HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-24, Page 4T. J'OUNTON NEW ERA hammy 24th. 1902 1 ast week's r �li:�i1► �r�i��rct► 'OurthreatSAL. 1'arohitss your tickets at Town *Moe mid Sayedelay at station. N'ew Customers and ftr rends for this store -are being ad . ed every day. The great sale continues with unabated vigor, scattering its benefactions among hundreds of homes, ' Friday morning begins.anothrer busy week• of selling—every indi• cation points to it, The public has advertised this great sale for us. The talk ° of its Money saving on Cloth. Coats, Furs, Underwear, etc., has been •echoed and re=echoed F. It. .Kodgenn, Tann Agent, OlilntOle. eat.._ *AV %hen love's young dream midwinter bargain day-•Ba1gensBros ,.:Tage1 reaiived and *WO fond Atter holidayale-CgoperBook Store.. 4 rtg,aretied,* ,maks• • - L stweakInstitutese g1Tevrcon►be 4 a,c Ver sale tars S Diegaw . ,f•.• • G le s0 by r erm fo '.••••••••• ereEt one int ortanb 1!'afimlAr�ele—BS�loviefi ..,,•,.. '1+•• � lettion to be pbudiet licit--Niew ga4, .... .... ... . ...... G the bride: Auction sae- l tralkeld 5 s� rj, ztito;;:,r20.5kOrP ,le the Stook taking sale. -W L unimette ",p, 6 To }teen: sententment in ythe are at all times bigger bargains V. be found here than % '14.t n s'ta' y Tarter son;:::, s her borne,. the wolf lie. County round. True, .. Bargain area.—Hodgen roe , , . ti ^;zonathaci , . - J Clearin Sale prices are.. very, very :iow�--in some p'�' ' a�- Ja4>�on �ro� � ori �%C',.VV�i re but in. this great ansa r g Finishinga e s e should always da bei hi t trading at this money cases prices are less than half what the goods cost. This week we place on sale .several amossIra saving Ettore.. 1•• •�./ new*40 . lines that' deserve' special mention—you'll understand why°when you see them rRIDA2 , JAN: 24th, 1902 '. end their• prices. . 500 yds of New Wrapperette to bec sold at:7 £OQ, arae of 2 inoh Wrapperette, in assorted colors of navy and black, purple and.blaok,.eto., all hard finish goode that will give good wear for wrappers or amide, regular prices were 120 and 15o, on sale commencing Friday morning at per yard.. ............. ,::.. 300 yards of 1Oc Prints for 6c Vor>arneuoing Friday morning we plane on • sale 800 yards of our loo prints in light and dark colors, at per yard.. 85c.Homespun for 59c ' 25 yards of 25 inch wide brown Horneepnn, . suitable for ledies suits or skirts, also children's coats, regular.5 .. price is 85o, on sale to clear at....', ;'fit . .06 X11.50 and $125 Homespuns at 69c G inch wide Homespun, in colors of blue, green etc., all new..goods, just the thing for suits or skirts, regular. prices $1 le to $1.25, all to clear al 250 Yards of 12 C .Prints at 9c, • 250 • yards of our very best English. And Canadian pride, ,3n light and dark color; and all guaranteed fast dye, that sold at ],2c per yard, to go oommenoing Friday morn ing at per yard .. 25c Flannels at 19c. 150 yards of 27 inch shirting flannel, in - light and dark stripes, warranted tette shrink, jnet the thing for men's fine shirts; regular pride is 26o, sale pride - • 39c Flannel at 29c. • The Toronto Telegram, Cons. Says that the defeat in West York ie "tt e most humiliating electoral disaster in the long story of Conservative reverses • at the polls . .09 $In eighteen years o1 Oonservative rule our foreign .trade increased $66.. 