arid ‘,. inches. Welsh Broi,of the Bay.. token of them& esteem ni wig& you ere hold
that death resulted. Interment was evening the attendance Was small geld Line, hag the contract of cutting by your congregations and may yon, in the
made in Brussels Cemetery where oWing to the stoma. Alm subject far actuantitY of wood for Mr Weatley. future, as yotthavein the past. go abroad with
deceased's parents are buried. , the niflat namely "The Prodigal' 'at a. -popular yoiing rnan of thje tOWII dill) ' rnw--------- ial the rayward end as
• • alita o ntments• ma it
on go 0 youX eren PP
. • home,' wets:laid °vet.' till next Sim- has -been•contemplating wurchasing a Ling to your memory the seasons Of Spiri I
SeafOrth . eshinf and mutual millioyment and also the
day night the Quarterly Official tarsi hi the townsbip of ibbert, bat refr
in to the . blecked condition of the noble (Welsh) man has resolved not to ed it% hautatlitftliseVeganal
- •, • •.Board did not meet last Monday ow- owing to precarious conditione the del/Vete occasion We e ov together tonight.
• there. The a:winners ot the ,resbYo
• FIGHTING.-Tweyoung men of very
' Rippen small Stature, one from the 13th con.,
1. 0. F. • Ungrogns.-The officers.- and one from the llth. Met in the vit.
'elected for the Kippen court of Inde- -lage on Wednesday evening and bad a
' Pendent Order of Foresters forthe pitche6 battle (without gloves or rules)
current year ire :-Chief ex -deputy., on the street. . As the anew was soft •
ClEirg ; chief ranger, H. Ivison •, yuse- and they were featherweights, neither
chief, LI, Dayn3an ; past chief, J. Mc' was badly punished. The cause of the
Nevin ; recording secretal.y. J. Mc- squabble was which shed,' accompany
Gregor; financial secretary, T. Mc- a certain Young lady home from the
fitment ; treasurer. T. McOlyment ; yillag'e. She will likely !sack ,em both
senior woodward, J. Gibson; junior now. ' •
woodseardt A. Harvey; senior beadle, i-
.‘..ireters WENT OUT., -Considerable
W. Sinclair; junior beadle, J. Mc- excitement was created ' for. & short
• Gregor; chaplain, T. Meths. Tho time on -Monday evening in the Meth°.
court is still prospering and increas- diet church, by the lights going out for
ing in membership now having some 40. the Want of water; some nervous per-
Eyes for
the Aged
:When print blunt
. and reading is Oval"
•possible elan loconi
veni•ni distance
eyes need help.
Our *gi • • restore
the vision of.routh.f
•ets.. mationessemeill
• sons t.an mit of thechurch. A mom-
ent's thotaght would haye told them
there Was no danger, as there was no
gasleft. The caretaker was soon found
and matters put right... Be- at your
poet after this, Billy, my boy,
. • St Helens '
Critatoil_.=,0engregatierre in the two
churches -here were very small on Sun-
day last, owingtobaa roads. The
' congregational meeting in connection
with Calvin church wilt he held on MM.
' day, Feb 17th at 1,30 p.m.
Howie NoorNst.-T. Todd lost a driv-
ing mare 'while breaking the road last
_week. R. McGuire sold one of his fine
team§ to J. Poster for a good figure. T.
Joynt and J. Agar made an exchange
of teams recently,
Soma, NoTES.-The teacher of this
vicinity made daily trips to their
• aehools last week, but generally failed
j teliod any pupils as the roads were
I, blocked almost completely. Mr Tete
butt has improved the appearance and
• • • ..° also added to the comfort of the pupils
by placing wide -blinds on the Windows;
these and other little necessaries were
purchased with the proceeds of the
school concerts he held before Xmas.
