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• "
lixpert Watch Hopsdrer
Jeweler A.nd •Optician
12 •
-wen ee.'e
h Dancing ,with Bagpipe accompaniment at Miss
clacblan's Concert Tuesday Fehr
alms. GOdorlell TOW$14131P • 111tHett.
Noves,-Mr and Mrs Wm trivia, of
Minnedose. who hart been spending a
welt with Me' Lreinnei parents here,
retun&t to tbeir hoine on ThurMay
limit. MisB isTancy McMichael returned
home on Saturday atter spending
week With friends near Londesboroo
Mies Mary Yellow, of Exeter, is at
present spendintr a couple of weeks
wiiii friends here. A. eleigh-load of
young people from Seaforth and a
number from here spent a very enlOP
able evening at the home of Mrrowler
on Friday last. N.Oarter recently die.
posed a one of hie heavy draught
horses to Mr Archibald,of Seatorth. for
which he received a good price. ,vvv,
tie to qiierterly eervices at Turner's
appeintruent there will be no service
' here on Sunday morning;Rev Mr Wall -
Win, of Seaforth, will conduct the sera
vice at that appointment.
Norne.,..-Ohas. Whitely lit attending 80CIIXPaltTins.-A eleigh loaa of NOTBS.-s. re Joe. Horton an re °Tem-, he amiuo. mee e
' Kindly see that subscrt
.1 o 20 renewed
' ippppopfipppw)powppilpf****
the Ontario AgriquiturafOollege, talc. _of yeung people, from the eletern Wtes Ru.tleclge, of Goderich, visited recently in the Presbyterian churela
mg„the two weetur conree on cattle boundry, took possession of Ea. amen' relatives here loot week, Mrs Saturby, the reports 'Mowed the financial stand,
judging.Fred Burnett took a elei h home one evening bet week and spent :Duneranuoli, and Mre IL Horton, DIM. Mg the best for years; Miss Lily Taylor
Ioad of friends to Wm. iliethwel le. a very pleasant time 1 it was not quite lop, were gueste of Mrs J. Horton on was,re-elected organtst and preeentor,
and among those Preeent were Mims Oeylight when they left for home, ex- Friday. John Linklater drove up for the present year..ThaPreebyteritut
Alice•and Eva Butnett, of town, and pressing their delight at the cordial ; from. Stratford on TuetidaY of last choir wee entertained on Friday week
Fred Wise from the A.Merican SOO, reception they received. Another i Week with a load of machinery and I by Mies Higgins, Mies Edith feavvere
Mr Jowett, of Port Huron, is visiting sleigh load spent a most enjoyable , returned home Thureday, Joe, Cook . left lest week for. London • Normal
friends here. Hugh Taylor, former evening at the home of Geo. White, on visited Lucknow recently On business, College. John Aikenhead, has returned
peclegogue of the Bayfield line school, Friday evening ; they could not have 'ughhou.,,_,Iustesti of the wait, se.s. if/London, to his position as book. •
was renewing old acquaintances on had a more enjoyable time. A very bolding their . meeting at Mrs Sohn keeperithat he held before his illnemin
Sunda,' and Monday, Our genial enjoyable evening was spent at the Horton a (as was intimated before), it ex -Mayor Ruinbales office, Mrs Sowers
assessor has again etarted. on his home of W. Miller, con, 8, a week agowas held at the Manse in Goderich on and Mrs W. O. Landesboro represent -
rounds. : Miss Violet Cole has return- Thursdey, the crowd euloying them,
Wednesday, as aoint 'Meeting
with ed the W. F. M. S. at the annual. meet -
ed front town frotown Where ehe Wall selves thoroughly ; on Friday night the Society there: j"she congregational low ile Blyth. Mrs W. McFarlane and
.engaged at ..dressmaking. :Machine of last week a crowd were entertained
meeting of Leith= church last week daughter, of Oak Lake; Man„. visited
agents are yery numerous at present. .at the home of 40% Fowler, -Huron in our village recently, Alex, Forsyth,
Maines,' Of Londesboro, realizing in the
her Rock Elm ; P. Cole sold his to Mat. without saying.
The timber men are around looking road ; that they had a good time goes
orneeies.- was fairly Well attended; the usual
b iness was t nse. raid
usra c a t
and aff ire Birtie, lien., is reneering old Actium.
Manitoba and will return in the spring.
&noes in our undst;.he has done well in
neighborhood of between $150 and MO Ma. od W ci d J 5 rn 1 r r t lk cl of
e nes ay, an. 1°0"neclovt°Erdin eeplir°01eiweleege eeandeitlee; miessuffloh, .w004eteek, was the guest
22nd., at the residence of the bride's H. McManus was appointed to attend
vi.ipino•elf 'her cousin, Miss ' Agate Hart, last
th°P"hd----,_?•1r!! /Sew"t„--18 .
arente,,,lis and „Vir.Addievan.,...H.417.' ftr_eateeter.Y.„11_1,„PlYte. ....week„mrs.,Bauttat;heria
t Hoene , itt-ttie• Mine et her- etetW Mrw 41. rat, his second daughter, Mimi Louisa, arprise Outroote.--The special ser- Boost and other ,friends her MISS
•DIED -The many friends+ of Rev. S. Siinms. Blyth.
Roelt vicesin the leeptist cliurch are Still in _Maud Wilson, who halibeenill for some
eon regret to bear of the death of hie farther, etTriosSin7hEe ELM.
