HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 8tints* lr THE CLINTON NOT RA, .FRIDAY, FEB. 7th,1002, ;pawn ibsetes. MARRIED AT SARNIA—Mr Frank Mitchell was married at. Sarnia on Wednesday to Miss Blanche Weetell, daughter of Dr. Weetell, proprietor of g done the Belchamber House, r Mitchell ` is an old and populist 011ntonian, but wanted has been in the gents' furnishing busin- ess at Sarnia for several years. We advance extend our congratulations. oideries, INCREASE IN CUSTOMS BUSI- already. Customs at this port, states that the NESS,—Mr Wiseman, Collector of e cases,amount taken in for the seven monthe ending Slst of Jan., 1902, exceeds the b isiness of the same seven months ago, by.over $1000. This shows that people are importing more as a consequence of times being better. r; our w'ite y.are real irect from alues than s guaran- no dress - ached and slily English oloth,tiniehed , and reta,ne earanoe, easy apn•iries well, 5, extra good 'Lig big wrap - filling the on sale this de, made 1 designs wets you 12i ark prints to 32 in - 10o would n for Feb - s 85c quality g, free 'Uapt. McTaggart on Thursday evening ide, 21 I last week and on Friday evenin• ebruary 85e another one by Mrs S. H. Sint h • ;- U. A. McKee gave a pa'• sI num- ber of youngfro, "on Friday night;. •nnwy afternoon Mrs 3. Rat- t.',tih' -y entertaias1 lady friends ; Mrs (Dr) Shaw entertained her lady ; fri.•nds uu Wedorsday from 5 to A (o'clock ; Mr, (Di) Agnew and Mrs (Dr) Thompson' entertained their friends last (Thursday) night. NOTES. --Saturday's 'e Mail and Ern*division court da, here. -Jas. Mains pire contained Mies 0. H. Mountcastle's Hallett, father of the Mmes Mains, of latest production "Won.an ; an ap• town, died on Tuesday last....Sur pleal" ; it inay also be found on page 2 friends will be pleased to hear that Syd in this issue.. , ,I,%st week W. U. Sackson, formerly of Clinton, is now Seat le received a letter from a relative travelling for a Montreal wholesale at Indian head, N. W. '1 , which said drug house; his district is from Halifax the elevators are filled to their fullest to Windsor.....A rumor was purrent capacity with wheat and the rails aye that a number of cattle were dfliVered find it only possible to handlestated here on Saturday last and left in the quantities, the market is congested stockyards at the station until the and the farmers not only have their shipment on Monday without shelter bat ne full but find it necessary to uee or.food ; we learn that such wasnot the the stables and sheds....R. Downs has case for the cattle were put in a ehed moved to the house on Rattenbury there and had any amount of hay.... etreet, recently occupied by Miss Tre- James G. Walker, a formerClintonian wartba....We learn that C. Joy who who was employed with the late Arnold was transferred from the Moleons' King in the paint business here, has Bank here to Sinicoe branch lately is been appointed clerk of the court in now located as cashier at Ridgetown• Virginia City, Montana„ „Last week branch.... Warrener Bros. possess one A. Ginn brought into the NEW. ERA of the best equipped livery business office three or four good-sized new around having recently added several potatoes which were found growing handsome cutters,one being purchased hank of Dr, Tbompson's stable ; if from Geo Lavis and • another. from potatoes can be grown here in the mid - Thos Gundry, of Goderich ; they also dle of winter it i•s no wonder they can be grown in the Klondike....On Satur- day last S. S. Cooper nearly lost his dog from poison but by attending to the case in .time it overcame the ordeal, bought a fine driver the other day FOR TE NPERANCE.—A meeting of 1 from J,W. Hili....The town auditors. all who are interested iu the circulation J. Wiseman and Peter Uantelon, have of petitions to the Ontario Govern- been busy the past. week auditing the ment concerning the question of prd- treasurer's books fpr the town ; W. hibition, will be held in Ontario Sc, Coate has always been noted for keep - Methodist church, on Friday evening, ing a faultless set ofbooke for accuracy from 7.30 to8.30 p. w. Ir. is earnestly and neatness... .The first robins this boned that each church and Young year in Clinton were several seen oar People's Society will be represented. Rattenbury street east last ;week` by Rev -Mr Howson:..: Annual reports of STOOK SHIPMENT.