HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-31, Page 6'
ilkIMM1877 31.
AA. .
44CHWIDEr. Mary _ 044711 he SPARE THI Vi7HITE OWLS.- W. 0 rumen? histitute., 24-213,Trx_it_u2rpurni2rAnt nth, tio
vsill he a candidate toe the lattrislature Some et the papere roaktreeterence to Of jug. Marvyn, Toronto, oti a sou.
in 'West Wellington; he come ou t as the impevance watt* or loamy
ap iudependent• owls, and re
many are ported U
14 WMu
r' CLINTON', JAN. wan. tiergroup-la. (Alberni, tmjushipJan 17E4
She WI Of S A . stard, a sori.
st, pampa church, winnhaniveento. ins been shot. It in %lite evident _At the Meeting of the Vitest Heron • a mangt..../a tudwk,b,ettosa, otb,tas wee
tinted mere last year for ait porpogea that these owls are being _shot under .tiermeral Institute in the Town Hall, Of Stank umber, °fauns.
than any of the other chAt).41/ inisaeleretirion, Any Wilt, are in- op lent Thursday Debiting, there was .4 WASIONGTOR-In W. Wyman('
on AA, 1
the tereet in t le subject ehould write gcod atterdance, The President.14th
. Ur , the trite etre*, Washington, .aeon. urchee in the count y •of HurOn : g-nean
aniount was $ 8048.44, to the agriCtlitorta department for .the Jae Snell presided. BARKER...At Crauhrook. on Jan. 15M, tile]
. :,_ ........•___ _
-poulphiouvo "The Birder of Ontario in , N. J.Kernighan gave the flrat Itddreett, wire of P. Pmeker, or a daughte,r0.4 3an. 2204,6
Relatton to Agriculture," which *bows Which Wag on "the Pell Pair." Some MoPHRIC301.7-14 'Winghain
. Servant Wanted.. -, the great 'veto° of these birds for the of failure!) were :-Too many, outlived trao a Il- ronelrollett a daughter' .
• dp,,trnntion of vermin.Owls live Ir usetulnees. iricoinuetent iudee. VOX -In Brubsels, on jan, 20th, the Iv' ite of 4
• Servant ViaiiteC *ploy to tiro Rode, at in Wee and such like, and ish011ifi be 01-
Aoheen'eTeetienee,Wirltatreoe. Jan174f• coureged rather than destroyed. '
The big slearfng sale of
this,the best stock of Men's
Furnishing Goods, started
with a rush last Saturday
It will continue until the
28th day of February.'
There is no reserve what-
- --Eierything-in the-
• stote is marked and selling
at cut prices, and youtan't
-make your money make
you better interest .than
by taleng advantage of
this special selling.
will be
Hai & Cap
Special prices will be
marked on every Hat and
Cap in the store, and you
can save much money if
• you buy here on Saturday
The newest and most sty-
lish Hats were kept here,
and the vl hole stock is
selling at a saving'to you
of at least one-third.
Cap S at $5e
Natty shapes in peaked cape, those
most popular for winter wear as
•well as some lines that ore suitable
• for spring, cloth and corduroy, plain
and with pull down bands, mostly
dark Indere, ne) one in the lot that
sold for less than 500, your
choice for ..
en% peaked caps, thevery newest
shapes, the best lines in the store,
seld all BOU6012 it $1 25 and no,:
$1 5u, your choice now .'... V681.3 •
HATS AT 15e.
You can buy a 01 25 hat onAsturday
for 75o, all are good (hotlines, the
shapes are tafihionable and oan
have either hard or soft styles,
regular $1 25, now selling at
each 75c
There are some gooa h Its in this
lot, all are stylish shapes and you
can have either the hard or soft
kind, none v; ere less than 81 50,
many were 01 75, 'choral
now 1.00
HATS AT $1.40
Iden's brown, fawn and grey hard
---hatir-vobby •shapes -c -ail -that -are -
left of 2 50 and 2 15 line% suitable
for spring wear, choke Sat- in
uaday 1.411/
Rain Coats
Lowly Priced_
It may be a little out of
season for rain coats, but
• if it is look at the saving
there will be buying dur-
ing this sale. It won't be
long either until •rainy
•days are here. Then you
will need a coat like these
Why not buy now and
save a 'dollar or two'?
All these are good coats.
Hain Coats $7.50
- rift conewesilifyligtgoild-
Weitht, Stylish garmentsrpreysAnd
fawns, Regular 10,00, during
selkehoiee • . • .... • u.
itain Coats $5.24
-thereto a eaving of $2,26 On these
Oats, they are ale neviest cut end
grime in the faishioneblechade.
