HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 3r
Kick a dog and'he bites 7+411.
He bites yoxf and, you kick him.
The more you kick the more
• he bites and the morehe bites
the more you kick,' Each
makes the, other worse.
A thiti body makes thin
blood. Thin blood makes
!thin body. Each makes 'the
'father worse. If there is going
Ito .be a change the hilp. must
come from outside.
• 410,
Scott's Emulsion is the right
help. -It—breaks" SUCE-T
combination. First it sets the
stomach right. Then it en-
riches the blood. That
strengthens the'body and it
begins to grow new flesh.
A strong body , makes rich
,blood and rich blood makes a
'strong body. Each makes the
•other better. This is the way
,Scott's Emulsion puts the thin
body on its feet; Now it can
get along by itself. No need
of medicini....
• This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scott's
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for fret sample -
roc. and $x. all druggists,
•erisii County° Clipiiings. '
James McKay has bon t 28,
con. 17, Grey, from (24. at heE on, of
Mitchell, for the sum c f 1,400.
J.E.Swarts has disposed olthe Kent
Block to Mr A. Dulmage. The price
paid was in the neighborhood of 43,00.
Wm. Cook, Gbh line, Morris, has
bought the John Kelly farm, on the
5th line. The price naid was g4,500
8. A, Dickson. son of Postmaster
Dickson, of Seafortb, has passed his
final examination before the Law
ri Pew vigor and energy are ippon attained.
by the use of Miller's pompound Iron -Pills.
50 doses 25o. • Sold by H B Combe and R
P Reekie, (Minton. •
John Mason, and Walter Yuill, 3rd
Morrier•rintend erecting new
modern resiarnices next Summer. 'The
former will build brick and the latter
cement. - -
John Ward has disposed of -his resi-
dence in Seafirrth, to Mrs Nelson, .ot
Brucefleld. The price paid was $1,275
Mrs Nelson intends going to Seaforth
to reside.
It is rAnarktible how thoroughly the
whole system is thrown out of order when
the nerves become weak and exhausted. All
energy and ambition mems to -disappear)• ,
the memory fails and despondency reigns
supreme. Dr Chaee's Nerve Food puta new
vim and energy in the brain. nerves and
body, builds np thmystem and prevenie
paralysis, prostration and inean
Recently a quiet wedding took place
at fit.Paul'e Vathedral, London, when
Edwin Coleman and Mies Christina,
daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Milloy,
Brutal*, were united ill Marriage.
There were registered by the divi-
ston registrar for the township of i3s,
•Dente, or the year 1901, 46 births, 26
males, and 21 females • 16 marriages ;
26 deathe, 15 males, Iffemales•
Mr Joseph Bulger has sold his farm,
• oti the 2nd concession McKillop, to hie
neighbor, Mr Thomas ficquade. The
feria contains 60 &ores, and the price
paid was asses. ,
Miller'e Worm Powders °onset all such
troubles aa look of appetite, biliousnese,
drowsiness, sallow complexion, etc.; nice to
re. &Id by a B Combo and R P
•eekie, Clinton,
The death of Mre ("easels made the
enteelith WithlO a Short radius ()t
death of Mr Jas Am:lemon In July last
P.eigraVe that has oc -wed Since the
N. Contine has taken several car-
ioadirof hotel fixtures from the Rai."'
n3oral of Montreal to the big hotel at
StJoseph and workmen are busy put-
ting them in position.,
• When ohitdrenare pale, peevish and teat
Iffilleee...WOrla_21/W.Ara „gold by 11-.B_
less lib night tkey relintire a dostof two of
Meats and, R P Rae ie, Clinton.
On Tuesday weete, F. S. Scott sold the
Hugh Ontminatain farm lot 4, con. 8,
and north half lot 4, con. 9, Grey,.
..to •
Jas. Lindsay, of the same • township.
The farm contains 155 acres and the
price paid was $9,000.
Word was received last ' week,of
the death of Donald Stewaxthform-
rly of Br ue.els who died att
7 7. ,71 t4 flisi.
• dance of bis s n -in law tig s in ,
of Wiarton. His remains were in-
terred in Brussels cemetery.
