HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-24, Page 8-11 ..e.„,--..4e..e....„ereaweeeeneseveratierseeweett . it1,41 la :3ong„ 4.matt‘ feftlifetta • Cfroumhoppor Miracle \Re Teat oLown, 4 4 FOOLle, atterneYe st-law. of fosseiter, r(40, holed the foliolling legal, Inca dent: "01 «tat most original lawifers, I over met to my We Was 'Stan' Dysart, who some twenty veers • ago wail resident our county, let1 , your town, Vain' Was s. born 'humorist, 14! some Ma to Maier 'Berl' Dysart, of i end cenid have -Made bie fortune In tile leetere field. 'Mien he lived Up oar way be was engaged. on one aocasIOP , to dermal a let of boy, and girie charged with distureing relate:me tieseMbly out In the country, bY 2ngcad giggling' lithe way the intim: • ;nation read, The case 'wee tried hetore J Squire A, el, Bailey, a' good ole man, who lees len" slate gone to, Ins :Mud teemed. Like all catiee of the Ilort, attracted an luirnease -crowd froui the vicinity of the alleged outrage, T. a f laeloole eiroseouted, and lie wag In. strueted by the cleurob. people to spare eo pains to cenviot the distuthere, who were very miudh, teightened.by betn drage e into court. Alt the defentlants Were children of good tau:allele and it as their Arsteoffeeee. Tiley candidly admitted they laughed, out In church, ; and tbe State teetotal 'the% bat their • own Mouth* they were econdemned. lerether Tice Spears, a .rIghteoue man ef item! type, n Rows- -outing witeess, He had conducted- the , El'ervIces, and lie telithial that hle peace was sadly disturbed by the uneeemlY • beliavlor of the 'rioters.' Aftee he told bts etory in Oder he eat down with denied, handa Waiting for the eefend.• ante ,attorriete to_h_egin on him. ale havelong thewalte"'"Whe-exanilna` atalth,,itt her beatning. eyes, health hi her glowing cheek, health in her inerey • laugh, Yet country •air stur Colintey boure can't save her from the eoppnou • experience pf -women -- an eaperienee "Mei* .the eye, pales the cheek, 'ittelturns the laugh to a sigh. 'Womanly 4110 come to almost all. But for these there Is 'help. and healing hi Dr. mee'i; Favorite piegerietion. It ' . regu- lates-the.periode, OOPS fix -healthy drains, , Once inflammation, ulceration and fe. Vale Weak:nem. 4, It infiltee weak women .stenig, elek wonien.'well. •• ' 11 pp, n, r • e '..r2reeeewriteiree"-teba litiff`eree.qiiree-yeabri;r-1 •I Id ill th More at =cattily perioda seemed as thoutilii n "B other e rs 1 th ' ma id* a insisted upon, my trying Dr. Pierce's n last night? Favorite PrescriptIon. With but little faith X "X did, sir,* ntgitandhltafge taken half* bottle I preyed?, ut appetite me slept better. „ am happy to say I tint entirety cured, and Z did, 011',' naucluit#442tiyflActlf4udiasatregwe . tlimbegau thlgy all 117e of ever being cured, Am. one of " Yen' ea meet • *II done in ,two inontha' thneovhen all other " 'And preachedr msdicines had,ralled, tedo any good at * ‘,#‘ ‘,1 tried toe .Billouenese iircureal by the use of , "'And sung?‘ •PferCes Pleasant-Rellets. "A sung." • • 41 'WhatAid you sing?' •'•, '0 t "There lo a, Fountain . Fined With Wood"' air, • , ,• . ,. * • "liere Ur. • DYsari Pailiel a hymill hook from his pocket and handed It to . • the witness, with the reniark: • • •"."Please turn to that sang. BeOther ofipearoe . . - "The witness did so. • "'That's what you sang that night?' • '',...n. le, sir.' ' • "'Wen. stand Up and *lug It noyr, It . You please.' e "What!' ' . "You heard what I .aid, 'Brother Spears.' ' a - " 'Bet X can't sing before this sort el 1 ' crowd,' ' 'Brother:Spears; with Much. anpar. wit Intlighatien, 'do I uneerstarid. that ' • Yon refuse to furnish legitimate eva • • denceeto this farrre • " etre-no-bute ;feu geo-e-e " •, ' "Your Honor,' •said; Mr.' Dysart, '1 bullet that the ' *Oases Shall 'sing the 411 ttio • KIM s intevest two ,pairs:or commit, nibbers. For thre • years wa have proved that with flints yitycti can stub , 24"." -Tor your fo ot, • • but you cannot stub the rubbers. • •Ring's,gin u trt tritimill itre% t ablp d • npint tb4 sole of each rubber' with our copy- • • • righted 'Conte • dtt Da &noir yourself 'tft bade, aired ,,by ' • •Nit '1 witata TOP. • best. on:the inarkit, Al4alictind: 12 -inch tape vith 10110 ' and Rae* Thsy ant tarrlid;$ yoet. 64.1LiKING.Cu; . . - You 1day Dioes,1 1111. For e". Cuts• . BUrns u lees Itubbers „ _ • Crarripe . Diarrhoea: .All Bowel coniplairtts It la a sane, wihe# and quick remedy;. ThereNi 041Y one PAN -KILLER. renal Twa Sizes, 2110. and 500: . • to.ISOr -active business man is ittst as liable to take cold As hetatiSe be • • feels lie ;cannot affOrd,' to • ", lay up with it, he neg.,. leafs itlind tiegleeteg • e0,1d leacle only to Grip,p6-..." and Prippe, .to • the open •-grave. • liWANTA GRIPPE 'CAPSULE nips- a coid in the 'bud—you feels its good effe4..ts and it Wires like magic. --no teed of laying heals while yottyvork.. 