-Notwithstand the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance ing the severe snow storm on. Mon- Oo. may be had at the Naw ERA office day the farmers brought in their or at R. Coats & Son's store„ ,.Sun- cattle deliveries, S. H. Smith having day was Candlemas Day; the bear a bunch of eight carloads ft oma Clinton did not see his shadow therefore stops yards and one from Uoderich, for the out and it is in all probability that we Toronto market; in the shipment 50 shall have an early spring; Easter prime beeves— about three car -load— coming about three weeks early than were supplied by Fair Brothers. Chas last year is also another sign of an heid also made a shipment of a car- early spring.,..The Provincial' Board load for Toronto ; a specially fine pair of Health notes the fact that at 5 were in this lot which weighed 365) lbs centres io the county of Huron there delivered by Chas Peacock. were 35 cases of small pox, during Jan- uary. , .. Mr Thos Wetherald, P, L. S., TRE STORM.—The severe storm the of Goderich, makes a survey of the beginning of the week made the con- new post office site this week, for the gregations small at all the churches government-'Miss3essie—Maclae.hlan;, on Sunday. We hear that in some of .the famous Scotch singer, who capti- the country churches no services were Dated audiences, here on two different held owing to the weather and bad occasions was presented on her appear - state of the roads. On Monday the ance at Detroit wita a gold jewel of elements were even more severe at times it was impossible to see across the road ; no business of any account - lr town and the regular was done in t u w R trains were some what delayed. Cattle deliveries were brought in although it was so rough. SPLENDID ADVANCE.—The fol- lowing, front the Brantford Expositor, will be read with interest by the gen- tleman's many friends in this place : — "The services of Mr W. U. "Myers, of this city, who is one of the r epresenta- tives here of Douglas, Lscey do Co , bankers, of New York, have been recog- nized, and the company has shown its appreciation of them by appointing Mr Myers to have full charge of the com- pany's business in Michigan state at a handsome salary. The appointment was made at the annual meeting of the company held in New York a few days ago." THE SOCIAL CIRCLE.—Eyening part:es and afternoon teas axe' still in vogue among the ladies here, and will no doubt be kept up for awhile yet. The New Century Club holds its at home this (Friday) evening and music will be furnished by the London bar pers. A card party was given by Mrs re le Day, 1 antles every p our e loss ce of g one e the t how when iday, 8 sold nd- nts, ty eft, ant ale ce, sful and very e 10 , be • ake it one 14,00 9.75 collar 0, re- ileotrio fl finality, )0, re -17.75 If, very nality, Attila '�3T' ong, 8 oed to WARP 111111111111111111111r SWEDISH LADIES' QUARTETTE. —The fourth of the series of concerts Iin .onneciion with the Citizens' Star Course'wi:1 be given on Tuesday, Feb. 18, The talent for this concert will be the Swedish Ladies' Quartette. The program• will consist, of quartettes, duos, trios and solos. These beau:.rful young ladies will appear in their native costume while rendering some of their selections. The press is loud in its praise of these artists, and those of our own citizens who have heard them sing, speck most highly of them. Un- doubtedly this will be one of the greatest musical treats ever given in this town. The kcal managers have decided to put this, concert on at 25c and 35c. ig order that the people of Clinton and vicinity may have the opportunity of enjoying a strictly high- class entertainment at a reasonable price. Plan of hall at Cooper's hook store, open to subscribers on Feb. llth, and to the public on and after Feb. 13, THE ILL.—Friends will be pleased to learn that J. Ridout has he from his late illness as to be able to resume his office duties....It is un- usual, but we regret to learn that R. Coats has been confined to the .house ; we hope it may not be long before he will be at;le to be down townsgain.. We are sorry to hear that Miss Freeman (sister of Dr. Freeman) is still ill at the hospital but we learn is improving H. Plumsteel is still confin- ed to the house.... Jas. McMath was at Dungannnon last week seeing his father, who is in a poor state of health and weaker in mind and body ; our townsman, since returning, has" been laid up himself and is confined to bis ' room ....Many are pleased to hear that G. Marshall is steadily improving from his late siege of tyhoid fever....Ohas, Wallis has been indisposed and was confined to the house last week but is around again.... Harry Brewer, son of H. C. Brewer. town,was seriously ill at Stratford, during the past week, with appendicitis, but we are glad to state he has about