HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 4-The Couneit RRegular reetina was held on Mon- day evening,the wernbei all present. lir Shaw and Geo Hoare addressed the council with regard toholding a celebration on Coronation DAY. June 26th, and on motion Mayor d'acleson and Councillors. Ford and Overbury Were appointed to co-operate with the Citizens Committee. ',the committee on cfdcere,`their sal- aries and duties reported and recom- mended that the following be appoint, ed: ---W rn Omits, clerk,. $250. treaeurer, 0100; Thor Cottle, assessor, $50; Henry Stevens, assessor, $50; Jos Wheatley,, chief constable, $360, collector, 550; N,. Welsh, assistant and nightwatchman, $365 ; 0 Crich, cemetery sexton, 010j Dr Shaw, Medical Health Ocher ; W J Paisley, engineer; Robt Mecnel,pound- keeper; Jacob Miller, engineeriiredep't, $50; Alpert Seeley, assistant, $25; John West, stoker, 020; Joe Wheatley, chief engineer: The Finance Committee reported as • follows:—. -W Steep,-sncwplowing,$B;-R--a Cree, snowplowing, 00,50 ; J Wheatley, 3 months salary and collector, $140; lI Weleb, salary, $07 90 ; W Coats, 3 months' salary, 587.50 ; P Uantelon, auditor, '$12.50; J Wiseman, auditor, 012 50; Electric Light, for streets, 070, for ball, $625; Davis & Rowland, sun- dries, $1.88; 0 Crich, one monthe' sal- ary, 818 ; J Miller, ,.3 .:months' salar , $12 50; A Seeley, $625; J Wo t, 55 ; W East,6 months' salary,$7.50; 15 firemen, 6 montlis'•ealary, $112.50 ; J W Elliott, team to Benmiller, $3;W Uoats,sundriee, 013 55;total payments,$581,33. Receipts J Wheatley, for scales, Sic., $74,55 ; 0 Crich,for cemetery,030.25; total,$I04 80. (ioyncillor Combe reported regarding the deputation attending a meeting at Benmiller, respecting a bridgge on the 46:h con. across the Maitland, and re- ported that five frons, Clinton were ,ap- pointed to wait upon the County Coun- cil.- The Mayor, who was one appoint- ed, reported that do action was taken by the County. Council in the mean- time.: • Councillor McKenzie, of the Street Committee, reported the hill on the Base Line had been. repaired and the streets have been cleanedby the snow - p son h k Councillor Combe,of the Property. Committee.recommended the purchase ofreen and dry wood. Councillor Combe reported regarding tem • er, ::8, and in November of the, the Poi i; .Packing and. Cold Storage same year Mr MaoGr.egor entered the Establishment' and that a public meet - office and wee intimately, emaciated with ing had been called..for Monday, Feb. thelate editor, J. G. MaoLagan, daring his 10th, in Clinton. • oareer in Vancouver. Mr MacGregor will John was refunded. 01 ag devote' his • time to the pursuit of hi. own `overchargein dog tax.. private.:business, having rather 'extensive' : • The Street. Committee was requested idtereste in the. book publishing• line. •n He to report at the next 'meeting on the is` a brother of Mrs:. John Wigginton, Bay advisability of the council undertaking field road. the building:ofgranolithic walls a where -Root, Gardiner, son of Mre Gardiner, of regrtired:: town, but who is now a resident of New York 15 f re s vic a ins 19 r sudsy^ was paid had a narroweeoappo from serious injury et The question of waterworks, which the explosion thin' last week. Be wasfn' should engage the attention inthe tear : the cafe of the Grand 'Onion 'Hotel eating future, was suggested by Councillor, lunch when the crash Dame. There were Combe asking' that some steps be taken about forty othere in she dining room at the -to ascertain cost of such works. time. Mr Gardiner. was thrown' some feet' ' The cotncilthen adjourned after 'x off his.chair, and before.' the debris :.had 'several by laws were passed. stopped falling a number of•the paste were - serionely injured, . Fly ing lciiaks cams It will be noticed.by.the. above that: through the windows,and one fell on 'Mr the, council has this'year appointed Gardiner'e right handcntting and. injuring two assessors instead of one, both mien it. We are glad that our'friend escaped . of experience. 