HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 5dist, takft r.cr1Pegafn1401
a feel.fin. take Grlp,Qatealate"
4 04414.410 Nei FSA
***silent tnedfatnr., 'P. RQGER•r, Enniskillen,. Qat.
s For soldier or civilian south
,e ' American Nervine proves Ito
self the greatest of system
toners. nerve hearers al'id
blood cleansers.
A battle.scarred veteran just home from the
war in South Africa, who was all run down and
weak, the aftermath of that dread veldt fever,
says: "I found South American Nervine a re.
inarkable medicine and heartily recommend it to
everybody in need of a good tonic." It's a
grand remedy for all " run down" people. Ona
bottle gives great' relief. A few bottles never"
fail to cure. so
Sold by 1. F. Hm*y and H. r Itr•.,,..
All in the Poitit of View:-_
1 ■1 of China's representative at
Washington, says it is becom-
Ing the custom in China for ladies !o
i have feet no smaller than those of a
five-year-old child, and so the feet of
little girls are not confined or bound
until they reach that age. Hy than tithe
they are strong, and if the bindin'be
properly done, there . is no srvese or
agonizing pain. Really the suffering is
'slight, and by- the time a girl attains
her full growth the pains cease alto-
gether. Foreigners, she says, have an
exaggerated idea of the suffering inci-
dent to the making of small feet. • But
so important is it, from ah aristocratic
standpoint, for a girl to fulfil in this
particular the Chinese idea of beauty
that she is willing to endure a little
pain to secure that end. According to
our own ideas, the binding of children's
feet is simply barbarous; but that it is
largely a matter of point of view may
be seen by what the Chinese lady has
to say about the tight waist of women'
who represent the highest civilization:
"I for one prefer having small feet to
a little waist. My vital organs are not
affected in any way, or injured by the
confinement of my feet in cYfildhood,
but the health of many a woman is
ruined by the constriction of her
Unexpected Erudition.
An absent-minded professor of lan-
guages dropped into a restaurant one
day for luncheon.
"What will you have, sir?" asked the
"Fried eggs," replied the professor.
"Over?" said the waiter, meaning, of
course, to ask whether he wanted them
cooked on both sides or only one.
"Ova?" echoedthe professor, sur-
prised at his apparent familiarity' with
Latin. "Certainly. That is what I or-
dered. Ova gallinae."
This the waiter interpreted as mean-
ing "extra well done," and that is the
way they came to the table -
Combination Needed.
412r.,Botts—I think, my dear, I.have
at last found the key to succe,, Mrs.
Botts—Well, just as like as not you'll
not be able to find the key-hole.—
Yonkers "Statesman."
Feeble, Wasted Nerves
Aroused to' New Life.
A Sufferer For Years From Weak
Heart, Exhausted Nerves and
Sleeplessness Cured by Ftve
Boxes of Dr. eld e's Neeve Food.
Whether weakened and wasted by
overwork, worry or disease, the re-'
suit of exhausted nerves is felt in
neuralgic pains, nervous headache and
dyspepsia, serious functional tierange-
ments and ultimately in paralysis, epil-
epsy, locomotor ataxia, prostration or
insanity, the remedy is found in Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food, as is proven in
the case referred to below :—
Mrs. Chas. H. Jones, Pierceton, Que.,
writes :—"For years I have been a
great sufferer with my heart and
nerves. I would take shaking spells and
a dizzy swimming feeling would come
over me. Night after night I would
never close my eyes, and my head
would ache as though it would burst.
At last I had to keep to my bed, and
though my doctor attended me from
tall to spring, his medicine did not
help me.
"I have now taken flue boxes of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and It has
done me more good than I ever believed
a medicine could do. Words fail to ex-
press my gratitude for the wonderful
cure brought about by this treatment."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a.
box, 6 boxee for $2.50, at all dealere, er
Edmanson, Bates & Company, Toronto.
Black Knot.
Black -knot is a fungous disease af-
fecting the plum, cherry and kindred;
tree fruits. The Damson among plums
and the Morello class among cherries
are the most susceptible.
Beginning with the growing season
the knots develop rapidly. They should
bo cut off as soon as seen and burned
at -once. The badly infected branches
should be cut off oelow points of in-
fection and burned, not left under the
tree, nor piled in heaps and left . iA
the orchard.
