HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-24, Page 9• M 'l i$IE OL *inlay 24th, x$42 • OMAN, the Scottish Prima Donta, TOWN BALL, MINTON, TUESDAY, 'BB 4th THE 0 Nur tr ill « , „tea • oft Qui O b dQ of root c a c atentto X11 tllear.a barrecoka.#aving N. d �,,^ �**ern n to put u anew buildin ae �+ ,. ' itt "'B!uerackd' an idon ay whena f@w �aoon as they�au ; he l�uildin wi be l++'RIDAX, JAN,. 2A. 1002, of the ode excellent re- sold reasonably...J. Jackson,J$,towel, of the batxinners m ILOWIt 114311101, the scores were:•-�-I) birds--. le putting'an electric. bell system all' Orris J,,E. Centelon 15, R. Graham Ili, Jr through McOaughey'e Hotel ( parties ` Bali 1 , A. J rrbiihdi 0,- 1, E. Fan 13, the ing,bels put in cau leave word at N.Fair 13, wlstl(ng be p • erci+si, and the work will be *nameTwwtwr.-air rood A. Lewi+ )° ton 3, J..l'ieC1ay7..,..MrJemes Snell done promptly..,.Gl, Sauuderele. olnr' • tenor' of Be,rliq,.zp.Q�ltoboii intouin:Fe6. -le?bn Tuesday morning with laome to balite, hendeome brick residence I ,ll.rlaqHvoaan>as, ,e e tanpargauonon' oal01 for sol► beat Canadian which he ur ted shipping With R A f7 t i to r nl nr re4 pp po anti, sone ldauva,A�uertbatio r2oeP ti.. - other stuck iq a through car, at Mr -Willison, editor of the Globe and tan, tpatr Lor, ,____ _ _ , Wpodetock.b..Qq Mande Messes LOCAL N i3TIOES seals ds Biagi, of ilia Mat 4 e Works, PRO>?>aR'1'Y CHANTIII],:-R�bt• Bell put up to Mc7.'agtrsrt'e cen}etery. Chla has.bongEbRt he prloper•ty otr. Princess elhuret, a. flue twirl e'lon rod granite- street,aowned by Walter Cook, of Mtn- , naonuulent to the meiripry of the late •- ! �,, ,far $300, It 4e a good lot, with Me W. Wren..'+. We uoderytaud frena swell house, and is n,ot dear at the J, >34ckar thn,t lee bad e1►f lis ing r . dared to build a dwellin on his .pre price. . e t a t to t .. �1�5�1 r ex he new le chart . p 7 y h elearin0 Sale Me&s d s remaki reduction of 6e thorobre•d stock for the Northwest. this corning, summerm, W ' uad re d. thatCoate, private secretary to Youngest son of R. Coate. is likely to be appointed ,AssistantEditor of the Labor Gazette, issued at Ottawa ; he is well gnrelified for the position and. is to be congratulated if 'he gets it. We understand that there is likely to be further trouble about some of the evidence given at the recent magie- trate'e case in town of Waldron 9e. McKay -..,.In our report of some re+ Marks made by the Mayor at the nom- ination meeting, we stated t "the town had $8000 in debentures"on band; this was au error; it should have been cash on hand, and the anfount is over HEAVY HAULING. --mast weak the lot le tviegty-tyro feet frontava and. Measre•george and Mime Mair did runs from Princess to Victoria streets. e 7-'" • • what others had tried to do' and failed. A, letter received at this office tram I have disposed* om.y stock of Men's Furnishings to Messrs. Hodgens Bros., who willtake possession on the first of Mar. _next It is inn p eratLve that it be reduced at least one • third before that date. In Ord e to do this I will commence a great clearing sale of the entire contents of mystore on They. hauled froth .the bush- of Fred former Huronian who recently went to Ford, llolmesville, to Stapleton, four the Soo,.says that he Is: living on,the Immense loge that had about . seven American side, solely because he Could thousand feet in them. not rent a house on the Canadian side ; 510,000, MOVED TO TOWN, --Urs Bowden, this is a good outlook for the Soo..., LUUR1' OASE_ g rnaggistrate'a case of Blyth, has moved to town, and rent- ...1i:d. Bowers met. with an accident was Upsbefore. Mayor Jacirson, '1'h_ur*l- edfrona Jas. Smith the cottage adjoin- lest tetkhe the cissa factory