HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-31, Page 30 Itriffi "hit lei et Uakot umesuat At this Owe,* AR tbe Year. We ma/ . Tempo:1,14d Breath, Bed Tonto in the Writes ** intarriettog arttria AA m,. 71r0i,r1crlirleKritsert• '-'7"Irmetrw. TAM GUNTON litICW 111,1k rosiostot Mut.* TaatolOwoo on Pfrer Troolles. IOW -- HAW Talitible On A Cita** The ((Li AVOW Me *swim Se em * th. ossampa or infest tt Llte AtitterY Te SWAMP' tag so *Was the Woe *OW sok so gior tut 'nog won *ars rrata T 0. Am not Flit met ne Ilis to 0.000 ~Inn 0..4044 renialeo Ilea ism bees sot oft0VSSil 1011$ thet koressr kr Ortereeter et Olgovente and merry verge Om lestilliere fines of 4., oftbt e.rt ,Ite gyMpietter %fade Manifest by I Coated doaease, goteaor waspoi Usually e ee i* is very well wtosad sie -------- beatbq' Siouth end rains EXtending to the l'almr of tategbirele las 'wide& es ous•pg oats"? 'What a difference be- tlah , strong and full of girtier, itie IgIttu,41,23:11ntuair ati ebancolirjarrt. (s50:01ealtlioltre?i:toteee°:naltteuif:1 710011enbeal:;.; Togrewmir: ap=bsolre,:o.Z14441444$ne"aLlaaairlyssiervostliaraib:::,. 1,....:...,..._ ,4„,, e,y4k kw*, *th,e proPer remedy be talligto:::14 ar uo, aitt:flot,77.1111.4,, tyotbmigypoogiaill"WL :1, second flabby, weak and i 'tired no oockt ttr o pot o It-t-tir wt do elides Joseph Leoloire, of Brookville wIsit41. -31° ' lit out before he begin. s, °Yeralaht; *It as Falli liima ;3',011:Ztt rerg, but boa bsea honing (iretlls : .11" 72•P 111. "04 rIZITikall."414 111"1"will feeding makes the difference :70.°1178•1 =4:4trrurry. .1 it..b0,/ pknori:teri:glbulge ubly;hexeritorY:Thret°1;te: 11-serroefsthtar" "hill"Pial rucaniZal Igran:tha "41711 Children re not alike either. " * Does your hors' .44 I proilso: of pivot which o.or Ireerronelne tt West *MP e someillat allOsaili, but Omen the grain -fed and the d"*.' 1"14'"''' -4" 1shotildets. •There is elides/ 011* Materiels, If Teti *019 vaitiablo proVeggi ngatnat grass-fed horse 1 The first .41:74:r a latel Vay. win la" StliCerer° ir°P1 -"der) '1411114 St dliii"61"11. 111116 141" seat., * pair est • (rgool the Brook 11 RA, • bright -e ed, ferl I whaft 4.4"..bbla tri.thba.7m=ir :11Zrirefg iftatlalcrriVi citedlig3/2' '1•114117 ti.irren Ins" "*". *Oak of life and laughter, aiyaotheru* 1 la tlitti:1:317114111171* 11411:1471 "fror TI114 r"Yotrir fruBbirt::114518• igliryk 817;o her ralegigZ:tilt"-71:• Kat lareriug 13 rosy, . Pale, weak and dull. - • The feedis :1171ertng. grovtft Zellialt•*1 an a diieP117; ;Tot= ofeitulf/fPrad severelY tram r 6 1"ttig directi 7 ell" /141 tic."' one for mental , pewee og yeti ma ene of would awake in .the mornin rthp no Renee Of mirth; tbey aye oot COM- noon.. e liver and dye i • Ewan' at thealoglane who liars af# under ley ebeemero and in gliww Borapasotnhe. nether human. Keep ewur dein up. Dorn take your troeinee to beet With year feet alowiT nett surely crooning upward. te taus slw. as the senor metre MY tongue woe heavily oersted, and I had you; hang them on a chair with 74.sy ing again is responsible. that it wat Dewar L. yea to thrOW ttP a horrible Made in my month, especially on tronsers or drop them in a glows at Srokly ohirdren neecilpeetaT feeding, They don't "feel their protection. Ten will peoltably be en - low, There wee snob, a burning sensation ocaraired this ammo lir mottOng t--- t h t *I th t it f It as erising•in-the-inorning.--twasernstipated,-- ."1/0,0ter-wittryour-tetth, • of it• and, et times my heed WOOld ache so had?, timid attitude lte emmoure •then I could soamely let it rest on the pi - • oats". Scott's Emulsion adds' Emu but entlreetestae knot of Ise- in 1113' alettlec nies a . though there wat a coal of fire in it The just the right richness to.their for your Iseneat. !Me seat in nt th Paul Wia 135Pe°16 . . . • itanders hi endeateeing to robe a clora . prosy/mine -comas et with A loud ban: and for montba my lits waif one uf miserz. diet. It is like grain to the and you scramble to yeur feet, sea ad. t friend advised me to *tske Dr Williams' arintit Pills, and 1 did so. after 'Tieing the •. horse. The Child gets new • dress yourself loudly to nobody in per - Muter in 4 WSW WU Make,' the 02,:o::°exhathiejetreolreine aor !alai tetvimPwre7k6; , Ity severe !after eating, ,appetite an,d.sttong digestion. thoughtful observer trustfully hops longer I felt that I was completely cured: Scott's Emulsion is more' Yourthattwheayre:tortdtiteng 6"mgelantW. 