Affected tree§� that have been prop.
erly treated duff g the growing period
will be free from knots, generally,
speaking. Should any remain after the
leaves have fallen they should be cut
off and burned, and badly affected)
branches also, not later than Feb. 16th,
as the spores or seeds are then ripe.
large majority of young trees can be
aved by judicious pruning ane will
ultimately become healthy: otherwise.
the trees will die and infect others la
your neighbor's orchard:—Bullettsi
Ohio Experiment Station.
4 Duel of the Wits.
There had been o somewhat pro-
treated diseussicn in the smoking room
between tae Aged Cynic and the Prize
Idiot, and it had now reached the stage
of Weltering Snappiness, . which indi-
cates the, beginning. 9f the end
"After all," flttlt1 the Frize Idiot,
"there is ho fool like an olci fool •
The Aged Cynic surveyed him calmly,
"There Is no ass likt a young ass," he.
"A to quoque . is the repartee of the.
intellectually destitute," sighed the
Prize Idiot, wearily,
"When your Case is lead abuse the.
other side," quoted the other cheer-
"Wise men make proverbs, and foole
repeat them," said the : Prize Idiot lir.
his most hydraulically crushing man -
"And who was the:`wise Liao who
said that?" asked the Aged Cynta in-
nocently; and the Prize Idiot is Love
making elaborate arrangements for
having his seat moved further fiayir.
P� les To prove t you athab Dr.
Chase's Ointment fs a oartain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching
bleedingand protruding piles„
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh-
bora what they think of it. Yon can use it and
get your money back if hot cured. 60o a box, ab
all dealers or LDMANRON,BATES & Co..Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
An Ancient Problem.
How often do passing .events recall
the halcyon `days of our youth? It was
announced. at a . recent mission meet-
ing, to wliich aptearently.a.8•ewing etr-�
cle was attached, that the women
seemed shy of making clothes, for the'
other sex, and in regard to attempts
that had been made, it was stated that.
the boys had been able to stand up in
the suits, but ,When" they stooped, or
tried to move about a bit, there had
been trouble. Times have evidently
not changed in this respect, and cut-
ting down the parental 'left -offs to
little Willie is as much a problem to-
day as it was forty years ago. We
have all more or less experienced the
trouble referred to, and we can syn.
pathize with the little victims of that
Mamma—Well,, did you tell God how
naughty you have been? Lily—No, I
was ashamed. I thought it had better
not get out of, the family.—Harlem
"Life." 14.
Pr. Pierce's
Golden • Medical Discoyery.
The Great Blood Purifier.
Let us start with that axiomatic txuiem
"the blood ii.the life.,'!._ ;.> rt z,'.a' 'no* it is
the lift';? We know that blood ie life, A3,13,.
cause we'kncw thatiose of blood is physioel
depletion. '• We La from lose of blood" is. • .
the common phrase us4d to describe toe
ooncii•ion•of one who bas bl'ed,ae a result of
wounds. We know too that any Paige. oee
of blood means death, People bee to
death of wounds if the injnry does of rt-,
ceive timely attention. it seems to fo)Iow
as a natu. al conclusion theft if loss of blood. .
means weakness, getn of'•blood •fmtans
strength. And thio is -indeed the case
assuming the blood gained to be pore and
rioh. It then blood can be made,.thcbleod
supply may be increased in gnaw .T. ". d
quality which would mean au iuorease of
physical vitality and strengtb.
Then comes the question, How is' blood
made ? And the answer of that gaeetion is
.bat it is made from the food we eat. It is
the fnnetion of the stomach and theorgans
of digestion and nutrition to extract from
the food, the pabntum, the nutritive
chemo me of food which suetain the. -physical.
strength. Now when there is disease,ofthe
stomach and digestive andnutritive tracts,the nutrition contained in food is impei'f ot-
lv extracted. There is an ince ease in re-
aidum or waste and a decrease of ailment • ,
or nutritive ,ubatance, the lose of . which
goes to swell the bulk oL the residum or
waste. There is then a steady loss of nntri
tion by the body whioh means weakness.
Bat this is not all. Some of this wasteis
carried into the blood and clogs . and cor-
rupts it, making it a prepared breeding
ground for disease. •
Dr Pierce's f'aolrien_Medical • Discovery
mares the diseasea of the stomach and allied.
organs of digestion and nutrition and thus
enriches the blood with the nutrition which
had before been lost through disease., ' Be-
eyond this wheat �gation and aesimila
tion are made perfe d ,pre is no more mor•
rutin waste matte carried into t
p g o he blood
to poison it ani breed disease, so that the
use of"Golden Medical Discovery"inoreases.
the blood supply and enriches it, keeping it
pure from poisonous substances. But more
than this the "Discovery acts directly on
the blood, purifying it of its poisons,as is
proven by cares of scrofulous diseases,
eczema, tetter, boils, pimples, rheumatism
and other disease which are caused by im-
pure blood.