-qtrocckelliniri Mittr Weeny, the nuptial knot being tied
awnedreAntidureiteIliipogtghilart,of this township,
holy bonds of -progress. ' Evangelist Scott will speak time*, was operated on for the eecond
M. Whaley, a A,„. of ()Alvin church,
'friday. night on The personality and. 'time by Drs. Gond and .Arinstrong
for eale, informed the timber men that
history of. Satan" ; on Sunday a. in. on Sitiarday mast; she is at present
Oedar bbvytRereiva.nEfebamuricitho.n, wohieLogrnodoernehowraosPlires.
13 tmog3vinship., The deceased had .re,akcialied he had a large quantity for sale. but
ported by his brnther,John B Hoge tehinge belied foe", and in the eveeing was out on Monday levelling the roads.
.., laits thernewill' be ',The substance of doing welt. The Stanley road grader
almoet the four ecore mar & in life. The when they got to his bush they 'found
to their astoriehment that it was soft and the bride by her sister, Miss 1-1 ' 'Ate Will deliver bui fareWell arldress to miss mem:meld. Michigan, is visiting
funeral took place on Monday, Jan. 27. elm ; the farmer Would sooner talk any .
J. After the oerenlotlY the galt3tt *OW* peOpli 011 eThe prime minister her aunt, Mee G. Baird. eess.B. Kaiser,.
The sympathy of their many friends
h .thing else than rock elm. relatives of the bride, sat- down to a oe BenThller
• gee!? OUt tO the flintily in this their our Ulinton,visited at the home of .1. Kaiser
M trial. •
•NOTTrig -Mr Johp Weatherhead,who
is well and favorably known here,as he
triught in the peblic school for about
nine yeare,was brought home from the
States by'his brother James • they ar-
rived here on Saturday noonan4 we .
are pleased to know that he is even
stronger than was expected ; his inenY
friends heratevrould be pleased to see
him fully recover. Messrs ()tinninga
hamm_ho has been Visiting their uncle.:
Mr Miller, for some time, returned to
Wo,;.. h
NOTES. -A cottage' prayer meeting
e residence of Mrs Geo.
Nitt brier= chola_ 18, On Tuesdray_eVene.
inie conducted by Rev Mr Wright.
W. Sheppard, of Edinburg, N. D., Is
again visiting at 0. J. Nesbitesitafter
s ending a few weeke with relatives In,
a Other part of- the province., Miss
Lily Carter, Loneesboro, was the guest
ot Mrs J. H. Lowery last week. Messrs..
G. Mair and G. Jenkins are engaged in
-delivering some big logs for H. Baker,
leth con. ,
'tr. S. S. NO. 7; GODERIOR' AND •RUL.
LETT Te. GODRRICH Towne.. -Motion
efor inandainue on behalf of the school
-- board directing the township council to
issue the necessary debentures to pro.
'vide for Paythente for a new school
bouse which has recently been elected
' in the sectitaniti question the site of
which has caused .coasidetrable trouble
in the neighborhood for the past Year
.i or more. • The motion was opposed by
the township_ council upon various
-....r. gronade,Ont, judge Doyle,before whom
. the application was madeeleld that the
council was in the wrong :and gave
•judsenant in favor of the school board.
J. T. Garrow,K. 0..acted for the school
board and W Proudfoot for th
tOwilithip council. At a meeting held
last Thursday, it was decided to take a
• vote"of the electors on the question of
moving the schoOl down •the road to
the site first proposed. and the vote
• will be taken tonearrow-Saturday.
1.-----'- It Will be an open vote, and judging by
. yoterecordedat the election for truss.
tee, iris expected that the vote will be.
favorable to Moving the school.
Porter's Mill.
IMPROYHMENTS.-P. McDougall, "jr.,
has let the coati -act to S. S. Cooper fch
a vere.ndah across -the front of his
• house and also an addition thereto. '
GOOD STOOK. -J. Gardner has sold
his pure bred Shorthorn bull"Warlby"
to J. Lindeay, ef the Huron road; tie
was bred by W. Snell,Hullett, and is a
fine animal, weighing over 1800; this
will give thone in the vieinitean oppOr-
• tunity to improve, their stock.
. NOTES. -A. McDougall has been on
the sick list, but isemproving, Jellies
Harrison recently lost a good driving
mare from inflammation. A young
daughter of Geo. Falconer is down
with measles. Mrs and Miss Vapstotie,
Goderich, have been speeding a couple
of weeks at Brayside. Miss S, Start,
Currie, is visiting her sister, Mr 0.W.
Potter. Miss Susie Wallis, Goderich,
was calling oil friends here last Thurs.'.
-day. Mies Maggie McPhail ie,visiting
at :Mr Avery's, London Toad. A sleigh
load of young people spent anevening
last week at Wm: Perdue's, Bayfield
line; they Flay they had lots of run
there, but not so much coming e.nd
going, with the horses. plunginit
through the snow, ahd theoccupents
of the sleigh out trahaping ahead.
PanTruser•Larit Monday evening a bountifut repast. :The bride, 'hely a , laat :week. jeer. Cannier" Stauley, is
1 d f about Went o people of hi hl respected young lady, rece ved .
the Bayfield' line, drove over to H. many_ useful and costly presents. • Mr , . ElObelleliVille , at present very ill. 4., McDonald,
oa 9se y 4 ng 0 Y , . 1 . •.
Notts. =The Order 'of Chooen Wingbam' is vi*ing A. 111)69.