000,000 or $3,600,000 a year. Since the L'►berale took offise in. 1896 ties increase has been about 5150,000,000; or $80,000, 000 a year, Therophets of blue ruin 1.9 have gone out obusinese, •• on. J. T. Glarrow is 'striving to 100 yards of tangy stripe flannel, the very best o+mpbleford make, full 26 inches wide, regular price 890, on Bale to clear ..:..........i $3.50. Blankets at $2.69.. Extra heavy all wool blankets; all large sizes; also union X69 Blankets, .very lottyfinish, good valve at our . regular • prioe 9.50, during this nnenth to clear at...,............ ►1,25 Heavy Tweeds at 60c. ' .: to inch wide Tweeds, very heavy quality, gettable for mike Yottrohoioe of oar;beet $4.75 Blan$eta for, .. ' r ,.••"'skirts or ohildren's coats, our regular Enemas $1,25, to • clear during sale days •6Q Your choice of our best $4.25 Bli}nkets tor.. . . . , -•Y y•which would have this as its object. Ladies'hisses and Children s Cloth Coats As yet 1V O -arrow said the bill • amend the Ontario: Election Act so that every; man in the province who is entitled to vote will have one At optootI: Homo ItrittrNt 1tstott4�rr 1 swamp, Ie..IIIaIK It11tHM ept'1•'r.71•"M r r t Nt~ i r r r er ao et b:itr• Nearer than'Eiondike ands titltret130.4.4- Wheat; • Tore solid than profit,* vie snake on "the *arose • L.,,, Is the mo cy you ea,* or- the purohaeeg,' ode In this store fall of bat. gain* --the beet plain • to swede. After the holiday.a we generally findsome odds -end ends of diff :_ JAM'. feTent lines . that should. be cleaned out. Besides that. we must make room for spring goods. The articles we are. offering • •ir this. After -Holiday Sale are well worth our original price for them- but hey but we are 'willin to make a sacrifice in order clear toI them out. goo s _ vY@ •o 'wan a room, ommen We don't want tha ' d d t th C sin • • SATURDAV2 sr • • ofr some bar "Sin that Should' not be overlooked. ' = It's-: •29 ' present Ina who are on the lists lose we ,W g their votes by.moving front one elect- . • oral districtto another (more especially not.. everyday you . get ' an . opportunity to buy goods like these } teachers ministers and °there) Hon pdr narrow will try to devise some mentioned 'below'. for so 'tittle money-. ale will .continua J I scheme in his bill whereby the votes of The s 2.69 people•moving between the time of the during . the following week but''.we would 'advise' you to come' • on, cast for their choice in a r;ontest, gietration and ®lection day may be 3.75 G}arrow.said it' was a very difficult q n� he t day.' f tion to handle. Ha wanted • to see.. everybody have a vote who was entit- .,..3.25 led to ane, and'would, therefore, give some time to' the framing of a•measure out tri skeleton form. ' y was L: • y at very - Loin .Prices: There was a _crumb • of comfort. for The great sale of Women's and Children's Coats` that is now :.going on has 'not only sur- the Oonser;atipeti: in Wednesday's bye- prised yeprised the people of Clinton by its unequalled opportunities in Money saving..but' has drawn elections . after all. Later returns many delighted customers: from all parts of the surrounding. country and it is no. wonder we show that they won in Loyal, Mr blavve sold so manycohte when: you can bay •• ard, the Conservative candidate; Leon having been elected by a majority of. . 