Eat meat sparingly, also very little
sugar, avoid damp feet, drink triter abund-
antly, and always rely on Nerviline ae an
absolute reliever of pain.. Five times
stronger than any .other, ha power over
pain is simply beyond.belief. Get a bottle
et your druggists, teat it and see if it is not
so. Medicine dealers, sell it everywhere, •
A happy .event took place at the
Wingham Rectory, on Wednesday
evening of last week, when Miss Rella
McCurdy of Wine.ham was united' in
marriage to'jr George Tervit, jr., of
Kincardine, formerly of Wingbasn•
Mrs Murdoch, wife of Steel O. Mut'
doch died at her home in Lucknow on
Monday, the 27th of Jamie" She
Wae a devout member of the Presby -
an • • en• . The blood le the life. • ,,',ence ,has
. A6. thr leading Ortigg,sts BIIISTOLIS
mays: I Wilk South me can en
Union church; and leaves a wiitisband . • ••
d grorn up family of eight chi dr
never • gone beyond th,wt • simple
• Sanders Oro, son -- as Sharp, 5th statement 'of sbripture.. licit it has
• line, Morrie, had taken the 'conract, illuminated thati statement and given it a'
,along with another man, of construct.. Meaning ever broadening with the increaz-
ingtO miles.of eleetric road on Long Mg breadth of knowledge. When the blood
Island, X; Y. • State, Ther hays 3o i''bad' or impure it is not alone the body
• milea completed now and wil heopened which euffere through disease. The brain
by Mai (Avast. ' • • • " hale° &ended, the mind and judgment are
- . affected and many an evil deed or impure
More colds are •cured by. Paiiy-Balsain •thought may be directly traced to the im-
than any other one remedy. -Ib °tires purity of the blood. No one can be well
(pinkly and certainly. Bronohial affeotIOns balanced in mind and body whose blood is •
give way readily to it. Menufactured by in) ure. No one can • have a wholesome
the proprietors of •Periy Davis' Pain' an pure life unless blood is pure. Foul
Killer, ,• ,
Ruda and sweat
loess no effect on
harness treated
+with Eureka Han
lass Oil. It re.
slits ihe damp,
keeps theleath..
:or soft and
able. Stitches'
dp pot break.
Its rough'sur.
face to chafe
andeut. 'rho ,
harness a
only kee'ps
looking like
new, but
wears twice
as toughy the
ass of Eureka
Harness Oil.
blood can be made pure by the use of Dr
Othe blood is pure, bbdy and brain are Wahliekne
Pierce's Golden Medieal Discovery.
healthy and life becomes a daily happiness.
Medical Adviser,1008 pages, 700 illustra-
tions, is sent free OD receipt of stamps to
- defray -expense of mailing and customs.
Send 3r onecent stamps for paper covers, -
or 31 stamps for cloth, to Dr R. V. Pierce,
• 663 • Main Streit, Buffalo,. N. Y. . .
On Wednesday, Jan: 22, at St JoIn'e
church rectory, Brussel'e, Rev R. J.
Ahey performed the ninrriage cere-
mony between Miss Maria Kelly,daugh
ter of the late Wth Kelly, of .Morris.
and VVilhon a prosperous
young farnml• of McKillop- "
• Rohl
• leverywhersh
impede! On
ree,- Dr. Pierce Common Sense
A very pretty wedding was solemniz
ed on Wednesday. Jan. 22nd, at the
• home at Wal, Kerslake; Oemnarty;
when Mire Kam]; his . 2nd daughter!
was uni in ,marriage toHugh MC..