*?grey, regular 7.60, for italea.740
Rain Coats $845•
Odd is mY specilid $8 00 line, it
Weald be real good value ali •$6.00,
ilhaytt left now on:eale
Mob V•odOlii . •• ... e .
t have to reduce my stook et lead
One.third beforaliferrili 16, And Mt
gelling everything in the store at
redimed prime In ire dcl
.-The raving id eitroy to tieti Whim you
000pere prat and present prkieit.
On triddrweer for instates you can
ieNe trent lii 1.2 to 866 a gernient,
tillittigh to make it Vrotib your While
fe hay Sleet for thlit learning
:.eltrittin •
For *tie 141' to Rent I
Whiter Sports,
• •••••.• •
Abolitts mires of lend on Maslen Terrace. ' Seitforth hockey teem wits deferred at
lust outside the commotion, with good frame .„. -
house, born and. Amble, goad wider ift4 embroil perattord, on 15/011day night by A won a 0
Apply to MRS TEO% EOM, Ilattenbury at, to 8.
NV°66' Min.s4)°'' 'lee 174' Luc:know defeated W;tikerkon in hockey
•° For .S1110. , tlaot week in ImoknoW by a eildre OA 22 Pals
. ,
North hal of lat 26 on Alai 0031•• tOW6614 of • On Monday week the Puler hockey club
Mullett, containing fifty soh*, weal drained. of GUMMI and 00deriob played a OW, On
good well and orchard en the plaid@ abouL8 the eadeeteb west street rink, Ale, )20036
utiles trout opnton, address cm eee Persorlaid. - . - ,
Mrs g:MEGA.W, owner, Beefed's,or Mr James teambe being V1.0t Oritille., -
AllOBIBALD, harsedegler, Seaforth.
Hentiall juniorti and Seeforth 'union
Jan 24.-tf.
_ , - played a hockey mach in Batton Thum.
dey of last week, the home teem winning
oOr Side. ' '
by a more of 4 goals to O.
The estate of the late D, K. Strachey, consist,. Thtugsday night, the 23rd, Waterloo ran.
ingot the well kr own machine and blrickemIth ior lituasej, team detested thailattfortis oillb
Elko°. orntaining valuablepatterns for ;several in an exhibition game in. Elestorth by 9
=Leh used machines mind implementr, and afro goals to 2, and on Friday night in Goderich
the 2 story store and dwelling, and a 4°11_ and,
a haltframe dwelling,g11§.D,JC, EITRACNAN, wen a hard tOnoht go ne by 7 to 4.
Jan 17--tf. : Stoderioh, Ont ,Th2 firot game ei enrung4with an outdo
.• - olub-wae that on Thursday Of last week,
Choice. Farm for Sale. . when two- rinks from here went down to
— ... SeotOrth and 'arsine out victors. The
$9,000 will htty a choice farm of about Macros, players .all feel elated over the result, and
situated a half mile from Clinton . ,Good back inOtlY so, for it is rarely that the Seaforth
honee,2orRscod20x20,130mowtOlVallat°261"le curlers suffer defeat at home. it to a oldie
stables underneath, silo, windmill, e 0, f A f the a
nriers teaching the °Minns
v,ery choice location and excellent feral or * younger
B old on easy terms. For er Partionlare oisitOrs, Winning by 143 6110til ;-
apply at • J. i•TEVENS, Olintoo P. 0,
Winton ,lan.Oth-8m. , •
OlintOn • Seaforth
Farni tor ' A P°rIer a. Sisattie
B Towneeml J Steele
any one wanting a real gograllace. Will be the grittiest. •The -score Was 40 to 22, the
th. Agnew, •
- if& Bea
East lf of Lot 80, con ' 1. Eaot Wawanosh. ,
good frame house with kitchen, barn 3645, VV HOS • ; Kling -
and shed 302E40 in which there arls good stabling ; Johnson • D Husebtion
hard water of never failing well; Secrets °thumb toe D Hathburn
SO acres fall ploughed, 6 acres of rat wheat, 1 7.•••""Tf.L.'
acre of orchard and the.est under grass; sit- w opeugung ek 26 n s tray sk
noted. n mile. from Auburn and 60 rods from .
sohool. For furtheVrtiottlers and,' to
Jan 24--M* , E. RRVIER, •ozooro P0. Two rinkail f3tratfcrd ourlere • played a
. return match here on Wednesday night and
Tenders Wanted.• • won on she lotsl'score, one rick being ,,,np
and the other down. The sooree were ;--
A sgandid 100 acre farm, consisting of the
H Raw "sftw WR reline'.
gealedtenders win be received uglas Irebru • • CLINTON„. STRATFORD •
ary 15th,1902, addressed to the Cho an of the f Rem
Building Committee for the erection of a Brick • ager
• 1,1,1,3, .