4 5:50 Coats .for $2, $0 to't':'50 Coats tot' $3 $9 to. $12 ?Coats tor SS 1t3, to succeed Mr Fortin, the Liberal who carried the county . in 1900. It - turns, out,•, that the Liberals' were Every coat in the lot is made ofgood serviceable cloth, some have' .semi -fitting back, others themselves toblame for allowing the 1th tight back. This is :the 'greatest money saving: chance ever offered in town Conservatives to win Laval, Instead Every Fur .Garment in the .'Store has *been . • Reduced in Price. 1We made the rule when we started this store that. no Furs would be carried, over from one season to another. :We have again' cut the:prices of our Furs down very low many dines are less than maker's cost, If you want 'a , •FUR COAT; CAPERINE, RUFF, or MUFF, it will be to your best intere t to come at once Mens ani. Bo .s . Underclothing at. Saving Prices Men's fleece lined all w of an union-Shyr ' 4 d is and Draw ` ere, in a)sortedsizes; iegtiir prices were 500and1 Boys heavy wool and union shirts and drawers i nassorted 60c, e�tcb, on eels at ' - • 38. sizes regular prices 350 'to 5fle each, on sale to clear at each •25 give• b . •• a ea t 'f 1 . t u �. u a. r and .: Your •money back' • if you want it. >44 OLINTON. • (r` church Chimes Rev` J. Greene was -at, Hensall Sunday, • preaching in the Methodist church. • at' Theregular meeting of the W. 0. Z BAPTIST.OHttrxc$.-Tae special ger-. U. willmeet at the borne'of Mrs Wasti- vises in the Baptist -church have been ineton, Friday, Jas;. 31. -. I growing .in interest' from night to ..night, and, the attendance aloe in, Wilms Qinracnr•-I-0n-Sunday morn -trig the sermon was preached by Rev. creaei,) . ' Evangelist Scott will: Mr Edmunds, who• was here its the speak„ unday• a:m: on "Christian interests of the British` and '.Foreign Influence" and in the evening on• Bible society ; much as istartce Linen -Sleeping in chinch" ; special singing. cially. ie regg.sirred•and ,o with thin j Al} welcome. • • • view that the reverend genaletnan is l ':OrrxARio STnitwI (7nuiiort: -The around in this direction., ..On'Sunday :subj cet of Rev. Dr. Gifford's sermon' on evenine the choir rendered the anthem • next Sundayevening will be "A time' t' k of Ages", the solo part being todance"';it.wilt .bea,topic of much well taken by Miss J. Jones. ...The 'interest and it is expected there willb* . sacrament will be observed in the a large; congregation present,....' The chtleth on the first Sunday in February dadiess of this church have made all ...A social is to be given' by the arrangements for the musical program .hndeavor.society on the flest Monday on F:1da evening, the 24th,as follow,:evening in February; refreshments will y g' .he served and et splendid program is being'.prepared, -:Che -annual meeting of the 'Upper' Canada Tract Society was held in A'V;ihis Presbyterian chuneh on Mon• day even;� and a fair attendsnce..wasa present. Rev. Dr. Moffatt,the veteran •" -- teary of the society, .as. present And #tare a splendid address on "Help. Ing the man who is down". • His talk dwelt upon the work done in Canada and also in China ; there areten eloper. tents lir Canada, particularly' in Mus - bike, Algoma and New; Ontario, 3 missionaries among the sailers and 32 (Miina. The ,officers for the C)linton- branch are ae follows :-Rev. Dunlop, • pre''ident ; Jas. Scott, secytreat+. ; Mrs. Chambers and Mrs