HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-02-07, Page 1r Mildly see that subscription is promptly renewed • he EID iOB>l Ho8Vnb. tE _u etion S 11e• See P.B. r � ri eWB� Big Ad. on Page 4 It LL --- surprise you P. B. CREWS 8th con., H. R. s., from Mr Jae McTev Godhrlch Tew nahi! WHAT MAT BID. --There is said to be a strong . rebabtlity. that Reeve Uhurchill will .retire at the end of the present year, and. be succeeded by Mr John Middleton who would make a very acceptable and efficient reeve. . t ble I i said also that Mr Churchill bee eyes. towards the County Oommisaionership. RELiaiove.-•The Rev Mr Turnbull, ofGodericb,will preach and administer . the sacrament in the Angliclan churches at' Middleton's, Holmeiviile einIS eillt Sunda y t, Feb mer t on nex e , 9th ; Rev H A Wright preaches, in Goderich. Nos Palmy So'Sicin,-The timber men are still around buying rock elm. for shipment to the• old country and they are secuirtng quite a quantity, Mat Maine is pari g $150 per thous • 9g, arts pp -an nd_not Y re d. d -a Olen ae. p Mr N. Mahaffy and sisters, visited at Mr J. B. Lindsay': last week, Tucks/ smith, FARM Bouesx.- Samuel Coleman _ has • accessed the farm lot 11 on the ish, paying $5800 for the came. This• is h • • limon New .Era. CLINTON. ONTARIO. FE13T '., R ' 7. 1902. - ' Mullett. SocIAL G ke . ERiereee-On last Eriday evening Mena McVittie, one of the Most open hetw,i•ted and highly respected residents of ails townehip, entertained a large number of his friends and neighbors to an oyster supper. The evening was ,pleasantly spent -could not have been', more, so -and all went home with a Igher appreciation than •ever of the gehial qualities of the host dh DEATa.-Another of the pioneers. of the township of Hallett has been re- moved by the hand of•death. Mr J.aa.• Maine, who has been ailing most of the winter, passed away on Tuesday last, at his residence ; on the boundary line, about two miles west of Blyth, at the advanced air of 73 years. About fifty mother, located on the Tarin where he died. He -was amen -of -sterling -honesty -0 and very much . respected by a large circle of friends. His wife, who pre deceased hila about ten years. ago, was the eldest daughter of the. late Charles. Lovett, He ..leaves" one son and five daughters.. His remains were interred in Ball's. cemetery, :Base. 'Line,. on Thursday. )Lxpert Watch Repairer - Jewelet. And Optician BIDDLit00E811'8 OLD SURD, OPr09Ix8 Town Rm.. St Helens SOCIAL. -A racial under the evening, and all report haying teen. auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of oughlyenfted the splendid selections Christ church, was held at the home Of given by Mr 8. Townsend on, the T. McRoberts on Thursday es ening of gramophone, which'was very pleasing last week, A varied program consist- ind. e .he hos gland hostess spared 300 scree t e Mbserb Coleman own, and it shows that money can be made to- day, as well as years aero, on a farm. Mr McTavish has moved to Seaforth, where he has purchased a home. ENTERTAINED.. -Mr and Mrs Wm. Townsend entertained the choir at their home, Riverdale, last Friday ing of solos, recitations, readings, no a ort o gwe.a an enjoyable tilos. and instrumental music was given, (From an occasional correspondent) • .after which all partook of a dainty .. NoTE$.-Mrs G. Turner book very ill supply of sandwich, cake, etc. Then last Tuesday, and the doctor had to be •al' en;aged for some time in games after sent for; we are pleased to learn that which they returned home, having she is improving slowly. Quarterly fully enjoyed themselves ; proceedsservices were .held in Turner's church amounted to $20.15. on Sunday last; :Rev Mr Waliwin, of SOCIAL GATHERINGS, -Oa Friday Seaforth, and the choir, under. the •eveninglaet,a number of young folks of able leadership of Won Townsend. gave the village and vicinity gathered at the :excellent muio on that occasion.. Rev home of J. Webster, con. 10. After all Dr. Daniela will take tbe anniversary bad engaged in games, music, etc.,.: servicee'ort Feb. ltlth; the doctor is lin. mine host summoned all to partake eloquent preacher, Mrs -J. Townsend, of a bountiful oyster supper, which, it of Dakota,ie