Let it be remembered that there is no
such thing as a "blood making" machine.
Blood is not made from medicine but from
food • properly digested and assimilated.
And the reason why Dr Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery increases the•blood
supply and eliminates its impurities IS bee
cause it enables the perfect digestion and
assimilation of food thus inoreeeing the
bleed making material and Cutting off the
entrance of waste substance into the blood,.
and going farther yet it oarries off the waste
accumulations which are already in the
blood and ata a commonesoiird, of 1liseaao•
There will probably be a three-
cornered fight in Lisgar constituency;
where the writ for the commons vac•
,anc,,r has been issued furan election on
Feb. 18. ' The general impression is
that Mr Richardson, the unseated
member, will again contest the seat as
an independent candidate.. The taffies
of Wm. Greenway,. brother of• the ex-
premier, and John R. Brown are
favorably mentioned in connection'
with the Liberal candidature.
Nature posts her signals /!td
along the line: If the kid.
neys' are faei➢ty she give*
the sufferer the, sign --and
it's an unntistalcabl0. one
Tho world owes iayolty to the ttdesde'Wltt&
points at life's gravest dangers—and tall bey is
avert them. South American Kidner Cure' is*
certain preventative en.' ;01 unfailing One for any
and all ferrety of !thinly chi:gave Isom the tamt
incipient to rite most ttubbertt And deep'=iterated
e«lses—a liquid specific that never fAilil, " itt
relieves in, six hetet.
' 7M"
$0111 by J. Ii. t'1o'9`n5', and it, Pf iteekin
Serving the public with care, attention,
honest gtiodti'dna low `' prie'il ifi ti—given us
a high position amongst the druggists' of
Canada. Wo 14ok for your trade, and
will nse every Endeavor to Make you a
regular customer.
Oursupplies of pure, Drugs, 11tedtoines,
Tenet Preparations, Perfumes,Brushes,
Combe, Sponges, 1:"to,, will Interest you
PAinit a Cji:atrty COsii'oteitn, .
'We aro,fuliq prepared to fill your orders'
for this popular disease-bank:Eieg rued•
icined. Knowing'He powers and virtuesi
two` otroitgly recommend it as a bleed
ptifiltor, nerve bracer and flesh builder.
1. ain0"s Celery Cotnpottnd ie he new re.
tnedy, it has been tested and c toceasfuliy
titled in alt parts of Canada by ten of
thonsande, and has never failed.
• It, P• 33,APItig, Drtigf(1At,'Matta Ont
Keep Paco With the Times
' To make you acquainted with our Nttl
without loss oef time . , MOWN
The largest ever mad to the Canadian Public
Will be
Given Free
•_. Worth $2,000 .., Manufactured by The Searahmout Motor Co. Worth $2,000
• Ou. Jude 1st, 1902, to4t.lp Person wino will come the nearest to the exact number. ; of
coupons we will receive.
Jt dges of the strongest reliab lity will be selected, and the results published; so . that
every os.e will have a fair chance, and will know this to be a Bona Fide Offer.: The
ordinary methods of making our MIRCLE PILLS known tc the public are too slow,takes
too much time. " That is the reason we make this offer.
are a guaranteed cure for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliouttiness ' bad breath, bad
blood wind' on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimple,a.
dyspepsia and heart disease.
The world is full of people dragging out a miserable` existence unfit for the duties or
the pleasures of hfe,a burden to themselves and :others. ' They suffer from distressafter
eating, loss of sleep, mental depression, and allbecauseof the failure of the stomach to
properly digest their food. One Miracle Pill after each meal will put your stomach into
good' working 'oitder and 'your 'general health will take care of itself.
• Money Refunded If You, Are Not Satisfied
Remember: It costs nothing to guess, and you may win the automoble which is iigted
at $2000,00 by the : manufacturers, The Searchmont Motor Company of Philadelphia.
All you have to do is to fill out the coupon below and to send same to us with a wrapper
of our Miracle pins Boxes. Coupon must be . accompanied by wrapper: 'oMiracle
Pillsare sold by everygood druggist, and up to date merchants at the standard price
50c a box or $2 50 fol 6 .boxes: If you cannot obtain same from your druggist or general
store send direct to us. We will mail them to you postage preppie' on receipt of price by
- registered letter or money order. °
Every` Wrapper and Coupon you s�"d giyes you a better chance of winning the
Automobile... COTTPON
Messrs:R. Cote Cie Bic, Rimouski Co, P. 0.