Presbyterian Chtirchat Ilayfibld. Plane and ewers..
speolflostions °anise Seep and other inform- E M McLean ,3 Sterna
atioiMraintrizigoblajtentis.'itiinem; •WPSpaldingskip 16 E Nesmith ekip 12
Chairman of ildim_oommittee Dr Shaw ' W Moore
or the Architeet, J. A. FOWL•an.Goder1013- W BrrIone • A rif ging
No tender neeassarilyerootel. • N raft 1) ill Ferguson
Jan. 1O -td .
W Jaokson drip 8 AP MbLarenkkiP
_ •,
Auction, Sale, • Total 28 . • 34
nrling from Clinton fleaforth
•• •••.- • - • • •• •
riviisu o f°Sfaltzu bigot 8„ itOrtiertrbi g e eel? el) tello7= 13outhamtdon, Bt. inerVe Stratford
3 rf t
females about e years old, also 001,110 good in ike onierie Berke, Fetes*,
gale will take place on the farm of Isaac; •. . . ,
galkold. 1; t 5, con 1, Ooderich townshill, 1 mile siarrision and settosnoW having.cletaulted.
south of Goderich, on Wednesday Feb lt, at 1 Stratford defeated' °Buten% =kit. by 20
m. Teraus of Sale: 8 months credit; discount shots, Southampton beat 183. Marya by 5;
for cash,. Write for catalogue, address
ISAAC MARIA Box 69.Goderich Out or • in The evening Eamthamplion won from
Jan 24-m , T. GUNDRY;'•Intota Eleaforth and next day defeated Stratford,
6 thus winning the No. 7 group, and goo; in
Itegula,r Meetings, the finale. The players fromhere
a de shows and other quest unable i ° I er'g'
ainutietnents, Ways to intnroye-. Get w1.11Lax. LiovaYrIeTaIno8earmieerrItilhiliwan.urertma.uthoeuwiletueoettf,
back to where they will be Instroctive, Oilatoupg a Km,
f dllOata thane to came back who have AM. u ..„,„„, . -
left, P.M:Point. lodges . at4ti to oil e oriir,ArreLsairarnT,Lanartnru':elielA' jlistl* "s. wile
reasons for pow ng swarm; 11,6 they do, PATERSON, Su Ohesley. Jan. 27th to *ev.
award Prizes tor jodgit,p4 v. Ring aria Mrs J. J. r-eterron (nee gel .Leslie, toWn),
eesaym. dressing f0Viri, meat. Make the', of a svo,
fair educational.---- I sa.marwi),
Mr Oaston, Graighurst. autireesed the 1 E1000.anT-AJIDISCiat---at the residence of
'meeting on 040old .8tousgc end the t,he bridge Parents, itullett,onlitainteeetn1 dt,Qtyltmeivva;,
tra,nsportation or perishahlt pi udiMitS " )1;4. klalorm, .3- atgOart,
iClee; /Of:teas:I Of selling grain they itre Aitchison, Buileett,7to Miss E. V,IiriVine., Mt:
now tUrning it into beef, pork and Rillev. •• . . .
dairy produOts.which must Near ed for DOD.D9,431dITU-Ortillon, llithAtthe'numee
in ship**. The eenee of decay if!. MoKillOPI britetr. P. V sgrave, Wm, Z. Dodds
heat and moisture; do away with Olis te Mies Ulera** '1' Sint 11. „
Cold lilt!: JnarsteBBIE-Attheresidence of Ere
and We will ease our producte.
storage gets products in runper con brule:s Parents. Wend Mrs J . Moller, Babylon,
y .Rtar. Scheulke, zurieh) L.
dition ; example- Strawberries from /toener,to Wes co Deehert both id .nay.
States shipped into our towns in Parly . AtiTudgF/8-(41.7Taamili- In Boderieln
summer, These brought in by refriger OU Jan. i5th, bygev. ,T. A. Anderson,B. A., Jac.
atoreare from cold rootage eslablich, Autalitte,
°Moe A. Moon. .