NoTtts•-W. Doak, who suffered
sonievghat of a relepse when recovering
from his heavy cold, is improving
slowly. Mr and Mrs Di Rutherford
,. and Mrs R. X. Miller went on a visit to
I ateletich.friendsenZuesdayithe latter_
, ...,......,, --,-.,s•-s..,...,ort-o. 1 withrtmsa' ft) time,. f 1: A. %I
`'. - ',41-isrv/^4,...,•rf:7•SsZ ..,,MakHorrie he te
=4, *Xt. ' ,:' t j''
'''' ''''4=1;riii 1 tin Ernif,. rnowr on Monday
. evening and reports a very pleasant
time. We are pleased to know that
'Miss 0 Gordon has so far recovered
from her recent illi.ees as to be able to
go about household duties/ again. ;
Scientific jorallan
and optician
Aim .211 •
• s • l'4
libeliday Moon is aSisits end.
lifis MO again settled - &Win to at
tigtel line Of trade Before long We oxpMt
WO thiege in out attire so arrariged the •
we will be Able to Make some apeteel
.. . • • .
-,s..-,-.ottr-orir tatter buoy ellen, we am not for.
to keep up our standard of e*Oellenbe In
itanle greCetietio oa We are now prepared,
is 3e' slwaym are, to give you the pared
; thalt o.roderule that it is possible to
.obtaia In OH "ton or elitstiberis, •
.. . ,
, „ , ' • i
Vieth Ttelittiee and young Onions every
• • .
• The .Cash Stoe- ery:
.','. . . • ::. -...mis.
0 CO(0 - per st •
' ' r CO
felahlier Mid Zges. Pont
Chtoteit.-The special meetings here
closed on Sunday night; and the united
efforts put forth by pastor andpeople
have been much blessed; Rev Mr Smith,
Kincardine, who Was aiding_ in the
meetings; returned howl on Monday.'
On Sunday,- Feb. 26d, two were re.
calved into ineMberehip with the
church, joining by certitleate--Mr W.
Courtier), teacher, and Capt. John
Bailie, who heti einne to reside with
his daughter, Mrs A. Kirk.. The ad.
journe meeting of the quarterly 061.
cid board Will he held next "Monday
afternoon, Prayer meeting will be
held in the church on Friday nights.
The ftpwo h ' League resumes its
meeiings on uesday nights; titre new
members joi ed this week.
NOSOW..-.M es Sophia EiriplF6
irrutrel %tens nig house for her brother,
on Thursday; the bride
mid groom are he* Nettled in their
terian. Bibb class and the young
people of the congregation presented
Rev Mr Larkin and MO Larkin with
appropriate and useful gifts last week,
is a mark of their esteem fot and ap-
preciation of their pester and his. ex-
cellent wife; Mr Lai kin's present wan
a fur -lined coat, and Mrs Ltrkin's a fur
coat. Messrs Greig • & Macdonald
have leased the store ire the Johnson
block; adjoining the one at present
occupied by them; they expect short-
ly to go largely into the wholesale
ma,nufacturingof clothing, as well as
conducting their large retail business.
Themany friends of Mr Torran•e, of
•Egmondville, will regret to hear thet
he has been confined to his residence
fOr some weeks by itiness, but we hope
soen to see him around again as vig.
orous as ever. Geo Aitzel • left last
week for the Pacific coast to look - for
bis fortune,' Mr. E. Q. Coleman an
companted going west on -a busi-
ness trip. . • ,
Dungannon "
GOOD STUDENtS.-The General As-
sembly of the Presbyterian church
giveshandsome diplomas to the Sab-
bath 8chool scholars reciting the whole
of the shorter catechism at one contin-
.uons sitting. • Un :Jan 28th, Mies Jos-
ephine McAllister and Miss Ethel Duff,
members of the Bible class in the Pres-
byterian Sabbath School, Dungannon,
met in the church, and were examined
by H. M. Duff, S. S. superintendent
and Mark Wilson and: Mrs R. David-
son; teachers, Both young ladies pass-
ed the test, successfe113r, reciting the
Whole ef the catechism without making
one mistake. The young ladies will
receiye the cliplonaas the school next
Sabbath. Several other pupils are
likely to be examined on the catechism
in the near future. ,
WEDDING. -46 A large number of
friendesand 'slat:yes assembled at the
home of Mrs Thornton Wallace 6th
con., Flullett. Wedne'sday, the 12th
inst., to witness themarriage-. f het -
L•,./ .7.;11:44
Waite, son -of e late Isiah
the cetenleny being performed by Rey
A. Stewart,. of Willie church, Clinton,
The beide looked beautiful dressed in
cream luirtre trimmed with cream satin.