whereby day morning, the result of a s uabbie. bag the Ontario street church....rioble he lost the first (Inger and part of the which occurred at the Clarendon Hotel Lovett, who recently had the miefor= second of his right land by the hand the night. previous. U. Sweet was tune to be burned out on the base line, coming in contact with the double:cat- plaintiffs and 1�'. Fawcett, defendant ^^hat moved�to towntnrand-noco►tplaa�,a c#t saw, it wag very, _painful. for Ed,. but .a'tor harm-- the a idence include and aka ul nth is felt 'him to 1C -__ _Y r house on Mill street, y p ing a number of witnesses Hie Norah p hie miefortune....Jae Connolly, of fined both $2 and costs. SHAKESP RIAN, :The. hist meet. Porter's Bill, was elected as first vice ing of the Sh espetian Club met. at president of the Western Dairymen " SUPPLEMENTh.u1ES. - Supple' the home of the Misses Combe' on' Bd.. Associationat their annual 'meeting me � Huron tinesFarin c Institute, with it will day week when the play "raining of held in Wo detock last week....On be held as fellows the Shrew" was started for discussion. another pant til be found an article(afternoon and even- The.next meeting will be at the home : in connection • with the new Pork tog) Wintrham, Feb, 4 ; Auburn, of Mrs 3, P. Doherty next Friday Eft en-. Packing and Cold Storage .(Jo., Lim• Feb. 5' ; Pt, Albert, Feb. 6 ; Benmiller. ing, Mies Snail to preside. tied readers should read the 1►rtiale Feb, O. • -Addresses will he delivered.b for it is now an aesnred,fact that such Meesrs._W. Elliott, Galt, and C. W. "H'ORSE D1t.NTISTRY.-It Q very. `an establishment will be built here Meetings of t, Women's Iuuejects. seldoin we ever hear Jtaborse having in a: short while.,.,A Farmers' In- held tit ascii ploce; in the Institute any teeth tilled but such was. the case, ,atitute meeting wee. held in the town y. theother day.. Dr Freeman had this. hall yesterday (Thursday); 'sessions noon onl duty to perform having Oiled a , tront• being held in the afternoon and .even ' MUCH IMPROVED. -The hardware tooth with y���'��'t���lpppppperofone of3. Middleton's ing; a full report will begiven next store•af Harland .Bros.. is considered horses.: Thislis the first filling he has week: , , .The ants Militia hange in one of the most up-to-date stores in had to do' since coming to Clinton, the 33rd Huron Regiment announced Western' Ontario and it will rank favor- VIBITED THEIR BRETHREN. - is Honorary Surgeon Lieut -tial, W, ably. with any in the .cities when they Tlie other a anis the following mem= . J• R. d lis es who is • placed upon • the Y g , re ired list_ retaining honorary rank bars of Clinton Lodge Sons of England, oft. Surgeant Lieutenant . 0olonei. , , visits their brethren at Londesbolo, - The _ oherty organ factory have .been and had N.pRob cit T. ant a ing , .. s Wr latee1 shipping a carload of organs Jack , ever day either for local trade or ex - H, Webb, A. Moore,. W. Sloman, A•' port, . ,The Co11e iota Saeid .met for • Sloman'and F. W, Watts nearly all ite're' alar montheg meetiti on Mon• were poet presiden'••s. of the -Society," day •evening butythe only business d called o to speak. i e passing of afew accounts Saturday, Jan. 25th, and continue it until the 28th of February.,... You know just what this stock is. ' It is one of .tha;best and most complete collections of Men's Furnishings in the county, and. has been bought from the best makers and dealers. Without any reserve whatever the whole, stock wiillbe placed on sale commencing Saturday, January '25th, • at-' prices that have nes er been .