Trouse, ' collectors. }.lev. fdrnunds, reppresenting the British and loreigh Bible Society • was .here on'iunday in its interests oct•uray fog the pulpit of Willis church " in the morning, and preaching: at f•hg: fat•t carr bury street chnreh rn . the even- ing rat ven-ing;at b'oth•.chuiche+s he dwelt upon the. work ,'f the le defy which isen- gaged in , doing :.such .good work thr•,oiighout the' world in sending ' the . topic, "The divine • environment of eitbtxirm Yti rt . ,r89tnanlif a large amount of money to pay the, -l - V f etpensee of this society in missions and 'w ib is said to be the intention of eo porta. a and the monies received do surae members of the Senate and of nob reaeh the alnotint required. The 'thi'• House of Oortilnorrs to present an reverend gentlenian.hns left his own address at the next: session of Parlbi charge for awhile and 'letting different meat for the removal of certain dud, places advancing interest and 'forth. ges, on the Bench so deaf that they trig branch' societ its, In the afternoon 'canntrt hear the counsel ar d . the wit•' a meeting Was held in Ontario street masses, and others 'whose mental Methodist church and a branch society faculties are so impaired by old age formed, the fnllt'twtn, officers were that MeV' ,Irarye inrgra,.tesn the law, with which they .Were formerly- fain* afar," and cannot remember. at the close of a trial what was said at the beginning,.Men to tit tunistanced should resign their positions ')?'otun• sadly. piano Duet.. Misses Combo and Oibbings Quartette ,.• ... Ontario St, Quartette •solo„: , ; Miss orwiok Recitation. .. Dues Clutha hams °Piano solo • INige Oeinbe Solo.•:M'.; Beak e Malo Quartette Doherty Maly Quarte • R , y+tion.. . Mr Latornel Qu s rtette...... • miss etycombe and Murch, ser. weir stud Murch Light refreshments. will be served, aria an admission fee of 10 cents ehatged.. The League held an excellent literary meeting on Mdnday evening. 1-LtTTRNI3r7RYiiutici--.--The aster of ltattenl;ury street church has called for it grand rally of its members .for next Sunday .morning, when the Qjrarterly Lo'yefeast and Sacramental services will be held. As these will probably he the last 0,services of this kind to be held h. the old church,- the occasion ought to be one • of great i'.•trest. 'The invefea$t will .probably r•.+ininiscent in ch.aracter,.when the ti .ye gone by- will come hack with 111-. ineries sweet and cleaaras ever. The services will j egin at 11 o'clock as usual, The pastors evening subject, will be a continuation of last Sunday morning's .1 a” 41111.1f- •• The School Board Atthe first meeting oflhe new h o1 board for 1902 which met on the 15th inst. considerable, b mined wasattended to. The first- was the appointment, of st new chairman, the honor boding con-, ferred tipon Isaac Jackson, and J. Cunninghame, who has effieently .as secretary was reappointed ; - W. Cooper was also re-engaged as care- taker. - Messis J. W. it win, T. ' Beam acid Dr. AR new. were appointed ,property comtiiittee and P. R. Reagens, W. Manning and O. hale finance' cora, inittee. Other •appointmens, were Mr Waiter Manning as representative on . the Collegiate board, Principal Loiighon .1he.'examining beard and of concentrating •their strength on one candidate, they: split their'vote. Mr.. eobier; an Independent -Liberal, took 47.votesaway: from "Mr Wilson the regularly nominated: Liberal Ban- didate and thus enabled Mr Leonard. to squeeze in by -18 La Petrie. I'itterly reproaches' the men wile iec'ioed' to: be amenable :to party rla.,c:itt ins and thus gave comfort ft ,ii assistance to. the ;enemy. Thai .pa+,t•r declares. it would not have b s• a Stu prised if the result of the revolt,' tied• been worse than the loss of .a sitigle.