A stunptuceie repast Was provided of
which all partook' and a merry time
as Xi •
w roe t The newlywed have Man
friends who wisb them every happi-
ness. kr Waite has an excellent farm
also Mr WM McLeod, Seat pop- of leurisy, is slowly, reco,vering; rs dreb..ftom Tuenherryirwere visiting cin
of 100 acres, on which is a fine dWell
roads, but Will " meet next Monday, venture so great an undertaking until
usual time and Place. Mr J,„ R. Shaw, he takes* another , tour prospecting limos ColiPENTION.—The Methodist
of Otinton:.will conduct t he service in the land Of dreams. The Cook -Elliott. • and Evangelical churches will hold a
the Methodist church .•next Sabbath deal, concerning a horse, has lieeri die- union convention in the Methodist
morning; he is a geotieMan of esiesed,Clook paying costs: Mr Charles church, Zion. On Feb. 23rd and 24th,
!Splendid abilities as a preacher and its Middleton, M.,ie. making prepeeations Three , sessions will bo held on both
the son of the Rey W. H, Shaw who is to split his barn next summer and the days.: The .services on Sundays Feb:
stationed • at Cedar Springs in the contract has been given to Mat Mains;,_ 23rd -Union service at 10.36 a. m ..by
°bedlam District; Mr Shaw retire/elite Thomas '
:Oole con. 9, intends doing Rev E. A. Shaw, Bethel choir furnish -
the /tendon Life Assurance ' Cp., and , likewise, butbuilding operatione. are ing the nitric; 2:30 p. nst.. union S.• S..
any one desiring to take insurance a little slack for next summer, so says ; gathering addressed by Messts•A.,T,
will do well to calt upon him. .. the framers. Miss Halliday, teacher cooper, Clinton, and A, ..Courtice,
NOTES. -Dr Rivers and wife, of
in No AO, •has never regietted:that she Bethel choir furnishing
Crediton, • called at :the _pareopage; ever cameto take charge of SO honor- the manic ; 7 by Rey J..G. Burn,
they Were visiting Mrs 'Levis, •Mra able a schoolln such a lively 'neighbor' Evangelical choir furnishing the :nuke
Rivers*. sister. • Next Monday night hood. Mr Alex ,Welsh "sold his best Monday, Pels-24th---Morning session at
the Rev Geo Daniel, chairmen ot the -working horse • rezently,: realizing a .9.45 a.m.-Opening exercises. Rev.J. G.
Goderich district, will. deliver one 01 f* figure. ' Old Bruin missed eellu4 Burp; Best method of preparing *Sun._
his celebrated lectures; in the Metho. • her 'Shadow on :Sunday, Feb 2nd, the. day School testion,11. Mew, sr,;
dist church: Mi Riley's gang of fram. indications now are an early 'spring, sion; Benefits derivedby the church
ers are takingnut timber for J. Ford's A few. of our stockmen who were.. to," feom the Leartue, Mise B. Duff ; discuei
new barn. Mies E. Holdsworth is vis. deliver their tat cattle on. Monday sion,The Importance of Parents attend.
iting at Woodstock. Mitered and Other last didn't dare, to venture outon ing Sabbath School, A. Heddle diecue!
points east: Mr Edwards, of Manitoba, account• of the. blizzard. Word has don Sabbath observance, A. Hi Allin.;
spent Sunday at J, McOartneyos. been received. from Geo Elliott, Phlitt- appeintmentof committees, Afternoon
db ;ltpehr 4a. ,n w4h4piist. asp, spresentabout tnet the Pres -have
Rev Mr Hussar • is evidently not
session Rev.Ef't 2killiP;Ainwl5tElelgbrttni°ont Si eeeXreertearliseieSs;
easily daunted bY snow he went
4. successful Laxative
treatment for Lagrippe
Colds, Coughs, ,4ead-
- For the- relief and
cure of a 00111,1111311, cold
there is nothing more
efficacious and prompt.
• 25c per bottle
R. P. Reekie's
• pre.oription Drug Store
Sttooesaor to Sydney Jaoktion.