*quailed in these parts for goods of as good qualities. • You don't get a chance like this very often, and the prices will' make it pay you well to buy naw, even for' future needs Hans for the Sale The entire Hat stock will be grouped into three prices for P you can is ave ggrrand this sale, I . from 50c to 81.25 if ou, will lasts. buy your hat while it a HAT AT. 75c. Every hard and soft hat in the store,ggood dualities and sbapes, everxthing- that sod at 51 and $1 25, choice during the sale at ° Ties . r . Your choice" t f,.the largest and bent' collection. of ties in• the county at one-third less. than the. regular price. If;pas- ;Bible everytie in the store 'must be sold before t a:';firt�t of -air. ,th M C eH . h t a ,lass"w�l help p ,,.. a p. .:to do _ it.:... 75e 5ltc TIES FOR 35e HATS AT 1 Your choice of all 500 Ti$s, four blacks and . I . inhand, puffs and flowing ends Hard and soft Hats, shapes,dark and light colors, all" colors, popular shapes, every , ! go'at.one price •. 000 one that sod at $1.50 -and 8175, Z oU 1 choice during sale at 25e IES FOR 17e : w TS AT 81.75 All the 25c Ties in• `stock 'to The best hats in the store selling during sale at each . . at this price, no reserve, fash- ionable shapes,lines that so d at $2.50, $2.7and $3, choice 1.75 Colored and White. during sa'e at• ' Shirt Caps I the best peaked Caps, finest list s, new shapes, sold at 81.25 an t$1.50, choice during sale.. 9 75 peakedt'0 ps, c'oth and,cordu- roy. pull dw'wn hands, a'so hook on shapes, newt=s , colors, every thing that sold at'°C 50c. cho ce during sale Men's Scotch Tains; regu'ar $1 750 " and. $1.25, for sale 6..._+ :.:- • Men's • fur Caps, sledge shape, in Bokaran Lamb, stand no • end x.50 of wear, regular $4, for sale Gloves and Mitts Your choice to buv from the best stockof men's Gloves and, Mitts in the county, at and below wholesale prices. • Men's muleskin mitts, wool lined. - a' mitt that will. stand any amount of rough wear, regular 85e 50c, choice during pale All the best quality of calf skin . milts in the store, wool lined, regular 75c tinet;nothingbetter to wear made, selling per pair 50o $1 GLOVES for 09e 75 pair men's lined gloves, all fines that • sold at $1 per pair, eavy driving 'gloves and the lighter makes for street weal.; including the famous line of ' i Asbestos gloves. that do not get Bard and are water and fire proof, choice of lot for Me.... 69C Petra fine quality lined gloves, shades regud lar, undressed, sa est nn 75 pairs unlined gloves, Perrins •arid other makes, in assorted snades, regular 51 and $1.25,, 750 for sale Bargains in Socks • • 61l pairs black cashmere Soaks, seamless, fast - black, regular 500 line, during sale 3 pair for 1.00 12 dozen wool socks, seamless, good weigght, black and greys, , regular 26e line, during sale 18c or d pair forum have. completed the improvements. contemplated: For some time they have utilized three stores but, are now going. to fall back and use . only two, which these did before ' bringing the Johnston stock' from Seaforth. In their south. store extensive improve.- moots mprove- mentshave been made.; - new shelving has been put °n by Thos. McKenzie on an were ca a upon dole was th one side which has been 'refitted with SHIPMENTS, --The outputs, from Friends *here deeply sympathize with galvanized boxes and sampled on the Seem- the Oliaton yards this •week ere;- Rev and Mrs Parke, , of Amberstburgg, outside. This adds. greatly to the an - Monday, , a carload of lambs for ex.' In 'their bireaveinent; • they irecently. pearance of the interior and. When all port via Buffalo by R.-,Wioters.