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Supplement of the Clinton NovvEra, January 31st, 1902,
Huron Co. Packing & Cold Storage Company Report of House of Refuge. West IW anc� h.L°oMP ny: Rlre
nate, Inspector" of the House of
The Different Branches of Business to be Carried on by the Refuge for the county of Huron, pre--
Huron Pork Packing and Cold Storage Co., Limited. Bents the following as hie reportfor the
year ending' 31st December. 1901:—
At the meeting of the directors held
in Clinton, on Monday, Jan. 20th, some
three propositions were made to the
directors from outside capitalists, the
one stated below being the one
taken up. It is confidently believed
that the stock will be rapidly taken up,
and work on the plant commenced , t
an early date.
The company have accepted W. R
Belden's plane for tire..„.erection of a
group of buildings for handling the
different lines of farm produce.
This will include a pork factory, cap-
able of handliog 1500 hogs per week,
together with a limited number of cat-
tle, a poultry finishing station equip-
ped on plans after the style of that in useKammerby a leading Kancity packing
house. No industry connected with
the farm is more profitable than the
raising of poultry, that is, where'farm-
ere have facilities for finishing them
properly. At this plant all poultry
will be received aliye, properly killed,
dressed and crated, then shipped to the
cities and Great Britain Besides handl-
ing fowl for the farmer the building
will be equipped similar to the above
referred to Packing House, where
100,000broilers are grown and marketed
annually under a system entirely new
to Ontario.
Along with the handling of hoge,
cattle and poultry a modern cold stor-
age building will be erected with a ca-
pacity for handling all the butter and
apples Huron county and the tributary
townships can produce.
Farmers nave year atter yearlost so
heavilp in apples that many have con-
cluded that it does not pay to grow'
them. Although almost everything
has been done by transport companies
that can be done, yet they cannot do
all. and this. part must be done by thefarmers if they wish to reap the bene-
fits from a system of snippingtbe Gtovt
ernment has done so much to foster.
It has been estimated that in 1900
Huron county lost in apples alone over
by not having a cold storage -
station. This station well send packers
throughout the country to its own
shareholders; they will properly grade
and pack the apples,marking each bar-
rel exactly as they call for. When the
apples are delivered. at the station
fario re will be paid a set price for each
grade, the apples sent to ons- storage
station and as the winter advances will
.be shipped wherever they can be sold
to the most advantageous prices..
Farmers need no arguments to ' con-
vince them of the benefits tbey wilfl
receive by hair -ng their apoles handled
in this manner, - It is simply what we
+lave long desired but hither to have not
leen ab e to reach any definite action.
With au outfit of buildings for saving
our produce. situated in the centre of
so fertile a district as Clinton.ie,a sugar
beet factory cannot surpass if even
equal it. Each line it will handle will
give us an increase in the price we now Wa.waoosels ta 1 0 (1 re-admi
Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of hone, 220 ; No, of
inmates on 1st of January, 1901. 80
No, admitted during the year (1 re-
admitted), 23 ; born in House, 1; No. of
deaths during the year,13; No. abscond-
ed during the year, .3 ; No, discharged
during the year, 10.; No. of inmates in
House on 1st of January, 1902, 78 ; No.
of males,47;N. of females, 31.
No. admitted during the year 1901
from rural municipalities :— Town-
ships—McKillop 1, Heiliett 1, Howick 2,
trey 2 E Wa h 2 St
,• wanes• epnen G, W.
receive. After a deputation f •ow tine
district visiting the counties where
beets are' grown they concluded it
would be much mote profitable to save
those products we already raise: than
to enter a field that is fast filling -up
and which costs uot.$100,000 hut' $600,-
000 to build a plan and equip it. .It ie
confidently believed alike increase in
price can be made in apple; butter and
poultry, as that accomplished by
ha-tdling,hogs. The estimated cost of
these buildings when fully equipped Is
$75,000 with acapacity for making an
annual tu./,p-over• of $1,000,000 worth of
farm products. -
Thesebuildings will be .situated in
Clinton which will be'easily accessible
to farmers living ' along • the various
branches of railway leading tr Kincar-
dine, Glldericb, Exeter, Stratford and
Brussels - •
A reacts, over $20,000 worth of .clock
has been sold and as farmers it general
desire to make use of these buildings
the coining' season it is confidently
believed every dollar 'of i,tosa will he
sold in.a few months. This is.undouht-
edly what should, he done,thereby Sav-
ing interest and other charges caused
by using borrowed money. . If every
dollar of stock ie taken up by the tin e
the buildings are completedthere can he
no doubt of a six per cent. dividend be• •
, neva
Towns and villages—Goderich 2, (Min-
ton 4, Seaforth 1,Brussels 2,Wroxeterl.
