HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 6IMP IMP ow" IWO Save 30 cents on every Dollar This is just what you cav save if you lay in all the furnishings you need, or will need for some time, while this sale lasts. On some of the dollars you spend the saving may not be quite 30c. but on many of then it will be more. Don't let this chance slip. You're not likely to have such another for many a day. TIES You can save money if you lay in a supply of Neck- wear now, for you can get 3 ties for the price of 2, of either the 26 • or 50c lines. At 17c All the ties in stook that sold at 25a knots, airings, bows and four-in- hands, nobby patterns, regular 25o, during sale, each 17e At 35c Your ohoioe of the best Tiee, in this the best tie stock in the oonnty for 35o, none reserye3 whatever, flowing ands, puffs, and four-in- hand, pure ails and newest pat- terns, regular 75o, during 35e sale COLLARS and CUFFS Why not lay in a supply of Collars and Cuffs now? You're not likely to get a chance to buy them as again. Nearl the good on -s are Austrian make,the best collar to wear made. All the new shape in Block. 20c Collars, 2 for 25c Your choice of all the collars in the store that sold at 20o, newest shapes and best qualities, all styles epee regular 20o, 2 for . 12c Collars, 3 for 25c All 12 1.2o collars, stand • up and turn -down shapes, will wear 25e well, your ohoioe, 3 for .. Cuffs, 2 pairs for 35c Choice of all 26e Cuffs„ good quali- ties, will wear well, regular 35e 25o, 2 pairs for ..,.., 35c Cuffs for 25c. Choice of all the beet Cliffs, regular price 35e, during sale 25C SU SPENDERS You can save a little money by buying suspen- ders during the sale for all the 25c lines are selling for 18c and all the 50c ones for 35c per pair, Hats and Caps Again you are reminded of the Bat Bargains. You can save the best part of a dollar, and even more on some lines, if you buy your spring hat now. W4 Rats for $1755 2.50 66« 1.50 3.00 to K 1.75 .50 Caps a . ,35 A Tie Special Bow ries 10c Your ohoioe of over 50 bow tied, in assorted patterns of fanoy silk, --regular-25o -Goode,--ohoioe of- C lot Underwear If you have any Underwear baying to do yt n ought to come here, for you are not likely to buy it `as oheap anywhere else, 50o Underwear for 37o. 75o " " 50o. 1,00 " " 75o, Lin nee- rl,rwo•--w,"-r„K A. J. Morrish f r', "t'ls. 4,.. i fir • 'r.�i�• a. elinton TUE . CLINTON NEW ERA 0 CLINTON IARICICTB Corrected even? Thursday afternoon Thursday, Febudry Oth 1902. Fall Wheat... ; , , . 0 15 a .0 70 Spring `” ...... . , . 0 74 • e 0 74. Oats ,. , . 0 39 a 0 40 Rye , ..., .. 0 40 a 0 4.5 0 48e. 0 50- Pe s Y'0 06 a 0 76. Fleur per owt , ;. 2 15 a 2 15 Bay .. 800 a 900 Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 00 No. 1 Green trim, hides 5 00 a 6 50 Wood short 2 25 a 2 50 Chiokens, per pair .. , 0 20 a 0 40 Duoke, pair 0 40 a 0 60 Geese, per lb 0 05 a 006 Turkeys, per lb 0 00 a 0 08 Pork, live 5 50 a 6 00 Pork, dressed 8 00 e 8 00 Butter, loose or tub , , 0 15 e 0 16 Eggs per doz , ...., 0 18 a 0 19 Potatoes, per btteh..,, 0 30 a 0 85 Dried Apples per lb.. 0 05 a 0 05 Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Feb. 4.