Peck's and •enjoVed .•themselves. and Mrs EIoggart haste taken up house'
Anotherparty occurred on Tuesday' On con. 1.3, Hullett, where Mr Elogort
Fred, at Win. Rathveeles,Stanley. On those from a dietance were John Addl.. holding ari oyster, intoner at Wm. '14.te•Wderte*fotrfiititdweilex. e
evening under the sdperintendence of has purchased a valuable farm. Among °Friends, No 901, of Our village, intend ;•,•,
Mulhellaude; house. oil' the evening of
Thursday evening a town crowd ens. son; St. Mery's,Atex. Webster,(brother. Thursday, Feb. 6th. A good.4.1rograrn NOTES.-Ifev. Mr McNair,. of Dun-
the hospitarity of Jas. Switzer of the bride), Mimes Hades and Niventk annon, Occupier' the- pulpits of the
sisting of seeeches, Aroma' and instru- lubuen.circalt last • Sunday. ' School
and family,: but we are only sorry to of Win.ghani, and btrr„ and .Mrs ud. is being prepared for the ciceasion ccin,
sky the fair Maidens had tb walk. eo Saville. of (Minton. torm. .opened again on Monday last, having
mental music. Rey J, Fisher.
far. . ' been closed for over a week r owing to
A J. Grigg,
• Jeweler and Optician
• Id
been the guest of Mil J. Weittfierhead
during the week. A parlor social in
connection •with the Women's Anti'.
!arra Christ here to beheld at the
home of eirT eicRobeets this (Thurs-
day) eveiiing. • Iirthe &Nelms of an
elipeeted supply forkhe pulpit of. Ual--
vm church on Sunda* laet,. Mr Peter
Clark conducted a yary interesting
service of prayer and gave an . appro.
pdate-address.. •
.• •0. e0fiststrete. •
. „
•inelloneicis;..The ,Faiener's„ club and
Liceittry ait•nety met in . the basement of'
the school house on Wednesday • even-
ing, Jen 22nd. Stephenson read
a•peper on "The cultivation of the nail
for -corn.": He bramight forward Pearly
good ideee which were ',still' further
discussed by. the Members... An litter-
ettirie; reading was then given by Rahn
'Jamieson. The subject. for the nett
meeting een, Wednesday,Feb 5th,, will
be "Whether is 10"aoree of Corn, 10 of
roots, 10 of hay or 10 oe grain the most
profitable -On a farm." Teem Will be
taken ite follows:-Oern,by Snell ane
R ettcMillaniroots, by Wm Dunlop. and
T hay, .by Gee $tepleenson
'and J Briteonigrain, by J Hinetiley ane.:
B. B...Stepherisen.- • : • . ,
• Noene.-Mr Shank'', of Searle, Men.,
visitece friends in our COOOMMit'Y 'Edit
weeke Miss Bertha Stanley, Summer-
hill, is yiiiting her sister 'Alice at
present. J Styles bee disposed of
his property in Kinburn to :NV Lind-
say.'Stephonaon Attended in the
capacity of auditor at - our town% ip
, capital ott Wednesday • and Thursday.
• A, Oke, Sestfor tfi, ,spent Sender 'with
frieeciseli Kinbern, Mite McDonald
, has ietuened one; villege, after an
I extencled.vieit with friends' ie Staffa.
Jae' Mecid,frone,Guelph, is home -on &
visit at presepte Chas Andrew, of
Goderich, is evendiege, fete:A:aye at his
home here. The rniesionate collectors
for the Kinburti appointment for the
present yeer are Misses Laura Andrew
feharlotte 'Clark, Annie Rapson and
Belle Farnham. Quarterly rneeting
services 'will he held in the 'Kinburn
church on Sunday, Feb2, at 10 -o'clock;
on the following Monday afternoon the
euerterlY eusineen meeting Will beheld
in the church. Kim Susiee Wheatley
will teke the topic "Fidelityand.ica
ieviarcl" at League next Sunday &Vet.
Miss, Flossie McGregor left. in
company;ivith Oree, Clinton; on
Thursday morning for-Winnitieg, • Mrs
White MAO
Tar 'autos
Coughs, Colds,.:
Loss Irt•100,'
C. •
Prestirintien Drug Store ,
Successor to Sydney Admen.
• Cotinty Connell. '
The County Council in Hesston this
week, • the first • business wing tha
unaninious election of lir Donald Pat--
tieon, of Esst WeeVall'esh. as Warden.;
,This gentlemaia, although only ar-
• NOVI% -Mies Nanby McMichael. of erly of liolmesville, has been invited, the sniallpoir case. - Mist; Annie Dens- belly recovered. from a oevere Ofm,
FORMER RESIDE/1T MARRIRD-BrOW11 eon. 2, ie visiting rit the home of her hy. the Lanstaph Qtiarterly floard for more, who has been on the sick listfor WAS present, and fittingly thanked the
Merquis, eon of Mr John Marquis, Of uncle, W. Seell. Foster Brigham.' left the fifth year: A number, of teams the past three months has'scr far im. Ceuncil for the, honor ceuferred
this township, and a former :popular
resident, but now residing at Niagara.
Fang, N. was married last Month,
at the residence of the bride's parents,
in that place. The young lady's naine
was Miss Sibblet. and 'after spending
their honeymoon at Pittsburg, they
have teken, ' up then. esidence • on
Outset.° steed in. the :A.inerican Fans.