visiting bei daughter, Mre is needless tosay, all •fully. enjoyed.; Wankle, of Port Elgin., .11, Townsend games, songs.and social chat was again left for Dakota last week. Mr and Mrs •engaged in and in the wee sma' hours' • R. , G' Miens . visited friends here last. all joined in "Auld Lang Syrre' and Thursday ; they were acccmpanied by then de arted, thankingthe host and. Miss Martha Oiark."Rev Stedman took hostess for their kind hspitality. a party to Granton to visitMies Grant, teacher. of 8e, 8.No. '4. Jae. Acheson Exeter has been hauling.brick preparatory to ("nuacIi,=The est' year has: been building anew residence on his farm one of the beet inthehistory of the 0 church. The revenue' .was $1,856 of • which $256 was devoted to missions Holmesvllie and benevolent near the red tavern. • ' purposes. NoTEs..--A load of young'folke spent NOTES,—The South Huron county a pleasant evening at F. Jervis' on Fri - 'Orange Lodge met at Exeter on Tues- day last...IF Leonard visited friends at day. A. public meeting for the discus- Bright last: week. '• . sion of cold storage . will be held in ,RAILROAD.-1tobb Oantelon, former - Exeter town hall,on Wednesday even- l of the 71h 611002o/or the past. year ing. Feb. 12th ; the addresses will be ,bas 611002o/or been out west,spent a week among _given by prominent speakers.. friends here: Since New Years lee has .. ` _ ` been firing on the G. T. R. between' the 1Ba • Ye 1Ie1P + Sarnia tunnel and Fort Erle,the tunnel Names.- A grand ball:and-supper wi1T. and Niagara and the tunnel and Toron- be held by the C.O.F.in thenearfuture. tie Bob likesthe work very much and Mr Mustard's mill is now running at we wish him every success. ,full blast. The fishermen: are now busy ' DESERVE SratPATHY.=Mr and Me storing up ice for the summer season: J. hussar have the sympathies of thei" W. Elliott gut one of his hands badly litany friends, here at the present time hurt by the. pressure of a running b Their second daughter, • Blanche, has: at Mr Thomsons sawmill.. Mrsfludie been seriously. ill with pneumonia, and has returned from her long visit at on .Saturday **Hussar received a men- , London. The young people still enjoy 'sage that her father; who had been the literary meeting held at Mrs Stan. ailing for some time, bad pruned away. -bury's. Oars ag li..e. has be n sue' • ROBNERY.-Grain stealing still .con- pended for twoday owing to a blockade of roads.- T. J. Marks has received the tinueein•thie vicinity, acertatn farmer •contract for school wood ata 45 per naming. several bags stolen .'from his cord. granary by. parties whobtokethe locks i4 and drew the etaplee. The thieves are ecce: " well known, as they have been tracked �e2 pretty close to their premises. !the /OiG •parties will nerd to look 'sharp or they will be serving a terra. in the. peniten- teary before; long. QsvRaH Snbj t for t Sunday Youthful. E►es • for the Aged When print blurt,'. and reading Is noir; passible at an inion.'• venient,.distancs, eyes need help. Our lasses restore, the vision of youth. • A.' 3. GRIGG Scientific jeweler and Optician CLINTON, QNT. Time P1�s. ec o next :. evening is "The irodival son and his brother. On account. of the storm few were present at the quarterly service on. Sunday last and the .quarterly offic- ial board, announced for Monday was postponed until next Monday at two o'clock. Rey Dr. Danis will give .a facture on'Mol;day evening. Feb. '10th. under the auspices of_ the League, .in aid of the Forward . Movement for Missions:; silver collection. an osteae. years ago - e, with his father. and Blyth QUARTZ RLX . 9E1Iv'IOES, -1a spite of Sunday's storax the revival, services in the. Methodist church were larp�elyate tended, and were seasons• of great power and blessing. At the morning seritheea v ce and sacrifice of Christ fcr e were o vividly impressed that there were few dry eyes in the congregation, and deeply earnest was the communion servece that followed. The afternoon eeryice Was a time of blessed redulte, and ai.. night Evangeliet Moull, of Parkdale, iq a powertul ad - dram, preened home the reality of•a ,personal choice and devotion to Jesus the Christ. These services are being continued all this week and on Sabbath next, The quart coy board met on Monday and transacted the business for the quarter. REPORT-Followving is the report of S, 8. No.5, .I:lunette for January, based on attendant(' and general proficiency: V -Viva Mair Robert Vodden; Sr. IV -Albert Vodden, Sadie McCool, Mabel Brown. James McCool, Mabel Vodden, John Vodden, Derwin Carter, Effie Jackson, ertie Hoggart, Mary'Snell; Jr. IV" - m, Hoggart, Wm. Snell, Harry ' Cool; Sr. IIi=Mabel McCool, EssieM rAiertlavVodden, lalsieBrown,. John lace,. Ella Webb; Jr, ..10. Mildred ell, Beet Nott; Sr.II-Ernest Lee; Jr. II ;,Ernest Vodden, Mabel Lee,. Chas.