HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 7'1' e` 101 LET
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• err.41.
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THE CLINT* NM f, E W ii1
Wenow make • . The Kaiser as He to. •
Page Metal Ornamental Fence. fenge that is
ornamental. verebowy and aurprisinglyohesp, Ill la. !Wet what
is wanted for door yards, .division fences in town •lata, grave
yards. orohattle, eta. It is 20. ctr, -PER RUNNING -FOOT.
d ettthinknof it, Letates�eeendYee eall.Pereienlerfe We alio,
make farm fence, poultry netting, nab; anti btaplee,
The Page Win Fence•Ce., Limited, WalkerdihrOnt. 5
Clinton Sasn, Door, and
Blind Factory.
Geleral Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latent improved me-
obinary, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry pn extensive •
and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all glass-
es of buildings on short -notice and on the closest prides All worn is efipervie-
ed in a moohanioal way and satisfaction guaranteed. We dell all kinds of .in-
terior and exterior material.
Umber Lath, Shing `--1,
,'lrine, >►n__
1 r •-_B1 �1&►TFtt�
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYIBILL SCHOOL DESS, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prime and estimates before planing vonr orders
Meat Market
Having surceased the bntohering,
business of F. H. Powell I stn pre
pared to furnieh the people of Clin-
ton with all_ kinds of Fresh and
Cured; Meats. Sausage, bologna's
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
It Fitzsimons It Son.
Telpeone 76.
Orders delivered promptly to ad
Parte of the town.
N.B.—Perscne having hogs for
ment will confer a fa vor by
peaving word at the deer.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Subscriber having rented the chop adjoin
fug Leslie's Carriage Shop, Orange St. is pre-
pared to do all work in his line. He has had
a good many Fearer- experience in the buei-
uess, and will give personal attention to all
work entreated to etre
Special attention given
to Horseshoeing and the
care ot Horses' feet.
Rel airing t f all tends; c nargos .reasonable
FRED 1 . LOFFT canton
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business
Notes issued. Interest allcwed on
Private funds to loan on mortgages at
,beet current rate;
A General Banking nsiness transected
nterest allowed on deposits.
Sale notes bought
News and Opinions
11 ationaljImportance
The Sun
ALONE '�•�
Contains Both.
Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year
Daily & Sanday,by__l>?ai1,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in.
the World.
P ce lc a copy. fly mail $2ayr.
Address 'I'll E I i'N. Ntte Yo1 k
Rattenbnry afire n' r r
e LIN l `j Air
Direot fmperteril. 11Vorkmnnnbnt
and Meterial gtiar't iced. -
iIn or Shine,.
The station agent is on duty.. On his
exact communication of train orders•
depends thousands of lives, and millions'
of dollars in property, each day. In his
haste he runs •out in the rain orthe snow
hatless and unprotected. Then comes
the sequel—bron-
chitis, or some �, ! j?"
other disease of l ; �f rely ,
tee respiratory or-
gans. The moat 1 /few:
effective remedy
for bronchial or
pulmonary disease
is Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery. Almost
all remedies pre-
scribed for such
diseases contain
opium or some
narcotic which
soothes by stupe-
faction. e Golden
Medical Discov-
ery" contains
neither narcotics -
nor alcohol. It
stops coughs by
curing their cause.
It heals weak
lungs, builds up
wasted tissues and
promotes the
health of every or-
gan of the body.
"1 am a railroad
invent," writes I. B.
ples, iesq., of Barclay, Osage County, gene,
*and four years ago mywork kgeping me in a
warm room and stepping out frequently into
the cold air gave me bronchitis, which came'
chronic i'nd deep-seated. Doctors failed to
reach my case and advised me to try a higher
air, but, fortunately for me a friend advised me
to try DI'. • Pierce', medicine?. comtnene.e
taking your 'Golden Medical iD veryy..3p
by the time i had neaten •the 'first' bottle I was""
ileuer, and after taking four bottles my cough
was entirely gone. I have found no necessity
or seeking another climate..
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant }effete regulate.`
the stomach, liver and bowels:
-Abad- -
is no friend
It's r.f, insidious eneluy-T- '.
knock it out of your system
in the, quickest, safest and
direst way—an hour's de-•
ray may mean -'months of
11,41 Capsule'•
treatment is tete firth enemy
of Colds and Grippe,"lung
troubles and nervous pros-
tration, and when it takes -
hold it never lets go until- 4
theiast vestige of a disease
germ is eradicated.