'The ~reason for this is that is one ,of the most important • items.in':connection with the town, re quiring exceptional care andjudgment, .; - and it was thought that by having :. • Maple Leaf brand fo ' c FURS,:: of all kindsare gain lark Prints, regular 10c t count: of 25 to 3 31 per cent: lark • Prints,.rekular 121c, Flannel to go. at 33c . cut sea wrecking combination of aesaseins and undertakers who show a fine capacity for;..ggettingtheir party to the cemetery and keeping it there; „ ; 25c Grey Flannel: at '16ic • In the election campaign now on in • Linger, R L Richardson and Hon. C. Commencing Friday morning" we will place' 'Sifton crossed;,$wdrds at one meeting., ear at 80e _ on sale 200. yards. of •:'.our 'very: • best Flannel Some of •the .papers, speak of it as if i __,.:.rhatifi:worth 25o a ys tt ilk 6}C• Richardson was too many for, the In Drab' Goods' at 38Minister; but this is all fudge.: He is a . fluent speaker, but Sifton can talk till rou nd 'him, and we venture to saythat the youngest . Cabinet Minister•th White Goods Bale a..Great : Success Dominioncan go into •the average opposition meeting and capture it by his eloquent of atom. 1 White Goods in one day as we did last Saturday Prices were never so Low for. Good White Wear. price list re just opened :uup Our New Sprin - • egg 'Goods s- ,a`"in ' 7theries. See last week's- a e WILLIS' . CHIIReH,—The sacrament on Sunday. morning *as welt attended no.withstadding the: stormy state:. of. ccupied • the weather ; the pastor's sermon was Metho-- taken from the text Psalm 116;1718... ay. The monthly Meeting of the Excelsior. Missiun Band has been postponed for dering a week and will be held on Tuesday s good the llth inst., ..The General. Assembly church of the Presbyterian church .rives. being 1 andsome diplomas and certificates to namin Sunday school • pupils for committing fpr use to memory certain Bible yeisee and r :- the last wee a number of the scholars of - e . the -the Sun ay school were examined' by r 11 andMiss - Mon- k , ora J`a'�'Scif"-ik( Wilson o iN� i:le r.mA tear the `teithand sall fourpacecd the test suc-. sated- and --in cessfully'; for pupils over ten years of - age and memorizing.200:prescribed verses Misses' Mary L. r. a,..usiiaw ngeliet Scott and .Anna bel M cEw:en••will'receive the *oral weeks General Assembly's dipplotnla and .for ,;:eotlduct " pupils under 10 years of age 100 verses, last Friday Donald H, Stewart and '. Jean, Scott personality will get a certificate from the 'Assemb- he services ly...It was the intention of the" paetor cted by Mr and Rev Hamilton; of Londesboro, ; being "The to exchange pulpits on• Sunday even- t. fora' aid in ing and Rey tewart drove up' to was • no the Londesboro to preach but as there ipaer-Minister was no service there he returned and : evening the occupied :hisown.pulpit...After church ainistered to service .on Sunday evening the En. deayorheld ' its monthly consecration meeting and on Monday night cele- f�BIIt C1 ,•--'Up brafad •the 2Ist annigersary of , the «e 8Ofl (4',d eav6t' - ' 11iot+emeht N tti sootal ; L+iive drturt 'although although the night, was' rparticitlarly ef s the most th+ rojyou therefolwee, s Br a ent. The program of --should not r gas of the chbice t and each •-eareftit a ls- .. . • - Mae a that in ppresided and inehery address gave the ' up ^the.� o, histo., of the Ohrietlan nndeavot' ppv sperity, . �7y, prevent fy°"�' its commencment 21 years ago , •.nus sub- she is a criterion on matters connected with the church and her remarks�re 1 a't •+ not only of interest • but: instr ve. n in ..er The program was as -follows•-Solo at'' 'i p• "Land of the Leal," bylffies J. 'Jones ; leal talk reading, Ktrk : Houston ; • selection, wives td orchestra, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Watts, e cordially Messrs Berland and J. McRae; Bolo, *,..k._..,...14 nev .' I aloyel deli," Mies Ida Ross; diet, 11 preach, ; «r ientbnts,"" Mr and Mrs M. Dowzer'; e *..., sa n i` awes .0 r fi .1, cg uartette, "Go is a spirit", Mre O. 0. Rance, Miss M. McN au hton, Menem towed Brr3tm d a Latornel. and Hilton ; selection, q r ir• tinged a tette ; solo, "The. Heavenly, Choir," IL Trains,, Mit* Lily Coate, Followifg this it, pastor eplendid program refreehmen'e de- ad 'he licioue and appetizingwere ten mon of . a, (tom« eeryed, The evening was enjoyably nawn in spent by all andt Is . thought that were these socials held oftener interest at Goa. to Endeavor work would increase and mists e - much good would be the result. inieters. g ed with Lieto. ONTARIO STI1E1 CnctYRCR.