666't 1°°kiug MY Wipe woe cleared, Bed bad taete left than fqod. It is a -sir° ng Ile ,,porrintonlYil ttederstood • that , the ammy • Reg wa tehli tire ever warfls dB. P PBe ae ;nerd; gand r eg nt 'rex are enied the relief that the pills I •suffered from bronahitis atig ediCille. It rouses up dull is afferded to mere men by the posseo- fr • times, but it has never einem troubled me. fen, pUts new flesh on thin °gourd:elide that is sprout era onutthae I can recommend Dr Willian;rir Pink Pills slon :of an stoat° voosbul r B to anyone who euffere as I did." • pavement is, perfectly aetholtc in its Dr Williams' Pink Pills restore Wealth • imes and red btoda into pale tastes, and is op to reeeive ail corn - blood, thus -strengthening every' 'organ in Unctions se to Ste* or sex • Anybody and strength' by making new, rich, red ones. It makes children grow. ere. The slide ils:lioss no invidtioue diss thebody. They do net sot merely titrn • Scott's Emulsion makes ordi with .s. limb to• break warmly wel- the symptoms as ordinary medicines do nary Rood do its duty. • This picture represents Ike, Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. • Society Slang. IT is rather amusing to watch the changes In eociety along; for the '15est!'- society bac Its own epeeist vulgarities, 'which change from decade to decade -even from year to yeas .Lady Blessington, if she were rein- cennated and suddenly projeeted into a woman's ,-afternoon theater at a extent club, would think she had miseed her country, observer(an Englisla exchanger .14 few voiles ago it Woe the mod. le oceater. Gallicisms freely :into oonvir- mitten. But the ' French -crane gists passed, and even ouch an old servant as "ohne' le never heard,,• and •rarely seen but in the fast/ion Isetieles• ?o - day's •alang--in the ^Ibeet" • eircles et • . England -has probably reached the Dr, Agnew% Oure far the heart lowest nepth of fatuoue vuigarity. •Its • .10 heroic because In CsillOs Of keynote ha abbreviation. Whest itre 'heart disease seemingly' ben "undies?" Well they are the thing e • sseind all human aid it goes that a woman Puts on Aron tn • the • to „ the very brink ofthe morning and takes off lafst at night, , so Shack Inver" and snatches ...ittzxy-winsy!: • is . another favorite ' 19171 t.hif irat:1;t-sick victi.1118 when she gets Into her "niglities." It 'Hadonic word among the.0 in the In a trice h allays pain -in a twinkling it aocial know. It correspondb to the'bur .gives strength and vigor and itsvorks a quick and conductor's "little bit' of all -right." Permanent cure as by magic. It la the one And •if you' want to go a alp•er great hiiartremody which:rightly bears the crown come. it seems* little hard, however, but go ditectly•to the root. of the trouble. • that whetean accident of this kind doers In thie way they cure such diseases as take place by the-unexpeeted co -opera- liver and kidney troubles, rheumatism, • -tion of a member or the fair sex, the paralyeis, tstVitus' dance, heart troubles, unhappy victim Is almoot Invartably a nick healaches, anaemia, and the irregte .lady who should lie old enough to know larities that make the lives of so many better. The young and flighty damsels women one of conetant mioery. Do not who could . fall on • an exteinner- be peratiaded to take any substittlte ; See e nema. slide and, make quite an els,bore test the eau, name giDr Pink fead fir free sample. ' are and picturesque display. of the . pimp for Pole People" -is on the w • 4Ccirr NOWNE, • blishaess. are turatillg most suctessful around °Very box, If in -doubt.