1. w"I'th, r°°°:sinetit otartva 'We/WM Matt MS' 1,, "i 610,,Aretitity dtftrotnstiaggagtil°:. vivaillattieienotwoonnitilide that seas' e ee 'cold t :Me them oft" 6-116114 'et voice tattooist's-2e drafts A. rox-int tiAitab maser Mt 'VVIA,NTA 14440 • Otitswes. Onto. song retailed. to teat *tube did on the night of alleged' disturl3itrice.. • It IS . s pat o our 'evidenceand. very import- ant. era. Theereasen: for it wilt -.be *die., ,eolosed„later one a• - • ' , ..,,"There , was a long jangle ',between the lawyer* •and`the Colirt or7 . der:0_111e •witnesS t.0.46t up and shit.' ' ." 'And, mind '. you, Brother Speare•.' • 411.ald :DYserto rieriouslY. 'YOU must .eing it. ea/et:air yeti 'aitid, that night; if yeu change Anotti You r.iar lime., to se:back and, do. It all over . • • "The. Witheie &tam and Opened. the book. - -There Is sc.irstet difference be- tween. Singing to a 'Congregation sympathy with you 'nod a Crowd of eoiree room . habltties„. e ',Blether 'Spears Wee. Painfullyboliseibito 'of -the,' feet., You know how those: oldtime hymn aro. sung in •the .heckWeees.,, �etie- ments? you „begin in ,..the" baSeizient arid work ;up to the roof, and.then leap ` Off teem. diger height arieeeihalie finiph tapelike in.the basenient.•: •rilhat'S 'the weettie witnese sang, .,He, a good ,Voieeethat is, it :wee *Strong. •'# Seemed tb threaten the window. lights. The cro.w.dedida't erolieeelt jest yelled , *Mx, ta,ughter.: .The-lurymen bent cioti7 ble and almost rolled. from 'their,- Beata, - , The coUrt: bit his Cobeelpe harder and - I ooked .solemn. (Xt. waen't Any use: There were only two straight faces, in the h.ouse. One, belonged to a deaf man and the othef to 'Sine .D.yeert. The singer finished and•at. down.. 'AU looked. thee, '''Sam. .01:needle:tele! ex-, gused Whenthe time, ftir speech.: making* dame; Tani' ,remarke#1. to thei .J4rY: If you' gentlemen think.you could go to one of Brothel- Spearie nagetlitge •and eebava.better than you' have here, why, yeatinay be eustitied oonvictieg these.boes and girls,'• That -was ell he : but It gave •the JOrY lots to think . about, ,They • brought ;in a verdict or, net gulityt-wIth the request that:Broth- er •Sleeara,..strie ,anothee pong, • But 'thet •gentIetrmai tied gone AO evert mettouriled."-efae,on "Reintbiteateer • Pearls of Great 12 -nee. •' To -day. -some of the fitmet -peerld Of. . #, • * .• • the woricl go. to chine: • Where le a • big •demend " for them aineeg the , 'mandarins tliere: 'go to ',India fink • sale to the rajahs, and .6 large numbee • to Vire!, wle.enee, they are re:•expottea. .delne pearls ate still Of greet value, • uut. net so inuell Bo .as they were in the past. trir Roman timed' they were ' *worth ..mOre Me*, 'Casesee once presented to the Mother of lefareus • thane a pearl 'valued at suo,00p. Cleo. -.Patieele satcl to •hwee, sivallOwee one (Werth -ege0,000;• • and Oho had .vauttter equally vs/Mabee.' Piller. XX. Of Spate received a. preeeett Of ,a PanantiA.Pearl worth $2a000. arid: a Spanish wothaxi ;Madrid *liquid One Worth 30000 antata • Duxerlie a. • visit to (Censtantinople Was .showri the• Sultaxee peerl tion. He ha n about 'a peck Of pearl" • of different, eizes, noose ae as .4. pigeoirs egg,. aild: some ne larger' tliari ...tile head of e 1:re • has eme NtOidered with peerle, saddle Oahe • decoteted -with there, add it greet nutri. be r infri.oes .with peerlestedded.' ha,ridlee, which are probablyti d•' • Ow ladlee of him harem,-Buffaks reeteo • toiL et 'MADNE.8k" .outitAMOtiatit trityvitia 0 Witarlid iroself thei olloritladnos* to marl, netateeeleke entrees)* it *tarts to week at the.countalit.heati. of the ' '610311We-the dlgentlett. toneethe the 001 Mew ••••• =ahem of Burnie some (a) etle advantage gained'hy the BASOLIOPPICII8 aro being put to VAR tory or the Brae* over Xing et new too out in Matanuska. T.MOCELE ...c.a. 0, , farmer* aave killed lueredtble tihariettetown Lady. aro, wam taut s.octulsitlion o t uumbere ot them by the hall, of temowt rubyminim, from whioh a inetaine width Ia. perhaPeethe moot had trate. tit e Onset "pieeen-hlootr 4., effective ever devieed for the" purpoite. fir Doctor theia She Wei irt Ooniomptioe etouse In the verld, MI It r was ex:* It is celled 11, "hoppeadoeer," Val Im Peetfid, Viet all litimeroie treaeure of nothing More nor lees than.