The niode of terming is changing,
farmers now Producing littipitpd _Att. b11-6.(gEraiegirc rigivir."-pc?nlit 2101 1Vhe
cr. Ma toba,toiOnerlotte
meats will keep atter a long 'gurney. •ur alevw.' Aleeill'ile - , '
'ttf• -decay almost iinMediatelY. kir Clemphell, Mc illop, "to blls% MakO enY.
Brussels. on Ja . 25th,'by Re .R. 3 Abell, -
Oaston described b y chart a cold stor• Morrie.. , , • •
age building. FrOdliote should be WORICBTON-BILL-In Londesboro..Tan.'29•
placed in **id Storage before . being rtd, Johnston, to Miss ;Unit% Bill. •
shipped. Railways bouused by the .
. . num. • • '...
GOV er inuent should not be allowed to JONES. -In Clinton, on ,Tan• 27th, 'Mrs Ann
diecriroiriate against farmers; railways Jones, relb*.or the late W. joues,aged78'years.
Will carry freight, such as apples, ,ato., ' .BALL -0 Toronto. Jan. 16th, II, Arto, eon of
all,formerly of Brnssels,attedillYro.
bheaper from allY point ill Ontatzo to Dr, fa, L.
Liverpool than to Montreal. ;Farmers SUOLDIOn."Iii Grey, Jan. 17th, Adam SW'
Mont to appoint a coMiniesion to
should bring pressure on the (sitilevigerbilt: d2.c:::07h1 "ars' ' • . -
regulate freight meter. ' , McLAIIGHLIN-bt 8401rtuop, An; loth, wavy
lin, in her 55th yetw, • ,
- as stook food," Worth as
* much ai, daughterof A. bleponaril., spa 7 year% '
Mon.Q ALD -At CranbrooktJan• 20th,E. M.
- holm, Strathroy• spoke on "Skim milk
wholeas' a flesh prridueei, but not As . a 'CA° S--1*Morrisgen. 28nd,MarT,reliet of
far former, mine farmers making near- tile late Mark °meal' age:1684"re'
. ly as. much onk• of skim • milk as otheie Rom
do out or whole by taking gond cal* of t ..go
it. Keep skim. milk in clean cans, feed Aged
in num'', quantities to calves ti. do not nuj
put in uncooked foods, feed along with Mils
skim milk some Other food rich in tat "de Yee
On& as flaxseed; 'Skim milk as a food, 4
for .'poultry. is worth more than any '
other food taken lb for lb. • ``** "4 ***-***''
At the evening session Mrs Eitord,
Elohnesville, gave an address on "Wo. e ove 7Bake
Th I\I ' lt •
mane Institute ; Mr Sleightbolm on • , •
for number Of aaya while ours begin oamengizi; EELI,Y-at St. John' re4O.R,
• TernberrY, din.,17th, .T. Me-
, axed 02 rears.• 1
Gl-lisgoteter,Jan.iath,itich. D.Tonne,
SON -In Chicago, Jan. 16th, , Wm. F-
n, (bun or' Wm.Dhckso.i, Gudorieli) agol
"Trahting boys for . busineesr Mies
Green, Carlow, real a paper on
provernen t of time; Mrs C. Campbell.
G clerivh, Sprit' e on "Home Influence,"
ard Mr Cast' n on "The land we live
In.” Music oy the Deherty Male
Q uirtette- and a Solo by Miss Zaida
McRae Were much appreciated...
ranging In age from 9 to 20 Months old, wontto Watford on •Taerday o compete • •
Clinton ' . ' Stratford
' T T Leckie • F Baker ,
suppleinentarIr meetings win bebeld at th B 3 Gibbiugi J Dobeon •
follotylnW P Spalding sk,I4-J 'Weld' • skip 21
W_T'needaYr'Sehruarr- - Shaw • - K-CiTnetiktai
POUT ALBERTThurodWednesday,ay6
0 ••: 3' Steele ' - D M Ferguson' ,
,, '.