-thfial:Jlalre "socitOalrld'Osi. •drecaNitpnt3. • viwililep,r"itoontitehtellyothineor taand..,•eetderly ladle • .11 o -line for the II six boxes 1or4$2,50, by addressing the Dr Williems' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, in. avoiding sic'cidetite of the' kind ; win be Beat rat:paid at 6Ocent n box or • "'---- ,trouble than 'Armee s. liberal Per- • • • • anectly• of knttted wool and red flannel . • Sew Dealers ereseree, oonwo i'vvw ' '• ' on. the .unsympathetio spectator. . , . . 71177r7111P.71 Il*at Evideace•ot Pops- • ° laxity Is the Ever4aereaslog Denmad. • •-r*•• 't • The over-dnoreaeing denimict for this Diamond Dyo Mat and Itug Potterna io ogre sad °eosin Indloation of their oopu , larity, The feocinating art Of mit ita,a vug making in the home le now oaltiVatea by woncen of all ageo and chum". The Diamond Dye Mat and Bug Patterns com- bine beouty and simplicity. .A.fter mooring One of these patterns any lady can easily hook it and Prodnoe a really valuable and Attractive room ornament. • The Meng - lecturers of the Celebrated Dlemond Dyes are prepared to send to any address foie et, omit eluests of pretty and suitable designs -to enable yeti to select from, The Wells Richardson Co,, Limited, 200 Mountein St., Montreal. The eleven criminate who escaped' from the Uoited Statee Penitentiary on McNeill's' Island, near Tacoma,, leiat Sunday. were captured without a shot being fired. • • FOUL BREATH, -DATARRHAERACHETA . • I • - betaken -at an season -13 .Adultworehilcirmir.----'- - Are likmishod bY DrlitAroltr.isevyieeelli „DILHIGGISTSt[L,..L. BILISTOL„'S PILLS hi 10 For torpid Liven A Poor Ditgestloa, Flatulence, Constipation* Biliousness and Sick Bead -Ache. 101,490E -CM STOL'S •• They. are Safe, Quick -acting, Painless, do not weaken, d An always gi▪ ve satisfaction. 4. They arethe et reliable Household IVIOdicine known, and 4 F. A. Seim, druggist, Coekshiraa Que.., IN* se:years I suffered from Caton!). nos vert offensive even to myself. trtoSI eeerithing which promised e cure. Its Ass* an notations kid to proclaim tette no lease at all. I was induced to lir De Agnew's Gatifthd Powder. I got relief instantly after "Mit' apptieetion. It cured me and. t am free fried all effeen of It," 49 Sold by J. E. Hovey and R. P. Reekie. Hon. Mr Harty, new. mem• ber for. Hbagstoe, is with pnetiosonia. HEROIC 'HEART "FOOD" - in compliment, yOui•-iinity,,,de crtbe your ifto5r du Ps re m" aI nenvcier°filailsw.i'llehTbas_irtlynsmierlbednutrotheadlifers new frock -if you are a woman in the mei firs dose the sick head forgets its "best" set -as "quite too deevie for vein. t it ' .. ' 43 , words."' We hope Dr. MurraY hes a old by J. E. Hovey, era R. P• Reekle contribetor en tbe pounce for these. S words in Mayfair 1e has missee "dee. , • * vier from the -New 'English Diction- . • - Anecdotal. . Maitre now the hen feede when °eh , The pa,rt that 'snow playa in our llios . NUmeroult mettiodi3 of preServingi - ary, but he is in time for 'Itizzy-tvizzy." , ........__ . • Cameras I Qameras. . Cameras • - Bay aCamera. and be Happy There is probably no pastime ,morepleasant and inetruolise to both older and younger minds than photography. It is a pleasure beculairre tripe le while away those. long winter evenings, and it hi instruotiye because it teaches-0am and • precision and 4tesehart to look for the artistio in the everyday surroundings of home. . • The general impression is that it is hard to take photos, but sash is not the cede. Any one with a kodak and instruotien book can take photos. We oarry a fall line, ' In CA.BIERAS--Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding. PLATES -Stanley, Eastman, Paget Prize. PRINTING PAPER-Solio and Dekko. Films, Developers, Mounts arid Outfits. Gall aud see. For those who prefer to have their developing and finishing done we vote the follow. , ing prices. We guarantee Nett if exposure is good. • • . • _ , ' • 415 41x8i 3ix3i ' Brownie Developing . .... . .. 