(of Sea- •lost their infant baby of a few dapps. changes are made the Harland Bros. forth), and two carloads. (one�frorn . o1d..,:.Ann^ng. tits horses. • recently - Will have a store bard 'to be beaten Myth). of hogs for Toronto by Gnnte-.: bought at (lodericb for South Africa - west of •Toronto• • :ton &Wallisi Tuesday, four ct.rl+iads' were.tourpurchasedfram Johnston & B INiQUEr TO f7; Mc $. A. -On of cattle. .for Taranto by E. t.patson$eils sales o'tablehere, ...Thereport• f. Thuridey evening ,' the .members •of and Wednesday one carload Of. Cattle th©Inspectpr.of the Rous of :Refine ldianGli"348, of• the Ot M. B, A:, were fr 'for.Toront.o' byOh'as Reid, n the .year ending 3let December, entertained to an• oyster supper -at the '-PFRECEP.TOfY OFFIOE1 S. -•-4t '�a' 1.901., which will lie. presented to the residence of Father ..MeMea min.. couty. council will be published in Needless to say a most eno ab'e Bieck meeting QifJubilee hta of -1 Ireland., held her ori tie next week's issue., ; ,'1'be :Building evening was passed.. Ocer.. twenty Knights Committee of Ontario street church members. were present and enjoyed the • 10th inst.; the following„oafficere' hive token. the contract off the. con'-' good things :prepared for • them. Mc - Cleated • for ensuing y Sir tractor e. hand, 'he having completed Speeches were made by Father • Mc- John Srar. et Preceptor; P. Oanteloe, *lame; eave• a few details to be attended Mena,nin, President John J. Mc. Registrar;'oBnllard Kearns,Leotulerer;Abet to when; itis weather: is'' faporable.... .Caug'bey and Dr Shaw. On motion of Barr and John, + The . ouae of R•*fuge Oommittee of I Dr Shaw, seconded by John Carbert a Anderson and 'Wm Ford, . Censors: ; J.. H. he':t;ount7 Councii,, still meet here vote of thanks was unam(ously ex- •�'Campbell and Seelft .: Robinson, Standard on, Monday next. ,.... We hear there: is tO: tended' to: Father: McMenamin for his Anthony t eine 1?a sa veilY unartui ; beawedding.here the arse Wednesday `• great kindness.and generooshospitah, nt y 1+T v ,. • in -February,:• whereby one of • our ity and as a mark 'of appreciation .of SOMETHING UNUSUAL:.-- 'The • popular young ladies will. become a his efforts in working for:the interest other day in being, paida subscof . another 4)7p,, B • •E, • and welfare of the 0, M. B. A. The' • by a part•v.. twin Holmesvitie, 'sz a re- Young, of. the :gram. branch, is unto, rest of the evening was 'spent in the ription resident eeived a •$1 D'om ion• of Canada bill clerk atllicason's Bank • here . 1iiT, • enjoyment of musiic;and games, which with the name (0 it; by`himself) et -Rance, of, 0iiaton, hue;; been re. or► the Whale, proved a moat ,enjoy .,. "IH. R • Rnei f,Ird, `Regina; N. W.. T., elected secretary -treasurer of '.:iilyth :able feaetaad one not to "be^.easily 'Sept 23. d, 1898'; "It has evidently School Boars..' :TbeSalvation ,.Army :furgottea:• . travelled conni'derably and been: ' in many bands since that time and .what • <'+. , • le more singular .,:that it should • come, �'�M�r'ii1�iWwi 1NWiViMkYYhQthree Questions TO- SOLVE- i, •,d have a Fountain Pen costing him $1. B siso buys one. mole , ing him 52.ii0, 4 'gets along' with his fairly well, jest a few irregularities and et the, end of a ear is oareles. &bbeoat using it, and generally speaking does not praise Fountain Pelts. 13 uses bis without a trouble for, say ten yore, it never has to be coax- ed to write, It is now aervingliim as well so ever.. lde would not be without it.. Which is the ohesper pea 1 2. How much should A have paid for his Fen if both buyers got e'lnal velpe ? • • . E. How moll should $: hags paid for' his pen if ,he had received the sante returns for his expenditure es A. We hove the $1 pen, end we have heard it well spoken of:. We•eleo hive the $2.50, $d,;$8,so and $4 pen, and we know where 'they have been in use ten years and their owners would not exchange ;them for new pens. They, are the oheapeet kind to*buy, If interested let us