-_The-enow=:biookede_ very nearly knocked out the business at the oattle'market' to=day, About =60 loads-- altogether oadsaltogether got through, but of these only about 10 or 15 loafs were on themarket for sale. The reet were cattle going through on consignment. In view 6f the tem• norary famine the drovers held on to their few cattle as long as possible in the hope of realizing high prices. There is a good de- mend for exporters and short kept feeders. Butcher trade is generally good, in partic- ular for ohoioe cattle. BOMB, REID--At Milton Man„Dec. 20th, thewireot County Council, •J, A. Reid, formerly of Seaforth, of a daughter NAIRN-In Windsor, tho witeof 3.H, Nairn (Concluded from last week, formerly of Qoderich, a a daughter.' A grant to the pink Children's° Hospital PAIRBROTHRR-In Detroit Tau. nth,: the of Toronto, 020, was made, , The oounoil wife of Mr b'airbrother (nee MssNollie 17%ard, ,declined tb tweeds to the request 2uddaughter of Bishop Ward, Brussels,) a Bon. q est of the DOBSON-In Ethel, Jan, letb, the -Wife of H, Pr0''moial Teachers' Aseooiation to send a dee to M. Dobson, of a son.. delegate attend the February session, BELL. -,In Shakespeare, on Jen. 10th, the wife The Secretary of the Good Roads Assooia- of J. B. Bell (neo Mies!Maggie Oliver) a son. tion asked that a delegate be sant to the H iXT1 R=In Stephen, plr 7an.16th, the wife ° annual tneetidg, but the commad Mined ' o of vim, Hayter, of a son. take notion, The oounoil of East "Wawa - JONES. -In kzeter on Jsn, 28rd, the wile oP nosh asked the council to ratify a by-law 24, Tones, of adaughter, changing a road allolanoe, which was 13RENNNR-At Zurich, on Jan.. 27th, the wife granted, Applicationetor the position of of Tau, Brenner, a son. County Auditor were received from Messrs SARtRAS-At the Goshen line, Hay, on Jan. P. Cantelon, W. Clegg, R. W. Ball, W. S. 28tH, the wife ofS.Sararas,ofa'danghtor. Gawrenee,G, W. Holm n, d.Mein kook W. MANSON-.At the Goshen line, Stanley, Jan, Biaok apd J. C. Morrison ; the,poanoil, on $)th, thewife of J, A, Manson, of a son, • division, appointed Messrs Cler:g and Can- GEDDES-In Morris,Jan. 22nd,lurs R. Geddes talon, .The first vote stood: -Clegg 8, 3Io- Of a daughter. Intosh 7, Canterou 4, Lawrence 3, 'Iaohnan IltAtzutED, ' ' 2, Ball 2, Morrison 2 Black none. Mr SNYDER-y'ERGUSON-At the residence of Olegg was deolared elected, and :he Tote for the bride's parents. Auburn: on Feb. 5,H. Sny second auditor was as follows-Oanteloo 7, McIntosh 7, the warden giving the casting der, Colborne, to Miss Annie Ferguson, BELL -BETEL --On reb,6th at the residence of vote in favor of Mr Cantelon, tliebride'spae;;i•� Albert pt : by Rey, E. R: g'Tesrre;l-S E'atueromapa .l`�It: c�tnnne rector -MI t Paul's church, lT ' O fora* les $26741,su increase of .$24 and 921 respectively over 1900. There were 63 changes of teachers during the year. The ayerege teaohei'a salary for the whole in- speotorate was $32175., Two new school houses, were built during the year; one iu U 8 8 No 10 .i ullett-Goderioh, and one in U El S Ni 12 Morris.Uullett; the latter is the moat oem,plete one roomed school that 1 know of. Although nearly all our eohool houses are now good bu'iNinge, yet there are three old -shacks in 'Rao inspectorate, anyP o ,c which n0 w a bo di ra e to settlement of Esgnimilt. a The teaoerpt all tried to do faithful honest work, and in Most cases with, eminent euaoess. Council adjourned to meet on the brat. Tueeday iu J nue, ' Bell, e, in ham;;toMissMabelle, eldest daughter of gpilnd-ta_-=of 71 r ndbo appointed on the boa. dMrs Jno. Bail, Clinton, County. Examiners, which waa,ranted. A PERRIN-IRWIN-At the home of the bride's grant of 810 was made to.. provide flowers father, Clinton, on Jan 20th,by Rev