4q 4o go exposures • . . dozen 850 , 80o Printing and Mounting each 70 6O „ • 25a 50 55o -Developing, prititin• k, It/Minting, each 10o 9o. • 8o •. dozen •$1, -900 75o ali3OMISt tit Druggist H. B. .04;1110113E, - # ' 40 450 70 . 690 , -FURNITURE grass or leaf of clover; "treini*b.-1the the poet sal& dietance lends enchant- there 11 to keep air' . out ot the egg ile should be said -of tat "undien" a - the range: It As finst a blade of varies Rcoording_to circumstances. As eggs are in ette, The idea of all 41 • M tray ,nothingart,. °ours* notligidg • *me •alont the, street, carrning under hit .: Oritish Columbia lawyer was nes*- . BROADFOOT• 130X. 8i. -C xygen •decoli Siam 'chase fora grasshopper or crieke‘ 44fi.:•,:f to tho view. And *Men you are an by such aboence of oa law -book circuit binding, When • gliscoveri a .soft spot' in the so'..1 which ;o'er the top of something cheerfill'est&-..jimit_h • Of thus,. uspeciany if the 'Ind says the Wallaces' Farmer. She 'nom looking lee thri-• Can botarrested for Considerable .! . he•Nras etecostecl be a seie-reehteous "l ix Steady inorettse trade is feed przof Of ilia fact that our goods are right and . n Editoes • Olvidual, "Hal Pgr. Blank, at24 where . '••1 at, - we niptinur_prioes lower than those o other.dealere in the trade. . - ': • ' :• •• • • 1;•,•• ,fdie • belleing wnrth Investigating, and , • 1 • ' , . ,. . . per ..lroph at o start' atuk • . • • • . • , are yen. going to . preach to -day?" "I li. facture furniture on a large scale and can afford to aell cheep. • If Yea bey • .. heti ' to work with -the 'mining toot, . . • leas a g004 deal to be said.fOr the poe- era kept in it 'Mier afnr•-•,k . Plana, .. this • , '' • :' ••• ' • : ' • ' . : • ' ' "nits?' Pr". . ,..tho ./ !rut. .1, ,ft. mi)1114 !kir . . -. from us, we aove fiat you the profit, which, in other :otsees, hes to b' added in fog . • - • time, t am mit One who :believes, in* ccid- „itaillard method 'moat Usi-.4...j" • at.* . a; „,'‘,' ' -ma,' ''..111A%.',,•''''''‘ rail. .iik.' . 1 - . . ethic* nature . has given her with a ' tio nide of beautiful (mow; :At the mune.; • . the retail dealer.. . • • • '.. • :. ; ••• - ' • '• ' ' •- ' ' . ' • • ' ,Priew of- finding. out if it is: "Pny dirt."' ......iin.t? d...e:le.re ie. to,' .. .....--- iTieen-of.D/rr7-&-st-si' --e,:;:e-rve-vre,0-411:7-7 l. *lint/dal same/ eissynD 'Ina. tion We.5. ."it *big:Week Wi3 have peesed into stack amisent our hew designs, Specs will not ' I ' • .,•ln. limey weed head lain her path an& ',;'• .f.lisaang gwiahdont,loth4;nzetoi‘w4iteit jri4h,:affrwiteitrati....14. 1±tris wa‘ar.. .., • praosess la as x0,9ssit , , , _. .. . . , , , stresreos, old. the exowantsr ...sedge, lost ' • .. :: • no quote -prices, but come and see for: yourself Whet entipe we have to offer. phe stops to Shatter • down. a few' of . ' ...anon . a brisk vielle."along the °parr . gas. needles having -balm -widely .aeld as . .... Mr. • A. es. "-- g-,..:a_nscett, the weln•known "bits , quistion: "What:•didligreas de for ' RaMelni.3er-n•We are determined that oar prices shall be the °Westin the trade. - a, ' .' . pound, 4st tut,. :. ttecorder, Termite 'Jenction.`'Iriffee,- nee-, anenowingli. ahlalionritlietelitte, khetdete hytt.cile*T" . . . . ' the 'tiptoed seeds. • She Is dietwil .aways . .-. country- when thel sae* is lying thickly: $S Oder pledge OX lieorecy: Take trig ' editor and nionrieibillo .1.-eader•and A living UNDEvAKING: .... ,.. .. . trom this, repast by...another grassitop. ; • around; ' said J. think, there are few , 'gallows of !niter, twelve bock of . tim rOorn:'' 'In thin thmartmenteur etOokin oomplete, Sid,. we tint/6- ,tindoubtedly h . 