Try it next tithe you suspect a cold. '
comingon. Thoesandsof testimonials
if you like to write about them.
At all 'Druggists- 25 cents a box—or
by snail from
• Ottawa. 'Oat.
fa older to hay. Dr..Amold'i Eti b Toxin edit ,
tier r be relnesneda,wewlll retoenypereon
wwa000 tet as anent for us: on ren warts.
loxes or Dr; Arnold's Toxin 'Pini,' it 950 per x,
11te Reliable' Aver Watch. open rawer .
buetingeue In la or dent's Oa Oa es Salta
yWi i lerave sora the P11111.a Ju t neat us
your ISM. tetd With full perrtwleuiettrl�sr, �togetherrion wiIh
'e'r�ahpr/ uW teted clr Omar.
d mbtng_ curia
1 e
0 itt the world. Dr.,Ariold. English
�T}ierxit wafer ire t standard 05.dioiw "hit cern U”
TRW gbde.1 tco em h151 h y.O'1 at,firra of 130111,':
�bAny mart 1i on�te r �'1feb'xe, itii
vscannings, �tsmeenwri1{yw. � On't ww i
tO 511 terttt rear 1Hta tall d,dddrruwn•.e,,
twin was yea ria gtruwlter.
Dept, W. ot: Toronto.
'1'hs statue of King a.r es . atones
ilief Cross was decorated" as usual, on the
a nivelrsary of his death,
A retpn of terror is .repelled in Dos'
rotntnan,+ oniaty.Ir'eland. on account of
th Land League's campaign.
Mr. James fletttentan, an old resident o
B was kirea orz the .N11lw41,1'0
lotionsai'e has swept the Japittee at
blya11f1and w0Oildhurinert the supposed 4
113 drOWAed,
The Oitlr of Shanghai, Chinn, ie' invtilrl to•
i")z)osal•tto bated and operate a 28 mile
filth() rail well',
lWue, "Seen. in Germany,'"
giv.M thispicture of the Snipel'+
Or William:
"He !a s brown -raced man, the brown
-ere 'wind and weather, of fierce riding
on land and or a glaring .run on the sea,
His face is thinner than one has sic*
toted, and there is a flint oe weariness"
about the eyes. His hair gives the !Me
pression ot 'being thin, and his fitment"
mou,ataohe fat not site long nor so lawn-.
tily fierce as one had imagined.. There
iS many a dry -goods Clerk In Berlin
who has out-Kaisered the Kaiser in
growing a moustaehe. But, owing to
the sin of retoue1iing, there is one thing
that few of Widllam's photographs
show to advantage, and it is the most
impressive characteristic of his face.
And that is its singular sternness in
repose.. Square, iron jaws, thin, firm
lips, a certain sharpness and leanness
of visage, a penetrating eye, all speak
of invincible determination pride dig-
ia =- d, = herein -ilea— hl fe r-ce o�
persona majesty—'for William, how-
ever Much one may smile at his passlon
ret" Inde'e ' -�""_-
Hao Save. Thousands from A curate, it is. said, on applying 'to
The Grave His Grace the Archbishop of Canter.
bury when Bishop <of Lonton, to be
licensed, was ordered to read some
Paine's Celery . Co mnound verses of; Scripture, as a test of his ea-
I guarante
YOU hays th
pacity for conducting public worship.. toms you not
too iota, -as
this awful
Bury or Dote
eestify to. my
Th. orlgi
any 1 one
The Greet Disease Banisher Is When he had done So,, in fear and
Now Recommended by Ably trembling, the, Bishop declared that he
W'hysicillgs q>4d'its Virtues was "Not loud enough." "But," pleaded
Extolled by Prominent the poor Curate, "a lady in church enlY
O1egynie>i1. yesterday told me I. could be heard
most plainly all over it. " "Alii" ex;"
bicklychitdren,weary women and tired, claimed the Bishops "you are engaged:"
brokendown men find in Paine's Celery . The curate blushingly owned the soft
Compound' health, strength and baEpiness. impeachment. His Graco.darkly smiled
For all the diseases whioh are really the and then solemnly sald, "Now listen to
result of weakened nearyee,suoh :,. tiyepei - me, young man. While you are en•
ilia, headache, sleeplessness, rheumatism gaged don't believe everything the lady
and kidney and jiver troub'ez, t'wine's, - tells you, but after you are married
Celery Compound is Inc only remedy' that believe every word she says."
absolutely cures. hilts done . more good Robert G. Ingersoll used to be fond vete, Nervo
blest. cone
• for humanity than other medsom tie covety of telling how, when he first came to Perfect syst
of the past fifty. years, and well deserves Washington from the. West, he once
tbe hearty and grateful praise of tee thou- encountered in one of the corridors of.