Draifford, for the Court House Square, and $20 to D Perrin, London, to Miss Miranda, dough- each of the Agricultural and Uortioultural ter of Jos,. Irwin• Sooietiee, the reessiden a of the bi do s mother, Northootet Mr Aiax Elliott, near Clinton, offered to Ave„ Toronto, by Rev. A. Logan, Geggie,W. G. remove the old Stanley bridge crossing the Williams, druggist, Toronto, (son of Mrs J. H. . Bayfield river,' and provide a roadway for Williams, Goderioh), to;Flora, second daughter , public travel while the new bridge is 1n of R. A. McIntyre. POPE-BARNARD-At the manse. Bluevale, oouraethematerial of oonstraheolion,snbjoldbridgeeot.toThe hie havimatt[r ng int t_ Engineer to make on,7an. 22nd, by Rev. W. West, l,has. Pope, was left with the Count Turnberry, to plias Lavinia B„y En iyoungest dough- g nett/ AdreftilentrIng ter of Geo, Barnard, Wroxeter, whatever arrangements'necessary, e . COLEMAN-•MILLOY-At St. Paul's. Cathed• Rey 1)r tiro was re -appointed 0, I. True- . London, on Jan 2611. by Rev. Dean Innes; tee for Goderioh; R L1, Hays for Seaforth; Edwin °elementoMiss ChristinaMilloy,daugh- 'and d Raneford; R 6,nton. . ter of N. Milloy, all of Brussels. Servant Wanted. jr 0fl e SIOAflde tiigli td Mrs Greig, at T Ja s A D JA ztreei. J&n n Servant Wanted Servant girl wanted for small family.- Apply to MRS W. COATS. Mary St., Clinton. Feb 7-te Servant Wanted Good general servant in small family ; togo to London. Apply at,NEw ERA office. Feb 7-11. For Sale or to Rent. Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acre* in good state of oultivation for sale or to rent for term of years, appli to JNO. MoGREGOR, on premises or MRS L. MoG.REGOR, 2 oon.,H. R. S.,TackersmIth, Seefprth P. 0. Feb. 7-tf. Farm For Sale. Lot. 12, Bayfield con., G (85 cleared,balance hkrdwodd,with a large -quan- tity of cedar on it), in good tate of cultivation about five acres fall wheat d considerable fall Wowing done. Comfortable brick house, large b ,rn withetabling underneath driving shed and other outbuildings; about fi acres orchard, mostly winter fruit • ' well water neverfall- ing spring creek and two wells. Seven miles from Clinton and three from Bayfield. Posses- sion at any time, reasonable terms, Apply for furtherpartionlare to CHAS. SIMONS 72 ,.St David at., Goderioh. Feb '-tf erich tp., 116 acres For Sale. — North ha'f of lit 26 on fifth con f01 Hallett, containing flft es .+ t`vwnehip d, good wellandoroha aures, Well drained, miles from Clint r, - in the place; about 9 Mrs s M Mintz, address or see personally AR ro.W, owner, Seaforth, or Mr Jame. iBALD, horae 1ealer, Seaforth, Jan 84.-tf, Seed Potatoes.. -- The (Rose of the North) as stated in Rennie Catalogue 1902. They are early and excellent quality and have yet to find a potato. that has given such general satisfaction. The early market varities proved a few days in advance but on July lot the Rose df the North were by far the largest cleanest and best.. Rennie' price 25o per lb. or 11.60 .per bus. Myprice $1.00 per bus delivered 1st Clinton a imited quantity, Address, JOHN AVERY. Jan 31-4 w - Clinton, P. 0, t,. Tenders Wanted. Sealed tenders will be received n to Febrn ary 16th,1902, addressed to the Chairman of the Building Committee for the onetime of a Brick Presbyterian Church at Bayfield. Plane and epeoifloe bops can be seen and other inform- ation obtained on application to JAMES DONALDSON Bayfield, Chairman of Building Committee or the Architect, J. A. FOWLER, Goderioh. No tender necessarily accepted. Jan.10-td* Auction Sale. Of pure bred Short horn cattle the property of Salkeld Bros„ consisting of 9 choice bulls ranging in age from 9• to 20 months old, 3 females about 2 years old also some good Sale will take plana on the farm of Isaac Salkeld, 1.4 5, con 1, Goderioh township, 1 mile south of Goderioh, on Wednesday Feb 12, at Y g m. Terme a�tt.1 lale : 8 months credit, discount for oash. 