P.S.-We are offerbigsome
snaps in hot water botties,':
Me.TRINIONtaxo-One of those happy
events occasioned a ripple of exclte-0
meet in our burg. on Wednesday .
evening, when Miss Annie, daughter
of Mr•Jno Ferguson, WaS given as'a
lite partner to Kr Henry Snyder'a, .-
prosperous farmer of the Nile at the s
residence of • the bride's father. The
bride looked beautiful in cream lustre .
with' chiffon and lace trimming and'
carried a boquet. of carnations, roses -
and smilax. Miss Blanche Ferguson.
the youthful sister of the bride, in
white made a dainty maid of honor.
'while the nuptial knot was securely
tied by the Rey J. Kennedy; though
the roods were in lied 0.shape
assembly of about 65 invited guests
collected and. enjoyed themselves to
the full. 'I'he clinnee was stimptuourr-
and well Served by experts. • At its
close a toast - was •proposed to the
newly married couple and regoonded
to by Messrs Allen and Wetheral.
The company dispersed at an early .
hour and were well pleasedwith the .
evening's proceedings which included. • ltk
a lengthy, program, lively game • and
a 'general 'Oh be.joyful," closing with
Auld Lang Syne encircling the new
NOTES. -Farmers' Instritute meet
ing was held Wednesday evening and
despite . theunfavorable roads the
attendance was good; Mr R. Young -
occnpiedthe chair • while the main : .
speakers were Mr - (Aston on 'birds
and ineects on the farm; Mr Sleight- • •
home, on trainirg boys for bnsiness.
while Weal talent and the graphophoh_e
made up a pleasant yet prolitabfeuTk.
evenine event. Ball's cemetery re-
ceived into its folds .the last earthly
remains of Mrs H. Beadle'a num- •
ber of Orangemen from: Blyth and
vicinity attended the Main's cortege;
the funeral of a young child of Mr jos.
Howitt took place the eameday, 'Rev. .
Mr Kennedy *was unable to take the
Westfield and : Donnybrook appoint.
menti lad Sunday, owing to the state • '.
of the •roads. • His Majesty's mail -was
unable to go north most of last week. •
The great mill here has been next
thing to idle for a few days, owing to
the snow-driftirtg into the tail rice,and .
thereby ciusing backwater. Rev. Mr .
Cochrane occupied the Presbyterian •
pulpit last,Sabbath; he was on the late
train Saturday night and came from. •-•-
Blyth'Sundat morning; and also got to '
Smith's Hill in the afternoon, ,after
good deal of dtuylitiye.m.
Carmen. -- The quarterly °facia .
board of the Methodist church met lase
Monday. Resolutions,Werepassed and
forwarded to Meagre . Garrow and =-
her. our representatives tri the Legiela,
ture, asking then.eto do their • best to •
fpree the Passing- of a prZsion tate' • '
some ' five miles on Sunday tb: thatteittle..ixin Pa7f0bretd. a0490u%che'sms tSnwci9 inIste
revival among our young People, Rev
of Schools and Leagues '; The need of a
during the present session. The Board
wards.his:Morningappointnient, Eben
eter, by way of the 16th con.,:and.got GeOrge may return home %lurid' and, j Burp; question drawer, Rev H, -WM opposed to:), a referendum, as the-
ibto the snow so dee that it was !woes.. well. Rumor states, that Ittise earah. Hobbs; the eilecte Of pute and impure PrevIrtte has twins declared in favor of .5'
prohibition. Rey J. G. Yelland was
invited to remainsa third year. de
Yelland Was unable' to set to Beth%
Pribln WM* Oh 5141;dfty G'ia1ing, no*
mg to ' the cohdition °Utile 'roads. Mr
YoneislaunnlaleintihgAhtm. eaTt'hInegreawtahse ntoe ser'
*ice in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening.
'CoUNCM-Ctulihnfeilleimitet on Feb, fit'he
members. i3resent; minutes of the
Previous raeting Were read and ape
proved. Cheques were issued for the
followingla.mounts:-1Vtunielpal World,
Council supplies, 64.60; grant of $10 to
Dungannon 'public library; Patridt Mee
Glynn, vet) S 'R 8 4, $2; John Bovita
plank, $55. The auditors prerientet
their report Of • receipts and expepdfe
tures for the year 1001, which shows It
balance of $082.04, on motion of Mao. .