Causes of Pauperism—old age 6, sick -
nese 5; injury 2, weakneseof intellect 3,
destitution 4, hernia 1, enciente 2.
Nationality of inmates admitted,luring
1901: Eogland 4, Scotland'4, Ireland
3, Canada 3 No. of days- board of in-
. mates, 26374 ; 1No. of nave board
keeper's fainly and help, 1118 ; aver-
nge-nurnher of intnatas during. 1901, :
7362 ; with, keeper family and help
added, 76.60. •
Total expenditure • on house '•'and
farm, $4119.27, add value of Provision
and fuel on hand 14 Jan'.,1901,$1118.56,
add•ten percent. for, depreciation of
implements, $75, total• 'expenditure,
-$5312,83. 'Deditl;rexpenditureoncapital
account, $13$.85, permanent improve -
relents, $17024, provisions, produce,
new clothing and fuel on hand,let Jan.,
1902, as per inventory $1181.85, produce
enl.i during, 1901 and other receipts,
$270 53. received from paying patients,
$222, unexpired insurance, $7233, total
$2064.80, amount expended for support
of itirnatee, :$32.48.03, average expense
per inmeteper day, 12 1-12 cents, :aver
. weekly expense per inmate, 84e cents.
ing' paid the first year To.the Editor' of the Nevi Era: -'
Mr Belden. who bay heen . cnnnect.ed. gig; Thesbove gneation.ha8 come to me
with this line of hnsitiers for i:Oui gain and again lately oonaerni'ng�the ape
years,.18 a prael ical farrnei and
.on the t°hy which seems 10 prevail in our town in
acceptance by him of the position of relation to the cause of temperance. Since
hetid of the organizing' staff of the a. hove coming to reside here about six months ago
company,be has resigned his position se, I have listened and sought in vain to bear
dir.•ctor of the Fantle, 's Pork Factory or read- anything, coming from an official
at Palmerston. Heenters this work in sourt:e,which is oeloulatea to stir the com-
a pram icai manner by snhscribing, Ph-
munity: The call toobeerve the last nun-
r+tll Navin r (h f t .f h
e yt, e u ,mos , err ret • day to Nov as "the World's Tenni( ranee
the busine.�, he will devote his entire.. Sunday,” was not noticed --se far as my ob- 1
time in making this (.urnpaay a stconv .l servation:extended—i i any of the churches.
corporation, or papers; and now it would appear that
petitioning cur Ontario government in the
matter of prohibition, may chane the same
fate.. We have'. been given to understand
that petitions have beensent out to all parte
of the proyinoe;urging upon the government
a certain course of ' action, re the ligorr
traffic, which, in the opinion of many, itis
pledged to' take;•t1trid we . read that these
petitions are being signed • by thousands' in
other places But WHERE is Clinton?. I
doubt not there are hindrede in our town
,who woul'3 like to have the opportunity of
signing—I for one—but where are they?
..Some may be yielding Wu feeling of die-
.00nragement on account of whatamay ap-
pear to them as failure in relation to poet
If you want a first-class "
Suit of C-iothing
Made to fit you—guaranteed to wear well and
to be stylish, - -
Leave your order with us.
.A_ a_ ozzloW.
Bargain Days.
effort's, yet we should not forget that the
cause we are engaged in ie a righteous one
and .nreaT snowed. Every measure of re-
' form has met Fith opposition, and that
..e just in proportion to the value of the reform
proposed. -: We have comae to a crisis.. Pro
muses haye been made by those in power
•on certain conditions —conditions whit
have been met -then what? "Strike whit
the iron is hot." ... _ . • J. GREENE.
Everybody is looking forward and waiting for BargainABOUT GRANOLITHIC SIDE
days and Bargain weeks. The race is now_on and• J. W. Irwin (vv ALK$.—Our town readers are ver
3 -deeply interested. in the construction
Selected Raisins, Cleaned Currants g Frge, Cooking to haye a 'few articulare concernin
Peaches and Apricots all fresh and new. Prunes, Dried y P them. During 1900 8865f feet in
SUGAR — SUGAR — SUGAE-Redpath's Extra Granulated 'and' :1len h were laid down, and during 1
Yellows, at wholesale prions, (100 pounds and barrel lots speoial oats) 27 lbs 1. feet, shaking a total of 21793 fee
coffee sugar for 1,00, and nice auger syrup 40o gal. . iu length. AS the wai ke average a
TEAS— Black, Green and Japan from'10e no Beat 25o tea in town. width:of four feet,. this would re re
The annual meeting"'of file VPnitt -
Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. was
held at Dungannon, on Jan. 22. • There
were a large number of the policy
holders present. The reports', of the
directors and auditors were very grat-
ifying, showing as they did a steady
growth all along the line, This „com-
pany has bad a marked success from its
beginning in 1879: The actual, cost to
the.pidicy' holder for insurance has
not exceeded the sum of $$1:80 per
anntOn op the $1000,taking the average ,
of the last 21 years, Financially • the.
company has never been in as good a
position as it stands today and its pros-
pects for enhanced brisinees never were
better. The directors and officers - of.
the company deserve credit as well as,
the patrons for the energy and push
they nave•put forth in the develop-
ment of the same. • This company,
which, as a strictly mutual company,
holds a prominent poeition among the
foremost of the 93 mutual companies of
the province. WBailey: acted as
chaim, rman at the general meeting. The
four retiring directors, John Ballan-
tyne,'M. Anderson, Isaac Fisher and -
Wm. Stothers, were reelected, the
board remaining as' before.