'be t ' ' f'1t is ,•verT • 'oeicdt.in_that. x aced reeidi- ,,,gred• iiiri.....kom tue ' 'Leg std juraPs away again juile in that) •• than at such times" 'What 4 eloriona • or is that prajoortiOn iiccording„to the .1 got so badly, run down, • °ins of any r...s liption. hut atith., :pi; of .,,ease. . .,,a0-71 ', • ryieg. •a .f j'fibrArCes • , . Outfit in the oeunty. . Our Prides are as oni as the loviest • ..4 e'l a - IP.er, Which epringS iiiitrif in frcint ' .of ' ' ntontesitai when ono feels. more iteerilY 4104 ilititratull feur; *rendre of' salt, grasshopper which. she didn't get, .elte " :raillin •ininartint n kaltnY: glen tn.': the tatiLtil tilt:11124C hal settled 'and is per. . ;Leos trigr;.1 tiaabsoenst 4heel yr: 101. toad ,. itIreoraTi es! fkka..issa4 unisex, saarsa4 . brut ,, ,_. . - ., ,, . • ; .', „, • e: . , . . • Altiugoi, nuot in; large glans there is doubts •are 'weir tli 'sees himself from the daunt which lark it is to be alive. The tingling Pf quantity of *gin t.o lee • proseryod, Stio torts' generally, tha.t I beee.rrie some- . . .the hag made at him. In place et the • the blood as It" °cones through the 6.* BROADF &CO w Chid' Several tinted Sally and that let stand ' OOT BOX - what..alatx1.- .Chancing •to read • a 'ones a dlininguielied nturitilan 17.4an laiPa, another clover leaf or blade • of cheek and all the rest of the details, as redly clews, Draw or carefully dip on gentleman • erhose ease seemed to be cranes aPiees tar ketnenee Pee4ekan it 14, ' ann,intindn4ogn.alnettdedato,,nyoalli ireo or rem etre, • • • at the bottoms. Take for. the aboys box, and commenced using . • .maetropolio,• "Ari hothourie Peaches am • • ,'Itraftc. -Tim the hint feeds n little at Pet.1"at'llt iral°11).• "Yertlimment'. are the clear leaving" the sedime - ns identipal with my ov n purchased a• the Old Cafe de Paris, is the Frenok D• ' -a • • et time iindOonnulltillie lioLirs Jul obtatoe alt.kien°441 °E that 1 'tomtit. . , • . , . • • • IL . • . seems that ,peopia „omit does all k to amount of liquid five ounces each • of. "Tho. result area Imply' marvellous. laaarese.*thea. toms .initwinterl 11.11 $ itiihneat . • recegnize ant. cordially e.pprechite. ut • • _ have a email boy come up behind and baking bode, cream of tartar, salt ne.• I was benefited frorn he first; and seen asked. Ne, replied fite mautre d hotel Mass son elrorY, day might *know • .reetored to my usea- goon health. t : "but grand. dukes are." that throwing down a measure of sock me UnAWat•15 In the neck with a ter and an ounce of alum. Pulverize ..eyer felt better in my life, than I de. • • " . When the Hung Chang virsited, . .• *helical oera.on a bare Spot is not the ' nalf-Melted . snowball, • • -•• • anti lila these and..diesonve in one gale • -;ow. Toateil : the simple truth, I did ,. • . • proper way' to 'feed- the *Ina% • :And . • (Weenie., we are ell young. and, af- Ion, of boiling water end add to :the • eat have .very great faitia in any med.!. '47kermsuly a 'few yeeze ago the Kaiser • ' • - these wn.0 do this will reettiveconeline ;ter. all we eats afford. telaugh.nt,trOu- rai5thrs,abont• twenty .gafithis • of pima ' .. fine until I used n'....." Chase's Xeres' . asked hint: "Het? do onit women 'Y 'Sive proef that • . there •iii something _hie of ' that kind, ibitially, if X' ail out • -lime water. "rhis Will about fill. a cider. Pood, but Mint I have no hesitaticin iis . Pare with those of ••Olttnar .,1 really wrong • with *Or ,feeding during the . in a fair-tort:tedium suit .61r CI-rattlers:anti ...Verret. Put the 'eggs in •carefullY. so as ::4, ;Avci":Y. : t.e°°11111"leriding-4h18-gr°5-4- -saaa°t• -tell''' -641144'117-13c---fas*Ling-- . .oholco of food, but mast live ol-'. •.v.02#.4. ' time of year when the hen 'hag ••we ,!_ I find .. that 'snowballing 15 le, .endeaVor to make fon cover. But if the. • ' • - . . the air. I '. • • not to crack any of the shells, letting . fe. etive, remedy." • -. • • : 1 •reinedy to others, :es a valuable...ad of- his eyes. on tke corsage df a lady who • • • was nreverit; "we never eee half as • • the water always stand an ineb.. above . • Dr. • Chase's 'Nerve Food. the 'great. much', of ' our :ivemen • as you do 'of ' woret comere-to the. Worst, .artd : • o:13 givea her by -the owner.- - • the eggs, which an bo' .clone •bY .Plaes 's ;nerve restorative and blood builder le ,.youran• : • • , „ that my hat hare been knocked off. 