Master Proust (eon •of W. D. Prouse)
accepted same seed, Mats front . the
Dominion ''Experitnental Farm, and,
planted. them as a test:desired by the
•Department.; He recently tient theni
100 heads, each of which averaged over
150 grains to the, herid-,•an unusual
yield, which Won him,: prize of ii2.5
from • • the 'departments 'The yariety
is kiloton as the- Newmarket '
on Tuesday evening for • Guelph to direwp.. supply of vvood for the -churcb preyed at to be able to ride out e little
.. •
.° • tteeItete itinIth• • ,
NOT.--Alireliallantyne, of Hemel -4
visaed old . friends here lave • week.
Mies Minnie Cooper, of Clinton,. spent
a fere- days :bast week With Mrs Ira
Johns'Mies M. aolnies visited friends
in Eke hesville on Saturday hist. Mies
Mable Staribury, of the London rOad,
anent Sunday With: friends here: • Mrs
W. Landesborough visited -her home
in Blyth last week And while there
attended the meeting of the Heron
Presbytery: Mrs F. °rich, who, ' has
been spending a while visiting her sisa
ter in fngeesoll, has retuenee home.
Mrs 5.• Crich, Clinton, spending a.
few daps with friends here. Mrs'.3 OS.
McMillen; of • Walton. spent. 'Sunday.
Wbite ialsid up with an attack of
quiney..,•'3.ohn Layton, of ..lerucefiele;
vent a few daee at his home here ow-.
eng to it tut hand. Mrs 6. Broadfeet
spent a few weeks visiting friends: in
this likality. nimble -I, Who
•formerly resided here was visitirg old.
friends here lest week'- • W.: 0.
Lendesboro was the guest • of Mrs
Leyton oft Tuesday evening. •Miss
,Johns had a very suceeseful quilting
bee last Wednesday afteenoon., , •
with her friend, MPS ii.oet. hue. •
Orrorrai •LOrCSuntlay next quarter-
•ly service will be.. held and - ,Rev. Mr
Waliwire of Seeforth, will et:induct the
Border.; • The League ; meeting. on
Sunday evening last was addressed.' by
Mis W, 0. Landeeboro; • who gave a interest to farmers and others will be
;splendid miseioriary topic ; next Sun. 'cliecneeed . by proininent :speakers of
day evening the topic will betoken by !moment,' and will cost somewhere in
,•.eies -lea, Jahns., It: v: Mi Stedman the neeehboeheod .of $1200. • the Peoyinde., A. large arendarice is
in ednde holding a seriett of revival meet. ' ' - • -requested in oedertnitt t eseneetintre
thOrST be a mimes?, ' t
hags nt' Turner's appointment 'the
VVatt, Toeontcre who his been visits
,ing • friendp• . here; • returned 'beim on
letiredaYe • ree.....in .otieylso
pole gmentv.r.pleasant time. rat,the
oineof Mr : ,Mea- James Date on.
elleteidaY everaing. einmeee. Of our
ternaries delivered cattle Clinton On
Thursday to T. Masbn. • .'•
• .•• • • • • • • • • - 7 • - - •
'• .' teendestleelr4, • ..•.•:t.:.: "
Noese.-On' Monday rildik:ing ROW
Sohn Martin started on a trip to Mane
tobta to visit hie brother' George.. Mr
Webb.got ' the bailee in the sawmill
repaired lest week, and now has the
mill ready for work; he and Mr Wallace
would like to 'see about 500,000 feet of
logs cOnse In this season. The Fores.
' tees 'expect a visit from Oonehance
lIretheeir this (Friday) evening:et hi
hoped there will be a -good turn,cut of
the members to meet thelel. •
. .
Mattrugn.-On Wednesday evenine.
Frederick Yohneton, of this. village,
was puttied to Miss Sarah Hill; they
have ecenixienced the duties otheuses-
keeping in Thole, Lee' rt house, near the
attend the • course of lectures to be and parsonage. WElliott, Woodstock, - .
given en avricultine .:at the Agricule wee visiting his pousin,e4re W Pickard. again last Monday, john Mitchell and
at tames Frank Carr started sehool mesas Speokmen, Exeter, .and Lena, of
criminal Audit. • . : - '
Goderich,. were : appointed the...Boer& of
turelOollege.., Mr and Mrs Win. Waite -Mrs PJ Evans, Minnedose, Man.,' wee Wife, of Dakota, are visiting In this
yaritee friends in Lopd•on during the : visiting her, friends -here lest week, eicinity, ... • ' ' •- • . The various Collegiate Institine Trustee*
I aer part of last week. : • • • A toad of. Oren Friends and their ...,..
- friends Atte died . the- %leper. et IL • isomer, ' GATRERINEt:.4ohru.. Hoare were re -appointed,. the "seine as last yeare ,
avert:piety to late* firiends oti Stage% - sten Wedn,raeley .a delegate:to meted on .
• - : Jenkin'e recently. Miss Clanieron,. g
' city evening iii honor of his niece, Ella the era:nail, asking that permieekei be givers , . '
Beyfieldtis visitingMise Bes
WOourtice, Nile, was borne on Sitter- Tyndall; shehaving attained he
spent in meaty bridgek Among those Whoaddrese-
held here Mt the 2.8rd. hist. weThrell (lay.