`seat,` for in L'Islet and.: the St James: division of Montreal, ^tirtsre" ere also trotibles •n the i<vrtht he ' • Party, an °lh i ts g"t o mutiny. 3' V. E. Randre...ppointed on the Pub'. lie.. Library board. The board will; in each month instead • of the, 2nd Monday. The property committeewee instructed to purchase the wood rieCeesarypr.neialsmonthhy retort was ,. 'he. � hereafter meet on the .2nd Thur•eday '' �ppresentsThe attendance• for Deeem- ber was 107 hoys,187 girls, average 345 •w.hich airs arranged as folio.vs..Frinci• pal's room'01,Miss ONei1's49;Miss Wil. son's 55. Miss fobb's 55, Mies Combe'g 48, Miss 'Tullio 55,Miss Taylor's 50. Daring the past year' 22 .wrote ,for entrance' all 'taking honors, 25 Wrote in December, 12 taking .honors, . one obtained 'a certificate at the Arts School shorn. in April which gives a• total of 47 certificates, The principal says be has an excel!• enG staff of teachers. A particular item of interest in con. nectron with the public •school. is the estimates which will he in •the neigh- borhood of 'only about $2000... This amount which may bestill lower eto be provided for by the commit is the lo est amount that has been required font alra•nd1. .shout -. �,t.�2ia,..,�e d tae ratifying for the ratepayera to learn, TL:ey are as follows:- ' • 3'eacherb' salaries... , ....... ,$2945 Altorm... • . .r,• ...... ,. i13ti Caretaker and es:wet/cry . . 800' , rid. root...,..... 250 tip aratiiaandfurniture..:,:' r • •xnIsomining, eco 874 . Inoi,l itttIIe,...,r 44011•. 160 Total .. $ha; 5,'74 • r 1t iCrdr)i)ltcfdti. f •' C4orernunent1Crent• . rant for Model. • ........... 110 G(7�, (Aunty., grout 10) - ]Itotlol ent. ....... ..... Non reylr1ei)t fersraabont. I15 Balance ob hand ...,.... 210.74 Coni ris And. 1Goi o' • e • • Mrs Warewiok,. Guelph, le yisiting Mrs Newcombe, • Misr Lottie Cook was a Ci•oderiah vis- itor last week.' ' Miss Cork Tineaky,: Uhioago, is the guest of the &ieses••Hine. - • • Mies Ferguson, of Auburn, is-. the guest of Miss Ella Ross. - D. MoNab, Claremont, is visiting at Mrs Seott s, con. 2, ,Stanley. • ' • •• ' -W..Erelop, of C. acierich„'spent Sunday. with' M es Lillie Jackson,, • 'JIiae Me/Jaren, Lui:k low, is the guest. of Mies McCorvie this week. J. A lileDouald'and T. Murdock,ilen- sell, were here Thursday night, Miss Rosa,,p'former milliner. was here this week the guest; cif airs J, McMurray. Mre ,E. Holmes, St Catharines, sceom g- ponied biller "Izer son }Toward,: is vision re - Wives bore. . . • Wilt .Sanderson and sister Lou were the guests of Mr and Mrs•tT3eo. Saunders •for.a few tleyelast week, • Georgo 13inohley '. left. on Monday oca hitt usual'businees trip end for the MacPherson and Hovey Co. Mrs B. P. Sibley went to New York, to visit her children and expects to be away for several months or so. Mr and Mrs It: ,J. 'Raney and: Mr and Mrs J. gannaevent Sunday as the guests of grand Mrs S. S. 