W G E Nesmith
BENMILI,ER, Frida ' 7
Westuirall Farmers'Illsh e. W Roes Venation°
Aspecial invitation IS =tended tO tO conga .N Fair skin 10 A F molar= eh 28
to these meetings. • Total.. -44
The afternoon meetings will open at 100, and * • •,• •
the evening at 7.80. III the afternoon a friendly, game Of 10
The delegatio* will be;- ends was played between Clinton and WO
ELLTmidOTT, GAtT, ElUbieet6- "new In, rink@ of 13trattord, the 'latter winning. by
maintain fertilita• amtlistnre in the , •
"Corn and the o a neceesX"'ClIger a ,' 2-
nd ,OVera ose, •
.clover hey.," "Economical:1 oa.." .1311Prtra ,The 4noknOw • hookeyists corow down
-The dairy_Oovr,' - hat we gam; by keeping npiaghyt,. ebustiLerano faturriCont :Ire ,rerflelge• the sew! we must. help, nature to
eheepl" "The bacon hog,',9; • *Concrete on the .
bring sent intkproper condition by teed -
%AY s..ey,..,... not win tile game. He either.
farm..? "Oor fermi homes. . • 14 t. ata
iiig with similltres.. By Cultivation we
C.W.Ngstr, Tonowle„AVO„--"Clseniistry .
il " "B 1 t rAZ:Asivegart of did not ;see the °Medea. on the part of the •
control adoisture. Shallow cultiyation
hest, seed Will •germinate better in sur-
face cultiyation ; eow Wide enough to
cultivate. Clover is best to ,enrich
poor Urn], . ' • ' ._ .
. . Eveningprograrn was the same asat
Olin tOn.with the exception of the Male.
Quartette. • • ., •
. .
methods in dairir,V neeessar7 't° ellcee the Clinton h tr'd
, • . .
At the. Meeting 'of. the Institute in
Dungannon, on Jan Zith Mr A. Inree.•
Oliuton, spoke on the subject"Draught
Horses." Thi e brench of agriculture
has been neglected but 'snow reviving.
lThereare not aunany good horses -now
as 15 years ago • causes' of decrettsa-;
pampering,- high. feeding, lack •of
iudicigus mating. tieing • poor 'dies,
Adopt cross of Clyde and shire. •
' Mr Sleightnoko, Strathroy; had hit,'
his subject "Suninier feeding of welch
COWL Aperson can't afford to let a
cow down in milk betauseotna pasture,
it does not pay to depend on pastime;
best returns are obtained from a cow
by feeding alt she can use. • When 0A
COW is allowed to go down in milk, you
not only loose in revenue but your nOw
will•milk for a shorter time, also her
progeny will be or less value. Rave a
• Rummer silo- or now grain for green
fodder; -a good mixture ie equalparts
of oats; pease and barley. . _ . • •
Mr Caston's voile -et, on "Problem of
01 tile "domestic iLainals .ow 1.7*.Tbevaitio of our birds," visiting team, or was doing a little tavOr-
"The enemies °tale wheat "°u1; 1118434" ing• 'Otherwise he did 'tairly Well, The'
posts," "Nattireabortt the arm""The enemies
of the pea crop and how to deal with them,"
At the meeting's the audience will have the
pleasure of selecting any subject they-wieh
hear from the foreip_ang lista: •
In addition, J. haf...LIOTT, wirionstr,
will sppak on Feb. 4 on ',Breeding horsee for
profit: • • ._,
Ma Jong Munn, Wser WAwArtosn, Feb' 5,'
On "Corn and the
Woman's Institute.
/The Woman's buditute of West Huron will
also hold meetisgs itt the fourpolnti. In Wing-
amv-where-there--is- air --prosper°
branch, an interesting meeting is expected. At
Antrum .Por.t Jabert and Benmiller ladies are
SOWU.)30,0 W011, and had to play tbe game,
bob djd.nof seem is lively as in the meta
of week previonr. It would be hard to
pick out those who starred on the home
Seam, for the forwards did well, the broke
worked hard so keep the 'peek from the
vicinity of ihe goal, and our goal keeper is
a good one, for many a hot shot was kept
•from between the poste. On the viehing
teem the forvrarda were good, and the back
and half back excellent, and it was their
stick hannong woe* prevented the more
being piled up againet them; their, goal
and Restaurant
Oranges and Lemons..
We have row in stook some 'very
nice fresh oranges at Uwe* prices:
• Valentina at 16o per doz.
Mexicans at 15 and 20o i•er doz.
Navels at 40 and 500 per doz." 9
Best fresh lemma 25o per doz.
;MoCortalek's celebrated Mara,
mit* Ch000lates and Paterson'e
clitteolates °rearm, always on hand.
liVe idea carry a nice line of fine
. bon -bone, French fruit,' and °heal.
lates ani creams pat up in dainty
boxes. You elan always depend on,
tbeee gook fresh when you get them_
,being here, •
.0nr °velem 'aro always 'fresh and
of- the best . Troths,. ', We handle •
Booth's Oval Britn,d and 'also the
.Baltimore oyetere.• .
.0ourteone and. attentive to all.