Betide whom it Las snatched from the paws • the Capitol an old negro woman vigor -
of death. Rey. S. Mioboud, Risl'op of nusly scrubbing the floor when She
Burlington, 'Vt., one of tbe moat prow in 1 t heard anyone coming, and, when the 1
priests of the Roman Catholic (Thumb in footsteps died away, busily reading her.
Amerioa-ewritee ae.followa.,•"1 hav eelsefib1e,_--3In"41ipPF'li up on.her_very-sluiet-
asked why 1 recommend ?ss•-Cine'elery= le, eel. ,„�•.te
.i. , `t;lett;--her.hear. bya.c_._
Corn ut on r�cor d surprise. with her !precious book, said.
for royal display, has.many of those frankly my reatone for this endorsement, "Mary, do you believe all you read
splendid attributes of character which hoping thaemy words may inspire those there?” . "1 sutanly leo; ' she replied;
would make a man great in any sphere treaders who need health and strength with "ebery word,. Colonel Ingersoll." "leo
of lifer It would be a large company of t faith to try Paine's Celery Compound and you believe that God made man out of
Germans, indeed, among whom one • prove to themselves .its worth. • dust?" "In cease 1 does." "Say, .it
would fail to.select him instinctively as "At the Fanny Allen Hospital, an insti- happened to rain hard about *that time
the leader, A first impression, there- tution in which I, am deeply interested, and the dust.was gone and there, was
fore, may thue be summed up: The Paine'a Celery Compound has been need nothing but mud?" 'To which old main -
Kehler is less a great king than one successfully. ' The Sisters of M'erey , at my retorted: "Den, ` de good Lawd
has .imagined, anmore a great man. 'Mount bt. Mary s Academy on Mansfield knowed• enough to know.•due it was..
The longer one remains in Germany, Ave., rely.upon l'aine'e Celery Compound. time to make dem lawyers and infidels,
and the more he learns of William and as a tonin and strengthener. In my, own Colonel Ingersoll."
his extraordinary activities, the deeper household one of the domestics has taken _ _
grows this impression. W• Americans Paine's Celery Compound for liver trouble -
have never'.quite overcome our first, of long standing, and says, 'it has•done .Ocular. Demonstrate "
prejudices agalnt e-the-ICarser ^aa ane. more eood than any: dthef t:01, ine':. See-
Ins the early days of his reign, -when era pries e have apo en o in praise or
"Mrs. Decollate, over. .'mere, putts
the mantle of royalty—and the Hohen- tells remedy, and believe it bas the 000- l every cent her husband makes on her
aoliera Mantle at that—was new to hie .fidenoe of my associates. .Even did I not. back." "He's making very little,' then."
shoulders, and he said and did strange ' know from personal observation pf the • —Philadelphia "Presse,
things; but in Europe—where they have worth of Paine's Celeyy Compound, I
grown accustomed to his vagaries, now, should feel like praising it for the simple
indeed, much less pronounced . in their reason that it is preqared by the Wells & . Not the Fashion in Natal.
manifestations, and have set them Bieherdeou Co., a firm whose members L .
down as the, expressions. of "a strong' have known for nearly a quarter of a oen- Dere. was a young:lady of Durban,
and • original individuality—the Kaiser . tury, and in whom I 'have perfect dont-.' ,ho import
a Paris -made turban,
occupies a• place of high and genuine - dens' i •• It was blue, green, and red.
Seth th9 natives all said
esteem. An American who remains. long •
in Germany feels this change in sentle
Ment 'strongly, arid, when the Kaisemerely. because this in roy- _ ' r
Reciprocity Limited.
passes, he. raises his hat with all the -_ Mai_ ;and' Jane _ _t_ ___ _.