•Lee(,.grmand MclJool; Sr. Pt. II -Della McCool, Eph Snell, Orval Rap. mein; Jr, Yr.1.1.-Sam ApplebCharles Vodden. Wesley Hoggart; Sr: Pt. 1 - Sept.: Wallace, Flossie Brown, . Lily Oockerline; ;;dr.. Pt.. 1 --Cora McCool, Richard Vodden.-ADDISON F. JOHNS Teacher. SHE OUTWITTED TnEM.-During the late electionin West Huron, rather an amusing incident occurred. An aged aentlemanon'the 14th concession of Hallett;° resides with his_ioon-in-law and daughter. The old gentleman has been a life long Reformer. but his Aon- in-law teas strong a Conservative. The infirmities of age and the inclemency of the weatheri were too ..much for the aged relative, in•theleetimation of hie son- in-lawso he .proposed teat neither would go the oil,; which proposal was readily agreed to by his aged friend. His 'neighbor, cf� the same political faith, had proposed a fine plan to out- wit the old.nan; duty calla the: son-in- law to pay this neighbor a visit. Pen fails . to describe the exulting joy beaming'on their countenancee,as they' start for the polling booth. To deceive an old man is a prime factor in their political creed, These actione have been closely 'watched by' . the wife, whose. suspicion is aroused. She harnesses the• horse and, with hoc aged fatber;etarts for the poll' another way, a' i ging at the same time as her husband and hie friend.,, A blinding snow storm.. drifting: through the,- golden fields of - harvest, could not have obscured there previous .smiles by deeper gloow than was denicted on their countenances as they took in the situation. , Get up earlier op electioneday, Mari. if you are going to cheat a. woman driving voters to the poli.-UOM. ' , : • AUDITORS: RxPottT.-John .Wilson and G•eo.Stenhenson, auditory fur the township, have gone through the vat ious. accounts , and found evetytbfng '• correct. Hullett has a good council, which has been moat •econc•m'i al • in spending•the:ratepayers':' money. The. : fact that they are men of good business ability is shown by their return for. -another year' by acclamation. The following is the abstract statement of the accounts' of the past year of James Campbell, the treasurer. who is one of the ablest in the province ,1 The holiday' season has come and gone, and we are again settled down to our le'" mania line of trade. Before long we expect rto get things in our store to arranged the From cap we will be able to make Horne • rpt el - �•^.,.".. &utonneen: Mt • In our extra burly spell, we did het'fr r. get to keep tip our standard of exoellenoe n ataple grozeties,laid we are now prepared, ,as we always are, to give you the _parva --mud -beet •-groceries #fiat -it is°:peal lid • obtain in (linin or elrewhere, Fresh Lettnoe•nd young Onions every week. The 'ash Curare::. CO Mee Cope' Oaeh for Batter. and Egg's. Phone 2, ' • • z,, • PUBLIC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ing was held on. Tnesday evening last Week. Secretary, J.• A. Mortonpre• sented bis report :-Receipts, $556.20 ; assets, $2290;liabilities, none balanne on hand, $12.26 ; members, 184 ; num- beef 'books,' 3388 ; issued, 4088 ; the reading room is supplied with three • daily papers, 16 magazines and 32 weekly paper.).. The directors are A. (3uzene, chairman, J. A. Morton, sec retary, J. A.: Cline, ,:treasurer, A. E. Smith and John :Ritchie. Ashfield • NOTES: -A blizzard is blowing and the roade are being badly drifted. Mr Bower,,12tb, con.18 gettitg. some vain• able cedar at his mill for :making' shingles. The Zion church is bele thoroughly renovated and Wile preset a beautiful appearance when finiehe . r