• J - PacCiai;
, It. M. Young acted as secretary' pro We have Just .received -a
shijmnent of our jusgy cele-
brated line ot Standard Shoes
for Boys,- -These goeda, .need
tio introduction as they are al-
ready well known and are re-_
cOrked to be the best year-
tent • •
• t31-1414TON 1144AETEI
invited-, scan effort will be made to organize a keeper also be tabooed w ids th a 'Clerterited aver, Th'aradr afternoon"
Do MeonOTTALD MX. Mid. others arerapeote that is-a-gos, be Me a every
branch society. Mrs Campbell, Gode ch,,and oan ' 1 e a" , Thursday, January?: Oth 1902. .
others win be present to address the meatisigs. Ple910* One thing We are. tome of and
- I iishould be d t s Pall Wheat 4 • • *0 76 it 0 76 '
ed to speak at sOmeof the evening meetings, mallet, for they etive many a squabble.
„,- Comexiwzed to takeoidtInthe disoru;sic:n. _ several of the antes seated by rauebaew
07- oglw.1"1rr ell' '21E-1) BLEC/arbs'ae° were by the pita coming from behind the
. - goal poste. During the &et half both sides
• MANNiNG 'cored five gob molt; in 'the iteatind half
.. . ••- • .. ••: ••• •• . Clinton-boys-iivenedruprotitinglefour
• IniiiiraneeAgent, •
vrhile .finoknow •waa allowed °he
mtwe atter tune WaS ap, although the
referee did not call time, Tho pleyere were:
•Canada Life Assurance Co,
Pim, Marine, Accident* Arletie. g, -• 'moo .Lneknow
'of*t w!, UMW, Dayment • point MeCorvie
McKay .cover McIntosh -
Steep : - rovo „Thompeon
Claridge• centre Wood
•. Methadon . right • Boyd
••'•• Doherty. left , Peart • ,
iewnince,•referes; Kennedy andl
•• . • Shepherd. • goal . Stott
Legg and, Heading of all
kinds wanted. •
Highest prices won,.
• t tr.;_.bo mill lest,
fiiefoiltl 13.feet •
R. fsz RANST1011,Di
Stapleton ;Salt Warks
aw Logs
,- -wanted
pirkes Paid.
331 Handle Factory
Wenn kinds ot
• ,uterehontskie 101101.
20011 ft loner Maple, 10 inoll aria np in
• 100 1St ft 44• any oho from 12
Wilda diameter up, for, °author* goo.
ft Kook Men any site for hettale.
ft Soft Elm, Bitistwoiel, and Talk
Ceder Shinalee and Leila for silo.
Shingletrind 1:4‘th in whet*e for iv,
Custom %Wing latelided 10 11; times,
44164 1411fin
0.7,44114 'at . .411 A
Moilenaie oal tompiree
Spring v .. . . • • .. 0 74 a 0 74
Oahe .. •. . 089 it 040
Rye • 0;4 ;IN •,•• 00 ./Of 04 0 40 a 0 45
Barley 048 it 050
Peed.* ... 0 05 a 0 76
• Flonr 21.5 -tr' "215 -
Rev1.••4•••••.... 8
- • ° 00 it 900
Sheepskins ...:. • • • • 0 .25 a 0 60
• No. 1 Green trun. holes 6' 00 .1. a 800
Wood ehorl 226 a 250
Ohiekeus, per pair 0 20 it 0 40 '-
Ducks', pair 0 40 it 0 60
Geese, per . . .. 0 08 a 0 06
Torkeye, perib,0 06 a 0 09
Pork 1 ve
Pork, dreesed........* 8 00 a 8 00-
• Baiter, loose or tub 0 0 15 it 0 16
Eggs per doz0
Potatoes, per bush. 0
. Dried Apples per lb., 0
It May seem like foraing the moon to, show NewPrinte at this time the*
year; but a number Of but customers lib to buy their Fribite, Shirtioge "aid
Gottenadea early, and get -their 0 • i .ug itorits during* tbe slack season, before
Ilia spring work conlMeneee, and by getting our Prints, etc.., early we get.' *
better eeleotion•of petterue than We can later on. _
We Ore 10aai await; for Welter Crew CO's oelebrated MI fete -
every pito ie guaranteed fast mime, We show az elegant Wok Of Prieto 04
pricee jibe them '
Good wide pants, in a great ramp of oatterne, feet colors, yegulir plea 7o
. -
per yard, tor 6a. . .
Extra heavy Print. wide width, oo droning, in ell the newest deeigne, re.