__laden withwit. As might be expected, the Kaiser Is '
strength- .of purpose." :
spoilt; 'of the rieb lands abdut Brest. S. onnie Boland' Adviceas to the. •
est Method of Treating -
-most.PaPular in his capital: .
• "One,. beating a cornmotion on tinter Ye
den • Lindee, with a 'flash of white
plumes In the dieta,nee, and the sivift .gutipultecefdlthilece uottetseraocfethaes lei,dritsipsilio.adbc;.- 'Nothing .. fa,' More „ omiimon to a child'.
Motile of hoofs, may' well crowd up to .
„ preeerve-Inerehants," ' "Why 'desplee , hood •than indigestion.. Nothing is more
able preserve -merchants?"! ' soy-neone , dangerous to proper erowth, more weaken-
meling like- the wind,. two • richly uni- ink to the conadtntion, or 'Mord . likely to .
tamed men on the box, and the•lialser, asked.. . "Beeauee they make the Jame
the Itaiserin, end another lady in the. :they .sell to ns. .They. have .no 'sugar mong the symptoms)* which . indigestion
pave the Way to dangerous ' disease.
and no feuiti Despicable? Why; they
;Open catriag'e behind, 'You obserire• . in infants and young children may be
that. the Kaiser sits"with hie hack to ' take Our ..attgar and our -fruit, arid they ' eeseili,
Instke us buy 'their jamel" • eecognized are: loss of -appetite, '
the• horses, giving the place of honor to . ' ' Anglo -Sean idestes, which 'often form% - • • . , .. . _ . ., K. BegIne,laudeay, Ont., points opt how
strong contrast- to the.rougher Teuton- ',Don't you 'flies your husbarid. Term; •
thie miter 'beet be donee She says : "Whed
Id` enehains. He 'Weida a glisteeingegil- Mach new that he is etwayr "Oh, not ineebabretas three months .old she had
— At breakfast I just -stand Ids; news- indigestion very badly, ..Sht. Would vemit
Military Precision as ihe people on 'the her food juet. es soon ' at she. took: it, no .
Chat the style was remote and suburettr?l
— r Punch."
names,. eructations, costed tongue, bad; •
• breath, hiccough and disturbed sleep. In- digestion may be easily cured and Mrs F.
-•' 1511 lime reallcarriage, and there iteappaiently no
effort. t*.? guare the lives of its %toe
teoted by the terrific speed at whica
.the horses •are.. always eleven,' • Ie.. is..
one of William's Plea -slur -0.e* show him- ,
'felt anelehis family frequently to his.
people,. aod the reyal carriage may he -
seen•at all hours• In the streetsy. of Ber-
lin. The Keiser's departure from the
Palace is alwaye signaled by the fall of ..
'a flag,' which serves as it notefication to
the., people to . prepare for his .appeare
Ince among them. Nearly- everye.after-
y w0115i-C�1!iA 4I them. --- -- - After feedbag
ids' ;accompany the E ri 'e she seemed to• suffer'terribly 'and' would:
eam;, with pain... She seemed always
bunglj.. • • er food did her, no • good and
she kept thin ar.. dr1 tate She was vere.
sleepless and suffered. a1S9_.Lr. m constipa-
tion. We tried;9overal medicine ye9Q;n-
mended for •theee troubles but '-they did.
her no good. Finally. I saw ---Baby's Own
Tablets advertised and got a box. After
giving them to her she , began to improve
in about two days, and in a, week's' time
I considered her well, -and vomiting ceased,
her bowels became regular and she began
to gain•in weight. She is cow a fat,healthy`
baby,an'd I think the credit is dee to Baby's.
Own Tablets and I would not now be with -
old them in the house."
xc ange.
Beat Nearly Double
With' Bright's Disease.
'• $ever.•. and- Tottnring ' Case ' or
Hrinht's Disease --A Justioe of the
Pease Certifies to the. 'cure by Dr.