Ash- field of the services ce The sacramental e field circuit were held at the Hope church last Sundeer�. Maple Grove L, O. L. No.1044 intfto have .an''At - Home" Friday evening, Feb. 28th; an excellent programa is being prepared, WEDDED. -St. Mich tea's was rded t-Wednesday,J church 1 friends to witness the marriage cere- monyof Andrew Loughlin. Centralia, to Miss •Annie Egan, niece of John Kelly, Morris townehip. Father Mee Menamin ofilciated ; the groomsman was supported by John E. Kelly and the bride by her. sister, Mies Bridget Egan. The bride was beautifully attired in septum blue with cream lace trim-• nxings, with• liicture hat. tied her bridesmaid Was idea elegamtly•dreeseu:= After the ceremony a reception was accorded the newly wed at the home of tine bride's mother it Morris where a sumptuous repast was partaken b those invited, The presents were hand. some and valuable, the' bridegroom's gift to the bride: being a beautiful gold bracelet and watch and chain: The bride ie a popular young lady; and has numernus friends who are' sort yto . see her leave their:midst.. Mr• and Mrs Loughlin left for their new home in Edmonton,follow'edby.tee good wishes Londeaboro THE ULADY OF LYONS". -Miles L. Cannon -Quarterly services were Whitney and her great comppany, were held in the Methodist church on Jun- billed to present "`Lady of Woes " day loot; the storm interfered . some the town hail on Thureday evening, what with the attendance, but the in- Feb 6th. - The Orangeville Sun save :-- terest was good, 1t was intended to "Never was there such a fine company Wave held the official meeting Monday, of ae a re and such a tine wardrobe here at ,Rinburn, but this was found to be bef?r • impossible: and It will be held next) ales". E MACLAOiiLANUONOERT Monday afternoon, at the same place, --This cancert,ae advertised under the ,'weather and roads permuting, auspices of the Clinton Liwn Bowling Nonce.- Mr Webb shipped a ear of Club, was held in the Wawa Hall, Tues flour on Monday. J. Muldoon,°ldartney, day evening, Fee 4tb. The weather, Man., shii�pppped a car load of horses from unfortunately was most inclement, • the here on Wedneeday for Manitoba. The roads being blocked in every direction, stoma this week prevented several from but in spite ofall,the attractions on the delivering hogsand cattle. The program were such ae to draw a very scholars from the village could not -get good audience. There were over three tothe re hies digs, of thishundredpeople p Mies Macdon- o sch of ft t t i eq le resent. weeks° school was dismissed. An ef• aid, accompanied by her father, Mr D. fortis being madeto organize a Rifle Macdonald, on the bagpipes, danced and ro e a -dent• here, in accordance with Govern- with exceeding grace p o�p d egreat-attraction.--The.:..Doherty, Male quartette performed. their part with [inborn trreat eclat. A e to Miss Maclachan it TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. -At the last is but sufficient to say that she was in • meeting o'!° the township councf the splendid voice and sang her beet. ' As following officers were apppoints , at encores she gave Annie T.aurie Blue the salaries named : Francis Morley,. Bonnets o'er the .Borders and The clerk 5120, no allowance for Winpposta�gge ; Laird o' Oockpen, The audience were Paul Uoates, treasurer, $70; Min- wildwithenthusiasnebut were weeught ere,' assentor, $5,s; Wm Brock,coliector, to the highest pitch by the last num- $50; Thos Veal, caretaker, of ball, $5:. her Rule Britannia. Mise Maclachlan Joshua Johne and Flin A Turnbull,. has at least by her visit to'thie country auditors ; Board of Health, , the reeve. done this much good : She has renewed and clerk and Messrs Jast Handford, H our acquaintance with the most charm- medicalthe and expressed himeele health officer. and Jae •C T;rftS national spirit by her singing of :Rule sanitary ineptctor;'fenco yleweri,,.J.: Britannia that shauld:Mever be kepi air,R Def poundl ECeddy, A tiazzelaa Presideet, Mr Charles Jenkins, tante, Oamptiell and Wm ilellan. weather, from Petroliaen order.; to hear ' in spite of the inclemency . of the Mill.Miss timIly s ti is proms►; White . ill � �,�Yl, Tar cures of their many friends. NEW MILL. --The mill that wee 'dee troyed last May. all nut the walls • nd the (Amine :'plant, was purchased by• Mr C. H. Beeee, of St Marys , who.