'Write for catalogue, address ISAAC SALKELD, Box 69,Goderich Ont. or Jan 24-m ^ T. GUNDRY, Anot SEED GRAIN FOR SALE, Choice Seed Oats and Barley. Also Corn, Barley and Oats for feed. Sell for Cash or exchange for any kind of grain; in some cases from 2 to 8 months time given. Timothy seed bought and sold. 2 cars Ensilage Corn to arrive shortly, ` Drive right to warehouse. W. G. JfERRo L. Jan 24-4• I MoLAIIG1iLiN-RITCBIE-At the residence A cordial resolution of sympathy of--the-bride'-eanother,-.,u Jan. 16t�h��;b���.--Rov,-J--Mr �� T'orranoe, County Goanoil A. Stewart Bellmore W. J. McLaughlin Winn-- ie seriously ill, was paella. A deputation waited on the oounoil, ask- ing for a grant towards the erection of e Marine Hospital at Goderioh, The. ooun- oil granted 81000, amount to be,paid., when bnilding is completed. A delegation representing the 33rd Batt. waited on the council, asking for financial asaietanoe. The council passed a grant of $600. • Robt Deaohinan; cf Howick, was recom- mended as a_second year's student at the Agricultural College. .. peg, Man:,t'o Miss E. M. Ritchfe,daughter of the late Jas; Ritchie; Rowiok. FOWLER-DAPIDSON' At the residence of the bride's parents, on Jan. 22nd, by Rev. D. Perris, P. Fowler to Miss'E.°Davidson, second daughter of Gavin Davidson, of the Bluevale road, Turnberry. DKOEHLER-- WAL7y-At Hensall,on Jan.29th,' by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Henry Koehler,sr., to Mrs. J. Walz, both of Hay. MoLEOD-Mo1YOR-At the residenoe of the bride's mother,on Jan. 22nd,by Rev A. Mackay, assisted by Rev. R. McLeod,B. D ,Wm. McLeod, Huron, to Mise E., youngest, daughter, of the. late Thos. McIver, Huron. REPSBT Op SPECIAL COMMITTEE, LOUGHLIN ADEN -In 81. Elichael'd church, In reference "to the petition from the Blyth, on Jan. 2eth,by Rev. Fr. McMenamin, A. Loughlin,Centralia,to M13s Annie Agon,Morris. County of Waterloo, asking, co=operation TERVITr McCURDY-,4t the Rectory,Wing- with regard to railway crossing, the oom ham, on Jan. 29th by Rey. Win. Lowe,Geo. Ter- mittee recommended that: no action , be vit, jr.,ofKlncarctine, to Miss Mies. J3ella'.Mo• taken, The petition from Bent 'County, Ourdy, Wingham. • asking co operation in securing from the FULTON-JONES-At the rectory' Seaforth, Government an . extension of; time for ,the on Jan. 23rd, b Nev. Rural Dean Hod ns, Jas: free'im ortatioa of beet root sugar machin- Fulton, MoHii)op,'to Miss Emily Jones, F g villa. ery was endorsed. . The committee approv-• ad of the petition. asking for the appoint- ment • ment of a ,railway commission. FISHER-AtToronto.Jan. 27,Margaret,reliet EzEcnzivE COMMITTEE'S 'REPORT. ` of ahnto John 137aher, aged'71 years, formerly The committee recommended .a grant of HUNTER-bjircknow,Jan, 3IstAnn :Ranter, $25 to each of the Teechera' Institutes, $15 wife of Kenneth Hunter, aged 75 years. to each Public Library in the county, ,925 WALKER -In Olinlon,Jan. 61at,iienry Bans- to each of, three Farmers' Institutes, $10 to ford Walker, aged 62 years and 9 