farther talk Fountain nee. to. yoavx._. � �._ _ , The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton "Often the Cheapest--jtway$ the Res.t.r �M ihosisiv Annu 1 :., � Stock -taking � . and Clearin,, Sale At vir. Taylor r & Sons. POMMIWIR • We bike stook on the lot day of Februaryand have now coir+pleted ar- . rangemenls for the biggest sale of First -Glass Footwear ever held iii the • Ev�ryhody knows ,th da' and ends of 'stook will accumulate, and.this is the time to' clean them out so.fer the. next ten days yon may expect„ some genuine bar ains • We have had an exceptionally good year's business (thebest in oitr history) and are willing for the balance of this month, to treat all our ons•. tomera and friends to a feast of bargains , We audit is impossible, to give a list of prices this`wesk, but.. come along` and yeaWill not be disappointed.. • • Weare out•for business and the inducements .we offer are a saving on - every pair of bootsyou buy. The Old Reliable, The Store That Never Disappoints • . . 4 • back tothe town where the writer le tittttttt t titatiltti ttittittt,ttllotittittitttrtt!tt!trithetahitt,tttrtIttttttt In t��_ fill now located'. The bill was ekchanged' Gan save some.money to a party whQ :will keep it as 'a, me- �. .. • 71.0' 8 ring hyrts ,' "=Mr J`. � -. •� �• r�: • �. � . :::...- • . , mento. You y bury ,yourp TE SUMMER 110 EL Smith tells us. tbat, the new summer hotel in G}oderich is being fast pushed ahead,; The wood work is about done rsw• and the 146 windows are . all. in . so all soon be started. she bricks kre all on ' he epee in choice during sills .:.', �; 'and it seems that the Hotel will be. in •" • b • while this sale lasts. Entire stook. of .colored shirts, soft and hard fronts; in newest • designs, stripes and checks, Ox - Bloods etc., guaranteed fast colora,: res"ular $1 and $1.25 69, the ground ready fort v r g the:inside`work. such as plastering will see. WHI`TE SHIRTS AT ` 18TM`liness for the early summer trade. me,_ It.will be more:;ati extensive building than moat petite think for 300:000 feet 000 brick will he tiled, 18,00'0 white shirt: as: cheap as this Win be 12,000 yards of plast.ering.~• intes BARGAIN PRICES.. oft You are not likely to get a p:,unds pf, nails needed and m all .here 1 imb e`r e will re wired to complete it '130 fro " A SACRED OPERA -It was a poor the best:maker.si and t e' qnal, drama at the town hall onlast Friday thoroughly 1'a,b'le night.- The majority of those who again: ;' these are. -bought.fr audience which greeted the Holy City ities are rel .. attended were majority satisfied with the Regular 50e unlaundried 'Shirtsentertainment particularly. the sing - at during.sale. ..., • 080 ing. The company has its -own scenery ' which i's -beautiful and this :with the Regular 75q., laundried Shirts at 50c lovely costumes and • stage :setting -- during sale • r, • combine to snake it very' attractive. Regular $1'and. $1:15 Iaundried . fine•"Holy City" is in three parts,. shirts at during sale: - _... 750 the first being. a cathedral scene, on • . Christmas day, .:the second shows the WORKING. SHIRTS.. pilgrims on their way 'to �erusalen Black sateen, fastcolor, regu'ar es5 and the third the first Easter dawn $1, duringsale . , ... ......., introducing resurrection scenes and music. It was a. very 'production roduction Heavy' black duck shirts with and mittht hayebeetrbetter patronized white stripe, egular 756, dur-than it was. ing sale , 500 MISS DOYLE WEDDED.