* large fiat e Itud Held (Ju t ne HOpe of Iteee0Veriee.•thee.. gema would be found. in tlearoYal pen, with a strialt *mount of kerosene w0..dey Joe te wen strong pelage. But, elthough the. loOting contained 4n, depreselon In the rez of ,the moriereles Iowa...abandoned part or It. The contrivance, befog • • resIdenote Jam tilled with rublee were tathed to a horse; hi pushed along in tottioutoVubliehed from time 40 time Litu.3.0.,alivibcyrboins red and In other driven acres* the fields. Pretty nearly ' Vtaine the Isliti;der,4.0(ithaivrtee.; wow- 13, disoovered, ;merle' of them were of front of the atillnal ea the latter le I every graeshopper envountered, thew the number of deetlia 00ourrnig .."4,P°4 vre?tellimalnitintment. xev. • thie 00101137 'tom enneureP-..- erileelese, 'confidence la the reseurees lumps 'upon the pan,is Imolai? tion to be ea area; ao the MIMbor oimeed the *flume ,wee uosiukueo; and.captt,44. by ail ethos preveutible diefuteee aoallAneti' los lo Ongland were so %tor to bey ft is no wonderetherefore, theethe Audited . deer" In 13, oempame orsootood to too. fraternity lake at lest itweitered tO 1,4e volt the . liehle that the Pollee ' that to °IWO urgent MeP'ne ruby ran° bwere Mellott to eefend, with drawn totee Olken to prevent'tat Nether opread„ -one., doe, :the „maitre at the eennerrt , th the public that while the disease is readily COMmunioeted freak one Peron tegInneseeta4e714 ftalt-eraxed."1414' to another, itis net necessarily inherited, ter though the tenderwr to11tneY Simms in the entereirlee were boomed therefore, of the utmost importance that ie to settonieleng figure, but tumbled taaerniogly when knew* began to leek people with weak lunge eliould take the greout that the rplia eeteee was likely to itteet wire of themselves to preyent „. ' . consumption obtaining hold Upon. them. prove a bubble. Xining had beenbe - rem entleadeer tart lett, or „mow, gun on an extensive ecele,but eornee whohamine food and a good blob tuedielna he're the genaff did not Materialize, ane to keep the blood rieh, red and 'pure, will lt looked as though the field* were • i enable anyone to resist the nroads or tuunhe, leen valnuhle than had been eur" the diseaoe. As a blood: forming tonic, Palma, or as if the elelloelts. had been therein noloedioloo the equal of Dr grit. , exeleenetea, Attlee rIorne yeera enveatorm hOPPfledoefir,•are lett in winrowe in the" llems! Pink Pine, These -pills wherelreele Made pp their inhale that their money ,Ihietterhe,WyelrreimoteY (=reset tneC/tritteett11.: and fairly twed, will •etrenetlien elui wee NO*4 aff loot. •Oenee. the treat' Weakest othetitutiOn, and have eared and delightfut surprise ode/sena be • ' sieffleieut, One- to reale!. ftlieM to a in ittietirly Stages. Proof of this is given have began to pay develentle, Manyeeibiee consumption when taker: Abe recent latelligentie that etee miners, wern"er/704„,e4 dn./keep „war re. 'rtee,e(11,014Tvertdo'inartoe in the me of Mrs Abram Henry, of }4213ortelt-oo ime tetalfht hoProre4 1;44 00,WeePid to *Med., whet° Oblirliittetbeiliele'E;et-''Peeer xridoottem-,ar -mothoor-ou-lnialitee"atele-eleetelerti' •,.-•.....kr"t-rnIkintgl-&;"In'a°14e$1214t- the blender who called upon her, Mrs Power, hient ham beep' get up. by qt. eareelleItiri ordinarY'Obeese-press, an Henry vaideeetee fete yearo age 1 fecind .0(nnVatir for Waaliint the 11111q-Oeatililg • 4114""1„,.. 441:"'"114 " inyoelf growing weak and pal?„ owl eerfb, Called "byou. *rue, bre% „ 4aT PAR4e ere shipped; In quaapatege, emit:lilted- I took verities Median:mg on wittelY distributed • threnglanit the Ata , 1:6104nre-fateoni, VhiO find We the advice of friends'm but none of the.40k atativea hare. yeorhod the _ ben-Pr.:Wender ' Most eatIst appeared io do' me any good, and twO apipr emit of it ter ortttrlee, say* Vise .ad they are:anxious to get mo years ago my • condition bream°, intiole "saturde., Illventng Poet," and the letee. :.