Chase's' kidney Liver •Peels.•
Mr. James Dellihunt, a much .respect-'
ed resident of Consecon, Ont., states:—
noon he. rides out, usually in uniform; "I was'a sufferer from Bright's Disease
with some .of his staff-ofticera, gallop- for severalf mi years, a i and at ere a the tor -
with ' of mind and hORy were almost be -
,yon endurance. The'pains were in me
'fiead, between the shoulders and: down
the whole ' spine,- -corfcentrating across -
the kidneys, where I was never entire-
ly free.from' pain. When 'I got up in
the morning I ,went about bent over,
nearly double. It gave me great •pain
to urinate, and at times the water was
very scanty.. Medicines seemed to have.
little or no effect in my•case, until .I
began the use -of Dr.. Chase's Kidney-•
Liver Pills. The. first dose relieved me,
and five boxes entirely, cured nia. .I
hay. no pains in my kidneys, and can
dre as good a day`s work @.e Liver
' Mr, J. J: Ward, J.P., of Comecon, cer-
tifies that'he knows Mr.. Dellihunt's
Ing down the Linden "and into ,t e'
Thierga.rten, where he often spends an -
hour in exercise.".
Henley's Attack on • Stevenson,. -
THE literary sensation in London is
William E. Henley's onslaught, in the Christmas number of the •
'Pa11 Mall" magazine, upon the Steven.
;on Worshippers. In tone it, is not die
shriller from that of his attack 'on- tare
ilscriminate' eulogists of Burns.. As
• Stevenson's closest friend, • he strips
•'Stevenson''s personality of the .fantastic
roinanoe-- woven about -jt,' and shows statement orals cure to be correct and. •
hizn -to have been at times -a vain, un-
- *grateful, self-righteous„ , anxious . ego-
tlet, • possessed of abundant but Imita
five gifts. Even those who attempt -to
defend the justice - of the criticism: find. -
that 1t lays Henley open, to charges of •
•iisloyaley and -bad' .taste. The' London -
•Daily News" is' emphatic in its, pro-
test. It says:.; ' •
"We,are not surprised that -the liter- •
ary world is scandalized. It is aston-
tshtng. that any man of Ordinary feel-,
inn shouldhave- written In such terms •
1f a dead friend. One thing is. mp,de;
• iuite • clear by the 'article. Stevenston"
' has .a genuine hold upon the affections
of his countrymen, • and that, affection
Will last long after Mr. Henley's til
Indeed Screed 1s forgotten." •
' This vilet, however, is not shared by
some who cannot be charged with .
jealousy of Stevenson. • ' Just as Mr.
Henley knew Stevenson, best sin his
middte and Mr, Balfour in- - Ids later'
• life, se • Mies Eve' Blantyre Simpson,
the aitt`horess of "Robert Louie Steven -
son's' Ediiilburgh Days,' can speak of
him 'as boy and youth. Miss Simpson
er view as follows:
"Mr. Henley hes done a rave head
in his' trenchant article on .his friend.
'Lewis.' He depicts hint ;as he was be-
fore he began to pose as a famed "maze
• and was by preference the thorough-
bred • 'Bohemian. Mr. Henley, recalls .
him .to Edinburgh folk as he WMa and
as • the` true Stevenson Would ,have
wilihed to be known." , •
• 'Explained Too - Much.
The nailer explained his rniseion.
"It's d, worthy cause," be said..
"It is, indeed," admitted' the -up -to
o nerohan a. ut•our firm
down for five hundred dolls:A.7r
"Good;" exclaimed the caller, "It's
to be done very quietly and unosten-
tatiously, 01 oourde. The nioneY will.
be given in e, lump cum from 'a few
friends,' without any names what-
ever!.' .
"X9,fine will know who *Wear' asked
merchant. '
"No one," - answered the ostler.
"No 'let published 2"
1"'PTone." v
"Croix the name of our arm off."4+
Ibleago. '.rye."
The Oxford County bowled parsed a
esoleition of sympathy with Dr. ttttbottle
of Etarford and wilt petition that his sen-
tence be shortened. . •
Stout this ato*A11
end Werke eft the (led:,
tAtative 13rotoo.Q uinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day" No Cure, No Pay erica
26 cents.