--- The eually : mieelonary anfllv�erearyeermone of this Cain. = church Will be held•next Sunday Rei► Met J,W;Robinaotl.of Goderioh,will preach in and in the evening a inn' : In the morning v g ay platform, meeting will be held, sit. nd wh#eh addreeees will' be delivered by d. Rev Robinson .end Rev W .A Gifford, of Victoria College. On Mond'ay even- . In a , and ifttleelonary' rally will be lam' add. will be deily' i.. Methodist church. Special music by the choir'of the ;church....On Monday evening•it was consecration -.meeting,. for the Endeavor and Rev 1. 'Greene' gave an address ; the pastor ; presiding as chairman..... At a meeting : of th Quarterly Official Board held Tuesday' evening it was found that the. finances of the church Were in• a very satisfact- ory state'and that good feeling and harmony: prevailed' in thechurch, The pastor. reported the following society representatives elected to the Board:— Bros. Geo. Shipley, Ralph iippledy, Geo. Wray,. Henry Stevens, E. G. Oourtice and • Wm. II. Beacom The following resolutions were unanimous- ly carried - "That in view of the her` mony.and increased prosperity of our. charcn•rortue 'Peg year, :we desire to place. on record our appreciation el the services of our pastor, the Rey Dr Gif- ford, recognizing •the' fact that ..our. present standing as a church is: largely due to his untiring.efforts and marked ability both as a preacher of the gos- pel and a pastor of the. people, and that we as a board heartily invite him to. remain out pastor. for the 'coining conference year." It was also resolved' that, as a board, we desire to place. on record our appreciation of the services. of Mrs G. A. Gifford, wife of our belov- ed pastor. Largely' due to her influence among ttherladkies of our chu''ch they a �- ndne. at en and done a good work, d g .. harmonious y and well• and the earliest prayer of this board is that both Our pastor and his' amiable. wife be long spared to work for the �Maeter,,, bs PAUL's Cliuudbt.—The Ladies' Guild of St Yeul's church will give their concluding entertainment forthe present ecclesiastical year on the evening of Shrove Tuesday, being the 1.111 February, The entertainment will begin at 8, and consist of refresh ments andthe following, program:— Duet ... errs Rees and Mrs G tbbinge Reading ..../died Bessie Wood Solo :..Mia Gribbin e Anthem ....Si.Panl'e clioit'' Reading..... Mies Monntceistte "• Bolo..... Dr.Solmlie Sel.etfon ,.011 o to, tiro r ib merge Quart.tt...T Jackson and fainity. A eilver collection will •be taken at the door, but no other fee for admission will be charged. :Last Sunday (100111. munion was observed at the morning, service.... Last (Thursday) evening 81 • °Faul'e church choir entertained the in. mates of the Rouse of Refuge and Mr 11. C. Brewer accompanied and gays a lengthy program of lantern views; the inmates were highly delighted with the Fleasant evening'spent and Mr and Mrs rench are very' thankful to the enter* miners for their trouble in helping to hrighten the lives of the'Inmates of the Mouse. SAI.vATrnn AnM'x.—Capt and Mrs Dowell ferewelled here and have taken charge of the Palmerston cotes, °apt Williams, of Palmerston,, assisted by Sept Knuckel, of Woodetock, have taken charge hare Maetin are held every evening air; ori Ba a tti3 n ,n and n env pt • .'• S N Some or the difHcultiee to be encoun• • tered in making prohibition a .success 'are found in a coupleof news items taken from the . daily papers. 'In Kemptville the Council was elected on'. a straight ticket pledged to temperance -legislation. Recently they were • peti• tinned by the temperance people to take. action on the liquor .