'anti. . rr,aking hosts of cures in all patter ef • an . y .clothee m . are ore or -less blobbed . Ing barrei head Pon' . this broad Don/Mim with melting patches -pt. snow; I consid- thein and Weightia little smaller ung it; Tlaie amount • thoroughly Graduellyend . faf the 'Mena' stories told Of -the late • e " it builds up , the ' eystere• Arneer erf Afghnnistan, Who 'Wes one • er 1 have 1014 Jan the dignity I set out Of liritql will Preserve 1.50 • dozen Ot d overcomes w4akness and deselsee„ of • the reidly strong oharneters among . ',t(tle.. and -that I inay es • well start eggs, . ft is not neceseary. to watt tg.. omits a box, au dealers, or Edinan- monarchs ef recent years nerit is bete -7 stets ta the Orebor.d. n : .' ' : : , rem to court in great alarm; crying that • tee -than the one etbOuti•thi subJect rge enough to have nrolitanle -crop able, I my am well In the. whole hog .theowlag basne, I haTie eort of feel- 'get a :fell barrel 'or: snuill peckage 04. sen Bates * 'Company, Toronto. who , - . . After fruit trees get rip BOW) Size* ing that,. VII, no longer respect- agile, but they Mtn he pet 'in at- MIA time Unit' they can ha obtained fresh • • Is a good plan to pasture 'with hogs. and neve my fling with the crowd. I the-Ruselans were coming. ' Are they. The same liquid should lite used. Mall • • coming?" maid the' Ameer. -"Then _ yrs the Rurla World. , 4yr:we look forward with some dresA • -eo our you Shall her taken to the top of yonder "tuicient to rriedern Greek, against wnich on allowing the• hogs tcr rum in CA to the winter in the diatant future """'' bean rioting, and corning into fatal con- ,t d 11 n r*nd: I you see theme arrive." • .4411 not only are large quantities Of tha East tind daniael maid, "too much fatten fruit that in a majority of cages 'chard during the summer rind . earls" when I may heave become too, old, orate• steCienta„ In the Grecian capital have • • 1 o a, 1vi," . 4 tOSS OF FLESH. • Allots with troong;: was ordered by Speakieg, ef sympathetic" strikes. the items to me that At ------------4 to 'It Y'oti fid o 11' b yr orrnal Queen Olga, becriume she, found ; other day; Chief A.rthur of the Brother- • nrOuld - not otherwise be converted VS y urge et leg e o n snowball. an old fellow. who can onli weight there is danger The_ Jae& °of deli. many Greeks could net read the. tan- 'mod of Locomotive Engineers told of. ' 'A good tine destroyed, but at the .same dance around and.; squirm and can on oils ..osn temporarily . add fete but will gunge of their Clamed • ancestors. - The •• °ea that he .00nducted when ,Orily a • timalarge numbers .cit,• beSect pests high Heaven for help; • and. I have ho :never build ue tritely Comes. Dr. Chisee'a etudentloppost the translation on the .flior Working on a •farre: "The .force of _ and worms ext. destroyed With hen/. doubt thdt it la precisely this aspect of Nerve Food aots-tbrougk the 'blood and ground That it would be desecration Us :bands had dwindled to two, a lellove i • . • r ,Uergs do net discriminate In :their' the cage.. that makes .1t. so •delirlousty nervous system' and carers new lifeand putthe Bible into .Greekmi it la now . named •01.0e and Me. The farmer de- 1, , ratios, and in this weir the 'Worm*, enjoyable to the 'average. boy On the energy to every, anok and•reniter Of ;thespoken. . . . . tided; to discharge •the ether. follow, - • • :. . . -fruit is eaten the same as .the• good • ton tboomod ion', . Whereupon ,The euggersted that X should. snowballing :liar. tadeen, to rga.1.(1 the. body. It regulates the widens ' organs:. of ' , - Four -Inthereg and boy may consider that the old .gentle- , healthy. ,fiesh, and. replaces the tissues United States last year., Many of them *top Work aisle leaving the !Omer in ra.. matter from. a abortive standpoint, the the body, makes the appetite• toed, adds Inigrante landed on the aboree of the ,and a good use made of .n11.- If de- : Pired tio: use the best Of. the •fallen fruit ' :•rnen is in the sante beet as the fleeted ! wasted by disease, . Naturally and grade- Were Christians, Many others were not. fix; :Tine X did. I went on a syrit-. . 