. , grimy price MA for 10a,
Orruro'e Celebrated English Prints, wide widthi Mit • finish, new oettertie,
guaranteed fast oolore, the name stampea on every piece, worthlSoforltie.
Heavy Gottonadie, in stripes and oheeee, at 20a.
&Leavy Moleekin. in new oatterne, they wear like leather, a 150,20o and 25e,
Beet hhirtings, in etripes and chealFe, fast colors, regular 1010, for 12.e.
mg Boys' Shoes on the mar-
ket. -
• They are Made of a „choice
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without 'seams.
Insoles and counters guaran-
eed to be absolutely solid sole
°ether. .
No Shoddy
• „ No Paper Soles •
n '
• Any Winter Goods now on bead will be sold at wholeeele prim and in some
cams at halt price. ,
On Ladies' Astra/Mtn Jacliet6 You can save from #8. to $7 bYblivior now,
Terrific reduction's will be Made in Eros Goods,Ladies' OlothJeeketeitaeo's
Beaver Overcoats and •IIIatere. '
Ask to sec our Soya' Overcoats at $4, reduced to $1,50. .
McKinnon azCo.,Blyth
At Less than W
For the next two Weeks: We will give great reduatione,
Onall goodsas the ate& Mast be sold regardless ofcest.
It wilt be money in your tioekets to -.buy your Boots:
and Shoes fo*nextSummer's Use from us at the - foi-
l -Owing cut pkices •• '
•. Lined Overshoes,in alze 6,more serviceable than rubbers
-.7 for bove Wearing -No. 5 shoes, the price was $1.75, we are• I
.selling.thenatoct.', . ..... • • • • *..
• illen'i Felt •BnalilaBoets, were 42.26, "noW.,
•• • hien% Hair Lined Beate, Were $2.76, now.:
Menls Grain-Boote With loose pocks. Rubbers. and Smile; Over-
shoes and Lined Rnbheis,at a .dirmount of 14 *o25 pen gout
Men's Hockey liciote, aIl 'sizes, reduced from:$2.06ta 1.75-
• Women's Felt Lined Battortild Sheet's- 'that Were 1.Plat 95e
• ; Woinen's Gaiters, plain and foxed, were1,36 now 9.00
• • •
W0111011'11 Fine KidliBotton Boots that; lap 4.90 now .0. 75e
-Women's Fine Kid Chocolate Gifordis that were 1.40 now 900
Mimes' rine Kid Baton Boots that were 1.60 now. . .. • 70c
-40141403LN. mace Boas lrOul '•'....400 to 25c
Wemen'ii Cardigans, former price 1.85 now ., 1,00
Misses' Cardigana were 1.00 now, 00: • r • • • • • • • %•• 9.
Ladiee Oyer Gaitere freer to 75c • •
. , , ,
Onallet Team Harness
40 std. Harness Oil 150' per quart.,
aines ,Twitche
We have still a number of our Fall and Winter Jackets
left, and in order to clear them out before the season is over
we have decided to let ttkera go at about one-half the original
cost. These Jackets are all, up-to-date, 'both in style and.
quality. All DMA be sold.
• Note' a few of thefprices below
0Solsets that were $15.00 to ojear
- 11,00. • " 8.40,
0.00 4' 2.9541 . .
4.00 and 8 50 1.66.
All our Frieze Overcoats which ranged in price from
to $8.00 to clear at $3.95. "
All our Goods equally as cheap. Come and see What :v.
have to offer.'
80 a o ss Patronize the New Shoe St°r PininSteel
16 a 0 17 • '•• . •
05 a 0 05 and' et new Shoe
• FFred T. Jackson'
Live Stock Rarketa.
. We* Adortistments Montreal, Ian. 27.--:-.AbOut 450 hoia of
Intieh rrr) °Stile; 10 calves, and 50sheepand
Reliable ladragents Wanted In Clint t :orms.40 ":70°41,3,°?*ed Tferhanatclitt ierc wltece:nllut in
t end
take orders for our eastonom ttde dress 'skirts,
walking 3.cd underskirts. Write for large rt mbers but trading Was BiOW with
,vermet._.‘OJELGllts GA#111 - gegio.ninstinjorich Since led mgr..