°t et* _,...,klePtirentlea it le sk. mot enatiiir worse, that I was obliged to take : to me, 'aver In view te to get it the weer • see! figgeprednetion. • bed, and gall In a docitor, who mid apt ele and dlg down to • tet 'eat aa'aeaaal7 to grind the brie MY lunge Were afteotea, gad Shot I 'Wee hoesuse of *their Weight, the terg bereft feettinti the. ataft. be the 0104 going into coneuraptien, and he told ereatelis ars likely to be' timed. One • mether,. who was mostly in attendance' etonir twootr.eight citrate -Wee htehed doubtful.. grew gradually,..weaker agined from the.. fact that of 'on4 upon Me, that my recovery eves veii r00Atitly, 80141:ttps TAW, roma be ine, 'weaker. • I could , not sit pp for fite....4kritt le worth four time*** much as a . minutes; Inege pained ; COOghea diAMMia' of the won° size, leVerely, Wet almost ell desire for food, Ptitieli PPOIPanY fito reported by end When I did eat Ifound it diffittute her. feh. X4'.. /twee .the GeolOgieal sur- 011tfocated. by the kerosene. ' This ineenloue intarnMent hew be In use for a number of years in parte the Wait, but hitherto It has nee eurred te the farmers to make any of the dead 'arteesitoPPero. Moat tom meter thee* Were burned„ though o more eaterprielne atirleulturleto turn a portion Of thelll to, accoUnt poult feed. They found that the hone Mt them iemeedlogle; fer it le a fact th a grasehopper to to a bee Whae.a care. valthaelt (Melt is to a hinnan epleure- t Very eboleeet end niaet esteemed delecaells. Hence the glaa whlob 10 now being davoksped ass corainerelal goal* Tem etriteehoPPeri, otter 'being by the, titei 011.14170e you tun PAY WilEN CURED s*su,a 4e star. Yon need pay notWg until.yon movinmel that sAllorentk irurit 44r mido•zo lua-••44-7 u, Each. time you cull you see me Personally, thus yoe write it melees my 1 attention, no number or YerZoIrtrooleg on . Detroit, iota the ogres 1 moon= eftergiven np r other dootele# • of pa the forepoet spedelat *Me OQUASM. AC. The.Lotest Method Treatment Guanmteed to Cure We' arrietiOill/rIVM,arytnortie riptEolit oQut.1.1‘447411iNfAirivritctiF enlertt Plfest14 Troubmso. 00-Kelltersitim ariteliWviuti tea:tot to or ii6.nk f led" 0 Ft GOLDBERG/ 2°1 wiggirlt: 0414,"'"" • at oats meat, rerfeat croon° orate treatilleat for hoes w 0 eenpot mit BO /X ed lobate fer Osmemaa patient' shipped from W deer. Ali ante and exam* • -TheJ3ankrurstockot 0,-B. Koenig -is yet- Well assorted, Stoc , au raye near y everyt ,ng m tap e oo s • re,quir.. We do not intend to replenish our stock, but shall proCeed, ko soon as Teal; as we shall positively close up as soon* pre, ' taveettie: ding oelw goods d.w9, sold oluythecrinkr9t, • new• ed for the Fall .trade. • to sell what weihave at big reductions in ore' t I ar out a* to" sent stock is disposed of, We ask all parties desirous of 'getting good goods at low • prices ta call awl see ma as we can give prices that ean• nOt ba dhall sell everything cheap, but have special birgaius 01.41;cloneaubletmeaMeorerefteglr vettutO fOrytertt. i.em With Constipation " • COme a.Hosi of Ills retainroodon.my stomach. I fell awey TID. 7) 14 now prodtioing 010*-4akt Of ' In weight -from 1481101endite '100 ptiande, th• werldet Yield of ruble* and: its Get weil 'Ana if-eeP well Re" anal do not think any of mY friende kisses two sabil to include prestically all late...the nown4m • °Alai IP PIO Pith; and I deoided to 'an so.. . • ettualledin town, having bought the toads at 68c on the,SWe - • . ▪ 111" EcomWeelwiniletmeutiou- a few specials—DrsS Good,Prilitg • Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, •Shirtings, bel0Ms, Cott tonades, Tweeds Underwear„,Small Wares, et, u . . , , e W h justopenedup a large stock of Ladies' an( r. Children's -Jackets, all new, that we shall sell at about Half t Price. Y f ' Ken's Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions. - Men's, Boyle. and, Children's Overcoats at Wholesale. . We have a lot a mezei Odd Coats 00 or 60) at about expeotee to see me get better, • But. some of the • retble-bearing territory Of Bur- chase's Kidneyi1)7 avver Pilla of than urged,rae to tr• y Dr Williams' •istale , ••••• , • You cannot avoid disease if Ito tiegleet to regulato.. •the bowels and stomaoli wee very weak, bra•1 wee•egon PrOteetion of .wOrus. • to'rpid, sluggish and tentative. D • ee_ allow the liver and kidneys to becom able to inorettee this to three pillo a den „,. _ -'-'.