'fox; who Ls Astdd"to enjoy the bent as . ally thisfood onre restores color to the The majority even' Of those who were pathetic strike; but the result wag *ant • the ham ntity be turned out at night ' i. find 19. the Morn; tig What fruit is de: .6. h , ilyud .^ the /artier hired Zoe back again, esegirI ' ' •theeks, inoreaso fht• weight Of the body bad 130 dopy: of the..BLble.. In the banes , Was left out in the cold." . . , - and thoroughly overcomes disease.' • ' - • Of eitell, as he set foot upon the soil of : *There were 8,518 it:emigrants infused oiety placed A •cOpy.'of the Scriptures. " • Alfred picked up end then the hogs be . • ;turned in again and eat 1113 what is left. None shoutd be left to rot upon A Queer Lawsuit. .tho groud, as this only increases the • '-'umber of pasta that injiiro the trete • The other day • Mrs. Norma . . represented, the largest drinnber being his new borne, the New 'York Bible So- • adraissiOn to the Milted States last• Twenty-one different languages .avere Admit year and fruit and Sleet Gardner, Who live on ade , "HELPLESS WITH in Elnan, fho next largest Owed- Att ABSOLUTE SECURI arter s Little Liver Pills., Ittilel ,41.1stiee decided that the thwisoiains, traitvrea.) - as the Mother? Of the breed. joining arms, began sult• to determine s. the ownership of a brood , of fourteen • 'turkeys, sarlys the San Francisco "Ars • old hens, a white and a bronze, had Etotith• American Rheumatic* ,to: Marry negro criminal, the "Sunny' all summer, Mrs. AdaMt owned the a riniraChli In his ease, and he Weeklies of the South, has wan:mimed ions • •• • e RfiEUMATISIIP Becatise Et: beautiful young 'white wee • . . Mat, the heroinfain•Sir Waiter Besant's gonaut," he breed, headed by two ' serial story', "No Other Way," is forced Ibsen running• the fieldri of both farms .Ottre, Mr. Barker sta,ys„warked, South," One Of the leading literary 1 bronze hen and Mr. Cardneig the white, . expresses his gratitude In no the digeoptenuance Of the publication • , Each 'claimed that thele respective hell ttit.:,artain Sound. of the story. The "Sunni South" ao, rau„,„„, Te. We have a iew good Second all Soothes tired • ,Was the mother Of the brood. One ef Mr; S. Barker, or 9 Suffolk Mee, Toronto Warren the atom/ Ilaa.ami the dead-nlie sr movers Ate- Repairing prcimptly Attendid to by experienced man. # Work or Exercise raw.. eversib1e. From 16x32 inches at 40o 10 ft .at .$8.' - yrs 2.1.401#2, ' Moor Oil Olothk• 36, 45, '5 and 72 inch vvidth;, Oil Cloth Squdres lhx1h Tar s. and 2 yards square, R. MOMS --at SOX 'The 0 ite we s are own mi We guarantee them . because know the Stock and •Workmansha first-clais. d Cutters for sale the witneeses nefOre the justice tes- writes:-" It is only reit to m ufl iv pe, h... Southern eentimeet, It sipPee,rs that ness an sett- feeling-er-eorilfort-aed--- usenl_the straggling band or turkeys. , the alinost miraculous ore from RheumatOnt - haa-heen submitted; and,nat until the at • b 't talc ihe ;lc watery •witch hazel osilsuly express my a (foe ier ens novel was selected alter a cYnoPain ...Etr"d'hanha °444-• • at -that -had --one Rif L-- ik liuroa -.Street, • At tlie approach of the dog the young eilliaed the by the Uge cif South American !Mirth instalment were the Objeetiotz- °" we • birds flew' into a tree, the bronze hisn Care, rm. three months wo next ran Into the wood*, tyldle the White : ern' to helplessness, and my sufferings were abb ea mum seoVe . The editors hen stood under the tree and gave bate "en :, but two bottles of this greed remedy .decIare the plot of the May to bo "ma oboesolon the reoult of Mental init. ,.. . v..: . : me, • It relieves in sIx hours. , . se 'tie 'to the deg, whleh elle repulsed, tnen ...: ,..,„ geetton, trona Which ,wsk ehall endear/Wit call d th b o d to h d •• . " to Savo Our readera" Marched off. After hearing this wit. • „ . s !ALM bear IligriatUre of . • See Prie.Sinsilli