months.' .' the Prisoner's Aid Ase'n. That the tender - ()MOH -At the Bronson line Hay, Jan• .3rd, of the Goderioh Star for printing be aocept- John Oesch, aged 78 rears ed. That the Peddlers' License Fee be YOUNG '• At Hamriton, Jen. • 21at,t Douglas, reduced from $50 to $25, and that a refund Youngest son of Rev,-J•,Yyu`�luz &s`'v $ yam,be made to` draft. `Irbo .have_ taken •;ollt �M6'MA.rn_id foclirichAn, 28th,Nettfe,wife licenses for 1902. The amounts to„be paid' of J J. McMath, aged 27 yearel. the Collegiate Inetitntes .thio” year are HARTUNG-At the Babylon line, Hey,; Jan. Seaforth, $28.46,67 ; 015010n1 '1$2090,58.; 26th, Nicholson Hartung, aget144 years. . ,McDON4,L1 -In Atibnrn,Jen, 21nd,Wm. me- (it°derioq, $1800, Donald, aged68years.. • • .. REPORT. UF..1tOk1 AND TRtDOE CGMMI'TTEE, NESBIT-In Morris, Jan. 24th, Gertrude, in- Among other things the committee re - font daughter e-fantdaughter of:Mrand Mrs R, J. Nesbit,• Aged commended that Ibe , proposed electric 19 days. • . railroad be granted. the prid;lege of crossing NIOHOL ifs of G Wroxeter, Jan, 24th, Jane the Maitland river, subject to such restrio Gewmill wife. of GAO. Nicholson aged 61 years GS. • Logs and Heading of all ins - -Wanted. Highest prices giver, - Soft elms to be cut. 11 feet, 12 feet, and 13 feet long. R. &`J. RANSFO RDs Stapleton Salt Works Saw Log's with l /Ylio � asnted MUSDOCH-In Lncknow,Jan ii7th,C'atherine, wife of Steel O. Murdoch . KIRKMAN-At her residence. 11 Czar st.,Tor•,. onto, ea Jan.' 25th, B..Tytler,• wife of tke late A. F. Kirkman,forsaerly'of the Seaforth Collegiate staff, Seaforth, aged i5years. - • MORGAN -In Detroit. Feb 3rd, Lenora lea; belle (daughter of Mrs Wm. Morgan, Goderioh) aged 22 years. • • For Sale or to .Rent. lbont8 acres of land on Dinsley Terrace, just outside the. corrpporation,. with goodframe house, barn and stable,end water an'dorchard Amply to MRS THOS. EAST, Rattenbury St. West, Clinton. ' - Jan 17-4. • Bulls for Sale: Three Shorthorn Durham YOung Boils for sale, allfit for servioe. Bred from good milk - Ina strain; all running 'about a .yeer old, red color. W. KNELL, Clinton P. 0. Hallett, Jan31-4w. Property.for Sale. As sUbsoriber is not in a position to worli it himself owing to lllnees he offers for gala iie property on,the tluron Road, Gcderloh town- ship ceneisting of 16'acres of good land, with „small house and outbuildings thereon,hereon, .r.hsrd ofnne•acrewith all kinda.of fruit. Spring well and spring water in field. Will be sold realms. able. Also span of horses and dome farm Mir' plemehts.•PHIL. POTTER. Clinton. '"san 244•. Farm for Sale, A splendid 100 acre farm, consisting of the East half of Lot 80, eon. 1, East Wawanosh, good frame house with kitchen, barn 36.55, and shed 30x40 in which there are geed stabling hard water of never failing well; 8 acres of bush 30 acres fall ploughed, 6 acres of fall wheat, 1 acre of orchard and the rest under grass •; sit noted 11 miles from Auburn and 60 rods from eohool. For further particulars apply to Jan 24--M* 11. GOWER, Auburn P. 0 , f you want a first -:lass Suit of Clothing -Made-to f -you.. guaranteed_to . wear well and to be° stylish,- Leave your order with` use A stock of Gents' Furnishin s will be added - h and be on our shelves . y t�e let Of March. •the year the same in each Dasa as In 1900 , � A + J-1EIoIjorAz', the ayernFe salary paid male teaohes • i...ithe av s ;fie salary $386 in 1900; and of female teachers 9292 as against $278. In 