• has re -built it and it commenced business. the first of last week, but owing the changes in some machinery it was npt for inspection till last Friday after- noon, :when the town council and tbe business men in a body came and •viewed.the machinery running and the work it was' doing. Short speeches were made by Reeve Sims and several of the council men, on the top flour, remarking they were highly pleased with the new enterprise and hope that the new.proprietor would have the hearty support of tee town and the eurreunding .community with whom he wishes to do business. Hee has in his employ an employee Mr D..Crit- tenden who has been ;there for'. veers, and who . will. 'Featly assist him in getting acquainted with the public and alsoih trying to help on his. busi-• nese, as a new beginner. We.extend congratulations to Mr Besse in bis endeavor to ,establish himself in burli- ness in our town, and we, hope he will have the co-operation of the people.in • his effort: Auburn. ° Bion, -Mrs J`no, Clark is still•ler ver yy Moor ' health, •asee also ;M•raArthur. H. leungblut is around .again after tha operation, and It. T. Riddell is recover- ing sorapidly that be expects: to be out again in, about a week. MATRIMONIAL. -' Un Wednesday evening lass, Feb. 5th.,H.. Synder, of. Benrnill'er, was joined in wedlock to Miss Annie Ferguson,..of this. village, at the new home of the bride's parents, amidst a throng of invited guests. The. bride is wen known as an exceedingly 'popular teacher, • white the groom is a progressive youngfarmer of Colborne,. and the NEW ERA joins with their large circle of friends in wishing them. unlimited „ppiness No The public ltbrary eitex w. tainmenton Friday was well patronized 'and netted the committee a neat bal- ance; MissWallace is thoroughlyel illed • Itilaii:Ires as an entertainer, and • delighted all, while local talent assisted nobly to Balance on hand $ 121 34 Resident taxes.: - 1830$ 03 Bank Accounts , .... . , 1947 35 Loans; ., 500 47 Schoolpurposes .,. 839 00 bid material, etc.... • .......... 23.00, License - Fund_ ' '., 57 52 Froin other municipalities • 22 37 County Treasurer - 309 03 Pound keeper's fees.. 4 00 » . , •` Total. ... ' 01663e 71. METHODIST OHURcet,---The February. 'quarterly servile(' in Hope church on Sunday, February 2nd, was up to high water 'mark in • every particular. - Thouh a heetvy snow storm was rag - Ing a large number was present ; Bev. Mr Oaten had charge of the eervice., The officials of the circuit at the' board meeting found finances an1d� circuit in a ; trifacto y� _cont ittifni. The work _ t e rhgrch will let••the contract for their new church, to be. constructed nett Bummer. . lerticefleld.. SOME Trianon.- Mr A. Mustard was up to Goderleh on• Monday, and took an order for two thousands dol- lars' worth of ship timber to be de- livered to Mr Marlton, builder there, D1eA'rlr,--Mrs 11. Smith Was called to Toronto last week to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs Fisher, who died on • Jan, 27, at the age of 71 ieare, ' _ .' • EXPENDITURE Roads and bridges, . $ 2464 70 'Lereieela lee .S'ciitier Lr'an „ "•."3ili -00 School boards on ace of taxes 6089 07 .County rate... ,: • . , .. .... 2,38080 Salaries and Allowances...•..: $11. 71 Hall -rents 27 50 Sheep killed by dogs.. ,'33 Debentures redeemed.. . 965 29 Bank account 3229.25 Taxes refunded.:.,....':' Printing and stationery; &c , : 124.68 Expresscharges..... 285 Board of Health • . 19 25 Law coat •...,.,...... r,..:..,,. 400 Drainage '; 33 08 0 00 Manchester Police Village. .;. Oath in Treasurer's hand131 60 • Total......... 01663271 ASSETS • Oaslii1tTreasurer's-hand-• #1---131.-60: In bank, for payment of Debs 920 00 current. make the evening a success, • There was a party at Fred Yungblut'i on Friday evening. Miss Nellie Wetheral entertained a few friends on Monday of last week, The Misses Nixon, • of Wingham,were gueststlf their cousins, Miases.Symington over Sunday. Mr R Clark Toronto, and Mr •J. 0. Clark 'are' tiome, cwing to -their mother's indisposition; From another Correspondent DEATH.