-,-„ • , . Chase's Itidney-liver 1-'111s are th 1 and finally as inY etrength was increasing N unit erovemoer "Era" :Velliittat S. most .valuable family medicine tha 1 'began by ti'iking one pill VI. day, -.for my • under their nee, I took nine . poise* day. • : • *-4111Ph Plea • d* for tentaleetbuteid one, can ccineeive: of because thee. in The thengewhich gamewith the tise of e e .Worde and Phrases,: . ., . , vIgOrater • and regulate the • .e*cretor the pille was little short Of niilatnalo,ps, . , ' . e'le thew', ,eaye when oo:orybody,.,' , and Altering organs as no other prom. and 00 merited and rapt*at. 'inside :of .'':. - lo•writing and eVeryliody Seems:to 4tic),Awas ever :itPoWa to de- ' iliM menthe after 1 began'their:ni3O, I Wait " intooeird,•would tenet be well Ito start s, . - Air. Otio, Benner. Tirtarten, . 'Oat house's d s ft 1 I • . 0 plr.4,,,,,,7_ maw, of th„,,, aro so hrn,tee, ; .. put in public print but X feel it a pe able' le leave My' boa and mote sheet the Socteteefee the Proteotteri of Worde and- ' ....arritgis -i'.-7-"1.0"1 like terhe 1:0"ri:41:3721:7): tieont in the open ale, and niate• ohort• 13,. cmii,w0;ked by the amitiouri ,rhe -,, i.o myetellow-meo ' .to y ' e o - y . nen e, On . One . Of theee , winged' vrorde, .the •words : Oita' horn; - l'biloau4te tiaeuira' dereeer.71tveIr :wai:'"31111.7ircedrie°41. ciooatdone I Met the -dootier • who ..had ',eta, (Pee sa- ..e -e --e-- e -e --.• .--. eeeelte.e. *ea!, breeteva. the 'Mune' .. VPI:th .ebronie tonstipatien .ancl 'weak. . 'attended Ma,' and heseked ine Whet I had • ohm.* do they', not -clam* toed* foe. • neseof the bidneYs. . My 0,11dit.gpli. *AS - .•IVIen'il 'Ladies",and ChildreA' 'S :Boots.. aid eea'atoolgt been teklog that had • made Such an. ire. . a reeit? Thsit very eentenci. agorae an • Serione ,t,an 1.41 he:gatiusto ' u4szo4.Dri . proyemene,' Iereelied• that, I hid been faun:dilating a:maple of eiliaal mean. 9 Asking Dr Williams' pluk Pills. aud. he Wow .04:4i, kow.,10141; ihow *SWOON* lt -, .Vseilyritiizi6r.y%1114.1;ZrI `itialtitiantow_wtheir tin, ahl,te-vol -Bootw afld .Sho.es Rubbos„ Overshbes, Felt Goods, Sox and Rubbers. Rubber.Bots at Cost and under ••• ' °Come incised for younelves tlie'bargains haVe • said all right, continue them• e they. wrote! 'would be• if oil tea 01,,g•til.tx had net wet naliel li. new man . , , , hurt Yon • anyway. Well, I aeatinuea . their Vitality through evetworire "rd taking there until I had used seventeen. th• sated. reader tbe wbole sentence ie . • bozeie with: the. result that. I never felt' Xore • people 'nee Dr. ... Chtieeei , girlhood awe It is mote than a year . =grew* • Kidney-LiVer P1113 than, any other' Can- . but the echo of an echo, it not better thin I do now --not fiVen in MY. , means nothing „ but it is riebbed aven. of adieu me IQ ne. They are popular be- lts eoUnd and Arty: :: The greenhorn 'rho • ran; As your neighbor. about them. cause th (sure 'when, other ' reinediee , since I stopped" hiking the pine; %us citt comigained„-....,± xf...Thgt that a vearo too One pill a. dose, 25 cents a box, ell deal-- - can see for yourself what they did ,for ine, I rimy seat, too, that ety weight areasee to 137 pouilde. I hoe.. in-• full 'of, .quotatIone unoonecteliely. eX^,•- as or Ednianson.Pates.& Cio„ Toronto. for publicity, but when 1 thinkof tvhat the AM net anxione, • dime of epee 3ma wrongheaded Way - . , • • ' atolt-47:43. 1"` preelsed.,a great fact Ithrougfi- the Mee . .., . - : .. pills did for me, .1 . bailey° .1 ought to ..itne -- leo voluted out that constant reiteration ee-. -- .educed the grandest ?omegas. la et we the . Hea,rt Grow Fonder, and wilts - s'able • teaches' that Absence' eanarhon Ini nw'n feelingt3lor tl'ael'6nnfi 01 the language .-tO ,..nlori ununncsnl'Innen'. .tli t. Out of Sight.• -is Out of iltilnd..- ' ., . . scene °bier ,poor sufferer. Glee our gamiliar quotations a' rase De' Ailliamle "Pink Pills lite7e Pro. nee - Lay to sleep our - a- a rolyn Wells in the '',Century." notiSehold worde. Litt , ouch remerkable oureoese the,eabovee be muse are whollyoUnlik,e ordinary torteine for a while cease 40 favor 'the - ;WI '-, " tneclidetele which obly act non tile eyinp• torave.' Let usfeign that .theipoet toms. ^ r0esvpilla go direct, to the *root of • made. Let e. mitn who *Would steal an: theArciable.