• Lachlan. 1 he ceremony was pet formed
• by Rey. Mr branston. ' • • •
• . Charles Garniss, • of Bluevale, has
bought Thomas Proctor's farmon -the
3rd line of Morris for $4.5)0. Thos
'-'-tilisogsg Proctor has bought Thos Scandrett's
farm containing 50 am-air:just south of
•Belgrave for $3,730,• and Thos Scandrett
• •.hae.hought Jas Owens' farm adjoinins'
eelgrave, containing ' 1C0 acres•for
CD. • - •
. _
And one always to be relied upon is Put-
• man's Painless Cern Extractor. Safe, sure
and always painless, Nearly fifty imita
•tiono provg its value. Beware of such. Get
• pi:16mM; at druggists, or it you cannot
get it we will send it to you- by mail Or re-
ceipt ot 25o, postpaid; to • Canada or the
• United States. N: Q. Poison & Co., King-
eton, Ont.- • - •
Nicholae liartung of 'the Babytoti
line, succumbed to blood potsoninq,
Thursday week the 24th inst., reaching
the age of about 54 years. The de-
ceased was a rseident . of Hay Town-
• ship for many years. He leaves a
• widoW. and a family of several sons and
The simplest remedy for indigestiqn, constipation, bilious-
ness and the many ailments -arising from a disordered stomach,
liver or bowels, is tRipans Tabules, they have accomplished
wonders, and their:timely aid. removes the necessity of calling
a_physidan for the many little ills, that beset mankind, they
go straight to the seat of the tronhiii,-TT'e le-vivthe distress,
cleanse and cure the affected parts, and give the system a
,general toning up.
daughters,, nearly all grown up.
A writ has been kisued at the 'n -
family of the late flex 11(ctisTab, 6th
line, Morrie, against 0. Zilliax, pro-
prietor of the Central Hotel; Brussels,
fore $1,1X,3, charging that on . the
premises of the Central Mr McNab
lk •
met with , injuries by falling into a
cellar that led to his death. The case
Will come up for hearing at the next
Assizes, to be held at Goderich. •
On Wednesday eyening, January
15th, a very. pleasant event took ',lace
at-the-home-ot-lin-and Afro hrisen,_
when their youngest daughter, Miro;
Bertha, was united in Marriage to- Mr
Rober Brownlee, of • Tuckerernith.
The ceremony was 'performed by Rev
R IL Barnby, brother-in-law of the
bride, in the presence of about 40 rein -
tiles and friends of the. contracting
parties; they will live in Tuckersmith
In this age of worry, hustle and bruit.'
nese oompetitiOn, strict dare and attention
the,p.mggzstoL,Jootor'e ,mesorint
Tabaortuary neeeaeiff or etilety
and Welfare of your family,„,„We, Anar-
mum tweettraoy and perfect oatiefaotion to
all caetomers. Our toilet depart-
. most is avant replete with the latest
preparations and novelties. '
PAnir's Oman Immo,
Vas oared thoueands when everything else
has failed. Ti has e failed to give
stance of the adm ietrato of tihe
. AT Ijit'0G4ISTS
The five -cent packet is enough. for an "lar"Ple MP" r"til '. it hall neVer
. , failed to glye mak people happy results.'
ion. Th fly
. . sixty it etrengthens, invigorates, gives now
oidinary occas
bottle, an to Ilin eye om, malies the blood pm e
is food for e nct-
erveit makes skitcents,
cents, eontains a ,supply. for a- yeathe
r. . .people veil. We can supply you with
the pure and genuine raine's Celery
v . ,
, . Compound,
H B 0011111B, Druggist, Clinton, Ont,
Fred E. Eades,. 424 Sully Street. Toronto, I
• Cure is the greatest God-sead that sufferers from
ft A ri Rh made
rheumatism have ever had put within their reach. ,.
years I was only able to do three monthework.'
I suffered so in my wrists and ankles that in two
Carneras I Oaiteras 4
I took hospital treatment ?Ur nine months with,
out relief, but a faithful trial of South American
Rheumatic Cure perminendy cured me." Relief Buy a Camera and be Ham
• At Moleti worth on Jan. :18th, 0. ver
pleasant surprise took place • at the
manse when the ladies of the W. F.
M. S., to the number of overrthirty.
assembled bringing well filled ' baskets
with them, and presented Mrs 'Bitlla6-
tyne with a beautiful china dinner set,
a lady's oak rocking chair and a silver
fruit spoon, acconipamed by an address.
The residence of Mr and Mrs • G:
, Holtzman, Zurich, was. the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Wednesday
evening, Jan, 15, when their only
daughter, Maggie, unitedin mar-
riage to Mr J. B. Dennis, of Wooclham.