-,�.. a effects of time are. daily visible .i our midst; the faltering' steps of the aged are •fast growing 'feebler; •the -littler band••who•spent••their. youth in the neighbot'hood of our village when it was crowded by the giants of the forest, and its solitude ewers unbroken save by the barking of. the fox, the low.bleat of the deer, or the Midnight rvevelr of the wolves, is fast disappearing, The spirit of Mrs 1J, i eadle. passed to the great beyond last Monday evening. Fi.r the past four or. five menthe she had been ailing but was able to attend to' her house hold daties. An attack of Pneumonia occurred on the day of her death. She leaves a family and large circle of friends to mourn her lose, The funeral took place, on Wednesday to Bsll's. cemetery,• - • OH-v-Rest-Oammunion-servlces�_ were held last Sunday at Auburn and 'West - account geld Methodist churches,. and owing to • --„„=„----„ the Severesterna the congregationswere the quarterly board was unable small; LIABILITIE to meet on Monday, as the north roads L I drainage debts, interest in- are completely blocked: Rev Mr Mc - eluded , .57538 71 Kay, Goderich,. preached in the. Pres- byterian' church last Sabbath; Rev Mr • Hensali Jamieson Was expected, but on account Ol3t7izc a. -The anniversary services of sickness in bis family Was unable of the Carmel. Presbyterian • church to attend. There wag no service in St. will be held on Sabbath, February 9th ; _ M k h h last'Sabbath i as e r t following a year t a NOTES. -The firm of Shepherd .& Rivers have dissolved partnership. the Klippen former cantili'ul0g Iii te business but , Ddr Rivers has oat decided what' he Cni noir.-- Rev J.;11,11dac Vfcar. B.A. will do R. Bengough has been ern- of Fergus, son of, Rev Principal Mac - c a n erns, services at lch • treat wf11 condo t n iv t Ar roped says tb R . y Mae - right plant, fi h pp ard Coad and hie • brother John, of in St Andrew's church • Icippen,'on eb Manitoba, have besn left a Buin of 23rd; Mr MacVicar will lecture on the money owinitto the death of arelative; ' following Monday evening on "The ar e c urC ae even ng, on the Monday evening Rev -on c count of the storm, Rev Mr Mc- ltae, of Toronto Junctio ,,will deliver'Quillen being unable to get from J31yth. a lecture. The congregation has been prosperous the past y ar, '65 names ,C;elborntlr • having been added to the roll 59 by OONVBNTZON.--A union convention profel a anon t5 a ° "die c arc , rtetr2a41. EL eAt'i'ildu Was contributed to the a 'hemee bf the rogram has been prepared and a goo time is looked for. revenue and 6 by letter z2• Loss of Vol Hoarsenei s 4b P, Ee Preseriptioe i)r Snooeseor to Sydney' R.• : E. „,m4 trorser-s as being :well repaid for his trouble.. ORuROH. Although stormy there Mr John Ransford ie responsible for ' etre. was a nice congregation at Bethel Mies Maclachlap'e second appearan e 'church last Sunday. After the -public--.here, and assumed heavy financial .ob• 0 • service a fellowship meeting and e.iera- 'ligations in so doing.Had the weather mental service was held a quite' a. num- proven favorable the' returns would Rs her partook of, the Lord'e. Supper. On certainly have put the balance on the hear account of thed did t Monday the: right siue,butasitwastbeywere on the - Met quarterly board did not meet, but will; - wrong side; but Mr Ransford i9 net a ' for. .meet atSayffeld,on Monday next -At 230;. man to show the white feather. under o'clock. any: circumstance, and in {'his interim - "8 • remarks was. vee witty. He sold the eve Lawn Howlin Club did more to adver in Stanley: Clinton n thanan -other or anize• ins v iiting Jas. t his wen,tIie gi Asea.; - teen (except t peraps the Lion Brand of and fe•visittng'here•this week; the guest of (i p also "referred -to' J. tem Geo. Baird. Mies Katie •McTaywh, oe Clothing) and . hei Kincardine, has been spendin : a' few Penland Tiedall as the grandfather of add weeks with friends here, Pr Baird' the club, and as every organization has i was spent a fee days last week with friende predominant national elements J. W. pre in the vicinity of t7ranb'rdok. .W a are Irwin was'the leader and ruling spirit So leased to: state