.ii m:. Lau rurz+s;..
This 'entitles me to the property of the automobile that I wiil get free if you have received
Jll '=iAeu..E
.oupons .. and Z, am the nearest... guesser.
h send .en hosed awrapper of your:Miracle Pills,
N ,Address.
•... . ... 1'6
To Fill _Large Contracts— Coot! Wages
Easily Earned.
To Work at" Their- Homes
Under°the Direction of ' A Pair in 30 Minutes.
We`want a few mere workers in this
lopality, atonce, and in order to secure
your co-operation without the delay of
correspondence, we herewith explain'
our full plan ' in this.; : advertisement.
The work is simple, and the Machine
Is easily operated, and with the Guide,
requires no teacher. if you wish to
join our staff of Workers let us hear from you
promptly with the .Contraotrorder form, and re -
Machine weighst7 paunes.
e-Machinewelghst7;pounda: ItlsMore wen. mittance, as 'a guarantee, and we .will send
earful thane sewing machine, just machine and outfit to begin work at once.
ae durable, and' higher speed.: .
We wish to recur a the services of families to do knitting' .references as to our honesty and lntegrity,• we:' must ask
for us in their homes.'Our method is the -same as' adopted you to do the same, in order that we may know with whom
in England. We are' the-: iritrodueera' 'of his ishan and the we aro dealing.
largest knitting concern 'in Cana. have, in as brief a manner'as possible, endeavored
After long experience,' we have' ween able -to produce an to show you what our work is, and we simply say asto the
Automatic.. Machine by .which all kinds of seamless knit•- machine, it is just What we represent it to be, and will posi-
ting is now done 'by our Family ' Machine, thereby enabling tively do everything we claim for it, or re nil• the 'money.
anyone of ordinary intelligence to: quickly ,learn to do the Each machine, securely packed with an outfit, is set up for '
work from the Ins trectlon • Guide. All we require Is that work, thoroughly, tested, and a soak or stocking partially
you use the machine ,according to directions. The Machine .knitted before boxing and shipping. Should you decide to
being made expressly for this purpose, and! the opertition engage with. us, it will be necessary to send us Cash .Con.
so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work, .. tract Order Form, properly signed. by you, and at least one
The great demand now Is for Bicycle ' Stockings, Wood- good • reference, together h mae
men's: Socks, and Motormen's, aecand ordtngly,
. Mittens, and as we are un -upon receipt of which we
will forwardtheremittaohncine outfit
able to supply the demand, •.have taken this method of ad- ready to commence. Respectfully yours,
vertising for more help.
The large export trade• to the North-west Territories, GLASGOW- WOOLLEN CO 3T Melinda Streef T •
British Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un 't , urchin
limited demand for• our goods, and, with the combined co- Oar ltefet'ences-Express Companies. Banks,. or Toronto Baai-
operation. of the many families we are employing, together 1IC$S menses.
withthe large amount of knitting we .are able to turn out, If you' wish to examine' the machine and see the 'ma -
by which we : save rents, Insurance, interest on capital, etc., terlal before undertaking the work, • you cart do so by
enables us to undersell any manufacturers oe this class of sending $3.00 as a guarantee of good faith", and to defray
goods, and we have : safe: Lor all the knitting we can have expense Orf shipping, and we will sena everything to your
turned out. r nearest express company, leaving a balani a of twelve
The prtce we pay far --finished bicycle stockings is $10.00 dollars to pay the agent arid 25 cents for the return charges
per .hundred, or at the rate of 10e per pair; wqodmen's on the money to us,
socks, 5c, and motormen's.. mittens, 12c a pair. All other We are so frequently and. unnecessarily asked if one can
work an proportion to' size. learn to knit without a teacher, We say. Yes; it requires
The machine can be operated by any one of a family, ho teacher; any person of ordinary • intelligence who can
and at our prices any energetic family should be able to read the Instruction Guide can learn to knit at once,
sustain ''themselves comfortably, and in time be a source of • ORDER" P'OR112 -
independent comfort.