Ocesvnimon.--3.1m. 'S. & convention
days, leaving againf or Guelph on Tuee.
h CI Word Wt4e ht3n1E4 for 6 few etbairinthetle.hitaintieeente;nmieugsicw, was spent
; Frank ed the council were MesperentMounrignainnuLtdditylesnra ,
deal of enthustaem. Each number on
Weeded, and was marked by a 'great A tibutt bee a wood bee on Carr delighted the corripanY With sel- 1140L0413sitnetobet,aJnBitneeskst, and the enonear, of
ullitAlnatyrcti-TaWe ing her supply froni Per.
threprogrein was tekee, either by the '
due busb. Mrs W Pickard* attended
person • appointed, or by a substitate.
sews. A. M. Foropon substituted, her- the fileeratof her aunt. Mrs Cassels, of
Wirighani. ' Misses „E , Tebbutt and
sister;,:Miss e)ora,'' and ittieliitchell, of
the Goderich Star, 14r Munro; Aueorn... AiBtrr
. hneg formere s , end,erwicbte,:Biseighdaast ttahnel ehyornies
Win. Bathe was 'elected • president tar
the...droning , year, and, Chit& eetarin, tieilinef in Oenetance and Theitersinitn.
secretary. This is the.first convention' MI !..;041pintILI
Master Roy Pickard
en, of Varna,. visited
this association, has held, beteg ioniser- '"
-1.3" united with Dungannon, and all ere . hvgiltehssemping
misfortune to break his 'Imelda
well • pleased' . with: results.- P. obably .Ellench Hussey is .under the doctorei
at theOlintOn Collegiate
the main feature of the Convention .
Was the adcleess by Rev ettelenderson, .eere with leioarieV; 'About25 drove to
Goderich on • Friday and spent: the
St, Marys; Mr IdendersOli is a Power-
ful.speaker.: . : . • .. evening at the home of.Mies Budges.
e . • •
Mies B. tereetie Olinten, callrxi in ihe
1111111. sie Pickard. r 21st the proposed Electric Ritilwaylo the
. •Cuilitotr.-Idert Sabbath the•aiinda/. yitlage oh Friday.
eichciol collection„ amounting to $ ,
was sent to the Toronto,Sick Children's BIRLE Sooterir.-The annual meet-
Flospital. Next Sabbath , being the ingof the liolmesville •Branch Bible
regular quarterly. service, the S. S. Society Was held in th
willbe withdrawn, and in the evening 'church on • Thursciay eyeeing,
a children's ealvatioti Pervice will be President, S. Sturdy, presid,ing. Ad.
held iiistead. The revival services mei dreeseswere delivered by. Rey H
still in progress, with encouraging Wright, on ',The Bible a lost book to
results; Rev.J.Geeene aids occasionallyq. matty_classes", and by Rev. .Taelless_ar
on "Why Christians should give the
;Serronea-LAt a recent meeting of
ratepayers, caged by the trustee, at Mint° the world,. Several, selectione
Nile school section, the folliewing bud- were given by the choir of the church.
The officers deeted were :-Pees., A j
nein was done • conceining the" new
Courtice ; Vice, the resident ministers ;
school: • The eite was chosen, being the
oid mill property then owned by Geo, secT'tram 8 Waltere'; co-ileett're.•were
appointedtn canvas the diffeeeritroade
McIntyre, which lies right in. the heart
of the village, and 'Makes a splendid in the interests of. the Sedate.. '
site for a schoolhouse. A Vote was•
min Society represents.
token as to the kind of material to be m-
emos recently•appointed in the Methcrs
Used•, Which resulted: in 14 votes for diet church are Et R Forster, W Pick -
cement and 17 for brick. The basement•
veill be built. of stone. :The truste ard' 7' 39' P0tter' Chas Teilvi" and W
es Stanley. Rev Mr Hapset. and Rev Mr,
were empowered to raise' the necessary 'Shaw; •Benmilictii xchanged Pulpits
funds on their owe note, backed by on Stmday. Eliot(' has been appoint -
the section, payment of which will ed assistant class leader. The regular
ditenclover a period of 5 years. The Quarterly Meeting will be held oti.
contract Will be let to one man for: Suhdey net at 10 o'clock ; the subject
completion, the ratepayers to supey for the evening,. "The, Prodigal at
the material on the geounds. he home. Thequarterly board *ill meet
structure will be 28x40 feet, with on Monday at -2 &deck. The League
neeeting was of e-missionaryeheracter
on Monday evetiing, Mies Id, 0Ourtice
took the tepid "Mieelotiary awaken-
1ng" and MOO E10111308 spokeen the altir
nod. the „Work Of the Young Peeple
Forward Movement for, Missions.
Th* -o 'the- 22nd it'd, -aniither collection will be taken neit' meetin g
-cadency , occurred amongst the eady in aid of' the . rniesionary depeetneent.
pioneers of this localety. at the edvanc-. Mies 80111,U1 Coartice has been dieted
• ed age of eixty-nitie years, in the per preddent of the Miesien Bend .
son a Ur William MCDowdd. Mr MC: . „
Donald was borti in the •provnice of ,• .
New IBrunswicx emigeating here along
with his parents over fifty years age,
which at that time was an entire
Wilderness.• After helping te chop and stoekholdere and patrons. The Peet -
..log for e few years he started for the idenefer W. B. • Fbeter being • absent
the their Was occupied byeir Ocihnotly.
The fincincial statement Wrie satis-
fectorytii these present. The folleiv-
ing persons were then elected by ac.
elemation on the Directbrate, for the
years -Mann W, 11, Porster, J.