►,ceii»;e Matter by raising the licenses to $400,: but the liquor men entered , a. counter, petition against this. Oh Monday night the Council virtually gave in •to the liquor, men:, At Kingston.. on Monday a reso- lution was -pasted by the city Council in which the agitation for prohibition was condemned, as the adoption of prohibition would, In its opinion, en- tail heavy- lees .. to municipalities • in revenue. .• If such a measure was adop- ted, the Council urged '• compensation 'to municipalities. Public •sentimentis; apparently not ; unanimous on this great question' yet. .' comiFng andposing . . p• E.,13. Henry spent. Sunday with `friendsB in Stratford. •' . Dr Freeman spent Sunday week at Wm Elliott's, Godericb. Geo Briokenden. of London, spent Mon- day evening with his parents here. • Miea,Nellie Harris, of. 1oderioh, is the• .guest 'of Mies Ida' Holmes *hie week. Mr W. Reekie,'of St Thoniee, B here ibis Week visitinghis son R. P 'Rookie: ie: r ek ... Mr and Mrs J. W: Kelly, of Morris township, have been yieiling Mr . and : zlrre J. McCaughey. •• • Mr and Mrs E. McGuire, Si Angnetlne, ,have been. guests of . Father 'McMenamin' during the past week, Mr D. Barr, of St Thomas, is visiting at his daµghter'%, Mrs Jr W. Irwin and will remain for,eevoral weeks. FatherMoMenaniin went toLondon on Wednesdayto attend the semi -anneal eon- ference of he biooese-o London, W. 'S. 'O'Sullivan,. of the O'Sullivan ,Business College, who has been in Detroit fo sometime returned here Tneeday 1 Mies Jordon, of Buffalo, the guest of Mrs Towneend, has been visiting at sir Glew's end other relative:in Hallett, Mies Gook, of Ocopox's bock Siete, ie•*Wy dna month's holida a ana. vibiting friends in $treetsyille and Tor-- onto.' H. 0. Brewer was in • Stratferd Saiur- -day-haying-been ealled,.owing_to—the. 111.. nese of his son' Harry who had 15 severe was present and gave a very practical and able discourse from the words' of Ohriet, serious injury. Winter 'Sports.' 'two men of experience it would facilit- At:Luohnow curling'bonspiel last ,week, ate the work, and: generally: make the Lucknow No. l -(Jas Bryan skip) won firet assessment more complete than is pee - place from Luei.now No. 2 (W Allen. skip) Bible otherwise. a .• - • by 20 to 17; 'i3eatorth won the consolation , final Bron;. Wroxeter by'15 to 3. Two rinks' of Wingham' curiae played a friendly game here on Thursday last . week"( and the home players were victors ,by 15 shots. The.soofeo were.- Clinton .' ; Hingham T.'Jaekson, jun. • G. Eneohtle W. • Erydone,: W. H, Eele, 'W. Jackson - E. McAlpine, W. Spalding, ek 20 Dr. McDonald, ek..8 'f J. Raneford, • D. Dinsley, I A. 'Porter,,0, Van. Norman, J. Johceton,• A, Ohieholm, R. Agnew, ek.., ..18 .3.• Patterson, ek..15 .r Total-. ...88 . Total, . Seaforth - • and Berlin seniore of the Western Ontario Hookey Association played an exhibition game in Berlin on Tuesday evening 'which resulted in «. yiotory of the home team by 8 to 6...' The 8eisforth curlers name ep on!Wed- nesday .evening.. and played a friendly game .vs ith several rinke of the . home o1nb, win= Ding by three shote. . The mores were; ClintonSeafortli 'W . ii. Deg GFHenderaon T TLeckie • W McDougall B57 Gibbinge ' W D Bright WPws . .k Spina in g 18 RS Hays,ek C E Tenney E M McLean Dr Agnew. . • N Fair ek . ' J Steele WO Reid , T Coleman e W K Pierce-ek 18 ' Total " 24 • 27 The'doubiee .contest inpurling is•beoom- ing interesting and most' of the games in the primary are played oft, although inhere ' wi1T be a number of defaults. • The winners so far are: E McLean and 0 E Tenney. W Ross and Jas Fair, Dr Agnew and Wallace Irwin, W P' Spalding and A Armstrong, T Jackson. jr and 'd Rattenbary, A Porter and J Gardner. • Goderioh and Clinton' played hookey leiet (Thursday) 'night. 111iid�. Caftan.