that M. wen, who of the . neh members:-•-In-concluding.. pp hepithil� 'expressed the situation when Ina feae wda nnafci up,wfth bronc 'tie fora he aid "It was the dearest concert he Pa few days, is improving. had ever attended." The .public got' Mu • w the• benefit of Mr.Ransford s generosity ha Stammerhill and' all who .were present appreciated S. to /tRE' SoaooL'-The vote in- reference, it. As Miss Maclachlan(Mre Buchanan) ' Fol heproposedchange of tbe school' \nd Mr Buchanan Were engaged to. duc site.on Saturday,resulted'in a majority appear in Strathroy on:Wednesday Tor of 12 favorable to•.removal. The rote night they•reniained-overuntil the: 4.15 m stood 4. Por the 35 against. The keen train.' Wednesday morning they paid . ma interestyn in the matter may be a visit to the organ factory and accept• alt judged from the• fact that with two' 'ed an invitation to Mr and Mrs Doh- : Que exceptions on either•eidei hefull.avail- ' erty's home and honored them. by .ren-, wait able yote:was polled. daring a few selection. Mise Maclach- ing htn'svisitherewill.longberemembered,. ten Neeemeelee E- Miller, who r left f 3 e • -ere wi'their o inion that ehe wh returned from. WinnipegoManeleft Ws, 1tan� 'e , leption the ii t the secureord.last Monday, where he has he -everhad the' ,•e of hear. _, secured.a.good position to 'a hareem t .- his shop. ,Dues' Maud Tyner .is visiting THE LATE 11. R. WALKER'. -Olin- fro friends' in London.. 0. Williams and A. • ton has lost one' of its` oldest. most Wallace gave parties to a• number of respected and estimable citizens in the gL° their friends last week. •:F. Mcllveen: person .of: Henry Ransford• . Walker, Iii. had the misfortune eo-lose. a . valuable who'died; on Friday last, as the result PAu r. 3 -year-old home last week. John Hill, _ of• a cold contracted a couple of months' life of Stratford Business College. spent - ago. 'Re Was a native Huronian,being pant of last week at horn. Mrs W. J. born near Stapleton in' the year 1839.. Maiden spent' part of teat week :visit• thus seine death befuo .62 years and 9 ing friends in town. months old.. His f • i:h' :carne nue Prow— • Eog'and with the fatal: enry Ranefor'd IL ba • q (father -of the. Messrs R. and J. Rans- fter whom om Mr Walker er was The ad l 1 l 1,1 'l �I ews. - ,ford) and a h s k Bent, dit ons .g•iven hie surnames. $e wa a careen , .m IN TORONTO. ' A -former ter by. trade, but for years he had ing DIEDcharge. of, the manufacture.cf. heading Clintoniatt passed away at Toronto on in connection with . Stapleton Salt repo Jan. 27th, in the person of Mre Merger Works; he bellowed farming fora time,. pera et Fisher, rellct of the'late John Fisher, and also. •conducted a grocery in the alp t at the age of . 71 years. She leaves a stand. at present occupied'byMr. Wiltae. 'asset daughter, Mirs Smith,.at Bruceffeld,. . Of later :years, however, he. hie been men and two or three eons, who are residing connected with the Organ Factory,' cunei in thatcity While he was essentially a home mane. • PERRIN-IRWIN ..NIIPTIALS.-A and greatly devoted to hie family, "he, ofrm 1 't k ' et' interest. in ublic insuran�fe happy event took place in town on affairs; having sblrved on the Council 1" t Wednesday, Jan.. 27, when Miss Miran-ed• da, daughter of Mr Jostph ' Irwin, "$oard.an: different occasions. A man ' eu o was -united in matrimony. to D. Perrin, of firm principle, truth and justice al' meet of London. the ceremony being per- Methodist er- ease of honoruided weremarkeducbaracte r meet formedari p.m, by Rev Dr. Gifford; of 'sties, and his life throughout showed the e . the Ontario street Methodfst..church. tend: There were about fifty gueets"present; nothing:unbecoming'the true dignity ,Coils bridesmaid and groomsman were dis- of a man. For many years he was ' an ain ,was fiensed ulatio s faeweddineren steeper was street church and attended Of hip b e congratulations, of, and the evening `spent in whenever able to do so, andsalways of G etr p --•••. -.. gane,,hie s moathy and support to a moaten ya'tileThariner.. airy beau- •-y p •g gave.. tiful presents were received from mire - emus ev wishes He was bw twice married, his dr" ement- "H0 eroue fr�endf Bvoof ehatenned happiness. Mr fng:a Miss Phillipps and hie second a were for a to >x lip Mrs darter, who died s few years .ago. Rev' eki Mrs Perrin will reside in London.: He was a . brother of Jas. Walker, of SOUTH HURON L. O. L. -The an. .Port Arthur, Time Walker, of Staple- act o nual meeting of South Huron County ton, Mrs 3. Sbipey, of the Huron road, well L.O.L..was held at Exeter, on Tuesday-Htillett, and Mrs W, Walker, of San 'audie last, .4th inst., and.