Uonnolly; J. Jenkiiiii, G. Holland and
I, B. Lindeay. Win.'Forstet was re-
elected President and Sas, Connolly
V. Presidents The ,diecuesion • regard.
111g the metallation of the butter plaht
then took place after which it was
cerried alenoet unanimously that a
fictions from • his gramophone. At a
tathei late' hour the oompanydispersed • the company. Referree to Rola& Bridge
all agreeing that -john was &jolly good. Oommittee; • . , .•..• • - ,:
fellow and hoping. that, he ywould, in A.. delegation fiepresenfing Oolhorte,Qodit.,
the near future, give thelii t,t ','ptiety„ 'in nob tewpship; Helleti Clinton rine %et. ,
honer of uhephs, event hills own life: ei3h; and nueibering nearly 150 Walad: one
BRIDGR Virio.itrICD:The people „„,•cif
for .41 construction of the „Orel:wawa bridge intres.
eouncil cm Wednesdey, to salt for the early : --
eon.; 0, and vienaiey areagitetirit , Celborne The council Was addressed%
7 3W bridge over the. Maitlan levee, 13. j wan, ,nd R Holmes, uunton:
Quite a large deputation waited on the
count:lint its last sittings and. Present-
ed. their deem and after Jo. lengthy
discusition it:Was decided that they
present to the ceuncil a peeition signed
135r 1500r 200'ratepeyers of the town.
en that the council would have
good grnitnds for giying it due consici,
firearm. A Metre isenuch needed and
has been petitioned for several times
In past years but at the Municipidity
at present has ne debt on its hands,
and .have an honorable peogreseiye
council the•chances are the • people of
the sixth will, scion haye, the desired
bridge. '
.• enmiller.
"'-era —4M- A ri
7TUT 117 • al16313r. •oE
Holateseille peeschedetery acceptiblt
on the Bettmillei circuihlast Sebbitth
He is. an active, earnest,' devotee. ser.
vent ef-God, ardis a credit to. himself
IMO • the circuit he represents. TAW
'Superannuation ' reed -wipe fairly' Well
sustained. Qaarterly services will be
held next Sunday. at 10.3es.m. eat Zion
ittuioietnnent; in the evening at.7 13, in.
the pastor will conduct service at the
Benmilter appointment. • • .
elliesettrees' Isretereter.-A. meeting
(anything farther, andthay teink they were
-a the Femora' Institute wiltbeheld
entitled to better treatetscit • teen they gee
here on Friday. :Feb. 7; there will be
beginning at 'ISO p.M..; and the evening .
two sesoimas. • the afternoon eession 60 the remit Pfeles vete.. ' .
Comm! hi reeltiri liossion, . :s '
session at 7.80 pan*. Many topice of
Mayor Jeolcson Sid Et Smith, Telneelt
Churchill, John 0oi . James •Teat
and -J H Lowery:. Go'deriah town
Snell, Hulled; . Reeve . Young.L....4.. ,,,,, ,
Johne, Flit*, litirne;Itiesieli3Oeteberim.ws-es•
Wm Hill Colborne almost' all of Whon*.
pointed oat the :great erlyantages and neesee,
esity of the bridge being built. ' .
'Mi Holk-moved., secondadby D.10antelore ••-:
that the council visit_ theiniatite !inners- .
•day, and flue out for themselves the neee of.. -
the bridge or othsewlee. Beth epoke hi fa-,
vim of the resolution; which was opposed -by' -.
Metsre Bowroaa and Stiller. The m, °Hort
was lost on the fellowin„e votteltrek, Me-
nolly, Oantelon,• ChambereeHolteLeniont, •:,„j
MaLeen-6. Nay,' ' /31W02‘131 reflusosi-
Hsys, HiakselIterr. Leekliart;Settekenen,
Miller -4. Tommie. W Bent, &ileitis-.
Wardell did not vote. 0 . : • . -0 ' .
• It it said the dreg on wss lbe litregat•
trr-tosittet"on the coattail within 29
veers, and there wat a goaddeal of Wagner,
tidii among lilie- deletes. at Whet 'they
considered wee ntifinc•treatinant.- They '
thotight. thenonnail might it least hare .°
gone to see the place, notwitlistandinz the
faot that Mr; Airisley,. Co, Ooraitaissioper• i
said it (meld not be yiewed as well rig 14 the
summer einle;' they sontsed4tbst toiletry •
the elms did not mitneilt the oeuriall to
Jaeginning of the month. ,
-SornALr-Gamarcrinles.--:-Ort Friday
evening loot a' sleigh •load of young
people from this viernit spent a very
pleas:tent evening at the home of Geo,
White,' Huron road, Miss- Mary
O'Brierrentertained a Umber of her
eriends on Friday evening, A'nuniber
from the west end were entertained
on Friday evening at NW ibirnochan's.
WREIT ORD NOTES. -A. Turnbull was
the treat of false Oarrie Johnic•on
.San ay evening. Miss PetholdaiNott
was the guest of Mrs H. Sabin; one day
laet.Week.. Miss Davis, of Clinton, has
been visiting Mrs r. Crich:
Htihttril •
I'Minciltui.'--7The• annual meeting of
the Holthedville Cheese and•Butter teo.