Intyre and Barkley, the , report Will e •
adopted as presented.„ Moved • by
Bunter and Stothers, 'that each .couno
Elliott, Bayfield line, will leave shortly literature on the you ng f, 3 Young ; dis
sary to unhitch' his horse in order to
get turned and had to return home; for Manitoba; and on her arrival will cion; The Sabbath School Teachers'
he tried to get to Sharon in the after, begrime the wife of a certain Manitoba Reward,,W 0 Durst; dieetiesien; report
noon, but with a similar results. Rev farmer. Miss Bella -Brown, Fullerton of.noininating committee apd celled.'
-Mr Hiiisilife May be expected to occupy township, is visiting ft lends on the Bay- Hon. Evening-seesien at '7.39 p. m. -
his Own pulpit on Sunday next, taking deld line.. _Vire are sorry to hear. ..Ohening exercises; -music, .Zion choir •
.the following subjects-a.m., "'The Re. Wm. Jervis keeps very poorly. •• address, 3 0.Morlock,Dashwoodtbausic,
sources of the Christian life", p. na., ' • trio by A E Atha and 'sisters; address,
"The prodigal and his brother.' Rey. • • • R Hobbs, Wingharn; music, Zion choir;
J. Greene took the morning service • Teletex:smith. ' collection and closing exercises: .
here last Sabbath morning. Owing to OHITRGEI NoTns.-sUnday, Feb 16th. ' •
the recent sterins the roads in, this le. will be Annwereary Sunday at Turn •
for years; many part are not open •,,eGro'sdcehrincrhcshwilltiehreeaftchevat D2.1.30Dpa.nrnie.lisa'nodf. - . StanleY ' •
crafty are in the worst condition known
001/1VatLer-Obunell met on Monday,
with_ February 1,003, at 10 o'clock, all tbe
even yet. . ' '" the service at Alma • will be
, roembers being present. Aftee adopt-
. drawn on that date, • The pastor et- •
tog the iniooted of the previous meet-
Slionat.-LOwing to teal big ritorm of
. . , '.. peels to obbittetlee a series of eremite -
:of discussion. F. W. Franconlbe, civil
Varna,' ing, the drainage topic was the subject
tliastrincerervices the folio Wing week At
appointment which Will be
last week, the roads in all directiona engineer. Was present and many drain,
were completely blocked, scarcely any conducted for some weeks. The
age &Attila came up in connection With
person ventured out of doors, conse- ,Leagu'e intend to hold a social in the
the Big Drain, also Logan'e petition.
near future, • • '
quently our usual busy village Was : • - The retoluticuslof the Board. of Health'
uNechTaEsed-aYamdreie'Ver°fhreosm"an SteclMnIt4e1 calved due and considerate attention
almost at a stand still... Conductor Mc. concerning swill pear vaccination re -
Gee deserves groat credit for the way
leer. 3. . B. Henderson, f tas
west has els ()tied of his • s tocillor be allowed to void:not- more .•' '
he plunged through the mountains of 0- — but was left over for next meeting.
130$1,r6013.- hie daily -trip-to ,Seaforth. : . Ilix.n:t road - - s ,.. .„.,,,,P. „,,, ,... . . . ,. raw, sugutot..L.t0.,,. .:..,. . a Om low _or ,
MthideoPand. Tuesday 6eilig foe large 'W» ktNegyo ateek heg. . x1keVe.t eteme V h il WOUR , toad. waverrite p, -7..i,
rea ing the roads and at the time of Rill, of Pruoefie , and as_ po c itsm ing of Means FrA•ser an& Graham, ask; adjourned, to meet again on the 22allte
one of the Yorkshire breed from r I ed for assietance to their library*. III * k *
day of March -W ' STOTEMES Ole .
t al°44.71" teJn ° ekatm their 'several •• divisible% Count? the*
angswhich he had fi/s two,•hYeers•r e from l3rricelleld pidilic library, consist-
tif shovelers and teams were ont
writing' things are °°13Metleing' to Davis, 'Ad Woodstock, whose Pigs • LIA.UNWSLL, Clerk.