` was well attended, sea.; A family of five children are left: was considering the 'unfavorable condition behind, three daughters:- Mrs 11, was of the roads and weather.. The W. M., Downs, of totbn •,- Mre W. Wade, of that Anthony . Nevin, Centralia, occupied Dakota. and Miss, Nellie Walker; of ,efee the chair very acceptably, and his Detroit; and • two sorts, Thomas, of'Uin, ingh address to the brethren assembled, °innati, anti Bert, in Tacoma; all were showed that he fully comprehended :home except Bert and Mrs Wade, who What the principles of'the order re, were unable to come. Mr. Walker was qq;tired of those belonging to the Orange one of Mr iloherty'e first employees : • 1D Association, and would have a benefice when he started many years ago, and, the,. ial�ect on the order in. South Huron, has continued with him in the began Wh. cope or hie h as re resented at .the C The election of o�cerg`Par'the ensuing= fact y w w p . 1 d' follows. W M A funeral'by Mr u mercy anou�over slut the rota of the' Methodist and. Evangelical revenue was $3,166 Ie ging a credit churches wilt be held in Zion Metho- bb T "` iF' gild•1Yf th m nut $77f: t Church exclueiye of the Century .Fund. t ' d toyed tie run the engine of the electric Vicarhof thePresbyterian t,ollege,Mon• the Mount a said to be $22,000, sign boards of old London, • i. •..ran�•,sTl.alril • year resulted as f o ows. W . , . Nevin; D. M.; G. B. Hanley; Chap., men heading t he procession, and. a Wm.0 rai ; R.S., Peter Oante1on, , though ha st orm daywas lar3ely at - Wm. Anderson; Div. Cer,'F. Davis;tendedb relatives and tri ode. The secretary, Wm. Deacon and E. J. Ell- services were con dpatel bgr by v, Dr. iott; treasurer, John Beacom. It was decided unanimously that the next Messrs R.Irwin, Adam Weir, Amiga. celebration of the Battleof the Boyne Pattison, Thoe Murch, H.Wiltee and R. ' be held at %oderich, on July 12th, 1902. H, mf ' adian Ord- derolmesof homemetJlrcleberso, to the whichCandeceas THE REGISTRABSH1P..- What belonged, end in which he, married an some people pretend to know about insurance of $3000.. His second wife fi111ne; Registry Offices, etc, would had also been a member of 'the same make a book--ia their own opinion -I society and had carried the same , but,the amusing part of it all is that ainount of insurance, The casket was what has been recently publishedis covered with., a number of beautiful mere guess work. There is . always wreathe, tokens' of affection-- • Wreath more or, leas street talk about vacant of white carnations' from the'Home public offices, but the only true thing Oircle,wrea h from Oran Factory eat- ... -connection vette •tho Huron eItegist. _ployaeefr a ni t� f_rom Detroit a associatesof Mis afker. ''The ftWee rarehip iethat there are_severalp plicants for it --all more or less mer- tives have the heartfelt sympathy of The Undone. As a matter•of-fact, we have the community in their bereavement, must good authority, foranyying, the position The following letterspeats for itself: •artiel+ has not been offered t any one yet, nor has it bean "promised" to any. w, •Doniori , Lsrx., uneton, Feb .4s 002. ta:.r one, nor has it even been taken up in ,&in sitar a ice or Mr* Dorrrsnttr Oita..it t5o. better in council as a matter to be dealt with gra so b theOabinet. Anything relating to Pitamrimlrinir.•-Intimoof�trcuubic.and trial it patio Iy g g lrvoryaomrortinetdxnowouerrienaaerefe�t: dozen, it we are assured, has been the, most ingeorandwitnus. Weapproa,atever mciou informal kind of tens. that ,takes place. . the sincere proof of your friendship an thenk concerning an"9thing of a political eheiiever hdeio'r o In;;yotx your ilindneae��`� nature. Signed on beliate of this farplly, Nltt.irstii' W1Ltten