:was held laid Saturday in Wilson's
Hall. There was a good attendantoof
•west, spending quite a few years of his
life in Neyadatandother western states
in the, mining regions there. Abone
ten years ago -he returned here to
Smeed the sunset of . his life amid his
early compsnions and was genial,Warin
• kitallitilv ' ‘4. . • hearted, kind to all. A conettine at-
'No.rite,4-3Ori., Dunbar, returned to his tendant of the Presbyterian church as
home in Asialielci•after a' month's stsy long OA he was able, lie leaves an only
here. Mies Kate Shonation returned doter here, and a 'brother:in the *Met -
home after 11. Week's visit to Mends in ern states to mune his 'demise. His
Bayfield. Mrs Sohn lealooner of Bay- remains were interred in BONI comet-
!' 1 d d hte M f G d ary onthe base lisle:
Nareaf:•.•Simuel Treble femme Setaey
with friends in Dungannon. Miss Ada
Fisher has, been vioitingfriencle and
relatives at Smith's Hill. during the
past week. • :1
etromSn oaraidonal onriesOandente
Noeps..,-On Mondity evening white
were going to the Forresters'Iodge. the
horse tamed too quickly at Bethel
coener and upset teem, • leaving the
Cutter on the toed !Olt smashed; the
horse was delight Berottitler, badly
cut on the hole leg and in other
places, and they Ind. a difficult task to
nisei • it hotte. Miss -Ellie Blake • io
tinending a few weeks. with friends at
'Walkerton. Miss , erect:Nine, Seaforth,
ie 'fishing at the home of her uncle,
James Meteure, Colborne, The Lsdies'
Aid will meet on Tuesday, Feb: 4, tit
2 p.m., at the home.of Mre Wm, Good;
Oodeitich •
Wilson .13rOWnley • and Fred. ilders
Wir.t.;nulgreiSurtivn 'TUN* Fuffertenn•
icb. yisited for a few' days Ln the 2nd . • 0 firmed Norekle-:-Wm Wilson Pre- butter plant be put tpi This means a ::,-.Gattericit has a very expensive coal
con; aid inturried hcierte Monda eident and.Mies Arthur obeiretary of ste in &avarice in the. &then inter n t' th E El Biel A
g. en ir40 wi r niei3;
• pars &8. We rixtend congratulatione. Miss Minnie fluttery, at Oranbrook, 16 the W. P, M. S, of the Presbyterian este, rif the company and one which pate arose ae the deterioratidt1 of some
visiting ecquatutandes hrreatul in Hen. Church here attended the annual meet- will doubtless be a paying investment, a the cce.t captive:red atul,Mr Holmes
Stephan , s Basil this Week, A, Meffeet anditife, of ing in tyyth, last week. •The Bev Mr The report' of the past season show halm thaticoccdrrAd-through-Insuffiel.
S bb h. Mr Jr -C -le. lat' n through. , thie ac ory. W. wariest fault. 'He enedeanel 'ot 92,000
• 7 ..„-Moorietrewenriseviiiititeraround--here ; Jamles neiceadied theP,X.Mbileria_e__thatenomn.$90D0 Neertentlitetd In cir. _eta aheelt,,eitttisit_seid,..-that_the_tow
eu inne th
ey are epending the Winter With church here last a at 13; CU 10
Many. nappy R04#11).
D4Fetipor6, lagland;;;;.bn
gib lit; 1812,• an iritant Was bsptriecr-
William 0 onnybear Searle: •-•-••••••.
Oer realers will easily recogoize titer
subject eil l'reilit.i?..ff4 ain4 itta29t:
regiclent of Clint -Os, who htg
na anY yoar• of actiVity yet ahead of him.. .„
Tug•Iza...--Mrs who is aft
preeent at the P1169EiEl Whitely's, Itas
been very of late, and her daugheeries...r.
M're Holmes, of , Seefortle, centergiptop
e'ee her; we ere ed to leern that. she
is improving; Mrs Replier, sister of 1.
Ridoub, is still deem, the Weather. Eft;
• Piningteel's friends *111. be sorry to
learn thathe does not impreye and Is
Atilt confined to the itotise. • •
S fit 1-1MENTS. --Mesors sect
Forrester made & shipment on Therms' •
day of threecarloads of excellent tattlw
from the Olinton,yards for fliaTormita
market. ' The deliveries' write.: 001 -
borne ,-Reeve A. Young, :2head, Vir•
Tyndall 1;Oonstance-..j., Britton4,
Anderson 2, W. Lowery it onnett-t‘---
Farnham 5, Ohits, Bainbridge %stolen
Greasett 2, tr.:Little '2, GeOrge Bare L
•jemes Bieley 11. Scott le H: Bedford.
1, P. Woods 1, J. Manning 1; 8. lio,
Cool 5; Stanley -Mhos. Baird 1...Alex.,
Thoinpson Jelid Nation 1.; Goderiehr
townehtp,-,ft, Maraball 1, istee. Miller 4. • "
new casee.of small pother° .since 'the friends in Ontario. Jas. Wylie and eon's brother,. a returned . missionary Ellliott sectlred the' contraet for .filling cif his /Mooted account in the eingle 4
, first one ivas reported, but quaranthie
- nas been catefull fo ed d th wife of T nbuil Were visiting here from India wee eXpected•but owing, to the Jeri hoes°. ' ees court 1%e town appealed and the) „
, ur
'the holiday season has coine WOd gone,
Mel we are Again settled deem to Otir
-, tenni line of erede. Ilefine long we tepee
to get thinge in out aioin so arrangse the*
we will be able to make some epeoial
Y eh • re g . he this week. Mrs , Young,of Larnliton, eiekneet in his family was unable te 0 • Divisional Court, reencled the amount '
Medleal men are confident t ere will
no serious trouble. So far no deaths
e county, iivieiting her mother, Mrs A be here, A united meeting of the eon- (13141)113121"A`RT`'Mr F• ' Rif° (I, to $800a Holmea wentto the Court of
have takenplace,and as every cern and Fraser and others in this vicinity. A. gregations of Maricheoter and `Smiths „LA flolmesville, secretary of the 'West Appeel and bad, the "original fudg.. e
there will be -Ilene. here last week. Mee Maggie 31teLlon- day of February for the purpose Of
"'reser, of Ansa Craig, spent two days Hill will he held on Mot1daY the 13rd Unroll Varmerek Institute, recently
evoke atthee. farmees' iniltitute 'Meet- went testoted; and Monday morning
preeaution le being %teed; ibis egnected
. . t ' f b Glint CI 11- i t 6 m d atiii ' tall tii a Ininister, . 1111 ill Wrilikerton. „1116 subject was
. r the town deposited the amount Jones. A
h»» 4.14»» ease carrie1. tA the 1
+1,1,o t e o eg a e spen er a.