Movement of. Policies •
No. of policies issued during 1901 • 958.
No. of forwards from 1900 - 3147
Total in force' during 1901 - • • 4075 No. cancelled during 1901. ,......201
No. expired during 1901 682—
Total No. in force Dec.81, 1901 8192
Movement in Risks
Total amount taken during 1901 $1,205.875
Brought forward fromlast report' 2,992,788
Total in force during 1901 $6,198,098
Risks cancelled 8198,800
Risks expired...... .. 889,4311
Amount of:risks in forceDeo.81,'1901..$4,111,848
Movement in Preminitt Notes .
Amt received during 1901 $48,215.00 . -
Amt forward fromlast report 149,625 16
Total in force during year 8192.740.16 .
Amount cancelled during the year.. - $7,166.89.
Amount expired (Residua). 80,782.x6..:
Totalis force Dec.81, 1901-4154,841.01
Less the assessment of 1901 - 85,981.90
Net residue Notes. in force, .
1)eo,81.1901 • • ' 1148,879.11,
Assessable face of. all premium notes
on hand • ' ,.. $164,478.92'
Assets and. Liabilities . .
Assets Liabilities
Cash in bank..... :,.855515.80 None
Cash at head office 27.95 visible
Amt slue on aesessm't'190'1 768,15
Re:i•lue P.Note on hand 148,87911
Total at. eets.,.:.. ..Rece..$155,189.05
Cash in Bank of Ilamilton Jan.1,1901 :$2702 00
la hand at head oWee, 83.76
0; received on assessment for 3: :;, 80
1899.,,. 12 66
1909 . 498 28
' " " ' 1901 5248 25
" " as special assessment 1901141 45
" " in transfer fees— 21 50
"interest received from bak •
to Nov. 80 68 80
Total receipts - 18771 48
Disbursements' •
Losses which occurred in 1900.. $8700 00
Losses which occurred in 1901 .,2193 50 2140 $0
Printing and stationery.... 81 00 •
Investigating losses and claims 84 00
Travelling expenses and mileage 84 26
Salaries, Directors and Auditors' fees 088 00
Refunds and return premiums 38 49.
Postage, telegrams and express ...:' 98 78
Incidentals 72 67
Totalexpenditure 83827 89
Deposited in Bank Hamilton.. $5515.8D
Cash ou hand,at head office. 27 99 5548 79
, $8771 48
11' • e
that Editor Br•adwin is alarmed at the'
future of Blyth girls and evidently
e does not wish to see the village with
an oversupply of spinster$ left on ite
hands. He"offers the hollowing. .in-
ducement to marriage:—"To the first
five Blyth girls who get married after
y • this' date we will give the Standard
for a year free." Offer some induce-
ment to the boys Bro. then perhaps
g 'you will be able tb get a chance --to_._1
give away your paper.�The, above is
po1 reallyest "great . offer" for the pretty
t young ladies,- of Blvth, to •consider '
and were it leap year we think Editor
• Bradwin' could be called upon to add a
is m the front as usual for quality and lowprices. a o gtanolithie walks, and will be glad
Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sete and Fancy Lamps -To make room for my
spring import orders direot from the Factories, I am selling at 25% lees
than the usual price. 4i miles. 1The 1703 nal coat of the walk
has been $11,793.X3, hpart of which is
by individual ratepayers. It is in
tended to put down more this year
and the town will lay ' some itself, in.
• dependent altogether of letting
contract. •
sent 99,507t square :feet. Put .11} an-
other form the walks represent about
few names to the subscription list by
the muniticence•of bis gift, . u.
s - Hon. David efills:has definitely madil up.
, his mind to accept the vacant Judkehip rn '
t thei3upreme Court. 1t is not quite- olear
• however, when he will leave, or who - will
, moiled him as minister of justice.
a Bol. Jame 1 Sutherland, Madder of
_ - Marine, was eleoted by -acclamation on
r Wednesday.
Call and examine quality and • prices and of course borne by te town and yogi are sure to ' par
buy. WANTED — Good Butter and Egos. ,
J. W. IRWIN , Clintor
Phone 415