'Cooper. Mrs 11. Manna; of itlilpvcrton; who has Weft here for some time visfting at S, S. Cooper's returned home. on Monday. Fred Brbdtiur, of Toronto, Haag hero on Tuesday attending the "At Home" given by Mr and Mrs G.D. MoTaegart, : Lord Siratheona• has presented Mrs. Toledo wife of J. Totmie, M. 13,, of loin•' sardine; with a handsome gold brooch.. r Mr Dorsey,' his sister Miss ,Dorsey .and. hie Mese, Miss O'Connor, free. near. Sea. forth, were visiting Mrs A. Ginn, Queen street,;last Thursday. --- Mr 1).' f'JcOorvie,, of (Minton, who by the way lea gennine lover •of good - horseffeeh, was in Goderieh yesterday. He was on business intent,-Goclorioh+Star. Chief justice MoCal} died at 'Victoria, i3. 0., on Thursday. He is a former Horatian haying at one time been en• gaged•in the praotioe oflaw at lirtissels. : Mian Anna Jorden,. of.Buffalo,' N. Y., at present the gnest of her aunt, Mrs •1', O. Townsend, Ontario street, will visit a month among . relatives here and in Hallett. Mr R. J. Dunsmore, who for the peso seven years hoe been on the St Thomas Time's, has left•thet oityto make hie home In. Southern California. • Previous to leaving, he was the renipient.:..af e' nrrj 0 -II A,ldltf o ln• !tl Iron Eil1e �a-W"aod: motet of the World, together with a !Kindly' wooded oarees. He is the eon•in•lew of r W. J, 1?aisley, and it nephew of ltlr Total 0.04•00.4.40 J. Jackson. Councillors I"1.. 13.,14.100; 3. C. Steven sen, Chan Ovorberry and Jan Ford and Messrs Ins Fair and David Canteton were at l)nnmiller :net week as' a' delegation rem here attending a meeting called in rennet -nine with' the proposed new. bridge - n Colborne township. Among theopeakerc were Meting Combe, Stevenson and Pair • who were in favor of seeing a bridge built at ener', It was deckled that delege. bone wait upon the county eouncil are its ,d'atnnary session to ergo at reey • bridge at 0000, • them,in Wall ra cr'De •,da� odes a tbaxrgaits' prtcele,ask tosee �a, p partmont Cta1_ .. _ Soaks -'._BOOK SES .... 4. 4vo'.nme Belo of -Doyle;. regale* 500. 51.JSO .f Twofor 25etL.-- Tiaa S T. et af. Smile's, "rcgulazr” . .: S1.W: for SQt 4 volume Set of Oor'elli, regalai Printed on good paper from good 5150, for .. . : . ..... : ....... . • . Ovolime Set of Eliotb, I. 1.50' type, bound in cloth with artistic. stamping $2.1, ;ror . ,.;. .. in gold and two inka. List comprises 200 1ilTolnme set 9f'soott. segulas , h $4, fan $Oi%' . titles, . with such authors a ; : •1 15 volume: Set ofI)lokens, -' � 5a ,Btli.ott • . Scott 'Plenty M. 1 i Doyle • 's� Corelll • Regular' Price 250; • Bayle • .• ' Lytton • ' Caine ' Hope - • Hawthorne BargainDays • lar$5,for.•, ........,•,..,t:,. Irving SHEET. MUSIC.Kiplijr Kipling Kipl• • 200sheets ofMusic, aesortedvocal Cooper•and instrumental • seler tion,• . Dickens come'ot' the best with es, on. . 2 Or 25c, .'. sale Bargain Davey Seht etr for We are selling goods to make room -not money. NOTE Pis "Tit STA 'MPl+:1) LINENS Packages' containing 5 quires : In older ; to clear out the. ati 1 0°' qua, itV . Note 1?aper,f r y g . clq , . line of ,Stampt.cI Linens ' we regn'ar Zo* pack aLge,on bargain XQc . Days; per package .. _•• have. lriarkell t'l em away be - Sp'endid quality of Note Paper, ' low reg ular or even cost plain or'rnledpack'rice:, a p a econtaine , 5. quires.. and orth•10caquite, ' These \give you an idea: on 13argain Days, per, package 2OC'• 1013 Tea Uoseys,s.taimped for working.. Enve,opes