f H " The T te
Saturday and Sunday at :des ENTEMiAttattbN't.-••••There le tO be a alkertin Herald, Made ther
• rtlyth
" umnaer Feeding . o or e Court of Appeal.
referen e tri hie ddreee 1 'Mr Elf r
. Stephenson, of Souris. Man., le Vieltin 81et bleb, undee the...telliejeee of the tura gonege and preyed to be a fluent Ottivrn.-00 Friday., se" 17th, John '
011 On. 2 this week ; he le an • ex -pupil Beading
of S. S, No. I, Stanley. and paid a visit 110001. /wise le' tote°°.' an and Well posted dpeaker,, ne snertt AnderSortone of our oleeet residents,
and Meetly, left last week for her home
to his old teacher. mrs Geo. Forrest to take past. The xteadloff Room is a on the heatities atit tOhd Ot einalta MU try...thateOt WAS a 2titr 1 acot-
eloctuitiOnist, fiord Chicago is expected
, cenelderable of his WAG diecoure1015 pinned away', at the' age of 72 years
• CcOvall jas' Mittittt 61°14,009e III% public entertaier.
'INTOT114.-Oharlee rreeeihrte gone to
• •
-nr extra busy veil, We did not -for- Holeteinevehere he will take charge of
.get to keentip opr stendardof exeellenee in a EIDW1331A for the Wintet. few Messrs
efePleffir'Weries, Mid We are now pilitArea, Button „ar Peasant, Wingham. The
Wesas iiieye are, to give you the purest comma returns give Blyth a poptilation
beet monies Met ie poetible te en. • Messrs Prager 4t. Logan are -
obtain in Clinton or °towboat
mteReeattralybioaattoadaadgroadv 'AO 4talla Ali 4:041.1n4.4111,3
" buildings at their brick and tile yard,
Fresh Latino end yelleg °done every -which Were burned last Oetbliet. Re.
taiting a . ln . anon hall hereon Friday eyening the le a: graduate of the Ontario Agrield •
1 • KIPPan • -
Veek. 'Oval ineetinge are beirig condlicte'd in
the Methodist church this eek; DVala•
The easlifte.fieery.-- geliet Moull is in charge.
• L'InioN.-The oldeetablished
-"'-'"Itie firm of Andetoon rk Elder has been dia.
C t000per ac9 Sh°01Yeeedntl"*nuetdedthboy 313.11Aan,
. arca ilks been in business here for over
•- 25 Year& Mr Elder purposes taking a
Pe, if Mgr atil" rame 2, well earned holiday.
deserting inditution • an should re.. ar 0 0 mann
va air e41.1airtign a 11 r 41.2.0•11 1,9•14,41. :po
John Cameron* nart- of the Country. After listening' and 8 children. Interment took tiltice 0. P
NOT1111,-Mfee Yates, of Goderich, to his addteito We have no (IOWA that at Bairdei cometerY. inure ha getadine and prod
044Ger.-.VV, 1301.v:bees heti beeh of litet week in Londerhoroua attend, that it Wee tr. toying crow" .fluting "*"*.A.STROLOGY OR Ft#FM1Y1414 "In 44°4°11' The bettf" th6 4rbigt 112.
Simisol.'s business shorl time lirs.MoDooaki, at resent. "Mr Thoe. • Brant Halton Wateriee Mid &el. of Tepronto Univereity, lecture on that: no.troni, Beet Oebinettare nOlit SRO eett
4tiftdelfiNellateelli rhtlar"hear4"66*4/644161:741)certs'--
retie-M/074r n t stanneh Reformer. He leaves 0.• wife The Ph togra her of toad
at present visiting old acquaintance in reconsiderabie quantit of alfalfa Will
Shappardtou the village. JOhn Wilson spent a part lae raised 'next year as e demonstrated
appointed postinaster here in place of ing to his duties at; townshipauditor the month of Pe Mail' ItOrd TKLLING Tt.tn• STAR8.--Ode lletiterhe kePt. .Thet seeleble wbY‘ we.
MrSimpoOt. Mr ildr.,roWs bought out Mies McDougall is visiting her sister address Farmetoraustifitte 'wean ' readers eliOuld heel` PrOfeeser Daher Thte 8°' btittit. 48verY Petreh htekee 'no"
artistic, reealte tit orate to -stone rind rise ,
ago an has been performing a so all Itiddr11 Wag the sub eat of a medieal tor; counties; ne has been taking • in the toWn hall OnFridatevenitIjan. dozen f
the sdutiee of postmaster, though the operation %St *Mk t we are glad to d the two.weeke special. course ot in- I %1st Tte Itlettr0 ° Weal 1101110 Photo *adios
ofiiert remained in Mr Sittipson's name be able to state that he Is progreesing struction at Guelph Oollege, and re.* tt °re MIlelettt pregrAmt dem'
up to the present, as satisfactorily as could he expected, turns home tlalti week # meticing at 8p. m.
• :-.•111111kii110% . ,
IF -