- Bier ill eleas d to n merouefr irndsherew be e n� 'shirts, u i �}rey flannel and knitted pp regular 50c, during sale050 learn the following although it was generally known long before the event . took place. At thea home of the bride's nderwear parents, Owen Sennd, at noon an Wednesday,: Jan. 15th., Rave Jae. °' "A.rdeii tied the matrimonial knot of: •Sou. can buy the cheapest Mise Maggie Doyyle to Geo. Sills, 'of • • Man.,' of Win •ham. There were no attendants and on1yo underwear fiver sold ii Clinton carmen, Ma y g if you take adsant(vvantage of this relatives attended the weddi__n_�`gg, The stile: happy couple were visiti ng in Wingham 4 great e • g and other pointe before golf to" their s very fine. natural wool under- wear, the best line in the stbre, . engaged inthe fun itureand,undertaking I shirts double breasted, will not business. As wehavementioned before shrink,regular$150,during sale 98a' the bride is well • known here havif been for a number' of seasons head, milliner atHodgens Bros, bind when ,= home in Carmen ere r ,, where M dil si Ektra good quality fleece lined E Underwear,. the best; half dollar here, by her charming manner, made n line in town, ,clearing ,during. many friends who wish .Mr.and Mrs sale at per suit..., ............:.. 7uia sills ever happiness, • • Fleece__ lined underwear, extra y pp heavy. best line iii the store, . ' GRAND . ng (ilub T.•• -.The Clinton y Lawn Bowling "Club will give a grand shirts and drawers, regular 75c concert in the town hall on the even• and85c, clearing during sale ating on Tuesday, Feb. 4th. They have per Barmen .. 5U0' secured the services of Mise Jessie Mae. gises laahan, the renowned Scottish Prima • Donnas, This name r.. in itself is enough .,, The above are °only •a. few o f the many the a ,In p to fill hit: laces where Misa Ere- Maelachan has sung the second time• shehaselwaye recemeda areatoyation.., .. 1 , Piper Macdonald and hie„ charming It will surprise a . good many buyers .to see the *Ulster Coat whish' we will daughter will also be present', and de t'4ltere ofm1`#leottfianda -: ... sol},for adu i" adlatntt�0cheh r�lihto with uhthlmtld:mta* and the eyes ol'• +� gy ,,,, i CAI: ,I'y evervbady present by the f racefnt tab,well lined - and well made a coat that is easily worth *8 • glancing o>t the weans lady in queatlon,. '�"` Local talent in the persons of the Sib. . hrrgxllsthat can bo• had durInAlhis sale, The stock must be reduced and you. can am money, for the bargains pare genuine �t CLINT f Saturday last saw the finish of 'aur big sale, and:' when we had ' ev'er • thing totalled up we found that 'it had been the. 7tost successful. one• n the history of our . business. his shows. Vus : that our methods are:, - being appreciated ' more every-: year w • At the present time we' are stock -taking . and • of ter that , job . is _ . done • we wi l • coinm,ence, to get ready.. for our •s prangcampaign.. ' 'e will have sante' interesting news for clothing buyers this sprng...Wew be 'able to: show the che est clothing ever •offered in this section. Our clothing coming direst; from our. own factory to .the wearer with out the middlemaxi's' profit ; ..• • • Sr Daae Odds and .:E .dsi`foreatui,day We have a few Bo. s' Overcoats left from the: bi - sale and 'our. prices went up..as high as *5.50, •• :If . "you can get " your size the :... rxc 1- -ons. be S2.98 • Macy a boy can do with ac (Coat. of this kind es eoiall. . ..i.;3•. re's when the price is so low„ --"A'AS21k IEMZ 1 Mena's. Uistw Coats fellow townsmen. gW.P.iSpalding' will ., lachlmni hits only been secured at very great Ryer been( paid to any by far ' hitherto visiting Minton ; the L. 13. 0. look to the citizens to reward their alai y efforts to provide a first class enter -1 dr • taininent by a bumper house, rJ, cote lete the pro r .Affix Miss Mac - °A "AO ” ►011' EROS.,� ��TGsoRz • �" u�tu�u�luuir�uu�i�u�u���u�uu�u►+uu�utu�ul�uu�u��utu�uu��uluui�u 1 .4 .101.001 imula met