ObNolgitT.-A grand cOneelf McNay has purchased front the
the auspices of Court Varna :4 264, w, Chestie
13:1 y estate the .50 aere rot of Alex Ttiles of Portage la Prairie.
NoTee.----11r and Mita Tele, children
hurt] again. •
• arried peizee off at Toronto .ludistrial.
0.0. tr.. will be heldin the tr "
Malt. ,formerlg . of the township. .of
Varna, On Wedneeday eve& P al. en the fifth concession, pitying. $2000;
totablev, are visiting old friends *here
Mr aarry. M. .f.semiet otn or. it is a wood and pasture lot and has 00
onto,has been secured for th buildings on it. Mrs Turner who this Winter. • Mr AO jr., • and
wife and Mrs McBurney and VW° Ishii.
h b laid u with aa -re attack
ing, near Manehester, where they Will uku, comic singer will be , pc. t and. T Do i it .i6 ' ow, recoorlitg, oistee the line taut week. re Wm McPar-
teteside tit . the piano. 'file .e . Pti, .r: & days last week at her. 'brother's; Mr O. are pleating et the home 0 'JO bf 0 Arlene
NEW CAUfteii; zIefite had been a lousy. ehbice Relections on violin 11714tando- Londeebereopeet e few aeyeleet tire** • that Mr J.0eMeton still continues n ii,
week at the new Methodist Church. lin. A big time le expect eth 4 •
for the 0 ening Noxits', ..-,4ehir and 0 , : Reed young 'men got storm.titayed from
ee to, With friends here, One ofour worthy Week state Of health.
„ .. .
that everything might be ..m readineas QUIta an IndtictOnent,1
services till 'SilticlaY, Mil d several carloads' "A le to Sunday until the following Thursday O . . 1 .Naele
-Feb. "I t 0 PIP° ' °mu' is 1/1 Piece, the Toronto on Tuesday last. ; as will eveningat the healer Of his. bestedr1;
settle doWn. Mise Addle Itath‘ell, of Sea_flwill Sarah Turner, of Clinton,. event a feet' lane and datighter, of Oal faket, Man.,
4 oWfmighaint. •
- .
owson Orchestra will °r°°- Turner. The -Misses -Stettolms, -of -Aide JIM .a. -are sorrsr xerort
,T m d The other dor three 3ntnint%• Welter
dist Who Can possibly get to Ingham evening, weather peril:thing. r WOOleY. Ohurehand passing compli.
electric 11 Ming coropleted, and •the be stireices in St; john'e dhoti; during no doubt he enlo ed himsel r o e,
°lath* all 10 P°81ti°fr.' Metho* Lent, commencing on Wednesday - of Trowbridge, is visiting friends in were viewing t e inside of e new
not fail to do 'Little, of Varrut HottA, has been busy
for the openinf ahOuld
mentary remarks thereon, when one
�1d so, and eettain yntypaicts will be spared since the storm ;ratting lit ice,• don t 0 sir " have heard that Mr • Thlis Melrert.
by Prietor Hobbs and his congreotiOn require it Very had these days, but. no
Dna) nkt LOnon,-Thos Ktissey, of me hee promised 10 to ilye $50 4,0 the not
to make all welcome, Other lint- doubt Will be .yery convenient during Gouerieh. cliettat St Itiseith's hoimitalt couple wits are ed here,
ham churches are giving up their ser. the summer months. London, ori Monday, after an iliness. or I "That' so remarked, both tile
view; for the day. On 'the Monday
everiing following a •eurper will be
I be ed. M 'dead 0001060
nine der from heart disettee. The de. °these,
program( of opealthig and Mete le the it was a, holiday throughout the Unite Ile were brought 0 rst charmer, and Iltu Newt awe two.
given in the old church, olloWed by a reh.12th •httin$Littoolive birthx* eflatted al 00 You% of age. .11.110 re* "Well, X heard It", continued the
beim here. new 'structure. Staters, et n a inturey,rightt away.
artteter Studies.
in literatured photography
Rotor study irate fashion of the hoer. D$
not make the mistake of /lining to
'replier who does nob know to products
shiny of you,
We Oen' Melte you it beerttifIll tibelatitlkie
title iiiiiirire,
llenrys * 'Photo "