tOniateli;'good quality regular 25c, now ... ., ..:. per package r • • ` ' Statnyped Lunch Cloths. • regular - 7 ',�00c acd 50e,now 25C Tray Cloth's, .hemstii chest edges, dainty designs for' working- . - 50e lines' for 15o ; 60c lines fora , 20c;35c and 25e lines for.....;,..10i 0' Sideboard Covers, regular $ 10; et„. for ... .. One of the` best we handle, con :• ,Centre Pieces,35e line for 180;25c line for. • .... . we. WRITING 'TABLETS Writing Tablets, notepaper size;• containing 75 sheets, ruled on' two s•ide',blotting paper cover; BitrgainDayseach ...,., ,. OItl r t1N'S • IIEROI:S' • .. • taainingg 100 sheets paper, ru'ec'1 one s,de b'ottercovets. regular : .9 inch pewee,•.100talc lie lines JOc line, Bargain flay s each 7c5c • or4for • 25c fo.......,:..... .. SCRt8RLIELS ANI) EXERCISE ISE 750 Scribblers and1}xr rcise Books . .;mostly ru ed,they contain from 40 to 72 pages of •ggood paper • suitable for pen, the regular price of these was from 3c to 6c • Stamped Photo Frames, necktie, _ • 'o`�e and veil :cases,rcgutar25e • • tiaice for '' XOC• • i`IGEII;EI) SHEENS 9iN)D CI{:E't`ON� • . • 10 ends Figured Sateebs, suitable. for curtains, -drapes or covers, eaeh,onsa`e Bargain Dalft, each, 1c '. r.egulai prices range froth. per ' 'c froth.35C :: SG• • : to 75e a •vard,'now marked; etI,FAD' PENCILS' Oediwwood,oodfettd,dozen5per vard... HIEAtY LINEN. PENS..., Henv Linen :suitatr•c: for towel) 100 . gross Dickson conimeroiaa f, ing S r °ts ble tray cloths or • • Pen; a first was. steel pen, snit,- SILKS; hit g 0 y .carving; clothe, .11•egular.50e- a • . able for ordinary business writ w' yard,'noonly. • • ... , 25C• ing, 11-1':peiis in the box, wort}ry SCRIM . $1, on sale.liargaiti Days; :tit per FAN' -' - SCRIM • box ..:.... ........... ....:.. 10c 18.inches'wido.with fancy edges,. FANCY IIASit t't S •regular 35e or 40e a yard, r:ow t, c I selling .at 10c and.. • ' 9 An assortiyrr-tit of „fancy '((irk 'flrill Illi�N /COPS ; %Ii i slcets,daintty trimmed with colored straws, . vttiiOns sizes, ' ' 'Large assortment. • .170/7 IOW "flees. suitable ; for Inc- nabs, gloves, ,knives ;aid. forks or wore •bas- .' kc'1; , si Orthrc' gnn'arly 25. to 600 Fancy Box, with hand painted each,- on sale' stili allyl Days .at celluloid covers,nicel y tritxrmed, 8 c'. c•li .....„•,., •. . ....... . ..... .. "�.Qc box contains 2 packages onvcl- t o es and'l quire aper, bigvalue t •~ 15c C�6,�C'�'��A"It,� AT: So. ►t��.tic,l�ar8t,,in dltt."y s only•.....,. A, Stnallaissoetnient of fancy Cal- i v . • anclerslefbaver•fronr Christmas U��.�� ' . they rua,uni'kedfront iSo to iit0c DuringBargain. Days we will sell . •eayeh,t,nt will be sold 'Saturday our est purses at a discount° f • Y .for - ' . 5c • .25% .on till lines over ill - - $3 - - •t • r utilises $2:25,$2 pnrse$•iar$1,5°' 6 i0oshes o 1 Bei lin 5c, AN 0'%.t •. $1.50 purses for,,..,.'.. •...,:,. 1.1$ 10o shades of 13et lin Wools, 2;x,4 Splendid useortmealts will be' • shown in beskets, your choker • 1 • PAPETRIES AT -150 and 8 to d. staple bo th .. hest sv,00l 'tve' can, buy, .our • rkgulat' price is 8c hat; on bar-. ' • gam days the prices will be (ounces net broken.) mos • ... '0) for, °' 6e,,i0c,15o and 25c BIBLES - r rr During Bargain Days V1�,"+ 1� YA IIN', ,sic AN 01 - we will Mote. a reduction of Beautiful Vest Yarn, , peacock 1 q quality, pure dye, in prnk,grey, 25 per cent on all l3ibles,whlch pink and grey arid, shit- Inite a saving to you.Ablefor vests,: underwear etc, A •worth regularly 15e an ov, s,kofn, S1i3 Bibles for $3,75, $2 Bib'e for $1.60, on sale Bargain Days at per $1 Bibles for 75e, and so on throughput • ne sir eye .... , ........... , ..... 