recovered....The wife of Rev J. Greene has been suffering fram a slight attacks of inflammation of the lungs, and her friends will be glad to know that she is improving, though still ill. PUBLIC MEETING. -Readers will 'notice in another column an advertise- ment calling a public meeting in the town hall. Clinton, on Monday eyrie- ing next, Feb. 10th, concerning the Huron County Packing and Oold Storage Co, The meeting will be ad- dressed by Hon, J. T. Garrow, D, A. Forrester, A. McD Allan, W. R. Belden, D. Gantelon and others. For several weeks we published a lengthly article on this question and after 2t ding; it,-tareflallS'-° i ,la .ea>lil -. Mn that we should favor the re hems, In Great Britain millions of dcllars have been invested- in cold storage ; even the steamship and railway companies have expended considerable in order to handle products safely., In Order to eaye all perishable .products and thus secure a good market it is tee( eiary to have.- a cold storage establishment. This scheme has been on foot for some time and now it seenis it the hear - future we will have the establishment ahioh the directors have decided to build at Clinton, the most donveniy ent and central point. Beiy patois is invited to the meeting t(f bear the discussions, COLLEGIATE BOARD. -The statu- tory meeting of the Collegiate Board for organization was held on Wednes- day evening. Jamnee Scott, who has been chairman for about ten years, was reappointed; M, D. McTaggart, secy.; W. Jackson, treasurer; property, com., .Messre Scott,Ransford and McTaggart; studies and discipline committee, the Board. E. Herman was re-engaged as. caretaker, It was decided to still hold the regular meetings on te third Mon- day in each month. • A FEBRUARY WED ISING.:--Wed- dings, as a rule, are surrounded more or, less with general intdres.t, and this pretty.eyent took place at the home of the bride's parents, Albert street, on Wednesday, the 5th inet., when Mise Mabeile,eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Bell, was united in marriage to Mr H. O. Bell, of Wingham. ` The, rcere- -monywas-performed at -high --noon -by- - i Rev O. It. Gunne, rector of St. Paul's church, . in the presence of only ....the membersof the families and a' few I intimate :friends.. The house was. wwwww,fi Fit for a Kin... Rut the Sovereign People ot Clinton may use them 80c Tablet for 15 cents 15c Envelope for 5 cents` Even at there prices we are making a profit though when you see the goods it will surprise you to know it. The explanation is in holt cheap we bought them, We believe we bought them cheaper titan we • ever bought anything else. If you will buy as you are here invited to do we think you will willingly admit that your purchase is equal in money -saving to any you ever made. The Tablet contains 100 sheets,Iaarge size paper,very smooth And rearked.like granite,well padded with blotter. The Envelopes have 25 to package, made of the same kind of paper, well gummed and neatly banded, We want people skeptical about bargains to see these goods not sold at or below our cost The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton it Often the jjCheapest—Always the Besst." O))% IIMAIMPAMNMAIWWWVA , iy considerable value suitably engraved beautifully decorated, but the wedding and set with a.diam,ond, by the presi- was of a quiet, home nature, the dent of -St. Andrew's Society; she wore principals being unattehded. The • this highly prized gift wneu appearing bride 'cokeded charming in •a dress of here Tuesday evening... .Mrs Man- white taffeta en . train and tulle yeil, ninit,relict of the late Albert Manning, carrying a .showerboquet of bride died at Guelph on Tuesday, after an roses, and leaning on the arm ot her ears ; she was a attending three1 now e about R. J. Bel illness es of. brother, her tlYrot t5 sister-inlaw of Resets.' Wilber and Toronto Varsity), entered the drawing Russell Manning. of town, both of room to,the strains of Mendelssohn's whom attended the funeral at Exeter, wedding march, played by Mies Elva yestesday.... The De Verne sisters,who Adams, of Londesboro. After the,cus- appeared at Wingham last Wednesday 'tomary exchangeof congratulations night, will appear here in about two they partook of an elaborate wedding weeks ; their specialties are, vocal and `dejeuner, after which the happy couple string attractions....UaptsShaw, Mc. were drivento the depot and took the Taggart and Combe were in Goderich 255 p.m. express for a wedding trip to last Thursday attending a meeting of Toronto, New•York and other Ameri- the officers of the 33rd Regiment ; one can cities. The going -away aowr, . wass�;; ttwasthekecr dealt..w h homespun,with `tuc of the mattersof navy blue appointing of a delegation . to the .taffeta taque to match They will. countycouncil for a grant of $600' to shortly return, and will reside in the<'Regimenf,.which was given.... We \Viogham, where Mr Bell. has built a sympathize with Wellesley ..Whitely fine new residence, The presents giv- (son of Mrs Whitely,: of town) in the eu the bride showed the high esteem loss of his wife, who recently died as in which she is held,`. ,The, social circle her home in New Orleans. Louisiana.. 