‘ making /le*, rilh blood, and other's thunder bp arrested, for felenY. Y' giving ineriiesed strength with every dose. 1 - tr soine Let us win no More golden- ppinions. , Iti this WAthey cure coneernption in its Let the taVored fewithdraw' te:'' early et s, also otibleelitteleilee Is paraly: solatit Seclusion, and the countless thou. . 0 aaida to sonit# clry:-ey;ed tvivacy#' Thus ins rhe 'atiitirki St Vitus' ,Idanoe, heart - Kitchener .L.ilrefeitiY Seidler* .• A• inan _ who..receetly arrived fieta :Strath. Africa; sees that Kltohener is liked aed trusted:by-hie, .COMD1011 101-, . dlere, and tellse•in *le Boston' "Ii.er. '. they, will sent poetpalcl at . 50 ' oontei a ' ' aid Phrases, Ile, t.ticl." • , Of tin?. fetree, had (beee. assigned by our this a tiity,"' Illustrating hie -.Man.' • • etrroysnappleeii.' eara gia, dyspepeze, chrobt'o: . may noux.oi, ojootil.e, nd tat the tunatinnite ,:trenelee• . ter a long • rest, rearelt_eri With -thilf ' •- "We werti. 'on . the marek . 'limn ner with them' that*ror he lives of -so m -any WoMen-. freshness', of the, moraing 119011 :tuerfh.. • Elindefontein' to 'Stromberg, and had - tneir original meanings recreated, ener. . pewee)? he •genuine • pile! :are field • b 'en pushing' f ' • '• i ' '. ' ' • only in bout: bearing the tull , name "Dr gatio,•effective, brilliant, as on the .day • stood,. god, abe H• a.weites. who: had .inst. . Williams', Pink Pills for Pete People* when.. 'they were, ft.ret. euneerrea :aria • .come out ef the .h.oapital.after .0, tQl1011 . .1-f ' yoa de not fine them at your • dealers. .hroUght ti?rth..". • .• . geed old sergeant -inapt to drive a i. box or six boxes for $2,50 by .addreseirig - Cape Cart, carrying. saPelles, in 'Order ....e the Dr 'Minable al.edmine Ce., Brook- • A Dreani Story . :erne. O'nt. ''' • ' ' - • . , . . • , . to sPare. hini • ate Muth as .poisihIe from ; , tho 'hot *pre The horses -were green, From erne. 40 tiree,..1 have been 130 and ;didn't go well in harness, and. Ail r . .11 r., • # . . , , , interesite4 andamused by reading irl they .earne ife front of a ' farmhouse, • Hem.B. It Doliell; was killed by tt. fat , the "Spectator" ' accounts eg Vivid and one of thernestartee kielring arid see.: frein his horee near 'Folkestone, 'Eng. , reallStic dreams - that x.'teet•tenipted ceeeed ih .beeakIng ;the wliithetree.: land. , '• " -.-- . . •10 nartate one that' habDened . to" me, • "Zoe ae once blade a • break for the ot • Henry Kronsli,ein, a , former well.to,do . - ng - -• - • judgment notice en...year , - il '. tizen of Henliiton was found 'dying, in a whether It is viorthy of not . •Ieavl " it to Veer as to -bare back of tee • farmhouse and spying a ,ner9y Cape cart, grab ed a .wreichva hotel itt that otty, . . paper. :, iii November, 1.335, Z. e,WOke orie wrench and, „Proceeded to take •offetlie ....e. . alarming fulii.ImpresSed with the !ilea evhifilatree, when he was approached be. found . a' useful . household remedy. , lie:Ally large getay ring,setwith. a 'Whone he did not remember ever 'hey.: holly for oranrps and -diarrhoea.. Avoid side.. • The 'drearri Wes a pleasant- bile , ." Tin .sorry; my boy, ' heit Pee Jule ' mste G!bbill14$ . llten., Ar4.417r1444434.4.***Ip.041,4,!*,,pm,..i*k4kirowtolovi•wwwwvA40414 BEAUTIFUL: .W.-ATC:11 .FittgE, „ .ABOLU:teLlf FREE i AO von Went to -earn a beautifule watch (for ineb and woirien) by ?lab* only a few moments of your opare tinie ? . Everyone wants a watch and we • offer a BEAIITIPU.L ONE. ABSOLDTELY e'REE. for 11)0c:diming-ter . Miracle Pills,' ` Boys and girls dab. earn these Watches: by spiel).* a few ' nieriieets Of their time abet sohool, Send. us at wee- pew mime., a dead - area! and ' We will send yen one dozen boxee of Our blitaals Pills. aioli tve ,n have advertised es mob. -Sell. these at 50o a boi and•,,,,mbd Mit.Segy ..tiiigio- • . tend mail and we will.seed. you FREE the Witteleaverinitreeen1 please yen.' . . Eimeybode Who has reoeiteid.ont has bane delighteae The wetek il. filled ' .. case and fully, guarantied for one, yee. . Our pine are the best remedy• .. known foe- Dyspepiiia, Heart Trouble,: Constipation, ' Nervous Dieeasese Indi.,. 'gestion; Bleed Disesses,, tito. "They are easily sold"* Do not delay; .but send eeue name at oeoe' and we will, oend you theelteimele; Pills tied, full . .• deseriptioa ist the beautiful watch.. . •. • ••i • . . WriteetOday so ae t0. be the first one ie your beighbothoe tabegi Woeke hie for us. TO those• *Ishii* to et t . tv . tii q; i,. they pe a lie a ' money order for $6 00 being a reduction of- $1110 vie will weld both theleille • ewe the watch, Write plaiiity. .