Jan. 31-1w. , aiPAI9 unt• het. -few of the best cattle void altoutRo
• per lb.; ineditutt idoek brought from did to
tear 4/to per lb.; and the oommina dry (+Owe
'BURS 1.ti. Sale; and lean stook mld at 210 to Sio per
_ _ Several very fine large -bulls were 'bought
Three Shorthorn Durham Young nabs, for by shippere at 460 4o per lb. The Mime
owe, a fit ter service. Bredfrorit goad d milk* were h rather irtfeilor lot, and told at $0 50
Inv minnn
ato; allttabClintonout a year. oOld, re
dolor. W. SNEIDD. P. . to $5 'soh, Sheep mold at go, and iambs
HUllett,401814w, • at 4a to 40 per ib. rot hoga mid at 6a to
14 here in good etraight lot° Weighed off the
Public Meeting. •re.
, TorOnie, saitn. 20. -There Wag good dec.
A iggionieetirlit beta' 111„*bo.witro mend for allairseres of cattle &Sibs Toronto
Ifeil • Cibitoheign 6 44"1/1 or° " Cattle Mirka this Meeting, Hoge which
.10, to digits' ggueitlori of Wald odta - thr
ettmore meame° ltibe eddreeied alive men on e a ecttin e forerid de
T. tvrow, D. A. Forreeter, A. MeD, oontinned their doWirnard &AWN be ng
W. it. Baden, D.Oantelon. and Othello 85.27 trt $5.12, Sheep wire Kong at an
edvionieret 25o per cwt. Good reel ogees
"rWir lintiMotS Wanted.-- iintinioy export lambs will be tit -good Ale.
• • rota for *ha neat week or two. Expert
Ma town towel halite 4e.Ided to *motor °alibi Ware Nellinglet the Name prieee
two striteinum for qta. aurreet- year applies- ' last week and Were Sitting at that in finite
*1°1°' Ts win bfireo.w• Iv 11 of the lett reoelpte, There were in fact
p.m., ott in ay, at, Std. Particulars . .„
to dude. may be reserved by undersigned, to some pot omatiy rin01,14 ones ettid, et, as
wia14114441"6high ea 115.40 per ow*, but these e an,
*41 11846,1rn 016r oroaptionel IA, The prevailing prime
for choice exporters $4.50 to $5,25 per met
Seed Potatoes. and for Milditun ones $8 50 'to St 50 per
• owt, Bniehers. Male were gelling et
tricatta lots bringing from
A inrinnti known, by. the
company he keeps—the char -
actor of a grocer's business is
known by the quality 'ot the
goods he tells That is why
we keepthe best of eyerv.
thing. Some of our special
are-- *.
'Pew Raisins New Currants
---Ireirrigg----New 'Dates
Peels . New Nuts
• We have on hand 50 *lea
Corn Syrup which we bought
before the rise, and are now
selling below cost In all Athos
lhies we excel. and "fear no
• 11401606
014 000
CIO* gir "vrstilr'1441.' mtreef/A. . WW1 Si SO 60 trWir retedibil and
feW Per •
:gra angiTin
4 -
04,,North) as stated In roadie •
wttererattellt exael/tnt :4 50 to 4 80 per artithoiee OOPS Seil fiXt/
Me; eosin° 'tethers wee Hag well et the strong'
lima bra, oes whileh was in Riled wrek. Short
t° Do444g4 4 1.4 8 85 to 4 15solowli end etortmon to hitt
fine • OROOtittelt
owe* broughi St4 , 004 40 ter met W rrria O'Neil
Way steakas eolta at• $11 Mt pa
Our icrigatkres mitt* 61.8$
•„ :
oc ta ing Sa e
• Bargains along the line. Many odds and: Tends and
remnants at niiif ''Prien' or less, very likely', just the Article you
want is here ata bargain price
_ itewahaavy oyerana and Cottoned° Pante t pelt
WOVO Tweed Pante 01 a pair.
18 metektykter comfy wow, heavy and dora le, rapier prioer$5to St. •
clarity at $5.501. Don't miss thie bargain. .
goys meter Coats, best quality, regalia 8,50 to 4.50, lieW 2,50. "
10 Man's finite It belt regular prim
10 Makes Suite et regular pride.
Afar pieces' of Wool TWO/ea it 0000111d° Pekoes
Wrapperette, Gingherne and Plaids, very WW1 reduced In priee
COMO and see us. We. want to reduce stork as touch twg
oisible before the end, of the month, and we are willing to
ve you -extra good -value in ,exchinga for4our.snoney—
' OttralITTE,Londesb
„• .
4 thg:4111 1:16 feed.
or alto iitlire fing MY zatiritheind Of
U•OM 210 8 tittle
s oileeeoto
arrihi end sold.01
v&th,izit tire
Prolietty tor Sale.