Wrapper Below. Toy ernisil mad *sow to also tie sera FOR WRACK* ARTEKS FON DIZZINESt • FOR OILIOORNOrt. FOR tORPM.LIVER, FOR.CONStiotioN. ros SAI.LOIN SKIN. FOR TOE COMPLEXIOR sitarmerna oultirropitzpoklook0704. • and gave the turkeys to Gardner. The folloWing • opinion. regarding • ' • 'Oak trees Wait rendered by Judge. lido Itebuttal Evidence.. , Orson growing On one's land hang O'er hunter, "there's one bird fog,zolLanytt„,„*LOinlu" Mar Ont Off thLlitolleorpoRt_t . • 40 give UP• In disgust." "oh, Georgeto branches have not been allowed to ex. Clue recently. "It the hranoluts of "There, my dear " Said the rettilted. the line upon the other, the adloining ---rnoray, ,8agge& tirifilr-isral was about ZienTair Tait 1-1CWIrie, providing the .he exclaimed, "it's a Carrier...pigeon, tend over for a period of twonty,ons Isn't itt" "Not mttehi ire a ouati," 'ears, when. no right would be gained • !Tut it has card tied butte leg, with to eat them off, Fruit On a tree is ante me5sa,ge on it, Let's sec. It say.: guilt Ot the realty and Is not the sub. 'John Jones; Poultry. and Genie Oen., Ito' of larceny, it the fruit had tal.4 het Market,' "-Philadelphia. ‘14sest. \ • ". I tan t6 the ground the neighbor *mild Oink it up and use IL The right of the The Toronto tiOara of Trade present. I adioining laid owner to lop et the branches of °Mr -handing trent before ed E. A. Wines the retiring Secretary, ileentyntele years pf pertnisatve 046 with a diet* forottil.000, thiescence ha* oitpoel does not coo, VO Min a Cold In OttO 0 V ' it the right to, the fruit On the Take Louth% Droste Quinine Tehl tr.144„ trujt 10„,,„1 $1„,„6t#theall4„4144.4,..sdaliii All druggists refund the money if it Alb "'"" "1 ''""'"" tO ettra Grove's eigriattlre oil el* 60h box, e5q. " " CURE Molt HEADACIVI. # sedisteedt AS DXPENDINODD DRUGGISTS, WE GrAltANTEll AOOTINA.Olt AND PNEISOT SATISFACTION In this age of worry, hustle and' Inuit. • I/nimbi/V(4MM/, stenit ogre and attentlow IfIttrfilline-Or-friur-dOoterrfi-lp• reaarip. kale is absolutely neassaarY for tile teddy ' and ave are o your ate y. 6 guar - ante' eirurecy and petted. sistisfetition tO all oar' OutitOnstire. Our •toilet depart. matt is always replete With the latest PreParatiOne and notelties, PArgo'S Ontsint Conronse. Ilan °tired thetiattri'da,when everything else has foiled. lams never .felled to give Melt people happYleitilti, It has never failed to give (sok people happy results. it (strengthens, invigorates, gives now tons to tbe eysteni, makes the blood pure hi loea for the nerves -it makes. sielt peOple Well. We Oen supply you with the pure and genuine Pairte's Celery Compound, B COMBE, Druggist, Winton, Oni. '4E246 !Allot tat preparations represented to be "the same as" Pond'S. Extract, which easily sour end. • poker/. irst,clasti Cutters generally contrite nwood aicahol," a dearity eirbisolboOkaikriliowiediesios .• Central ; .• it iiiti Etuggieg;:• . , .Nleat Ma•rket. !• X am hoOdlingltie oelebrined ilsolitufghlin Make of Iniggies Mid other Makes . Of first•olees Ontario firma, also of my own Mellefriottire inducible top bug. ' . giro, mikedoes, 003. of oil the latest end modern steles. Repairing �f oh kitds ' ..................#......... inompidi ,onsaaed 40, .....,.....,:--.........,-.....-r.................... _ . . , Having 'attained the butobering hoofbeats of r. EL Vowel) I am pre 301/br LESLIZ Huron Street, Olinton pared to furnish the people ot Olin* •ton with all Ends of Fresh and , i i AN- Oured; Meats, Satisage, bologna lard, butter and egge always kept en band.. 0 It Fitzsimons a Son. Telphone 76. Orders delivered promptly to ad Parte of the town. N.B.-Psredits bating hoge. for' pnuent will center it fa vet by (giving word et the shop. Utters ! Sleight"! Do you want a high grade Cuttirfor Sleigh We have theilitest dock to seleet from. All the Wed styles in the sew. est colors. Our prices are as towns can he found for firert.class material and workmenehip. Before you buy call and (tee us; NEXT' DOOR TO NSW RUA MICR