• • : . ' / . -. • 1 , ' -• • ` •‘ R. nets &vit. Bic, Risnousil Co., atteboc. • Speeial OfferShould you. deeire to see a sample boX of' Our pills we will • !lend a full 50e boxlo eyetyhode, Benditig us 1013 in stampe, • , • Mention , this . paper. 4 • . ' den 3 m fr"rifttrAtrirMtldtit/rt"wil'wbee4A.‘"Yfel.#4d6V044YYWAA.44 \ , , , . . , • .--To ouvtiitrolits:alid At All Times of Year Pain:Xille;, Will ' that I was. receleing. as a gift !an 'lin,. by a .quiet •steria.iiipking mai: In khelde °twee thee epettine and brnieee, Inter. -eingle,attraslare with:a' brAlrint on each Ing seen before, and who said: . . • stibetitutee,. therree only .0313e ,kain#.111110,.,. teieree; teinale, mind, -.ande,1 :Seek. 1elli J. '...00ttroandeefeel' that cart. Inn, will have ..... Perry Dew'. " - • ' • . • ' e ' eixeeep again, but onit to awake with • to', find • another.' • - ' " ' . _ Moue Nordics . arid her pianist, Is- ft; a.. still stronger impreeelon that. the ' Not mach,' replied See. ellridixtia ' Simmons, ,were injuredineetrillteey . wreck., Jewel .11!**fittittleitY" • in nlY hande. . So . keepinee in thli country. i .needed a near Rome, Georgia. • ' . •. , , .. (airfoils :were my. scriSations that oo MY nen,' 'whifiletree-Pve 'fouled one era I'M irlitt2. Stare,- you :-'gs4 iii0'. -Iiiiiti ' eau. (soon r-Inloniriteellit ote"1"1011%intiwYo...reareentanualta gu.i. en'fet_lolahni:'.. go..t:xi:Bn' tottk_reeoevilto,le s-e•tp:.el'.•t'ie a!2.. .., . Wayel'hea.-Owing. to the grate) pope- '' latity 0 eThe D, it tee Menthol. Platter, uttlY tleseribinge the ring, ef,c1 I '418.-. . There'n' he in.l•tte about --II,; "Ida ungenpublik. ro4kes., eme elating ep one :Ett.ireie•ed !lnit husband 40 bear 'witness . to Yoe; efe you 'Want ahie cart, You've got likeet; -Vet rbenmetiene, neuraigte, lee,. egtate., mit shoellanetaingfelloet to.. t...).(e.hie me before you get ite. ' ' .nothinti0 better, made ,0*.by Divio &.• tion rm tim,drearn. WO hours later the "Vitali.' replied the Zan ;herhapn. z- Lawtetwe (.3o.i 1.4d;tp.• ' - postman :areared, lied so great was MY • could bele. Yole• renal/. your cart 'With+ , # kitrmih.:,: - ., •;,..• , exettartient and astoniehinent at seeing' Old 'cleat. in thi '' ' ' was fatally burned, her hair,. catch Miss ffeten McPherson: of Mont -real, 9,6,3rniin;‘,21-64,uy _, eon.) up packet (evi. • "Joe, who was n3e.°tii4ree'lly. '. a ..gtheentie : 'fire from, a lamp.. • . . ' ., .. • . in.41. 4 tali 'a ring ease) that X dare. :Peewee: . turedeohap, conomited le thie arrange:. ly open it, and decided to ask my Maid meaty and, .after ruseinfighig about for tOUL ' LOATHSOME' ' • • to deo so.. Beforebee*xig the Seal X. a few minutes', the men producede a • . $ • • . y . .; I ask deher to repent ,tho •deserttion.of telt* 'which -would answer the outpome DISGUSTING CATARRH!' . . • . the ring thatex bad preylolielY• 'even , fairly' well; US.' held • it In..,plaee 'while - het', Anti then the little picket was . 3cie tied lt • firinlY,teeillg that • 4, • t . e pas year, we return you thanks,,and now W wish you a Prosperous and Happy New Year, and would sug- gest that one way to make it so is to continue' to deal' at the -------. mporium and We shall try our best to do our part faithful'''. E Yu would do us a kindness and help, your, friends and neigh– bors if you tell them where you get good goads at fair prices• ., Our terms Will be cash or produce this year. •Vire will always be prepared to pay the higlaest price the market will afford. Give us a fair trial and you will be,pleased. Yours for "is/' hungry, 7th, 1902. Emporium, Loasdeeboro R. AD 1V1 , ., _ i J 8 eg eeae pent me hy Wend in a Pee:lent good -d r �e ., opened, one the joyful eicelainetleo,.101. everything was all rlght, returned eweettatelweeeel imiemee eee -6 0011111.0 ReiIof In 10110aluto_ lered: "Whit, MY, holY, beiO It ist" Tee gilletly to:the heuee aete bldd g aisiON TABL • ring • •- itadicid our. • metriory of %his teffee. 'Who had died "Do you knew' Warho y • Ou were talking' inq Some months -bb efore; uabate .P I eme a. Withe' uired a YoUng Officer, .,eteP. Pot* Yenr heed ache? :Rave you isihn; litttitY idea, thot •be the Ping un' to the. Oart as Zoe. Was pre - over ythr eyes? Is there abonstant • rep» renitent of any souvenir of her, nor Paring tee.drive of 'That' Was Lord g 10 the throat? /s the breath offensive? did -I ever see •ber,Weestir4 'the 'ring latehener of Khartoum!' ese are e.ertain eymistente of. Catarrh, tniestion. The SerrieInaid 11/ .0t111,In T " And ete beee glad an day 1 -didn't Agnewi Catarrhal' Powder will , service, and, otM.