Our plan Is to send out each machine to beginners with 816.00 Cash Contract Order Form.•
a sock or stocking partially knitted, and remaining in 'the To the Glasgow Woolen Co., 37 Melinda St., Toronto.
nt1piref fln'1id__alao enoul;j y i n p q _Goatlemen;, I d.•+sllre to io-the•-work--.., deee.1oed in tarts
knit ono pair of Sample s0c1 a bt)stockings and a ifn advertisement, • and enclose $15 to'
pay' forrlone Automatic
• and complete Indtruetlon Guide,.showing how the work is, Knitting Machine, together with material, Instructiontti,
to be.done. When the samples have - been finished and and everything necessary for the work, the sante to be acute
returned to tie• satisfactory, we' send a quantity of yarn, "to me by Express,:CIHARGBS PREPAID.
Whichyott knit and return likewise when • finished. We It is understood and agreed that any time after T have
ie Llan charges
tlT alle worktone y,vtasd oat lworkers pay , done an atnount opt work ecival to; the purchase' price, $15,
rapidly done, the 'machine having a capaolty of ten thou- and wick to .diaeontinae, that the Glasgow tdeduc Co, will
sand stftelies a minute. WC have many persona now in our expense,take back the machine and outfit, and after deducting their
employ who On knit from "twenty«five M thirty pairs 'of refund me th@ amount pall for same,
seeks 'or stockings a day, and where the time of a family.. Sender or head of family (if possible) must hien beret
is devoted' to the work, you can readily see that $15.00 or k,,, won. •.6. ..64..••.:6 •..;.,
$20.00 per week can be easily earned. • '••v ••r
Wo 'furnish o'ur workere all the materials, yarn, eta., $, a t .
free, and everything that ,is necessary for the work. We O• •"' "'� et
Street ,
aro furnishing the machines only for the exclusive use •o1 County ,.,, shit,. •.6..6 :,,., ,
,those desiring to take employment with us, who'must, inrov.6., ,., ..,,,,,
order to become a member, send us this Contract Order Nearest Express Office' Is at ....
Form, properly signed by them, and at least ono good refer- 1"or refereiice...I' nam. tri. "following �•����� ,.•.. ..•.,6r.
enee, and remittance accordingly, to give us the necessary 1person:,
assuranee that the quantities of valuable. yarn We may and
reetf"Yi311'er°tit`-'tlrfiii- wt It-ttat'ler wanted or nuta;tppropriated•. tea..., • w ...... -,r...Yese....0 ,..a. -.•:i,
Our interests are mutual, and this confidence must bo ed-
tahlished if we are to .nueCeed: We guarantee fair dealing
and prompt pfiym.'nt for work, so do ilot ask us to -deviate
from our terms', as we •cannot make a disttnotion with one
anti net e,nether; ber+ldes, we are doing an extennlvn, bust -
nose, and must be governed by business prinelples.
ie • ninnufactured price of the Metalline is $15, and treel-
tively. will not 1,n sold to any others than t'aore who will
agree to do knitting for tie.
Tf at any time lifter you conmtenee, and have della an
nrnount of work meal to thin purchase price and wish to
dirc0nfinne, we will take hack..mnettine, a'gti refttud the
nrnonnt thiel forty same, after deducting cost of our' eat
1ietYCe belly. .
There is a. Targe Demand by tire Trtulo for thin Class,
of work. Our wrrltare can tlelien.l tipon it year after year,
and if yep ounces with tie (whole tee spare time) we. Will
keep youtolomriled ,with work an lonfr ort you do it satirise-
tef ly ter ttt�t and return it girompthf. We entrust our Fork -
ere with latigc', quantities of valuable yarn, and a8 We glee
4 7 CLINTON' NEW :If lINA•r,
6•:• 6.1q6.6400 6606 44.6•• ,,.... 6440 r
Bo sure to use thld term when spending your remit••
Lance for the 'machine and outfit, Whi li, you must f111
in and have slut heel by at least one good reference lit the
proper place. Tear off and return to ue, and •alto state
here how much time you can devote to the werk; also
how you wish to be 'Haid, weekly, monthly, or as you rind
in the Work.
6, 006• 6..•. 6...•006•.00 a 00'..6.0 .06461411•16• •006••.....
• *.,fl 1.•-y ••••••••••0106 ••,00.4.•,.• . .,..,,,,.
tlind • your remittance by Empress, Motley Order, Ileg'in-
Letter, et Post -Office Money i Order, and we will
rrcmptly forward maeltltte, outfit, and . temple collo for
doing the work. Thic is the beet offer over made for the'
benefit of Canadians who want to work and make Ilion ,