04 _.. gone as will eafegaard tha public interests, and provided the:bridge is tapable or standing the strain. Five . tenders 'were reoeived for the building of a bridge.near Wingham, and one, near Clinton, between Goderioh township and Stanley the tender of the Hunter Bridge. Co at $3975, .being the lowest* was accepted, and four tenders were received for the substructure, . that of• F. Gutteridge, Seaforth, being the lowest for -both bridges -54.75 'per • yard for one and $4.50 for the other, wad accepted. Ti e application of the, reeve of Colborne, re Young's bridge, was not granted. REPORT OF FINANCE' COMMITTEE. The committee recommended. that the gum of $20,000 be borrowed to meet current expenses. The statement of the Registrar, showing amount paid the county, has been examined. We find the Treasurer's state- mentcorroot, and are mu311 pleased with the'effroient manner in which it has been ,prepared. - �., REPORT OF ROAD 0o11MI9910iiER,. Mr Ainsley stated that he had Informed the bridge oommieeioners of Lambton and Middlesex of the action which had been inked -by Huron in the, matter of the Aux; Sable'. Bridge, and have received' replies stating: they would bring the matter before• their respeotive councils et the present ees- aion, and'let him know the result. TREASURER'S STATEMENT. The report of the Tre usurer showed the following for '1901: -Receipts -- Balance from 1900, . $12545.'55 County rates, :$36611.69 ; land tax, $182.61;; registry of - 00014 f $nes, $674.53 ; redemption aaoount, #17,58; interest, $301.00 ; sinkingfnnde,•$3780.55; Division Court Jury fund, $27.18 ; admin- istration of justice, $2493.47; :jail account, 9579 96; licensee, 91414 ; schools, $6146 ; roads and bridges, $30.; mreoellaneone, 81; Industrial Home, 8836.53; Bilis Payable, $6000 ; total, $71141.62,. Expenditures - Land tax,. 8465:85; Begistry offioe, 8226.10; redemption account, $8.25; intereet,$33,55; debentures, $18082.96; Division 'Court jury fnnd,$171;administration of justice,$7111.- 63; jail account, $2218 03; school .'manage•. o ent, $2085 79; echoole, $12056.63; miscel- laneous grants, $1265,00 ; municipal gov- ernment, 04382.28; stationery oto.. 8673.44 miscellaneous, 65116;1 unatios and charities, $684,66. ; county property', $3921.38 ; roads and bridgee, 58997,61 ; Industrial `Home, ,413131 ; Dille payable, $8000 ; total, 669565,63 :%Coes en 44.4,4444.2.4.4,444,11,4144+4•44-44.1 , s-lnvest"m$ 20736.• 8 \; Linbii ties -Stirling debentures,abont REroRT OF SCHOOL INSPECTOR Toni. The'sehool reoeipia, in this inspectorate, from all acoreas in 1901, were 577112.93, and the expenditures $61712.65. The in- crease in the amount of salaries •paid over, 1900, wail $2258.20. There ware 84 male and 75 female teachers employed doting • Top Prices Faitl. Cash on Delivery, at Blyth Handle Factory for all kinds of merchantable logs. 2001d ft Roller Maple, 18' inch °and op in diameter. ' 100. M .ft ” , any size from f2 inch in diameter np, for oanthbok hand- les. 200 M ft Rook Elui, any size, for handles, 100 M ft Soft Elm, Basswood and. White Ash, Cedar Shingles and Lath for sale. : ' Shin -glee and Lath in exchange for logs, Custom sawing attended toatall.• times. ssn10-s - E. Livingston.. The Novelty Baker:. and Restaurant Oranges and Lemons. 'We fray eSw in stook some very '. nice fresh o,r,ngeera6• inwest .prices: Yalenoias M iso per ao . Mexicans at 15 and 20c per,doz.