(rut as,f3ir Astley> hate to lick him,' eorteluded Xoe, as-beMeg etgberla eats Mareelloueltehort eubsteatiate. nay...stoty,,I-Iz.etter in the fold Abe "atqtY 1,4'001P:that night. *be- " . . • , This As the faulting tinie of year, When friends( drop in from far and beat. It has been admitted by the beet bousekeepere that the west • plaborately prepared dinner Is a failure, railese opiead en a good table; We have Tables shot& and Tables long, ',, Tables oheap and TAbles, strong,• time.you ve ad Cajarrh wee to; a 'ponder; "Spectator."' ealise he'e a. Pretty goed tellette!' ••Oall' aria gee one Tables. sure core. If itis of fifty years' standing - it'e just as effective, • 0$ Stevenson's Grave.• VOtTR#13q 'PhAV,•01":10,X.ItaarriXer.0 35trirTi # 901a' by .1, A, -flove't4, ahd t'. Reekie The fe'nt.s wire le11 IVII 10 n that 4, - et 0 1 .fit6bubeie of a falikily rt.flized •6.0111 VISI%itlildto tdhlAetiligvraixtvnet:64:nifta*tit;i:;;S:-gt: relelesetite.rtglie easAtirttlel"rillitro4uktriektt.:tietri6tiatla g 13 arlstein were burned to death in While eons time beek visits to We treatment at enit Stork We are as partitl: tr dweilirigout thlIV0.10. • Aeneas bill Vero rnest .ffeguellt the War With the child who le dent to put. i And no wonder! The t: Etta m cm 0 e expetuniced adult, e Ti;; taile: aout4ovtiergikhbtiteo, 1:tallies n:iwolteli,byeontvezhoetir ?rtivieurg:oomw: dwayl thb ewe:ad:A tand 1 0.1300ervlietri.plg roiottnottets inpfret iloorripatironnig! wwhoeittelivalliinLyoomor,,,' piteall you oan de. It's herd to Oitto • , ...,......................?.............4..1 • 801111 AND thilirel140, 1 Y. go , v 0 er o' Oemputld ' f a nu ailing. it eleanses and e e ery onipoun a ma 12646.ache, doptpsi..4 tmegeat en,,,smd AA rinntiV-03 theffetIgh and bad breath, in, feet nervous fir sleepless, try one bott a the kindred ailment*. it is ths fray lager ofct •I "01110 fieY 'tee Illeeh In .1t9 PrM85 1 12". ° '11(446 hria rfle431v)°tE II glft (If 84°'°(1° , ratiwg. glory coopotnA le shvele bosh , /Obit OATARREE ANY' IIIITTOR timit Ming ii0W 81.* peirsonsi yearkr, tflutse some Onlitll &Wale as we ere With a, belie Ited tlittat are kepe infiktnea NOW Setaariet "Timed." ;odd, 11,thrtirtr httIthst Irittlation, age sttmW fiovr. of riob,,rten C blood, • imp, 'ea. ael-40.0-ortiste- =ft Gomm*. mend the's ittet 400d#" atarrit in the wotter, but in the sampler tefferent-e-vrything «4---44vtreabw-,..-Tisssealosightly.Plosplafkaaft4ter-entle' lind6r,,,111 Aritti4.tylgt-`21. tioftt ow there's that delightful tamed removed b .the 1.106 f ee'""l'e e p omit *11001114110 effeofive-Gatarrho.„ Iron Pills, 50 dosoo g5 neintm 130.1 parlides the- blood, breeds the nerves nervous Oolong, nervous t to ogst The Montreal Diocesan "rbeolelea4 - %rho aro weak end run.down, , If fort ere thaltrthozone and rettonionteado it else, tem „ , Stiath Anieridan °tires net'nflieot 301M In the Outeraer euree Catarrh in it 13, Combo' and 11. P. Itesldr, aliby ntostik.:_ corkeeto digtetion, „„a bundup e *084 sleeplessness', neofolfict, troetsigthei" a very short titan. YOusee it hears, Men I 24 1jitst splendid ant aura your dru• ggist sails from 51189 I "01111 roAttlts will 'surprise you, Oat sto;ek of SOld by I. "4", llovey and, it. l'.1:teekie 2.5o end 44.0P, • • uxn, (lend* and Clinton. 1101IIY,Draggist, OintOn. s Grip Powders Oure, field ity - and puro, . •."": Where --fry re We New, - It the Lead, ga Creat itargal *tor Xmas and 1VeW rOitt`S 4 lbo new (ideated hotels/it for 250 l 34 the new cleane:tfor 250 7 lbs gootltooking rigs tqt 260 4-lbe Moe for................. albs Tapioca- for 26a I 6 lbs of Beget - 4 essneeorst, Peas or ,Tomatoes tot 86a 26 Hui Bright Oaffea Sugar for 1.60, 23,lbs extra stmiaava ,Ottattattod Sugar;for $t' .Table ItOyal °hiders, Blatiknitektita,tenstiti, °mugs and Citron 'lleolslotiberist, Altitouds, Walnuts., Thannts. All new fruit at the lowest prises, Vat Ohristroas temembrance buy a Dinner, Tea or Toilet as, Fahey. Chime Ot a Lamp, with% we offer at a snap'. °ell and examine antdity and price arid yon are sere ' to buy. Wanted good butter, fresh eggs, dried gpolae and go64qtatoes. J. W. Olintoz Phan. $1% ashr'r. itimulALAAL:AA16•:._ *