true and without exaggeration. It seems
foolish to trifle with new -tangled inedi-
gings., whet} you• can get the tested and
-proven kind. Dr. Cbase'ez.Kidney-Liver
P111s, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all
'dealers,.. or • ledmanson; Bates eft Co.,
Toronto. Agents 'wanted for Dr. Chase's'
laait and complete Receipt Book. •
Handling 4.11nlfst Milk. •
• •" giutter: made from milk of alfalfa -felt
frotvS ie liable to have a peculiarflavor'
unless special care'- is taken in the
handling ot the cream. It is customary
to.separate a Very heavy dream and to •
hasten the ripening in order to exclude
• or cover undesirable • •flavors. The
-cream tests about 40 ;per cent. fat, and
the use of homemade or commercial
starters is not uncommon, in one
oreafnery,the cream is stirred contin-
ually for live hours after it is put into
a vat. No doubt this serves to aerate
It and partially removesunderlrabls
flavors. - - The cream is churned wheel
from twenty tQ twenty -lour hoilrs old
and the butter is immediately prepared
r---luarketml-:..Brnf._,r'earson fn; Dahl_
• Bulletin 28:'.
Oatarrh and ColdsCan be Ro..
Mewed in 10 Minutes, Per-
ntartarlitly °tired, . ,
Eighty years old --catarrh fifty years,
• Dr. Agnew's- Catarrhal Powder cures hint
Want any stronger evldcrce of thee�e ttt,v.e'
of this wonderful remedy over tl i trl.c.:-a
lisitatteLeleeaniegoaretli leo mete ten
Va.micthnied? Write Cenigu Lewis, 5.l,.rtl l.i,•
-1'a. His says: "Ii,I'd *Hist rt cis-„ LI r
eir,iedl." 1" if"' •, itt It•n n•
Sold by J. E. Hoven and 14.' P :Rteelde
Avoid dangerous, inflating Witch Httel
pttparstiens repreeeted to be "the lame cel'
Pond's 6xtratl, which scaly sours and afire
contain "weld " a 4eadl9 patron.
Ilairy Dots-•.
,• A writer ti} : t'he --Farmer; -
;writing, on "How to Increase Profits
in Dairying,' sums up ' by. giving , nine•, , ,
-iways in. which it .may be accomplish-
nd, as follows: !'
• Alt du y a
and ;q
that 'a
Do qor
only a fee
offer a B
Miracle. J
dress an
have ad
tared m
case an
send y
ing' fo
'.1. By being regula% .. ' ,t • ' mono
2. By kind and gentle treathient. s . < - and t
8. By more: judicious feeding, * SP1
Y 4. By preparing more Comfortable... es send
• 6. By supplying plenty ofpure wa. ;kirk*
ter as near as possible ;of -right tem.
: ierature.
e• By growing 'on .'the farm the most
bilk -producing foods.'
7. By ,having ..Cows that will droje, 11L- var
rood -calves.. • : ,
8. By weeding out the poor .cows., • .
,`• 9: By. keeping beat heifer calves aha WISll
i'aIsing thein , on dairy feeds: gest
' repo
bora x
_Our t
(Trade M4rk. )
For •L.ung'Troubies,
Severe Coughs, Colds,
Emaciation, h:c., Etc.
•Fowsystems entl aseimllato nere Oil, but
'ns combined in " Tret 1). & L.", itis pleasant
and digestible. -Will build you tip; Wilt add
r solid ponnds,of'feshy Will bring you back
oilcaltb.: •
60.c.•and 81.00 bottles..
A reign o`f terror. is 'reported in Roseoiin-. -
mon County. Ireiandl on account of the .
Land League's oamp'aign;
The 'King and Queen attended a London
theatre Thursday night, keing the first tip., I.
of Cod Liver. WL bee Pi;
pearanoe of a British Sovereign at a play
house singe 1861.
James 'Osmond, an employee of the
Ottawa Electric. Light Company, was
killed by a shock.
Mr. E, J: H. Pense, Liberal, was elect-
ed by acclamation at Kingston16 the.
LeaielathVe Assembly,
mMr. r.) A Fraser of Pilotl4tbunil is the
Ltberal*nominee for the Colnnaons in .
Lisgar. •
Incorporated by Act Parliament 1855.
CAPITAL $2,500,00
T1ESTPUND ' $2,150,0'
Wry, Morcott lk'MAOPnensos, Pre
dsnxas Err,rotr, Gen. Manager
Notes disoonnted,00lleotiontf inti
Woad, sterling and America '
bought and sold, Inters
deposits, Barite EAtucw-i
On ,nine of $1 and ftp. Mon y
farmers On their own ndter,
more endows, No mortpay,"
H.C.110Brewer. Nin