1 here loses a bright Igdy of many ,.Father McMenamin gave .a lecture {accomplishments and one who will ba on the land of Evangeline—Nova 1 pouch missed ' among her ..numerous. Scotia—in Seafo•-th,nn Thursday night friends in town. Mr Bell. who is fist - last week under the au-pices of the _IL _ ;y oown•here, is one of the firm of 0. church ; he is a pe..4 A►,-".Wi'tty and Thos., Bell da Son, furniture manufac- entert+{ni�,g-raeikerand having itved turn's of Winghaut:- Both Mr and Mrs tor, or number of y.'ars ,• gave a Bell are popular young -.people, and brilliant description of the maritime we join with Mends in giving them province.:.. J. Taylor. D. D., of the I. our heartiest wishes for a happy future U. 0. F., will install the. fficere of the life. Elie guests wele: Mr and Mrs T. Brncefield lodge on Friday evening, Bell. Mr and. Mre R. Vanatone, • Mies Feb. 14th; he has been kept busy lately preforming this work aroung thio dis tirct....Saturds;r, "Matra -try' 8 h, is Boyd, Mr 0.. Bell„ Winrtham; Miss E. - Adains, Londesboro; Mr and' Mrs Jas. Fair, Clinton reat Clearing Sale Of Pirstciass Footwear .for two weeks Come and°see for yourselves for it ever Low Prices sold in a hurry Jt will in this ease Sale Price 53 pairs Ladies' genuine Dongola Kid. Sale Price $1.25 Button Boote,worth 1,45, $1.25 , Sale price 50 pairs: Bing Quality and Bell Boots, Sale ,price.: *2.'J5 : .. buttoned orlaced worth $3 to 3,50, $2.40. Sale Price , Lali{es', Felt and velvet slippers, good value. - Sale Price 50c . • • - at 75o: 500 sale Prlue Men's waterproof Overshoes, Sizes 6 and ; 7 Sale Price 95c only, worth 1.65, 95c Sale Price . Men's Felt 4 Buckled boots, .vises 6 and 7, S $1.50' only, wor(ih 2,25. Saie Price Ilfen'b Box Calf and Dongola 'Kid; Laced • 5 2.25, 2.50 boots and gaiters worth $3'- and 3 50 Sale Prlce. 75 pairs - Misses Buttoned school boots, S $1 . : worth 1 to 1.50. Prices O.a�tt� A line of Men's Fine Laced Boots.going ,at joint. `! 51, see them. • B ale Price $1,50 ale Price 1 ale Price 80c Bargains t you e l�oa A regular feast of bargains in every • department •commencing . Friday :morning, Feb. 7:: Price figure quality sounts. Watch this : space for next week. It will' pay. your The Old Reliable, The' Store That Never Disappoints Taylor at Son wttttfitt t m.m.11.1111tttttttrirtrirt tartrttItrtttrttrttrtrttrtfir•mttltrtttrt n mat t, SOfl Bros, E E E Ss r .4.010 ssarra amous Lines �. en?sand oys' lothing A $7,5OM-an's;ut. • The Great. Men's Suit which we shell for $7.50, is not equalled in this section for the money. This is rather a strong assertion to make but the proof of, the = ' pudding is in the eating,and when you have once discovered this value you' will always be to customer for this particular line. We show every . Size and • give you a big assortment sof patterns at : $7.50.' per suit. For a second best suit you cannot • find anything,,onthe market to equal them:itsoZa ' 9,41101 TteNew- . w ay [. Is to buy the `Lion'' brand, famous for their fitting qualities and famous for the wear they give the ordinary boy. Made ot` all ' wool cloths, sewn with linen thread. ; Knickers. have double seats and double'. knees. Altogether the best line of Boys' ' Clothing en the market. Once a customer .always a customer. • the:, d_ -_AN ay ' For years past any old thing has been good a enough for Boys' Knickers. The, cheapest kind of shoddy goods basted- together and lined with goods no stronger than paper, has been placed on the mar ket announced as a tremendous bargain at 25c and35c and the result has been just as one would expect—the ordinary lively boy puts them on audit' a day or two they are all to pieces --the purchaser is disgusted and wonders why they cannot get some decent goods for , Boys' welly. a a • -a-....,,�.. npc l er 3 Coats, sold 11 sOell at SATURDAY 0 �Il. FA bareainilwor�th lookingafter algid a boat that willgive but if you are here in.time we - vai them$1 . bargain rywhere at +-good• ar, JACKSO$ BROStrh.(1►T11tG STOIC CLINTON