5c entire stgck, i .d WALL BRACKETS It.�rl� �IN� d ➢T I"�lN. I.t��'t�,t'KICTS Se titBALL tY'nil lirnekets,in various sizes, ire glgeolli' NQcand vary strong, The � host' brand of Knitting Cotton, caari 1)cs urth l up or tad in turn;• blue', 'red, brown and white re' ulrty Mc wild 50e, clacoil snare' and b ne and white; per ball '3c d 11,rrx; oily Doris 'each 60 i SILKS; SILROCHEY SILKINE AND BRILLIANT' The folowing co'ors light hlue,' --`' • pea green, • white and ' bine, •. white.• green and pink.'' black, white, .cream, white blue/and pink,pink, white and,' no:s green, White and.• X .iertro e , white and yeXlo•c,••shttded y'el- low's, Amen, pink yeltnw and white c•imson,andothereo'ors, regti ar price 7c, 8e or 10o,13af'- . gain Dupe for 5Q ROLL TISSUE P:APER. 5c Fancy Colored Tissue Paper, red, blue, pink,- green and other shades, .7'to 10 feet to the: roti regular lOcto 15e per roll,. Bar- 50 gain Days. only ,,,t. SILK IIIITTEtA S : A few pair of the best Silk Mit; • - •.tens,made fr'om'puresilk,fancy and ha lain :ba,cks,';worth $135, $1.50 and $1.75, choieefor • •..1.00 Cheap line, regular •$1.20; now WttLL'P4PER The ptnr in our racks may be yours :.f -or very rattle `money, tor the • r oasan that the ueor - . spring papers 'are crowding in on us and must be :aceomodat- ed. : It will pay 'you tget your. spring paper now +' even - though you cannot put it up -for a while yet. , 600. rolls paper,7yardsto the roll, • white ground, dainty design, suitable for bedroouis,closets or attics, per roll.. , 2cr', '800 rolls well grounded paper, 8 yea ds to the roll, in .light blue, reen,ppiuk,terracol taandbutf, • 0 or 18 inchb d' nr eI,. worth. :'regu'nrly 10c per roll, 'on. 'ale Bargain Da's per rll.. • 7.50 • x'olls beautiful ' gilt . paper, floral airidconvet;ytional designs, • • in cream, blue, terra cotter and. green, Iregillor 20c• and 25e, „on sale Bargain IJat s per. roll 100 600 roils hest varnished ddnlds and • embossed papers, iii' cream, red, ,g sen and blue,donveritror.• , . zal :enc tlgr;.1 cict.x ,s.,. 811.x,-1._ nlat .i._ r.'. prr ce 3 e;40e aind cue c 1' f'i) l,,on sa. a Bargain Ways at er :oil11.J�3 1 t CIliNtWARL . 00 feau - C:i •ps and Saucers, int. • . �torted Drench 1111(1, •Ja anise 2. i Y , ring, bearutfftzlly decorated, various a tlittpe.,rogular price $1 on stale Bargain Day as 'for'..... - 550o'. ' Y 72 Cups t rand Soiicere, lvyrfn lriipoiarlpd(hinna,ilsyodedoroegi-elndrlyia t 50e, 00c and 75c- each on . Wan gent D r , , irate b , 1 ay. rLt eazch , ... ; ...: n' iii 42' Jardincer's, rtI°orted sizes, Ja. anerae bllitil _ rt.rti,t:potterta- f ra acre, too K nnrestic gotter -t 8l inches e sc ro s s the top p re bit r 'price:45c, 40e to t30c, oil s ik Jl3argain Dans 4 50 . 14tatty af1trr on lines of Chinaware that it wilt pay yin: to see, and of %;}hair space does not permit 118 to -mention,'' Tho . •first 5 Lady O e.w:iner in the store Saturday iu orninL wcr, given e' a �i a Japal el~ie Cu Scilicet FREE • an,d r , il•i�.'f�d.YYb.Yd/JIMi1W' .... -._ . ,... _. 4410,11001444.4L 1 • Co : 1 -BOOK STORE, CLINTON .4 •