• Navels at 40 and 50o per' doz, -Best freeh.lemons 25o per doz. Chocolates. McCormick's celebrated • Mira- oaibo Chocolates and Peterson's chocolates oreame,:always•on hand. We also carry.a nine line of fine bon -bone,' 1~rench•frnit, and choco- lates and oreams put up'in , dainty • boxes., Yon oan alwaye depend on theaegood; fresh when,yon get thein being here. ' Oysters Our oysters aro always fresh and of the beet quality. We ' handle, Booth's Oval. Brand' end also the Baltimore oysters. . . Courteous and attentive to all. • ' J IIMcClay, Clinton. TAND 1RD eHOOL HOES • - We have just R received a shipment' of our justly cele- brated line of Standard Shoes. for Boys: ;'.These goods' need no introduction' as they are al- C ready well •known and are ` re- cognized to be the best: wear- - ling Boys' Shoes on the mar- ket, • They are made of a choice quality of Milwaukee grain and without seams. fnlyoles and counters guaran- eed to be absolutely' solid sole Bather. No Shoddy No Paper Soles Patronize._the. New $11pe Store and get new Shoes. Fred : T. 4aekson Malta HURON' STREET;. CLINTON`. -. ain: a. ys n Everybodyi , is r * king forward and waiting Bargain Everybody- . g, for g . days and Bargain weeks:. The race is now on and 3. W. Irwin is ui the front as usual foruality and low prices. schools changes of. m • teacher took place soe • -Combines••the-•.welt—known- food values of wheat • and the 'medicinal, virtues 'of malt. rue a Perfect Mood, Natures own tons xt preyenta slolcnesa by keeping the System in a healthy condition. It restores health by regulating and toning -up weak eyetema. It given aur'e relief to persona suffering from poor digestion, headache, dyl'popsie and other disordere'arising from the use of poorly, cooked foods • • A trial will oonvinoo the most ekeptiii.' al of the superior Merits of this food. Por sale at , qqt �fKtt>!>B1t;f"1f” of them twice and in two three times., -''Theatre 90 rural and -4-urban sobools -itr the inapeotorate. Three fine briok schools were erected in 1901 --No 5, Usborne, at a Dost of $2000;17.8,�No 4 Goderiph•Ilullett, 1400; U. S.O.No 11 n.Wa.H wanoshullett, 1800, 'L'he number of pupils enrolled in Selected Baisine, Cleaned nwaits, Cooking 1r ga, Prunes, Dried Peaohee and Apricots all fresh and new. SUGAR -. SUGAR -. SUGAR-liedpath's nth,. Granulated and Yellows, at wholesale prides, (100 pounds and barrel lots epeoial Data) 27 1ba coffee sugar for 1,00, and nine auger Syrup' 406 gal. TBAS .Black Green and Japan from 10o up, Best 25o lea In town. Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets and F.noy Lamps -To make room for my, Ting Import Cordele shoot from the Faotoriu, I mil selling at 25% leen Call and examine quality and prices and you are sure to buy:-" WAN'TEI) - Good waiter and Egos, t an the Uttlbt price. 1901 win 6656; average attendance, 4140; a decrease of 101'1 in five years cr a . deoreafe of 14%. The teachers of West Huron are earnest ,and faithful in the disohatge of their duties, untiring in their efforts to promote the intellectual and moral welfare of their Onpils. Meng of them are among the most efficient and progressive te/obete of Ontario -men and tvo►nen of high moral ohareoter,whose example and influence Fend to create a vigorous Christian Sentiment lu- onrland, 'arbour or 8ouoon Iaeiraofror Uwe. Tbere ora 84 rural ieetiono in gad guron and 04 teachers, 8 being' doable geboolo, 84 teachers are males and 68 fa, mal' a In 1890 toffs numbers were 01 males iind5 fi alo..�.A w ltt'� tilt 0