Mr and Mrs 'Dennis have taken up
their residence in. Woodham, where
Mr Dennis is conducting a boot and shoe
..At the residence of Mr Gavin asvid-
son, Wingham Junction, on Wednes-
day,. January 22nd, occurred the mar-
riag9 of histleughter, ' Miss •Euphemia
Davidson, to Mr Peter Fowler, of the
Bluevale road. The ceremony was
performed at 6 p. in.. Rev. D. . Perrie,
of Wingham, being the officiating
clergyman. • „Mr and Mrs • Fowler will
reside in their handsome home on the
BI uevale road.•
• • It is 'dangerone to neglect a shun% pose
of itohing piles as the trouble .is likely to
become ehronio and develop into fatal in-
curable fistula or cancer of the reottim. A
single applioatioa•of•Dr Chase's Ointment
will quickly relieve the itoliing and burning
sensation, and a few boxes will cure any
case of piles. This standard ointment has
probably relieved more suffering than pre-
paration you ban mention. •
• •
. A .rather un usual event occurred at •
the residence of Rev -Henderson, of
Hensall, recently, in the gnarriage of
Henry Kehler, Sr., to.Mrs Waltz, both
residents of the western part of the
township, near Zurich. The groom is
on the shady side of eighty while the.
bride has seen -at .least seventy sum -
mere and winters. Neither was able
to understand English very well, and
•the knot was tied Wiih some difficulty:
On Sunday, ' January 19th, death •
claimed another victim, in the person
of .John Maloney, cf McKillop,. towp- •
ship.- Mr Maloney • was born in Tip-
perary, Ireland, about '09 years ago, •
*andemigrated • to this -country while:
still a youth.. Besides •'0 widow, he
leaves a family of ti.ve sons and.four•
daughters: also 16 grancLebildren and,
rie sister,
Yon may be weak,.miserable, nervoriat
sleepless, your digestion may be poor and
yon despair. Never say die until you have
used I'errozone, the most wonderful blood
maker, nerve. strengthener ' and *brain
invigorator. It tones up the whole syetem.
Yon can eat anything and digest it if yon
use Ferrpzone, you sleep well, you make
blood quickly, strength inormate daily, and
in a short time you're well, Try Ferro -
zone which you can obtain at 11,13, Combe's
drug store. Prioe 50o. . •
John Oesch who passed away last
week was associated with the earliest
settlers of Hay township, his parents
being the 'Irk settlers on the Beoneoh
line, when all Was a wilderneSs in this
section -Leo far as white nettlers--werc
cppcerRed.. Mr Oesch was born in
Waterloo county on the 5th of March;
1828, and moved to Hay in the Spring.
Satottnee.• DY 3. E. Rovey.and•R. P. Ree.ie
Joon Wilmot of Pittsburg Township
chargee membere of the Frontenao
County Connell withrobbery and corruption
in connection with county affairs,
Such cases are not hopeless when the
right treatment le resorted to.` South
erican Rhourna.tac Curet has cured
• hun 'de of co -called incurablean
. Relieve n six hours ' •
The Marvellous , ! ea cieffectiveness
10 the
gofoicSkonue.tsils. Awmitheri.wcahnichlteuaincatstianCdu the!'
lightning change" foi, the bettnr in the Rhcu
Made Victim after taking a:few dpses, It seems
next to irvire.:; -•.-1.).a-there is no deception,.it's
,work atrAnd every.:step taken.' toward
rt:rmanent one, Hittory 'repents
n/,e C n erfur treattnentit licvnt
• lir. • .4Eatibran of Montreal has re"• PIM
There is probably no pastime morepleasant and instinctive tc
minds than photography. It is a pleasure bemuse
-winter evenings, and it is instructive becanseit teaolies eve anc
to look for the artistio in the everyday surroundings of home.
The general impression is that it it;: hard to take photos, bat si
one with a kodak and inetrnotion book can take photos. We
In OA.PIERAS-Film, Plate, Magazine, Bolt and Foldinf
PLATES -Stanley, Eastman, Paget
PRINTING PAPER-aolio and Dekko.
Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. • Call
For those who prefer to hive their devido'ping and finishing
ing pricer.•We guarantee work if exposute is goOd.
4 '
' Deve oping • each 4o o • .
dozen 350 80o
Printing and Mohnting.... ...each 7o 6o
'Developing, printing, mounting, each 10o • 90
• `•"--viri...--•°
• dozen 61 " 90o
. . . x5 x3k. •
4 • t
•signed ilia office of Dominion Veterinarian, • . •• •
ha steady inoreage in our trade
our prices lower than thole' of ot
We manafaoture,furnikureon a large sea e
• from us,. we save, for you the profit, *h
• the retail dealer.
• Thie Week we have passed into stoo.k soniebt
• . us to quote prices, but come and eee for
'Remember -we are determined that our prices eb,
and will be succeeded by Dr.. Rutherford;
• ex-M1'.lor Macdonald. • , -
Mr W.• J. Chisholm, M.' A, has been
appointed Publics School. Inspector for
West Binge; in place -of M. Caumbell,who
resigned on account of ill -health • '
The Prince of Wake, Who returned' to
LondonThursde,y, is understood to have
been ninoh gratified by .the reception ex-
tended him during his stay in Germany.-
of 1849. A family of. nine Children
were born to them, all of whom are
living. • •
Au action was brought by Thomas
Gundry, of Goderich, against John E.
McDonell, of Renard', to recover a
balance due on a eale of two buggies
and a set of harness.. It was tried be-
fore Judge Doyle at the Sessions, when
judgment:,vme reserVel His ...Honor
on the 20th inst., handed out his judg.
meht, whereby he found that the
plaintiff's version of the contract was
"norreet-and. Vtretted-tr-verdiet-to-txr
9tered.12t tko plaintiff for $101.80.
Ann 1toWeliffe, beloved wife of John i
Rowciiffe, of Liambton county, - for.
Wetly of Eteter, died on Saturday, the
18th inst. Deceased WaS:h0r11 in Great
Torrington, Devonehire, England,Beb,
5th, 1832, her maiden name being .An
Waikey, She was married March 14th
1801, to John Rewcliffe, and they 041110
.to,tactuada, 1801, and lived in Exeter.
Iluron county, for two years, after
sanquet and
settled on lot 10, con. 0, where she
.e.nded her days. Besidea he, husband
she leaves to mourn her loss five Child"
ren -one son having died about four.
teen years ago at the age Of eighteen
• - UTAK G. • .. • . ,
In this depariment our stook i Complete, "and we nay
outfit in the county. Our prices are 'as ow as t
." • BROADFOOT0.130X,
EcuRiTt SigleiVrmilairenudoeft?;calls at Mnded,:ita• •
• ,
cne Smyrna.Carter S Reversible •
'ittle Ivor Pills. .
• , • .
•• • •to. 6 ft ins by 10 ,ft at
must flear.Slostture of • •
. Floor 011 .Clotheii
. rind 7.21iloh widths.
• SOO FACeSItISIO Wrapper Below.
'OD Cloth bciutties
find• 2 ards 1square
Ildir* emelt end -Aeolis,
• to take Am ongam
. •
FOR ,1111.10USNEtio
031110=1.1711 UM:MO NOUN .
II Witt I tilira*Taretabler ••••••4
lumr......7.0,71111.111•11 !gni, 111, 11 maul 11(61K—,— •
• •
The Outten (tv
We gubnt
know the Oto
is first-class.
- • .
We have a few. good • Second Band Cu
, • .x
ormi tr. BUABALL.• • 44.
.'SYSTER it)uvAlot 1"!-.•
• OF'
Weak and Impure 13Ioodh
Liver & itl#assy Dlattattelse
Female csonvisint. Rte.
All Druignoto, or Write d e • to
•J, kf. Iltot•BOD,
Ocderloh, Ont
ant handlindthe celebrated Lollaughlin mak
of first.class Ontario firma, Also of my own man
glee mikedoes etc. of all the Iatestand modern s
ProAptly attlafied to.
JOHN' LESLIK,41:1:ur