—Sacramental service wee held' r a Sabbath; in a inNile ohn oh 1tspite of the ep blobked roads and the etorm a large num- ber oai'ne out, and one of the beet services of. the year was held, Roy Findley Smith.. attack of appendieltie, Dr Gunn was palled to Til ley 'less Fri- "L°vest thou . me," Rev Mr Smith le dayto erforin an Operation, There' ie aesietingg in the, revivalieervices hero. noa week asses but that ho is called Quarterly Board on 'Monday, i'eb 8rd; ow - N awa on like mioafons, mg to the storm and roads only. a few were y present; an adjourned meeting is called for We regret iolearn *iiai M. Y. Mo`Lean,of Feb 17.. Speoial services have been inpro- the Seaforih Euposiigr, Is confined to the green for duo weeks • the .pastor hat; bean house liy illness, end hope that he may • be ably assisted by 'Rev .3 Greene, of Clinton, speedily reetored to hie aortal health and and Rev,Findlay Smith, of'Kincardine ?vigor. eervroe: are continuing this week ; God Miee Ida Holmee %returned home, on hie been blessing the work. Monday. She has been attending the moronto-•Conservatory-of iblesio-and will.. i0 Toronto in a few menthe to try her - �"ti�:1w' -�. e�� a'�rer gosinge, a matt ,named William Mc - 1, .ond year'e exam, Mr and Mrs G. D. Mala roti and their Gibbeney, left the: 130 se of Refuge gg duringthe night. His absence was neat, MieeFarlinger','Mr'-and MJ rs .. E not dlecoyered until next morning, Hovey, H. B. Combe, Chet and. Will, and when a search was Instituted Middleton attended a sooial gathering one his body` was found by the gide of the evening .110week elven by Mr and 111rrt river. An• inquest was held, and it Chao Lee, of (Wench, was found' that no blame whatever I Mr Boberi Sperling, a well-known and couldd be attached to anyone, He had- highly adhighlyrespected oftizen of St alarm been out of his mind for some time down with he.ri failure while stone in hie I •- animal,y a mai ' death suddenly, He was strioken b :f.,re, barn,, where he .wap atten ing g, alk 11,81vfi' 'i' f'1N1Ssh11v.6144' been bt an earl hoax in t�e morning, •�'et lis of cents" furnishing has He waShe father of Mr'eWm Sontheentbo, sal out to Iludgeng Bros. Who wilt tun *department in this line • ut dR' Mrand Mia T. Stephenson, n, who ere charge of A. V, r Men rell. The store e here visiting from Omuta, Men., • werw Will etill hs oi�cuptt�d by A.,I: llc+1[cwa down around RipppeAn lest Friday week, who has 0;51'01 r1 urn edit sly new an nailing err Rat and Mre G. II, Long. 1t up•trodate et..ek trf geroM'furniehln s is 20 yeare eines Mr Stephenao�i went treat, to he placed nn the ehelvee by the 14 and now he is one otitis leadinn and most of March besides ,tilt conducting bite slti ire itou 7000 eWs of whist for trtsrtt vt 1 tan ander t else 1. e o al Stt.errsttfal feratrare in then .britt, lee tailoringboldneae.' Tine .new Bipart. and. Feb. 14th z To .help. -you celebrate • we have bought a nice assort7. ment of novelties in. Fancy Valentines ' the : prettiest we have ever seen' Prices are from 5c 0 to 50c coo er Book Store Clinton Commencin T g uesda��, • ,Feb. 4th, and lasting n s g until Monday evenin g 10th, e Feb:. �.1902' I OFFER MY .ENT ... IRE' STOCK ,,OF - � • . Watches, 1 -.. Clocks, Jewelry, elr Sil e , vCrw�� ,, Fan�c�%'' China, Cutlery, Cut Glass etc. I RAVE SECURED the assistance of the Jewel-, ers' 'Auctioneer, J. H. naval, of Hamilton, Ont., who has had 20: years' experience: throughout<..- Ctuiada and the United States, and . comes very highly hl recommended• as a •thorou thoroughly honest and g 3'' 8 y u -to,date;auction ser • so''the''—people-of_ . Clinton aid surroundingcountry.can.rely on getting full value for every dollar spenthere. REMEMBER ---I am NOT Leaving Clinton ..... _ " or retiring from business, I only want to sell my entire t money I 'r require e e g 1 apossible,as lr d quickly a stet ,tw a� q, F q h yestlnents. for rt et it1 r .. .• WE GUARANTEE, every article sold during this side and will refund you our money if an article should not s narante d: give sa°l~i�aC`�lon or wear 71 11 Goods Sold Must Go for Only 1 have not been in business Lori .eenough'to have old to yon.„ • g r article is new rho �' ornr�' ��ls offer ou., Eve e and u pto•da , and the best. ualit.. that can be had in the market. Come early as this entire stock is sure to prove fast sellers.. Don't wait until the last day for you may be awtppointed. ` P. Be erews, fliddieeontbe'S Old Stand, Oppo'ite k TO t